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Thread: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

  1. #21
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

    Priebus Exposed As Leaker, Responsible For Feeding Media During The Events Of Yesterday

    Posted by Sam Di Gangi | Feb 15, 2017 | Breaking News, Top Article

    GOP leader Reince Priebus has been a thorn in Trump’s side and the new media that supported him since day one. Now it seems that his days be numbered in terms of his post with the White House.

    When Trump was gaining support on the way to his White House win over Crooked Hilary, Reince Priebus was not a help, but a detriment. He was hellbent on stopping independent media, which loved Trump, from getting any access whatsoever to the GOP Convention in Cleveland (authors note; it happened to me personally) even though it was the independent media that was exposing the lies of the fake mainstream media outlets like CNN and ABC.

    eince Priebus inside the White House.

    Priebus only grudgingly got onboard the Trump train because to not do so would have caused a terrible loss for the GOP, even though some diehards, like the traitorous war criminal George W. Bush, did not support Trump still. When Trump appointed Priebus to White House Chief of Staff, many loyal to Trump were seeing that the swamp was draining but that the gas was still present. Now that Priebus has been found to have been the head of the snake that lead to Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s downfall, that awful smell may be departing since it is rumored that he is next on the Trump chopping block.

    Priebus has been as disloyal to Trump as he was towards the voting block and new media that rose to elect him. Sure, it was Flynn that chose to lie and put his own head in the noose by discussing Obama era sanctions with others and then denying it, but it was Priebus that has done everything in his power to undermine everyone affiliated with Trump.

    Trump chose Rex Tillerson (pictured) to have final say over the choices of United States Ambassador, a fact that Priebus knew, but ignored.

    There are signs galore that Priebus is also eying the elimination of Steve Miller, Steve Bannon, and Kellyanne Conway in an effort to turn Trumps administration away from the swamp drainers and towards the kind of watered down and useless Republicanism that has caused most of America to detest them.
    ******** have uncovered that it was Priebus himself who fed what they call “red meat” to the mainstream media that he supported over the smaller and more factual news outlets during the campaign, just like it was/is Priebus who said that Trump was “isolated, a clueless child” who was “wandering about in a bathrobe” of which he does not even possess, and who’s White House is in “disarray.” Priebus conned his way into his post by portraying himself as a man who could make Trump’s ideas a reality in a divided Congress, but that seems to have been simply words used to trap Trump in a grip of betrayal.

    Priebus is so ill-fitted for his job that he thinks that a man that Trump had to sue should be chosen to work with the president that sued him!

    The agency chiefs and staff members that Priebus has chosen have been most of the people that America voted against when they sent Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, “Little” Marco Rubio, and even Chris “toll bridge” Christie off from the debate stage. The people that he is choosing to help Trump meet his goals are puppets who’s loyalty lies firmly with Obama, Clinton, and those that have made America the exact opposite of “great.”

    Beyond that, Priebus trampled a promise that Trump made Rex Tillerson which said that it was he who had the final word regarding the top ten ambassador nominations that were to come up, not Priebus. Instead of honoring this, Priebus gave the list to the president without even consulting Tillerson, a move that saw 15 choices given to Trump based on what they gave to Trump in donations, something that Trump did not know that Tillerson had not vetted. In other words, just like he silenced pro-Trump voices at the RNC, Priebus tried to silence due protocol within the Trump administration and keep “pay for play” alive and well in the casino of the swamp.

    This is displayed beyond all argument by the fact that Priebus has promised Buchan that he would be the Ambassador to Spain even though Tillerson was livid that he never got his promised say in how things needed to be executed, as promised by Trump prior. Before anyone suggests that Tillerson is some kind of control freak, according to ********, Buchan is a ” failed hedge fund manager and serial tax evader who owned a company that was part of a lending syndicate Trump sued.” Not only was it rude of Priebus to suggest Buchan, but it was what Trump would likely call, “stupid.”

    The same kinds of “pay for play” politics that got Clinton mocked and which Trump is opposed to was the kind of donor lift gift jobs that Priebus wants to see in Trump’s administration.

    The corruptions (found in the above-sourced article) outlined in 14 full paragraphs shows Buchan and his ties to Hunter Global Investors Offshore Fund Ltd which was ” was put into “voluntary liquidation”, issues with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the legally questionable Newcastle Investment Corp, and even The George and Sarah Buchan Foundation which seems to be almost as crooked as the Clinton Foundation in many ways.

    From there the facts only get more strange and untrustworthy and when completed, it shows that for Priebus to suggest such a terribly mismatched and dishonest person to be in an administration that is aiming for the utmost in honesty works to define why Priebus must be shown the door.

    What America is seeing right now is not the failing of the new and still blossoming Trump administration, but more of a ringside seat to how good politicians get broken down from within their own ranks. The problem is not that Trump is choosing awful people, but rather that there are not enough good, moral people in Washington with any experience who can be trusted to not be part of what has ruined the United States of America to begin with. Not many people have the experience that Priebus has, but with the level of corruption and filth that come with him, he is just not going to work for Mr. Trump moving forward.

    Priebus is one of the reasons the Green Card confusion was a glaring error in Trump’s travel ban.

    So as the swamp drains and the nations sighs a huge sigh of relief, let us not forget that we need to remain ever on guard against the RINO’s, neocons, and pay for play specialists who are hoping to get close to Trump since they assume that he does not know any better. The world is quickly discovering that Donald Trump means to keep his word and those that get in the way of such promise keeping will be given the Flynn treatment. In the case of Priebus, it can not happen soon enough.

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  2. #22
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

    If this is true, gee... Who could have seen that coming?

    And who put Priebus where he is?

  3. #23
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

    Hell breaking loose behind scenes US District Attorney allegedly Advocates Charging Former President Obama With Treason: Dana Boente: “No one is above the law.”Lou Dobbs its sedition :Berkeley riots May have been ordered by President Obama himself.”

    Posted by admin1
    US District Attorney Dana Boente: “No one is above the law.”
    Dana James Boente is the second in the line of succession to be the Attorney General of the United States under a February 9, 2017 Executive Order signed by President Donald Trump; and that reversed an Executive Order signed by President Barack Obama, seven days before he left office, that changed the order of succession, without explanation, to remove Boente from the list Wikipedia.
    Would US District Attorney Dana Boente be Trumps special prosecutor he promised against Hillary during the Presidential debates?

    Remember Hillary said to Obama if I Go down you all go down. Yes all the rats are in one Barrel we just need the right person to pour in the gasoline and set it on fire.

    With President Obama immediately upon leaving office establishing a private website and proclaiming on it that
    I won’t stop; in fact, I will be right there with you, as a citizen, for all my days that remain.”,
    Its obvious to even laymen to deduce that “The Berkeley riots May have been ordered by President Obama himself.”

    There is enough evidence for the FBI to implicate Obama for Sedition and treason but behind the scenes there is fierce debate over the fall out including worrying about traitors at all levels of government if action was taken against the Agitator in chief.

    Much concerns have been raised due to his gathering around him an army of agitators” (numbering more than 30,000) who he commands from a bunker less than two-blocks from the White House.

    “Barack Obama, who many claim will be creating a shadow government to frustrate the policy goals of this administration, we’re looking at something that’s coming very close to, it seems to me, sedition,” Lou Dobbs revealed.

    Most chilling, though, of President Obama’s “army of agitators”, is that

    they are “gearing up for battle” with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country and have also begun militant actions, and planning, with other leftist groups attempting to destroy President Trump too.

    Why is this happening?
    We are seeing the death of Old crumbling institutions. The rats are backed into a corner scared, angry and very very vicious.

    The democrats know that they will no longer ever again have the power they have enjoyed because the public is now aware of the voter fraud and the man America elected President will not let it continue.

    “Obama’s bunker that’s set two miles away from the White House. Everything points out to the fact that Obama pushes liberals and democrats into dark opposition, making them block his orders. Is this a treason “

    Trump To Launch “Major Investigation Into Voter Fraud”

    This means that the Democrats who counted on the fraudulent voting machines and millions of dead voters voting for them in multiple states are dead ducks politically. So what is left for the communist democrat party?

    “The FBI have investigation files proving Obama’s links to these radical leftist groups plotting the overthrow of President Trump and the US government,”

    The latest evidence was just enough for experts to understand Obama’s plans to support immigrants and form a shadow government. What’s his final goal? Keep himself inside the government Indirectly.Usurp the government with dirty tricks and violent protests.

    Voter Fraud Proof:18 Million Invalid & 2 Million Dead Registration.

    One Of the radical leftist groups Obama’s OFA Organization for action or should we call them “army of agitators” have begun militant action planning already
    For example in Berkeley, California, an organization called BAMN (By Any Means Necessary) that State of Michigan law-enforcement officials have labeled as a potential terrorist group. Which is a prototype
    Obama will spearhead throughout the United states were on “full display” this at the University of California Berkeley when their black-clad well-rehearsed” militants “came in a military fashion
    Usually there are around 400 of these well trained vicious violent agitators to small protests their MO is to outnumber and beat up the opposition who were sent Allegedly by Obama to stop a speech being given by the conservative British journalist Milo Yiannopoulos—and when police authorities were ordered to “stand down, caused $100,000 in damage—and to which their “leader”, Yvette Felarca, said she had “no regrets” over the terror and chaos caused adding that “the left has been far too timid for way too long. Indicating this will change an more violent protests are on the way.

    If this wasnt coordinated by a central command and control center why were the police ordered to stand down? Who had the power and foreknowledge to do and order them to do this?

    as reported by the new york post
    Obama is intimately involved in OFA operations and even tweets from the group’s account. In fact, he gave marching orders to OFA foot soldiers following Trump’s upset victory. Far from sulking, OFA activists helped organize anti-Trump marches across US cities, some of which turned into riots

    “Obama may have in fact coordinated Berkeley riots.”

    Most concerning about these radical leftist militant actions to US Attorney Boente and law enforcement throughout the land is that the FBI’s investigation into this Berkeley riot, and the FBI investigation into Berkeley’s mayor ordering his police forces to stand down, revealed that BAMN had coordinated their attacks with Obama’s OFA Oakland, California, office—and may have, in fact, been ordered by President Obama himself.

    Even more disturbing about Obama’s OFA radical leftist affiliations then Berkeley, is their partnering with a group called Knights for Socialism that has begun teaching children to chant “Kill Trump” while bashing with baseball bats effigies of America’s new president.

    US District Attorney Boente is allegedly behind the scenes advocating that a grand jury be impaneled to charge the former president with treason—
    This may not happen because experts warn if that should occur, it could, most assuredly, plunge the United States into open civil warfare followed quickly by martial law.

    We are at an impasse and what happens in the next few months will shape Americas future.

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  4. #24
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    Default Re: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

    Is The Flynn Resignation Part Of A Trump Administration Sting?

    February 15, 2017
    by mrbiggs

    As I’ve said before, I’m generally not into the day to day political gossip. Especially when the mainstream press cries impeachment wolf for the countless time. So when I heard of Flynn’s resignation I initially shrugged my shoulders.

    But I also take a Trump victory seriously, and I take his pledge to #draintheswamp seriously. There’s lots of slimy things in the swamp that don’t want their precious habitat destroyed, and they fight back.

    So when my friend Thomas Wictor started talking about how the Flynn resignation was a sting, I started paying attention. This could very well be phase I of Trump’s plan to drain the swamp. And an indication of just how serious Trump is about commmitting to his campaign promises.

    Thomas’s theory was strung along in 20 tweets. I’ve compiled them in edited form for you below. Oh, and he does some great military and foreign policy research. You should check him out.

    “Let’s say a person wants to hire a killer to bump off a spouse. They ask Mikey the Biker. Mikey goes to the cops. A police officer poses as a killer for hire. He asks the person 900 times if they REALLY want to kill the spouse. The cops says, “Let’s be clear: You want this person dead, right? You want me to shoot him in the head, right?”

    It was clear that the CIA was telling the media stories about Flynn having inappropriate connections to Russia. Now, imagine Trump as a cop playing a killer for hire. He began ASKING THE CIA IF IT REALLY WANTED TO DO THIS.

    January 11: Trump announces that he pulled a sting operation and identified intelligence official who leaked information. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper issues a statement opposing leaks.

    January 23: The OBAMA FBI CLEARS FLYNN OF WRONGDOING in his conversation with the Russian ambassador.

    Now, the murderous spouse goes ahead and tries to hire the killer.

    Acting Attorney General Sally Yates warns the Trump administration that Flynn might be subject to blackmail by Russia. Yates bases her warning ON A TRANSCRIPT. She’s the first murderous spouse caught in the sting. She was fired January 31 for refusing to enforce the travel ban.

    February 9: The New York times and Washington Post claim that Flynn discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador. The articles are crap. They contradict themselves. This is from the Post.

    If those intelligence officials have firsthand knowledge, why can’t they tell us a straight story?

    New York Times. Again, total confusion about what was said.

    Posted on February 15, 2017 by mrbiggs
    Is the Flynn resignation a sting?

    As I’ve said before, I’m generally not into the day to day political gossip. Especially when the mainstream press cries impeachment wolf for the countless time. So when I heard of Flynn’s resignation I initially shrugged my shoulders.

    But I also take a Trump victory seriously, and I take his pledge to #draintheswamp seriously. There’s lots of slimy things in the swamp that don’t want their precious habitat destroyed, and they fight back.

    So when my friend Thomas Wictor started talking about how the Flynn resignation was a sting, I started paying attention. This could very well be phase I of Trump’s plan to drain the swamp. And an indication of just how serious Trump is about commmitting to his campaign promises.

    Thomas’s theory was strung along in 20 tweets. I’ve compiled them in edited form for you below. Oh, and he does some great military and foreign policy research. You should check him out.

    “Let’s say a person wants to hire a killer to bump off a spouse. They ask Mikey the Biker. Mikey goes to the cops. A police officer poses as a killer for hire. He asks the person 900 times if they REALLY want to kill the spouse. The cops says, “Let’s be clear: You want this person dead, right? You want me to shoot him in the head, right?”

    It was clear that the CIA was telling the media stories about Flynn having inappropriate connections to Russia. Now, imagine Trump as a cop playing a killer for hire. He began ASKING THE CIA IF IT REALLY WANTED TO DO THIS.

    January 11: Trump announces that he pulled a sting operation and identified intelligence official who leaked information. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper issues a statement opposing leaks.

    January 23: The OBAMA FBI CLEARS FLYNN OF WRONGDOING in his conversation with the Russian ambassador.

    Now, the murderous spouse goes ahead and tries to hire the killer.

    Acting Attorney General Sally Yates warns the Trump administration that Flynn might be subject to blackmail by Russia. Yates bases her warning ON A TRANSCRIPT. She’s the first murderous spouse caught in the sting. She was fired January 31 for refusing to enforce the travel ban.

    February 9: The New York times and Washington Post claim that Flynn discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador. The articles are crap. They contradict themselves. This is from the Post.

    If those intelligence officials have firsthand knowledge, why can’t they tell us a straight story?

    New York Times. Again, total confusion about what was said.

    Finally, the proof that this was a sting: FLYNN KNEW HE WAS BEING RECORDED. From the Times.

    Trump warned, Clapper warned, and the FBI warned, but the CIA went ahead and leaked ANYWAY. Trump, Flynn, Clapper, and he FBI set up the CIA. And now the CIA gets to have its peepee whacked REALLY HARD. Right now a bunch of fat drunks are making deals with the feds to keep out of prison.

    Why would Trump be impeached? You have to commit a crime to be impeached. Stop being silly. The end.”

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    Default Re: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

    The Lame Duck Timeline Strongly Suggests President Obama Set Up Intelligence Scheme To Undermine Trump…

    Posted on February 17, 2017 by sundance
    Jay Sekulow outlines the case [Video Here] that President Obama set-up a plan for the intelligence community to target President Trump.

    Specifically through the use of a lame-duck executive order, President Obama authorized multiple intelligence agencies to have access to Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) including phone call intercepts.
    [URL=""]President Barack Obama gestures at his town hall-style meeting at Memorial Hall, Wednesday June 30, 2010 in Racine, Wis. (AP Photo/Journal Times, Mark Hertzberg)

    (Via ACLJ) […] First, as the New York Times reported earlier this week, in its final days, the Obama Administration expanded the power of the National Security Agency (NSA) to share globally intercepted personal communication with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying any privacy protections.
    The new rules were issued under section 2.3 of Executive Order 12333 after approval by two Obama Administration officials: Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Director of National Intelligence Director, James Clapper.
    Second, the new rules, which were issued in an unclassified document, entitled Procedures for the Availability or Dissemination of Raw Signals Intelligence Information by the National Security Agency (NSA), significantly relaxed longstanding limits on what the NSA may do with the information gathered by its most powerful surveillance operations.
    These operations are largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws. Surveillances include collecting satellite transmissions, phone calls, and emails that cross network switches abroad, and messages between people abroad that cross domestic network switches.
    The changes initiated by the Obama Administration in its waning days empowered far more agents and officials to search through raw intelligence data. As a direct consequence of the change in policy, it appears that the prospect of intel leaks grew exponentially. Attorney General Loretta Lynch signed the new rules permitting the NSA to disseminate raw signals intelligence information on January 3, 2017 after Director of National Intelligence James Clapper signed them on December 15, 2016. (read more)

    The dates here are key, because it was after the 2016 election when DNI James Clapper was reported to be recommending the removal of NSA head, Admiral Michael Rogers:
    [November 19th, 2016] (Reuters) The heads of the Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence community have recommended to President Barack Obama that the director of the National Security Agency, Admiral Michael Rogers, be removed from his position, sources familiar with the matter said on Saturday.
    The recommendation by Defense Secretary Ash Carter and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, first reported by The Washington Post, was delivered to the White House last month. (read more)

    • The election was Tuesday, November 8th.
    • Admiral Michael Rogers had a visit with President Trump on Friday, November 11th.
    • According to the Executive Order rule changes DNI James Clapper signed off on December 15th.
    • General Michael Flynn spoke to the Russian Ambassador on December 29th
    • Dec 29th 2016 – Obama announces sanctions on Russia
    • Jan 3rd 2017 – Loretta Lynch signs off on rule changes for phone taps.
    • Jan 12th 2017 – WaPo reports On Phone Calls Anonymous Intel Sources
    • Jan 15th 2017 – VP Pence appears on Face the nation.
    • Jan 20th 2017 – Inauguration
    • Jan 23rd 2017 – FBI reports nothing unlawful in content of Flynn call
    • Jan 26th 2017 – Sally Yates (acting DOJ) informs President Trump there might be a conflict between VP Pence’s stated TV version (was told by Flynn), and what Intel community communicate to Yates that Flynn actually expressed to Russia.
    • Jan 27th 2017 – White House counsel begins investigation to discrepancy.

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    Default Re: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

    Former CIA Analyst: Yes, Former Obama Officials Were ‘Directly Involved’ In The Effort to Remove Flynn (And I'll Say Their Names)

    Matt Vespa
    Posted: Feb 15, 2017 8:16 PM

    The fallout from the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is not over. We have Russia, leaks, and palace intrigue about former Obama administration officials laying the foundation to topple Flynn, who was knows for being staunchly opposed to the Iran nuclear deal. Guy wrote a post about the allegations. Flynn misled the vice president, which alone is an act that warrants being shown the door. Yet, multiple writers, namely Damon Linker at The Week and Eli Lake at Bloomberg have noted another sinister angle to this story, which is the number of leaks of highly sensitive information coming from this administration. It appears as if the intelligence community is willingly leaking intercepted phone calls with Trump officials (Flynn) to hamstring the administration from governing. Linker is no fan of Flynn, but added that dissatisfaction with an administration is handled through things called elections. It is not the job of the America’s spies to sabotage the governance of whatever administration may be in power. Lake added that this could be just the beginning—and that more heads could roll (Conway, Bannon, maybe even the president himself).

    Former CIA analyst and U.S. Army Reserve Lt. Col Tony Schaffer was pretty straightforward in his Fox Business appearance today, where he said that Obama officials were definitely behind the leaks—and even named a few of them (via Free Beacon):
    3:30 run time

    "Risk and Reward" host Deirdre Bolton asked Shaffer whether he thought leaks from the Obama administration were "the problem."

    "Absolutely," Shaffer answered, saying the Obama administration was "directly involved" with the leak.

    Shaffer said the blame lay "squarely at the feet of" the former CIA director John Brennan, former director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper, and former deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes.

    Schaffer added that Flynn was a smart guy and probably didn’t discuss the area about Russian sanctions in the manner that’s been portrayed by the Left because he knew those calls would be analyzed and reviewed somewhere down the road. He agreed that what Flynn said was probably no different than when President Obama said told then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev would have more flexibility once the 2012 election was over, which was an example cited by Bolton.

    Schaffer noted that what Flynn said—when he called these various foreign officials—probably went along the lines of you’re going to deal with me, these are the issues on the table, and we might revisit them in the future. I agree that’s not necessarily illegal, but misleading the vice president by offering incomplete accounts of the conversations is an offense that could lead to one’s dismissal.

    This isn’t over. Democrats are clamoring for answers.

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

    I have no doubt about the above.

    I've got no problem with Flynn "making the rounds" with people he's likely to interact with, including the Russians, and from what I've seen he wasn't out of bounds on things he said. Not like he promised them more flexibility after Trump was in office or anything...

    Why Trump caved on it is a mystery to me. Now they smell blood in the water and will continue to push.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

    McCain tells Europe Trump's team in disarray

    Phil Stewart and Robin Emmott2 hrs ago

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    "McCain says Flynn affair shows Trump administration in "disarray"" will play after this ad - 00:28

    McCain says Flynn affair shows Trump administration in "disarray"

    MUNICH, Germany, Feb 17 (Reuters) - Republican Senator John McCain broke with the reassuring message that U.S. officials visiting Germany have sought to convey on their debut trip to Europe, saying on Friday that the administration of President Donald Trump was in "disarray."McCain, a known Trump critic, told the Munich Security Conference that the resignation of the new president's security adviser Michael Flynn over his contacts with Russia reflected deep problems in Washington.

    "I think that the Flynn issue obviously is something that shows that in many respects this administration is in disarray and they've got a lot of work to do," said McCain.

    "The president, I think, makes statements (and) on other occasions contradicts himself. So we've learned to watch what the president does as opposed to what he says," he said.

    European governments have been unsettled by the signals sent by Trump on a range of foreign policy issues ranging from NATO and Russia to Iran, Israel and European integration.

    The debut trip to Europe of Trump's Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, to a meeting of G20 counterparts in Bonn, went some way to assuaging concerns as they both took a more traditional U.S. position.

    © REUTERS/Michael Dalder U.S. Senator McCain speaks at the opening of the 53rd Munich Security Conference in Munich. But Trump is wrestling with a growing controversy at home about potential ties between his aides and Russia, which he dismissed on Thursday as a "ruse" and "scam" perpetrated by a hostile news media.

    Mattis made clear to allies, both at NATO in Brussels and in Munich, that the United States would not retreat from leadership as the European continent grapples with an assertive Russia, wars in eastern and southern Mediterranean countries, and attacks by Islamist militants.

    U.S. Vice President Mike Pence will address the Munich conference on Saturday with a similar message of reassurance.

    Pence will say that Europe is an "indispensable partner" for the United States, a senior White House foreign policy adviser told reporters.

    Mattis told a crowd that included heads of state and more than 70 defense ministers that Trump backed NATO.

    "President Trump came into office and has thrown now his full support to NATO. He too espouses NATO's need to adapt to today's strategic situation for it to remain credible, capable, and relevant," Mattis said.

    Mattis said the United States and its European allies had a shared understanding of the challenges ahead. Trump has alarmed allies by expressing admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    Mattis, however, has spoken out strongly against Russia while in Europe. After talks with NATO allies in Brussels on Thursday, he said that he did not believe it would be possible to collaborate militarily with Moscow, at least for now.

    The Europeans may need more persuading that Washington stands with it on a range of security issues.

    "There is still a lot of uncertainty," Sebastian Kurz, Austria's foreign minister, told reporters. "The big topic in Munich is looking to the USA to see which developments to expect next."


    European intelligence agencies have warned that Russia is also seeking to destabilize governments and influence elections across Europe with cyber attacks, fake news and propaganda and by funding far-right political parties.

    "We should be under no illusions about the step-change in Russian behavior over the last couple of years, even after Crimea," British Defence Minister Michael Fallon said, referring to Moscow's 2014 annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula.

    "We have seen a step-change in Russian military aggression, but also in propaganda, in misinformation and a succession of persistent attacks on Western democracies, interference in a whole series of elections including ... the United States."

    NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg held talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Munich, seeing progress on encouraging Moscow to be more open about its military exercises that the alliance says are unpredictable.

    Russia says it is the Western alliance, not Moscow, that is destabilizing Europe by sending troops to its western borders.

    "We have different views," Stoltenberg said of the crisis in Ukraine, where the West accuses the Kremlin of arming separatist rebels in a conflict that has killed 10,000 people since April 2014.

    Russia says the conflict is a civil war.

    In the latest incident, Lithuanian prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation into a false report of rape by German soldiers stationed there on a NATO mission to deter Russia.

    Mattis, without explicitly citing the case, rallied to the defense of German forces as he spoke in the German city of Munich. "I have great respect for Germany's leadership in Europe – and for the ethical performance of your troops on the battlefield," he said.

    U.S. intelligence agencies concluded last year that Russia hacked and leaked Democratic emails during the election campaign as part of an effort to tilt the vote in Trump's favor.

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    EXCLUSIVE: White House Fingers John McCain As Media Leak; Believes U.S. Senator Eavesdropped on Trump’s Classified Phone

    Posted on February 21, 2017 by Investigative Bureau

    This could be the beginning of the end for embattled Sen. John McCain’s life in politics. According to White House officials, McCain is believed to have somehow gained access to the content of President Donald Trump’s private, classified telephone calls with world leaders. And he isn’t keeping quiet about what was talked about either.

    An analysis of McCain’s recent public statements by White House officials, coupled with information from intelligence personnel working with the Trump administration, paints a disturbing picture for McCain — or any elected U.S. politician. Officials believe the senator has inside knowledge of a number of President Trump’s telephone conversations, including at least one conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    Even more alarming, officials believe McCain is secretly sharing this sensitive information with colleagues and his cabal of friendly mainstream media journalists in a dangerous clandestine campaign to damage Trump’s presidency even before it has a chance to succeed. Trump has been searching for media rats in the Beltway in recent weeks. White House aides are confident they have now outed one of the major leaks plaguing the early days of the Trump presidency. To everyone’s surprise, it is a senior senator supposedly belonging to the same side of the political aisle as the president.

    McCain has been lambasting Trump to anyone and everyone who will listen since the newly minted president’s inauguration. This includes a Russian comedian who pranked McCain posing as Ukraine Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman. Even during that troubling conversation, where McCain shared sensitive U.S. intelligence with an imposter, White House aides said McCain unknowingly exposed himself as having inside knowledge of Trump’s telephone conversations.

    “He has been given transcripts or actually listened to the calls and is sharing what he has heard,” an administration insider said. “There is no doubt. He is one of the major leaks.”

    Just last week, True Pundit published a troubling account of how a Russian comedian duped McCain, the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. McCain incredibly even coached the phone-prankster-posing Prime Minister on joining NATO.

    This audio recording of the phone call is absolutely incredible.

    It’s time for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to determine the level McCain’s involvement and just how many laws he has broken.

    Katie Walsh Involved With Foreign Intelligence Against President Donald Trump

    Tuesday, February 21, 2017

    As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

    The continuing problem of Katie Walsh is more than her sabotage of President Donald Trump, her putting into place 4000 #NeverTrumpers into the White House, being the prime leaker in the White House only equaled by Mike Pence, but the fact that criminality is now appearing in an incestuous money laundering, cronyism and nepotism, and what is a troubling influence of a foreign power influencing the 2016 Presidential elections.

    No, I am not speaking of Vladimir Putin in Russia, but the Lame Cherry begins this with a question for each of you, in if you were to become engaged, do you think you could go the Oval Office, security would let you walk in, and you could propose there?

    As you are concluding you would have a snow ball's chance in hell at this ever happening, can you then explain why the finance fiance of Katie Walsh who goes by 007 on Instagram, was reported in walking her directly into the Prime Minister's personal residence, with the help of security, and proposed to Katie Walsh in 10 Downing Street's Cabinet Room?

    This took place on New Years Eve of 2016 - 2017 AD in the year of our Lord by the good offices of Mike Shields, who used to be Reince Priebus' Chief of Staff at the Republican National Committee. A job when he left it for a Super Pac, which sucked all the funding from Donald Trump's 2016 Presidential Race, was handed to Katie Walsh........who is now engaged to Mike Shields with the direct assistance of Prime Minister Theresa May's security.

    Should the Lame Cherry mention that Theresa May was the first world leader to appear in DC holding President Trump's hands, and then stabbing him in the back over Muslim invasion when she returned to London?

    Do you get the idea of it was the British who had assets at the Republican Party attempting to influence Donald Trump and then President Trump, because Katie Walsh is now Deputy Chief of Staff pushing this and Mike Shields her fiance, is so connected to British Intelligence, that he gets into 10 Downing to propose.

    ENGAGED -- On New Year’s Eve in London, former RNC chief of staff and current head of the Congressional Leadership Fund Mike Shields proposed to current RNC chief of staff Katie Walsh. Pool report: “They were in London with their best friends Rob and Cindy Boyd and were having dinner but left early because Mike told her there was a party at 10 Downing Street they were going to stop by. ... As they were getting over there she got caught up on a call with Sara Armstrong (CEO of the Presidential Inaugural Committee) ... and didn’t realize no one else was going through security at 10 Downing. They got inside and the very nice security guards were giving them a little tour and she started to question why no one else seemed to be there. The security guard showed them the staircase from ‘Love Actually’ and then walked them into the cabinet room and closed the door. Then Mike got down on his knee and asked her to marry him. They then headed to the top of The Chard to watch the fireworks with Rob and Cindy and her best friend, Cara Mason, RNC’s finance director, whom Mike had flown over.” Instapic (h/t Reince Priebus)

    In a review of the second principles who have the funds to spend thousands of dollars to fly to London for New Year's, but we find that the Boyd's are actually the Simms, as Rob changed his name to his wife's maiden name.
    Rob is the fraternity brother to Mike Shields of George Mason University.
    No revelation if Mike Shields is changing his name to his criminal leaker wife's name of Walsh.

    The Ladies
    the bride: Cindy Boyd
    the matrons of honor: Jessica Furst Johnson (friend of the bride, friend and colleague of the groom), Renee Hudson (friend of the bride and groom), Angela Todd (sister of the bride)
    the house party: Jenn DiSarcina (travel buddy and friend of the bride), Patty Fresinski (sister of the bride), Laura Gilham (travel buddy and friend of the bride), Dianna Hochkoeppler (travel buddy, friend of the bride, and mother of the flower girl), Katie Walsh (sorority sister of the bride, friend of the bride and groom), Micah Yousefi (friend of the bride, friend and colleague of the groom)
    grownup flower girls...who says flower girls have an age limit?!: Jordy and Ally Larsen (CeCe, as Cindy is known to these two, took care of Jordy and Ally while she attended San Diego State and they were much younger. CeCe promised that one day they could be her flower girls and one day has finally arrived!)
    flower girl: Stella Hochkoeppler (goddaughter of the bride and House Party member Jenn DiSarcina and Laura Gilham)

    The Gentlemen
    the groom: Rob Simms
    the best man: Mike Shields (fraternity brother of the groom)
    the groomsmen: Nick Fiegoli (fraternity brother of the groom) and Sean Murphy (fraternity brother of the groom)
    the ushers: Scott Jackson (childhood friend of the groom), Nathan Naylor (college friend of the groom), Doug Reid (fraternity brother of the groom)

    Before we leave this lovefest, we discover in this Instagram post by Mike Shields that Rob Simms is not just his bosom frat buddy and best man, but that Shields and Simms are working together in more cronyism in this quid pro quo group.

    mikeshields007What a blessing that I got to work across from @robasimms and the incredible team at the NRCC this cycle. The NRCC had an amazing cycle recruiting, raising money and *winning races.*

    Just as I expected with Rob in charge.
    robasimmsBlessed is a great word for it. We are blessed to have Mike leading the team @ CLF/AAN and fighting to bring back the house. Mikeshields007 -- you are the best. I really don't know what else to say other than thank you.

    The Politico press seems to have gotten it wrong as Katie Walsh is not a friend of the Simm Boyd wedlock, as she was not in the wedding party, not even mentioned. But her best friend forever was mentioned in Cara Mason, who just happens to be the finance director of the Republican Party.

    RNC Announces Cara Mason as Finance Director for 2016 Cycle | GOP

    RNC Announces Cara Mason as Finance Director for 2016 ... "I'm excited to announce that Cara Mason will lead our finance team during this presidential election ...

    [Search domain]

    So now we know that Katie Walsh not only stabs people in the back, plots with #NeverTrumpers against the President, but also is involved in the cronyism and nepotism as her fiance.
    So you get this, Mike Shields is having sex with Katie Walsh who is raising money from the oligarchs and Bush fam to defeat President Trump, and her job for pimping funds is handed over by Reince Priebus to her best friend forever, Cara Mason.

    “Having worked side-by-side with Cara, I know she will do an outstanding job as Finance Director,” said Chief of Staff Katie Walsh. “I look forward to continuing to work with her in our new roles, so we can continue breaking records at the RNC and make the investments necessary to win.”

    Cara Mason joined the RNC as Regional Finance Director in January 2014. She previously served as Deputy Finance Director at the National Republican Senatorial Committee. She has also held finance positions with the National Association of Home Builders, Jon Huntsman for President, Rossi for Senate, and the NRSC. In those capacities, she was responsible for meeting and exceeding multi-million dollar fundraising budgets.

    Yes it is all in the family and fraternity with the GOP insiders breaking every ethics in the world. Do you think Reince Priebus would be Chief of Staff if President Trump had ever known that he was handing out jobs to people who were having sex with each other, and hiring their best friends in the most important job in the GOP?

    Mike Shields, the top aide at the Republican National Committee and a veteran political operative, is leaving the party committee to helm a super PAC dedicated to preserving and expanding the party’s House majority.

    Shields has been appointed president of both the American Action Network, a 501(c)4 organization focused on issue advocacy, and its sister super PAC, the Congressional Leadership Fund. Shields, who begins work at the groups next Monday, is stepping down as chief of staff at the RNC, where he is being replaced by Katie Walsh, who had been the party committee’s finance director.

    The move will put Shields at the center of policy debates on Capitol Hill, where Republicans now control both chambers, and of congressional campaigns in the 2016 presidential election year, when the GOP is expected to struggle to defend all of its House seats.

    The American Action Network and the Congressional Leadership Fund have raised a combined $104 million since 2011 and have been among the largest outside spenders in House races.

    Now that those facts are established of ethics violations, we now discover the trail of the criminal money laundering. DataTrust was the rat tagging operation of all of you, which has been touted by both parties as the 'answer to all election victories'. The problem is DataTrust and Alamo predicted Donald Trump would lose and that Hillary's algorithms predicted she would win.
    As the Lame Cherry has exposed, these data mining operations have absolutely nothing to do with elections, but are the cover to collect data, which is then SOLD to unions and everyone with a paycheck to generate revenue in an ACORN type money laundering scheme.

    DataTrust has an exclusive agreement to swap data with the RNC and has a client relationship with outside groups such as American Crossroads and the American Action Network.

    Say you want to funnel money to Rush Limbaugh, for his support, and you are Ted Cruz. You get your campaign and SuperPac to buy ad time and it is the way money flows to insiders in a quid pro quo. Obama in 2008 through ACORN was laundering immense amounts of terror funds to key insiders for their "services" as this goes beyond media ad buys.

    Let us return to this strange tale, of 007 Mike Shields, which makes one ponder realities in did Mike Shields and Katie Walsh have anything to do with pushing an insider Trade Deal for Theresa May in Brexit, which would benefit their billionaire oligarch donors?
    Do you sort of see why when you are involved in scandals, you do not make it known you are looking like an asset of British intelligence, naming yourself 007, and leaving Instagram posts up revealing so many interesting things.

    Then there is this gem from fiance Mike Shields, for some reason is so much the British agent, that he poses for pictures influencing the British national elections at Conservatives Headquarters.

    Was this not the very thing that Vladimir Putin has been accused of?

    mikeshields007Republicans in the Conservative HQ
    duchamp_98Just win guys! Predictions?
    bobvanasseI think I'd rather vote conservative than Republican, they don't have the religious lunatics.

    I guess the above is not abhorrent to Mike Shields or Katie Walsh, but it probably is to Americans like David Lane who were the organizing reason Donald Trump won the election.......but are thought of as RELIGIOUS LUNATICS by their group.

    I wonder what this group thinks of those dark skinned Republicans like Ben Carson.

    In review of this Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, there are now more questions than the criminal leaking and sabotage of the President of the United States in Donald Trump, by Katie Walsh. We have before us the evidence of the following:

    British foreign influence peddling by Mike Shields and Katie Walsh inside the Trump Campaign for a sweetheart trade deal, which also continued dumping of Muslim terrorists into America from London and the Commonwealth.

    Funding diversions

    Collusion and coordination against the Trump Campaign for Donald Trump's defeat in drying up donations and diverting those funds to down ticket #NeverTrump candidates.

    The reality that Mike Shields and Katie Walsh are assets of a foreign power in London England.

    The reality now presents evidence that President Donald Trump and Americans are facing so much more than Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the FBI investigating who is in treason attempting to bring down the United States Government. The following evidence in the above equals the crimes of Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, and is a reality that Senate Intelligence Committees should be investigating this, instead of wasting time on "Russian hacks" and concern that Russian tweeters were posting things that Americans read and were influenced by. Americans are intelligent enough to recognize fake news, and that is why Americans rejected the MSM.

    President Donald Trump has been betrayed by these GOPliters time and again. They were #NeverTrumpers and evolved into cronyism in hiring all their oligarch friends, to what appears now becoming foreign agents' attempt to subvert the United States Government for Continental powers, exactly as in 1776 and 1851.

    The above are High Crimes against the United States and Grand Juries must be convened by Justice to get to the bottom of this.

    You do remember it was MI6 agent Christopher Steele, who worked for 10 Downing, and these same insiders who created Pissgate?

    Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

    Nuff Said


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    Leftist indoctrination in intolerance similar to that of Radical Islam...

    Attack By Any Means Necessary...Everyone that doesn't believe like them is an Fascist
    ‘Tear him apart!’ Kids thrash Trump piñata during Chicago protest (VIDEO)

    A Donald Trump-shaped piñata bore the brunt of protesters’ fury on Wednesday, when a group demonstrating outside the University of Chicago strung up an effigy of the president and encouraged kids to batter it.

    The scheduled appearance of US President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski at the university prompted the protests.

    During his time at the helm of Trump’s presidential campaign, Lewandowski was involved in a physical altercation with Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields. Lewandowski was charged over the incident, but the charge was later dropped. The 43-year-old left the Trump team in June 2016, making way for Kellyanne Conway, and went on to become a political commentator on CNN – a post he has also since left.

    Video from an anti-Lewandowski rally shows how a miniature piñata resembling President Trump was tied to a tree outside the university. Children were then encouraged to take out their frustration on the effigy with sticks.

    In the clip, protesters can be seen carrying anti-fascist posters and messages for Lewandowski to “go home.” At one point, the crowd cheers when the piñata is beheaded.

    Up to 150 people protested outside the university’s Institute of Politics, where Lewandowski was speaking at an “off the record” seminar entitled ‘Inside Trumpism,’ the Chicago Tribune reported.

    The sold-out student seminar saw Washington Post journalist Robert Costa interview Lewandowski about “the rise of Trump, his time at the helm of the Trump campaign, and what lies ahead for the Trump presidency,” according to program notes for the event.

    In other news….

    Do you blame the kids or the endless indoctrination coming from the media and academia?

    President Trump’s Motorcade Hit By Wooden Block, 5 Middle School Students Face Charges

    A vehicle in President Donald Trump's motorcade was struck by a '2x4' - with five middle school students now facing charges, according to Florida authorities.

    One middle school student admitted to hurling the object, the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office said in a news release.

    The incident happened Friday around 1:45 p.m. in West Palm Beach.

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    Democrat Maxine Waters Calls Trump Cabinet Picks: “A Bunch of Scumbags” (VIDEO)

    Jim Hoft Feb 22nd, 2017 8:20 am Leave a Comment
    Far left Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has taken on the role of spokesperson for the Democrat Party since the November election.

    During an appearance on MSNBC’s All in with Chris Hayes, Democrat Maxine Waters read off a list of people connected to the Trump team who also have connections to Russia and the oil and gas industry.
    Waters then went on to call the Trump administration a “bunch of scumbags.”

    Maxine Waters: I just think the American people need to know what is going on. This is a bunch of scumbags. That’s what they are. They’re all organized around making money.
    Idiot #California Rep. @MaxineWaters calls @realDonaldTrump cabinet "#scumbags." #LMAO #irony
    — Lone Star Statement (@LoneStrStatment) February 22, 2017
    Two weeks ago Maxine Waters told reporters Russian leader Vladimir Putin invaded Korea.

    Here is the full unhinged interview with Chris Hayes.

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    Obama Lawyers Unite to Launch Legal Attacks Against Trump Administration

    former President Obama / AP

    BY: Sam Dorman

    February 23, 2017 1:24 pm

    Lawyers who worked with former President Barack Obama have formed a nonprofit called United to Protect Democracy, which aims at filing lawsuits against President Donald Trump's administration.

    The group plans to investigate Trump, give information to the press to build the pressure for Congressional investigations, and eventually file lawsuits, Politico reported on Thursday.

    The leader of the group and former associate White House counsel Ian Bassin warned that democracies don't end quickly. He said they often "decline over a period of years that happen through a series of much smaller steps," in an apparent suggestion that the Trump administration would contribute to that decline.

    United to Protect Democracy has already filed 50 Freedom of Information Act requests, and seeks to create a place for whistleblowers in the Trump administration.

    Bassin reportedly received support from a "huge network" from other Obama lawyers. Politico reported that his group had a $1.5 million operating budget, and plans to double its staff of five "in the coming months."

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    Patrick Stewart Becoming a U.S. Citizenship Just To Fight Trump

    At least he’s doing it legally!


    Trey Sanchez

    Last Month, British actor Patrick Stewart (Star Trek, X-Men) had the worst night of sleep of his life. He tweeted about it, wondering if it could be because he was in Washington D.C. and only 300 yards away from where President Trump sleeps.

    He was asked about this on his recent visit to ABC’s The View and recounted his story. The hosts adored his every word.
    "The first night I was in Washington, I had the worst night sleep for years and years and years. And it was only in the morning when I got up and drew the curtain that I realized what it might be,” Stewart said. “But it was a fairly innocent tweet. I did not directly insult your President."
    Whoopi Goldberg chimed in, “He’s not mine.”
    "He's not mine, either," Stewart agreed. "You know, we have our own problems. We have Brexit. But I'm not a [US] citizen. However, there is, maybe it's the only good thing as the result of this election, I am now applying for citizenship. Because I want to be an American, too."
    Why? To fight Trump:
    "Because all of my friends in Washington said there's only one thing you can do: fight, fight, oppose, oppose. But I can't do it because I'm not a citizen."
    But see, Stewart is doing it the right way. Please, come to America the right way -- LEGALLY -- and oppose all you want. It will be your American right.
    Now, perhaps you could encourage a few million other immigrants to do it the legal way as well?

    In other news...

    President Winfrey? Oprah says in the age of Trump that she could run for the White House despite being unqualified for the job

    • Oprah said she had never thought about possibly being president until Donald Trump won the job
    • She believed she was unqualified and didn't have enough raw knowledge
    • 'And now I'm thinking, "Oh! Oh!" she said'
    • Oprah would be the first woman president if she were to leverage her near-universal name ID to match Trump's political lightning moment
    • She already built a successful broadcasting career on unlikely triumphs, including a ratings war that saw her beat legendary interviewer Phil Donahue

    By David Martosko

    Published: 09:57 EST, 1 March 2017 | Updated: 15:14 EST, 1 March 2017

    The improbable political rise of Donald Trump has led Oprah Winfrey to think about whether or not she could become the second TV entertainer to work in the Oval Office.
    Oprah told Bloomberg interviewer David Rubenstein that before Trump won the November election, she thought she was unqualified to be president.
    But not anymore.

    'I actually never thought that that was – I never considered the question, even a possibility,' she said.
    But when reality-show icon Trump beat longtime politician Hillary Clinton, she said, 'I just thought, "Oh! Oh!"'

    'Oh! Oh!' Oprah Winfrey said she has rethought whether she could run for president since Donald Trump won the job without the customary qualifications

    Winfrey spoke to Bloomberg host David Rubenstein, and recalled when she improbably beat Phil Donahue in a ratings war

    'I thought, "Oh, gee, I don't have experience. I don't know enough. I don't."
    'And now I'm thinking, "Oh! Oh!"'
    Internet publisher Matt Drudge of The Drudge Report threw fuel on the fire Wednesday, tweeting that he is hoping to see Winfrey run against Trump in 2020.
    'Trump vs Oprah would be the most epic race in American history,' Drudge wrote, linking to this article. 'MAKE THIS HAPPEN...'

    Oprah would be the first woman president if she were to leverage her near-universal name ID and nationwide support to match Trump's political lightning moment.
    She told Rubenstein, a famed philanthropist who interviews business leaders on his show, that she built her career on one unlikely triumph after another.
    When she was hired to host 'A. M. Chicago' in 1984, she said, most of her friends predicted she would fail because her show competed with legendary interviewer Phil Donahue.
    'It didn't matter to me, because I did not think that he was beatable,' she recalled.
    But ultimately, 'I beat him. I did. I wasn't trying to.'
    If Oprah should run for president and win, she would gain one of the only public platforms bigger than the one she already enjoys.
    Her lifestyle brand and 'OWN' cable TV network followed the 25-year run of 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' and her starring role in the film 'The Color Purple.'
    Countless millions saw her on TV internationally.

    Trump had no political experience or other history of working in government before he campaigned for the highest elected office in the United States – and won

    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.

    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

    To view links or images in signatures your post count must be 15 or greater. You currently have 0 posts.
    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

    Quote Originally Posted by vector7 View Post
    Patrick Stewart Becoming a U.S. Citizenship Just To Fight Trump
    I saw this last night. Apparently his body has held up to aging over the years but his mind hasn't. It's sad when an older person starts losing their faculties.

    I wonder if he realizes he'll have to give up his knighthood if he pulls off his immigration scheme.

    Oh, and...

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    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

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    Default Re: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

    Good catch Phil!

    If true...

    ✠ Ⴙanѕ ԍгußег · @rabite
    �� Politics · an hour · edited
    #Obama may have used (pretty sure he did) British #Intelligence Agencies [#SIS-MI6 & #GCHQ] to spy on and #wiretap Trump Tower in an effort to circumvent US laws. #ObamaGate #TowerGate

    ✠ Ⴙanѕ ԍгußег · @rabite
    �� Politics · 2 hours
    Anon explains that the #wiretap of Trump Tower was part of a broader problem with NSA surveillance, one Trump is trying to solve. #ObamaGate #TrustAnons #Anonymous4Trump

    ✠ Ⴙanѕ ԍгußег · @rabite
    �� Politics · 2 hours
    #Anon explains how the "Deep State" is waging outright war with the #Trump Administration, outlines a series of leaks that are still to come.

    Obama’s wiretaps on Trump Tower conducted by British Intelligence, in an effort to circumvent U.S. surveillance law, courts

    Trump invokes Federal courts after Obama wiretaps Trump Tower during election. #TowerGate


    “In a 2012 presentation, Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ, the British equivalent of the NSA, in turn disclosed a program called “Southwinds,” which was used to gather all the cellular activity, voice communication, data, metadata, and content of calls on board commercial aircraft. The document, designated “top secret strap,” one of the highest British classification levels, said the program was still restricted to the regions covered by satellites from British telecommunications provider Inmarsat: Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.”


    “People from around the world can join a campaign to find out if British intelligence agency GCHQ illegally spied on them — and force it to delete the data.

    The move follows a ruling by the UK’s Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) that GCHQ’s use of data gathered by the National Security Agency (NSA) in the US was unlawful prior to December 2014.

    Following the ruling online rights charity Privacy International said it would ask the court to confirm if its own communications had been unlawfully collected. That legal request is now being extended to millions of people around the world.

    The tribunal’s ruling means that anyone can request the deletion of NSA records unlawfully shared with GCHQ. A short form on the Privacy International website asks people for their name, email address and telephone number to help find the data. Information collected by spy agencies includes emails, phone records and internet communications.”


    “The US government has paid at least £100m to the UK spy agency GCHQ over the last three years to secure access to and influence over Britain’s intelligence gathering programmes.

    The top secret payments are set out in documents which make clear that the Americans expect a return on the investment, and that GCHQ has to work hard to meet their demands. “GCHQ must pull its weight and be seen to pull its weight,” a GCHQ strategy briefing said.

    The funding underlines the closeness of the relationship between GCHQ and its US equivalent, the National Security Agency. But it will raise fears about the hold Washington has over the UK’s biggest and most important intelligence agency, and whether Britain’s dependency on the NSA has become too great.”

    After Obama wiretaps, Trump slowly dismantling highly abused NSA listening programs


    “CONCERNS HAVE BEEN raised over Gemalto, the Dutch company at the centre of a new Edward Snowden leak, after it emerged that the firm provides Irish motorists with their new, credit card sized driver’s licences. According to documents released by the whistleblower, the American National Security Agency (NSA) and British GCHQ (Government Communications HQ) together broke into the internal network of Gemalto beginning in early 2010. The Road Safety Authority has confirmed that it has contacted Gemalto about the breach, which experts have warned will have wide-spread implications. The primary aim of the covert intelligence agencies appears to have been to steal the encryption keys on Gemalto mobile phone SIM cards – allowing spies to monitor the voice and text data of potentially many millions of customers throughout the world. The Dutch multinational provides some 2 billion SIM cards a year to 450 companies worldwide – including Vodafone and O2/Three in Ireland – and it is not known exactly how many of these were compromised.”

    British intelligence swept up private communications of journalists of some of the largest media outlets in the UK and U.S., a new Guardian analysis of whistleblower Edward Snowden’s NSA files reveals.

    Emails exchanged between journalists and editors at the Guardian, the BBC, Reuters, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Le Monde, the Sun, and NBC were harvested, saved, and shared in November 2008 among intelligence agents during a Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) test exercise, according to the analysis by Guardian reporter James Ball, published Monday.

    The surveillance sweep collected 70,000 emails in less than 10 minutes.

    Press releases, story revisions sent between reporters and editors, and other communications were all harvested as part of a test of a GCHQ tool that was developed to “strip irrelevant data out of the agency’s tapping process,” Ball writes. After being retained, the emails were made available on GCHQ’s intranet to cleared personnel.

    While there was no evidence to suggest whether those reporters were intentionally targeted, a separate set of UK intelligence documents show that “investigative journalists” were placed on a security threat assessment list alongside terrorists and hackers.

    One internal document intended for army intelligence stated that “journalists and reporters representing all types of news media represent a potential threat to security.”

    Monday’s analysis of the NSA files comes amid heated debate over government surveillance and its risks to civil liberties. UK Prime Minister David Cameron has repeatedly called for stronger surveillance power for British intelligence, proposing legislation in the wake of the attacks on Charlie Hebdo that would allow British police to break into encrypted communications of “suspected terrorists.”

    In response to those heightened demands and continuing Snowden revelations, more than 100 editors signed a letter Monday coordinated by the Society of Editors and Press Gazette urging Cameron to put an end to police spying on journalists.

    “The code needs to balance the seriousness of the alleged crime against the public interest in protecting the confidentiality of all journalistic sources and potential whistleblowers,” the letter states.

    Records obtained under RIPA without warrants must be kept as one of the agency’s top secrets, the NSA files show.

    A GCHQ spokesperson defended the agency’s policies, telling the Guardian, “[T]he UK’s interception regime is entirely compatible with the European convention on human rights.”

    This kinda flushes all the FISA questions if true and tells us HOW, after FISA denied Obama, he 'may' have gone to the British Intelligence!
    Last edited by Buick Electra; Yesterday at 09:58 PM.

    Bill Mitchell Retweeted
    Jane Spillane‏ @jane_spillane 7m7 minutes ago

    @mitchellvii @naga1961 Fox is doing great job on this. Experts saying much bigger than Watergate. Something Soviet Union did.

    Tennessee‏ @TEN_GOP 7m7 minutes ago

    Obama's spying on a presidential candidate is worse than Nixon's Watergate. He needs to be prosecuted! LOCK HIM UP!

    ☘️ Retweeted
    Josh Cornett‏ @therealcornett 42m42 minutes ago

    RETWEET If you believe Obama is behind the illegal leaks and lies concerning Russia. #ArrestObama

    Robert Barnes: Obama Encouraged ‘Deep State’ ‘De Facto Coup’ Against Trump
    by John Hayward3 Mar 2017

    On Friday’s Breitbart News Daily, SiriusXM host Alex Marlow asked attorney Robert Barnes about the campaign of leaks designed to damage the Trump administration, described by some observers as “deep state” career bureaucrats and/or holdovers from the Obama administration acting as saboteurs. Marlow wondered if there was any legal recourse for the Trump administration to halt this operation.

    “Yes, there is,” Barnes replied. “In fact, it’s one of the directions that a future investigation can take. A future investigation doesn’t have to focus on whatever it is the Democrats or liberals want. It can focus on the illegal leaks that took place.”

    “As I mentioned the other day to a liberal lawyer friend of mine, the worst thing ever accused concerning Nixon was about using private resources to try to illegally spy on people. Here you had Obama’s people using the NSA to spy on his adversaries, and apparently include the CIA, the FBI, and members of the Department of Justice in that loop, in a manner that was not approved of by any court, that was not approved by even a FISA court – the special court that monitors certain kinds of surveillance,” he said.

    “Just because a conversation involves a foreign official doesn’t allow you to illegally tape it, illegally monitor it, or illegally record it when a U.S. citizen is on there, particularly when it’s your political adversary,” Barnes explained.

    “I’m sure the liberals would go nuts if Trump tomorrow started listening in on every conversation Obama had with anybody that’s foreign, or that Bill Clinton had with anybody that’s foreign, or that Hillary Clinton had with anybody that’s foreign. So it’s a dangerous, precarious path that Obama has opened up, and hopefully there is a full investigation into that activity,” he said.

    “You clearly also have lots of illegal leaks going on, particularly as it related to the recent Yemen issue involving the widow of the Navy SEAL who passed way, that became a big issue at the State of the Union. There you had people reporting that no intelligence was gathered. Well, that’s an illegal leak. It turns out that they’re wrong, they were lying about what intelligence developed or the fact that intelligence did develop, but they shouldn’t have been out there saying anything like that,” he noted.

    “There are people willing to leak the most sensitive national security secrets about any particular matter, solely to have a one-day political hit story on Trump. These are people who are violating their oath, and violating the law. Hopefully there is ultimately criminal punishment,” Barnes urged.

    “This is far worse than the Plame matter that got all that attention, that got a special prosecutor in W’s reign. This is far, far worse than any of that. This is putting national security at risk. This is an effective de facto coup attempt by elements of the deep state. So hopefully there’s a meaningful investigation and a meaningful prosecution of these people who have engaged in reckless criminal acts for their personal political partisan purposes,” he said.

    Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

    FACT :Obama wire tapped Fox News reporter James Rosen....

    Summary of Media Articles Discussing Obama’s FISA Warrants To Monitor Candidate/President Trump…
    Posted on March 4, 2017 by sundance

    President Trump has kicked a hornets nest of MSM Obama defenders who are now claiming the Obama intelligence community WAS NOT tracking, monitoring or intercepting communications from candidate and President Elect Donald Trump.

    Which obviously begs the question: …well then, what has media been writing about for the past two months if there were no ‘investigations’.

    However, here’s a summary of previously presented media publications that have specifically outlined and confirmed the authorized monitoring of Candidate/President-Elect Donald Trump by President Obama.

    Heat Street (Louise Mensch) Dated November 7th 2016:

    Two separate sources with links to the counter-intelligence community have confirmed to Heat Street that the FBI sought, and was granted, a FISA court warrant in October, giving counter-intelligence permission to examine the activities of ‘U.S. persons’ in Donald Trump’s campaign with ties to Russia. (link with multiple internal links)

    The New York Times (Charlie Savage) Dated January 12th 2017:

    WASHINGTON — In its final days, the Obama administration has expanded the power of the National Security Agency to share globally intercepted personal communications with the government’s 16 other intelligence agencies before applying privacy protections.

    The new rules significantly relax longstanding limits on what the N.S.A. may do with the information gathered by its most powerful surveillance operations, which are largely unregulated by American wiretapping laws. These include collecting satellite transmissions, phone calls and emails that cross network switches abroad, and messages between people abroad that cross domestic network switches. (link)

    National Review (Andrew McCarthy) Dated January 11th 2017:

    […] To summarize, it appears there were no grounds for a criminal investigation of banking violations against Trump. Presumably based on the fact that the bank or banks at issue were Russian, the Justice Department and the FBI decided to continue investigating on national-security grounds. A FISA application in which Trump was “named” was rejected by the FISA court as overbroad, notwithstanding that the FISA court usually looks kindly on government surveillance requests. A second, more narrow application, apparently not naming Trump, may have been granted five months later; the best the media can say about it, however, is that the server on which the application centers is “possibly” related to the Trump campaign’s “alleged” links to two Russian banks — under circumstances in which the FBI has previously found no “nefarious purpose” in some (undescribed) connection between Trump Tower and at least one Russian bank (whose connection to Putin’s regime is not described). (link with more links)

    The Guardian (Julian Borger) Dated Wednesday January 11th, 2016:

    The Guardian has learned that the FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (Fisa) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. The Fisa court turned down the application asking FBI counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus. According to one report, the FBI was finally granted a warrant in October, but that has not been confirmed, and it is not clear whether any warrant led to a full investigation. (link)

    New York Times ( MATTHEW ROSENBERG, ADAM GOLDMAN and MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT ) March 1st 2017:

    WASHINGTON — In the Obama administration’s last days, some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election — and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump and Russians — across the government. Former American officials say they had two aims: to ensure that such meddling isn’t duplicated in future American or European elections, and to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators.

    […] More than a half-dozen current and former officials described various aspects of the effort to preserve and distribute the intelligence, and some said they were speaking to draw attention to the material and ensure proper investigation by Congress. All spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were discussing classified information, nearly all of which remains secret, making an independent public assessment of the competing Obama and Trump administration claims impossible.

    The F.B.I. is conducting a wide-ranging counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s meddling in the election, and is examining alleged links between Mr. Trump’s associates and the Russian government. Separately, the House and Senate intelligence committees are conducting their own investigations, though they must rely on information collected by the F.B.I. and intelligence agencies. (link)

    Here are some comments from CTH...

    Here's just some of what we know...

    Mark Levin·Saturday, March 4, 2017

    Here's just some of what we know about the Obama administration and its intel/law enforcement tactics from the public record -- aka, media reports:
    (bottom third of article)

    TheLastRefuge‏ @TheLastRefuge2 2h2 hours ago
    Don't forget who in congress is charged with oversight on intelligence activity, including NSA, FBI and CIA. "Gang of Eight".

    Russian Agent Cracka @HouseCracka

    Paul Ryan knew that Barack Obama was tapping the phones at Trump Tower Bret Baier had him cornered last night and he dodged the question!
    8:31 AM - 4 Mar 2017

    georgiafl says:
    March 4, 2017 at 11:23 am
    Is this the way the cookie will crumble or will Trump get Obama?

    Russian Agent Cracka @HouseCracka
    John Brennan will take the fall for Obama going to FISA court and tapping Trump Tower.

    He will be paid off by Muslim Brotherhood to do.

    10:02 AM - 4 Mar 2017

    Tennessee‏ @TEN_GOP 5m5 minutes ago

    Time to quit being nice and take the damn gloves off. Shut this silent coup down - get em, Mr. President!

    Trumpnado‏ @JayS2629 20h20 hours ago

    Obama Encouraged ‘Deep State’ ‘De Facto Coup' Against Trump … via @BreitbartNews

    The Known Unknowns‏ @Known__Unknowns 9m9 minutes ago

    The Known Unknowns Retweeted Donald J. Trump

    Once it came out that Obama was tapping the press' phones/emails they all became his mindless servants. That's worth mentioning too.

    The Known Unknowns‏ @Known__Unknowns 3m3 minutes ago

    The Known Unknowns Retweeted Charlie Spiering

    When was the Trump dossier first reported on? If FISA approved it in Oct, timing syncs. Then McCains updated copy likely expanded it in Dec.

    Bill Mitchell‏Verified account @mitchellvii 5m5 minutes ago

    When will @chuckschumer and @NancyPelosi disavow Barack Obama's seditious acts? When will @jaketapper ask?

    Fox News : Obama team to drag down the Trump White House 3/3/2017

    Published on Mar 3, 2017
    Fox New Live 24h

    A stunning new report says there is an active behind-the-scenes effort underway by the Obama team to drag down the Trump White House.
    Catherine Herridge has the details.

    Trump accuses Obama of wiretapping him at Trump Tower before election

    Published: Mar 4, 2017 4:29 p.m. ET

    Getty Images

    President Trump calls for increased military spending, speaking to members of the U.S. Navy and shipyard workers in Newport News, Va., on Thursday.

    President Trump made a stunning, unsubstantiated claim on Twitter early Saturday, alleging that former President Barack Obama had initiated a plot to tap the phones at Trump Tower in the months leading up to Election Day.

    In a string of tweets that began at 6:35 a.m. Eastern and cited no evidence, Trump compared the alleged wiretapping to “McCarthyism” and “Nixon/Watergate.”

    The outburst comes in the wake of several days of stories raising questions about the Trump administration’s ties with Russian officials. On Thursday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, facing mounting criticism over his meetings with the Russian ambassador, recused himself from any Justice Department investigations related to the Trump campaign.
    Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017
    Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!
    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017
    I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!
    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017
    How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!
    — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

    Trump did not provide any evidence to back up the incendiary accusations. However, several media outlets said that Trump may have been responding to Breitbart commentary, published Friday, which claims Obama had filed a request with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to monitor Trump and his senior advisers.
    Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for Obama, denied Trump’s claims in a statement posted on Twitter: “Neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false.”
    A cardinal rule of the Obama Administration was that no WH official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the DOJ.
    — Kevin Lewis (@KLewis44) March 4, 2017

    Trump demands an ‘investigation’ of Pelosi for ‘lying’ after photo reveals she met the Russian ambassador too – after saying she hadn’t hours before

    'I hereby demand a second investigation, after Schumer, of Pelosi for her close ties to Russia, and lying about it,'

    President Donald Trump forcefully went after both prongs of the Democratic congressional leadership, demanding investigations of both congressional Demoratic leaders after photos purported to show their own Russia ties.

    It wasn’t immediately clear if the president was serious in his call for an investigation of his rivals. At the moment, it is his administration’s own contacts with Russia, and Russia’s alleged election hacking, that is the subject of investigations by the FBI and the House and Senate intelligence committees.

    ‘I hereby demand a second investigation, after Schumer, of Pelosi for her close ties to Russia, and lying about it,’ Trump tweeted Friday afternoon.

    Earlier, Trump went after Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer after a photo surfaced of Schumer and Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2003. The two pols were enjoying donuts during an event for the opening of a Russian-owned gas station in Manhattan.

    Scroll down for video


    President Trump demanded an 'investigation' of House minority leader Nancy Pelosi after a photo emerged showing her seated at a table with the Russian ambassador to the U.S.


    President Donald Trump demanded an 'immediate' investigation of House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, after she said she hadn't met the current Russian ambassador, only to be revealed to have met him in a 2010 photo

    'We should start an immediate investigation into and his ties to Russia and Putin. A total hypocrite!' Trump wrote.
    House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi appeared to give a gift to the Trump White House, which has been sent reeling by reports of Trump's Russia ties, when she fielded a question about at a Politico interview Friday about whether she had ever met the current Russian ambassador, Sergey Kisliak.
    On Thursday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from any investigations involving the presidential election after it was revealed he twice met the ambassador during the campaign.
    'Not with this Russian ambassador, no,' was Pelosi's response.
    Within hours, a photo surfaced showing Pelosi seated around the same table as the peripatetic ambassador.
    It was during a 2010 meeting in the Capitol, where the ambassador accompanied then-president Dmitri Medvedev, who was considered a modernizer in between President Vladimir Putin's two stints in power.
    She was accompanied by then-House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland. Also attending was Sergey Lavrov, who is Russia's foreign minister.


    NOW LET ME THINK ... House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Friday she hadn't met with the current Russian ambassador, only to be exposed in a seven-year old photo to have met him

    The meeting was publicly acknowledged, and happened a day after Medvedev met with President Obama, and happened long before Russia was alleged to have hacked the U.S. elections.
    But it's emergence was just the latest evidence that Russia's ambassador cultivated extensive contacts with multiple facets of the U.S. government and power structure, from both parties – and that not everyone either disclosed or remembered those ties.
    Pelosi's spokesman, Drew Hammill, told Politico, which published the photo, that Pelosi had meant she'd never met solo with the ambassador.
    'Of course, that's what she meant,' said Hammill. 'She has never had a private one-on-one with him.'


    HOW SWEET: President Donald Trump went after Democratic Senator Charles Schumer by retweeting this photo of Schumer and Russian President Vladimir Putin


    THIRD TIME'S A CHARM: Trump tweeted and then deleted his tweet – twice – before getting the spelling right, while visiting a Florida school with his Education secretary

    Earlier, Trump tried to blow a hole in repeated revelations about his associates' ties to Moscow by tweeting a photo of rival Democratic Senator Charles Schumer and Vladimir Putin.
    As reports swirled about his own campaign's Russia ties – including an undisclosed meeting between son-in-law Jared Kushner and the Kremlin's ambassador to Washington – Trump blasted out a photo of Schumer, the Democratic Senate leader.
    'We should start an immediate investigation into and his ties to Russia and Putin. A total hypocrite!' Trump wrote.
    Attached was a photo of Schumer and President Vladimir Putin enjoying Krispy Kreme doughnuts and coffee.
    The 2003 photo was taken in New York, as Schumer welcomed Putin for an event commemorating Lukoil's first gas station in Manhattan, Gateway Pundit revealed.
    An AP photo included in the post shows the two men smiling over coffee and doughnuts.
    Schumer commented at the time: 'When I showed the president of Russia a Krispy Kreme doughnut and he ate it and said it was good, that was one of the more surreal moments I've had in politics.'
    He tweeted back at the president Friday: 'Happily talk re: my contact w Mr. Putin & his associates, took place in '03 in full view of press & public under oath. Would you &your team?'


    LET'S TALK: Russia's foreign minister Sergei Lavrov, Russian Federation president Dmitry Medvedev (R) at a meeting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California. The photo is credited to a photographer with the Russian TASS agency


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    Trump sent out the tweet attacking Schumer as his own administration was under fire for Russia contacts during a year when Russia was believed to be behind hacking of the presidential election


    Schumer responded that he would be happy to discuss his Putin contacts 'under oath. Would you & your team?'


    Attorney General Jeff Sessions said he would sit out any decision on prosecutions which could arise from current investigations into whether Russia meddled in the election - but that he had not lied to the Senate



    A series of reports have catalogued contacts between Trump associates and Russia's ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak


    Schumer welcomed Putin to New York to promote a new gas station being opened by Lukoil, the Russian oil company

    The Trump administration has come under fire for Russia contacts, at a time when the Kremlin was under sanction following the country's invasion of Ukraine.
    In 2003, at the time the Schumer meeting occurred, Putin had not yet fully emerged into his role as perpetual adversary to U.S. policy goals. In 2001, President George W. Bush famously said after meeting Putin, 'I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy. We had a very good dialogue. I was able to get a sense of his soul.'
    In the intervening years he cracked down on the free press, helped engineer his departure and return to power, put down a rebellion in Chechnya, and interfered in the politics of its neighbors.
    The U.S. intelligence community has concluded that Russia hacked the U.S. elections.


    IT'S A GAS: Media and pedestrians gather during the opening of Lukoil's gasoline station September 26, 2003 in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City. Lukoil, a Russian oil company, acquired Getty Petroleum Marketing Inc. and its 1, 300 stations in November 2000

    FOREIGN INVESTMENT: Sen. Charles Schumer met with Russian President Vladimir Putin at an event commemorating a new Lukoil service station

    Schumer has called for a special prosecutor to investigate Trump Russia ties and whether an investigation has already been compromised. He has called on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign, and was among the first to call for Sessions to recuse himself from any investigation – something Sessions did on Thursday in a dramatic announcement.
    'Because the Department of Justice should be above reproach, for the good of the country, Attorney General Sessions should resign,' Schumer said.
    In addition to Kushner, former national security advisor Mike Flynn met with Russia's ambassador, as did attorney general Jeff Sessions, a key endorser and campaign advisor for Trump.
    The Daily Caller reported at least 22 visits by ambassador Sergey Kislyak to the White House during the Obama administration.
    The number of advisors linked to President Donald Trump who met with Russia's ambassador to the U.S. has grown to five – with two more acknowledging the contacts Thursday night.
    Carter Page, who Trump identified as among his first foreign policy advisors, acknowledged the contact on MSNBC Thursday night when he didn't deny meeting with Kisklak.
    Kislyak's role as the Kremlin's eyes and ears in Washington exploded onto the scene after it was revealed he met with a number of officials in Trump's inner circle during the campaign and after Trump won the presidency.
    'I'm not going to deny that I talked with him,' Page told MSBNC's Chris Hayes.
    Deputy White House press secretary Sarah Sanders also brought up the Schumer incident when asked about Trump associates meeting with the Russian ambassador at a conference held during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.
    'Please explain to me how volunteers meeting at a conference where nearly 80 ambassadors attended is a story,' Sanders said.
    'I guess it's kind of lost on me where that would be newsworthy in any capacity. I mean Chuck Schumer sitting and having drinks with Putin and that's not a news story, but apparently a volunteer for a campaign bumping into one at a conference where there's again dozens of other ambassadors is newsworthy,' she continued.
    Then she defended Sessions meeting with the ambassador, something she said occurred in his 'official capacity.'
    'As a senator he obviously in his official capacity met with the ambassador. Again, that was as a senator not as a campaign official, so again, to try to muddy the waters in that way is I think pretty unfair to the attorney general,' she said.

    Read more

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

    Maxine Waters Tweets: "GET READY FOR IMPEACHMENT"

    by The_Real_Fly Mar 21, 2017 5:55 PM

    The intelligence quotient amongst these people in power is below retard level. Here is the dumbest person to ever soil the halls of Congress, Maxine Waters, tweeting to get ready for impeachment -- less than 3 months into Trump's presidency.

    Get ready for impeachment. — Maxine Waters (@MaxineWaters) March 21, 2017 Here's the case Maxine made for building a consensus around removing the President of the United States. Please listen and try not to laugh too hard when she says Putin is advancing into Korea.

    Look at the eyes on that empty vessel -- vacuous and without a soul. These are the troglodytes that seek to lead us down the road to Damascus -- splintering and breaking this country into an irreversible dystopian state of rack and ruin. The neocon agenda of war by any means is a philosophy shared on both sides of the aisle. Maxine Waters doesn't have any thoughts of her own. Like Pelosi, she's genetically incapable of exerting real leadership and instead regurgitates whatever her bosses tell her to disseminate.

    The world has always been a dangerous place. Couple the inherent risks with the fact that both the GOP and the DNC are filled with trollops like this, an outside observer begins to understand why America voted for a man who is, quintessentially, the exact opposite of what we've come to expect from Washington.
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    Default Re: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

    Freedom Watch: Whistleblower has Proof of illegal wiretapping of Trump & others. All pages in link below. …

    General Thomas McInernery discuss how Obama and Hillary violated the Espionage Act.

    (23.5 minutes - notes are below)

    At the 4:00 mark General McInernery states the NSA at Fort Myers has EVERYONE ONE of Hillary's emails AND the 32K emails she DELETED. He says this is why the dems are pounding this Trump/Russia meme because they don't want DOJ going after Bams and Hil for violating the Espionage Act. (Hmmm.. THIS may be why Obama is in a country with no extradition! No wonder Michelle is keeping her distance from him!)

    So right after that little announcement, McInernery states he got a memo from an Admiral Lyons.

    At 5:28 Clapper/Brennan over saw installation of secret computer system called THE HAMMER. Used it to conduct data harvesting and were wiretapping. It's installed on Fed property in Ft. Washington, Maryland.

    At 6:28 mark he states TRUMP WAS WIRE TAPPED! THE HAMMER accessed computer, phone and BANK ACCOUNTS of people. Says "TRUMP WAS WIRE TAPPED A ZILLION TIMES!

    9:00 mark...Obama didn't authorize this "personally" Loretta Lynch did, and she signed off on it. This way Obama can 'say' he doesn't have any fingerprints on this, but Lynch had to do this with Obama's approval.

    9:23 Obama is guilty of violating the Espionage Act because he communicated with Hillary's rogue server, knowing it was a rogue server.

    10:02 Interviewer asks, "IS ther anyone NOT being blackmailed/bribed that has the guts to investigate this in D.C.?

    McInerney says Session can do this.

    10:36 The MSM will NOT go neat this and will try to obfuscate this. Handler will DIE if DOJ does not pick this up. This is greater than Watergate.

    11:59 Why do you think Jarrett moved into O's residence? She's continuing this operation. Jarrett was teh buffer between Obama and Clapper/Brennan. Jarrett was doing all the work. That's why she's in O's residence because they know people can now tap her phone. They probably have a "BUBBLE" in the residence - a cyber-proof area.

    13:05 This is why they went after Sessions ferociously - to get him removed.

    14:00 Interviewer asks about Judge Napaltino(sp) and the British wiretapping accusation.

    General says "All I can say is the relationship between them and us is SO CLOSE." He reminds, immediately after Trump took office, the Director of GCHQ was fired. "That's all I know but there ARE dots that need to be connected."

    15:53 Interviewer asks about FISA applications from June 2016 and October 2016, stating the October one was connected to a server at Trump Tower. General replies, "That's correct." at 19:20 General says the FISA warrants were a cover for THE HAMMER.

    21:31 General reads the last sentence of the memo from Admiral Lyons, "One of the audio tapes made public by Federal Judge Gene Murry Snow revealed that Brennan and Clapper particularly targeted and wire-tapped Donald Trump a zillion times." This is the judge saying a ZILLION TIMES. [...] And then the system was taken off the air. The source was able to to capture the audio on tapes on a sound cloud because this has been removed from the web.

    This is what your listeners need to understand. This is a very serious thing. Everything about the Russians stealing the election is tactical deception by the democrats.

    A special prosecutor should investigate Obama using Hillary's ROGUE SERVE as well as Hillary in violating the Espionage Act. This how this needs to start.

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    Default Re: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

    Bob Woodward: Obama officials possibly facing criminal charges for unmasking scheme

    By Daniel Chaitin (@danielchaitin7) • 3/22/17 9:07 PM

    The Washington Post's Bob Woodward warned on Wednesday that there are people from the Obama administration who could be facing criminal charges for unmasking the names of Trump transition team members from surveillance of foreign officials.

    House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said earlier that he had briefed Trump on new information, unrelated to an investigation into Russian activities, that suggested that several members of Trump's transition team and perhaps Trump himself had their identities "unmasked" after their communications were intercepted by U.S. intelligence officials.

    The revelation is notable because identities of Americans are generally supposed to remain "masked" if American communications are swept up during surveillance of foreign individuals.

    During an interview on Fox News, Woodward said that if that information about the unmasking is true, "it is a gross violation."

    He said it isn't Trump's assertion, without proof, that his predecessor wiretapped Trump Tower that is of concern, but rather that intelligence officials named the Americans being discussed in intercepted communications.

    "You can learn all kinds of things from diplomats gossiping, because that's what occurs. Under the rules, and they are pretty strict, it's called minimization. You don't name the American person who is being discussed," Woodward said.

    He noted that there are about 20 people in the intelligence community who, for intelligence reasons, can order this "minimization" be removed.

    "But the idea that there was intelligence value here is really thin," Woodward said. "It's, again, down the middle, it is not what Trump said, but this could be criminal on the part of people who decided, oh, let's name these people."

    He drove the point home, adding that "under the rules, that name is supposed to be blanked out, and so you've got a real serious problem potentially of people in the Obama administration passing around this highly classified gossip."

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    Default Re: The Left's War Against Trump's Administration

    CHERRYSTONE FILES: The Black Op Against President Trump

    Sec. of State John Kerry and Home Office Sec. Theresa May

    As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

    What you are about to read is the proof of "Russian Hacking" and how it infected the American political body, like a bad British syphilis cock shot. As the Lame Cherry has told you from the start of this, this was an MI6 operational coup against the United States.

    All of this goes back to the Neocon Kagans, the Obama regime, John McCain and the Nazi's of Ukraine, in the retaliation against Vladimir Putin for saving Russia from oil lootings, and the coup against President Putin.

    Where this takes place is the British GCHQ, the massive NSA type illegal spying on Americans, the Germans and the world, in perfecting a device which could "photograph" light fiber optic transmissions of phone and high speed data in undersea cables linking America to Europe.

    It was in this illegal surveillance that the British spying on the Russians in looking for dirt on Vladimir Putin, first locked onto the American Citizen, Donald Trump and Trump Tower.

    The first "briefings" to the Americans to the "British way of thinking" was in 2015. The architect of this would be Home Secretary (Minister of Homeland Security) Theresa May, who, had been spying on Donald Trump for years, along with the Bush administration to clear out the way for Jeb Bush.
    The New York Times, citing “two people familiar with the conclusions” of the report, said British intelligence was “among the first” to raise the alarm in autumn 2015 that Moscow had hacked the computer servers of the Democratic National Committee.

    The UK’s role suggests that the compromise of email exchanges among senior Democrats was spotted when voice intercepts, computer traffic or agents picked up content of the emails flowing towards Moscow.

    Over the course the campaign, British officials were as alarmed as their US counterparts over the extent of contacts between Trump advisers and Moscow and by Trump’s consistently pro-Russian stance on a range of foreign policy issues.

    However, those officials now say they are in a difficult position since the election, as Theresa May’s government is striving to solidify ties with the incoming Trump administration, in part to counter-balance the UK’s accelerating drift from Europe

    Yes almost from the first year of Obama's cuddling David Cameron, Theresa May was running British intelligence and security and it appears that the two greatest enemies for Britain to be made war against were Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump.

    Home Secretary
    In office
    12 May 2010 – 13 July 2016
    Prime Minister David Cameron
    Preceded by Alan Johnson
    Succeeded by Amber Rudd
    On 12 May 2010, when May was appointed Home Secretary and Minister for Women and Equality by Prime Minister David Cameron as part of his first Cabinet, she became the fourth woman to hold one of the British Great Offices of State, after (in order of seniority) Margaret Thatcher (Prime Minister), Margaret Beckett (Foreign Secretary) and Jacqui Smith (Home Secretary). As Home Secretary, May was also a member of the National Security Council.] She is the longest-serving Home Secretary for over 60 years,

    Yes Theresa May the longest serving Home Secretary in a generation, until Brexit appeared, and being anti Brexit, only the Queen would allow Ms. May to form a government, as all of the Conservative British Nationals were pushed aside, as in Trump ally, Nigel Farage.

    In one of the first offerings Theresa May sacrificed was John Kerry, in slapping him down, in favor of Trump supporter. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a favorite of Trump's Jewish mafia son in law, Jared Kushner.

    Kerry attacked Israel and for that Kerry the conduit of British Intelligence to democrats in Congress was swept aside to gain favor with President Trump, because what the British were driving hardest for was the war between America and Russia, which would lay Europe scorched earth, and allow the Isle to rule Europe again as it did at Waterloo.
    Theresa May has distanced the UK from Washington over John Kerry’s condemnation of Israel, in comments that appear to be designed to build bridges with the incoming Trump administration.

    Kerry, the outgoing secretary of state, delivered a robust speech this week that criticised Benjamin Netanyahu’s government as the “most rightwing coalition in Israeli history” and warned that the rapid expansion of settlements in the occupied territories meant that “the status quo is leading toward one state and perpetual occupation”.

    “We do not believe that it is appropriate to attack the composition of the democratically elected government of an ally,” he said. “The government believes that negotiations will only succeed when they are conducted between the two parties, supported by the international community.”

    But what was the "report" that the British were briefing image Obama and John Kerry on? Why it was the Russian position in having peace with Western Europe and the United States. It was a simple plan based upon Vladimir Putin's mutual friendship with Italy's leader Silvio Berlusconi, and to build upon the sound relationship with the Germans of Gerhard Schroeder.

    In the worst of this to the British and American Neocons was Vladmir Putin's desire for Russia and America to make war on terrorism in the Mideast and defeat it.

    This may sound noble, but when one understands that Obama Carter advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski created militant Islam as a weapon against Russia to destroy her, and that John McCain was working with British Intelligence in Ukraine utilizing the Nazi's there as a war front against Moscow, one can comprehend how the Obama Bush Clinton World Order having it's terrorists removed, would lose all of the photo ops that John McCain and Lindsey Graham were posing with terrorists around the globe.
    The report said Putin developed a preference for Trump because of “many positive experiences working with Western political leaders whose business interests made them more disposed to deal with Russia, such as former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi and former German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder”.

    Another motive, according to the report, was that a Trump victory was seen “as a way to achieve an international counterterrorism coalition against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)”.

    This "report" was based upon all of the illegal spying on Americans, in Trump Tower, and the desperate fear that America and Russia would reach peace. It had two versions, in the Obama top secret version which Mr. Trump was shown, and the other sanitized version which everyone was laughing at, which included the MI6 Christopher Steele and Theresa May, Pissgate dossier which has been proven to be an absolute fraud.
    A classified version has been prepared for Congress, and a top secret version has been shown to Barack Obama, Trump and a few other officials with high-level clearance.
    What the world is witnessing is the Kagan Neocons as the underfootings of this entire Trump coup, being prosecuted by image Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bush family.

    This is where all of this propaganda is arising from and being coordinated from.
    Yet, the so-called “#Resistance” to Trump’s presidency and President Obama’s unprecedented use of his intelligence agencies to paint Trump as a Russian “Manchurian candidate” gave new hope to the neocons and their agenda.
    It has taken them a few months to reorganize and regroup but they now see hope in pressuring Trump so hard regarding Russia that he will have little choice but to buy into their belligerent schemes.

    As often is the case, the Family Kagan has charted the course of action – batter Republicans into joining the all-out Russia-bashing and then persuade a softened Trump to launch a full-scale invasion of Syria. In this endeavor, the Kagans have Democrats and liberals as the foot soldiers.

    This is the wedding of Bush fam and the Obama regime, as Kagan is the Neocon right and his wife works for John Kerry and the Obama regime.
    noted two years ago in an article entitled “A Family Business of Perpetual War”:

    “Neoconservative pundit Robert Kagan and his wife, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, run a remarkable family business: she has sparked a hot war in Ukraine and helped launch Cold War II with Russia and he steps in to demand that Congress jack up military spending so America can meet these new security threats.
    One must understand the underpinnings of this, ALL OF THIS "INTELLIGENCE", is not just British spying on Americans, but the fact that Breitbart White House journalist Lee Stranahan was censored over at Breitbart.

    Repeat that one again in what Stranahan was shut down from asking questions about was the reality in all of this "hacking" of Russia, it all traces back to the certification of all of this fake intelligence and that is Google, the same NSA funded Google, whose "investigative" group is who Hillary Clinton called when the DNC was "hacked".

    This all centered on CROWDSTRIKE, Google's cybersecurity, who was busy blaming Russia for the DNC hack when the reality is CROWDSTRIKE was busy blaming Russia for hacks in the Ukraine which never occurred.

    In light of the fact that the US election hacking narrative revolves around an increasingly questionable report published by a private company caught in a recent lie, plus the DNC's refusal to let the FBI inspect the servers in question (which President Trump tweeted about) - Breitbart's Lee Stranahan had planned to bring the issue up with White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer. Instead, Matthew Boyle - Breitbart's DC political Editor, ordered Stranahan to stand down and stay away from the White House.

    Are you beginning to understand this hub of "intelligence" all pointing at the Kremlin? It resembles the fake Tony Blair reports which got George W. Bush the excuse to invade Iraq.

    Do you want to know who testified before Congress recently, claiming to know absolutely nothing about Obama wiretapping President Trump and certified CROWDSTRIKE as legitimate as the source the FBI was relying upon for "Russian hacking"? Yes it was FBI Director James Comey.

    Comey misrepresented to Congress deliberately and hid that CROWDSTRIKE is a fraud as his source for Russian hacking.

    It's true... the DNC did not allow the FBI to inspect the allegedly hacked servers; instead they used a Google-funded cybersecurity firm called CrowdStrike - which FBI director James Comey referred to in testimony Monday as a "highly respected private company" despite several reports casting serious doubt on their analysis. Furthermore, CrowdStrike was accused of using false information by the government of Ukraine in a separate December

    If you want to know the American source for the "reason" Trump wiretapping, it all lies in the reason of an Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov, who the Trump corporation had rented space to in Unit 63A. It just so happened that this Russian businessman was in the business of bringing in Russian money to America, which the FBI was naming as "laundering". What it appears is Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov's crime, relates to the events of Cyprus. You may remember that when the Obama cartel seized all of the assets in Cyprus to pay off debt, and most of those assets were Russian funds which were stolen.

    This Russian happened to be on the wrong side of hiding money, and in the cover or excuse of all of this now, are the ABC fake news reports of "this is the wiretapping" which is what had the FBI looking at Trump Tower.

    The FBI investigation did not implicate Trump. But Trump Tower was under close watch. Some of the Russian mafia figures worked out of unit 63A in the iconic skyscraper — just three floors below Trump’s penthouse residence — running what prosecutors called an “international money-laundering, sports gambling and extortion ring.”

    So Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov, is the cover for spying on Donald Trump, but then there is Theresa May in GCHQ, then there are the other FBI Stingray, the two FISA warrants someone issued, and then that matter of George W. Bush in reverse speech of pointing to Canadian Leaks as the source of the reasoning behind the need of a special prosecutor.

    But never mind the Canadians as Ivanka Trump can not lustfully attend enough New York theater with the communist Trudeau of Ottawa.

    The fact in all of this is there honestly was not enough room for any espionage in Trump Tower, as I am surprised that Donald Trump could hear his wife when she called with all the nations, and agencies tapping into Trump Tower cell phone and fiber optics communications.

    CROWDSTRIKE is the source for James Comey, coming directly out of John McCain and British MI6 Ukraine' experts whose hacker just happened to have as his code name the founder of the Soviet Secret Police.

    Nom de Deus, the Russians are not going to put in their hacking signature the name of their founder, no more than Allen Dulles' name is in the CIA hackware.
    Felix Dzerzhinsky, a code name referring to the founder of the Soviet Secret Police.” (Dzerzhinsky founded the Cheka, the Soviet secret police and intelligence agency, in 1917.) Here was proof, according to another report on the hack, that this was a Russian intelligence operation.

    Are you beginning to comprehend the intricacies of how exactly like the JFK assassination or the Iraq War, that Americans were played by an outside intelligence force with treacherous operatives inside the American government.
    CrowdStrike | Bad Republic

    So it is with CrowdStrike. ... a tool developed by the Chinese to attack Google in 2009 was later reused by the so ... American NSA and British GCHQ, ...

    Russian DNC Hackers Tied to Ukrainian Artillery App Hack

    Crowdstrike claims to have attributed the attacks to the Russian ... Tait formerly served as an information security specialist for GCHQ as well as Google Project ...

    Crowdstrike - SaaS Endpoint Protection - Threat Intelligence

    CrowdStrike is the leader in next-generation endpoint protection, threat intelligence and incident response through cloud-based endpoint protection.

    Google to invest $100 million in CrowdStrike - Business Insider

    Security startup Crowdstrike is expected to announce a $100 million investment from Google Capital next week, a person close to the company told Business ...

    Russian Expat Founds CrowdStrike to Guard Against Russian ...

    CrowdStrike's tagline encapsulated ... The head of cybersecurity at Google told Alperovitch that Gmail accounts belonging to human ... A former member of GCHQ, ...

    This entire Russian hacking operation, was a British operation against Russia, with Hillary Clinton using this "hack" for the issue to run against and the reason for war with Russia. It is all as plain as can be, and it is all explained in the assembled links, of others who had pieces of this puzzle, but for the first time has been assembled here, in what is really in the black operational journals which drove all of this, and has left everyone confused as to how damned strange all of this is.

    This is the Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter in the most dangerous dossier in this series of expose' for the past 28 days, in which few are catching up, or yet to realize all which has taken place and is taking place in this coup against President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin

    The British press has been telling the world what all of this is about as they will not keep their mouths shut. It only needed to be assembled, and assembled again here it is in the Lame Cherry exclusives in matter anti matter, so now you know the things you are never supposed to know in how your enslavement and genocide is being carried out.
    Above all else, the west’s Christian right or as they now call themselves the “civilisational right” welcome Putin as an unapologetic foe of Islam. From 9/11, western politicians from George W Bush and Tony Blair onwards bent over backwards to say that the west is not in a war against Islam. Putin, Trump and their supporters feel no such constraints.

    In the Obama administration’s last days, some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election — and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Donald Trump and Russians — across the government. Former U.S. officials say they had two aims: to ensure that such meddling is not duplicated in future U.S. or European elections, and to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators.U.S. allies, including the British and the Dutch, had provided information describing meetings in European cities between Russian officials.

    From the above reality, you do realize now why Judge Napolitano was fired from FOX for revealing the above and why President Donald Trump has the information that it was MI6 who was spying on him for the Obama regime, in a coup against President Trump.

    Nuff Said

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