As the Obama Administration just said the PLA is no threat and is in the process of opening up military ties.

This looks like a PLA endorsed military simulation training tool....

We play so many different video games now in the West that nearly everyone would be oblivious to looking into this development seriously, most will surely brush it off as normal or trivial at best.

This FPS was not made by some software company trying to sell a game but was developed by the Chinese Military (PLA) to train Chinese soldiers PLA discipline, values and goals.

China has been touting for years it's military build up was for peace missions against terrorism and looking to become the UN police force.

So why in the PLA's first military developed FPS training simulator is their enemy American Soldiers and not Islamic Terrorists?

A revelation to the PLA's mind set and future intentions.

the remake of Red Dawn and Homefront fold to the fear of offending the PLA...

The PLA finishes developing its own first military FPS game turning American soldiers into the 'Bad Guys'

17:12, May 13, 2011

Recently, an office from China's Nanjing Military Region has finished developing a military game named Glorious Mission, which has China-owned property rights, jointly with Giant Interactive Group, Inc. (Wuxi).

Military games have been developed for years. They have formed a system and been put into use in education as well as training in some foreign armies. However, China's own development of military games is still in the primary steps.

Although some foreign military games have been used in some Chinese armies' daily training, they may not suit Chinese soldiers and even mislead them due to the different concepts of values and military thoughts.

The finished Glorious Mission with completely-independent China-owned property rights is not only full of Chinese characteristics but also brings China up to speed on military game development.

The Glorious Mission is set from a soldier's perspective and his barrack life. The game follows along as the soldier keeps promoting himself in training and finally qualifies to join a large-scale military exercise codenamed "Glorious Mission" and how he does in the military exercise.

The departments that invented the game are promoting the current game and looking forward to integrating more informationized and systematic concepts into it. And the promoted game software will be tried in some chosen armies.

By Wang Hanlu, People's Daily Online