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Thread: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

  1. #1
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    White House Green Jobs Adviser: Republicans Are 'Assholes'

    Van Jones, the Obama administration's "green jobs" adviser, is seen in a video from earlier in the year calling out Republicans for stonewalling Democratic legislation.
    Wednesday, September 02, 2009
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    Van Jones, the Obama administration's "green jobs" adviser, told a group of listeners earlier in the year that the reason Republicans are stonewalling the president is because they're "assholes."
    Jones' remarks were recorded in a video from February that was posted to YouTube.
    He made the remark during an energy lecture in Berkeley, Calif., after a woman in the audience asked him why President Obama and congressional Democrats were having trouble moving legislation -- even though Republicans, with a smaller majority, didn't have as much trouble earlier in the Bush administration.
    "Well, the answer to that is, they're assholes," Jones said, to uproarious laughter. "That's a technical, political science term."
    The questioner responded, "I was afraid that that was the answer."
    But Jones said that, even though Obama is "not an asshole," others have to step up the fight.
    "Now, I will say this. I can be an asshole, and some of us who are not Barack Hussein Obama are going to have to start getting a little bit uppity," he said.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    See Video and kindly archive before it is conveniently "removed".
    This is a speech delivered by White House Green Jobs "Czar" Anthony K. (Van) Jones in Berkeley before a very leftist activist/student group, a few weeks after Obama was inaugurated.
    A relatively high-quality, recent, clear video of VAN JONES, with somewhat damaging public comments during this talk he made which could be part of the rope to hang his senior White House job.

    In this speech and presentation, Van Jones uses words such as "Comrades", "Maoists", discusses his strategy now that the White House has been seized how "Green Jobs" will be the initial beachhead by which to completely defeat the "status quo" with this revolutionary "new democracy", to further not only environmental issues but a variety of other political causes in the USA, and what the Radical Left can now do as they have "seized power" with Barack Obama, about how vulnerable "people are out of jobs" and this creates a receptive atmosphere to their words, discussing his own self being tear-gassed in Seattle for street violence at WTO, etc. etc. etc.

    I will say that he is rather eloquent (talks without notes, and mildly comical as in a stand up comedian sense), a very slick Socialist/Communist--but also arrogant and talking down to people. He mocked capitalism, he cracked an anti-police joke--in the vein of President Obama who sounded off his mouth recently on Harvard police w/out the facts--to the guffaws of the far leftist crowd. He also articulated how to use the post-election Barack Obama nationwide organization of 13 million to, online and otherwise, make life miserable for targeted conservative Senators. IMHO, this video will probably help usher in this man's removal from government. Mr. Jones' little comedic onstage dance while he indicated how the American people should be subtly indoctrinated to go along with this radical left-turn business was classic and most informative.
    Must see TV.
    Also, here (second video down):

    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    White House czar urged 'resistance' against U.S.
    Main speaker at rally sponsored by organization associated with Revolutionary Communist Party

    Posted: August 31, 2009
    8:20 pm Eastern

    By Aaron Klein
    © 2009 WorldNetDaily

    Van Jones

    JERUSALEM – President Obama's environmental adviser, Van Jones, was the main speaker at an anti-war rally that urged "resistance" against the U.S. government, WND has learned.

    The rally was sponsored by an organization associated with the Revolutionary Communist Party, which calls for the overthrow of the U.S. government and its replacement with a communist dictatorship.

    WND previously reported Jones, special adviser for green jobs, enterprise and innovation to the White House Council on Environmental Quality, is an admitted black nationalist and radical communist.

    In 2002, Jones was a keynote speaker at a rally at People's Park in Berkeley, Calif., to mark the national launch of Not In Our Name, a Maoist, terrorist-supporting, anti-war group founded by Revolutionary Communist Party member C. Clark Kissinger. People's Park was created during the radical political activism of the late 1960s.

    Jones spoke alongside Jeff Paterson, the first active-duty soldier to refuse orders to be part of the U.S. attack force during the Persian Gulf War.
    (Story continues below)

    Not In Our Name, which disbanded in March 2008, called on participants to take the "Pledge of Resistance," which begins with the following statement:
    We believe that as people living in the United States it is our responsibility to resist the injustices done by our government, in our names.
    The pledge continues:
    Not in our name will you invade countries bomb civilians, kill more children letting history take its course over the graves of the nameless ... We pledge resistance.
    We pledge alliance with those who have come under attack for voicing opposition to the war or for their religion or ethnicity."
    Not In Our Name hosted a number of radicals at its events.
    Get Glenn Beck's 'Common Sense' ... The case against an out-of-control government: Inspired by Thomas Paine
    At an Oct. 6, 2002, rally, according to a Discover the Networks profile, two of the specially invited guest speakers were former University of South Florida professor Sami Al-Arian, who was accused of involvement with the terrorist organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the radical attorney Lynne Stewart, who was convicted of illegally passing messages on behalf of her incarcerated client Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman – the terrorist mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

    According to a report on the website of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, while Jones was hosting a rally in Berkeley, a sister rally for Not In Our Name was held at nearby Martin Luther King Park.

    At that event, according to the site, 350 people marched through the streets behind a flatbed truck decorated with a huge "Not in Our Name" banner and a drawing of a "monstrous-looking" Uncle Sam stabbing the globe with a dagger.
    Jones was also a leader of a radical group, United for Peace and Justice, or UFPJ, of which his Ella Baker Human Rights Center was an associate. Not In My Name was an affiliate of UFPJ.

    The White House did not return multiple WND requests the past few weeks seeking comment on how Jones was screened for his position and whether the White House knew of his admitted radical past.

    Jones on 9/11: Blame U.S. 'imperialism'
    Last week, WND reported that one day after the 9/11 attacks, Jones led a vigil that expressed solidarity with Arab and Muslim Americans as well as what he called the victims of "U.S. imperialism" around the world.

    Jones was the founder and leader and of a radical group, the communist revolutionary organization Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM. The group, together with Jones' Elle Baker Center for Human Rights, led a vigil Sept. 12, 2001, at Snow Park in Oakland, Calif.
    STORM's official manifesto, titled, "Reclaiming Revolution," surfaced on the Internet.

    A WND review of the 97-page treatise found a description of the 2001 vigil in Oakland. The event drew hundreds and articulated an "anti-imperialist" line, according to STORM's own description.

    The radical group's manual boasted the 9/11 vigil was held to express solidarity with Arab and Muslim Americans and to mourn the civilians killed in the terrorist attacks "as well as the victims of U.S. imperialism around the world."

    "We honored those who lost their lives in the attack and those who would surely lose their lives in subsequent U.S. attacks overseas," STORM's manifesto recalls.

    Also, WND obtained a press release of Jones' vigil, dated Sept. 11, 2001, and titled, "People Of Color Groups Gather to Stand In Solidarity With Arab Americans and to Mourn the East Coast Dead."

    "Anti-Arab hostility is already reaching a fever pitch as pundits and common people alike rush to judgment that an Arab group is responsible for this tragedy," stated Jones in the release hours after the 9/11 attacks.

    "We fear that an atmosphere is being created that will result in official and street violence against Arab men, women and children," he said.
    Last week, Fox News Channel's Glenn Beck drew attention to a section of STORM's manual that describes Jones' organization as having a "commitment to the fundamental ideas of Marxism-Leninism."

    "We agreed with Lenin's analysis of the state and the party," reads the manifesto. "And we found inspiration in the revolutionary strategies developed by Third World revolutionaries like Mao Tse-tung and Amilcar Cabral."

    Cabral is the late Marxist revolutionary leader of Guinea-Bissau and the Cape Verde Islands.

    WND previously reported Jones named his son after Cabral and reportedly concludes every e-mail with a quote from the communist leader.
    STORM's newsletter boasted "we also saw our brand of Marxism as, in some ways, a reclamation."

    STORM worked with known communist leaders. It led the charge in black protests against various issues, including a local attempt to pass Proposition 21, a ballot initiative that sought to increase the penalties for violent crimes and require more juvenile offenders to be tried as adults.

    Speaking to the East Bay Express, Jones said he first became radicalized in the wake of the 1992 Rodney King riots, during which time he was arrested.

    "I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th," he said. "By August, I was a communist.

    "I met all these young radical people of color – I mean really radical: communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of.' I spent the next 10 years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary," he said.

    Trevor Loudon, a researcher and opponent of communism who runs the New Zeal blog identified several Bay Area communists who worked with STORM, including Elizabeth Martinez, who helped advise Jones' Ella Baker Human Rights Center, which Jones founded to advocate civil justice. Jones and Martinez also attended a "Challenging White Supremacy" workshop together.

    Martinez was a longtime Maoist who went on to join the Communist Party USA breakaway organization Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, or CCDS, in the early 1990s, according to Loudon. Martinez still serves on the CCDS council and is also a board member of the Movement for a Democratic Society, where she sits alongside former Weathermen radicals Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn.
    STORM eventually fell apart amid bickering among its leaders.

    Jones then moved on to environmentalism. He used his Ella Baker Center to advocate "inclusive" environmentalism and launch a Green-Collar Jobs Campaign, which led to the nation's first Green Jobs Corps in Oakland, Calif.

    At the Clinton Global Initiative in 2007, Jones announced the establishment of Green For All, which in 2008 held a national green conference in which most attendees were black. Jones also released a book, "The Green Collar Economy," which debuted at No.12 on the New York Times' bestseller list – the first environmental book written by an African American to make the list.

    Jones, formerly a self-described "rowdy black nationalist," boasted in a 2005 interview with the left-leaning East Bay Express that his environmental activism was a means to fight for racial and class "justice."

    Jones was president and founder of Green For All, a nonprofit organization that advocates building a so-called inclusive green economy.
    Until recently, Jones was a longtime member of the board of Apollo Alliance, a coalition of labor, business, environmental and community leaders that claims on its website to be "working to catalyze a clean energy revolution that will put millions of Americans to work in a new generation of high-quality, green-collar jobs."
    Last edited by Malsua; September 2nd, 2009 at 18:14.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    This guy is an anti-American piece of shit. Pick that up on your data mining you spying assholes.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    I think it's clear here who the asshole is.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    Czar's 'communist manifesto' scrubbed from Net
    Founded group with 'commitment to fundamental ideas of Marxism-Leninism'

    Posted: August 30, 2009
    7:15 pm Eastern

    By Aaron Klein
    © 2009 WorldNetDaily

    STORM's manifesto, 'Reclaiming Revolution'

    JERUSALEM – How is this for a quick clean up job?
    Last week, WND reported the official communist-oriented manifesto of a radical group founded by Obama's environmental adviser, Van Jones, was published in full on the Internet.

    Just hours later, the manifesto was removed and the entire website was taken down.
    It is, however, still available in web archives.

    As WND previously reported, Van Jones, special adviser for green jobs, enterprise and innovation to the White House Council on Environmental Quality, is an admitted black nationalist and radical communist.

    Jones was the leader and founder of a radical group, the communist revolutionary organization Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM.

    STORM's official manifesto, titled, "Reclaiming Revolution," had been published on the Internet.
    A WND review of the 97-page treatise found that the manual describes Jones' organization as having a "commitment to the fundamental ideas of Marxism-Leninism."

    "We agreed with Lenin's analysis of the state and the party," reads the manifesto. "And we found inspiration in the revolutionary strategies developed by Third World revolutionaries like Mao Tse-tung and Amilcar Cabral."

    Cabral is the late Marxist revolutionary leader of Guinea-Bissau and the Cape Verde Islands.

    WND previously reported Jones named his son after Cabral and reportedly concludes every e-mail with a quote from the communist leader.
    (Story continues below)

    STORM's manifesto boasted, "We also saw our brand of Marxism as, in some ways, a reclamation."
    One section of the manifesto described of a vigil that Jones' group held Sept. 12, 2001, at Snow Park in Oakland, Calif. The event drew hundreds and articulated an "anti-imperialist" line, according to STORM's own description.

    The radical group's manual boasted the 9/11 vigil was held to express solidarity with Arab and Muslim Americans and to mourn the civilians killed in the terrorist attacks "as well as the victims of U.S. imperialism around the world."

    "We honored those who lost their lives in the attack and those who would surely lose their lives in subsequent U.S. attacks overseas," STORM's manifesto recalls.

    The White House did not return multiple WND requests the past few weeks seeking comment on how Jones was screened for his position and whether the White House knew of his admitted radical past

    Speaking to the East Bay Express, Jones said he first became radicalized in the wake of the 1992 Rodney King riots, during which time he was arrested.
    "I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th," he said. "By August, I was a communist.

    "I met all these young radical people of color – I mean really radical: communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of.' I spent the next 10 years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary," he said.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    From David Horowitz's


    • Became a Communist in the aftermath of the 1992 "Rodney King riots" in Los Angeles
    • Founded the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights in 1996
    • Was active in the anti-Iraq War demonstrations organized by International ANSWER
    • Served as a board member of the Rainforest Action Network and Free Press
    • In March 2009, President Barack Obama named Jones to be his so-called "Green Jobs Czar."

    Born in 1968 in rural West Tennessee, Van Jones earned a B.A. degree from the University of Tennessee at Martin and then attended Yale Law School. During his years at Yale, Jones served as an intern with the San Francisco-based Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights (LCCR), which views the United States as an irredeemably racist nation and "champions the legal rights of people of color, poor people, immigrants and refugees, with a special commitment to African-Americans."

    Jones says that he first became politically radicalized in the aftermath of the deadly April 1992 Los Angeles riots which erupted shortly after four L.A. police officers who had beaten the infamous Rodney King were exonerated in court. "I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th," says Jones, who is black, "and then the verdicts came down on April 29th. By August, I was a communist."

    Jones was arrested during the L.A. riots and spent a short time in jail. "I met all these young radical people of color," he recalls, "I mean really radical: communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of.' I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary."

    After earning his Juris Doctorate from Yale in 1993, Jones relocated to San Francisco, where he helped establish Bay Area PoliceWatch, a hotline and lawyer-referral service that began as a project of LCCR. In 1996 he founded the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, which, claiming that the American criminal-justice system is infested with racism, seeks to promote alternatives to incarceration. According to the Baker Center:
    "Decades of disinvestment in our cities have led to despair and hopelessness. For poor communities and communities of color it's even worse, as excessive, racist policing and over-incarceration have left people even further behind."
    By the late 1990s, Jones was a committed Marxist-Leninist-Maoist who viewed police officers as the arch-enemies of black people, and who loathed capitalism for allegedly exploiting nonwhite minorities worldwide. He became a leading member of Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), a now-defunct Bay Area Marxist-Maoist collective that was staffed by members of various local nonprofits, a number of whom had ties to the Ella Baker Center.

    In the early 2000s, Jones and STORM were active in the anti-Iraq War demonstrations organized by International ANSWER, a front group for the Marxist-Leninist Workers World Party. STORM also had ties to the South African Communist Party and it revered Amilcar Cabral, the late Marxist revolutionary leader (of Guinea-Bissau and the Cape Verde Islands) who lauded Lenin as "the greatest champion of the national liberation of the peoples." (In 2006 Van Jones would name his own newborn son "Cabral" -- in Amilcar Cabral's honor.)

    During his tenure with STORM, Jones collaborated on numerous projects (including antiwar demonstrations) with local activist Elizabeth "Betita" Martinez, who served as a "mentor" for members of the Ella Baker Center. Martinez was a longtime Maoist who went on to join the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS), a Communist Party USA splinter group, in the early 1990s. To this day, Martinez continues to sit on the CCDS advisory board alongside such luminaries as Angela Davis, Timuel Black (who served on Barack Obama's 2004 Senate campaign committee), and musician Pete Seeger. Martinez is also a board member of the Movement for a Democratic Society, the parent organization of Progressives for Obama. Martinez and Van Jones together attended a "Challenging White Supremacy" workshop which advanced the theme that "all too often, the unconscious racism of white activists stands in the way of any effective, worthwhile collaboration" with blacks.

    In 2005 Jones and the Ella Baker Center produced the "Social Equity Track" for the United Nations' World Environment Day celebration, a project that eventually would evolve into the Baker Center's Green-Collar Jobs Campaign -- "a job-training and employment pipeline providing 'green pathways out of poverty' for low-income adults in Oakland."

    Soon after attending the Clinton Global Initiative in September 2007, Jones launched "Green For All," a non-governmental organization "dedicated to building an inclusive green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty … advocating for local, state and federal commitment to job creation, job training, and entrepreneurial opportunities in the emerging green economy - especially for people from disadvantaged communities."

    In 2008 Jones published his first book, The Green Collar Economy, which focused on environmental and economic issues. The book received favorable reviews from such notables as Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Laurie David, Winona LaDuke, environmentalist Paul Hawken, and NAACP President/CEO Ben Jealous.

    Jones has served as a board member of numerous environmental and nonprofit organizations, including the Rainforest Action Network; Free Press; Bioneers (which accepts the United Nations Millennium Ecosystem Report's warning that "[h]uman activity is putting such strain on the natural functions of Earth that the ability of the planet's ecosystems to sustain future generations can no longer be taken for granted"); the National Apollo Alliance (which seeks "to catalyze a clean energy revolution that will put millions of Americans to work in a new generation of high-quality, green-collar jobs"); the Social Venture Network (which aims "to build a just economy and sustainable planet"); and Julia Butterfly Hill's "Circle of Life" environmental foundation.

    Jones was also a Senior Fellow with the Center for American Progress and a Fellow at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
    In March 2009, President Barack Obama named Jones to be his so-called "Green Jobs Czar." Jones' formal title is "Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation" for the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

    In a July 2009 interview with Newsweek magazine, Jones said he could not explain exactly what a "green job" is:
    "Well, we still don't have a unified definition, and that's not unusual in a democracy. It takes a while for all the states and the federal government to come to some agreement. But the Department of Labor is working on it very diligently. Fundamentally, it's getting there, but we haven't crossed the finish line yet."
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    Saw this on Glenn Beck last night it says volumes about the Comrade in Charge.

    "But here's The One Thing: This isn't an accident. Obama's radical advisers are there for a reason: They're fighting a revolution"

    Glen Beck's show today

    The One Thing

    — By Glenn Beck

    Obama's radical advisers are fighting for a revolution

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    President Obama's Radical Advisers Are Fighting for Revolution

    Monday, August 31, 2009

    The most transparent White House in the history of the world still hasn't answered the questions we asked last week. You know, tough questions like: "Why does the president have so many Marxists, socialists, radicals and self-proclaimed communists advising him?"

    I'm still hopeful there is a simple explanation. Maybe President Obama just wasn't aware of their radical beliefs. After all, he sat in Reverend Wright's pews for 20 years and didn't catch on to the fact that Wright isn't too fond of America.

    But here's The One Thing: This isn't an accident. Obama's radical advisers are there for a reason: They're fighting a revolution — just not the kind with the tri-cornered hats.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    You know what? Fuck those assholes.

    I mean the Commies pieces of shit in Obama's cabinet.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    Hey Rick,

    them cabinet members would like it if we fucked their assholes. So, let's just pass on that idear.
    Beetle - Give me liberty or give me something to aim at.

    A monster lies in wait for me
    A stew of pain and misery
    But feircer still in life and limb
    the me that lays in wait for him

    Hey liberal!

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    You can't handle the truth!

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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    ewwww. ok
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Senior Member Beetle's Avatar
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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    Sure am glad you didn't follow threw with that one.
    Beetle - Give me liberty or give me something to aim at.

    A monster lies in wait for me
    A stew of pain and misery
    But feircer still in life and limb
    the me that lays in wait for him

    Hey liberal!

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    You can't handle the truth!

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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    Green Jobs Czar Says ‘White Polluters’ Steered Poison Into Minority Communities

    This guy is something!
    Beetle - Give me liberty or give me something to aim at.

    A monster lies in wait for me
    A stew of pain and misery
    But feircer still in life and limb
    the me that lays in wait for him

    Hey liberal!

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    You can't handle the truth!

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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    White House Green Jobs Adviser Apologizes for Calling Republicans 'Assholes'

    Van Jones, the Obama administration's "green jobs" adviser, is seen in a video from earlier in the year calling out Republicans for stonewalling Democratic legislation.
    Wednesday, September 02, 2009
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    Van Jones, the Obama administration's "green jobs" adviser, apologized Wednesday for calling Republicans "assholes," saying the comments were made before he joined the administration and "were clearly inappropriate."
    Jones had told a group of listeners earlier in the year that the reason Republicans are stonewalling the president is because they're "assholes," remarks that were recorded in a video and posted to YouTube.
    "I apologize for the offensive words I chose to use during that speech," Jones said in a written statement to Politico. "They do not reflect the views of this administration, which has made every effort to work in a bipartisan fashion, and they do not reflect the experience I have had since I joined the administration."
    He made the remarks in February during an energy lecture in Berkeley, Calif., after a woman in the audience asked him why President Obama and congressional Democrats were having trouble moving legislation -- even though Republicans, with a smaller majority, didn't have as much trouble earlier in the Bush administration.
    "Well, the answer to that is, they're assholes," Jones said, to uproarious laughter. "That's a technical, political science term."
    The questioner responded, "I was afraid that that was the answer."
    But Jones said that, even though Obama is "not an asshole," others have to step up the fight.
    "Now, I will say this. I can be an asshole, and some of us who are not Barack Hussein Obama are going to have to start getting a little bit uppity," he said.


    Start getting?
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    Woot! One less commie in gov't
    Van Jones resigns, White House 'green czar' blames others

    September 6, 9:23 AMWichita Independent ExaminerGeoff Caldwell

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    (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)

    Score one for common sense. Self-avowed radical Van Jones has resigned. Garance Franke-Ruta and Anne E. Kornblut are reporting in this morning's , the resignation came yesterday.
    In grand Van fashion, he did not accept responsibility, but instead blamed others for his downfall. From Franke-Ruta and Kornblut's story:
    "On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me,"
    "They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide."
    ..."Lies and distortions to distract and divide"...come on Mr. Jones, just who was doing the lying and distorting? Take the most recent event to surface from your past, YOUR signature on a petition from a group that asserts President Bush and the U.S. Government participated in the attacks of September 11th? Talk about lies and distortions.
    In Friday's column I pointed out that Jones had made a statement:
    the petition that was circulated today, I do not agree with this statement and it certainly does not reflect my views now or ever.
    in an attempt to quell the uproar, but he never could explain how his signature came to be on the petition in the first place.
    Jones and others of his ilk will no doubt try to spin this as a "right wing conspiracy" to block the great and glorious vision of the President, but Jones has no one to blame but himself. After a decade and a half of radicalism, the cause of his resignation has no other cause than his own actions.

    The saying goes, "the truth shall set ye free", thank God the truth finally set us free from Van Jones.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  16. #16
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    Van Jones: My Opponents Should ‘Sit Down and Shut Up’
    April 22, 2012

    Former Obama administration green jobs adviser Van Jones has a pretty straightforward message to his opponents: “Sit down and shut up.”

    He made the comments in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine this past week, when asked what “love of country” means to him. [bold added]
    It means I love Americans—the people who actually live here, who look all kind of different ways, who pray all kind of different ways, who love all kinds of people. And I challenge the people who are the opponents of my values to explain how they get to be patriots. As I say in the book, they seem to distrust the American government. They seem to dislike most of the American people. They seem to resent most of America’s achievements over the last century, including unions and public education and environmental protection and so many of the things that made the American century the American century. So I don‘t get why we don’t just tell them to sit down and shut up. They can complain if they like, but we have another century to win. We have another century to win!
    While Jones doesn’t specifically mention “conservatives” or “Republicans” in his response, the implication in saying “opponents of my values” is pretty clear.

    Jones has been on somewhat of a media blitz in recent weeks to promote his book, “Rebuild the Dream.”

    (h/t Weasel Zippers)

  17. #17
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Communist Green Jobs Advisor(Van Jones) says 'Republicans are Assholes"

    Van Jones is an anti-American commie piece of shit, actually.

    Data mine that motherfuckers

    (to re-quote Mal)

    Being in Michigan, I am so fucking tired of these cocksuckers (please come find me, I'm armed to the teeth)
    Libertatem Prius!

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