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Thread: Russian Espionage in the United States

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    Default Russian Espionage in the United States

    I thought since I see so much of this happening lately, where Wikipedia is REMOVING entire articles because they aren't "neutral enough" (Read not LEFT LEANING) that I'd capture this one, all of it and post it here.

    They can't delete it HERE:

    History of Soviet and Russian espionage in the United States

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    Since the late 1920s, the Soviet Union, through its OGPU and NKVD intelligence services, used Russians and foreign-born nationals as well as Communist, and people of American origin to perform espionage activities in the United States.[1][2][3] These various espionage networks had contact with various U.S. government agencies, transmitting to Moscow information that would have been deemed confidential.[1][2][3][citation needed]
    First efforts

    During the 1920s Soviet intelligence focused on military and industrial espionage in the United States, specifically in the aircraft and munitions industries, and penetrating the mainline federal government bureaucracies, such as the United States Department of State and War Department.[citation needed] These efforts had mixed results. A front organization was created by a NKVD agent in 1928 for the infiltration and placement of scientists into industry and government: the Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists, and Technicians (FAECT). "The FAECT never attracted enough followers to make an impact in labor conditions, but it served the progressive cause in other ways." [4]
    Browder and Golos networks

    One chief aim was the infiltration, placement, and subversion of American political life at all levels of society. Earl Browder, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA), served as an agent recruiter himself on behalf of Soviet intelligence.[1][5]
    Browder later stated that "by the mid-thirties, the Party was not putting its principal emphasis on recruiting members." Left unstated was his intent to use party members for espionage work, where suitable. Browder advocated the use of a United Front involving other members of the left, both to strengthen advocacy of pro-Soviet policy and to enlarge the pool of potential recruits for espionage work. The illegal residency of NKVD in the US was established in 1934 by the former Berlin resident Boris Bazarov.[6] In 1935, NKVD agent Iskhak Akhmerov entered the US with false identity papers to assist Bazarov in the collection of useful intelligence, and operated without interruption until 1939, when he left the US. Akhmerov's wife, an American who worked for Soviet intelligence, was Helen Lowry (Elza Akhmerova), the niece of CPUSA General Secretary Earl Browder. Recent information from Soviet archives have revealed that Browder's younger sister Marguerite worked until 1938 as an NKVD operative in Europe. She discontinued this work only when Browder himself requested her release from duty, fearful that her work would compromise his position as General Secretary.[1]
    In the 1930s, the chief Soviet espionage organization operating in the U.S. became the GRU. J. Peters, headed the secret apparatus that supplied internal government documents from the Ware group to the GRU. Browder assisted Peters in building a network of operatives in the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This group included Alger Hiss, John Abt, and Lee Pressman. Courier for the group at the time was Whittaker Chambers. Browder oversaw the efforts of Jacob Golos and his girlfriend, Elizabeth Bentley, whose network of agents and sources included two key figures at the Department of Treasury, Nathan Gregory Silvermaster and Harry Dexter White.
    One early Soviet spy ring was headed by Jacob Golos. Jake Golos (birth name Jacob Golosenko, Tasin, Rasin or Raisen) was a Ukrainian-born Bolshevik revolutionary and Soviet secret police (NKVD) operative in the USSR. He was also a longtime senior official of the CPUSA involved in covert work and cooperation with Soviet intelligence agencies. He took over an existing network of agents and intelligence sources from Earl Browder. Golos' controller was the head of the NKVD's American desk, Gaik Ovakimian, also known as "The Puppetmaster", who would later serve a key role in the assassination of Leon Trotsky.[7] Golos was the "main pillar" of the NKVD intelligence network. He had worked with Soviet intelligence from the mid 1930s, and probably earlier. He was not merely a CPUSA official assisting the NKVD (an agent or “probationer” in Soviet intelligence parlance) but held official rank in the NKVD, and claimed to be an oldtime Chekist.
    Golos established a company called World Tourists with money from Earl Browder, the General Secretary. The firm, which posed as a travel agency, was used to facilitate international travel to and from the United States by Soviet agents and CPUSA members. World Tourists was also involved in manufacturing fake passports, as Browder used such a false passport on covert trips to the Soviet Union in 1936.[2] At World Tourist, Golos frequently met Bernard Schuster, an NKVD agent (code name ECHO and DICK) and Communist Party functionary who carried out background investigations for Golos as part of the vetting process of agent candidates.[8] In March 1940, Golos pled guilty to being an unregistered foreign agent, paid a $500 fine, and served probation in lieu of a four-month prison sentence.
    Soviet intelligence did not like Golos' refusal to allow Soviet contact with his sources (a measure implemented by Golos to protect himself and to ensure his continued retention by the NKVD). The NKVD suspected Golos of Trotskyism and tried to lure him to Moscow, where he could be arrested, but the US government got to him first. But even then, he did not reveal his agent network. After Browder went to prison in 1940, Golos took over running Browder's agents. In 1941, Golos set up a commercial forwarding enterprise, called the US Shipping and Service Corporation, with Elizabeth Bentley, his lover, as one of its officers.[1][2]
    Sometime in November 1943, Golos met in New York City with key figures of the Perlo group, a group working in several government departments and agencies in Washington, D.C. The group was already in the service of Browder. Later that same month, after a series of heart attacks over the previous two years, Golos died in bed in Bentley's arms. Bentley then took over his operations (thus the reference in the decrypts to him as a “former” colleague).[citation needed]
    Secret apparatus

    By the end of 1936 at least four mid-level State Department officials were delivering information to Soviet intelligence: Alger Hiss, assistant to Assistant Secretary of State Francis Sayre; Julian Wadleigh, economist in the Trade Agreements Section; Laurence Duggan, Latin American division; and Noel Field, West European division. Whittaker Chambers later testified that the plans for a tank design with a revolutionary new suspension invented by J. Walter Christie (then being tested in the U.S.A.) were procured and put into production in the Soviet Union as the Mark BT, later developed into the famous Soviet T-34 tank.[9][10][11]
    In 1993, experts from the Library of Congress traveled to Moscow to copy previously secret archives of Communist Party USA (CPUSA) records, sent to the Soviet Union for safekeeping by party organizers. The records provide an irrefutable record of Soviet intelligence and cooperation provided by those in the radical left in the United States from the 1920s through the 1940s. Some documents revealed that the CPUSA was actively involved in secretly recruiting party members from African-American groups and rural farm workers. The records contained further evidence that Soviet sympathizers had indeed infiltrated the State Department, beginning in the 1930s. Included were letters from two U.S. ambassadors in Europe to President Franklin D. Roosevelt and a senior State Department official. Thanks to an official in the State department sympathetic to the Party, the confidential correspondence, concerning political and economic matters in Europe, ended up in the hands of Soviet intelligence.[12]
    In the late 1930s and 1940 the OGPU, known as the Political Directorate, used the U.S. as one of several staging areas for multiple OGPU plots to murder exiled Soviet leader Leon Trotsky, then living in Mexico City. It was American Communists who infiltrated Trotsky’s killer, Ramón Mercader, into his own household. They were also central to the NKVD's unsuccessful efforts to free the killer from a Mexican prison.[citation needed]
    Soble spy ring

    Jacob Albam and the Sobles (Jack and Myra) were indicted on espionage charges by the FBI in 1957, all three were later convicted and served prison terms. The Zlatovskis remained in Paris, France, where the laws did not allow their extradition to the United States for espionage. Robert Soblen was sentenced to life in prison for his espionage work at Sandia National Laboratories, but jumped bail and escaped to Israel. After being expelled from that country, he later committed suicide in Great Britain while awaiting extradition back to the United States.[1][13]
    Wartime espionage

    During the war, Soviet espionage agents obtained classified reports on electronic advances in radio-beacon artillery fuses by Emerson Radio, including a complete proximity fuse (reportedly the same fuse design that was later installed on Soviet anti-aircraft missiles to shoot down Francis Gary Powers's U-2 in 1960).[citation needed] Thousands of documents from the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) were photocopied or stolen, including a complete set of design and production drawings for Lockheed Aircraft's new P-80 Shooting Star fighter jet.[14]
    Atomic bomb secrets

    Joseph Stalin directed Soviet intelligence officers to collect information in four main areas. Pavel Fitin, the 34-year-old chief of the KGB First Directorate, was directed to seek American intelligence concerning Hitler's plans for the war in Russia; secret war aims of London and Washington, particularly with regard to planning for Operation Overlord, the second front in Europe; any indications the Western Allies might be willing to make a separate peace with Hitler; and American scientific and technological progress, particularly in the development of an atomic weapon.
    The Silvermaster spy ring

    The United States Treasury Department was successfully penetrated by nearly a dozen Soviet agents or information sources, including Harold Glasser and his superior, Harry Dexter White, assistant secretary of the treasury and the second most influential official in the department.[1][2] In Late May 1941 Vitaly Pavlov, a 25 year-old NKVD officer, approached White and attempted to secure his assistance to influence U.S. policy towards Japan. White agreed to assist Soviet intelligence in any way he could. The principal function of White was to aid in the infiltration and placement of Soviet operatives within the government, and protecting sources.[citation needed] When security concerns arose around Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, White protected him in his sensitive position at the Board of Economic Warfare. White likewise was a purveyor of information and resources to assist Soviet aims, and agreed to press for release of German occupation currency plates to the Soviet Union. The Soviets later used the plates to print unrestricted sums of money to exchange for U.S. and Allied hard goods.[15]
    In August 1945 Elizabeth Bentley, fearful of assassination by the Soviet MGB, turned herself in to the government.[citation needed] She implicated many agents and sources in the Golos and Silvermaster spy networks, and was the first to accuse Harry Dexter White of acting on behalf of Soviet interests in releasing occupation plates to Moscow, later confirmed by Soviet archives and former KGB officers.[5][15]

    President Harry S. Truman's Executive Order 9835 of 22 March 1947 tightened protections against subversive infiltration of the US Government, defining disloyalty as membership on a list of subversive organizations maintained by the Attorney General. However Truman was opposed to the McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950, calling it a "Mockery of the Bill of Rights" and a "long step towards totalitarianism".[16]
    Post-Soviet period

    According to former GRU Colonel Stanislav Lunev, "SVR and GRU (Russia's external and military intelligence agencies, respectively) are operating against the U.S. in a much more active manner than they were during even the hottest days of the Cold War"[17] From the end of 1980s, KGB and later SVR began to create "a second echelon" of "auxiliary agents in addition to our main weapons, Illegals and special agents", according to former SVR officer Kouzminov.[18] These agents are legal immigrants, including scientists and other professionals. Another SVR officer who defected to Britain in 1996 described details about several thousand Russian agents and intelligence officers, some of them "illegals" who live under deep cover abroad [19] Recently caught Russian high-profile agents in US are Aldrich Hazen Ames, Harold James Nicholson, Earl Edwin Pitts, Robert Philip Hanssen and George Trofimoff. In June 2010, an alleged SVR spy network called the Illegals Program by the US Department of Justice was revealed when 10 suspects who had been living long-term in the US were arrested.[20]
    According to Yuri Shvets, a former KGB agent “In the days of the Soviet Union, the number of spies was limited because they had to be based at the foreign ministry, the trade mission or the news agencies like Tass. Right now, virtually every successful private company in Russia is being used as a cover for Russian intelligence operations.”[21] For example, close connections of SVR with Russian gas company Gazprom and oil company LUKoil have been reported.[22]
    Although every Russian company abroad may be a front organization of SVR or GRU (and in fact some of them have been organized by SVR'[18]) the most famous of them is Russian aviation company Aeroflot. In the past, this company conducted forcible "evacuations" of Soviet citizens from foreign countries back to the USSR. People whose loyalty was questioned were drugged and delivered unconsciousness by Aeroflot planes, assisted by the company KGB personnel, according to former GRU officer Victor Suvorov.[23] In 1980s and 1990s, specimens of deadly bacteria and viruses stolen from Western laboratories were delivered by Aeroflot to support Russian program of biological weapons. This delivery channel encoded VOLNA ("wave") meant "delivering the material via an international flight of the Aeroflot airline in the pilots' cabin, where one of the pilots was a KGB officer".[18] At least two SVR agents died, presumably from the transported pathogens.[18]
    When businessman Nikolai Glushkov was appointed as a top manager of Aeroflot in 1996, he found that the airline company worked as a "cash cow to support international spying operations": 3,000 people out of the total workforce of 14,000 in Aeroflot were FSB, SVR, or GRU officers. All proceeds from ticket sales were distributed to 352 foreign bank accounts that could not be controlled by the Aeroflot administration. Glushkov closed all these accounts and channeled the money to an accounting center called Andava in Switzerland.[24] He also sent a bill and wrote a letter to SVR director Yevgeni Primakov and FSB director Mikhail Barsukov asking them to pay salaries of their intelligence officers in Aeroflot in 1996.[24] Glushkov has been imprisoned since 2000 on charges of illegally channeling money through Andava. Since 2004 the company is controlled by Viktor Ivanov, a high-ranking FSB official, a close associate of Vladimir Putin.
    See also


    Further reading

    External links

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    Default Re: Russian Espionage in the United States

    '1000s' of Russian spies in U.S., surpassing Cold War record

    Last Updated: 7:56 PM, July 4, 2010
    Posted: 3:15 AM, July 4, 2010


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    The Russians are coming? The Russians are here.
    America is infested with more Russian spies than at any point in history, say former intelligence agents who spoke with The Post.
    "I would say there are a few thousand here," said Boris Korczak, a former double agent who worked for the CIA, spying on the KGB from 1973-1980.
    That's because each mole is a long shot, and the Russians want to maximize their odds. "Out of 1,000 spies, one or two will perform, will get access to our nuclear secrets," Korczak said.
    Getty Images
    PICNIC-NIKS:Alleged spies Richard and Cynthia Murphy, having an all-American cookout at home in New Jersey, were a far cry from cartoon Russian baddies Boris and Natasha.
    Photos: Sexy russian spy Anna Chapman

    "The current atmosphere in the US is that we're having a love affair with Russia, that the Cold War is over," agreed Eugene Poteat, a retired senior CIA operative who served from 1960-1990. "But there are more Russian spies here now than during the Cold War."
    Among the 10 accused Russian spies taken into custody last week is Anna Chapman, 28, a flame-haired bombshell who, unsurprisingly, has attracted the most attention. She is currently being held in solitary confinement in a federal prison in Brooklyn and her lawyer, Robert Baum, told The Post that she is "very unaware" of the media frenzy she's sparked.
    Chapman, a Russian native who once said her father was a high-ranking member of the KGB, spent her time in New York City circulating among rich and powerful men. In 2002, she married a British student named Alex Chapman, now 30. They divorced in 2006, after she began spending a lot of time without him and with her "Russian friends" instead.
    Once in New York, she allegedly began dating a politically connected businessman from New Jersey named Michael Bittan. He refused to comment.
    Chapman, who dressed in designer clothes, drank in swank downtown spots such as the Thompson Hotel, had her hair dyed red every week (she's a natural brunette) and got frequent mani-pedis, was suspected by acquaintances of working as a hooker to fund her expensive tastes.
    Korczak believes that Chapman (real name: Anya Kuschenko) was likely schooled by the SVR -- Russia's post-KGB intelligence agency -- in the art of seduction.
    During the Cold War, "the Soviet Union had a number of schools that trained beautiful women how to lure and satisfy powerful, rich, American men, sexually and intellectually," he said.
    "They're called 'worm-on-a-hook' agents."
    SOME of these schools are located in small towns in the southern part of the country. None appear on a map. They are exact replicas of American suburbs such as Chevy Chase, Md. -- just outside Washington, where the bulk of KGB agents were deployed during World War II.

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    Default Re: Russian Espionage in the United States

    Anticommunism in Postwar America, 1945-1954: Witch Hunt or Red Menace?
    Lesson 1: Soviet Espionage in America

    A We The People Resource


    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of supplying the Soviet Union with nuclear bomb secrets, and subsequently executed.
    Credit: Image courtesy of American Memory at the Library of Congress.

    The hunt for Communists in the United States clearly reached the point of hysteria by the early 1950s, but what is often overlooked is that it had its origins in a very real phenomenon. The opening of the Soviet archives in the 1990s, and the declassification of certain intercepted Soviet messages from the late 1940s, indicates that Soviet agents had penetrated the U.S. government before and during World War II, in some cases at very high levels. One particularly noteworthy instance of this involved Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, who were convicted in 1951 of passing information about the atomic bomb to the Kremlin. The resulting trial, conviction, and death sentence of this young, middle-class couple divided the nation, and kept the issue of Soviet espionage before the American public for years to come.
    This lesson will expose students to recently declassified FBI documents and transcripts of the Rosenberg trial. It will encourage them to think seriously about the extent of the Soviet espionage network in America, thus setting the stage for a proper understanding of later hearings by the House Un-American Activities Committee and Joseph McCarthy.


    Americans in the late 1940s awoke to a rude shock when they learned that since the mid-1930s significant numbers of Soviet spies had been operating in the United States. There were several factors that made this particularly disturbing. For one, most of these spies were native-born Americans, apparently motivated by sympathy for communism. In addition, some of these agents had been able to penetrate several agencies of the federal government—especially the Departments of State and the Treasury, as well as the Office of Strategic Services (the precursor to the Central Intelligence Agency)—and in some cases at very high levels. Perhaps most ominously, confessions by several spies made it clear that Soviet espionage had, during the Second World War, infiltrated the top-secret Manhattan Project, which developed the atomic bomb. When in 1949 the Soviets successfully tested their own atomic weapon, it did not take long for Americans to conclude that this had been more the work of Russian spies than of scientists.
    Coming at a time when relations between the United States and the Soviet Union were already deteriorating to the point of near-war, these revelations had a profound effect on the American public. Perhaps, they wondered, the Soviet strategy might not be to try to conquer the world through traditional military power, but rather by boring from within. If their spies had been able to infiltrate some of the highest levels of the federal government, where else might they be? Moreover, if these agents were motivated not by greed or ethnic connections, but rather by a belief in communism, what did this suggest about others who professed such a belief—or even those who appeared to be in sympathy with some communist goals? This would be the beginning of a dark period in the nation's history, a time when making even the most mildly controversial statements ran the risk of being accused of disloyalty—or worse. These matters are covered in the second and third lessons of this curriculum unit, The House Un-American Activities Committee, and The Rise and Fall of Joseph McCarthy.
    In fact, the hysteria that would ultimately flow from the espionage scare of the late 1940s would lead many to believe that even the original threat had been overblown, and that at least some of those who had been convicted, like Alger Hiss and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, were victims of a witch hunt. Recent research, however, has shown that this is likely not the case. The opening in the 1990s of the archives of the former Soviet Union showed that the penetration of American institutions was, indeed, significant, and was being directed locally by the Communist Party of the United States. Moreover, the 1990s also saw the declassification of the transcripts from the Venona Project. Under Venona, thousands of communications between Moscow and its agents in the United States during the 1940s had been intercepted and decoded, giving critical insights into the Soviet espionage network and, in many cases, revealing the identities of the spies themselves. However, because the FBI was unwilling to release this information at the time (it seems as though not even President Truman was aware of it), it was never used to prosecute the individuals involved. Whatever one might think of the tactics of the House Un-American Activities Committee in the late 1940s, or those of Joseph McCarthy in the early 1950s, there is little doubt today that the Soviet spy network in America existed, and that it was extensive.
    For more information on the Rosenberg Trial, an excellent resource is "The Trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg," part of the site "Famous Trials", available via the EDSITEment-reviewed resource History Matters. For more on the Venona Project, see "Venona," located at the website of the National Security Agency.

    Preparation Instructions

    Review the lesson plan. Locate and bookmark suggested materials and links from EDSITEment-reviewed websites used in this lesson. Download and print out selected documents and duplicate copies as necessary for student viewing. Alternatively, excerpted versions of these documents are available as part of the downloadable PDF.
    Download the Text Document for this lesson, available here as a PDF. This file contains excerpted versions of the documents used in the various activities, as well as questions for students to answer. Print out and make an appropriate number of copies of the handouts you plan to use in class.
    Analyzing primary sources

    If your students lack experience in dealing with primary sources, you might use one or more preliminary exercises to help them develop these skills. The Learning Page at the American Memory Project of the Library of Congress includes a set of such activities. Another useful resource is the Digital Classroom of the National Archives, which features a set of Document Analysis Worksheets.

    Lesson Activities

    Activity 1. The Venona Project, 1948-1956

    In the first activity students will learn about the FBI's ongoing investigation of suspected Soviet agents in the United States. They will do so by reading excerpts from actual recently-declassified FBI memoranda regarding the Venona Project, located at the FBI's website (accessible via the EDSITEment-reviewed resource History Matters), but available in excerpted form in the Text Document. Note that these are not the Venona transcripts themselves, but rather a series of internal FBI memos describing the project and summarizing its findings. While these memos were written in the 1950s, they are describing work that had been going on since 1948, when the Soviet code was first broken.
    Teachers should divide their students into small groups. All will read an introduction to Venona, found on pages 1-4 of the Text Document. This provides an overview of the program, including the methods used to identify the real names of individuals referred to only by code names in the decrypted messages. It also offers reasons why the FBI chose not to reveal the Venona information. As the students read, they should answer the following questions, available as a worksheet on page 5 of the Text Document:

    • What is the purpose of this document?
    • What is Venona?
    • What are the main limitations on Venona as a source of information about Soviet espionage?
    • What advantage might there be in using the Venona information as evidence to prosecute suspected spies?
    • What legal problems might be involved in using Venona information as trial evidence?
    • Why, according to the author of the memo, might it be unwise politically to try to use Venona information as trial evidence?
    • How does the author think the Soviets would react if the Venona transcripts became public?

    Next, each group will be responsible for reading about a particular individual or group suspected of spying for the Soviets. The Text Document contains information about all of the following individuals. However, teachers should not feel compelled to assign all of these. An asterisk has been placed next to those that are of particular importance, since the names of these individuals will come up in the next activity on the Rosenberg Trial, as well as in subsequent lessons in this unit:

    • Judith Coplon (page 6)
    • Emil Julius Klaus Fuchs (page 7)
    • Alger Hiss (page 8)
    • Harry Dexter White (pages 9-10)
    • Harry Gold (page 11)
    • David Greenglass (page 12)

    After reading all these materials students will complete a worksheet, found on page 13 of the Text Document, with the following questions.

    • What is the real name of your subject?
    • By what code names was your subject also known?
    • What evidence exists that your subject was engaged in espionage against the United States?
    • Over what period of time did this alleged espionage take place?
    • Who, if anyone, was also involved in your subject's alleged espionage activities?
    • What actions, if any, did the U.S. government take against this alleged espionage activity?

    Finally, teachers should lead an in-class discussion regarding the nature of Soviet espionage in the United States, and the methods that were used to identify and prosecute spies. Drawing on what the students have read, they might, as a class, draw a web showing how the various individuals mentioned in the documents were connected to one another. One student should begin by writing the name of his or her subject on the board, along with lines connecting him or her to any other individuals named in the document. Others should follow, so that ultimately a large network of agents will be displayed.
    Activity 2. The Rosenberg Trial

    The Venona transcripts would have no doubt been a bombshell had they been released at the time; however, they were not, and they therefore played no role in the most headline-grabbing trial of 1951. In an era when accusations of Soviet espionage were very much in the public mind, the trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg was perhaps the biggest story of all. This seemingly average middle-class couple, with a loving marriage and two young children, stood accused of betraying their country by passing atomic secrets to the Soviet Union. From the beginning they protested their innocence, and ultimately the case divided the country between those who believed they were guilty, and those who believed the Rosenbergs were the innocent victims of a national case of paranoia. For the final activity teachers will stage a reenactment in their classrooms of this trial, using excerpts from the trial transcripts found at the University of Missouri-Kansas City's site "Famous Trials" (accessible via History Matters). Further abridged versions of these transcripts are available in the Text Document.
    Teachers should begin the activity by informing students that the year is 1951, and that both Julius and Ethel Rosenberg have been charged with conspiring to commit espionage against the United States, a crime for which, if they are found guilty, they could face the death penalty.
    Seven students will take on the roles of the principal witnesses. Each of these will read an excerpt from the trial transcript, covering that witness's testimony, as well as a brief biographical sketch of the individual witness (to save class time, this reading might productively be assigned as homework). After doing so each of these students will make a five-minute presentation to the class in which they convey the information found in that testimony to the class. Teachers should insist that the witnesses convey all the relevant information found in the testimony, so that the jury can make an educated decision as to the guilt or innocence of the defendants.
    The witnesses, and their relevant reading assignments, are as follows:

    After the witnesses have given their testimony, have two additional students portray the lawyers for the defense and the prosecution. Each student should read one of the final statements below along with a biographical sketch (again, this might be assigned as homework), then make a five-minute presentation based on what they have read:

    The remaining students will represent the jury in this reenactment. After all of the presentations are finished, the members of the jury will vote on whether or not they believe Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were guilty. Individual jurors should be assigned a brief writing project (a good homework activity) in which they write a couple of paragraphs explaining why they voted as they did.
    To conclude the exercise students should read the announcement of the actual verdict.

    Extending The Lesson

    Revelations in 1946 that Soviet agents had penetrated the federal government was a goldmine for the Republicans, who had been out of power since 1932, and it helped them win majorities in both houses of Congress in the 1946 midterm elections. In an effort to prevent the GOP from exploiting this issue any further Truman in March 1947 issued Executive Order 9835, which authorized investigations into the political activities of federal employees. The text of this order may be found at Teaching American History, along with speeches by Truman and Rep. Chester E. Holifield (D-California) related to the loyalty program. These documents might be used for an in-class debate on whether or not the program was warranted.
    It is important to note that the Soviet spy scare in the United States did not happen in isolation—the origins of the Cold War in Europe and Asia were critically important to creating a sense of crisis at home. To give students a sense for these events, they might examine this interactive timeline. Along the top there are four regions—United States, Europe and the USSR, Middle East and North Africa, and East Asia. Clicking on one of these, and then clicking on any of the years along the left-hand side, will bring up a list of events in that region relevant to the Cold War. Some of these can be clicked on to yield more information about the event.
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    Default Re: Russian Espionage in the United States

    Russian Spy Ring Aimed to Make Children Agents

    Associated Press

    Officials say Russian agents Donald Heathfield and Tracey Foley sought to groom son Tim Foley to be a spy.

    A Russian spy ring busted in the U.S. two years ago planned to recruit members' children to become agents, and one had already agreed to his parents' request, according to current and former U.S. officials.

    When the suspects were arrested in 2010 with much fanfare, official accounts suggested they were largely ineffectual. New details about their time in the U.S., however, suggest their work was more sophisticated and sometimes more successful than previously known.

    One of them infiltrated a well-connected consulting firm with offices in Manhattan and Washington, D.C., by working as the company's in-house computer expert, according to people familiar with the long-running U.S. investigation of the spy ring.

    The effort to bring children into the family business suggests the ring was thinking long term: Children born or reared in America were potentially more valuable espionage assets than their parents because when they grew up they would be more likely to pass a U.S. government background check.
    Cast of Characters in Russian Spy Ring

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    A spokesman at the Russian embassy in Washington declined to comment. Officials in Moscow have previously acknowledged the spy ring but haven't commented further. All the captured suspects eventually pleaded guilty to acting as secret agents for the Russian government.

    Tim Foley was among the children most extensively groomed for a future spy career, officials say. Though he wasn't American-born, his parents lived in the U.S. for more than a decade, under the assumed names Donald Heathfield and Tracey Foley. Mr. Foley was 20 when his parents were arrested and had just finished his sophomore year at George Washington University in the nation's capital.

    His parents revealed their double life to him well before their arrest, according to current and former officials, whose knowledge of the discussion was based on surveillance by the Federal Bureau of Investigation that included bugging suspects' homes. The officials said the parents also told their son they wanted him to follow in their footsteps.
    He agreed, said the officials. At the end of the discussion with his parents, according to one person familiar with the surveillance, the young man stood up and saluted "Mother Russia." He also agreed to travel to Russia to begin formal espionage training, officials said.

    Officials wouldn't say where or when the conversation between Mr. Foley and his parents took place or whether he made it to Russia before the spy group was arrested, though they said he eventually went there. Many details of the investigation remain classified.

    Peter Krupp, a Boston lawyer, provided a statement from Tim Foley's parents calling the U.S. officials' accounts "crap." The lawyer said it would have been too risky for the parents to reveal the operation to their son.

    Mr. Krupp said that since the summer of the spy roundup, Mr. Foley—who wasn't accused of any wrongdoing—has tried to return to the U.S., but unspecified obstacles have prevented him from doing so, and he remains in Russia. Efforts to find him there were unsuccessful. A lawyer who represented Mr. Foley's mother during the U.S. case didn't return calls seeking comment.

    Based on their extensive surveillance of the secret agents and their messages to handlers back in Moscow, U.S. counterintelligence officials believe the grooming of Mr. Foley was part of a long-term goal for some of the group's children to become spies when they got older.
    At the time of their arrests, the spies had seven children ranging in age from 1 to 20, most U.S.-born, and one agent also had an older son from a relationship before she joined the espionage network. Anna Chapman, the spy who garnered the most attention because of her glamorous looks, didn't have children.

    Though U.S. officials believe the ring planned to recruit some members' children, not every child was set along this path. One child, a teenager, was allowed to stay in the U.S. after his parents were arrested, and officials said the son isn't viewed as a risk to national security. His father, who went by the name Juan Lazaro, wanted his son to become a concert pianist, according to a former colleague of the father. A lawyer for the family declined to comment.

    Most members of the ring were what are known in espionage parlance as "illegals"—agents who go to a country using a false identity and without official cover such as a diplomatic position. If caught, illegals have to assume their home country won't come to their rescue.

    Ring members were trained agents of the SVR, a successor agency to the KGB, according to court documents filed by federal prosecutors in New York. U.S. authorities say they worked under the direction of SVR headquarters, known in the West as "Moscow Center."

    Besides the plans to recruit children, the new details about the spy ring show more about what its members were up to.
    U.S. officials say one of them, Richard Murphy—whose real name was Vladimir Guryev—worked for several years as the in-house computer technician at a U.S. consultancy called the G7 Group, which advised clients on how government decisions might affect global markets. The firm's experts included its chief executive, Jane Hartley, an active Democratic fundraiser, and Alan Blinder, a former Federal Reserve vice chairman.

    The infiltration is further evidence the spying focused on economic secrets as well as military and political information.
    Mr. Murphy came to the G7 Group through a temporary-help agency in the early 2000s and stayed about three years, according to Ms. Hartley, who said she eventually concluded he didn't have the technical sophistication the firm required. She said she didn't believe he used his position to steal information.

    Mr. Blinder said he didn't believe he knew or even had heard of Mr. Murphy. "My reaction, of course, is surprise. The G7 Group wasn't the sort of place a Russian spy would find interesting," said Mr. Blinder, who is a professor at Princeton University.
    A lawyer who represented Mr. Murphy after his arrest said she wasn't aware he had worked for a firm in Manhattan. After Mr. Murphy left the G7 Group, Ms. Hartley sold it, and many of its principals later reformed under a different name.

    The spies' false identities, also called "legends," were good enough for them to get jobs and mortgages and start families in America, but they weren't airtight. A background check for a job with the U.S. government or a government contractor might have exposed them. The spies were careful not to try to get too close to the heart of U.S. government, according to interviews and court documents.

    Mr. Murphy spoke with an accent and didn't socialize well with his co-workers, according to Ms. Hartley. Difficulties he had blending in at the G7 Group underscore the value agents' children might have had to Moscow, being fully Americanized with flawless English.

    One purpose of having such agents in the U.S. was to act as go-betweens for other operatives who might have been more closely monitored by U.S. counterintelligence, the current and former U.S. officials said.

    "There was much more to this than just trying to make friends with important people," said one official. "This was a very long-term operation."

    After the parents were arrested, the children became an important part of the negotiations between the Russian and U.S. governments.

    The admitted secret agents were eventually flown to Austria, where, in a scene reminiscent of a Cold War spy drama, they were swapped on a Vienna airport tarmac for four men who had been imprisoned in Russia, most on charges of spying for the West.

    Write to Devlin Barrett at
    Corrections & Amplifications
    Peter Krupp, a lawyer for Russian spy known as Donald Heathfield, was relaying a statement from Mr. Heathfield and his wife on U.S. allegations that they had intended to recruit their son into the spy ring. An earlier version of this article attributed the statement that such allegations were "crap" directly to Mr. Krupp.
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    Default Re: Russian Espionage in the United States

    September 6, 2012
    Moscow miffed at Mitt

    By Toby Westerman

    Moscow wasted no time in expressing through its cooperative media its displeasure at both Republican nominee Mitt Romney and the Republican Party for advocating a tougher stand on internal oppression in Russia and its aggressive, anti-democratic foreign policy.

    An online report with commentary, from Russia's RIA Novosti news agency referred to the Republican Party platform urging the Moscow leadership to "reconsider" its heavy handed approach to domestic political opposition and Moscow's aggressive foreign policy, including the invasion of Georgia and support for the Stalinist regime in Belarus.

    RIA Novosti characterized the relatively mild Republican platform reference to the Russian government's actions as placing the nation of Russia among "other traditional rivals" of the United States, and then cites Communist North Korea, Communist China, and the Islamic Republic of Iran as examples of "traditional" U.S. rivals.

    RIA Novosti's manipulation of language must be noted. The reference to North Korea, China and Iran as "traditional rivals" completely mischaracterizes the reality of the dangers posed by these nations and their overt hostility to any civilized norm of behavior. Moscow is an indispensible ally to all three tyrannical states, as it also supports the Cuban dictatorship and the neo-Marxist regime in Venezuela.

    In another RIA Novosti report, Putin's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, coolly stated that bilateral relations between Moscow and Washington have become the "prey" of the U.S. presidential election campaign. Peskov added that "In the course of official contacts, both Moscow and Washington at various levels have repeated stressed their understanding of the inadmissibility of the situation."

    Romney's approach to Russia was described as "undiplomatic and unjustifiable," by Irina Yarovaya, chair of the Duma Committee for Security and Anti-Corruption and a reliable Putin functionary. Her statement was reported by RIA Novosti in a separate article from Peskov's remarks.

    There is certainly a contrast between candidate Romney and the present U.S. administration. While Romney has described Russia as America's number one foe, President Barack Obama initiated early in his administration a "re-start" in relations with Moscow and privately (but picked up by a "hot" microphone) promised Dmitry Medvedev to be more "flexible" with Moscow in a second term.

    The Republican platform, however, does state that Russia and the U.S. have common interests in the fight against terror, the prevention of the spread of nuclear weapons, and supports normalizing trade relations with Russia under certain conditions.

    Despite the tough rhetoric, there is not indication that the Republicans recognize that Russia is dominated by a spy-elite dedicated to triumph of a Marxist system, in one form or other, in Russia and around the world. There is no reasonable hope that Moscow will "reconsider" the suppression of domestic opposition or cease its aid to various tyrannies, because all of these actions are well considered, planned, and directed to a specific goal.

    This spy-elite also is waging a cyber war with the United States and has increased Russian espionage activities against the U.S. to Cold War levels. Moscow its ally Communist China are engaged in major military buildups, and some in Russia boast that their nation will catch up to the U.S. in rocket technology within nine years.

    This confidence in Russian technological development occurs as U.S. technology flows into Skolkovo, the Russian version of Silicon Valley.

    Around the world the Kremlin spy-elite and their allies in Beijing are committed to a New World Order, which would relegate the U.S. to a minor international role and subjugation to the ideological whims of Moscow and Beijing.

    Should Romney and the Republicans win in the November elections, the new administration will confront a determined spy elite in Moscow allied with what Condoleezza Rice called a "rising China."

    To a limited extent Romney and the Republican Platform have recognized the danger posed by Russia, but a deeper understanding is necessary. The domination of Russia by a spy-elite and the dangers of the Moscow-Beijing alliance must be acknowledged. For our own national safety and our very existence, we must fully grasp the peril which confronts the United States and all freedom loving people.
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    Default Re: Russian Espionage in the United States

    Thought I'd post this one for those of you interested in Social Networking.....


    Facespook: Russian spies order $1mln software to influence social networks

    Published: 27 August, 2012, 13:13

    Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has ordered three systems worth about US$1 million that will automatically spread information on the Internet.

    The systems were ordered in a three separate tenders and the official client’s name is Military Unit 54939, but Kommersant Daily newspaper, which broke the news, writes that according to its sources this military unit belongs to the Foreign Intelligence Service’s structure.

    The first system is called Dispute and is responsible for overall monitoring of the blogosphere and social networks in order to single out the centers where the information is created and the ways by which it is spread among the virtual society. It also looks at factors that affect the popularity of various reports among internet users.

    The second system, Monitor-3, will develop the methods of organization and management of a “virtual community of attracted experts” – setting of tasks, control over work and regular reports on chosen issues.

    The third, and probably most important, of the systems is Storm-12 – its task is to automatically spread the necessary information through the blogosphere, as well as “information support of operations with pre-prepared scenarios of influence on mass audience in social networks.”

    The first two systems are to be ready by the end of 2012 and the third by 2013.

    According to Kommersant, all three tenders were won by the company Iteranet, headed by a former deputy head of the Russian Cryptography Institute, Igor Matskevich, who previously worked on top secret state orders.

    The newspaper claims that the tenders were held in a top secret mode and does not specify how the information was obtained or the reasons for deciding to disclose it.

    Experts were cautious in their assessments of the new initiative. Russia’s leading startup manager of internet projects Anton Nossik said that imbedded spam filters will resist the automated opinion-making systems and suggested that part of the budget must be spent on means to overcome this.

    Another expert who preferred not to be named told Kommersant that the system can only be effective if its activities go beyond the legal sphere – like hacking the administrators’ rights on social networks, mass messaging or even infecting the users’ computers with automatic “bot” programs.

    The head of the Russian association Center for Safe Internet, Urvan Parfentyev, said that the news was a natural development of conventional propaganda means, like the Voice of America and RFE RL radio stations, only on the internet.
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    Probably belongs in another thread, but I can't see that handing over things by the highest guy in the land is anything other than what it is....

    Obama's Communist Mentor

    Sunday, 19 August 2012 00:00 Alan Caruba

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    I have been reading about Frank Marshall Davis since Dr. Jerome Corsi tried to warn Americans about Barack Obama in his 2008 book, “The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality.”

    Dr. Corsi noted that “On December 5, 1956, Frank Marshall Davis appeared in executive session before the U.S. Senate subcommittee investigating ‘the scope of Soviet activity in the United States. It was one of the McCarthy-era committees seeking to expose communist considered to be a security threat. A year earlier, in 1955, the Commission on Subversive Activities organized by the government of the territory of Hawaii identified Davis as a member of the Communist Party USA.”

    In the 1970s, when Obama was an adolescent growing up in the care of his grandparents in Hawaii, among their circle of friends was Davis. His grandparents wanted to provide a black man as a role model for the young mixed-race child, the result of a short marriage between their daughter and Barack Obama Sr., a Kenyan she had met while both were studying Russian at the University of Hawaii.

    Obama came of age in a household devoted to leftist ideologies so it was no surprise that Davis was among their circle of friends. He had moved to Hawaii from Chicago in the late 1940s, continuing a lifetime of work as a journalist editing and writing for newspapers advocating the communist ideology and the party line set forth by the Soviet Comintern, short for the Communist International whose aim was to extend communism worldwide. It directed the work of the Communist Party USA whose members were devoted to the Soviet Union. Most members like Davis, when questioned, denied membership, taking the Fifth Amendment.

    While today’s leftists have successfully smeared Sen. Joseph McCarthy and the work of the congressional committees to expose Soviet infiltration of the U.S. government as “McCarthyite” historians have since revealed the depth of penetration by Soviet spies in the administrations of FDR and Truman. Later declassified intercepts of messages to them, known as the Venona Papers, reveal how vast the Soviet espionage program was.

    Presently the leading historian on communism in America is Dr. Paul Kengor, the author of “Dupes: How America’s Adversaries have Manipulated Progressive for a Century.” His latest book is “The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis—The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor.” “There were hundreds of thousands of American communists like Frank,” writes Dr. Kengor, “who agitated throughout the twentieth century. They chose the wrong side of history, a horrendously bloody side that left a wake of over 100 million corpses from the streets of the Bolshevik Revolution to the base of the Berlin Wall—double the combined dead of the century’s two world wars.”

    Davis’ influence over Obama is carefully documented by Dr. Kengor who says, “The people who influence our presidents matter.”

    Americans have learned this truth, starting with Obama’s 2008 campaign and over the course of his term in office. In his memoir, “Dreams from my Father”, written before his rise to fame, Obama provides a trail of hints as to his long history of association with leftists. Primary among them was Frank Marshall Davis who came into his life in the 1970s.

    Not once in his memoir does Obama identify him, referring to him only as Frank, neglecting to mention that Davis was “a pro-Soviet, pro-Red China, card-carrying member of Communist Party USA” whose card number as 47544. It should come as no surprise that Davis found Chicago a favorable place to live. It was where he founded and edited the Chicago Star, “known among the locals as the ‘Red Star.’” He would repeat this later in Honolulu.

    “Frank Marshall Davis’s political antics were so radical,” writes Dr. Kengor, “that the FBI placed him on the federal government’s Security Index, which meant that he could be immediately detained or arrested in the event of a national emergency, such as a war breaking out between the United States and the USSR.”

    I grew up during the early years of the Cold War that commenced following the end of World War Two and I vividly recall the fear that the Soviet Union would wage war, particularly after it had acquired the atomic bomb, the result in part from Soviet spies that provided vital information about our bomb.

    Americans have lived through nearly four years of what can only be described as an attempt to take over our government and “fundamentally transform” it away from the limits of the Constitution to a nation in which the government, under Obama, seized General Motors to nationalize it, imposed Obamacare to take control of our healthcare system, and attacked “millionaires and billionaires” as greedy capitalists. His slogans have been “change” and “forward”, longtime favorites of communists.

    On November 6, 2012, Americans will have just one chance to rid the nation of Barack Obama, an acolyte of Frank Marshall Davis and a friend of many who scorn America.

    If he is reelected, he will do what communists have always done when the opportunity arose. He will seize complete control of the machinery of government to enslave Americans who were duped into voting for a man whose true past was and continues to be carefully hidden by the mainstream media, a man mentored by a notorious communist.
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    How americans can believe to the communism?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilya Yefimov View Post
    How americans can believe to the communism?
    This is a question we ask ourselves daily, Ilya. Perhaps you can shed light on that question? How is it anyone can believe in it?
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    Communist Party USA celebrates Obama win

    Praises blacks, Hispanics, women for working together to defeat 'white people'

    Bob Unruh Email | Archive Bob Unruh joined WND in 2006 after nearly three decades with the Associated Press, as well as several Upper Midwest newspapers, where he covered everything from legislative battles and sports to tornadoes and homicidal survivalists. He is also a photographer whose scenic work has been used commercially.More ↓

    “An enormous people’s victory.”

    That’s how the political party of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels jubilantly celebrated the results of the 2012 presidential election in the United States, which will put Barack Obama in the White House for another four years.

    The comment was in a report to the Communist Party USA national committee from the party’s chairman, Sam Webb.

    “We meet on the heels of an enormous people’s victory. It was a long and bitterly contested battle in which the forces of inclusive democracy came out on top. The better angels of the American people spread their wings,” he wrote in the online report.

    He said blacks, Hispanics and women worked together to defeat “racist … white people” and that it now is time for the Communist Party USA to work on the foundations established by Obama on issues regarding the environment, homosexual marriage and minorities to its potential.

    Read Joseph Farah’s commentary today on ‘You know you’re in trouble as a nation when…”

    “If anything the vote … is an insistent call for action on the most pressing problems facing the working class and people. That is the election’s mandate,” he wrote. “This was not a vote in favor of destroying social programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid; or rolling back domestic spending; or resolving the budget crisis on the people’s backs.

    “It was instead a vote for jobs, housing relief, health care, withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan, an end to U.S.-led wars in the Middle East, preservation of the social safety net, health care access, reproductive rights, and equal pay for women, infrastructure renewal (an issue that took on greater importance after megastorm Sandy), marriage equality, a larger commitment to public education, a tax system in which the wealthiest families and corporations pay a much larger share, reform of our punitive and anti-democratic immigration laws, a reduction in unconscionable inequality, a legislative and electoral system that isn’t awash with corporate money,” he wrote.

    Webb was convinced the CPUSA was integral to the election results.

    “Our contribution was both ideological and practical. Nearly every member and leader was involved. Our work gives us much to build on as we throw ourselves into the post-election battles,” he wrote. “In every state and city our political relationships are broader and deeper; our presence and prestige are on a new level.”

    And he accused Republicans of trying to manipulate the vote.

    “While many things went into Obama’s victory, what was notable was the ability of the democratic movement to turn back Republican efforts to suppress the vote; what was of great import was the determination of the people’s movement (with labor in the lead) to reach, educate, and turn out tens of millions of American voters on Election Day; what not surprising was the continuing, strategic, and sometimes underappreciated role of the African American people (93 per cent voted for the president) in the front ranks (at the head in many instances) of the struggle for progress and democracy.”

    He said the immediate obligations of Congress now are to renew tax reductions for the “middle class” and raise taxes on the “rich.” Then the U.S. must launch a green-designed program to rebuild coastal areas destroyed by the hurricane. And third would be to give people more unemployment benefits.

    “The president is the most popular politician in the country. Nobody has the political and moral authority that he has. He isn’t a radical, but by the same token to classify him as a run-of-the-mill capitalist politician doesn’t fit either. Of the Democratic Party presidents of the 20th century, none had the deep democratic sensibilities that he possesses. It is crucial that he lead this struggle,” he said.

    “But he can’t and won’t do it alone. He needs a mass movement that will nudge him forward as well as have his back as he goes up against recalcitrant Republicans, big sections of monopoly capital, and wavering centrist Democrats in Congress in this and in subsequent battles.”

    He said it’s the duty of communists, socialists and others to develop that movement.
    “Our main task is to build broad people’s unity, guarantee the participation of the key social and class forces, counter the right-wing narrative with a working-class and people’s narrative, and bring forward an alternative program.”

    He continued: “What stood out in the election was the power of unity and diversity. That may seem contradictory, but it was the interaction of the two that turned what could have been a defeat into a people’s victory. Had Latinos not voted in such significant numbers in Nevada, Colorado and Florida, it is hard to see the president’s path to victory.

    Had African Americans not turned out in record numbers it is tough to see how the president could have won in most of the battleground states. Had labor not mobilized its membership to vote in Ohio and other Rust Belt states, it’s a stretch to see the president emerging triumphant on election night. Likewise, had single young women not cast their ballots in large numbers, it is difficult to visualize his victory.”

    And he launched a diatribe against whites.

    “It is easy to dismiss white people, including white workers, as not only racist, but also backward on a range of issues, such as peace, gun control, reproductive rights, gay marriage, and so forth,” he wrote. “Looking at the white vote in this election provides ample evidence for this claim.

    “Worse still, close to 65 percent of white men cast their vote for Romney. What motivated them can’t be reduced to race alone. A substantial number of white people, I’m sure, bought the idea that in an underperforming economy Romney would be a better steward than the president. And there were other issues that motivated them to vote for Romney as well,” he said. “But, at the same time, for many of them, racism must have either taken up the biggest space in or is closely entwined with the bundle of resentments and wrong understandings that accounts for their voting behavior.”

    CPUSA reports that it is time for its ideals to surge forward.

    While Marxism was conceived by Marx and Engels and “has served as a guide for working class and national liberation movements,” it is its affirmation by Vladimir Lenin, Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro that validates it, he wrote.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Nothing racist there, huh? Defeat white people?

    You know, I hate to say this but they are gonna keep pushing until they get that fucking war they want, and I hate to say it won't be pretty for them
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson View Post
    Nothing racist there, huh? Defeat white people?

    You know, I hate to say this but they are gonna keep pushing until they get that fucking war they want, and I hate to say it won't be pretty for them

    Target: Old White Men

    By Selwyn Duke

    While modern society prides itself on being unbiased, it's no exception to the rule that every age has its fashionable prejudices -- and unfashionable people. Among the latter today are white men, and the closer they are to "dead white male" status, to use a favored leftist descriptive, the greater the disdain in which they're held.

    Thus do we see sneering at "old white men." Earlier this year, Senator Harry Reid -- one well acquainted through experience with old-white-male machinations -- complained of "angry old white men" who bankroll conservative causes. More recently, the old-white-media paper the Guardian published a piece about America's changing demographics titled, in part, "No country for angry old white men...." Ah, yes, it's not just that they're old, white, and men, that Triad of Turpitude. They're "angry," too. So just dismiss them out of hand, with their agenda born of blinding, irrational hatred. It's another example of projection, from the group (leftists) that makes intellect-clouding emotionalism an art.

    If we're to define matters based on group identification, however -- and the left makes clear we will -- there is an irony here.

    You could roughly say that old white men built the whole modern world.

    You can precisely say this if you include in the category the budding old white men known as younger white men. Who were all the great inventors, innovators, and philosophers from ancient Greece and Rome up through medieval and modern Europe and the United States? Who forged the West? Who birthed democracy? Who improved upon it, giving us our Constitution and modern republican government? There is a reason why most of the busts and pictures of legendary figures portray old white men.

    We might also note that while old white men probably weren't the first to practice slavery, they were the first to eliminate it. The same can be said of human rights: old white men had lots of company trampling them. They were alone in crafting the modern conception of them.

    And is America really advancing as old white men's cultural and political weight wanes? During what group's hegemony were our national finances, morality, culture, and economic growth healthiest? Is there a group with a better track record of running successful civilizations? As to this, if only old white men had voted during the last 50 years, we likely wouldn't be facing the fiscal cliff that hangs over us like a sword of Damocles.

    Of course, much demonization of old white men is mere artifice, an effort to sell an inferior product (liberalism) by discrediting its opposition. "Hey, why buy from these white-prune Willy Loman salesmen when you can patronize skilled salespeople? We're young, we're hip, and quick with the lip!" Yet this appeal only works by playing on very real prejudices. Exposition of the anti-white variety has been done to death in the Reality Media. It was epitomized when Susan Sontag said, "The white race is the cancer of human history" and thus proved that some white people certainly are. But far more interesting and less discussed is the other bias relevant here: that against the aged.

    For most of history, old was gold. There is the stereotype of the wise old man, and, historically, societies would be governed by "elders." For example, ancient Sparta had a council of elders, and only men of at least 60 years of age qualified. And, of course, insisting that children respect their elders was once common.

    This now has been turned on its head. One underappreciated reason why John McCain lost the 2008 election is that he appeared old -- an old-looking candidate hasn't won the presidency since the TV era's advent -- whereas Barack Obama seemed young and hip. And while fear that the person may die in office and our eye-candy culture certainly explain this in part, an increasingly significant factor is that many view seniors as they do our Constitution: old and yellowed and not relevant to our time. Just consider how the only consistent stereotype the hit show Seinfeld played upon was that of older people -- and it was wholly unflattering. They were portrayed as doddering, out of touch, dishonest, egotistical, argumentative, and petty, too engrossed in trivial matters to ponder what's truly important (such as, apparently, figuring out how to find someone more attractive to sleep with).

    Of course, as George Soros, Warren Buffet, Noam Chomsky, and many others prove, "Wisdom doesn't always come with age; sometimes age just shows up all by itself." Yet even if the two are joined at the hip, it won't matter among a people who devalue wisdom. Note that the definition of the word -- until dictionary writers lost their wisdom -- was "knowledge of what is true or good." But there is no such thing in a relativistic universe, that realm with favored mantras such as "That's your 'truth'; someone else's may be different" and "Don't impose your values on me!" There can be no objective "good" if there is no God; nothing can be truly "true" if there is no Truth. And what is left when people no longer perceive Truth's existence and thus cannot use it as a yardstick for behavior? There then is just taste, preference, and what do we call the moment's consensus tastes?


    And this is where the elderly cannot compete. People who believe in Truth understand it's timeless; that those who have lived longer will generally have apprehended more of it; and that it doesn't matter if older people aren't "with the times," only whether the times are with the Truth. But the young will always be more with the fashions. And owing to that dislocation from Truth, they will often embrace fashions even when they're fallacies. They won't know they're fallacies, either, as moderns' only perceived standard for judging such things is the fashions themselves. And they won't care what elders have to say about tried and true "wisdom." It would be much like telling them that they should dispense with pizza in favor of their grandparents' 1940s biscuits and gravy. It's all a matter of preference, so why should they subordinate their tastes to those of the past?

    This gets at the insidiousness of modern liberalism. The French revolutionaries sought to erase the past by starting history anew with their revolution's first year, 1789; the Khmer Rouge sought to do so with their "Year Zero." But revolutionary change is too obvious; it doesn't gently boil the frog as does modern liberalism's evolutionary change. Progressives don't make any major pronouncements, dear citizen, about the first year of the rest of your life. They simply disconnect each generation from the last -- from the past -- with the message that, hey, ya' gotta be with it, which means being nothing like grandpa. And the "it" is change, not tradition; current tastes, not Truth; fashions and not fact. Just convince the young to ignore the old or dead -- especially if they're white and male -- the people who formulated Western civilization's recipe, and that Occidental delicacy is history. Then you will have started history anew not with an iron fist, but sleight of hand that keeps the frog simmering soundly.

    Roman philosopher and statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero once said, "To be ignorant of the past is to be forever a child. For what is the time of a man, except it be interwoven with that memory of ancient things of a superior age?" Demonizing white men old or dead keeps the young and alive disconnected from them and hence from the past. This gives us a civilization of children, just the kind of people a pied piper can lead.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  13. #13
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russian Espionage in the United States

    an old-looking candidate hasn't won the presidency since the TV era's advent
    Then might I suggest to the dumbasses in the GOP to get OFF their frigging "let's pre-pick who we want" BS and go with the flow.

    Perhaps someone like Marco Rubio - Paul Ryan or Ryan/Rubio as the next GOP ticket?

    How about Palin/Rubio

    How about Ruck/Malsua?

    (I look younger than I am, but I still look old. lol so forget about me)
    Libertatem Prius!

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  14. #14
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russian Espionage in the United States

    Just got done watching a Fox Files that aired on Sunday.

    I happened across it after having finished watching something else and it caught my attention because they were about to break to commercial and did a quick tease on Anna Chapman (so naturally it caught my attention ) and her spy ring here in the US that was busted.

    So I hit the record button since I was about to go to bed and let it record. I just now got around to watching it.

    Bill Hemmer hosted and overall it was a pretty good show talking about recent Russian spies and going into the Ames case. My one nit to pick, I do think they were unfair to Angleton in the short bit they mentioned him.

    I've still got the show on my HTPC so I will try to upload it to YouTube at some point.

  15. #15
    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    I'd watch it, Ryan.

  16. #16
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Sorry it's taken as long as it has to get that video posted. I had to hunt down a video converter to convert the video from Microsoft's DVR format to a usable format. Assuming I don't get home too late tonight, I'll try to get that video converted and posted tonight.

  17. #17
    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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  18. #18
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russian Espionage in the United States

    Does that handle it? Don't know why I didn't think of checking it. Figured I'd need a specialized converter.

  19. #19
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Well, I converted the video from MS DVR format to MP4 and that took about a day and a half (it is in 720p HD).

    I then uploaded it to YouTube which took a couple hours.

    And then it began "Processing" on YouTube. And "Processing". And "Processing"... YouTube took about 12 hours before it finally rejected it telling me it was "too long" because I hadn't "verified" my account or some bullshit.

    So I verified my account and then was allowed uploads longer than 15 minutes.

    Again, a couple hours to upload the video file. And once again more "Processing" on YouTube. I checked earlier today and found that "There was an error converting your video".

    So I will attempt to convert the video into a more YouTube friendly format and upload it once again.

  20. #20
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Russian Espionage in the United States

    After much trial and error, I found out that Freemake does not play well with the MS .wtv format. It was corrupting the converted file so that it appeared to be 19 hours long and that's why YouTube was rejecting it. LOL!

    I finally got it converted to MP4 and uploaded to YouTube! Here it is, Fox Files "Operation Ghost Stories":

    Last edited by Ryan Ruck; April 18th, 2013 at 00:18. Reason: Updated video: better quality, removed commercials

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