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Thread: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

  1. #561
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Ran across a manual for the military to round up Citizens into Re-settlement camps.

    Another source

    From section 10-40

    "Resettlement operations typically include controlling civilian movement and providing relief to human suffering. These operations may be performed as domestic civil support operations...The authority to approve resettlement such operations within U.S. territories is at the Secretary of Defense level and may require a special exception to Title 18, USC (Posse Comitatus Act)...such cases require an authorization through a congressional act (for example, Title 10 USC, Sections 331 through 334 [Insurrection Statues]) or a constitutional authorization (for example the President invoking his executive authority...)"

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    National Guard asked to explain 'internment' jobs
    Campaign recruiting for workers at 'civilian resettlement facility'

    Posted: August 07, 2009
    11:45 pm Eastern

    By Bob Unruh
    © 2009 WorldNetDaily

    An ad campaign featured on a U.S. Army website seeking those who would be interested in being an "Internment/Resettlement" specialist is raising alarms across the country, generating concerns that there is some truth in those theories about domestic detention camps, a roundup of dissidents and a crackdown on "threatening" conservatives.

    The ads, at the website as well as others including, cite the need for:
    "Internment/Resettlement (I/R) Specialists in the Army are primarily responsible for day-to-day operations
    in a military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility. I/R Specialists provide rehabilitative, health, welfare, and security to U.S. military prisoners within a confinement or correctional facility; conduct inspections; prepare written reports; and coordinate activities of prisoners/internees and staff personnel.
    The campaign follows by only weeks a report from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security warning about "right-wing extremists" who could pose a danger to the country – including those who support third-party political candidates, oppose abortion and would prefer to have the U.S. immigration laws already on the books enforced.

    The "extremism" report coincided with a report out of California that the Department of Defense was describing protesters as "low-level terrorists."
    The new ad says successful candidates will "provide external security to … detention/internment facilities" and "provide counseling and guidance to individual prisoners within a rehabilitative program."

    Officials at the state and federal National Guard levels told WND they were unaware of the program, although one officer speculated it could be intended for soldiers trained in the U.S. and dispatched overseas to "detention facilities." From the national level, WND was told, officials were unaware of any such "internment facilities" at which there could be jobs
    to be available.

    Army job ad for 'internment' specialist

    At a website, a front page video describes the position thoroughly.

    But one of the critics was a YouTube contributor who identifies himself as jafount and titled his video, "Want a job putting people into camps?"

    Alarmed by the ads, he said it, the idea "just absolutely blew my mind."
    Citing a promise that successful applicants would be trained in "search and restrain procedures," he said, "That's code for violating the 14th Amendment."

    Likewise, he said, "use of firearms" is "code for depriving somebody of their life.'

    "This is the real deal, I think," he said, citing, among others, the link.

    "I saw something that didn't sit right with me. I posted it so other people can investigate," he said.

    A commenter on the YouTube site pooh-poohed the whole suggestion.
    "You have … put out a relatively benign fact, twisted it into something sinister, and then did a tinfoil-hat connection to give a false impression," the forum participant wrote.
    The ads list as "advanced responsibilities" issues such as supervision and administration, responsibility for the "prisoner/internee" population, "custody/control for the operation of an Enemy Prisoner of War/Civilian Internee (EPW/CI) camp," and work on "custody/control for the operation of detention facility or the operation of a displaced civilian (CD) resettlement facility."

    An editorial at raised some overall concerns:
    Let's look at some of the evidence we have of the U.S. government's intentions to establish the infrastructure that could be used to house large numbers of political dissidents, so-called terrorists and other individuals the U.S. government wants locked up.

    HR 645 the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act is a proposed bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that would authorize FEMA to build no less than six National Emergency Centers throughout the U.S. on closed or open military facilities. These facilities are to be designed to house large numbers of people. Why would emergency centers need to be built on closed or open military facilities unless there was a need to keep people from coming in and out of them?

    KBR was granted a government contract a few years ago to build facilities to house illegal immigrants. Now with illegal immigration becoming less of a problem with the U.S. economy in the toilet, these facilities can now be used for other purposes.
    "This is just another step in the U.S. government's long term plan to build the infrastructure that could be used to contain wide spread popular revolt. Combine this with the swine flu fear mongering and the potential for a mass swine flu vaccination operation and it is easy to see what might happen. Refuse to take their poisonous vaccine and you might risk being locked up as being a hazard to public safety. With the economy in the toilet and more and more people not trusting either political party or the corporate media, the 'powers that be' realize that they need to continue building their martial law apparatus. These Army National Guard job listings are just another piece to that puzzle proving what we already know is being built," the editorial claimed.

    At the Examiner, a commentator wrote, "Correctional/internment facilities? I have to admit that the U.S. government is good at one thing: creating fluffy names for evil acts. During WW2, of course, the U.S. didn't have concentration camps, we had 'relocation centers' for hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese citizens."

    The jobs also were listed at, and
    WND reported when the DoD eventually withdrew a training manual question that linked protesters across the United States to terrorism.
    That followed by only weeks a Department of Homeland Security report that described as "right-wing extremists" those who oppose abortion and support secure national borders.

    Richard Thompson, president of the Thomas More Law Center, has told WND that as part of his organization's research for its lawsuit over the DHS "extremism" report, it has discovered additional information that it is withholding now but will include in a pending amended complaint.

    Thompson said one of the things that sparked the organization's curiosity was a reference by DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano in the original report to not only government resources but also non-governmental resources.
    Thompson said the information he has "creates even more concern that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is unconstitutionally targeting

    Americans merely because of their conservative beliefs."

    The earlier DHS report was "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate
    Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment." WND has posted the report online for readers to see.

    The report linked returning veterans with the possibility of terrorism, and when it was released it created such a furor for Napolitano she has given several explanations for it, including that she would have reworded the report and that it was issued by a rogue employee.

    She later apologized to veterans for having linked them to terror.
    But Thompson noted that the report also targeted as "potential terrorists" Americans who:

    • Oppose abortion
    • Oppose same-sex marriage
    • Oppose restrictions on firearms
    • Oppose lax immigration laws
    • Oppose the policies of President Obama regarding immigration, citizenship, and the expansion of social programs
    • Oppose continuation of free trade agreements
    • Are suspect of foreign regimes
    • Fear Communist regimes
    • Oppose a "one world" government
    • Bemoan the decline of U.S. stature in the world
    • Are upset with loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs to China and India, and more

    Thompson told WND no apology has been offered to the members of any of those classes of citizens.

    Thompson said the original "extremism" report was "the tip of the iceberg. … Conservative Americans should be very outraged."

    The Thomas More Law Center filed its lawsuit against Napolitano and the DHS on behalf of nationally syndicated conservative radio talk show host Michael Savage, Gregg Cunningham of the pro-life organization Center for Bio-Ethical Reform Inc. and Iraqi War Marine veteran Kevin Murray.

    It alleges the federal agency violated the First and Fifth Amendment constitutional rights of the three plaintiffs by targeting them for disfavored treatment and chilling their free speech, expressive association, and equal protection rights. The lawsuit further claims that DHS encouraged law enforcement officers throughout the nation to target and report citizens to federal officials as suspicious rightwing extremists and potential terrorists because of their political beliefs.

    (Internment Camp Resettlement Specialist Ad).mp3

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  2. #562
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Jim Rogers’ Warning: Riots Coming To America (GLD, SLV, TZA, AGQ, SDS)

    May 2nd, 2012 Goto comments Leave a comment

    Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul:

    Speaking with the Wall Street Journal on Friday, commodities trader Jim Rogers of Rogers Holdings said riots such as the ones witnessed in Greece and reported as widespread in China will hit the United States and again in Europe as the next leg down in the financial crisis takes shape (after the election, he speculates in previous interviews). Get my next ALERT 100% FREE

    “I’m more worried about those kind of problems [rioting] in the U.S. and Europe; this is where social unrest is going to be worse,” Rogers told the Journal. “I would suspect that, when economic conditions get worse here and get worse in Europe, we’re going to see . . . you’ve seen governments fail in Europe; you’ve seen countries fail in Europe. I suspect you’re going to see more of it [rioting], yes.

    “We saw it in London; we’ve seen it in several countries in Europe in the last year or two. Yes, I expect to see it here, too. If you don’t, look out your window”

    The Euro’s Demise Has Been Set in Motion: Are you protected?

    "Nationalism will emerge. Healthier countries will not see fit to spend their hard earned money to bail out their less responsible neighbors."

    CLICK HERE to get your Free E-Book, “Why It’s Curtains for the Euro”

    When asked about Bernanke’s credibility regarding his latest FOMC public statement, in which he said the Fed will be able to contain inflation, Rogers became noticeably irritated.

    “Mr. Bernanke has zero credibility as far as I’m concerned.

    TheFederalReserve has zero credibility,” Rogers said forcefully. “Simon, go back at everything Mr. Bernanke has said in the last seven or eight years he’s been in Washington. He’s never been right about anything. The man has zero credibility for anyone who would take the time to look at his history.”

    As far as further inflation down the road, Rogers stated inflation is already in the pipeline, and will manifest in higher commodities and consumer prices—of which, historically, have lagged money supply expansion by six months to one year.

    As of the week ending Apr. 25, 2012, the Fed reported its balance sheet reached a total of $2.92 trillion, up from $2.71 trillion a year ago, and up from $920 billion in March 2008—well before the brunt of the financial crisis took its toll on markets later in 2008 and early 2009.

    A tripling of the Fed’s balance sheet within fours years won’t be the extent of the damage to the Fed’s debt monetizing scheme and the value of the U.S. dollar, according to Rogers, who sees much more Fed money printing to come as well as consumer price inflation as a result.

    “Absolutely, they’ve been printing staggering amounts of money; they’ve been taking staggering amounts of debt onto their balance sheet, much of it is garbage,” said Rogers. “The federal government is spending huge amounts of money they have. We have inflation in the U.S., and it’s going to get worse, Simon.”

    Rogers said investors have it easier today than prior to the crisis. It’s a heads-you-win, tails-you-win scenario. The emergence of Asia as a source of consumption of raw materials and finished goods will exact pressure on harder-to-find natural resources. If demand is crippled by the financial crisis, however, central banks will respond by debasing their respective currencies, forcing smart money into ‘things’ as a means of protecting wealth.

    “In times of inflation . . . that’s put it this way, if the economy gets better there will be shortages of those raw materials and I’m going to make money,” Rogers explained. “If the economy doesn’t get better Simon, they’re going to print a lot more money. Mr. Bernanke doesn’t know anything else but to print money. And throughout history when governments debase the currency, you protect yourself by owning real assets, whether it’s silver or rice, or whatever it happens to be.” [Emphasis added]

    Rogers’ take on the most popular asset class among investors who follow the American expat who now lives in Singapore—gold—is that, he holds the precious metal (and by extension, silver) as a reliable means of storing value during a globally coordinated money-printing policies executed among the world’s major central banks. He also discusses the virtues of owning oil as a play on ‘Peak Oil’ in addition to currency debasements.

    “I own both [gold and oil] of them,” Rogers said. “Gold has been up 11 years in a row which is extremely unusual for any asset. It’s consolidating; it wouldn’t surprise me if it continued to consolidate. If it goes down a lot more, I hope I buy a lot more. I’m not selling my gold by any stretch of the imagination.”

    Rogers added about oil, “The surprise with oil is going to be how high it stays and how high it goes. Simon, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has done a study. The world’s known reserves of oil are in steady decline. We have to find a lot of oil or the price of oil is going to unheard of heights.”

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  3. #563
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Bill Ayers Calls on Students to ‘Act’ and Join Him in ‘Driving Out NATO’ From Chicago
    May 8, 2012

    Last week, The Blaze reported on Bill Ayers’ speech to a group of University of Oregon students, where he declared that America’s “game is over” and predicted that “another world” is coming.

    But it turns out, those were not the only significant comments in the speech. Later on, Ayers called the students to “action” – any kind of action — but specifically, Ayers wants the youth to help him “drive NATO out” of Chicago.

    He began:
    It is important for us to remember in this regard that the opposite of moral is not immoral – the opposite of immoral is indifferent. It’s not paying attention. And so Mary Oliver says ‘pay attention,’ and then she says, ‘be astonished.’ And I love that because it’s astonishing, not only the things I was just saying, the kind of unearned suffering, the undeserved pain, that’s astonishing. But also the beauty and the ecstasy and the joy is astonishing. So, be astonished at all of it. And then tell about it, or in my vocabulary, do something.
    It is unclear whether Ayers was referring to his radical past when he says, “or in my vocabulary, do something,” but some of Ayers’ most memorable actions, to many, were the series of bombing campaigns he participated in in response to the Vietnam war.

    Ayers continued by repeatedly urging the students to “do something” in their own lives:
    Do something. You have to do something when the world shows itself. Your partial knowledge, your partial understanding of what’s going on requires you to act – and that action is not prescribed. It’s something you have to invent, you have to figure out with other people, but you have to act. And, your action doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be something. And for those of you who are young… young activists or older activists or whatever– the important thing about acting is that there’s the possibility of changing things. There’s also the possibility of changing yourself. But the way we develop an identity, the way we know who we are, is by acting in the world. It’s by leaving, you know, some kind of abrasion in the world.
    The word “abrasion” generally has a negative connotation, used to describe cuts or, according to Merriam Webster’s dictionary, “an area damaged by scraping or wearing away.” In urging the students to act and leave an abrasion on the world, is it not possible that — especially coming from a man whose most memorable “actions” in life included bombs — the students could interpret his comments as encouraging something other than peace?

    Ayers proceeded to tell students that it’s “not enough” to simply “smoke joints” and have good ideas — they have to “do something.” In particular, Ayers encouraged the students to follow in his footsteps and be someone who “stands against nuclear weapons”:
    So it’s not enough to simply have good ideas and then sit on your couch smoking a joint. That’s not enough. You have to do more, you have to do something. And you do something, as I say, in part to define yourself. So I happened to be born in the year that Nagasaki and Hiroshima were destroyed; I was born that year. So I didn’t choose to be born in a world of nuclear war, but I was, and so were you. Each of us has a responsibility to choose, then, who to be in light of that nuclear war.

    So I find myself from the time I was 16-years old in demonstrations against nuclear weapons. Am I going to win? I have no idea. You know, I don’t know whether…my calculus isn‘t that I’m going to win. My calculus is that I am a person born in the nuclear age who stands against nuclear weapons. I want you to be that person, too.
    Finally, Ayers encourages the impressionable youth to join him in Chicago to “drive NATO out of the city.” He warns that the mayor may throw them in jail, but, “would you please come?” he asks:
    I want you to come to Chicago in mid-May and join us to help drive NATO out of the city. Would you please come? May 20th. The Iraq veterans are leading it, but we’re going to try to get NATO to leave the city, and Mayor Rahm Emanuel is just determined to put us all in jail. So if you want to hang out longer and have a longer conversation…um, much longer, come to Chicago.
    If there ends up being large scale violence, we'll split this Chicago/NATO stuff off into its own thread for coverage.

  4. #564
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Second City Cop Blog - Well Lookie Here
    April 29, 2012

    This photo is making the rounds:

    This is part or the whole of an extensive stash of bottles recovered in the 010th District the other day. All filled with human waste and no doubt whatever extra fecal matter the ne'er-do-wells were able to pick up on the parkways. Counts range from 100 to 500 bottles recovered depending on the rumor you believe.

    We're sure this isn't the only stash floating around out there. How about the Department try something novel and get the media to cover what the protestors and anarchists are planning and maybe get the public overwhelmingly on our side?

  5. #565
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    Who would DO such a thing?
    Libertatem Prius!

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  6. #566
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson View Post

    Who would DO such a thing?
    Liberals, progressives, anarchists, socialists and communists.

    Basically all those takers at war against the producers.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  7. #567
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Quote Originally Posted by Malsua View Post
    Liberals, progressives, anarchists, socialists and communists.

    Basically all those takers at war against the producers.
    No WAY!?? I thought they were all such nice guys.....
    Libertatem Prius!

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  8. #568
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Let's see...

    Chicago of all places is where the Obama Administration chose to have their NATO summit.

    Rahm Emanuel, former White House Chief of Staff is now running the City.

    Obama launched his political career in Bill Ayers living room who is now organizing for the NATO riots and been to the White House many times since he's been in office.

    Obama Administration has carefully choreographed the escalation opportunity of this crisis below:

    Companion Posts:

    Companion Threads:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    If there ends up being large scale violence, we'll split this Chicago/NATO stuff off into its own thread for coverage.

    Bill Ayers Calls on Students to ‘Act’ and Join Him in ‘Driving Out NATO’ From Chicago

    Last week, The Blaze reported on Bill Ayers’ speech to a group of University of Oregon students, where he declared that America’s “game is over” and predicted that “another world” is coming.

    (Related: Bill Ayers to University Students: America‘s ’Game Is Over‘ and ’Another World’ Is Coming)

    But it turns out, those were not the only significant comments in the speech. Later on, Ayers called the students to “action” – any kind of action — but specifically, Ayers wants the youth to help him “drive NATO out” of Chicago.
    He began:
    It is important for us to remember in this regard that the opposite of moral is not immoral– the opposite of immoral is indifferent. It’s not paying attention. And so Mary Oliver says ‘pay attention,’ and then she says, ‘be astonished.’ And I love that because it’s astonishing, not only the things I was just saying, the kind of unearned suffering, the undeserved pain, that’s astonishing. But also the beauty and the ecstasy and the joy is astonishing. So, be astonished at all of it. And then tell about it, or in my vocabulary, do something.
    It is unclear whether Ayers was referring to his radical past when he says, “or in my vocabulary, do something,” but some of Ayers’ most memorable actions, to many, were the series of bombing campaigns he participated in in response to the Vietnam war.

    Bill Ayers's mugshot.

    Ayers continued by repeatedly urging the students to “do something” in their own lives:
    Do something. You have to do something when the world shows itself. Your partial knowledge, your partial understanding of what’s going on requires you to act– and that action is not prescribed. It’s something you have to invent, you have to figure out with other people, but you have to act. And, your action doesn’t have to be perfect, it just has to be something. And for those of you who are young… young activists or older activists or whatever– the important thing about acting is that there’s the possibility of changing things. There’s also the possibility of changing yourself. But the way we develop an identity, the way we know who we are, is by acting in the world. It’s by leaving, you know, some kind of abrasion in the world.
    The word “abrasion” generally has a negative connotation, used to describe cuts or, according to Merriam Webster’s dictionary, “an area damaged by scraping or wearing away.” In urging the students to act and leave an abrasion on the world, is it not possible that — especially coming from a man whose most memorable “actions” in life included bombs — the students could interpret his comments as encouraging something other than peace?

    Ayers proceeded to tell students that it’s “not enough” to simply “smoke joints” and have good ideas — they have to “do something.” In particular, Ayers encouraged the students to follow in his footsteps and be someone who “stands against nuclear weapons”:
    So it’s not enough to simply have good ideas and then sit on your couch smoking a joint. That’s not enough. You have to do more, you have to do something. And you do something, as I say, in part to define yourself. So I happened to be born in the year that Nagasaki and Hiroshima were destroyed; I was born that year. So I didn’t choose to be born in a world of nuclear war, but I was, and so were you.

    Each of us has a responsibility to choose, then, who to be in light of that nuclear war.

    So I find myself from the time I was 16-years old in demonstrations against nuclear weapons. Am I going to win? I have no idea. You know, I don’t know whether…my calculus isn‘t that I’m going to win. My calculus is that I am a person born in the nuclear age who stands against nuclear weapons. I want you to be that person, too.
    Finally, Ayers encourages the impressionable youth to join him in Chicago to “drive NATO out of the city.” He warns that the mayor may throw them in jail, but, “would you please come?” he asks:
    I want you to come to Chicago in mid-May and join us to help drive NATO out of the city. Would you please come? May 20th. The Iraq veterans are leading it, but we’re going to try to get NATO to leave the city, and Mayor Rahm Emanuel is just determined to put us all in jail. So if you want to hang out longer and have a longer conversation…um, much longer, come to Chicago.

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    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    NATO summit security chiefs dispel rumors at meeting with business leaders

    BY DAVID ROEDER Business Reporter
    May 8, 2012 8:27PM

    Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy, left, and Lori Healey of the Chicago NATO Host Committee talk before a NATO summit outreach briefing for members of the business community at the Chase Bank Tower Auditorium, 10 S. Dearborn St., Tuesday, May 8, 2012, in Chicago. | John J. Kim~Sun-Times

    Updated: May 9, 2012 10:18AM

    The security quarterbacks for the NATO summit spent much of their time responding to rumors Tuesday night during a session to address questions from downtown business leaders.

    Most in the audience said they believe the May 20-21 summit will come off without problems and with minimal headaches for the locals. But a few questions indicated lingering fears of something going haywire.

    One person asked about rumors that the city’s banks will be “attacked” starting Sunday. Robert Grant, special agent in charge of the FBI Chicago office, said he believed no such scheme is in the works and that police are ready if anybody tries it.

    Is it true “anarchists” are going to hit “soft targets” in the neighborhoods? Grant said he had no inkling of any plan.

    As for a suggestion attributed to an office building manager that downtown workers eschew business attire so protesters won’t target them, there was widespread derision.

    Arnette Heintze, security consultant for the city, said, “If you’re relying on that sort of expert to get security advice from, then you’re in trouble.

    Come to work like you come to work. Dress as you do every day.”

    Police Supt. Garry McCarthy said that with all officers’ days off canceled for the summit and the department temporarily going to 12-hour shifts, businesses and residents will see increased police presence not only downtown, but throughout Chicago.

    City and federal officials said their handling of the summit and the protesters it could draw will be flexible and agile. While McCormick Place, site of the summit, will have a security perimeter, residents and businesses near it will have full access, they said.

    “If you drive in the area, you will drive to your house,” said Frank Benedetto, special agent in charge of the U.S. Secret Service in Chicago.

    Officials emphasized the importance of companies signing up with the city’s for alerts about security issues.

    Michael Cornicelli, executive vice president of the Building Owners and Managers Association of Chicago, said he’s confident the summit will be handled well. “Chicagoans are pretty resilient if we know what’s happening,” he said.

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    New Black Panther leader predicts increased racial violence after Nov. election

    Joe Newby

    New Black Panther leader Malik Zulu Shabazz
    Photo credit:

    Malik Zulu Shabazz, the national chairman of the New Black Panther Party, predicted there would be an increase in racial violence following the re-election of Barack Obama in November.

    In audio dated Tuesday, May 8, Shabazz said the group would play an active role in the 2012 election.

    "Y’all move out fast and get ready quick, fast, in a hurry,” he said.

    Speaking on an Internet radio program, he said that Obama has the support of minorities, gays and what he described as the white "MSNBC vote."

    Those who oppose Obama do so purely out of racism, he added.

    "I’m telling you that these 60% of white people who are against Barack Obama are going to be very, very, very angry come November when they lose again because the white ego and the white male ego, which is represented in the conservative movement and the Republican party, and the Tea Party, and these right-wingers and these gun-toters, are very racist, and they don’t believe that they should be ruled over by black people, and they’re going to become even more hostile than they are right now,” he said.

    After calling First Lady Michelle Obama a "beautiful black woman," and claiming that having her as First Lady "is a blow to the white man’s ego," he warned that "hate crimes are going to be on the rise. George Zimmermans are going to be on the rise."

    "What am I predicting? That acts of racism and violence and hatred towards black people are going to be on the rise, because white people fear that their influence is slipping and that their wall is slipping and that their country is being taken from them,” he added.

    But Shabazz wasn't finished.

    Towards the end of his rant, he made a chilling statement:
    “And they’re going to cling to their God and their guns. We might have to, too. We gotta get ready fast, sisters and brothers. We have the summer to get ready, because we don’t know what’s coming down the pipes. And so we gotta get strong, and we gotta get there fast.”
    Violent rhetoric is nothing new for Shabazz, who said in April the group needs to kill in self defense.

    During the 2008 election, members of the organization were videotaped engaging in voter intimidation. The Justice Department, led by Eric Holder, however, refused to prosecute the group, and the Attorney General claimed the controversy was "made up."

    Audio of Shabazz's comments can be heard at The Blaze.

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Ya think?

    It's going to start with the "New Black Panther Party" if Obama loses too....
    Libertatem Prius!

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    NATO Protesters Arrested After Storming Obama Campaign Headquarters in Chicago

    (Photo: Twitchy)

    Kicking off what they have termed “a week without capitalism” ahead of the upcoming NATO Summit, dozens of protesters slipped past security guards this morning in Chicago and rushed Obama’s campaign headquarters.

    (Related: Bill Ayers Calls on Students to ‘Act’ and Join Him in ‘Driving Out NATO’ From Chicago)

    It wasn’t long before eight members of the group were caught and escorted away in handcuffs, as the crowd cheered them on and sang, according to reports, folk and gospel songs.

    (Photo: Screen Shot WGNTV)

    Chicago’s WGNTV explains:
    Guards locked the revolving doors, but protesters slipped through unlocked doors off to the sides. Some pushed past a security guard who tried to block their entry but quickly gave up as protesters poured through the doorway.

    About a dozen uniformed Chicago police officers entered the lobby and stood quietly at the back of the protest group as a demonstrator on the second floor read a statement, echoed by the few dozen demonstrators in the lobby below.

    Workers on their way to the escalators filed quietly through the lobby, most hardly taking notice of the demonstration.
    Here is video of the event, via MSNBC:

    Many members of the group are reportedly from the Catholic Worker communities, and say they are pledged to non-violence, but according to WGNTV’s continued description:
    A handful of protesters remained inside near the elevator banks to the upper floors and refused to leave when asked by the building manager and police. They were handcuffed and escorted out a side door, singing “This Little Light of Mine.”

    As they were led to a police van, a throng of protestors standing behind a wall of officers with bicycles sang “Ain’t Going to Study War No More” and cheered and thanked those who were arrested.
    “We are here today to boldly proclaim our desire to live in a world where we say no to NATO and yes to community,” said Chantal de Alacuaz from Chicago. “As Catholic Workers, we serve the poor by practicing the works of mercy–feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, taking care of the sick and the works of war are directly opposed to that.”

    (Photo: Screen Shot WGNTV)

    But the question remains: How would people who spend their days protesting have enough food to feed themselves, let alone others?

    Twitchy captured a final exemplary tweet from someone at the event:

    “Time to disappear..gotta find free food.”

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    Obama is synonymous with NATO now? Good grief....
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    That looks kind of like a hellfire underneath it...
    NATO Summit : Domestic Surveillance Drone Spotted Near Chicago (May 12, 2012)

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    What are the Democrats planning that would make the average American want to renounce their citizenship?

    Companion Thread:

    Schumer Introduces Ex-PATRIOT Act: Will Banish Those Who Renounce US Citizenship

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/17/2012 09:17 -0400

    What comes after Banana Republic? Because America is it - after last week Facebook co-founder, and native Brazilian, Eduardo Saverin announced he would denounce his US citizenship, America has decided to make it virtually illegal to denounce one's citizenship in what can only be classified as the dumbest proposed law in recent history: meet the Ex-PATRIOT Act (Expatriation Prevention by Abolishing Tax-Related Incentives for Offshore Tenancy) proposed by Chick Schumer and Bob Casey. One wonders just how much taxpayer money was spent to pay naming consultants to come up with this witty acronym for a law that can only be classified as utter idiocy. Here is our suggestion for the follow up law: The "GULAG" Act: Get Ur Laughable Asses Gone (although we are open to any other non-taxpayer funded acronym suggestions). From ABC:

    Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., has a status update for Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin: Stop attempting to dodge your taxes by renouncing your U.S. citizenship or never come to back to the U.S. again.

    In September 2011, Saverin relinquished his U.S. citizenship before the company announced its planned initial public offering of stock, which will debut this week. The move was likely a financial one, as he owns an estimated 4 percent of Facebook and stands to make $4 billion when the company goes public. Saverin would reap the benefit of tax savings by becoming a permanent resident of Singapore, which levies no capital gains taxes.

    At a news conference this morning, Sens. Schumer and Bob Casey, D-Pa., will unveil the "Ex-PATRIOT" - "Expatriation Prevention by Abolishing Tax-Related Incentives for Offshore Tenancy" - Act to respond directly to Saverin's move, which they dub a "scheme" that would "help him duck up to $67 million in taxes."

    The senators will call Saverin's move an "outrage" and will outline their plan to re-impose taxes on expatriates like Saverin even after they flee the United States and take up residence in a foreign country. Their proposal would also impose a mandatory 30 percent tax on the capital gains of anybody who renounces their U.S. citizenship.

    The plan would bar individuals like Saverin from ever reentering the United States again.

    "Eduardo recently found it more practical to become a resident of Singapore since he plans to live there for an indefinite period of time," Tom Goodman, Saverin's spokesman, told Bloomberg News in an email.

    Last year 1,700 people renounced their U.S. citizenship.
    So going forward everyone who no longer wants a US passport will have to check a box:

    • Are you no longer a US citizen for tax purposes: Yes / No.

    And to think there are those who inexplicably say America's elected officials are idiots, and central planning is sure to fail...
    Last edited by vector7; May 17th, 2012 at 16:57. Reason: Companion Thread Link

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    The US is the ONLY country that hunts it's own citizens down in foreign countries now to make them pay taxes.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    This should have been posted this in your Americans Renouncing Citizenship Over High Taxes thread.

    I'll reference it in a Companion Thread.

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    just post it there too.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Thursday, May 17, 2012

    Chicago NATO Command and Communications Operations Update

    Shortwave America knew that the mainstream media was not telling Chicago residents everything, and that they were being good sheeple to appease the whims of the united States Federal Government. Chicagoans have been asking questions for months now about why the security boundaries were drawn the way they were and just how NATO is operating inside their city boundaries under the protection of a whole slew of U.S. federal protection.

    Today, Shortwave America set out to get those questions answered. Today, the citizens of the world even beyond the borders of the city of Chicago know everything. Here is a PDF File from Chicago Police News Affairs regarding media access and related issues.

    In the NATO Communications Guide and Live Communications Coverage post here at Shortwave America, we know which systems they are using and which other communications systems should be watched all while following NATO live from this publication.

    There is now photographic evidence on hand to back up the story that is being told here. These new and yet untold details will help you follow NATO while they convene in Chicago.

    Let's start with the locations of the various Command and Communications Posts:

    There are multiple sites starting at Navy Pier (Command and Communications site #1). The Hollyhock is stationed there, and her transponder HAS INDEED been turned off. At Navy Pier on the secure side of the Chicago Locks operations area is the U.S. Coast Guard Command and Communications operation.

    Just behind this secure gate is the U.S. Coast Guard NATO Command and Communications Post

    This U.S. NATO Command and Communications Post has VHF, UHF, EHF, SHF, and HF communications running
    Here we see the communications and surveillance system at the U.S. Coast Guard NATO Command Post which visibly includes an inverted V wire antenna for HF communications.
    Here we see the opposite side of the U.S. Coast Guard NATO Command Operation

    The U.S. Coast Guard NATO Command Post tent, assumed to be a mess tent or maybe medical ops

    U.S. Coast Guard equipment trailers for the NATO operation inside their Command Post
    The next location (#2) is the Chicago Police Department boat house next to the Chicago Locks. In the photos below, we see the Coast Guard patrolling the locks and river side of the operation for NATO, and the Chicago Police boat house itself, along with some of the marine support vessels to include the Chicago Fire Department as always.

    NATO Command and Communications location number three is the Chicago Museum Campus itself. The greater compliment of operations are based out of the Chicago Field Museum. In the photos below, we see the U.S. Secret Service, various other government agencies and also various consulates operating at the Field Museum.

    Everything looks like a normal museum operation until you see the opposite side of the building facing Soldier Field

    No snipers YET

    The Chicago Shedd Aquarium, part of the NATO Command and Communications operation

    This vehicle displays a U.S. Secret Service window placard, parked outside of the Field Museum

    The U.S. Secret Service vehicle with the window placard above

    U.S. Secret Service and other government agents enter and depart during busy NATO Command and Communications operations at the Field Museum on May 17th, 2012

    U.S. Secret Service Agents briefly meeting in front of the Field Museum on May 17th, 2012. Yes, I overheard everything they said as I walked by.

    These vehicles belong to the U.S. Secret Service, various consulates, and other government agencies. They are parked outside of the Field Museum

    NATO Command and Communications operation number 4 is at the Burnham Harbor parking lot just across the way from Northerly Island and adjacent to the old McCormick Place. In the photos below, we see various members of the military / Homeland Security guarding the operation, meeting with superiors. We also see the greater cross section of the operation to include their communications and surveillance equipment which includes cellular and microwave frequency operation.

    Next up is aviation and ground support operations! Many Chicago residents have witnessed the U.S. Coast Guard aggressively patrolling the skies, along with military and other helicopters. Shortwave America has not only photos, but the exact details on head of state and dignitary transportation operations. Other information includes that which is already publicly available data on the Homeland Security helicopters for all of you aviation enthusiasts.

    Before we get to the photos, here is how the dignitary / head of state transportation is working! The military and Homeland Security helicopters meet the honored guests at area airports. Those airports are O'Hare, Chicago Executive, Rockford, and one other airport that is unconfirmed. They then fly the guests to Northerly Island (used to be Meigs Field) at Burnham Harbor, where they are are then transported under heavily armed guard using U.S. Government buses and unmarked vans to the old McCormick Place. They are then taken into and through that building to the new McCormick Place and they are also taken DIRECTLY to the NEW McCormick Place building thus bypassing the old McCormick Place and escorted into an entrance just to the North of the public entrance. (all of this was personally observed). This can also be confirmed by way of the NATO Security Transportation Plan PDF file at the Shortwave America NATO Communications Guide and Live Communications Coverage post.

    Information above explains why they drew the street closures the way they did. Get it now? Museum Campus being used for operations, Burnham Harbor being used for operations, Northerly Island being used for operations, Lake Shore Drive and Balbo is staging for Chicago Streets and Sanitation equipment, etc.

    The reverse order will be taken when NATO guests leave.

    Here are the photos!!

    Head of State, Dignitary, and Government employee transportation at the old McCormick Place

    Government license plate on the buses, any questions?
    Coast Guard patrol flies North and then South to 31st and Lake Shore Drive in repeat fashion

    Unidentified chopper serving on May 17th 2012 as part of aviation operations for NATO

    United States Military Helicopter Transportation for NATO

    Close - Up of said NATO Chopper#1

    U.S. Department of Homeland Security choppers in formation heading NORTH from Burnham Harbor on May 17th, 2012

    Close-Up of Homeland Security Chopper May 17, 2012

    WLS / ABC Chopper 7 was escorted through the flight restricted path by Homeland Security choppers pictured above

    Close - Up of Homeland Security chopper showing the variety of helos used for this operation

    This formation went South to North and then back South to Burnham Harbor

    Homeland Security chopper with side door open heading NORTH

    A search of the U.S. FAA Aircraft Registration System revealed the information contained in the screen shots below:

    Streets and San at Lake Shore Drive and Balbo. Lake Shore Drive is behind me in the photo.

    Opposite side of Streets and San staging at Balbo crossing lake Shore Drive, Lake Shore Drive is behind me in the photo

    Streets and San staging on Lake Shore Drive facing the lake front at Balbo

    Burnham Harbor is absolutely empty of any water vessels

    As I started further south to see what else I might find, this reporter crossed through the Chicago Police Gold Star Families Park, the Chicago Fire Department Memorial Park, and the walk was VERY surreal because you could FEEL the tension in the air as joggers and cyclists watchfully went about their daily exercize. No one wanted to make a friendly greeting to other people, even a smile and wave were seen suspiciously. At Lakeshore Drive and 31st street, I met up with a photog from the Chicago Tribune who told me that even the Trib was having trouble identifying the aircraft and determining their operations in regard to NATO. After seeing my photos, the photog called his office and told them my findings. Let's just say it was a very short conversation.

    One important observation made through this day long trek was 7 to 8 foot high steel grate fences linked together were seen almost everywhere when it came to major roadsides and overpasses. The fence sections are approximately three to four feet across.

    The greater amount of Federal resource and Law Enforcement presence was observed at the various Chicago Federal Buildings. What had previously been just a few vehicles here and there were now street lengths deep and even the local side streets / alleyways near the Federal buildings were packed with Federal Protective Service / Homeland Security Police vehicles.

    Homeland Security emergency generator and lighting equipment parked outside of one of the downtown Chicago Federal buildings

    The above generator and lighting were attached to this pick-up truck

    Homeland Security Van for personnel / arrestee / equipment transport

    Chicago Police Special Operations unit Officers hold a mini-conference with Homeland Security Police on one of the many near-by alleyways mentioned earlier

    This reporter did speak to Homeland Security Officers who state that they expect the city to absolutely erupt in never before seen violence over the weekend. The officers spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press. While speaking with the officers, it was observed that their radio transmissions are in the clear as of this time.

    One other thing that is proven by this report: Taxpayers are INDEED on the hook for this NATO fiasco! All of this costs money, and it isn't coming from thin air! Hey, Rahmbo and Obummer....where are the funds coming from? WE WANT TO KNOW!!!!

    Thanks to all of you for choosing Shortwave America as your up to date source for NATO 2012!

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Chicago Braces for Leftist Violence and Mayhem

    Posted By Matthew Vadum On May 18, 2012 @ 12:28 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 41 Comments

    The Left’s violent attacks on the yet-to-begin NATO summit in Chicago are already underway as anti-American activists hope to recreate the mayhem that accompanied the 1999 WTO protests in Seattle. Radicals clamoring for “change” have said for months that the actions in Chicago are only the beginning.

    During a heart-warming “F*** the Police” protest action Tuesday night in Chicagoland, mask-wearing demonstrators clad in black clothing carried communist and anarchist flags in hopes of winning the hearts and minds of Middle America. One area resident described the raucous march as “scary.”

    Leftists and union goons terrorized entire neighborhoods, creating makeshift barricades, dragging dumpsters into the streets, and upending garbage cans. One anarchist apparently beat up an 80-year-old man.

    Management at a downtown housing complex in Chicago is warning residents to flee to safety before Occupy demonstrators switch into full rage-against-the-machine mode. The Library Tower Condominium Association sent out a letter indicating that management “is STRONGLY recommending that all residents find places to stay during the conference from May 18 through May 21.”

    When the nations of the G8 and NATO begin meeting this weekend, the Occupy Wall Street movement and its allies plan to press their demands.

    Occupiers want an economy-killing “Robin Hood Tax” to be imposed on financial transactions, an international agreement to curb carbon emissions, and “a nuclear-free Middle East” (translation: the unilateral nuclear disarmament of Israel), according to Adbusters, Kalle Lasn’s left-wing magazine that helped to lay the groundwork for the Occupy movement.

    Chicago demonstrators won’t be able to protest the G8 summit unless they’re willing to do a lengthy weekend commute. That conference was supposed to take place alongside the NATO conference in Chicago but was relocated to Camp David in Maryland.

    The steadily increasing levels of violence from Occupiers may be related to anarchists’ apparently growing influence in the movement. “Anarchist occupiers are energized and their visceral tactics are attracting members,” according to Adbusters, which praised the brutal techniques anarchists used during May Day actions. “Now, the power of the Black Bloc is growing within Occupy and pushing the movement in unexpected directions.”

    Useful idiot Aaron Hughes, an organizer with Iraq Veterans Against the War, will also play a role in the protests this weekend. He said he intends to lead a cohort of veterans to the NATO summit. Hughes and other misguided souls plan to return –John Kerry-style— the service medals they earned in Iraq.

    Meanwhile, President Obama’s favorite labor organization, the Service Employees International Union, is subsidizing demonstrators by providing Washington, D.C. office space worth $4,000 a month to the Occupy Wall Street movement. Interviewed in that space one Occupy activist ill-suited for abstract thought, Johnny Mandracchia, shared his unusual definition of the word violence with Katie Pavlich of Townhall magazine. It is not violence to smash the windows of a Starbucks coffee shop, said the self-described anarcho-syndicalist, “because Starbucks isn’t a private business – it’s a corporation.” Such acts, including the burning of police cars, are merely examples of vandalism, he said.

    While Professor Mandracchia was imparting his novel ideas about law, Obama pals Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn were busy helping the anti-American activists who hope to violently disrupt the approaching NATO summit in Chicago.

    Ayers and Dohrn are the close personal friends of Obama who launched his political career with a fundraiser in their Chicago living room when he ran for the Illinois state senate. The small-c communist confab for cash took place several years after the conclusion of a lengthy firebombing campaign conducted by the now-married couple’s terrorist group, the Weather Underground. Ayers and Dohrn escaped justice on a legal technicality after law enforcement personnel failed to cross every “t” and dot every “i” in their quest for evidence against the couple.

    Some Obama critics say Ayers may have even written Obama’s well received first autobiography, Dreams From My Father.

    Freshly returned from a sojourn in Marxist fantasy land, Dohrn seemed to echo the late radical lawyer William Kunstler’s infamous observation that the police constitute “an army of occupation” in American cities.

    Although the security dragnet enveloping Chicagoland is prompted by a well-founded belief that Occupy-associated groups and fanatics like Dohrn pose a threat to public safety, the wrinkly terrorist bomber blames NATO for the creation of “restricted zones” and “the shutdown of universities and colleges, the shutdown of businesses, the closings of the major museums here, it is being treated as really a practice military zone.”

    What Dohrn really means is that the so-called right of unhinged nihilistic protesters to run wild in the streets is more important than the right of Chicago’s citizens to defend their persons and property from attack.
    Predictably, for propaganda purposes Dohrn deliberately misdescribed the NATO conference as “war games,” evoking images of destroyers on Lake Michigan shelling the Sears Tower.

    Dohrn told fellow travelers such as host Amy Goodman at “Democracy Now!” that instead of getting together in Chicago representatives of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization should be meeting “in an underground bunker or on a remote island.” For her part, Goodman euphemistically described Dorhn and Ayers merely as “two veteran activists.”

    Zoe Sigman of Occupy Chicago amplified Dohrn’s points at a press conference.

    Sigman called NATO leaders “warmongers” invading Chicago and “the military arm of the 1 percent.” The “warnings of violence downtown echo the reality of police repression” that some Chicagoans face in their everyday lives. “NATO,” Sigman said, “is a symptom of the global system of violence and oppression at the hands of the 1 percent.”

    Of course Sigman did not discuss Occupy Wall Street and the spectacularly violent satellite protests it has spawned in cities across the U.S. and around the world. Radical activists are responsible for hundreds of crimes, including assault, rape, arson, rioting, robbery, and a host of others. But deluded true believers don’t quite see it that way. They see the police and institutions as the problem.

    Ayers told Goodman that the authorities in Chicago are the real troublemakers.

    “What they’re doing and what they’ve been doing for months is to kind of deflect attention from NATO onto the idea that somehow the protests create a threat,” he said.

    “They’re shutting Lakeshore Drive. They’re shutting the trains. They’re closing exits off the freeways. And they’re creating a kind of culture of fear,” said Ayers, an expert in creating a culture of fear.

    “We insist that this is a family-friendly, nonviolent, permitted march. And all the kind of hysteria about what’s about to happen is really brought on by the police. I don’t think anything is going to happen, except that they are creating the conditions for a police riot, once again. They’re creating the conditions for more repression. And this is a very bad thing.”

    Far-left activists from the Catholic Worker movement kicked off “A Week Without Capitalism” in Chicago by invading an office building housing the Obama reelection campaign headquarters. They claimed to be advancing “nonviolent resistance to the corporate G8/NATO agenda.”

    On the other side in Chicago is Mayor Rahm Emanuel, himself a radical Saul Alinsky-inspired thug, who previously served as Obama’s White House chief of staff. Emanuel has beefed up security in the Windy City and taken other steps such as boosting fines for resisting a police officer in anticipation of the demonstrations.

    Thousands of out-of-state police officers are streaming into Chicago to help deal with Ayers’s family-friendly nonviolent demonstrators. Law enforcement personnel would be wise to bring their batons and gas masks.

    Freedom Center pamphlets now available on Kindle: Click here.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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