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Thread: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

  1. #1381
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    He's still alive? No one shot him? lol
    Libertatem Prius!

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  2. #1382
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Apparently there's been some sort of riot in Charlottesville, VA between some Antifa and "alt-right" groups.

    No idea really what's been going on since I was watching my DVR'd PowerNation shows and working on my truck.

    Just flipped on FNC for the first time in a while and they're covering it. Doing some reading to see what's happening.

  3. #1383
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Well, doesn't look like much is happening at the moment so I'm going to go back to working on my truck and catch up later tonight. Got things to do.

    Guess Gov. Terry McAuliffe has declared a state of emergency and called in the Guard. I think that's the quickest I've ever seen a governor do that. Any reason for a leftie to go all police state I guess...

  4. #1384
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Protesters Topple Confederate Statue In North Carolina

    August 14, 2017

    Protestors toppled a Confederate monument in Durham, N.C. on Monday night.

    Video posted to Twitter shows protestors surrounding the statue and chanting “No KKK! No fascists! USA” as several protestors appear to pull down the statue with a rope.

    WNCN reports the statue was dedicated in Durham in 1924 and was located in front of a local government building.

    The statue represented a soldier who fought in the Civil War and an inscription on the front read “The Confederate States of America.”

    One organizer of the protest told WNCN that toppling the statue was in response to the violence at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va. this weekend.

    “It needs to be removed,” organizer Loan Tran told the news station. “These Confederate statues in Durham, in North Carolina, all across the country.”

    The protest follows the “Unite the Right” rally in Virginia this weekend, where white supremacists, white nationalists and neo-Nazis gathered to protest the city of Charlottesville’s decision to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

    The rally quickly turned violent after a man drove his car into a group of peaceful counter-protestors, killing one and injuring at least 19.

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Where’s the outrage over Hillary’s call for a ‘Civil’ War?

    By Michael Goodwin
    October 9, 2018 | 10:20pm

    Two events from the last two days stand out. The first came Monday night with President Trump’s forceful yet compassionate speech at the swearing in of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

    The president opened with an extraordinary apology on behalf of the country to Kav*anaugh and his family “for the terrible pain and suffering” they endured during the historically brutal confirmation process. He said the unfounded allegations violated fairness and “the presumption of innocence.”

    Trump also tenderly addressed Kavanaugh’s young daughters, telling them “your father is a great man, a man of decency, character, kindness and courage.”

    The event was something of a spike-the-football moment in front of a cheering White House audience and as such was a clever piece of stagecraft, where Republican Sens. Mitch McConnell, Charles Grassley, Lindsey Graham and Susan Collins were saluted.

    But the ceremony was much more than mere boosterism. With the eight other Supremes sitting in the front row, Trump aimed to restore dignity to the judiciary at a time when the dirtiest tricks of politics have buried the court in a mountain of mud.

    The president is right to worry that the character-assassination attempt on Kavanaugh may turn out to be a seminal moment in American political and cultural history. The ideas that the court is just another political branch and that the presumption of innocence no longer applies if you are on the other team represent a seismic shift in how we look at each other and the nation as a whole.

    If those ideas stick, we are in more trouble than we can imagine.

    And while Trump has at times unnecessarily contributed to the rancor, he was terrific Monday in trying to repair what Senate Democrats and their media handmaidens tried to destroy.

    Which brings me to the second event of note: Hillary Clinton’s statement Tuesday that Democrats “cannot be civil” as long as Republicans hold the White House and Congress.

    “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” Clinton told CNN. “That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”

    There you have it — a declaration of war and a license for violence. Where is the media outrage?

    Clinton knows we are already in the danger zone when it comes to the political temperature. Her comments, then, are as reckless as bringing a can of gasoline to a bonfire.

    She’s stoking trouble to gain a foothold in the 2020 race — and damn the consequences.

    Her claim that civility can return when Dems have power is an admission that the ends justify the means.

    Then again, she never fails to disappoint. As I wrote Sunday, she has spent the last two years casting doubt on the legitimacy of the Trump presidency because the election didn’t go her way. That makes her guilty of the very thing she found “horrifying” when Trump suggested he might not abide by the results if he thought they were rigged.

    “He is denigrating — he is talking down our democracy. And I am appalled that someone who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that position,” she said in their final debate, in October 2016.

    She added, “That is not the way our democracy works.”

    But it does work exactly that way when Democrats are denied what they feel entitled to. They should be careful what they wish for.

    For if the Kavanaugh experience revealed anything, it is that Trump’s GOP knows how to fight back and win. It is hard to imagine that Kavanaugh would have survived such an onslaught under any other *recent Republican candidate or president.

    There were so many reasons, and so much media pressure, that it would not have been surprising if a bloc of senators called the allegations a “distraction” and waved a white flag. They didn’t because Trump and Kavanaugh didn’t back down.

    Still, there is danger when two sides both think they can outlast the other. Responding to my concern that America might be sleepwalking into a second civil war, a number of readers agreed. Some said they welcomed it.

    Curt Doolittle wrote this: “We aren’t sleepwalking into it, we know exactly what we’re doing and why. The hard right and hard left are planning on it, ready for it, and looking for an opportunity.”

    He said the pressure has been building and that “the only reason it hasn’t turned hot is the outlier of Trump’s election. If Clinton had won, we’d already be there.”

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  6. #1386
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    DEMonS: They HATE you. They want to KILL you. Really.

    Yeah, another “Civil War-ish” type article. Don’t roll your eyes. Read the article. Watch the vids. They hate you. They want to kill you. Prepare. Save yourself.


    America’s left-wing communists openly plot mass assassinations through Twitter groups

    10/01/2018 / By JD Heyes

    Already angry over their inability to control the flow of politics in Washington, the militant Left is getting even angrier. And more militant.

    Following a week in which Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee were unable to stop a hugely qualified constitutional jurist, Brett Kavanaugh, from advancing to a vote of the full Senate despite the use of a “hail Mary” sexual assault allegation, the perpetually triggered Left is lurching towards a full meltdown, even to the point of openly calling for violence against all conservatives and supporters of POTUS Donald Trump.

    As noted by PJ Media, self-avowed Communists took to social media as keyboard warriors to discuss strategies for armed insurrection against those they have identified as their ‘enemies’:

    “Dr. Bones,” the co-host of the far-left podcast The Guillotine, started the conversation going with his 5,000-plus Twitter followers. Bones (@Ole_Bonsey on Twitter) asked: “Hey quick little question for military minded lefties: should leftists train/organize in a ‘insurgent’ focus where they blend into a civilian population for potential attacks or a more ‘militia’ structure focused on holding/maintaining turf?”

    From there the online conversation progressed into discussions of weapons, tactics, and moving among the population freely without being noticed – guerilla warfare-style. At one point Dr. Bones told his followers he had ordered a book by Seth G. Jones, “Waging Insurgent Warfare: Lessons from the Vietcong to the Islamic State.”

    “I’d check this out. Details 181 insurgencies, how they started, how they were successful, the tactics they used, and how they ended,” he tweeted. “First hand documents, interviews, even loads of statistical data! My copy is on its way!”

    The group discussed forming “hidden cells” that would concentrate on staging ambushes and assassinations, with the objective being to bleed “right-leaning forces dry.” Bones said during the daytime revolutionaries should be seen as “helping everybody,” but never discuss their “nighttime activities.”

    Now, you might think that this is harmless banter between Che Guevara wannabes who do all of their talking on social media, but it’s becoming far too common in the Trump era.

    No doubt the FBI and Department of Homeland Security are aware of these activities and are tracking them – if you’re a real revolutionary you’re not plotting on social media – but the fact that some people feel comfortable enough talking about these kinds of things in an open forum is disturbing. (Related: Scalise warns: Democrat-supporting LEFT inciting more and more violence.)

    At some point, the right will respond in kind

    What makes the risk even greater is that, without question, discussions like these ‘inspire’ certain people to eventually think that violence is a much better political solution than traditional means such as candidates using public forums and other methods to reach out to voters and convince them, with better ideas, to lend their support.

    We have to ask ourselves how many dog whistles from Antifa protesters and elected Democrats did James T. Hodgkinson, of Belleville, Ill., hear before traveling to Northern Virginia in the summer of 2017 with intent of assassinating Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., and as many other Republicans as possible?

    How many times does Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., get to call on supporters to physically confront Republicans and Trump Cabinet members in public before one of them harms or kills someone?

    How many more times will Republican lawmakers have to suffer through ‘public shaming’ confrontations in restaurants and other places before one of them is attacked?

    So, in that vein, it’s imperative that we address this growing ‘insurgency,’ if you will, and stop it in its tracks before we have a real-live shooting war on our hands.

    Our founding fathers could only take so much perceived abuse from Great Britain before they decided they’d be willing to risk life, limb, and fortune to fight back. After decades of arguing over slavery, the North and the South split and war ensued.

    The thing to remember is that those events did not happen overnight. They took time to fester.

    Read more about the coming second civil war at

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  7. #1387
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    I heard that the other day and was wondering the exact same thing.

    Frankly I was surprised to hear such strong words from the likes of Hillary. I'd expect that from one of the upstart, firebrands of the party but was a bit surprising coming from part of the Democrat establishment.

    The fact that that is now coming from the Dem establishment, openly, tells me we're getting closer and closer...

  8. #1388
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    The Uncivil Left Reveals Their Real Strategy

    They obeyed. The left always obeys. Obedience is the whole point of their program. And now, normal people across the country, nevertheless, are becoming concerned.

    “So many frankly unhinged people and unstable people out there," said Kelley Paul, wife of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who was attacked by a deranged neighbor over the summer. "And when they hear someone on their side telling them ‘get up in their face,‘ they take that literally, and they think that that gives them a license to be very aggressive, be harassing."

    The senator's wife now sleeps with a loaded gun by her bedside. That's what it has come to as Hillary Clinton says there's no being civil with Republicans, and top Democratic lawmakers urge angry citizens to harass people who simply don't share their worldview

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  9. #1389
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    I love all these people suddenly coming to the realization of how dangerous the Left is. All it took was for the Left to let the mask drop... Too late now though.

  10. #1390
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    Government Shutdown: Food Stamp Money Is GONE At The End Of January

    Mac Slavo
    January 3rd, 2019
    Comments (28)
    Read by 1,772 people

    Without funding for a much-desired border wall, president Donald Trump doesn’t seem willing to budge at all during negotiations for the upcoming budget battle. While Trump and Democrats both hold out, funding for the food stamp program will run out at the end of January.

    The Department of Agriculture says if the ongoing government shutdown extends into February, there won’t be enough money for those who rely on the government welfare program known as food stamps.

    During a lapse in government funding, we will be providing as many of our core services as we can using existing resources. We're keeping up our duty to "Do Right and Feed Everyone," as @SecretarySonny says.

    More info here:
    — Dept. of Agriculture (@USDA) December 22, 2018

    At the heart of the government shutdown is Trump’s demand for more money to secure the southern border with Mexico, according to a report by Money and Markets. The president seeks $5 billion in funding to fulfill his campaign promise of building the wall on the southern border as a way to stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States. The Democrats also have dug their heels in, saying they will not give any more than $1.3 billion, which is to be used for fencing and shoring up current security.

    Trump has already warned Democrats that he refuses to budge and unless they agree to fund the wall, the government will remain shut down. However, now those on food stamps are probably feeling some concerns. There are about 38 million people currently receiving food stamps and they could all be cut off, forcing them to have to budget like the rest of us. Even though the government has been shut down, the Department of Agriculture still has some existing financial resources at their disposal, and they are assuring us that those enrolled in the food stamp program will still receive their benefits “for January,” reported The End of The American Dream.

    The shutdown has been dragging on for a week now, and government workers are furious as they go without pay. (Because their employer, who is $21 trillion in debt is so great at handling money, to begin with). Because the mainstream media continues to blame Trump for the shutdown, Democrats believe they have some kind of leverage, however, poor coverage in the media has never slowed Trump down when he gets an idea. In fact, he’s now responsible for more gun control than his uber-liberal predecessor, Barack Obama.

    We could very well experience what it is like for people to not get their food stamp money on the first of February. There is no frame of reference for what will happen, although some have suggested people will pick up part-time jobs, others say extreme measures will be undertaken and civil unrest could occur. Right now, it’s anyone’s guess…

    Secretary Perdue Details USDA Functions in the Event of a Lapse in Federal Funding

    (Washington, D.C., December 21, 2018)
    – U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today detailed which functions of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will remain available in the event of a lapse in government funding.

    “There may be a lapse in funding for the federal government, but that will not relieve USDA of its responsibilities for safeguarding life and property through the critical services we provide,” said Secretary Perdue. “Our employees work hard every day to benefit our customers and the farmers, ranchers, foresters, and producers who depend on our programs. During a shutdown, we will leverage our existing resources as best we can to continue to provide the top-notch service people expect.”

    Some USDA activities will be shut down or significantly reduced and some USDA employees will be furloughed. However, certain USDA activities would continue because they are related to law enforcement, the protection of life and property, or are financed through available funding (such as through mandatory appropriations, multi-year discretionary funding, or user fees). For the first week of a potential shutdown, 61% of employees would either be exempted or excepted from shutdown activities. If the shutdown continues, this percentage would decrease, and activities would be reduced as available funding decreases.

    USDA activities that would continue in the short-term include:

    • Meat, poultry, and processed egg inspection services.
    • Grain and other commodity inspection, weighing, grading, and IT support services funded by user fees.
    • Inspections for import and export activities to prevent the introduction and dissemination of pests into and out of the U.S, including inspections from Hawaii and Puerto Rico to the mainland.
    • Forest Service law enforcement, emergency and natural disaster response, and national defense preparedness efforts.
    • Forest Service employees will continue to work on managing and maintaining the current forest system lands and sustaining the health and safety of the lands for their continued use.
    • Continuity and maintenance of some research measurements and research-related infrastructure, such as germplasm, seed storage, and greenhouses.
    • Care for animals, plants and associated infrastructure to preserve agricultural research and to comply with the Wild Horses and Burros statute.
    • Eligible households will still receive monthly Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for January.
    • Most other domestic nutrition assistance programs, such as the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, WIC, and the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, can continue to operate at the State and local level with any funding and commodity resources that remain available. Additional Federal funds and commodities will not be provided during the period of the lapse.
    • The Child Nutrition (CN) Programs, including School Lunch, School Breakfast, Child and Adult Care Feeding, Summer Food Service and Special Milk will continue operations into February. Meal providers are paid on a reimbursement basis 30 days after the end of the service month. Carryover funding will be available during a lapse to support FY 2019 meal service.
    • Minimal administrative and management support, including to excepted IT systems and contracts, will be maintained to support the above activities.
    • Provision of conservation technical and financial assistance (such as Conservation Reserve Program, Environmental Quality Incentives Program, and easement programs).
    • Some farm payments (including direct payments, market assistance loans, market facilitation payments, and disaster assistance programs) will be continued for the first week of a shutdown.
    • Market Facilitation Program payments.
    • Trade mitigation purchases made by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service.
    • Agricultural export credit and other agricultural trade development and monitoring activities.
    • USDA’s Market News Service, which provides critically important market information to the agricultural industry.

    The following USDA activities would not be continued and would be shut down in an orderly fashion during a government funding lapse. These activities include:

    • Provision of new rural development loans and grants for housing, community facilities, utilities and businesses.
    • All recreation sites across the U.S. National Forest System, unless they are operated by external parties under a recreational special use permit.
    • New timber sales.
    • Most forest fuels reduction activities in and around communities.
    • NASS statistics, World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report, and other agricultural economic and statistical reports and projections.
    • Investigation of packers and stockyards related to fraudulent and anti-competitive activities.
    • Assistance for the control of most plant and animal pests and diseases unless funded by cooperators or other non-appropriated sources.
    • Research facilities except for the care for animals, plants and associated infrastructure to preserve agricultural research.
    • Provision of new grants or processing of payments for existing grants to support research, education, and extension.
    • ERS Commodity Outlook Reports, Data Products, research reports, staff analysis, and projections. The ERS public website would be taken offline.
    • Most departmental management, administrative and oversight functions, including civil rights, human resources, financial management, audit, investigative, legal and information technology activities.
    • Mandatory Audits (Financial Statements, FISMA, and potentially Improper Payments) will be suspended and may not be completed and released on the date mandated by law.
    • After the first week, farm loans and some farm payments (including direct payments, market assistance loans, market facilitation payments for those producers who have not certified production, and disaster assistance programs).

    For more information, please view a summary of USDA’s shutdown plans (PDF, 75.2 KB).

    In addition, you may view a list of shutdown plans by USDA agency and office. Note that the National Finance Center information can be found on pages 7 to 9 of the Office of the

    Chief Financial Officer (OCFO) document on that page.

    #USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Trump confirms he said government shutdown could last months or years

    President threatens to declare national emergency and build wall without congressional approval: ‘I can do it if I want’

    Ben Jacobs in Washington, Jamiles Lartey and agencies

    Government shutdown could last for years, says Trump – video

    As a partial US government shutdown hit the two-week mark, Donald Trump told congressional leaders at the White House he was prepared for the standoff to last months or even years.

    “Absolutely I said that,” said Trump during a Rose Garden press conference, when asked if Senator Chuck Schumer was correct in his claim that the White House was prepared to continue the shutdown indefinitely.

    The president also upped the ante, threatening to declare a national emergency and build a border wall without congressional approval.
    “I can do it if I want,” he said. He also suggested what he called “the military version of eminent domain” as a method of obtaining private property for wall construction.

    Trump faces a divided government, with Democrats newly in control of the House. Democratic leaders emerged from Friday’s meeting reporting that the president had said he was prepared to close the government “for a very long time, even years” if there was no deal.

    Trump had invited leaders from both parties back to the White House just two days after a meeting on border security in the Situation Room did not resolve matters, and a day after Nancy Pelosi became speaker of the House and Democrats passed legislation to reopen the government.

    Seeking to ease concerns, the White House sought to frame planned weekend talks as a step forward, as did Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader. Trump designated vice-president Mike Pence, the homeland security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, and the presidential adviser Jared Kushner to work with a congressional delegation at a meeting scheduled for Saturday morning.

    Senator Jack Reed, the senior Democrat on the Senate armed services committee, criticized Trump’s Friday afternoon comments, saying in a statement: “Declaring a trumped up national emergency in order to skirt congressional approval is wrong.”

    The US constitution assigns Congress the power over funding the federal government so Trump probably would face legal challenges if he tried to bypass Congress on financing the wall.

    About 800,000 federal workers have been affected by the 22 December closure of about a quarter of the federal government, as Trump withholds his support for new funding until he secures $5bn to build his long-promised but unachieved wall along the US-Mexico border.

    Such a wall, Trump has argued, is needed to stem the flow of undocumented immigrants and drugs. Running for president in 2016, he promised Mexico would pay for the wall, which it has refused to do.

    In his press conference, Trump initially took an optimistic tone, saying: “We are all on the same path in terms of wanting to get government open.”

    Faced with questions from reporters, however, he promptly changed his tone.

    The president confirmed that action on the status of undocumented migrants brought to the US as children had been discussed. But he also went on at length about the various benefits of different construction materials, regularly talking about the difference between steel and concrete.

    “A see-through wall made out of steel is far stronger than a concrete wall,” he said.

    On Thursday, in a surprise appearance in the White House briefing room, Trump had appeared to give himself negotiating space when he said: “You can call it a barrier. You can call it whatever you want. But essentially, we need protection in our country.”

    Asked on Friday about the hardship faced by federal employees either furloughed or working without pay while the showdown over his demand for a wall continues, he claimed support, saying such workers were “in many cases the biggest fans of what we’re doing”. In a tweet last week, however, Trump claimed most workers “not getting paid are Democrats”.

    Both parties continue to seek to avoid blame for the shutdown. In a meeting at the White House last month, Trump said he would be “proud” to take responsibility for it. He has since tried to blame Democrats, who have not shifted their position.

    'Immoral': Nancy Pelosi on Trump's border wall – video

    “We’re not doing a wall,” Pelosi said late on Thursday. “It has nothing to do with politics. It has to do with a wall is an immorality between countries. It’s an old way of thinking. It isn’t cost effective.”

    The same night, the House passed two bills to reopen government agencies for varying lengths of time. One would provide appropriations for all government agencies except the Department of Homeland Security until the end of the fiscal year. The other would continue the current level of homeland security funding through 8 February, in an attempt to allow more time for negotiations with the White House.

    McConnell, a Republican, will not support the legislation and has pledged not to pass anything the president will not sign. But he now faces increasing pressure from fellow Republicans.

    “We should pass a continuing resolution to get the government back open,” Senator Cory Gardner said on Thursday. His colleague Susan Collins also called for the Senate to pass the bills. Both Gardner and Collins are up for re-election in 2020 in states Hillary Clinton won in 2016.

    Trump, who deflected questions about McConnell’s absence from the Rose Garden press conference as House leaders stood with him, has pledged to veto the bills. He insisted: “We won’t be [opening the government] in pieces, we won’t be doing it in dribs and drabs.”

    The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report

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    We’ll so weaken your
    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  12. #1392

  13. #1393
    Member Volk's Avatar
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    Don't like Fascists of any kind, Marxist, Islamist, red white black or brown, they can all take a long walk off a short pier.

  14. #1394
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Quote Originally Posted by Volk View Post
    ''urban youths''....

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