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Thread: Exposing America’s Enemies: The ‘Social Justice Seeking’ Communist Left

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Exposing America’s Enemies: The ‘Social Justice Seeking’ Communist Left

    Exposing America’s Enemies: The ‘Social Justice Seeking’ Communist Left
    On one hand, Americans were outraged and appalled by the 1 May immigrant demonstrations that clogged streets and virtually closed down some cities. Law abiding citizens saw lawbreakers who not only seemed to feel justified in their criminal behavior, but also believed they ought to be rewarded for it.

    On the other hand, Americans are more infuriated and disgusted with their duly elected government officials in both legislative and administrative branches for not enforcing the law and protecting the rights of citizens. President Bush and the weak-kneed GOP have deservedly come under fire. However, if our sovereign nation is to survive, I is of paramount importance that the harsh light of truth be focused upon the subversive element responsible for creating an atmosphere conducive to lawlessness and tyrannical militants brazenly declaring their intentions to ‘conquer’ the Southwest and to throw Americans out of their homes and off of their land.

    The subversive element—a motley collection of Marxists, Stalinists, Trotskyists, Maoists, anarchists and malcontents—organized themselves in the 60’s and became known as the New Left. For over forty years the New Left has been waging a Gramscian ‘quiet’ revolution for the overthrow of the America of our Founders. Today these subversives call themselves liberals, progressives and Democrats. Even though there yet remain good, decent Democrats such as Zell Miller, the majority as David Horowitz attested to, are social justice seeking communists. “The Democratic Party is very close to being the (Communist-controlled Progressive) party of Henry Wallace…The vast bulk of the American left is a Communist left and they’ve introduced some fascist ideas like “identity politics,” which is straight out of Mussolini.” (How Marxism Dominates the Left, Phil Brennan,, June 1, 2005)

    Americas Communist Left operates in a vast interconnected matrix of revolutionary groups disguised as respectable civil rights and legal organizations. These front groups have consistently worked towards the transformation of America through subversion of America’s Rule of Law, Constitution, judiciary, and all institutions necessary to the longevity and health of our nation and civilization. These groups attack all national security measures, subvert immigration laws and procedures, lobby on behalf of terrorist and enemy combatants and engage in propagandistic apologetics for the most brutal dictatorships in the world even as they constantly vilify and demean America and Americans. As they do these things to destroy America and shame Americans, they hypocritically portray themselves as defenders of democracy and humanity.

    The purpose of this article is to expose, at least in part, some of the principal communist groups responsible for undermining and weakening America and who likewise serve as a power source, not only for the militant Marxist organizers of the recent demonstrations, but for Islamic jihadists as well.

    The Quiet Revolution In 1984, “The Power to Lead” was published. In it, author James McGregor Burns admitted: “The Framers of the US Constitution have simply been too shrewd for us. They have outwitted us. They designed separate institutions that cannot be unified by mechanical linkages, frail bridges, tinkering. If we are to ‘turn the Founders upside down’…we must directly confront the constitutional structure they erected.” (A Chronological History: The New World Order by D.L. Cuddy PhD)

    Turning the ‘Founders upside down’ and directly confronting the ‘constitutional structure’ are what the American Civil Liberties Union, National Lawyers Guild, and The Center for Constitutional Rights are committed to doing. Together, these three communist front groups comprise the “legal left,” and they slash and rip at the fabric of the constitutional framework.

    The ACLU was established in 1920 by Roger Baldwin, a Stalinist who candidly admitted: “I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately, for abolishing the state itself.” On the Communist Party USA website, the ACLU can be found at this link:

    When not working with and defending terrorists like Sami al-Arian, the ACLU terrorizes towns into removing Ten Commandments monuments and crosses and persecutes and intimidates Boy Scouts and law abiding Christians. The ACLU’s Immigrant Task Force and Immigrant Rights Project are a dual driving force in the Open Borders Lobby. Among current projects: dissolving America’s borders, erasing all evidence of Christianity and God and requiring the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to provide free legal counsel to illegals while simultaneously demanding that illegals be provided with full welfare benefits.

    The ACLU and its partner groups receive funding from a large assortment of subversive leftist funders. Among them: Arca Foundation, Ford Foundation, George Soros Open Society Institute, Rockefeller Foundation, Woods Fund of Chicago (Source: )

    The National Lawyers Guild was founded in 1936 by the Communist Party USA. The NLG is an active affiliate of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers, which served as a Soviet front group during the Cold War. The NLG defines its mission as an effort to: “unite lawyers, law students, legal workers, and jailhouse lawyers of America (to) function as an effective political and social force…to the end that human rights shall be regarded as more sacred than property interests.” In other words, their mission is to ‘deKulakize’ America in the name of social justice.

    In 1999, NLG member Chip Berlet described a Guild ‘communist debate’ session: “The cacophony at some meetings (arises from) debates featuring…Leninist, Trotskyite, Stalinists…Maoist…Marxist, anarchists, libertarians and progressive independents…with multiple identities as lawyers, legal workers, labor organizers, tribal sovereignty activists, civil liberties and civil rights advocates, environmentalists, feminists, gay men and lesbians, and people of color.” Chip Berlet is an activist with Morris Dees Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), another communist front group and Open Borders member.

    Not coincidentally, it was the SPLC that ‘redistributed’—in the name of social justice—an Arizona ranchers’ property to some illegal aliens. This incident was detailed in an article entitled: “Two Illegal Immigrants Win Arizona Ranch in Court,” New York Times, 8/19/05. Dees was quoted as saying, “…it’s poetic justice that these undocumented workers own this land”

    Like the ACLU, the NLG is a key member of the Open Borders Lobby. It’s National Immigration Project consists of a network of lawyers, law students and legal workers committed to “full democratic rights for all non-citizens”—in the name of social justice. The NLG receives funding from, among others, the George Soros Open Society Institute and the Ford Foundation. (Source: )

    The last of the trio is the Center for Constitutional Rights. It was founded in 1966 by pro-Castro attorneys Morton Stavis, Ben Smith, Arthur Kinoy, and William Kuntsler.

    The CCR prides itself on using “litigation proactively to advance the law in a positive direction to guarantee the rights of those with the fewest protections.” This is communist code for: “We subvert America’s laws.” Among those deemed by the CCR to be in need of protection are terrorist organizations, enemy combatants, and illegal immigrants. The CCR receives funding from the Ford Foundation and George Soros Open Society Institute. (Source: )

    Two principal front groups, both of whom disguise their treachery as ‘civil rights,” are United for Peace and Justice and Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride.

    The UFPJ is a rabidly anti-American, anti-war coalition co-chaired by committed communist Leslie Cagan. Cagan, who worships upon Fidel Castro’s altar, was an original founder of the Committees of Correspondence, a splinter group of the Communist Party USA. The UFPJ was created Oct. 25, 2002 in the Washington D.C. offices of People for the American Way, which played a key role in forming UFPJ. UFPJ is a sponsoring organization of the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride.

    UFPJ’s social justice agenda extends well beyond anti-war activism as it is also a pro-abortion, pro-open borders advocate that condemns nearly every aspect of American culture and our government’s foreign policy. (Source: )

    The Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride (IWFR), another key player in the Open Borders Lobby, is supported by the ACLU and Communist Party USA. Additionally, it has the backing of Dennis Kucinich, Howard Dean and Joe Lieberman. Among other groups listed as members of the IWFRC’s national sponsoring committee are ACORN, National Council of La Raza, National Immigration Forum, and United for Peace and Justice.

    At the link below are literally hundreds of sponsors of IWFR, such as: Democratic Senators, Representatives, County Board Supervisors, Governors, town council members, radical organizations, liberalized Christian and non-Christian churches, political parties (including CPUSA and Democratic Socialists of America).

    Many thousands of Americans have been taken in by a myth. The myth states that communism died when the Soviet Union imploded. It further says that in these ‘enlightened progressive times,’ only superstition-believing McCarthyite rednecks still believe in the communist boogieman. The myth of course, was created by New Left communists to whom seduction, deception, and psychological manipulation are the ‘rules of the game.’ Gramsci’s transformational revolution is very much alive. It’s spreading the cancer of godless communism—the ideology from Hell—throughout the length and breadth of our culture–corrupting and decaying everything it touches.

    President Ronald Reagan cautioned that: “…without God, there is no virtue because there’s no prompting of the conscience. And without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure. If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.” Americans—awaken and remember!

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    Default Re: Exposing America’s Enemies: The ‘Social Justice Seeking’ Communist Left

    This looks like agood place for this one.

    Islamic Jihad, The Evil Empire And The Appeasers
    theOneRepublic ^ | 10/4/06 | Bruce S. Thornton

    I’ve been reading one of the great works of recent history, Robert Conquest’s Reflections on a Ravaged Century. His chapter on “Soviet Myths and the Western Mind” is particularly fascinating, and ripe with parallels to our own battles today against Islamic jihad.

    As Conquest documents, many Western intellectuals and academics were delusional about the reality of the communist threat. For a host of reasons––a quasi-religious faith in utopian socialism, neurotic hatred of their own culture, vulnerability to an ideology that dressed itself in scientific garb, an adolescent romance with revolution, and sheer ignorance of the facts––many professors, pundits, politicians, and religious leaders refused to believe that Soviet leaders meant what they said about revolution and subversion.

    “The Communist Party,” Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko wrote in his book The Foreign Policy of the Soviet Union, “subordinates all its theoretical and practical activity in the sphere of foreign relations to the tasks of strengthening the position of socialism, and the interests of further developing and deepening the world revolutionary process.” Yet despite such clear-cut expressions of the desire for world domination and the spread of communism––expressed not just in words but in deeds––for decades in the West many explained away this motive and attributed Soviet behavior to anything and everything other than what communists themselves had been saying going all the way back to Marx.

    Thus throughout the Cold War the Western resolve to resist Soviet expansionism was undercut by “peace” movements, nuclear disarmament movements, calls for détente and “dialogue,” and claims of moral equivalence between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. “This misunderstanding of a major force on the world scene,” Conquest concludes, “could have proved disastrous in the period between the end of World War II and the collapse of the Soviet Union. As it was, its influence made the pursuit of a rational foreign policy difficult. It hardly needs saying that we must do our best to avoid, or prevent, anything resembling a repetition––in fact that the lesson should be learned.”

    Alas the lesson has not been learned. As we fight what Norman Podhoretz calls World War IV, the same refusal to take seriously the motives of the enemy, and the same bad Western habit of indulging our own superstitions at the expense of a clear understanding of the enemy, are compromising our actions and policies.

    For centuries now the jihadists have been telling us that they hate the infidel West because it stands in the way of fulfilling Allah’s mandate “to fight all men until they say ‘There is no god but Allah.’” Last year a letter surfaced from Al Qaeda’s second-ranking leader Ayman al Zawahiri, in which the current jihadist terror in Iraq was cast as part of the long war between the “true faith” and “atheism” and “polytheism,” the latter Islamic code for Christianity. “The victory of Islam,” Zawahiri wrote, “will never take place until a Muslim state is established in the manner of the Prophet in the heart of the Islamic world . . . . The goal in this age is the establishment of a caliphate in the manner of the Prophet.”

    Zawahiri, moreover, is entirely consistent with a long line of jihadist theoreticians whose writings on jihad had little to do with local events. The Ayatollah Khomeini, founder of the Iranian Islamic Republic that today represents the most important and powerful state sponsor of jihad, wrote in 1942, “Those who study jihad will understand why Islam wants to conquer the whole world. All the countries conquered by Islam or to be conquered in the future will be marked for everlasting salvation.”

    Rather than a modern distortion, Khomeini’s thinking was in line with earlier Islamic scholars like Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406): “’In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force.’” Or Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 1328): “’Since lawful warfare is essentially jihad and since its aim is that the religion is God’s entirely and God’s word is uppermost, therefore according to all Muslims, those who stand in the way of this aim must be fought.”

    Likewise Muslim Brotherhood member Sayyid Qutb rooted his own jihadist thinking in Islamic tradition by referencing the eighth-century writer Ibn Qayyim: “This legal formulation [regarding the relationship of Muslims to other groups] is based on the principle that Islam––that is, submission to God––is a universal message which the whole of mankind should accept or make peace with. No political system or material power should put hindrances in the way of preaching Islam.” And if such “hindrances” exist, Islam then “has no recourse but to remove them by force.”

    Despite this centuries-long, consistent expression of jiahdist doctrine, many in the West continue to dismiss it as an aberration or a deformation of Islam, and to look for other economic or political causes. Just as Sovietophiles during the Cold War dismissed Soviet expansionism as an understandable response to Western aggression or a traditional Russian anxiety over its long western border, so too today jihadist aggression is waved away as a natural reaction to neo-colonialist sins or autocrats at home or lack of economic development or even sexual frustration––indeed, anything and everything except what the jihadists plainly tell us is motivating them, and what millions of Muslims around the world who support the jihadists clearly understand to be the spiritual imperatives for jihadist violence.

    Conquest shrewdly links to Freudianism this strange Western habit of thinking that people are incapable of knowing their own minds and saying what they mean. Like Marxism, this materialist explanation for behavior dismissed conscious motives as so much camouflage or rationalizations for deeper, unconscious causes. “And both doctrines provided,” Conquest writes, “separately or together, that built-in proof that disagreement was due to prejudices predictably embedded in the opponent’s mind by forces understood by the elect.” Likewise with many of today’s commentators who ignore conscious motives: these “elect” know that such spiritual beliefs are mere illusions masking some deeper psychic dysfunction or compensating for some environmental cause. And they display the same elitist disdain for those who prefer to take seriously what the jihadists tell us, scorning them instead as intellectually unsophisticated or in thrall to various neuroses such as bigotry.

    Other parallels between Cold War Sovietophiles and today’s rationalizers for jihad present themselves. The academic establishment for most of the Cold War was predisposed to leftist ideology, and so seemed “notably prejudiced against realities and persuaded by smoke and mirrors,” as Conquest puts it. A wave of revisionism in the eighties attempted to explain away the horrors of Soviet communism, a change noted with approval in Moscow. As late as 1990, at the Soviet Union’s last hour, a Soviet professor could write in Pravda, “Anti-Sovietism has begun to disappear from the works of contemporary Sovietologists.”

    So too today, when some of the most blatant apologizers for jihad are found among the academic ranks of the Middle Eastern Studies Association. Their perspective can be gleaned from the titles of the talks at their upcoming annual conference: "Anxious for Armageddon: Christian Zionism and U.S. Policy in the Middle East"; "Bad Fences for Bad Neighbors: The Divisive Process of the Israel-Palestine Border"; "A Tale of Two Walled Cities: Jerusalem and Johannesburg." You get the picture: terrorism is all about Western sins, particularly those of Israel, and has nothing to do with spiritual motives––unless those are the neurotic ravings of Christian fundamentalists.

    Another similarity is the bizarre double standard that many Westerners use when judging the West. This too recalls the behavior of Cold War appeasers, who strained mightily the Western gnat while swallowing whole herds of communist camels. Puffed up with pretensions of being independent thinkers beyond the parochial prejudices of the average oaf who loves his own country, they betrayed their own principles by dismissing the overwhelming evidence of communist tyranny and failure. As such they were, Conquest puts it, “traitors to the human mind, to thought itself.”

    We see the same pathological double standard everywhere today. Western “insults” to Islam––which most of the time are, as in the cartoon controversy or the Pope’s recent remarks, exercises in the precious Western value of free speech––are decried by apologists. Yet the rankest anti-Semitic and anti-Christian slander in Muslim lands, most of it emanating from government-sanctioned media or the religious establishment, are mostly ignored. A punk who rolls a pig’s head into a mosque gets much more attention and condemnation than a Muslim who shoots a pregnant Jewish woman or who rams his car into “infidels.” The genocide in Darfur––a race- and faith-based persecution––is never linked to Islam, and the Muslim world is rarely called to account for their total silence about this human catastrophe. Meanwhile, the American attempt to create freedom and democracy for Muslims in Iraq is condemned as vicious imperialist aggression. Such critics may think that their willingness to ignore the blatant sins of the “other” even as they use a microscope to find the sins of their own culture is a sign of intellectual sophistication. But in actual fact it is, as with the earlier apologists for communist tyranny, a “morbid affliction,” to use Conquest’s phrase––and a sign of Western spiritual corruption in the eyes of the jihadist enemy.

    Rather than the dubious comparison of jihadists to fascists recently popular with some commentators, we should instead look to the war against communism for insights into our present crisis. Not because the jihadists are like communists in their ideology, but because the cultural pathologies that endangered the struggle against Soviet tyranny have not disappeared and are today compromising the war against jihad. As with the Cold War, winning this current struggle will require that we see the enemy and his motivations clearly and not dismiss them on the basis of our own prejudices and superstitions
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Exposing America’s Enemies: The ‘Social Justice Seeking’ Communist Left

    California’s Communist Hiring Hall

    Bay Area Democrat seeks a safe space for Stalinists.

    May 18, 2017
    Lloyd Billingsley
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    Bay Area Democrat Rob Bonta has authored AB 22, which repeals part of a law allowing state employees to be fired for being members of the Communist Party. Bonta, 44, earned his JD at Yale but like the old-line establishment media he betrays total ignorance of the Communist Party and why the state should never hire or retain any Communist Party members.

    American Communists were “volunteer members of a militarized colonial service, pledged to carry out the decisions of our supreme rulers resident at Moscow anywhere in the world but particularly in the land we were colonizing for Communism, the United States.” That was Ben Gitlow, Communist Party candidate for vice-president in 1924 and 1928. The Soviets established the Communist International, the Comintern, to manage their parties in other countries.

    Party leaders such as William Z. Foster authored books such as Toward Soviet America, but the CPUSA never caught on with American voters. Many Party members bailed out after Stalin’s pact with Hitler in 1939. Others left after Stalin swung the USSR back to its traditional anti-Semitism in the late 1940s, and others after the Khrushchev revelations of 1956. It took a special kind of person to join the Party after that, but some were up to the task.

    Few African Americans joined an overwhelmingly white party that represented an all-white foreign dictatorship. That proved no impediment to Angela Davis, who joined the CPUSA and at UCLA duly gained her first teaching job, which she retained despite attempts to fire her for her Party ties.

    Davis left UCLA in 1970 and gained fame for supporting violent convicts such as Black Panther George Jackson, who killed a guard at Soledad Prison. Davis supplied the weapons for a courthouse gun battle in which a judge’s head was blown off. That case made her a national figure and in 1979 Davis won the International Lenin Peace Prize.

    In 1980 and 1984 Angela Davis was the vice-presidential candidate of the Communist Party USA, on the bottom of the ticket under white Stalinist Gus Hall. Communists Davis and Hall twice lost to Ronald Reagan and George Bush, but serving as the candidate of a hostile foreign power did not prevent Davis from becoming professor of the history of consciousness and feminist studies, two non-disciplines, at the University of California at Santa Cruz.

    There she was a state employee, but never fired for her CPUSA membership and candidacy for a foreign totalitarian state. Davis remains a UC Santa Cruz emeritus professor, and she was the keynote speaker at Washington demonstrations following Donald Trump’s inauguration.

    Assemblyman Bonta did not mention Davis’ case, nor that of Bert Corona, who joined the Communist Party in the 1930s and dropped out of USC to become a professional Party agitator, what would now be called an “organizer.” The violence-prone Corona had no college degree and was completely unqualified for a job at Cal State LA, which hired him anyway.

    Corona founded Hermandad Mexicana and bilked the state department of education out of $7 million. When investigators discovered the scandal, state education boss Delaine Eastin, another Bay Area Democrat, demoted the whistleblowers and kept the money flowing. The verbose Eastin is now running for governor of California, hoping that nobody remembers the rip-off or knew about it in the first place.

    As the record shows, even the most high-profile Communist Party members, representatives of hostile foreign governments, can easily secure and retain high-paying jobs with the state of California. Rob Bonta wants that to continue, but he’s unclear whether members of some National Socialist party, Ku Kluckers and such should be able to get and keep state jobs without fear of dismissal. His bill provides a safe space only for Communist Party members.

    Bonta was born in the Philippines, an “Asian Pacific Islander” in California’s politically correct caste system. He claims his intent is only to change the “McCarthyite, paranoid” intent of the current law, protect people’s rights, and align California with the Constitution. In all likelihood, Bonta intends his commie caper to establish his leftist credentials and prove that all Asians are not anti-Communists like so many of the Vietnamese in Orange County.

    Senate Democrats officially dissed them in February by celebrating Tom Hayden, the Uncle Tom of the Vietnamese Communist regime, who passed away last year. A staffer for Senate boss Kevin de Leon forbade Hanoi-born senator Janet Nguyen, a refugee from the Stalinist regime, from speaking out against Hayden. When she did so, the Democrats shut down her microphone then had the woman physically ejected from the Senate floor.

    Assemblyman Bonta, who claims dedication to Constitutional rights, has not made it clear whether the denial of Nguyen’s free-speech rights disturbs him. For her part, Nguyen is pushing back at Bonta’s bill.
    “Many California residents still bear the painful scars of having lived under communist regimes,” she told reporters. “And now Sacramento wants to allow avowed Communist Party members to work for the state of California. The bill is an incredible insult to Californians who have escaped communism.”

    The bill is also an insult to anybody who knows anything about Communism and its history. For that reason alone, the odds are strong that state Democrats will pass Bonta’s Communist protection act and recurring governor Jerry Brown will gladly sign the measure. It’s who they are.

    Apropos – California State Assembly Votes to Make Communism Great Again…

    Posted on May 8, 2017 by sundance
    Comrade Citizen, there comes a day when progressive ideology has to go all-in. For California that day is today….

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP)

    – Being a communist would no longer be a fireable offense for California government employees under a bill passed by the state Assembly. Lawmakers narrowly approved the bill Monday.

    It would repeal part of a law enacted during the Red Scare of the 1940s and ’50s when fear that communists were trying to infiltrate and overthrow the U.S. government was rampant. The bill now goes to the Senate.

    It would eliminate part of the law that allows public employees to be fired for being part of the Communist Party. A Employees could still be fired for being members of organizations they know advocate for overthrowing the government. Some Assembly Republicans say communism is still a threat and that the Cold War-era law should not be changed. (link)

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Social Justice Math Teaches Math is Evil Because It Was Used to Trick Indians

    May 21, 2017
    Daniel Greenfield
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    If you've ever wanted to live in a Communist dictatorship, you're gonna love this.

    This summer, middle school math teachers can learn how to incorporate social justice issues like racism and privilege into their classrooms.

    “Teaching Social Justice through Secondary Mathematics” is a six-week online course designed by Teach for America and offered through EdX, which provides free online classes from top universities such as Harvard University, MIT, and Columbia University.

    “Do you ask students to think deeply about global and local social justice issues within your mathematics classroom?” a course overview asks. “This education and teacher training course will help you blend secondary math instruction with topics such as inequity, poverty, and privilege to transform students into global thinkers and mathematicians.”
    Or you know, illiterates who have learned how to spew back propaganda, but can't add 2 + 2.

    Teach for America has decided that we need the mathematical curriculum of the science leaders of the Soviet Union. And you know how far ahead of us they were in Science. Now we can be just as advanced.

    Once we realize that we need Communist Math instead of evil Capitalist Math. Or Intersectional Social Justice math.

    Participants in the online course are given sample ideas for lessons they could create, such as using math to teach students about “Unpaid Work Hours in the Home by Gender” and “Race and Imprisonment Rates in the United States.”
    If 2 Kulaks steal 4 kilograms of grain, how many of them should Ivan shoot?

    The module also identifies five main themes of “intersectional mathematics,” including “mathematical ethics,” which refers to the notion that math is often used as a tool of oppression, according to the instructors.
    Math is evil. Because it can be used to cheat Indians. It's the fault of 2 + 2.

    "Mathematical ethics recognizes that, for centuries, mathematics has been used as a dehumanizing tool… mathematics formulae also differentiate between the classifications of a war or a genocide and have been used to trick indigenous peoples out of land and property."

    Math doesn't have ethics. People do. But if Al Capone misused math, it's proof that math is evil. And we must social justice the hell out of 2 + 2.

    "In western mathematics, our ways of knowing include formalized reasoning or proof, decontextualization, and algorithmic thinking, leaving little room for those having non-western mathematical skills and thinking processes,"

    Great. Go ahead and embrace that non-western math. And then we'll have to figure out why all the bridges keep falling down.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: Exposing America’s Enemies: The ‘Social Justice Seeking’ Communist Left

    Companion Threads:

    The Architects of Western Decline: A Study on the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxism Grinding America Down

    This is the long overdue study of the Frankfurt School and Cultural Marxist philosophy which now controls Western intellectualism, politics, and culture. It was by design; it was created by an internationalist intelligentsia to eradicate Western values, social systems, and European racial groups in a pre-emptive attempt to spark global, communist (think liberal) revolution. Andrew Breitbart's historical notes are taken into the narrative.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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