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Thread: Mandating health Insurance - Obamacare

  1. #581
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Rand Paul: ‘Easily 35 No Votes’ Against Paul Ryan’s Obamacare 2.0, ‘I Would Predict They Pull Bill, Start Over’

    March 21, 2017

    Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told Breitbart News exclusively on Tuesday afternoon that he expects House Speaker Paul Ryan will be forced to pull the American Health Care Act (AHCA) before a scheduled Thursday vote because Ryan will not get the votes to pass the legislation.

    The AHCA has been dubbed “Obamacare Lite” by Paul — a leading conservative critic of the plan — and by other conservatives as “RyanCare,” “RINO-Care,” and “Obamacare 2.0,” since the bill does not actually fully repeal Obamacare and keeps many of the main structures that the now-former President Barack Obama installed in the healthcare system. It has come under intense scrutiny from both sides of the Republican Party — moderates and conservatives are lining up against the bill — and Ryan, despite publicly projecting confidence, cannot find the necessary 216 votes to pass the legislation.

    Paul, one of the leading senators out of more than a dozen Republicans in the upper chamber criticizing the bill there, told Breitbart News in this exclusive interview he believes there are at least 35 House Republicans ready to vote against the bill in its current form. And he predicted that, unless some major changes come to the legislation between now and the scheduled vote on Thursday, Ryan will need to withdraw the bill and Republicans will have to start from scratch with a new bill and a new strategy on Obamacare.

    Paul said in the in-person interview at his U.S. Senate office in the Russell Senate Office Building:

    I think there’s easily 35 no votes right now so unless something happens in the next 24 hours, I would predict they pull the bill and start over. I think if conservatives stick together, they will have earned a seat at the table where real negotiation to make this bill an acceptable bill will happen. But it’s interesting what conservatives are doing to change the debate. We went from keeping the Obamacare taxes for a year—hundreds of billions of dollars—but they’re coming towards us because we’re standing firm. So we have to stick together, and if we do stick together there will be a real negotiation on this. The main goal I have is not to pass something that does not fix the situation. If a year from now, insurance rates and premiums are still going through the roof and it’s now a Republican plan it will be a disservice to the president and all of us if we pass something that doesn’t work.

    There is plenty of reason to believe that Paul is correct in predicting Ryan does not have the votes to pass this legislation and will need to pull the bill to start over. Despite overtures from President Donald Trump, the House Freedom Caucus members — and particularly its chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) — remain steadfastly opposed to the bill.

    NBC News has confirmed at least 26 Republicans who are opposed:

    But Breitbart News can confirm several more than that are definitely opposed to the legislation. To kill the bill, Republicans need just 21 Republicans opposed—and some are talking about holding a press conference on Wednesday or Thursday with the necessary number of House Republicans to crush RyanCare, appearing arm-in-arm in public opposition before a vote.

    House GOP leadership made some last minute changes, too, which Paul — in his interview with Breitbart News — flatly said “no,” were not enough to get the bill passed. Regarding those changed, Paul said:

    If you keep all the insurance mandates, and you keep subsidizing insurance, basically it’s Obamacare Lite. So I think it’s still Obamacare Lite. The modifications, some are going in the right direction, but they actually expanded some of the subsidies. So one of the new things about it is it’s actually $75 billion more in subsidies. So, I think they’re stuck trying to split the baby. They’re trying to give conservatives a few token changes. And they’re trying to give the moderates more subsidies.

    Paul added that Ryan would not have dragged President Trump into this awful position if he had been more open and inclusive in the process from the beginning. In effect, Paul argued as he has done before, that Ryan is hurting President Trump by doing this the way he is doing it. Paul said:

    I’m still unclear as to why they completely ignored conservatives early on in the process and then they had the audacity to look at conservatives and say ‘this is what you all campaigned on.’ That just, frankly, was never true. I was elected in 2010 in the big Tea Party wave that was for repealing Obamacare root and branch, rip the whole thing out. We were for repealing it. I still think that our grassroots conservative supporters are for repealing it. But somewhere along the line, Paul Ryan decided that it wasn’t so much about repealing it but about replacing it with Obamacare Lite. And I think that was a tactical error on their part to think ‘oh, we’ll just be for this and everybody will be for this’ when in reality no conservatives are really for the Ryan plan.

    Paul would not say if Ryan will lose the confidence necessary to run the House of Representatives if this bill fails, as some have suggested. When asked if Ryan can still run the House if the bill goes down, Paul told Breitbart News that instead he thinks the bill going down would lead to real negotiations on healthcare reform. He said:

    I think what it will be is the real negotiations will begin the moment his bill fails, and when his bill fails conservatives will have a seat at the table. As long as conservatives stay unified and don’t start negotiating one person at a time — what’s a really bad part of negotiations is if everybody starts saying individually ‘oh if you give me this, give me this, give me this’ because then you won’t really fix the main thrust of the bill and the main outcome is that insurance premiums continue to rise and we continue to bail out insurance companies that’s not repeal of Obamacare—that’s Obamacare Lite.

    More from Sen. Rand Paul’s latest exclusive interview with Breitbart News is forthcoming.

  2. #582
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    UPDATE: Bill Pulled – Healthcare Vote Scheduled for Approximately 3:00 or 4:00pm Today – DC Politicians Freaking Out…

    Posted on March 24, 2017 by sundance

    UPDATE: 3:35pm Speaker Paul Ryan Pulls Bill.

    Speaker of the House Paul Ryan will give a presser at 4:00pm announcing he has pulled the healthcare reform bill.

    Ryan saves his own skin by allowing the nest to reassemble. Between 2:30pm and 3:30pm the UniParty wing of the GOP moved to protect itself from sunlight by drawing in more “NO” votes. Crowding makes sunlight avoidance much easier.

    Apparently, faced with the reality the “Yeas” and “Nays” were going to scurry back into the lair of the UniParty nest, President Trump has accepted the bill being pulled.

    Costa on MSNBC: Trump says bill won’t be coming back in near future & he’ll see if the Dems want to work with him on healthcare.

    — David Corn (@DavidCornDC) March 24, 2017

    Continue reading →

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  3. #583
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Thank God for the Freedom Caucus folks for holding the line on RINOCare!

    Unfortunately, at this point, the Republicans now own Obamacare.

    What pisses me off is how many times these sackless cunts could put a repeal bill in front of Obama when they knew it had no chance of passing, yet as soon as they're in the driver's seat we get this shit.

  4. #584
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Well, someone isn't all that appreciative of the Freedom Caucus.

    And yet, somehow, not at all surprising...

    Trump Attacks Conservative Lawmakers Over Health Bill

    March 26, 2017

    President Donald Trump is attacking conservative lawmakers after the failure of the Republican bill to replace Obamacare.

    On Twitter Sunday, Trump says: “Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the Freedom Caucus, with the help of Club For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare!”

    The Freedom Caucus is a hard-right group of House members who were largely responsible for blocking the bill to undo President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act. The bill was pulled from the House floor Friday in a humiliating political defeat for the president.

    Trump initially focused his blame on Democrats for the failure and predicted a dire future for the current law.

    Before the bill was pulled, Trump tweeted at the Freedom Caucus, saying Planned Parenthood funding would continue if they blocked the legislation.

  5. #585
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    WSJ: White House Opens Door to Democrats in Wake of Health Bill Failure

    March 26, 2017

    With Republicans unable to reach a deal to repeal and replace Obamacare, it appears that the Trump White House is fed up with the many factions in the House GOP conference, thus opening the door for Democrats, reports the Wall Street Journal.

    In a story published in the Journal:

    The White House sent a warning shot to congressional Republicans that it may increase its outreach to Democrats if it can’t get the support of hard-line conservatives, a potential shift in legislative strategy that could affect drug prices, the future of a tax overhaul and budgetary priorities.

    Days after the House GOP health bill collapsed due to a lack of support from Republicans, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus brought up the idea of working with Democrats multiple times, leaving little doubt that the White House intended to send a message to the hard-line Republican flank.

    “This president is not going to be a partisan president,” Mr. Priebus said on “Fox News Sunday.” He said that while “I think it’s time for our folks to come together, I also think it’s time to potentially get a few moderate Democrats on board as well.”

    Read the full article here.

  6. #586
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Must fight the Freedom Caucus?

    What a relief to feel like we're back in the Bush years with Conservatives getting attacked from the left and the "right" once again.

  7. #587
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Listening to Levin now about the new Senate Republican healthcare bill. He said a little bit ago if the House bill was 90% of Obamacare, the Senate bill is 95%.


  8. #588
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    The GOP's Obamacare: Out: Repeal & Replace, In: Copy & Paste

    June 22, 2017

    Did Senate Republicans really need to spend a month behind closed doors, incurring the ire of the American people, just to copy and paste Obamacare? Are all these senators too old to know where the copy/paste functions are?

    There will be tremendous acrimony between the two parties in the ensuing days over Obamacare, because they both need to play to their constituencies and continue the binary fight club racket reminiscent of WWE. However, in reality, nobody is repealing Obamacare, nobody is addressing the core health care issues in America, and nobody is offering a vision of freedom, prosperity, and a solvent health care and health insurance market. Everything is working within the confines of the most extreme socialist baseline from the Obama era.

    What is Obamacare?

    To avoid the endless semantics, lies, and perfidious distortions from GOP leadership on how they are “repealing” Obamacare, let’s briefly describe the law.
    Obamacare comprises five core elements related to health insurance (putting aside the burdens on health care itself): actuarily insolvent regulations; open-ended, means-tested subsidies; Medicaid expansion; the employer and individual mandates; and the tax increases.

    Regulations: The foundation of Obamacare are the two dozen or so actuarily insolvent regulations designed to “cover everyone” but that in turn have tripled premiums and are now destroying the entire individual market.

    Subsidies: Because the regulations make insurance unaffordable, anyone below a certain income level is subsidized to purchase medical insurance. This, in turn, inflates the cost of insurance even more.

    Medicaid expansion: In addition to subsidizing non-Medicaid patients to purchase unaffordable medical insurance (thanks to the regs), Obamacare dramatically expanded both the eligibility and the federal subsidy rate to the states for the program. The cost of covering an individual in the subpar Medicaid program was $3,247 per individual in 2011 before Obamacare was enacted. In 2015, according to data from the Department of Health and Human Services, the cost of enrolling an individual in Medicaid doubled, to $6,366 per individual. And that is only for the second year of implementation.

    The funding mechanism of tax increases: In an attempt to make the government spending and the regulated private sector solvent, Obamacare levied over $1 trillion in tax hikes (over 10 years). Also, in order to ensure that younger individuals don’t game out the system by not purchasing insurance but then taking advantage of the new regulations forcing insurers to provide for those who already got sick, Obamacare enacted the individual mandate to force everyone to purchase insurance up front. It also forced all employers of large businesses to provide insurance plans so that more money would flow into the system. However, the regulations have been so insolvent that these mandates proved insufficient to fund the Ponzi scheme.

    What’s in the Senate AHCA?

    Which brings us to the Senate bill. The Senate bill is essentially a more liberal version of the House bill, which, in itself, was a more insolvent version of Obamacare that Republicans will now own.

    The bill does not repeal the actuarily insolvent regulations, the core element of what has destroyed insurance in America. Even the few minor regulatory reforms or state waivers that are in the House bill were stripped out. The bill merely loosens existing waiver authority up to the discretion of HHS for a few regulations, a provision that will not be strong enough to signal flexibility to insurers enough to reduce premiums. I’ll have more on this point in a later post.

    We could end our analysis right now. Once the market is not healed, competition is not restored, and prices don’t come down, the rest is a chain reaction. Republicans will now own all of the vices of Obamacare, enacted, disgustingly, under the false pretense of repealing Obamacare. Nobody will be able to afford insurance, and everyone will need subsidies or Medicaid. Indeed, that is why the entire discussion and debate that will ensue will all revolve around the subsidies and Medicaid: because the bill doesn’t repeal the regulations.

    This is why the GOP bill replaces Obamacare subsidies … with more subsidies. First, the bill retains all existing subsidies until 2020. In addition, it codifies Obama’s illegal cost sharing subsidies (to discount deductibles and co-payments) into statute through 2019. Then, after 2020, it adopts the House version’s age-rated subsidies but also keeps much of the income-based subsidies.

    But as we pointed out with the House bill, we will never actualize even the modest reforms post-2020. By that point, given that the bill keeps the price-hiking regulations and subsidies with no insurance or supply side reforms, the entire system will collapse, Republicans will own it, and we will have a single-payer system: entire government takeover of medical care.

    But even if we assume these “reforms” will go into action, the rate of subsidization would merely be reduced to those earning up to 350 percent above the poverty line instead of 400 percent. And actually, it would expand subsidies to those below 100 percent above the poverty line who are currently not eligible for ACA subsidies (only Medicaid).

    Thus, the subsidies and their open-ended market distortions remain in place. Given that the subsidies cover almost all the cost for so many people, it encourages insurers (along with the regulations) to raise premiums to $50,000 and beyond, knowing government will just cover it for all those who aren’t high-income or who get their plans from work.

    As for Medicaid expansion, it continues not just existing enrollment but even adds new enrollees through 2020. This will incentivize states to flood the zone over the next three years. It then phases down the expansion subsidy rate through 2024 and converts the program to block grants thereafter. There is no way that even the modest cuts will be enacted in 2021 or that the reforms after 2025, as stated in the draft bill, will ever come to fruition. What a joke! We will all be on Medicaid or single-payer by that point, given that the core of Obamacare is not repealed.

    As I’ve warned before, Republicans have not only accepted Obamacare but believe it is essential. The only difference between them and Democrats is that Republicans want to fund it with deficit spending rather than tax increases.

    Moreover, as with the House bill, the Senate version immediately repeals the employer and individual mandates. While, in a vacuum, conservatives don’t like these ideas, they are necessary to keep Obamacare afloat once you agree to the premise of maintaining the regulations. By immediately repealing the mandates, but doing nothing to change the price-hiking regulations and subsidies, the system will collapse even quicker, because now all the businesses and young individuals will be free to drop the plans that are unaffordable.

    The big question nobody in leadership will answer is this: Once we are already throwing $1.6 trillion at health care and insurance, and are keeping Medicaid expansion, and are funding high-risk pools plus bailout fund, why do we need to regulate and subsidize the remaining small free market?

    Answer: They don’t believe in any semblance of a free market.

    Taken in its entirety, this bill will create a permanent cycle of bailouts, price increases, lack of choices, and endless debt – all blamed upon the free market and leading to single-payer.

    Where conservatives go from here

    The sad reality is that given the complexity of health care, facts and details don’t matter. Republicans will take this Obamacare bailout bill and call it “repeal” of Obamacare. They will isolate the few brave conservatives who don’t want their brand attached to a more insolvent version of Obamacare and shame them into playing team ball. They will contend that this is the only chance to repeal it, even though the bill actually bails out Obamacare.

    As I noted last week, conservatives need to completely disown this and introduce their own bill. Either way, Obamacare is not getting repealed at this point, so we as may as well stand for a long -term vision of freedom, prosperity, choice, competition, and cutting lobbyists and government out of health care. It’s time for conservatives to place a full repeal bill on the table, along with numerous free market health care reforms that actually create a functioning market. They should demonstrate how Obamacare and its predecessor interventions are the source of the pre-existing condition problem and how free markets would fix the problem.

    As late as 1987, long after the enactment of the Great Society, at a time when Reagan thought our government was way too large, the federal government only spent $85 billion on health care. Now, we spend close a $1 trillion (plus state expenditures), yet Republicans want more without ever addressing the source of the problem. After a half-century of price-hiking interventions, regulations, and subsidies, we have nothing to show for our $1 trillion in federal spending other than record high prices and an industry that bears no resemblance to any other marketplace, whose insolvency itself will engender further subsidies in the coming years that dwarf current spending. Isn’t it time for a bold change rather than the faintest of faint echoes?

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    Default Re: Mandating health Insurance - Obamacare

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Ruck View Post
    Listening to Levin now about the new Senate Republican healthcare bill. He said a little bit ago if the House bill was 90% of Obamacare, the Senate bill is 95%.

    Forcing people to buy a select private health insurer, at cost of a tax penalty if one doesn't pick one, is just one of the signs that we are living in a corrupt society, because they'll find ways for their natural voting Bloc to opt out.
    Don't like Fascists of any kind, Marxist, Islamist, red white black or brown, they can all take a long walk off a short pier.

  10. #590
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    GOP Senators Oppose Swampcare

    June 22, 2017

    A group of Republican senators have declared their opposition to the Senate’s version of Obamacare reform.

    Senators Rand Paul, R-Ky., Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., have released a joint statement announcing they are opposing the Senate’s version of the Obamacare bill in its current form.

    “Currently, for a variety of reasons, we are not ready to vote for this bill,” the senators said, noting that they are “open to negotiation” before the bill goes to the floor of the Senate for a vote. Their chief charge against the Senate bill is that it simply does not repeal Obamacare.

    “There are provisions in this draft that represent an improvement to our current health care system, but it does not appear this draft as written will accomplish the most important promise that we made to Americans: to repeal Obamacare and lower their health care costs.”

    The Republican caucus is fractured between conservatives who want to see the GOP keep its longtime campaign promises with a full repeal bill and progressive Republicans who want to keep key elements of Obamacare in place.

    The Senate version of the bill does not repeal several parts of Obamacare, including costly insurance regulations that are driving up the cost of premiums and deductibles. More moderate Republicans argue that these so-called “patient protections” are necessary.

    While the bill does immediately repeal the individual and employer mandates that penalize individuals and business owners who do not purchase health insurance, by keeping Obamacare’s regulations in place and removing these mandates – which fund the subsidies that keep health insurance costs artificially low for many – the death spiral in insurance markets will be exacerbated rather than fixed.

    Ultimately, the problems with the Republican bill were best expressed by Senator Rand Paul earlier Thursday, when he said he believes that the Senate bill does not repeal Obamacare. “My concern at this point, from what I’ve been able to see so far is that it looks like we’re keeping Obamacare, not repealing it.” At first glance, Paul said that the legislation “actually subsidizes the death spiral of Obamacare.”

    Speaking to reporters after the joint statement was released, Sen. Paul said “I didn’t run on Obamacare-lite.”

    With a 52-seat majority in the U.S. Senate, Republicans can only afford to lose two GOP votes on the bill. With four GOP Senators announcing their opposition, the current bill is dead.

    Now the negotiations to improve the bill begin. Ultimately, however, anything short of a full repeal bill will fail to address the intrinsic problems in health insurance markets caused by Obamacare.

    So only 4 Senators out of 100 are willing to come out and openly say what a turd this is. Considering our representative form of government, I guess that really does a good job demonstrating where Conservatism is in today's society.

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    It shows that most " conservatives" are only yesterday's Liberals, and don't actually ' conserve' a damn thing. What needs to be done is a dramatic turning around, an essential change of heart socially away from living like parasites. The nonproductive leeching off the productive.
    Don't like Fascists of any kind, Marxist, Islamist, red white black or brown, they can all take a long walk off a short pier.

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    Nancy Pelosi warns "hundreds of thousands of people will die"

    CBS News

    Rebecca Shabad

    House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi warned Monday that the Senate GOP health care bill that could be voted on later this week would be extremely harmful to Americans who rely on their health insurance.

    In an interview on "CBS This Morning," the California Democrat said while the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has not yet released its cost estimate of the measure, she can already predict one major effect.

    "We do know that many more people, hundreds of thousands of people, will die if this bill passes," Pelosi said.

    Pelosi, 77, said there's no room to fix the legislation and instead Democrats and Republicans should focus on improving Obamacare, "instead of sabotaging it," she said.

    "These bills, systemically, structurally, they are very, very harmful to the American people," she said. "They will raise costs, with fewer benefits, have an age tax...they will undermine Medicare, they will throw millions of people, tens of millions of people, off."

    Democrats, she said, have to "fight for our lives and the lives of many people" in the U.S. this week to defeat the Senate bill.

    Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, has been aiming to hold a vote on it before lawmakers leave Washington later this week for their week-long July 4 recess, but as of Monday, leadership appears to be falling short in securing enough support.

    Meanwhile, Pelosi dismissed calls by a select few House Democrats who said last week that she should step aside from her leadership position in the wake of two more special election losses last week.

    "I've always had a challenge in the caucus right from the start," she said.

    Pelosi said that there are 70 House races that are "easier for us" than any of the special election races they've lost since November's election. She explained why she should stay.

    "I'm a master legislator," she said. "I'm experienced in terms of knowing the institutional memory of the Congress. If Hillary Clinton had won, I might have gone home. But with Donald Trump in the White House, with a Republican majority in Congress, no way. "

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    McConnell Expected To Call For A Vote On Health Care Tuesday

    FILE – In this July 18, 2017 photo, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky. speaks at a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

    July 23, 2017
    OAN Newsroom
    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says a vote on health care will take place Tuesday.
    The Kentucky Senator will bring legislation to repeal Obamacare to the floor for debate, hoping to sway dissenting senators from their positions.
    With the move, he aims to force Republicans back to the negotiating table with aims at fully repealing the Affordable Care Act.
    Last week, McConnell said the procedural vote would go through, despite objections by several moderate senators.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Good. Anything less than wholesale repeal is unacceptable.

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    I want to see this shit gone from the economy. As a veteran, and retired military man, I have been paying 1000-1100 bucks A MONTH to maintain my health care now for just over two years. Essentially, they have stolen most of my funds from the sale of my house, slated to keep us sailing for five years. It's been just at two and we're nearly out of funds, the vast majority going to shitty health insurance through Tricare Reserve "Select".

    We found out a few weeks back, this DID NOT include dental at ALL, and had to pay for that monthly to the tune of almost another 100 bucks a month.

    That's 1200 dollars a month.

    Over two years it comes to 28,800 US Dollars. AND we have to pay most of the copay on meds, doctors visits AND a deductible at 2600 dollars before the copays drop.

    Such fucking BULLSHIT I've never seen in my life.

    And due to our two medical issues (previously cancer for her and heart surgery for me) we can't ignore not having health insurance.

    In a few days, the price will drop as I am going to be actively retired from the military on the 4th of August and I will start receiving my pay, and the motherfuckers can never call me back again for the remainder of my life.

    But I garun-God-Damned-tee you that if they don't fucking repeal this shit, I WILL take up arms again.... and the shit will hit the fan.

    Fuck Obamacare, FUCK the Socialists, the Commies, and FUCK the US Government for screwing us this way.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Come on now... What are you complaining about? Not like you've got anything better to spend $28,000 on. Right?

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    28k might have kept me cruising another 2 years for sure.

    Without dipping into any other buckets. Now, I am having to look at breaking into IRAs, which I DO NOT want to do for a long time to come. That's there for her, if something happens to me, and vice versa.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Well it looks like 7 shitbag Republican Senators, 6 of whom previously voted to repeal Obamacare, and one of which was one of mine (Rob Portman) shot down the Obamacare repeal in the Senate. Brain damaged John McCain, whose vote shouldn't count due to diminished capacity, joined him.

    Hopefully someone primaries Portman in 6 years. I've never liked his establishment ass...

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mandating health Insurance - Obamacare

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mandating health Insurance - Obamacare

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