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Thread: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

  1. #101
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Actually, that's been suggested, lol.

    Look at this, here's your average citizen, I've been googling the person and from what I've read, this is not a lawyer, just the neighbor next door who thinks being involved in city meetings and so forth is important. Here's Jody's site:


    Is Barack Obama Really Qualified to Appear on the Nov. 4th ballot? With records being sealed left and right and with so many unanswered questions, we must turn to the Secretary of State to perform her elected duty by verifying if Obama is qualified under the US Constitution.

    The Constitution of the United States of America, Article II, Section 1 clearly states:

    1. "No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President;"
    2. "Neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years,"
    3. "And been fourteen years a resident within the United States."

    I believe that this is the first time in our nation's history that a Presidential nominee has so decisively challenged the constitutional requirements for office, and receiving such widespread support for the deed. Phil Berg's Pennsylvania lawsuit against Obama requested a certified copy of his birth certificate for the court to review. Instead of producing the document, Obama had his legal team file a motion to Dismiss the case, attempting to give this act of gross abandon the appearance of a mere technicality, all the while media outlets committing media malpractice in their failure to report the story. However, enough are reporting the story, picquing the interest of millions of concerned Americans.
    It is unfortunate that Barack Obama lacks the integrity obey the law, submit the requested document, his birth certificate, to the courts. But he would not, instead, he worked diligently to keep it hidden from view. He hired THREE law firms to take on Phil Berg: 1. The attorney Bill Clinton used during his 1999 `Lewinsky / Impeachment Trial, 2. A top attorney for the Center for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) attorney, and one other. See Mr. Obama's motion for "dismissal" of the Philip J. Berg case in Philadelphia to see the attorney line up.
    (the entire case documents: link)
    motion to dismiss: link

    While there would be a flurry of reporting if McCain or Palin participated in such shennanegans, for Obama on this issue (and others) the Media has been errily silent, choosing to report instead on Palin's wardrobe! Or if the media happens to slip it into a story, it is almost suggests that if you actually believe Obama is not a citizen you are really 'out there.' link More of the established news outlets are slowly getting on board and intelligently deducing that based on the laws and the facts, thinking Obama's not an American is actually sound thinking. In Robert Barnes' Washington Post story Oct. 27, he uses an exclamation mark and explains it's not the "tin hat" crowd believing Obama is hiding his true citizenship.

    In a naieve effort to resolve the whole birth certificate issue, Obama posted a photoshopped version of a State of Hawaii certificate of live birth on his website:
    Never mind forensic experts' analyses that it had been tampered with (forged) rendering it invalid.

    While the website claims the birth certificate is not a fraud, the site is owned by the Annenberg Foundation which links directly back to William Ayers. That tells you volumes.

    What is Obama hiding?
    I don't know, but it seems a bit excessive to me that Obama hired 3 (THREE) high powered lawfirms to defend himself from lowly Phil Berg who merely asked to see a little piece of paper.

    Judge for yourself, if you agree that Mr. Obama is, infact hiding something, I suggest warmly that you immediately contact your state's Secretary of State who has juristiction over the ballot. It is the Secretary of State's duty to verify if the candidates are qualified to appear on the ballot and to remove unqualified names from the ballot. There are some valid questions about whether Obama is qualified to run for President.
    1. Hawaii? Why has the Governor of Hawaii ordered Obama's birth certificate records sealed? link
    2. Canada? link
    3. Indonesia - Lived there for four years, attended public school at a time only citizens could enroll. School record shows step-father's last name, etc.
    4. Kenya? The nation of Kenya has also sealed away all documents pertaining to Obama until after the US election. The WorldNetDaily article notes “In Kenya, WND was told by government authorities that all documents concerning Obama were under seal until after the U.S. presidential election on November 4.”

    And another thing, why is the American public being kept from the following Barak Obama's records?

    1. Occidental College records — Not released
    2. Columbia College records — Not released
    3. Columbia Thesis paper — ‘not available’
    4. Harvard College records — Not released
    5. Selective Service Registration — Not released
    6. Medical records — Not released
    7. Illinois State Senate schedule — ‘not available’
    8. Law practice client list — Not released
    9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate - - Not released
    10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth — Not released
    11. Harvard Law Review articles published — None
    12. University of Chicago scholarly articles — None
    13. Your Record of baptism– Not released or ‘not available’
    14. Your Illinois State Senate records–’not available’

    This is the FIRST time ANYONE running for president has gotten away with so much. Obama MUST be held to the same standard as everyone else running for President, turn over your records. Citizens have the right to know Obama's past. Obama has not been vetted, we have placed ourselves at risk for allowing all of these questions to go unanswered. The United States is a sleeping giant, too drunk from all of the addictions common in our society to fight. "We the people" have lost our will to fight to defend the Constitution, the sacred document which works to protect all of our freedoms. If we as citizens fail to defend our liberties, they will be taken from us. If we allow those running for the highest office in the land to ignore the "rules" found in the Constitution our freedoms will be taken from us. The time to evaluate the candidate is BEFORE the election. We must know the nationality of the candidate. If he is not a 'natural born citizen' his name must be removed from the ballot. We have a right to know.


    Some mistakenly believe this article would sufice: link

    Hawaii isn’t the only place sealing its records.

    Now why would the Kenyans seal all documents related to Barack Obama? Why would Kenya have any documents on Obama –except for one or two trips he made there? Could there possibly be a Kenyan birth certificate and Kenyan passport, which his mother needed to get him out of Kenya?

    Lawsuits filed in ten states questioning Barack Obama's 'natural born citizen' status
    Lawsuits in additional states are being added each day.

    (HI) Andy Martin at email:
    (WA) Steve Marquis email: email ; website: link suit:link
    (CA) David Archbold email:email
    (GA) Tom Terry email: email
    (PA) Philip Berg email: email ; website: link
    (NY) Dan Smith email: email
    (CT) Cort Wrotnowski email: email
    (TX) Jody Brockhausen email: email
    Interview with Berg on the Savage Nation Part 1

    Interview with Berg on the Savage Nation Part 2

    Rush Limbaugh's rebuttal to Obama's 30 Minute
    Infomercial Oct. 29, 2008

    © Jody Brockhausen 2008
    QuestionsAndNoAnswers.html last modified 18:21:44 10-Nov-2008

    And then Jody Brockhausen takes the secretary of state to court.

    I recieved word on a case Texas. There is a case pending in Texas: Jody A. Brockhausen vs. Esperanza Andrade, Acting in the Office of Texas State, Secretary of State, Case No. 08-1001-C368. The defendants have plead to dismiss the case, and I believe that is where is stands now

    You can look up the case. Wow! It looks better than any of the others to me.

    And there is something regarding the Supreme Court going to happen on December 5th:

    Donofrio v. Wells: Case Going to Conference December 5

    From our friends at, word is now out that today, Wednesday, November 19, Donofrio v. Wells has been distributed for a conference (presumably of the Rule of Four) on Friday, December 5…

    No. 08A407
    Leo C. Donofrio, Applicant
    Nina Mitchell Wells, New Jersey Secretary of State
    Lower Ct: Supreme Court of New Jersey
    Case Nos.: (AM-0153-08T2 at the New Jersey Appellate Division without a docket number)

    ~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    Nov 3 2008 Application (08A407) for stay pending the filing and disposition of a petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Souter.
    Nov 6 2008 Application (08A407) denied by Justice Souter.
    Nov 14 2008 Application (08A407) refiled and submitted to Justice Thomas.
    Nov 19 2008 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of December 5, 2008.
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  2. #102
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    How much do you want to bet Hillary Clinton gets to be President, just like I said before.

    If standing comes down to being harmed, Hillary Clinton, I would think is the person who should take Obama to court and would win. What was that, Bill?...

    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  3. #103
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    NJ Constitutional Attorney Leo Donofrio discusses his lawsuit regarding Obama's citizenship on Alan Stang radio show - November 18th, 2008. Leo Donofrio"s blog site: Alan Stang's "Sting of Stang" radio show:«
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  4. #104
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President Next Commander-in-Chief Falsify Selective Service Registration? Never Actually Register? Obama's Draft Registration Raises Serious Questions[/URL]
    **** Copyright 2008, Must Cite Debbie Schlussel and link to ****


    Did President-elect Barack Hussein Obama commit a federal crime in September of this year? Or did he never actually register and, instead, did friends of his in the Chicago federal records center, which maintains the official copy of his alleged Selective Service registration commit the crime for him?

    It's either one or the other, as indicated by the release of Barack Obama's official Selective Service registration for the draft. A friend of mine, who is a retired federal agent, spent almost a year trying to obtain this document through a Freedom of Information Act request, and, after much stonewalling, finally received it and released it to me.

    But the release of Obama's draft registration and an accompanying document, posted below, raises more questions than it answers. And it shows many signs of fraud, not to mention putting the lie to Obama's claim that he registered for the draft in June 1979, before it was required by law.

    The official campaign for President may be over. But Barack Obama's Selective Service registration card and accompanying documents show that questions about him are not only NOT over, but if the signature on the document is in fact his, our next Commander-in-Chief may have committed a federal crime in 2008, well within the statute of limitations on the matter. If it is not his, then it's proof positive that our next Commander-in-Chief never registered with the Selective Service as required by law. By law, he was required to register and was legally able to do so until the age of 26.

    But the Selective Service System registration ("SSS Form 1") and accompanying computer print-out ("SSS Print-out), below, released by the Selective Service show the following oddities and irregularities, all of which indicate the document was created in 2008 and backdated:

    * Document Location Number Indicates Obama Selective Service Form was Created in 2008

    First, there is the Document Location Number (DLN) on the form. In the upper right hand corner of the Selective Service form SSS Form 1, there is the standard Bates-stamped DLN, in this case "0897080632," which I've labeled as "A" on both the SSS Form and the computer printout document. On the form, it reflects a 2008 creation, but on the printout, an extra eight was added in front of the number to make it look like it is from 1980, when it was actually created in 2008.

    As the retired federal agent notes:

    Having worked for the Federal Government for several decades, I know that the standardization of DLNs have the first two digits of the DLN representing the year of issue. That would mean that this DLN was issued in 2008. The DLN on the computer screen printout is the exact same number, except an 8 has been added to make it look like it is from 1980 and give it a 1980 DLN number. And 1980 is the year Senator/President Elect Obama is said to have timely registered. So, why does the machine-stamped DLN reflect this year (2008) and the DLN in the database (which was manually input) reflect a "corrected" DLN year of 1980? Were all the DLNs issued in 1980 erroneously marked with a 2008 DLN year or does the Selective Service use a different DLN system then the rest of the Federal Government? Or was the SSS Form 1 actually processed in 2008 and not 1980?
    It's quite a "coincidence" . . . that is, if you believe in coincidences, especially in this case.

    Far more likely is that someone made up a fake Selective Service registration to cover Obama's lack of having done so, and that the person stamping the form forgot (or was unable to) change the year to "80" instead of the current "08". They either forgot to fake the DLN number or couldn't do so.

    And guess where the Selective Service registrations are marked and recorded? Lucky for Obama, it's his native Chicago. From an article entitled, "Post Office Registration Process", on the Selective Service website:

    When a young man reaches 18 he can go to any of the 35,000 post offices nationwide to register with Selective Service. There he completes a simple registration card and mails it to the Selective Service System. This begins a multi-step process which results in the man's registration.

    Each week approximately 6,000 completed registration cards are sent to the Selective Service System's Data Management System (DMC) near Chicago, Ill. At the DMC these cards are grouped into manageable quantities. Each card is then microfilmed and stamped with a sequential document locator number. The processed microfilm is reviewed to account for all documents and to ensure that the film quality is within strict standards. After microfilming, the cards are keyed and then verified by a different data transcriber.
    The Document Locator Number (DLN) is an automatic function (Selective Service record-keeping, specifically the DLN is described on pages 7-8 of this Federal Register document), with the first two digits comprising the year, and it was not changed to "08" in error. So if the form was filed and processed in 1980, how did it get a 2008 DLN?!

    * Obama's Selective Service Registration Form is Apparently 1990 Form Altered to Appear Like 1980 Form

    On the SSS Form 1, in the lower left hand corner is the form number (SSS Form 1) and the month and year version of the form, labeled as "B". On this particular Form 1, it clearly shows the month as "FEB" (February), and the year is either "80" or "90". The retired federal agent investigated further:

    Magnification of the form both physically (with a 10x glass) or with different image software does not reflect a clear cut result of either a "80" or a "90".
    But, checking the history of SSS Form 1 (see, it's apparent that in February 1980, the Selective Service agency withdrew a "Request for a new OMB control number" for SSS Form 1 (see also, here)--meaning the agency canceled its previous request for a new form, and one was never issued in "FEB 1980".

    Since under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Pub. L. No. 96-511, 94 Stat. 2812 (Dec. 11, 1980), codified in part at Subchapter I of Chapter 35 of Title 44 a federal agency can not use a form not approved by OMB (Office of Management and Budget), it's nearly impossible for Senator/President-Elect Obama's SSS Form 1 to be dated "Feb 1980." And since that makes it almost certainly dated "Feb 1990," then how could Barack Obama sign it and the postal clerk stamp it almost ten (10) years before its issue?! Simply not possible.

    The lower right hand corner reflects that the Obama SSS form 1 was approved by OMB with an approval number of 19??0002, labeled as "C". The double question marks (??) reflect digits that are not completely clear.

    * Barack Obama's Signature is Dated After Postal Stamp Certifying His Signature

    Barack H. Obama signed the SSS Form 1's "Today's date" as July 30, 1980, labeled "D". But the Postal Stamp reflects the PREVIOUS day's date of July 29, 1980, labeled "E". Yes, Obama could have mistakenly written the wrong date, but it is rare and much more unlikely for someone to put a future date than a past date. (Also note how Barry made such a "cute" peace sign with the "b" inside the "O" of his signature. Touching.)

    * Postal Stamp is Incorrect, Discontinued in 1970

    Then, there is the question as to whether the Postal Stamp is real. The "postmark" stamp--labeled "E"--is hard to read, but it is clear that at the bottom is "USPO" which stands typically for United States Post Office. However, current "postmark" validator, registry, or round dater stamps (item 570 per the Postal Operations Manual) shows "USPS" for United States Postal Service. The change from Post Office to Postal Service occurred on August 12, 1970, when President Nixon signed into law the most comprehensive postal legislation since the founding of the Republic--Public Law 91-375. The new Postal Service officially began operations on July 1, 1971.

    Why was an old, obsolete postmark round dater stamp used almost ten (10) years after the fact to validate a legal document . . . that just happened to be Barack Obama's suspicious Selective Service registration form?

    * Form Shows Barack Obama didn't have ID

    The SSS Form 1 states "NO ID", labeled "F". Since that's the case, then how did the Hawaiian postal clerk know that the submitter was really Barack H. Obama, who may have been on summer break from attending Occidental College in California. How would they determine whether the registrant was truly registering and not a relative, friend, or other imposter?

    * The Selective Service Data Mgt. Center Stonewalled for Almost a Year on Obama Registration, Until Right Before the Election.

    The retired federal agent who FOIA'd Barack Obama's Selective Service Registration Form notes:

    Early this year, when I first started questioning whether Obama registered I was told:

    Sir: There may be an error in his file or many other reasons why his registration cannot be confirmed on-line. However, I did confirm with our Data Management Center that he is, indeed, registered with the Selective Service System, in compliance with Federal law.


    Janice L. Hughes/SSS
    Then, they suddenly found the record on September 9, 2008 (prior to my October 13, 2008 request), and stated that his record was filed on September 4, 1980. Did they temporarily change the date on the computer database?

    On the previous FOIA response, they stated that it was filed on September 4, 1980. In my second request I mentioned that Obama could not have filed it in Hawaii on September 4, 1980 as he was attending Occidental College in California, the classes of which commenced August 24, 1980.
    * Other Questions: Missing Selective Service Number, FOIA Response Dated Prior to FOIA Request, Missing Printout Page

    Where is Obama's Selective Service number (61-1125539-1) on the card?

    And the retired federal agent notes that the Selective Service Data Management Center prepared its response to his FOIA request prior to the request having been made:

    The last transaction date is 09/04/80 [DS: labeled "G"], but the date of the printout is 09/09/08 [DS: labeled "H"]. My FOIA was dated October 13 so why did they prepare the printout BEFORE I submitted my FOIA? I gave them no "heads up" that I was sending it. In fact it was not mailed until late October--around the 25th.

    Also, notice the printout was page 1 of 2 [DS: labeled "I"].
    Hmmm . . . where is the other page, and what's on it?

    A lot of questions here. And a lot of huge hints that this government-released, official Barack Obama Selective Service registration was faked. Either he signed the fake backdated document, or someone else faked his signature and he never registered for the draft (and lied about it).

    Which is it?

    It's incredible that our impending Commander-in-Chief either didn't register for the draft or did so belatedly and fraudulently.

    The documents indicate it's one or the other.

    *** UPDATE: Here's another irregularity that points to fraud, as spotted by reader Joyce:

    My husband printed the information provided on your web site regarding Barack Obama's Selective Service registration discrepancies. I noticed that the DLN number in upper right corner (labeled "A") has only ten (10) digits with the first two being 08 , but the DLN number shown on the computer screen printout has eleven (11) digits with the first two being 80. It clearly indicates that the "8" was added at the beginning of the DLN number, in order to appear that it was issued in 1980 and wasn't simply a reversal of the first two digits as the retired federal agent noted. This in itself appears questionable. I would think there is a standard number of digits in all DLN numbers.
    **** UPDATE #2, 11/14/08: Retired Federal Agent Source Reveals Himself:

    The recently retired federal agent has requested that I disclose his identity so that there is no question as to the source of the information.

    His name is Stephen Coffman. He retired last year from the position of the Resident Agent in Charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Galveston, Texas office. He has over 32 years of government service and has held a Secret or higher security clearance for the majority of those years.

    He filed the FOIA with Selective Service and has the original letter and the attachments. He first notified the Selective Service of his findings and they ignored the questions.

    He can be reached via email at
    UPDATE #3, 11/17/08: Some Obamapologists are claiming this is a fake and want to see evidence that retired agent Coffman actually got these documents from the Selective Service System Data Management Center. Below are scans of the letter and envelope that accompanied Barack Obama's fraudulent registration for the draft (I've cropped the blank white space):

  5. #105
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    It'll be interesting what happens if no original, Dr. Signed, vault copy of his birth Certificate is ever presented. If 0 thinks he can thumb his nose at the Supreme Court, he's in for a civics lesson.

    How much do you want to bet Hillary Clinton gets to be President, just like I said before.

    If standing comes down to being harmed, Hillary Clinton, I would think is the person who should take Obama to court and would win. What was that, Bill?...

    Bama is a cloak for Hilary, and Hilary and bama are practically clones. So the trick is to spill the beans at the right time @ 12 Dec., so the EC throws the election to the house- and they pick the first thing that pops up- (not Bill). The right timing and vigilance would prevent bama from throwin his favorite son EC's to Hilary or Biden, and catch Hilary in the act bribing the EC. The house can only vote for people with EC votes, who are "eligible".

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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  6. #106
    Senior Member samizdat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Supreme Court Of The United States (SCOTUS) Justice David
    Souter has agreed that a review of the federal lawsuit filed by
    attorney Phil Berg against BarackHussein Obama II, et al.,
    which was subsequently dismissed for lack of standing
    is warranted. SCOTUS Docket No. 08-570 contains the details.
    A review of that docket and the Rule 10 of the Supreme Court
    makes abundantly clear that Justice Souter’s granting of a
    review on the Writ of Certiorari is not a right entitled to citizen
    Phil Berg, but rather is a matter of judicial discretion based
    upon a compelling reason. That compelling reason is the
    Constitutional requirement that “No person except a natural
    born citizen … shall be eligible to the office of President…”

    api back online

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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  7. #107
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Pigs do fly
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  8. #108
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    What Happens if Obama is Declared Ineligible to be President

    With speculation beginning to run rampant as to the latest news for Berg v. Obama and Donofrio v. Wells that SCOTUS is making moves to seriously consider these petitions, I thought it necessary to write a post boiling everything down it its “irreducible minimum” (a fancy logical term that basically means, “this is as fundamental and basic as it gets”) for three scenarios:

    1. What if Barack Obama is ruled to be ineligible for President before the Electoral College votes on December 15?
    2. What if Barack Obama is ruled to be ineligible for President after December 15 but before the inauguration?
    3. What if Barack Obama is ruled to be ineligible for President after the inauguration?

    In America, we collectively choose our candidates for POTUS (President of the US) via parties. Currently, we have two main parties: Democrat and Republican. They are private organizations that operate under the confines of law (and probably a lot of historical custom) just as any other incorporated entity does. Therefore, no matter what happens to presidential nominees, the candidates are beholden to these organizations.
    So, let’s take a look at what each of the major parties has to say with respect to candidate vacancies:
    Per the Call for the 2008 Democratic National Convention (As Adopted by the Democratic National Committe, February 2, 2007), VIII. PROCEDURAL RULES OF THE 2008 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION, Paragraph G:
    Filling a Vacancy on the National Ticket: In the event of death, resignation or disability of a nominee of the Party for President or Vice President after the adjournment of the National Convention, the National Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee shall confer with the Democratic leadership of the United States Congress and the Democratic Governors Association and shall report to the Democratic National Committee, which is authorized to fill the vacancy or vacancies.
    Per The National Republican Committee Rules, RULE NO. 9, Filling Vacancies in Nominations:
    (a) The Republican National Committee is hereby authorized and empowered to fill any and all vacancies which may occur by reason of death, declination, or otherwise of the Republican candidate for President of the United States or the Republican candidate for Vice President of the United States, as nominated by the national convention, or the Republican National Committee may reconvene the national convention for the purpose of filling any such vacancies.
    (b) In voting under this rule, the Republican National Committee members representing any state shall be entitled to cast the same number of votes as said state was entitled to cast at the national convention.
    (c) In the event that the members of the Republican National Committee from any state shall not be in agreement in the casting of votes hereunder, the votes of such state shall be divided equally, including fractional votes, among the members of the Republican National Committee present or voting by proxy.
    (d) No candidate shall be chosen to fill any such vacancy except upon receiving a majority of the votes entitled to be cast in the election.
    What if Barack Obama is ruled to be ineligible for President before the Electoral College votes on December 15?
    The above party rules would apply and the Electoral College would have to vote based on both what their respective party decides as well as the Electoral College Process (to include Elector binding rules). Notice that each party’s rules have the authority to reconvene or otherwise make a binding decision, going forward.
    What if Barack Obama is ruled to be ineligible for President after December 15 but before the inauguration?
    I am not sure if this has ever happened before; in theory, the party rules would still apply, and the EC (Electoral College) may have to hold an emergency vote (under the auspices that there may be no law that says they can’t do this), and/or it would go to Congress.
    What if Barack Obama is ruled to be ineligible for President after the inauguration?
    It is very likely that Article 2, Section 1, and Amendment 25 would apply:
    Article 2, Section 1:
    In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.
    Amendment 25:
    Section. 1. In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.
    Section. 2. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.
    Section. 3. Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.
    Section. 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
    Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.
    Bottom line: We have legal rules that will be able to deal with whatever happens at SCOTUS. Politically, however, things could be a completely different matter.
    Disclaimer: I am not an attorney but only a citizen journalist (and an amateur one at that). The above is solely an expression of my opinion on the issue at hand; reliance on the above for your uses falls under my Site Disclaimer page.
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Secretary of State - Conspiracy - The Death Of Independence

    It is the sworn duty of the Secretary of each state in the United States of America to obied by it’s state Constitution, as well as to enforce and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. So if that’s the case, which it is, then why has all fifty Secretary’s of State, who’s job it is to ensure that each person who registers with the State to run for any office be qualified to run for, and uphold that office, simply failed to miss the fact that Barack H. Obama did not have a certified birth certificate, or that Obama’s character is so flawed that he would not be allowed to hold a C.L.E.T. certification to act as a mall security officer due to his affiliations with the terrorist Bill Ayers, the Communist party and more importantly his twenty year support of Rev Jeremiah Wright and Black Liberation Theology spawned by the Sandinista National Liberation Front Rebels in Nicaragua?

    Obama’s character has been the focus of Overnight AM’s targeting mechanism for the past week as it was believe by me that the whole birth certificate thing was a trap into the ‘fringe’. Which has not, and will not allow for the recovery of logic by anyone in the media. But, despite Glenn Beck’s, Bill O’Riely’s, and a flurry of other peoples, pleas with the American people to “Give Obama the respect he deserves”, it is obvious that Barack Obama is a sham and a fraud on the American people who without knowledge elected a huckster and a con man to lead them into darkness. And it’s time to UNITE to do something about it!

    We The People, of the Patriot Brigade Talk Radio Network, and millions of American’s nation wide have it within our power to remove Barack Obama from office so long as we use our heads. We are all willing to fight the good fight for our country, but we need ammunition that is effective. We’ve lacked that ammo in the past, but now, we have the equivalent of a nuclear weapon in the shear mass of American citizens that are willing to put it all on the line for freedom, liberty and independence of their country from tyrannical forces. And all you have to do is remind your elected officials that this fight isn’t over, and if they can not focus their efforts on rescuing lady liberty then they simply will not hold office.

    The Secretary of States across our country have defrauded the American people by failing to respond to the fact that Barack Obama is not qualified, or has yet to prove himself qualified, to be the President Elect of this country. It falls to each Secretary of each state to enforce the state Constitution. One of those duties is to verify that each person allowed to run on a ballot in that state has a certified birth certificate. A copy must be on file in the Secretary of States office, otherwise, the candidate is removed from office, or the ballot.

    What does that mean? One of two things. A. That Barack H. Obama must provide a copy of his certified birth certificate, or prove that he is an American citizen, to every Secretary of State nation wide or be removed from the ballot, or removed as a qualified candidate as President-Elect of the United States of America according the United States Constitution, and the State Constitution. B. That every Secretary of State in our Union is working to conceal a conspiracy to withhold a Constitutional requirement to hold public office for local, or national electors, and public information regarding a candidate for any office, or the President of the United States of America.

    246.046 Secretary of State and county clerks to seek out evidence of violations. The Secretary of State and each county clerk shall diligently seek out any evidence of violation of any election law. [Formerly 260.325]

    Download the PDF files below
    , and send them to the following people in your state, or government. Also, be sure to email these documents to your friends, neighbors and email list. Or just email them the link to this message. Coastland Technologies is supplying the bandwidth to download the files for free to the world.
    Final Write Keyes VS Bowen - Download
    Letter to Governors & Electors Draft 3
    Send these files as attachments or direct to the following:

    1. Governor ( your state )
    2. State Representative
    3. State Senate Representatives
    4. State Electors
    5. State Law Enforcement
    6. Secretary of State
    7. Supreme Court Justices
    8. Local Judges
    9. County Elected Officials
    10. US Congress
    11. US Senate
    12. President of the United States

    Email the following Media Outlets:

    Fox News Wants Your Input: Tell Fox News what you love, tell them what you hate … Like the fact that Barack Obama has not proven himself to be a qualified candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America! Don’t keep it to yourself! You can call them at 1-888-369-4762.
    We’re working on getting this information together, but you may find some information at the Patriot Brigade Talk Radio Network Message Board. Be sure and post any information you have to share with others who are picking up this very important cause.
    Last edited by Aplomb; November 20th, 2008 at 16:12. Reason: divided paragraphs, sheesh
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Supremes to review Barack's citizenship
    Case challenging his name on ballot set for 'conference'

    Posted: November 20, 2008
    1:10 am Eastern

    By Bob Unruh
    © 2008 WorldNetDaily

    A case that challenges President-elect Barack Obama's name on the 2008 election ballot citing questions over his [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]citizenship[/color][/color] has been scheduled for a "conference" at the U.S. Supreme Court.

    Conferences are private meetings of the justices at which they review cases and decide which ones to accept for formal review. This case is set for a conference Dec. 5, just 10 days before the Electoral College is scheduled to meet to make formal the election of Obama as the nation's next president.

    The Supreme Court's website listed the date for the case brought by Leo C. Donofrio against Nina Wells, the [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]secretary [COLOR=blue ! important]of [/color][COLOR=blue ! important]state[/color][/color][/color] in New Jersey, over not only Obama's name on the 2008 election ballot but those of two others, Sen. John McCain and Roger Calero.

    The case, unsuccessful at the state level, had been submitted to Justice David Souter, who rejected it. The case then was resubmitted to Justice Clarence Thomas.

    The next line on the court's docket says: "DISTRIBUTED for Conference of December 5, 2008."

    If four of the nine justices vote to hear the case in full, oral argument may be scheduled.

    The action questions whether any of the three candidates is qualified under the U.S. Constitution's requirement that a president be a "natural-born citizen."

    According to America's Right blogger Jeff Schreiber, there also was a development in a second case presented to the Supreme Court on the same issue.

    His report said the Federal Election Commission now has waived its right to respond to a complaint brought by attorney Philip Berg.

    "There are a number of reasons why the respondents here would choose not to respond. First, because the court only grants between 70 and 120 of the 8,000 or so petitions it receives every year, perhaps they just liked their odds of Berg's petition getting denied. Second, because they have made arguments as to Berg's lack of standing several times at the district court level and beyond, perhaps they felt as though any arguments had already been made and were available on the record. Or, perhaps the waiver shows that the FEC and other respondents do not take seriously the allegations put forth by Berg, and did not wish to legitimize the claims with a response," the blogger speculated.

    "Another thing which is not completely clear is whether the FEC is filing for itself or on behalf of all respondents," he added.

    "If it were just the FEC filing the waiver, I must say that I'm surprised," Berg told America's Right. "I'm surprised because I think they should take the position that the Supreme Court should grant standing to us. I think they have a responsibility not only to Phil Berg, but to all citizens of this country, to put forth a sense of balance which otherwise doesn't seem to exist.

    "However, if this was filed by the FEC on behalf of the DNC and Barack Obama too, it reeks of collusion," he said, noting that the attorney from the Solicitor General's office should be representing federal respondents and not the DNC or Obama.

    But he noted that "questions surrounding this aspect of Obama's [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]candidacy[/color][/color] are seemingly beginning to see the light of day."

    Just last week, WND reported on worries over a "constitutional crisis" that could be looming over the issue of Obama's citizenship.

    Former presidential candidate [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Alan [COLOR=blue ! important]Keyes[/color][/color][/color] and others filed a court petition in California asking the secretary of state to refuse to allow the state's 55 Electoral College votes to be cast in the 2008 presidential election until Obama verifies his eligibility to hold the office.
    Alan Keyes

    The disputes all cite "natural-born citizen" requirement set by the U.S. Constitution.

    WND senior reporter Jerome Corsi even traveled to Kenya and Hawaii prior to the election to investigate issues surrounding Obama's birth. But his research and discoveries only raised more questions.

    The biggest question is why Obama, if a Hawaii birth certificate exists as his campaign has stated, simply hasn't ordered it made available to settle the rumors.

    The governor's office in Hawaii said there is a valid certificate but rejected requests for access and left ambiguous its origin: Does the certificate on file with the Department of Health indicate a Hawaii birth or was it generated after the Obama family registered a Kenyan birth in Hawaii?

    Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro, has named two different Hawaii hospitals where Obama could have been born. There have been other allegations that Obama actually was born in Kenya during a time when his father was a British subject.

    The California action was filed by Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation on behalf of Keyes, the presidential candidate of the American Independent Party, along with Wiley S. Drake and Markham Robinson, both California electors.

    "Should Senator Obama be discovered, after he takes office, to be ineligible for the Office of President of the United States of America and, thereby, his election declared void, Petitioners, as well as other Americans, will suffer irreparable harm in that (a) usurper will be sitting as the [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]President [COLOR=blue ! important]of [/color][COLOR=blue ! important]the [/color][COLOR=blue ! important]United [/color][COLOR=blue ! important]States[/color][/color][/color], and none of the treaties, laws, or executive orders signed by him will be valid or legal," the action challenges.

    An Obama spokesman interviewed by WND described such lawsuits as "garbage."
    The popular vote Nov. 4 favored Obama over Sen. John McCain by several percentage points. But because of the distribution of the votes, Obama is projected to take the Electoral College vote, when it is held in December, by a 2-to-1 margin.

    The California case states, "There is a reasonable and common expectation by the voters that to qualify for the ballot, the individuals [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]running [COLOR=blue ! important]for [/color][COLOR=blue ! important]office[/color][/color][/color] must meet minimum qualifications as outlined in the federal and state Constitutions and statutes, and that compliance with those minimum qualifications has been confirmed by the officials overseeing the election process," the complaint said, when in fact the only documentation currently required is a signed statement from the candidate attesting to those qualifications.

    "Since [the secretary of state] has, as its core, the mission of certifying and establishing the validity of the election process, this writ seeks a Court Order barring SOS from certifying the California Electors until documentary proof that Senator Obama is a 'natural born' citizen of the United States of America is received by her," the document said.

    "This proof could include items such as his original birth certificate, showing the name of the hospital and the name and the signature of the doctor, all of his passports with [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]immigration[/color][/color] stamps, and verification from the governments where the candidate has resided, verifying that he did not, and does not, hold citizenship of these countries, and any other documents that certify an individual’s citizenship and/or qualification for office.

    The "certificate of live birth" posted by the Obama campaign cannot be viewed as authoritative, the case alleges.

    Get the book that started it all – Jerome Corsi's "The Obama Nation," personally autographed for only $4.95 – an amazing $23 discount!

    "Hawaii Revised Statute 338-178 allows registration of birth in Hawaii for a child that was born outside of Hawaii to parents who, for a year preceding the child’s birth, claimed Hawaii as their place of residence," the document said. "The only way to know where Senator Obama was actually born is to view Senator Obama's original birth certificate from 1961 that shows the name of the hospital and the name and signature of the doctor that delivered him."

    The case also raises the circumstances of Obama's time during his youth in Indonesia, where he was listed as having Indonesian citizenship. Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship, raising the possibility of Obama's mother having given up his U.S. citizenship.

    Any subsequent U.S. citizenship then, the case claims, would be "naturalized," not "natural-born."

    WND has reported other challenges that have been raised in Ohio, Connecticut, Washington, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Hawaii.
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Elections Officials May Audit Obama's Fundraising

    Wednesday, November 19, 2008 6:01 PM

    By: Kenneth R. Timmerman

    According to a published report earlier this week, the Federal Election Commission is unlikely to vote to audit the Obama campaign finances, and will sweep aside a formal demand for an full audit that was filed by the Republican National Committee on Oct. 6.

    But interviews with current and former FEC officials, as well as a review of public statements by FEC commissioners, suggest that the commission could pursue an “audit for cause” of the Obama campaign, based in part on allegations of widespread fraud and illegal donors as reported by and other publications during the election season.

    “There are standards in a bureaucratic sense for who might be eligible for an audit for cause,” said FEC spokesman Bob Biersack. “Those are objective standards. Committees that meet those standards are eligible to be audited.”

    Confusion or concern with information in the campaign finance reports submitted by the committees are generally what trigger such an audit, Biersack added.

    Such concerns can include a significant number of donors who have exceeded the limits of $2,300 per election. According to the Obama campaign’s own disclosures, more than 4,000 of its donors fit that bill.

    Those concerns can also include receiving money from foreign donors. The FEC compiled a list last month of more than 16,000 contributions from overseas sources. A Newsmax survey of roughly one-fifth of those names found 118 individuals who appeared to be foreign citizens.

    The Republican National Committee based its demand for an audit of the Obama campaign on reports from Newsmax and other media organizations that suggested widespread irregularities, including taking money from foreign donors and from donors with fictitious names.

    “We’re still awaiting action on our complaint and will press forward,” RNC spokesman Alex Conant told Newsmax on Friday.

    Three Republicans and three Democrats now sit on the FEC as commissioners. But until June of this year, the commission was crippled because of partisan wrangling.

    Helping to cripple the FEC was the junior senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, who placed a “hold” on a Republican nominee in October 2007. That action had the effect of keeping the commission on the sideline for the entire primary season.

    But will the commission act now? Incoming commissioners Don McGahn, a Republican, and Cynthia Bauerly, a Democrat, insisted that they would hear cases at the FEC in terms of their merits, not party affiliation.

    Even though they had both worked on partisan campaigns in the past, Bauerly told senators during her confirmation hearing in May that “the most important determination is to be objective and to read the law as objectively and fairly as possible.”

    McGahn said that in his view, commissioners were no longer partisans. “Ultimately, the commission’s core constituency is the general public,” he said at the May 21 hearing.

    Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt dismissed talk of an audit earlier this week. “We have had a first rate compliance operation for an unprecedented national grassroots fundraising effort,” he told reporters.

    But the Obama campaign more often than not failed to respond within the statutory 60 day limit to the more than dozen letters it received from the FEC asking for clarification of apparent foreign donors, or the refund of excess contributions, a Newsmax review of the correspondance shows.

    For example, on April 15, 2008, the FEC asked the Obama campaign to refund or reassign contributions from two brothers in the Gaza Strip, Hosam and Monir Edwan. Together, they had given over $31,000 to the Obama campaign. And yet, three months later, much of the money had yet to be returned.

    Most of the contributions from the Edwan brothers were made in October 2007, so the Obama campaign was able to use the money for cash-flow when it needed it the most and when the FEC was down to just two commissioners.

    In the April 15 letter, the FEC failed to point out that the two brothers had listed their address as “Gaza Strip, Rafah,” and had obviously used a foreign currency credit card to make the donations.

    On May 6, the FEC questioned excessive contributions from a woman identified as Deborah Heitz of La Canada, Calif. As of Jan. 31, 2008, she had given $17,900 to the campaign, nearly eight times the limit per election.

    In this case, the Obama campaign began refunding the money soon afterwards. But once again, they had gained precious cash flow at the peak of the primary campaign, without ever paying a price.

    On June 25, FEC analysts sent the Obama campaign a sharply worded notice with a 58-page single-spaced list of donors whose contributions were over the limits.

    The June 25 letter first identified excess contributions from a donor named “Will, Good” from Austin, Texas.

    The list of Mr. Good Will’s contributions the FEC sent the Obama campaign ran seven pages. And yet, the campaign was slow to start returning the money.

    As Newsmax revealed in September, the Obama campaign still showed a positive balance from Mr. Good Will of $8,950 as of their Sept. 20, 2008 report to the FEC, three months after they were warned about these contributions in June.

    [Editor's Note: See "Secret, Foreign Money Floods Into Obama Campaign."]

    The FEC letters all include a stern warning, “Failure to adequately respond by the response date noted above could result in an audit or enforcement action.”

    And yet, despite repeated delays or just downright refusals to respond to the FEC letters, the Obama campaign has yet not been audited nor has the FEC announced any enforcement action.

    Massie Ritsch, a spokesman for the Center for Responsive Politics, saw little reason for an audit. “The assumption is, the more money you raise, the less potential there is for any single individual or groups of individuals to corrupt your campaign.”

    There had been “a few instances of contributions that shouldn’t have made their way into the Obama campaign or the McCain campaign,” he added. But when it came to Obama, “the corrupting influence of a few contributions here or there that shouldn’t have made it in the door is negligible.”

    CPR lobbied heavily for the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform act of 2002, which imposed limits on how much federal candidates could raise and spend in their campaigns. The Washinton, DC based group calls itself “nonpartisan, independent, and nonprofit.”

    In case you thought that position would have brought them to criticize the Obama campaign for abandoning the McCain-Feingold campaign finance limits, think again.

    “Obama's victory in the general election was aided by his tremendous fundraising success,” the CPR website says.

    “After becoming his party's nominee, Obama declined public financing and the spending limits that came with it, making him the first major-party candidate since the system was created to reject taxpayers' money for the general election.”

    On the day after the election. RNC chairman Mike Duncan told reporters at the National Press Club that public financing of presidential campaigns was dead.

    “Presidential campaign finance as we know it died last night,” he said. “No major candidate will ever again submit to public funding restrictions. Less than two election cycles since the passage of campaign finance reform, the system has failed.”

    On Thursday, the RNC filed filed two additional complaints, one in Louisiana, and the other in Washington, DC, challenging the constitutionality of key parts of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, the official title of the 2002 McCain-Feingold campaign finance law.

    © 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Victory! Conservative news has finally gotten the point:

    Petition to see the birth certificate
    Online effort launched to answer presidential eligibility question

    Posted: November 21, 2008
    1:00 am Eastern

    © 2008 WorldNetDaily
    WASHINGTON – WND today announces the launching of an online petition designed to enlist the public's help in demanding evidence of Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility for the office of the presidency.

    The electronic petition calls on all controlling legal authorities to take seriously the matter of where and when and to whom Obama was born and whether he qualifies as a "natural-born American citizen," according to Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution.

    Get the book that started it all – Jerome Corsi's "The Obama Nation," only $4.95, a $23 discount – personally autographed

    "This is a very unusual step for us to take," said Joseph Farah, founder, editor and chief executive officer of the leading independent online news source. "I have long resisted the temptation toward corporate activism – even avoiding the tradition of corporate editorial positions and political endorsements. We do those things individually as columnists and pundits, but WND has rarely engaged in taking editorial stands as most newspapers do."

    But Farah says he was inspired to cross the divide on this issue because the clear and simple meaning of the Constitution is at stake. He writes more about this in his daily column today.

    "No news organization or anyone else has investigated this matter more thoroughly, devoted more manpower to it, committed the financial resources to it or taken it more seriously," Farah said. "Yet, despite the obvious lingering questions out there haunting the American conscience, Barack Obama appears ready to waltz to the inauguration and swearing-in ceremonies without so much as proving he was born in America as he claims. That is simply unacceptable. I decided that if no one else was going to take this matter seriously, we would."

    In addition, WND also launches a new reader forum devoted to this topic.

    "The American people are responding to our work on the eligibility question," said Farah. "Other news organizations might take note of that. Our stories and columns on this subject are getting huge readership, yet are being ignored by most other media."

    To participate, sign the petition here.
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Obama's state secret: His birth certificate!

    Posted: November 21, 2008
    1:00 am Eastern

    © 2008

    So much for those pledges of "open government."

    So much for those promises of "change."

    So much for his upcoming oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.
    [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]

    [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Barack[/color][/color] Hussein Obama is still refusing to disclose to the American public something as innocent and as basic as his full, undoctored birth certificate to establish beyond any shadow of a doubt – and that doubt is growing daily – that he is a natural-born American citizen.

    Ironically, now that the election is over, the pressure is building. A few bold members of Congress are getting interested in demanding hearings on the issue. The lawsuits are increasing. More [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]pundits[/color][/color] and activists are beginning to mobilize.

    I, too, am raising the stakes.

    Beginning today, I am personally sponsoring a petition campaign right here at this Internet news source, to all controlling legal authorities to determine [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Barack [COLOR=blue ! important]Obama[/color][/color][/color]'s eligibility for the presidency under Article 2, Section 1, of the Constitution and to use all of their persuasive powers to make this information freely available to the rulers of this country – we the people.

    Get the book that started it all – Jerome Corsi's "The Obama Nation," personally autographed for only $4.95 – an amazing $23 discount!

    I also pledge that this news organization will continue to pursue its own independent investigation as aggressively as it possibly can.

    To date, here is what we have done:

    • Dispatched senior staff reporter Jerome Corsi twice to Hawaii to investigate the matter, including an appeal to the governor.
    • Hired a battery of private investigators in Hawaii to check every hospital for birth records – to no avail.
    • Sent Corsi to Kenya where he talked with some of Obama's relatives who clearly recall the birth taking place in Mombasa. (While there, Corsi was detained by Kenyan officials and a press conference he had scheduled was canceled at the last minute at the order of [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Prime [COLOR=blue ! important]Minister[/color][/color][/color] Raila Odinga, who has since made clear he has expectations of payback from soon-to-be President Obama.)

    I tell you all this because despite the shroud of secrecy over the birth certificate issue, there are some organizations out there insisting it is all a tempest in a teapot – that the issue is settled, that the birth certificate has been released, that Obama has been determined to be eligible by some mystery authority.

    One such organization,, characterizes any who question its assertion that this matter is settled as conspiracy mongers. But, as for me, when it comes to matters as important as the Constitution of the United States, I do not accept the opinion of armchair researchers. Nobody – not one news organization in the world – has devoted more resources to investigating this matter than has WND.

    I hope you will now join me in this fight for truth, justice and the American way by signing the petition. Help me spread the word. Let's turn up the heat. Send this column and the petition far and wide. Share it with your neighbors. Honor the Constitution.

    Save this country's most vital institutions and its honor. Seek the truth. Demand accountability.

    Time is running out.

    The Electoral College is due to convene Dec. 15 – less than a month.

    Barack Obama is to be sworn in as the next president Jan. 20 – less than two months from now.

    Do you believe the American people have a right to know for certain their next president is constitutionally eligible for the job?

    Without a chance to inspect that birth certificate for themselves, do you think we can ever be certain?

    If the Constitution is not taken seriously as concerns the eligibility of the president, is it likely to be taken seriously in other matters?

    If you don't take responsibility and initiative on this issue, I am convinced no one else will.

    Take your stand for accountability, truth, the rule of law and the Constitution.

    Sign the petition now.

    E-mail it to all your friends.
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    I've never seen anything come of these online petitions yet. Has anyone?

    I've signed literally dozens of them, and never been told the outcome.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  16. #116
    Senior Member Beetle's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President


    Supreme Court Of The United States (SCOTUS) Justice David Souter has agreed that a review of the federal lawsuit filed by attorney Phil Berg against Barack Hussein Obama II, et al., which was subsequently dismissed for lack of standing is warranted. SCOTUS Docket No. 08-570 contains the details.

    A review of that docket and the Rule 10 of the Supreme Court makes abundantly clear that Justice Souter's granting of a review on the Writ of Certiorari is not a right entitled to citizen Phil Berg, but rather is a matter of judcial discretion based upon a compelling reason. That compelling reason is the Constitutional requirement that "No person except a natural born citizen
    ...shall be eligible to the office of President..."

    What this means is that on or before 1 DECEMBER 2008 Barack Hussein Obama II must respond to the writ of certiorari, and since the Berg v Obama case hinged primarily on the question of Obama's place of birth, it is almostinconceivable that Barack Obama will thumb his nose at the Justices of the Supreme Court and he is absolutely compelled to provide a vault copy of his original birth certificate.

    Another very salient fact to consider at this time is that, despite all of the pronouncements of the print and broadcast media, Barack Obama is not yet the President-elect of the United States. Barack Obama can only become the President-elect after the Electoral College convenes on 15 DECEMBER 2008 in their respective state capitals around the nation and cast their votes to elect the President and the Vice President. As you can see this election day occurs two weeks after the required response to the Supreme Court granted Writ of Certiorari.

    The bottom line is this: the presidential election of 2008 remains an ongoing process, the outcome of which remains undetermined, and all talk about a potential Constitutional crisis in the United States are at least 36 days premature.

    The inevitable constitutional crisis regarding President-elect Obama, of course, revolves around his inability (or unwillingness) to produce an authentic Hawaiian birth certificate with the raised certificate stamp that the Federal Elections Commission can independently verify.

    Here are some of the unanswered issues hanging over the head of President-elect Barack Obama and the question of his American citizenship:

    · The allegation that Obama was born in Kenya to parents unable to automatically grant him American citizenship;

    · The allegation that Obama was made a citizen of Indonesia as a child and that he retained foreign citizenship into adulthood without recording an oath of allegiance to regain any theoretical American citizenship;

    · The allegation that Obama's birth certificate was a forgery and that he may not be an eligible, natural-born citizen;

    · The allegation that Obama was not born an American citizen; lost an hypothetical American citizenship he had as a child; that Obama may not now be an American citizen and even if he is, may hold dual citizenships with other countries. If any, much less all, of these allegations are true, the suit claims, Obama cannot constitutionally serve as president.

    · The allegations that "Obama's grandmother on his father's side, half brother and half sister claim Obama was born in Kenya," the suit states." Reports reflect Obama's mother went to Kenya during her pregnancy; however, she was prevented from boarding a flight from Kenya to Hawaii at her late stage of pregnancy, which apparently was a normal restriction to avoid births during flight. Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama) gave birth to Obama in Kenya, afte which she flew to Hawaii and registered Obama's birth."

    · The claim could not be verified by inquiries to Hawaiian hospitals since state law bars the hospitals from releasing medical records to the public;

    Even if Obama produced authenticated proof of his birth in Hawaii, however, the suit claims that the U.S. Nationality Act of 1940 provided that minors lose their American citizenship when their parents expatriate. Since Obama's mother married an Indonesian citizen and moved to Indonesia, the suit claims, sh forfeited both her and Barack's American citizenship.
    Beetle - Give me liberty or give me something to aim at.

    A monster lies in wait for me
    A stew of pain and misery
    But feircer still in life and limb
    the me that lays in wait for him

    Hey liberal!

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    You can't handle the truth!

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  17. #117
    Super Moderator Aplomb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Originally posted by Rick:
    I've never seen anything come of these online petitions yet. Has anyone?

    I've signed literally dozens of them, and never been told the outcome.
    I don't know the answer to that, myself, but I signed it thinking it sure couldn't hurt. The point is that that site is now dedicated to digging into this and keeping the news posted for all the world to see. That is a first. My brother told me to write to Rush, so I did that, too. He said Rush will also put this out there if he can be convinced that it is real and that the issue hasn't been resolved as the Obamanites have falsely claimed.
    I'm taking America back. Step 1: I'm taking my kids out of the public re-education system. They will no longer have liberal bias and lies like this from bullying teachers when I expect them to be taught reading, writing, and arithmetic:
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  18. #118
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Quote Originally Posted by Beetle View Post
    Here are some of the unanswered issues hanging over the head of President-elect Barack Obama and the question of his American citizenship:

    · The allegation that Obama was born in Kenya to parents unable to automatically grant him American citizenship;

    · The allegation that Obama was made a citizen of Indonesia as a child and that he retained foreign citizenship into adulthood without recording an oath of allegiance to regain any theoretical American citizenship;

    · The allegation that Obama's birth certificate was a forgery and that he may not be an eligible, natural-born citizen;

    · The allegation that Obama was not born an American citizen; lost an hypothetical American citizenship he had as a child; that Obama may not now be an American citizen and even if he is, may hold dual citizenships with other countries. If any, much less all, of these allegations are true, the suit claims, Obama cannot constitutionally serve as president.

    · The allegations that "Obama's grandmother on his father's side, half brother and half sister claim Obama was born in Kenya," the suit states." Reports reflect Obama's mother went to Kenya during her pregnancy; however, she was prevented from boarding a flight from Kenya to Hawaii at her late stage of pregnancy, which apparently was a normal restriction to avoid births during flight. Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama) gave birth to Obama in Kenya, afte which she flew to Hawaii and registered Obama's birth."

    · The claim could not be verified by inquiries to Hawaiian hospitals since state law bars the hospitals from releasing medical records to the public;

    Even if Obama produced authenticated proof of his birth in Hawaii, however, the suit claims that the U.S. Nationality Act of 1940 provided that minors lose their American citizenship when their parents expatriate. Since Obama's mother married an Indonesian citizen and moved to Indonesia, the suit claims, sh forfeited both her and Barack's American citizenship.
    I've been meaning to bring up some things - that Obama isn't actually President-Elect is something they did mention... but... as far as the above....

    The last one, where she may have been refused boarding a plane isn't an issue. IF she were an American citizen, Obama is a citizen.

    However, IF he was considered a citizen in Indonesia then he is NOT an American citizen, period. Why? IF you renounce US Citizenship you may not regain it - not very easily, and given that, you can NOT hold a clearance.

    If I were to do it, I'd lose my clearance, and never be able to get it BACK either...

    You can NOT hold a "dual Citizenship" as an American. You sort of can, but technically you can't. The US simply doesn't recognize dual citizenships.

    There's actually more here....
    Libertatem Prius!

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  19. #119
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Donaldson View Post

    You can NOT hold a "dual Citizenship" as an American. l

    At the time he was in Indonesia, Indonesia did not recognize duel citizenship, which means he would have to renounce his US citizenship to gain Indonesian citizenship.

    Which, I believe may have something to do with him not wanting to release his college information and medical information. He probably said he was a citizen of Indonesia to receive grants from our Government.
    Beetle - Give me liberty or give me something to aim at.

    A monster lies in wait for me
    A stew of pain and misery
    But feircer still in life and limb
    the me that lays in wait for him

    Hey liberal!

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    You can't handle the truth!

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  20. #120
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    Default Re: Challenging Obama's Eligibility to be President

    Rick brings up an interesting point, semantical- which likely has the supremes lulling over the Federalist papers- which will produce no clues and leave them hanging on an noun-adjective- natural born. except a natural born citizen;
    most of us presume this to mean- born in the USA... but as Rick maintains- it can also be construed to mean born of US parent(s), and not "naturalized" citizen, such as Arnold.
    here's what sounds like Berg's voice dubbing an old portion of the api "Michelle" tape?

    canto XXV Dante

    from purgatory, the lustful... "open your breast to the truth which follows and know that as soon as the articulations in the brain are perfected in the embryo, the first Mover turns to it, happy...."
    Shema Israel

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