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Thread: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy II

  1. #261
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy II

    Here's the link to get Joel Rosenberg's "Epicenter: Why The Current Rumblings in the Middle East Will Change Your Future" DVD at $13.99 per copy. It releases nationwide this weekend. I'm not sure if will add shipping costs to the order.

  2. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by Backstop View Post
    As far as Global Warming actually having Biblical implications - sure sounds plausible, and appears to be supported by Scripture. Any further reading you suggest will be welcomed, and I’ll also search for items myself.
    Global Warming is one symptom of a much, much - phenomenally larger process.

    As I related above, the evironmental wacko's know all about the Biblical implications, and unabashedly use them along with excessive exaggerations coupled with copious amounts of disinformation to further their agenda. That agenda is 110% driven by Marxist ideology.

    The extent of the blad-faced lies they'll propagate knows no boundary. Here's a quote from Bill Moyers taken from a speech he gave at the Harvard Medical School:

    Millions of Christian fundamentalists believe that environmental destruction is not only to be disregarded but actually welcomed - even hastened - as a sign of the coming apocalypse.
    What an absolute, baseless crock of nonsense. Fundamental Christians live on the same planet, breathe the same air and raise their families in the same fashion as American Marxists prevaricators like Moyers, et al.
    Fundamental Christians want the same health and environment for themselves and their children, and grandchildren as everyone else does - but to further their agenda, as I stated above, these extremists of the left will do or say anything.

    The symptoms, like global warming, are a naturally occuring phenomenon which humankind has zero control over - the source of those symptoms lies beyond our atmosphere and on a scale our lead scientists probably do not fully comprehend. That's the easy, laymans way of explaining the anthropogenic relationship between the earths changing environmental conditions and the allegation of mankind's responsibility for those changes (i.e.: greenhouse gases).

    What the Bible offers is prophecy which relates to simultaneously occuring natural events in ever increasing severity and frequency (disasters of varying degrees) - like earthquakes, the roaring and tossing of the seas (the Global Ocean Temperature Conveyor currents), biological pestilences, famine and the like. Except for war, mankind does not effect the earths environment in any meaningful way. The purpose of these prophecies is to highlight the season of Jesus return - not to prophecy that big earthquakes, floods or rising seas are going to occur.

    Of course, global thermonuclear war would be a man-made precipitator of an extinction level event. However, Bible prophecy clearly states that God will intervene directly to prevent the loss of all life on this planet.

    Here's a good article from Jack Kinsella on this topic:

    Remember, Jesus led off His message as recorded in Luke 21:25-26 by naming the source of these climate events as being extraplanetary...

    "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." (Luke 21:25-26)
    Last edited by Sean Osborne; May 31st, 2007 at 14:20.

  3. #263
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy II

    Just got this email from B&N regarding Joel Rosenberg's Epicenter:

    We regret to inform you that our supplier has changed the release date on the pre-ordered merchandise listed below. We expect to ship the item(s) soon and will send you an email when it is ready to leave our warehouse. If we cannot acquire the merchandise within 30 days, we will notify you by email.

  4. #264
    Forum General Brian Baldwin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy II

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Osborne
    Fundamental Christians want the same health and environment for themselves and their children, and grandchildren as everyone else does - but to further their agenda, as I stated above, these extremists of the left will do or say anything.
    Even then I'm sure this nitwit Moyer's can find one extremist that really does want to hasten the end times. But no one with an ounce of sanity desires it.
    Brian Baldwin

    Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil.... For I am the meanest S.O.B. in the valley.

    "A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in... And how many want out." - Tony Blair on America

    It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.

    It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.

    It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.

    It is the soldier who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.

    -Father Denis O'Brien of the United States Marine Corp.

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  5. #265
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    Epicenter DVD Trailer:

    DVD Excerpts:


    By Joel C. Rosenberg

    (WASHINGTON, D.C., June 2, 2007) -- In June of 1967, Israel's enemies -- armed and encouraged by Moscow -- surrounded her and threatened to "throw the Jews into the sea." Forty years later, Israel's enemies -- again armed by the Russians -- are once again surrounding her and vowing to "wipe Israel off the map." Just how serious is the latest crisis in the Middle East, and does it foreshadow the coming of a major geopolitical or even prophetic war as early as this summer?

    For the past seven months, a Hollywood-based film crew and I have been working in Israel and the U.S. on an Epicenter documentary film, based on my non-fiction book published last fall. We interviewed top Israeli political, military and intelligence leaders, including former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former deputy Prime Minister Natan Sharansky, former IDF chief of staff Moshe Ya'alon and former Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Dore Gold. We also interviewed Iranian dissidents, Shiite converts to Christianity, and leading Bible prophecy experts, and filmed on location in Jerusalem and Washington.

    Now the one-hour film is set for nationwide release on DVD, along with two-hours of exclusive bonus features that include full interviews with key leaders and a 30 minute insider description of the mission of The Joshua Fund. The film is particularly well-suited as a discussion starter for small group Bible studies, home fellowship groups and book clubs, as well as for viewing by entire church congregations. You can see the trailer and excerpts from the film on my website, and you pre-order a copy through Barnes & Noble today.


    * Sunday morning, June 3 -- I'll be preaching on Epicenter at all three services at Calvary Chapel of Old Bridge (NJ), just outside of Manhattan

    * Sunday evening, June 3 -- Live, two-hour nationwide radio special to launch Epicenter DVD from 7-9pm eastern, 4-6pm Pacific on 500+ stations, including the CSN Radio network, K-WAVE in Southern California, KNKT in Albuquerque, and WZXV in Rochester/Syracuse/Buffalo. Details on my weblog.

    * Monday, June 4 -- Appearing at 9pm eastern on Hannity & Colmes

    * Tuesday, June 5 -- Appearing at 11am eastern on The John Gambling Show on WABC-New York; and 6:30pm eastern on The Lars Larson Show (nationally syndicated on Westwood One). Possibly on Fox & Friends, as well (TBD).

    * Wednesday, June 6 -- Speaking at both evening services at Calvary Chapel of Ft. Lauderdale

    FYI: Interest in Epicenter has surged following Dr. Dobson's recent interviews. The book has spent the last four weeks on the New York Times best-seller list, eight months after its initial release.

  6. #266
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy II

    TODAY - SUNDAY 3 JUNE 2007

    Epicenter Live Nationwide Streaming Radio Broadcast

    Live 7 PM Eastern/4 PM Pacific

  7. #267
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy II

    Question: Is there anyone reading these pages of posts who does not see:

    1. The very distinct possibility or probability of war between Israel and Syria in the very near term?

    2. Is there any doubt that Syria possesses significant WMD - Chemical and Biological weapons - deliverable via short and medium range missile technology?

    3. Has not the principle partner in the alliance against Israel - the Islamic Republic of Iran - declared in very recent days

    • That the coming days will witness the destruction of Israel
    • That these events will hasten the arrival of the al-Mahdi (12th Imam)
    • That any attack upon Iran will ensure a regional Armageddon?
    4. Is there any doubt that a single WMD strike on Israel would result in the annihilation of Damascus?

    If you answer in the negative to any of the above four questions, please reference Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38-39 immediately.

  8. #268
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy II

    Interesting perspective from Israel. Most of the secular world will be surprised and amazed at what happens next. Ardent students of Biblical eschatology won't be, they've known with certainty this was was coming since 7 June 1967 when Israel captured all of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.

    1 Tammuz 5767, June 17, '07
    Published: 06/05/07, 11:31 PM
    The War's Upon Us

    by Cale Hahn

    We have come to the end of the road.

    "We hoped for peace, but no good has come. A time of healing, but there was only terror." (Yirmiyahu 8:15)

    We have come to the end of the road. No more initiatives. No more recycling under different names the same failed formula for Middle East peace. The end of the road is conflagration, not coexistence.

    The peace process is dead. The time of wars has begun. Israel has been sufficiently weakened for the Muslim world to once again attempt annihilation of the Jewish state. The facade of Muslim desires for peace is lowered, and behind the curtain looms a violent and murderous religion that brooks no opposition.

    The peace process is dead. The time of wars has begun.

    Islamic peace is: no god on earth but Allah. Islamic honor may only be restored by the destruction of the Jewish nation. Hence, their nakba is the "catastrophe" of Israel's birth.

    The Muslim nations are actively preparing for war; to declare there is hope for peace given the mountains of evidence to the contrary is manic delusion. Unfortunately, those who say these things are currently running the country.

    This is precisely the reason the Muslims will soon attack. Israel is led by a coalition of political hacks who exhibit colossal incompetence and cinematic buffoonery. They possess no will to fight beyond a staged photo op. They are hollow men, empty shells without convictions and without courage beyond self-preservation.

    As Ehud Olmert confessed, "We are tired of fighting, we are tired of being courageous, we are tired of winning, we are tired of defeating our enemies."

    In previous wars, Israel was armed with superior US weapons systems, while the Muslim armies fielded inferior Soviet-bloc material. Though significantly outnumbered, Israel possessed enough of a qualitative advantage to overcome significant quantitative disparities.

    Not so anymore. The Muslim nations are armed with the latest Western weapons platforms and, for the first time, possess not only numerical superiority, but qualitative parity with Israel in many areas. Under the auspices of enlisting Muslim support in participating in its "War on Terror," the US has armed Israel's enemies with its latest weapons systems. Examples include Harpoon anti-ship missiles, F-16 fighters, Apache helicopters, Abrams main battle tanks, JDAM bombs, AWACS radar planes and Avenger Air Defense Systems.

    Israel has voiced deep alarm to Washington at Muslim weapons parity vis-a-vis the Jewish state, but to no avail. Washington continues arming Israel's enemies, knowing these systems may soon be employed against the Jewish state.

    Along with Western weapons, the Muslim armies possess advanced Russian, Chinese, Iranian and North Korean rockets. These will target Israel from the Golan to Eilat, employing the successful strategies garnered from the Second Lebanon War. Utilization of chemical, biological or nuclear munitions cannot be ruled out.

    The most likely casus belli is an Iranian terror proxy launching attacks against Israel's borders, forcing Israel to respond in kind. The situation will quickly deteriorate to include rocketing from Syria, Lebanon, Hizbullah, Iran, Gaza and other Palestinian enclaves. These attacks will dwarf the Second Lebanon War in terms of intensity and accuracy.

    The Muslim nations will then follow the rocket blitz with conventional forces to rid the Jews from Palestine. Dar-Al-Islaam, at last.

    Indeed, this is precisely the reason the US has restrained Israel from responding to the rocket barrages on its southern border. The US is deeply concerned an Israeli invasion of Gaza will trigger a regional war or possibly World War III.

    Knock one domino down and it is connected by a tripwire to others, which will blow from Gaza to Afghanistan in a quick succession of cataclysmic explosions. Islamic war planners deliberately engineered the structure as such.

    America is feverishly working to keep this from happening. US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack cautioned, "We've urged them [Israel] to consider the consequences of defending themselves."

    But global war is precisely the goal of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. It is the prerequisite for the Islamic Messiah (the Mahdi) coming upon the world stage to lead the Islamic ummah ("nation") to global victory. Ahmadinejad believes he is the one chosen to usher the Mahdi's coming.

    The whole of the Middle East is a mountain of munitions atop a rumbling, ash-belching volcano. Late summer or fall appears to be the intended point of detonation. When it erupts, it will blow the US from the Middle East and propel Israel to the brink of destruction.

    The whole of the Middle East is a mountain of munitions.

    These are heady days for the ummah. They are drunk on the power their oil wealth brings. They sense a moment of historic tectonic shift is soon to occur, an imminent glorious triumph over the infidel.

    Iran is on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons and is restoring Islamic honor by standing up to America. Every Muslim nation is undertaking a massive armament campaign, ironically provided in large measure by America. The US fatally misidentified their enemy as terrorism, when in actuality the enemy is Islam, from which terror springs.

    The Muslim nations haven't made the same mistake. They know America's veneration of its economy, and they intend to bring it down in a ruinous, smoldering heap. They intend to drive the US from the region and shut the oil taps to its markets. The OPEC oil embargo of the 1970s is returning, only this time it will be utilized to a much greater effect, intended to destroy the US economy.

    America should prepare for numerous terror attacks using conventional and non-conventional munitions. A Department of Homeland Security agent said Al-Qaeda has several South American training camps to instruct terrorists in Spanish and the Hispanic culture and infiltrate them across the US-Mexico border as illegal immigrants. He stated there are several thousands of terrorists who have successfully infiltrated the US and who are awaiting orders to strike.

    The coming conflagration in the Middle East may be the trigger to activate these cells; almost certainly, should a shooting war develop between America and either Syria or Iran.

    Since the Rabin-Arafat handshake fourteen years ago, 2,000 Israelis have been killed, 14,000 wounded and unnumbered hundreds of thousands psychologically scarred. Israel was willing to pay the price for peace. Time and again, Israel gave faith. Time and again, faith was violated. Time and again, Israel hoped. Time and again, Israel was targeted.

    Israel will learn its lessons. After the war, all of Jerusalem will be free from Islamic domination. No area will be off-limits to Jewish worship.

    After the war, all of Jerusalem will be free from Islamic domination.

    Israel will not fall. He who keeps her will neither slumber nor sleep. HaShem is faithful to His promises and His people: "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The Lord of Hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge." (Psalms 46:10-11)

  9. #269
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy II

    OK, just watched the "Epicenter" DVD.

    It's very, very good - especially for a rookie like me.

    My embarassment is pushed aside by my amazement regarding the "Gog Magog" issue - I just didn't know. Wow.

    Folks, I highly recommend this DVD.

  10. #270
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy II

    Quote Originally Posted by Backstop View Post
    OK, just watched the "Epicenter" DVD.

    It's very, very good - especially for a rookie like me.

    My embarassment is pushed aside by my amazement regarding the "Gog Magog" issue - I just didn't know. Wow.
    Oh wow Backstop... I had thought you understood this material very well. Well, at least you do now. I have been relating this material for some time now in this thread and the previous one at ANet. So, if I understand you correctly, what I think you're saying is that it took Joel Rosenberg and his Epicenter DVD to put it all together for you. That's what a lot of people are saying all across the USA in the aftermath of this video release. I guess I should be quiet and just play the Epicenter DVD.

    Folks, I highly recommend this DVD.
    No doubt.

    Have you seen this YouTube entry?

  11. #271
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy II

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean Osborne View Post
    Oh wow Backstop... I had thought you understood this material very well. Well, at least you do now. I have been relating this material for some time now in this thread and the previous one at ANet. So, if I understand you correctly, what I think you're saying is that it took Joel Rosenberg and his Epicenter DVD to put it all together for you. That's what a lot of people are saying all across the USA in the aftermath of this video release. I guess I should be quiet and just play the Epicenter DVD.
    This may not come out right...but what the DVD did was put it all in one single place.'re doing a fine job of explaining things here, and previously at Anon - do not think otherwise.

    But frankly, it's a lot of info for a lunkhead such as myself to digest; there's a never ending stream, and one fact leads to numerous others requiring research/thought/etc. I consider it all 'heavy reading.'

    Again, the DVD just kinda neatly packaged things for immediate consumption. Rosenberg's (Cliff's) Notes, if you will.

    Nope, haven't seen the Youtube link - going there now.


  12. #272
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy II

    Quote Originally Posted by Backstop View Post
    This may not come out right...but what the DVD did was put it all in one single place.'re doing a fine job of explaining things here, and previously at Anon - do not think otherwise.
    Not to worry... when I wrote "I guess I should be quiet and just play the Epicenter DVD" I was half-joking.

    There's no difference between what I have written or stated on radio programs about this topic and what Joel has written in the book and DVD versions of Epicenter.

    Same God, same prophecy, and same ultimate truth regardng the events that are now more imminent then anytime in history since they were given.

  13. #273
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    This brief report could go in the "Wars and Rumors of Wars" category of Bible Prophecy. It is based upon a message I recieved around midnight (26-27 June) which I sent out as an email advisory this morning.

    Last night there was extraordinary radio traffic on the GHFS (the Air Force Global HF System). The freqs used for this traffic and the "echo" repeats were: 4724, 8992, 11175 and 15016 kHz. The net for these freqs is fixed to the following Air Force Bases: Andrews, Ascension, Elmendorf, Anderson (Guam), Hickam, Lejes, Offutt, Salinas, Thule, Yokota plus a couple of formerly aliased stations (like Diego Garcia and Cyprus). These freqs were humming with extremely large EAMs (Emergency Action Messages) which are issued by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to USAF strategic nuclear forces.

    A normal EAM consists of phonetic alpha-numeric string which is the message preamble and is repeated 3 times. The preamble is followed by the message text, which normally can be up to 30 alpha-numerica characters. Last nights messages were 174 characters long. According to the amatuer radio network which has followed the GHFS broadcasts for decades, a message of this size has not been copied on the system since the Gulf War of 1991.

    Another report from Israel released earlier today is also significant. There is nothing to the "regular check-up" nonsense - that's pure disinfo.

    Israeli internal front command advises Israeli TV to be prepared for emergency situations

    Date: 27 / 06 / 2007 Time: 16:45

    Bethlehem – Ma'an – The internal front command of the Israeli military on Wednesday told Israeli TV stations to be prepared for emergency situations.

    Israeli daily, Maariv, reported that the internal front command asked Israeli TV Channel 2 for assistance in transmitting special programs and announcements during the period of emergency.

    The representative of the internal front did not state the reasons for the request, but said it was no more than a regular check-up to ensure readiness.

    According to the Israeli army, the TV broadcasting stations are vital during periods of emergency, so they must enable employees to access their places of work and continue transmission under all circumstances.

    Last edited by Sean Osborne; June 27th, 2007 at 19:55.

  14. #274
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    Posted this before - it is time to post it again.

    Russian-Syrian-Iranian Axis

    by Hal Lindsey

    For students of Bible prophecy, even the title of this communiqué should
    set off alarm sirens. I just received some electrifying intelligence
    data - first, from the DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s briefing, and second, from
    some personal intelligence sources (which I carefully guard) that
    confirm Debka’s report.

    Russia, Iran and Syria have entered a defense pact that is in the
    process of altering the balance of power in the entire Middle East.
    Russia’s part in the pact has been kept relatively secret for a long
    time. But the facts reveal a long, steady Russian commitment to the
    Iranian nuclear program and arms supply to Syria.

    A Mossad general shared with me in confidence that he had personally
    traced the hiring and importation to Iran of 283 of the defunct Soviet
    Union’s top nuclear and missile scientists. This meeting took place in
    February of 1991.

    I shared this information with no one until nine months later, when it
    was first made public (although, strangely, not followed up by the
    mainstream media). All Russian leaders continued and expanded this
    agreement to this day, especially our supposed friend, Vladimir Putin.

    Russia has helped the Iranian nuclear program from its inception.
    Hundreds of Russian scientists, with their families, live around some
    twenty scattered nuclear-related facilities. Russian “Spetznaz soldiers”
    (Special Forces) guard all the key nuclear facilities.

    Iran has had some help on missile development from the North Koreans.
    But even their missiles are based upon Russian designs. The unmistakable
    culprit in China, North Korea and Iran’s nuclear development has been
    the Soviet Union and continued by Russia.

    The Soviet Union’s motivation for helping China and North Korea was
    primarily ideological. Russia’s primary reason is hard cash; although
    now, it is taking on a strategic importance as well. So, here are the
    disturbing, hard facts about what is taking place in what can only be
    viewed as a dangerous anti-Western strategy in the form of a
    Russian-Syrian-Iranian Axis.

    The first part of this strategy was, as I said above, Russia enabling
    Iran to produce deliverable nuclear warheads. The second part was the
    formation of the recent mutual defense pact between Iran and Syria. The
    foreign ministers of Iran and Syria, Mostafa Najjar and Hassan Turkmani,
    signed the pact in Tehran on June 15th, 2006.

    Debka’s intelligence sources unveiled a disturbing clause in the
    agreement that was reported to President Bush by U.S. Intelligence. This
    report disclosed:

    “The clause speaks of more than one battery of upgraded Shehab-3
    surface-to-surface missiles to be deployed on the 13,000-foot Jabal Ash
    Shanin ridges towering over central Syria. The latest Syrian-Iranian
    exchanges are reported by DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s intelligence sources as
    auguring the early dispatch from Tehran of a deputation of officers to
    take up position at al Qadnus, east of the Syrian port of Tartus, and
    along the road linking the port to Jabal Ash Shanin. This team will act
    as the vanguard of the Iranian missile force: to operate the missile
    station, check out the ground, and fix its precise location.

    “Senior intelligence officials warned the U.S. President that this
    deployment would not just throw the entire Middle East balance of
    strength out of kilter, but directly menace American bases located as
    far as West and East Europe and the Central Asian republics, including
    those located on the shores of the oil-rich Caspian Sea. This puts
    virtually all of Europe within range of the soon-coming nuclear-tipped
    Iranian missiles - and at the whim of Iranian President, Mahmoud
    Ahmadinejad. Remember him? He is the one who believes Allah has chosen
    him to fulfill an “end time” Muslim prophecy by starting a world
    apocalypse in which the long-awaited “Mahdi” (Muslim Messiah) will
    appear and subject all survivors to Allah.

    As if this isn’t bad enough news, there is something even more alarming
    developing within this new axis of evil. Russia is now making moves to
    protect Syria and its Shehab-3 missile base.

    This is what DEBKA-News-Weekly reported: “Our sources have observed the
    Russians dredging the port of Tartus, Syria’s second most important
    Mediterranean port, with a view to expanding their logistical supply
    point there to a fully-equipped naval base, possibly to serve the Black
    Sea Fleet warships when they are redeployed from the Ukrainian port of
    Sevastopol. It is designed to be built up into the permanent base for
    the fleet led by the RFS Moskva (TG Flag) missile cruiser and the RFS
    Azov landing ship within the next three years.

    “On February 27, 2006, DEBKAfile’s exclusive sources found the Moskva
    and Asov heading into the Mediterranean on Feb. 5, escorted by a Russian
    military tug, to take part in the NATO marine exercise Operation Active
    Endeavor, which was to practice counter-measures against nuclear and
    other WMD smugglers. NATO chiefs, and American generals in particular,
    attached great importance to Russia’s participation in the exercise.
    NATO secretary Jaap de Hoop Scheffer had intended to make the gesture of
    being the North Atlantic Organization chief to visit a Russian flagship.
    The visit was cancelled when it was discovered that the three Russian
    fleet vessels would be paying an official call at the Syrian port of

    “The arrival of the Russian task force in Tartus in March marked the
    opening of the Russian base. Our military experts note that the Missile
    Cruiser Moskva is armed with the weapons, radar and electronic gear of
    an [aircraft] carrier hunter.

    “The American intelligence briefing for the U.S. President further
    disclosed that sophisticated Russian air defense systems are to be
    installed for the dual purpose of protecting the Tartus Naval Base and
    the Shehab-3 missile emplacements. DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s military sources
    identify the system as the S-300PMU-2. It will be operated by Russian
    military crews, not in Syrian hands. This air defense system is
    comparable to the American Patriot, but is more effective. The version
    to be deployed in Syria is geared to intercept ballistic missiles. It
    has the great advantage of being ready to fire five minutes after
    receiving orders …”

    This explains why Iran has blatantly defied the world and continued
    developing nuclear warheads, which are closer to becoming operational
    than we dare believe.

    Second, it explains the reason why the Iranian and Syrian defense
    ministers signed a mutual defense pact last June 15th.

    Third, it gives the reason for Hezbollah launching a war with Israel
    when they did. It was to divert the G-8 leaders from seriously debating
    action about the Iranian nuclear threat. And Vladimir Putin played a
    masterful game of concealing what his forces are doing.

    Fourth, it explains why Syria and Iran are unafraid to openly support
    Hezbollah in their war with Israel and support terrorist that target
    U.S. troops in Iraq. Russia is in the background guaranteeing their
    protection. Debka reports that they found data indicating that Russia
    helped persuade Syrian President Bashir Assad to accept the placement of
    Iranian missiles on their soil by hinting that “it is part of their own
    deepening strategic plans for Syria.”

    What is most important is that all this is setting up Ezekiel’s
    2600-year-old prophecy in Ezekiel Chapter 38
    <> . Persia, or
    modern Iran, is listed as chief among the Muslim nations Russia will
    lead into an all-out assault against Israel. This is predicted to be the
    first battle of the war of Armageddon.

    One nation that does not seem to be listed is Syria. I believe this is
    the result of actions it is now taking against Israel. Isaiah’s prophecy
    about Damascus in the last days is going to be soon fulfilled.

    Twenty-seven hundred years ago, Isaiah warned, “An oracle concerning
    Damascus: See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap
    of ruins … In that day the glory of Jacob will fade; the fat of his body
    will waste away.” (Isaiah 17:1, 4 NIV)

    To establish the time of this event, look at these factors:

    * First, Damascus is one of the oldest continuously populated
    cities on earth. It has never been totally destroyed - yet.
    * Second, it is in a context of events that lead up to the
    catastrophes that precede the Lord Jesus’ Second Coming.
    * Third, it is far enough away from that event that Jacob (Israel)
    is enduring terrible circumstances.
    * Fourth, Syria and the tribal name of its forefathers are not
    mentioned in the Russian-led Muslim Confederacy that launches Armageddon
    in the middle of the Tribulation.

    All of this leads me to believe that Damascus will be destroyed before
    the Tribulation begins. I believe that Damascus is about to so threaten
    Israel’s existence, by either launching or furnishing bio-chemical
    weapons or radioactive dirty bombs, that Israel will nuke them. Israel
    has sworn that it will implement the Samson-Option against any nation
    that attacks them with any form of weapons of mass destruction. That
    means a thermonuclear strike. This may soon happen to Syria. This, in
    turn, will so terrify the world that it will be ripe to embrace the
    Antichrist when he is unveiled. And that could be very, very soon.

    Thank God that you have received the gift of pardon that Jesus purchased
    by dying in your place under the judgment for your sins. But if you
    haven’t received this free gift of pardon and accepted Jesus into your
    life, now is the time. Don’t put it off. It is like playing Russian
    roulette with eternity. Pray right now and receive your forgiveness. Ask
    Jesus Christ to come into your life and make it what He wants it to be.
    He will give you new desires, new joy and a purpose for living. Do it

  15. #275
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy II

    This thread is now at an end. I am leaving the TAA forum permanently due to the fact that I am not trusted to make simple edits or updates to my material. Send me an email - you know where to find me - if you desire to find a thread such as this and the rest of my analysis and intel.
    Be safe, trust Jesus.

  16. #276
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy II


    Libertatem Prius!

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  17. #277
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Current Events and Biblical Prophecy II

    Oh, guess I better lock the thread then, huh? Since Sean started it, and ended it.

    I guess he's done?
    Libertatem Prius!

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