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Thread: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

  1. #1281
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    The Communists Behind the Anti-Trump Protests

    The post-election demonstrations against Trump are being orchestrated by socialists and Marxists.

    November 11, 2016

    Ever since Donald Trump's election victory Tuesday night, the media have been abuzz with stories about massive, sometimes violent, anti-Trump protests breaking out in cities all across the country. We've been told that ordinary Americans everywhere are so frightened and angered by the prospect of a Trump presidency—as opposed to a Hillary Clinton presidency—that they're taking to the streets to express their grave concerns for the future of the country.

    In Chicago, for instance, thousands of people held an “emergency protest” outside a Trump hotel, chanting: “No Trump, No KKK, No Fascist USA!”

    In New York, some 5,000 people (including the political oracle Lady Gaga) demonstrated outside Trump Tower. “Their concerns,” said CNN, “ranged from policies, such as Trump's proposed plan to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border, to the polarizing tenor of his campaign that they say stoked xenophobic fears.”

    In Oakland, some of the 7,000+ demonstrators damaged police cars, vandalized businesses, hurled Molotov cocktails and rocks at law-enforcement officers, and started at least 40 separate fires.

    And in Los Angeles, more than 1,000 people filled the streets, burned Trump in effigy, and sang John Lennon's Give Peace a Chance. “Several protesters said they feared that family or friends might be deported once Trump takes office,” said CNN.

    From reading the various mainstream media accounts of these events, one comes away with the distinct impression that they are grassroots actions that began organically among ordinary, concerned, well-meaning citizens.

    But alas, if one were to think that, one would be wrong.

    Contrary to media misrepresentations, many of the supposedly spontaneous, organic, anti-Trump protests we have witnessed in cities from coast to coast were in fact carefully planned and orchestrated, in advance, by a pro-Communist organization called the ANSWER Coalition, which draws its name from the acronym for “Act Now to Stop War and End Racism.” ANSWER was established in 2001 by Ramsey Clark’s International Action Center, a group staffed in large part by members of the Marxist-Leninist Workers World Party. In 2002, the libertarian author Stephen Suleyman Schwartz described ANSWER as an “ultra-Stalinist network” whose members served as “active propaganda agents for Serbia, Iraq, and North Korea, as well as Cuba, countries they repeatedly visit and acclaim.”

    Since its inception, ANSWER has consistently depicted the United States as a racist, sexist, imperialistic, militaristic nation guilty of unspeakable crimes against humanity—in other words, a wellspring of pure evil. When ANSWER became a leading organizer of the massive post-9/11 demonstrations against the Patriot Act and the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, it formed alliances with other likeminded entities such as Not In Our Name (a project of the Revolutionary Communist Party) and United For Peace and Justice (a pro-Castro group devoted to smearing America as a cesspool of bigotry and oppression).

    Another key organizer of the current anti-Trump protests is a group called Socialist Alternative, which describes “the global capitalist system” as “the root cause of … poverty, discrimination, war, and environmental destruction.” Explaining that “the dictatorships that existed in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe were [unfortunate] perversions of what socialism is really about,” this organization calls for a happy-faced “democratic socialism where ordinary people will have control over our daily lives.”

    And, lo and behold, many components of Socialist Alternative's agenda mesh seamlessly with Hillary Clinton's political priorities. For instance, Socialist Alternative seeks to: (a) “raise the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, as a step toward a living wage for all”; (b) provide “free [taxpayer-funded] … public education for all from pre-school through college”; (c) create “a publicly funded single-payer [healthcare] system as a step towards fully socialized medicine”; (d) impose absolutely “no budget cuts [on] education and social services”; and (e) legislate “a major increase in taxes on the rich and big business.”

    In short, the anti-Trump protests that are currently making headlines are 100% contrived, fake, phony exhibitions of street theater, orchestrated entirely by radicals and revolutionaries whose chief objective is to push America ever farther to the political left. Moreover, they seek to utterly demoralize conservatives into believing that public opposition to their own (conservative) political and social values is growing more powerful, more passionate, and more widespread with each passing day.

    The bottom line is this: The leaders and organizers of the anti-Trump protests that are currently making so much noise in cities across America, are faithfully following the blueprint of Hillary Clinton's famous mentor, Saul Alinsky, who urged radical activists to periodically stage loud, defiant, massive protest rallies expressing rage and discontent. Such demonstrations are designed to give onlookers the impression that a mass movement is preparing to shift into high gear, and that its present size is but a fraction of what it eventually will become. A “mass impression,” said Alinsky, can be lasting and intimidating: “Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.... The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”

    And that is precisely what we are witnessing at the moment.

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Soros-funded group getting ready for ‘spontaneous’ demonstrations ‘caused’ by Trump’s rhetoric?

    That ad is sponsored by "Working America," a Soros and AFL-CIO funded group.

    People like George Soros know how to plan ahead to manufacture mob violence masquerading as social movements. It worked like a charm in Ferguson, Missouri, and laying the groundwork for energizing the critical black turnout in 2016, courtesy of #BlackLivesMatter and others. #BLM is also serving as a useful vehicle for suppressing the Trump phenomenon.

    Now, a group called Working America, funded by the AFL-CIO (which relies on raking off a portion of the paychecks of people forced to join unions) and by billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer, is advertising for organizers in Cleveland.


    An ad for Cincinnati:
    (We live in Ky so I'm searching surrounding areas. I'll update if I find more)
    ETA: Ad was posted on Oct. 29 on the Lexington and Louisville, Ky Craigslist

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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  3. #1283
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Anti-Trump US Color Revolution Includes Soros and Clinton ‘Purple’ Takeover?

    By `Daily Bell Staff - November 12, 2016

    Billionaire Globalist Soros Exposed as Hidden Hand Behind Trump Protests — Provoking US ‘Color Revolution’ … Billionaire globalist financier George Soros’ has been revealed to be a driving force behind the organizing of nationwide protests against the election of Donald Trump — exposing the protests to largely be an organized, top-down operation — and not an organic movement of concerned Americans taking to the streets as reported by the mainstream media. -Free Thought Project
    Two recent articles may illustrate a determined attempt to overthrow the Trump victory and substitute a new regime, presumably Hillary’s.

    One article, excerpted above, is a clever analysis of the “organic” protests against Trump now taking place in the US, which can certainly be perceived as a domestic “color revolution.” The second article, excerpted below, tells us about a “Purple Revolution” now being conducted by the Clintons.

    Together, these efforts, if credible, comprise a formidable challenge to the Trump administration, which has not yet even begun to coalesce.

    The original color revolutions were conducted against countries abroad to bring them into line with globalist strategies as promoted via American power. US intelligence agencies, the Pentagon and other internationalist facilities domestically and abroad were utilized.

    It could be that the same coalition is now at work inside of the US. While this “color revolution” may be led by Soros and even partially funded by him, it may be a large effort is underway that includes elements of the US “shadow government.”

    In light of the protests and rioting that have transpired since the election of Trump, a closer analysis of the dynamic at play is warranted to gauge whether it’s an organic grassroots movement, or something much more organized, sophisticated and potentially dangerous.

    … Now come reports from various protest locations that reveal a substantially coordinated effort, and not the organic grassroots showing by concerned Americans, as the mainstream media is reporting.

    [Moveon.Org] is one of a number of progressive organizations affiliated with Soros’ Open Society Foundation. Soros-affiliated organizations across the world are deeply connected to various color revolutions, the Arab Spring, and a number of other political uprisings across the globe.
    This color revolution, if it formally (if secretly) exists, will certainly extend itself, thus proving it is not simply a series of spontaneous expressions. While the article was posted earlier in the week, as of this writing more protests are now being reported via CNN and other media:

    Anti-Trump protests spread across nation … Protestors in Atlanta burned a flag near the Georgia capitol … Thousands took to the streets of cities across the United States late Friday and early Saturday as anti-Donald Trump protests saw highways and interstates blocked, numerous arrests — and a shooting at a march in Portland, Oregon.
    Angry crowds gathered once again outside the 58-story Trump Tower, the President-elect’s home in New York. Protester Shoshi “Rabin” Rabinowitz explained her motivation for being there: “Words can’t describe how disgusted I am that he was elected over Hillary (Clinton),” she said.
    Marry this sudden “color revolution” to a recently reported and comprehensive “purple revolution” that has just been initiated by the Clintons and you are presented with a broad-based, efficient, ant-Trump program. Here from Wayne Madsen (also available at ZeroHedge):

    Defeated Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton is not about to «go quietly into that good night». On the morning after her surprising and unanticipated defeat at the hands of Republican Party upstart Donald Trump, Mrs. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, entered the ball room of the art-deco New Yorker hotel in midtown Manhattan and were both adorned in purple attire.

    The press immediately noticed the color and asked what it represented. Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic «Blue America» and Republican «Red America» into a united purple blend.

    … The Purple Revolution will resist all efforts by the Trump administration to push back against the globalist policies of the Clintons and soon-to-be ex-President Barack Obama. The Purple Revolution will also seek to make the Trump administration a short one through Soros-style street protests and political disruption.
    These two initiatives are separate but together they indicate considerable planning and foresight, One way to look at them is as a formidable reaction to an unexpected Trump victory. Another way is to see them as a planned reaction to a Trump victory that was actually preordained. Everything was prepared, in other words, and now the trigger has been pulled.

    We are yet partial to the latter conclusion, believing that both Brexit and the Trump victory could be part of a larger elite manipulation (as we’ve suggested several times already).

    The idea behind this latter manipulation would be to create an administration that is seen by people as representing a victory over globalism, but one that is then gradually destroyed and ultimately removed. People would thus realize that there is no alternative to the globalist paradigm they have struggled against.

    If this latter perception is correct, then the Trump administration may continue to coalesce and take effect, but it will be accompanied by significant agitation, turmoil and economic and even military violence. You can see some of our other recent articles here and here.

    Trump may well be dedicated to his cause of “Making America Great Again,” but the forces arrayed against him are formidable and dedicated to turning his victory into a message of defeat. This would be a classic form of the kind of “directed history” that we often analyze. It is always married to a dominant social theme – a meme – developed as elite propaganda and purveyed by the press.

    Conclusion: In this case the meme informs us that Trump is an impossibly racist and brutal individual who will turn the US into a dictatorship that is easily slotted into a larger, international technocracy. In fact, the danger of this sort of social manipulation comes from Soros and the Clintons – and the larger shadow state itself. Trump on the other hand is the target.

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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  4. #1284
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    3h3 hours ago
    0Hour1 ‏@0hour
    Another leaflet found this time in #Portland they are getting ready for violence. @PortlandPolice

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
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    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    World Suffers From Trump Shell Shock - Here’s What Will Happen Next

    November 16, 2016

    by Brandon Smith

    I’ve been saying this for a long time, and I’ll say it again here — in life there are only two kinds of people: those who know and those who don’t. Some might claim there is a third option: those who don’t want to know. In any case, if you want to be able to foresee geopolitical and social trends, you have to be one of the people who know.

    Above all else, in order to know you must be willing to step outside of the confusion and theater of the circus and look at developments from above. If you are biased and retain too many sacred cows you will never understand how the world works. You will be too busy trying to reinforce your own fantasies to see anything else.

    Beyond this, you must also understand that political and social developments are not random; they are either reactions to deliberate policies of special interests or they are driven by policies of special interests. Therefore, these developments are predictable and can be calculated (to a point).

    I usually refer to these “special interests” as global elites, or globalists, because that is how they often refer to themselves. The point is, most of the events you see in the political world are engineered events designed to elicit a specific psychological response from you and the people around you. You are not a human being to these people; you are either an asset to be molded or an obstacle to be disposed of. This is how our world works. Period. And until we fully understand this and accept it, things will never change.

    So, to be clear, if you understand the minds of globalists and understand what they want, you can understand the basic direction of the future.

    It is this philosophy which has allowed me to consistently and accurately predict geopolitical and economic events that very few other people have been able to predict. For example, I correctly predicted the Federal Reserve taper of QE, I predicted the inclusion of China in the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights years in advance, I predicted the exact timing of the first Fed rate hike, I predicted the success of the Brexit referendum when most of the world and the liberty movement said it was never going to happen, I predicted that the Saudi 9/11 bill would pass, that Barack Obama would veto it and that congress would override his veto, I predicted that Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic candidate and that Donald Trump would be the Republican candidate for president of the U.S. and, for the past five months, I have been predicting that Donald Trump would win the 2016 election.

    People can either attribute these series of successful predictions to pure “luck,” or they can consider the possibility that I know what I am talking about. I’ll leave that to them.

    The real issue, though, is not that my predictions were correct. What is more important is WHY they were correct. To begin with, I am often correct because it is a fact that globalists influence events. Globalists are human (at least partially); thus, they are predictable, making events predictable. If you can see from the perspective of a globalist, you will know what they want and what they are likely to do to get it.

    In a world without globalists I would have a hard time successfully predicting anything.

    I never make a cold prediction without a concrete rationale for why I hold that view. I always break down the reasons and evidence that bring sense to them. Some analysts might be content to simply flip a coin and make a call without explanation; I am not.

    As far as the Trump election win is concerned, this is what I said in June of this year:

    “In light of the Brexit I’m going to have to call it here and now and predict that the most likely scenario for elections will be a Trump presidency. Trump has consistently warned of a recession during his campaign and with the Brexit dragging markets lower over the next few months, he will probably be proven “prophetic.”

    … Even if Trump is a legitimate anti-establishment conservative, his entry into the Oval Office will seal the deal on the economic collapse, and will serve the globalists well. The international banks need only pull the plug on any remaining life support to the existing market system and allow it to fully implode, all while blaming Trump and his conservative supporters.

    The mainstream media has been consistently comparing Trump supporters to Brexit supporters, and Trump himself has hitched his political wagon to the Brexit. This fits perfectly with the globalist narrative that populists and conservatives are killing the global economy and placing everyone at risk.”

    All of my predictions are rooted in a particular premise; that the global elites have been, since 2008 at least, deliberately setting the stage for an evolving international financial crisis greater than any other seen in modern history. This crisis is a means to an end. Globalists use one strategy above all others to achieve their goals — the Hegelian Dialectic; problem, reaction, solution.

    As I have documented for years, the elites openly call for the ultimate eradication of national sovereignty and the formation of a single world economy, a single world currency and, eventually, a single world government. In order to make this omelet, they intend to break a few eggs (and collapse a few economies). By blaming "national sovereignty" (and the people that defend it) for this crisis, they hope to convince the masses that the only practical solution is total centralization. You can read my in-depth analysis and evidence of this in my article “The Economic End Game Explained.”

    I also specifically predicted the Brexit and the Trump win based on another premise; that the elites are allowing conservative movements to take political power in certain regions, only to remove stimulus support from the global economy afterward. That is to say, I successfully predicted the Brexit and the Trump win because I understand and accept the reality that conservatives and liberty activists are not “winning;” we are being set up as scapegoats for a financial crash that the globalists already created.

    Again, people can either say I am lucky, or that there is something to my position, but the fact of the matter is I have been right and I will probably continue to be right. This brings us to what will happen going into 2017.

    The election of Donald Trump signals a sea change in not only global politics, but more importantly, global economic stability and social developments. As frenetic and insane as 2016 has been, 2017 will be drastically more chaotic. Some of these changes will be obvious, some of them will once again only be visible to a handful of people in the world. Lets start first with my happier predictions…

    The Death Of The Mainstream Media

    This is an easy one. The mainstream media, with its insane regressive-progressives and elitist bias, misrepresented the “Alt-Right,” the Trump campaign and anti-social justice movements during the entirety of the election process. Not only this, but through Wikileaks the leftist media was made naked as numerous journalists and outlets were exposed; colluding directly with the DNC and the Hillary campaign to first bushwhack Bernie Sanders and then rig debates and polling numbers to show Clinton in a farcically superior position to Trump.

    The mainstream media is now seen by the majority of Americans on the left and right as a lumbering rotting propaganda corpse that needs to be decapitated before it spreads its disease to anyone else. I predict MSM outlet readership and viewership (with the exception of FOX News) will collapse even further than it already has and that many outlets will be forced to consolidate until they fade out of existence.

    As I have said for years, the mainstream media is dead, they just don’t know it yet. Well, after this election, everyone knows. The alternative media will take the place of the mainstream media. We will be adopting their viewership and growing explosively over the next year while they shrivel.

    They decided that their job was not to report the facts, but to manipulate public opinion. They are liars and a disgrace to true journalism. Good riddance.

    That said, some people will argue that my position that the elites wanted a Trump presidency is not tenable exactly because the liberal media worked so hard to rig public opinion against Trump. I will explain in my next article why these people are missing the bigger picture.

    The Crippling Of Social Justice Warriors

    The SJW cult is not dead, but it has been crippled. It is now a drooling bedridden quadriplegic eating its meals through a straw; a malfunctioning shell of a movement destined to be put out of its misery.

    When I think of social justice warriors I think of the Island of Misfit Toys; nobody wants these people. They are a detriment to everything they touch, including the Democratic party. It was the zealotry of SJWs that caused conservatives to rally in anger around Trump. It was they that awakened the sleeping giant.

    One reason I was so certain Clinton had set herself up for a loss was her insistence that the Democrats openly adopt these hell spawn and their ideology. By embracing politically correct rhetoric and accusing all opposition of being “deplorable” racists, sexists and homophobes, Clinton doomed her campaign from the very beginning. Anyone with any sense could see the massive tide against SJWs growing on the internet. In fact, I propose that the globalists, using the advanced web analytics at their disposal, saw it even before the rest of us did.

    SJWs are a tiny minority in American society. Their only strategy has been to use Alinsky tactics to make their movement appear much larger than it really is. Through mutual aid and elitist supporters in popular media, SJWs presented a fabricated consensus. They made it seem as though they were the majority view and, thus, the "superior" view.

    One fantastic result of the 2016 election has been the realization by conservatives that they are not isolated on the fringes of society. In fact, in America at least, we are a considerable force to be reckoned with. There is an old story of a Roman Senator 2,000 years ago who suggested the idea of forcing slaves to wear armbands to make them easily identifiable. Another senator admonished the notion, stating “No, if they realize how many of them there really are, they may revolt.”

    This is what Election 2016 did for conservatives — we have seen that millions of us have arm bands, and we are now in revolt.

    I rarely comment on race issues because I don’t really see race as very relevant in most cases; but it has been the tactic of social justice cultists to constantly and brutally target straight white males as the monsters of history and therefore responsible for the ills and failures of every minority group from today to eternity. At this point I think it is safe to say that we will NO LONGER sit idly by as whipping boys for sad, deluded people clamoring for victim group status.

    The End Of Mainstream Polling

    I was also confident in my prediction of a Trump win based on my knowledge of inconsistencies in modern polling methods. The fact of the matter is, polling suffers from the same lack of objectivity that any other “science” can at times suffer from — the results will always be vulnerable to influence from the observer. If the observer wants a particular outcome for the numbers, they will consciously or unconsciously rig their method to produce the desired result.

    I saw this happen time and time again during the Brexit polls leading up to the referendum, and, as I stated many times before the U.S. election, the campaign polls seemed to be behaving the same way. This is how you get media sources like Reuters claiming a 90 percent chance of a win by Hillary Clinton just before the election. When pollsters weight their polls with far more democrats than republicans and when they poll the same groups repeatedly they are not going to get varied or honest data.

    In the end, polls become propaganda tools rather than litmus tests. The mainstream has tried desperately to explain why their polls were so utterly wrong, but it is too late for them. After the Brexit and the U.S. election, no one is going to trust these numbers again.

    Liberty Groups Will Get Some Breathing Room (For A Little While)

    The steady drum beat of government antagonism for “patriot groups” is probably going to subside for a short time. I happen to know that many militia groups and preparedness networks are breathing a heavy sigh of relief today after eight years of a hostile Obama presidency, the IRS sniping at liberty organizations and individual activists based purely on political zealotry, the DHS profiling liberty activists as terrorists and the SPLC frothing at the mouth like rabid animals looking to use their ties to the feds as a means to sink their teeth into any conservatives with the guts to refuse participation in the mainstream narrative.

    With conservatives launching into 2017 with complete control of government and a Trump mandate, it would seem that liberty groups have “won the fight” and have nothing to worry about.

    That said, don’t get too comfortable, folks, because now we are going to discuss my negative predictions going into next year…

    The Final Stage Of Economic Collapse

    Economic collapse is a process, not a singular event; stock markets play only a minor part in this process. Most Americans’ only relation to the economy is through the daily rise and fall of the Dow Jones. If they see the Dow in the green, they go on with their day. If they see the Dow in the red, they stop and question what is happening. The election of Donald Trump has surprised many with a sudden rise, rather than fall, in stock markets. But, as I told my readers before the election, it would be wise to wait a couple of weeks before trying to analyze these markets because that is how long it will take just to absorb the election results.

    I predict first that central banks around the globe will further cut stimulus measures and that the Fed is now guaranteed to raise interest rates, probably in December before Trump even enters the White House. I also believe that the process of initiating a market crisis will take approximately six months to become widely visible to the public. As a consequence of the Fed pulling the plug on markets, I predict Trump and the Fed will enter into open hostilities against each other, which will erode international faith in the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency.

    By extension, Trump’s presence in the White House will exacerbate already-existing tensions with Saudi Arabia. The Saudi 9/11 bill is just the beginning. As a result, I believe Saudi Arabia will dump the U.S. dollar as the petro-currency, influencing numerous other OPEC nations to do the same. I believe this will happen by early 2018.

    In my view, for now, oil prices will be the best indicator for where stocks are headed in the next few months.

    This is not something many Trump supporters want to hear. The response in the liberty movement to my prediction that the elites would allow Trump into office was rather predictable as well. In my article 'Why The U.S. Election Has The Entire World Confused' I stated:

    “I have not taken this position just to be contrary. If I think about it honestly, my position is truly a losing position. If I am mistaken and Clinton wins on the 8th then I’ll probably never hear the end of it, but that’s a risk that has to be taken, because what I see here is a move on the chess board that others are not considering. If I’m wrong, then I’m wrong.

    That said, if I am right, then I still lose, because Trump supporters and half the liberty movement will be so enraptured that they will probably ignore the greater issue — that Trump is the candidate the elites wanted all along.”

    This seems to be the reaction from about half the liberty movement so far; a general blind faith and bias, clinging to the idea that the election (just like the Brexit) was a victory, and that conservatives had just won the culture war and defeated the globalists. It’s funny how it wasn’t much of a controversy when everyone thought I was wrong about Trump winning in the first place.

    There are two primary arguments that come up with these people. First, that my view on the influence of the elites is “unrealistic” and that the elites would have to be “omnipotent” in order to succeed in directing the outcome of these events so effectively. I will address this argument in detail in my next article on the Trump presidency and what the consequences will be for us all if Trump turns out not to be a constitutionalist.

    The second argument they present is that the elites “will never succeed” in blaming Trump and conservatives for an economic crisis that was decades in the making. To the people that embrace this argument I say — I understand mass psychology far better than you do.

    The reality is, half of America is ALREADY primed to blame Trump for everything that happens over the next four years (if we even make it that long). Possession is nine-tenths of the law in the minds of many. Beyond that, every meme in the global media and on the left is promoting the idea that Trump is an apocalypse in the making. Even Germany’s 'Der Spiegal' published its after-election magazine with a cover depicting Trump’s head as a giant comet hurtling towards the Earth. Don’t tell me that Trump cannot be blamed for an economic crisis. Only a complete idiot would suggest that he is anything other than the perfect scapegoat.

    At bottom, it does not matter whether people believe the above predictions or not. I have hundreds of emails from readers who called me a “tinfoil hatter” in the past and are now apologizing. So, if you plan to react in a knee-jerk fashion to the notion that Trump and conservatives are being set up by the elites for a final financial flagellation, be sure to write two letters — one for today saying I’ve lost touch, and the other for tomorrow when you find out I was right once again.

    If you would like to support the publishing of articles like the one you have just read, visit our donations page here. We greatly appreciate your patronage.

    You can contact Brandon Smith at:

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    With Legacy At Risk, Democrats In Disarray, Obama Vows To Fight Trump As Private Citizen

    “I’m going to be constrained in what I do with all of you until I am again
    a private citizen,”
    Mr. Obama, who will be living a few miles from the White House
    next year, told a meeting this past week of Organizing for Action, the group that
    maintains his political movement. “But that’s not so far off.”

    by Tyler Durden
    Nov 20, 2016 7:00 PM

    In 2008, with Republicans having been handed a massive defeat that resulted
    in Democrat control of all three branches of government in Washington D.C.,
    George W. Bush decided to do the honorable thing by bowing to the will
    of the people and vowing not to publicly criticize the new President-elect.

    Now, 8 years later, President Obama finds himself in the exact same position
    as the American people have dealt his "legacy" a massive blow by handing
    Republicans total control of Congress and the White House.

    But, unlike Bush, who had the humility to accept the will of the electorate,
    according to the New York Times, Obama has every intention of sticking around
    Washington D.C. in his retirement to fight the newly elected president.

    While White House aides say they expect Obama to try to refrain from criticizing
    Trump during the transition, Obama himself has indicated that all bets are off
    once he becomes a "private citizen."

    “I’m going to be constrained in what I do with all of you until I am
    again a private citizen,”
    Mr. Obama, who will be living a few miles from
    the White House next year, told a meeting this past week of Organizing for
    Action, the group that maintains his political movement. “But that’s not
    so far off.”

    For Mr. Obama, a return to the partisan fray was never the intention.
    His library and foundation will serve as a platform for him to travel
    around the world, confront systemic issues of race relations, and push
    for technological change aimed at improving society.

    But that vision assumed that his presidential legacy would be
    protected and nurtured by Mrs. Clinton in the Oval Office.

    In his remarks to activists, Mr. Obama urged them
    to stop moping and to
    ratchet up their opposition
    to Mr. Trump
    by Thanksgiving.

    He promised to join their cause soon after, telling them:
    “You’re going to see me early next year, and we’re
    going to be in a position where we can start cooking
    up all kinds of great stuff to do.”

    He has echoed that message in private conversations, making it clear
    that he may not completely pattern himself after George W. Bush,
    who almost never criticized his successor.

    One friend of Mr. Obama’s, who requested anonymity to discuss private
    discussions with the president, said the election results seemed to have
    made him more willing to remain part of the political debate.

    “Everyone he talks to walks away with this impression,” the friend

    In an interview with The New Yorker this week, Mr. Obama said that if
    Mrs. Clinton had won the election, he might have just turned over the keys
    and walked away on Inauguration Day.

    With Mr. Trump’s victory, he said he felt “some responsibility
    to at least offer my counsel” to the Democratic Party’s
    political warriors he leaves behind in Washington.

    Why is it just so hard for Democrats to accept the fact that there is an unspoken
    majority of the American electorate that is unhappy with their leftist policies and
    Obama's "Hope & Change" farce.

    But Obama isn't the only person gearing up for a fight with the Trump administration.
    Neera Tanden, the President of the Center for American Progress who gained notoriety
    for several controversial email exchanges with John Podesta exposed by WikiLeaks,
    is already organizing protests in Washington D.C. for inauguration week.

    We can't wait to see what kind of surprising characters Tanden, Robert Creamer
    and George Soros can bus in from all over the country to provoke riots that can
    then be blamed on the Trump administration.
    Neera Tanden, an adviser to Mrs. Clinton and the president of the Center
    for American Progress
    , a liberal think tank, said her organization
    had begun hosting daily meetings and conference calls as it plots
    the best way to resist Mr. Trump.

    She called Mr. Trump’s first appointments extreme and said they
    had helped to “stiffen the spines” of Democrats
    . And she said
    the election had sparked a grass-roots awakening, with largely peaceful
    protests across the country.

    Two planned rallies in Washington — one for immigration and civil
    rights on Jan. 14, and another focused on women the day after
    the inauguration
    — were devised mostly by social media campaigns.
    Activists in Washington expect hundreds of thousands of people to gather
    for the second rally.

    But Ms. Tanden warned of dangers posed by the Trump administration,
    and warned against treating them “in normal Washington political terms.”

    “I think the issue is, we do have the makings of an administration
    that could do more damage to democratic norms than any
    presidency in my lifetime,” she said.

    Meanwhile, proving that they learned absolutely nothing from the 2016 election,
    other democrats have said they're anxiously awaiting the return of Hillary Clinton
    to the public scene.

    Some Democrats say they are eager for Mrs. Clinton to re-emerge
    after a period of recovery
    interrupted so far only by a speech to the
    Children’s Defense Fund on Wednesday.

    It is unclear when, or if, she might return to politics, though many
    Democrats said they would welcome it
    “She’s one tough lady,
    and public service is in her blood,” said Representative Adam Schiff
    of California. “Don’t expect her to go quietly into that good night.”

    Almost two full weeks have passed since November 8th and democrats and the
    mainstream media still have not figured out what happened on election night.
    The election of Donald Trump was a wholesale rejection by the American electorate,
    not just of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, but of everything tied to the corrupt,
    elitist, establishment ruling class in Washington D.C.

    And just to be perfectly clear, this includes you folks at the New York Times
    and all of the mainstream media that have been exposed by WikiLeaks
    as nothing more than cheerleaders for the democratic party.

    So, feel free to keep fighting these battles, organizing your protests
    and lashing out at the American electorate for their decision...
    although you haven't realized it yet... you've already lost the war.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  7. #1287
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    8 Arrests As Rival Protest Groups Clash Near Texas Capitol

    November 20, 2016

    A man is arrested by Texas State Police, with support from Austin Police, during rallies by the Houston-based group White Lives Matter and hundreds of counter-protesters outside the Texas State Capitol in Austin, Texas, on Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016.

    Eight people were arrested on Saturday when a small group of protesters calling themselves White Lives Matter were confronted by counterdemonstrators supporting Black Lives Matter at the Texas State Capitol near where Gov. Greg Abbott had earlier dedicated a monument recognizing the contribution of African-Americans to the state.

    Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman Sgt. Victor Taylor said four of the arrests were for assault, two for evading arrest, one for disorderly conduct and one for “interference with public duty.” Two of those arrested were on Capitol grounds and the others on adjacent streets.

    “Some protesters assaulted other protesters,” Taylor said. “We don’t know for sure which side they were on. A lot of them were co-mingled.”

    Austin police and state troopers dressed in riot gear and some mounted on horseback had tried to keep the two groups separated.

    Taylor said the confrontation did not affect the unveiling of the monument, which was in a different part of the grounds. A state helicopter circled overhead.

    About two dozen individuals with the White Lives Matter group, some of whom were armed, demonstrated against what they called the unequal application of hate crimes laws, which they said are applied in a way that favors minorities. The group said it was a coincidence that its protest was held at about the same time as the ceremony for the monument.

    White Lives Matter member and protest organizer Ken Reed said into a bullhorn that his group was concerned with “white people’s preservation.”

    “You all are anti-white and anti-American,” he told the counterprotesters, according to the Austin American-Statesman.

    The White Lives Matter group was shouted down by several hundred counter-protesters, who held up signs that said “Stand Against Hate” and “Black Lives Matter.”

    One of them, Marie Catrett, said she came to stand up for the rights of minorities.

    “I think they are full of hatred,” Catrett said about the White Lives Matter group. “They don’t represent our community or our values.”

    During the unveiling ceremony, Abbott told a crowd in attendance that the monument honors African-Americans who helped grow Texas.

    “The fact is African Americans have shaped this land that we are on today since long before it was even named the state of Texas. They fought for their own freedom. They fought for the freedom of Texas and the freedom of the United States of America,” Abbott said.

    The monument is located on the Capitol’s south lawn, close to other monuments that honor Confederate soldiers for their service during the Civil War.

    The new monument features the African-American experience in Texas, from exploration in the 1500s to slavery and emancipation to achievement in arts and science.

    It will be the 21st monument on the Capitol grounds and the second memorial dedicated to a specific ethnic group. Texas installed the Tejano Monument to Mexican-American history in 2012.

    That white hammer and sickle on their face sure makes a great aiming reference.

  8. #1288
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Lots of mall violence today...

    Fox Valley Mall Shut Down After Large Fight: Official

    Police said six people were in custody in relation to the incident Monday night, but it was unclear if they would be charged with anything

    December 26, 2016

    Fox Valley Mall in suburban Aurora was shut down temporarily due to a large fight Monday night, a security official told NBC 5.

    Videos surfacing on social media appeared to show a large crowd and police responding en masse to the suburban shopping center.

    Police said six people were in custody in relation to the incident Monday night, but it was unclear if they would be charged with anything.

    Yareli Vargas works at the mall in the food court and saw much of the commotion.

    “There was a bunch of kids fighting and the security guards were trying to break them up,” she told NBC 5.

    Vargas said stores started closing as the tussle ensued.

    “They all started running upstairs away from the cops and some of them were fighting the cops and then they evacuated everybody out here," she said.

    Twitter users reported a large fight at the mall. Video from the scene show frantic people running down escalators, police attempting to break up a large crowd and a large amount of police cars responding the scene.

    “It was like a bunch of kids too,” Vargas said. “It was about 200 people in just one little aisle trying to see everything.”

    Similar incidents have been reported at malls across the country from New York to Ohio.

    Fox Valley Mall in Aurora shut down due to fight, 7 arrested

    December 26, 2016

    Security staff at Fox Valley Mall in west suburban Aurora closed the mall early Monday night due to brawls inside. No serious injuries were reported.

    Aurora police said they received a call for assistance from mall security due to an unruly crowd in a common area. Shortly after, a fight broke out in the food court, police said.

    Police said more than 1,000 people were in the vicinity of the fight, which prompted them to evacuate and close the mall for the safety of patrnos.

    Cell phone cameras captured the commotion as the center of the mall erupted into chaos and terrified shoppers were sent scrambling for the exits.

    "I'm still a little shaken up. I've never seen that many people inside brawling like that," said Alexis Malone, who was working inside the mall.

    Seven juveniles were arrested and more are being questioned, police said. Officers from the Illinois State Police, DuPage County Sheriff's Office, Naperville, West Chicago, St. Charles, Geneva and Fox Valley Park District also responded to assist. Nearly 75 officers responded in total.

    "Everyone's pulling out their phones. I see the police rushing in. I see kids hitting each other, kids trampling each other. So it was just madness," Malone said.

    Security said the mall will be open again Tuesday.

    "Let's definitely take a breath. If you coming to look for trouble or look for negativity, just don't even do it. It's not worth it," Malone said.

    Fox Valley Mall was not the only mall shut down by fighting on the day after Christmas. Police responded to fights that broke out at The Shoppes at Buckland Hills mall in Manchester, Conn., Monday night as well. There were no immediate reports of any serious injuries.

    Manchester police Capt. Chris Davis posted on his Twitter account that several hundred teenagers were in the mall at the time and there were several fights. He says several people were arrested and the mall was evacuated.

    Davis said authorities were still trying to sort out what happened.

    And in Elizabeth, N.J., a fight led to chaos and panic when a thrown chair was mistaken for a gunshot. Police said no shots were fired at the mall, but during a brawl the loud sound of a chair being thrown caused someone to yell "gun!" and set off a wave of panic. Several people were injured as shoppers fled the mall.

    Such richness! Much vibrancy!

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Democrats Prepare for Violent Revolution

    Wednesday, December 28, 2016

    By Douglas V. Gibbs

    The Democrats, in the 2016 Presidential Election, lost Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin when it came to the Electoral College. While California became bluer, the realization that the Democrats are losing grip on their transformational agenda in the rest of the country has slammed the leftists square in the face. The disarray and civil war the liberal leftists accused the GOP of being capable of over that last eight years is now a reality for the Democrat Party. They have revealed too much of who they really are, and America has rejected their socialism, their divisive class warfare, and their unwillingness to protect the United States against enemies who want to destroy our way of life.

    The liberal left utopia, however, is more than merely an ideology. For the American Left it is a religion. They hate any opposition, and are willing to do whatever it takes to either win over their opposition, or silence and eliminate their opposition. We saw this to be true during the 2016 Election. The tactics of street warfare, and something way beyond mudslinging, were disturbing.

    While a liberal left Democrat failed utopia exists in places like California, Detroit, Chicago and the Northeast, Americans in the remainder of the United States have rejected the unsuccessful leftist policies that have left these places in severe economic trouble, and have encouraged a massive exodus from those regions by Americans who just can't survive under leftist rule.

    In the past, Republicans would simply try to blend in with the Democrats. They refused to rock the boat. The GOP has always feared direct confrontation with the leftist Democrats because they believe the rhetoric about the swing voters, and how easy it is for the Republicans to anger those voters, and lose them. The problem is, the conventional wisdom they have always believed is a bunch of poppycock. That's one of the reason Trump's win was such a surprise.

    He rejected that kind of strategy, which has always led to either putting a Democrat in office, or a very weak Republican in office. Trump's brand of politics is something different. He has taken strong stances on hardcore issues, and won't budge when under attack by the Left.

    Historically, the liberal left Democrats have always accused their right-wing opposition of being paranoid, Bible-clinging, gun-toting conspiracy theorists. Now, it's the liberals who are suddenly worried, and stockpiling food, guns, and emergency supplies. Trump's 2016 win was a wake-up call. Their cheating, lying and violence was not enough to stop the man, and his very unorthodox approach to politics.

    Rather than looking within, however, the liberal left have decided the problem is that they were too nice, and now they need to fight Trump, and the Republicans, every inch of the way.


    The Democrats fear that either Trump is going to collapse the system as we know it, or their fight against him will do so. Either way, according to the liberal left, there will be a “Trumpocalypse”.

    The liberal left feels more negatively about Trump than they did about George W. Bush, and the anti-Bush campaign took eight years to fully hatch. They have angrily protested Trump's election in the streets, they violently targeted his supporters, cried in their college classrooms, and screamed on various media outlets. They are in full preparation for social and economic collapse, or a violent revolution.

    Under Obama, the liberal left Democrats thought the end of the Republican Party, and any opposition to leftist policies, was at an end. America had finally made the big left turn. They only needed, now, to disarm the crazy right-wing bastards. Then, with a faint whimper, the last of the opposition to the liberal left agenda would be gone. Hillary Clinton was a shoe-in, and Trump made her coronation a sure thing. Her victory was more than assured by his rise to the top of the GOP. Surely, there was nobody in America willing to vote for the crazy billionaire who represented everything the Democrats had taught American voters, especially the younger ones, and the minority ones, to hate.

    Just to make sure, however, they unleashed everything in their arsenal. The attacks against Trump knew no limits. He was accused of sexual impropriety, accused of being a racist, and white supremacist, and someone who could not be trusted with the nuclear codes. The very name of Donald J. Trump sent liberals into a tizzy, because of the evil he represented. . . or, at least that is what they were told.

    The election of Donald Trump was a shock to the system. Nobody on the left side of the aisle expected that Trump had a snowball's chance in Hell to win the 2016 Election. All of their skewed poll numbers said Hillary was going to win.

    Unfortunately, for the Democrats, they believed their own bull.

    Reality, it turns out, was something very different than the fantasy world the Democrats had been creating.

    Conservatives and the National Rifle Association figured the panic buying of fire arms and ammunition would slow down once Trump's win sunk in. However, gun sales have remained high - but the type of buyers have shifted. The leftists are now buying guns.

    With the unexpected win by Trump, a storm is approaching, the liberals believe. Maybe not the kind of apocalyptic scenario true preppers have long been expecting, but a storm, nonetheless.

    Conservatives like myself have been predicting an economic crash is on its way, soon, for a long time. We haven't suggested that the financial collapse is on its way because of someone like Trump, however, but because the dollar has been artificially held up for so long that a downturn is inevitable. The Federal Reserve, however, holds the reins, and has been delaying any financial calamity.

    However, with a new right-wing sheriff at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, they may very well be willing to unleash their own financial Armageddon. I have been suggesting for years that if a Republican won the White House in 2016, the leftists in important economic positions would do what they could to collapse the system in 2017 or 2018, and try to make it look like the fault of whoever that GOP President of the United States is.

    Americans, after all, if fed the right story at the right time, will believe just about anything. And the Democrats, desperate to hang on to the last scrap of their power, are willing to say, and do, anything. The welfare of the United States is not what they strive for. Their aim is whatever is best for their leftist agenda.

    The choice of Donald Trump, and the GOP Congress, should such a thing happen, will be simple. Do what they can to ensure the economic bubble doesn't burst, and continue the artificial support of the financial system, or let fall what must fall and then deal with the crisis in a manner more akin to what the Founding Fathers would expect. The latter, we must realize, because of the amount of time the system has been held up by government manipulation, is the more painful route.

    The latter will not only be painful because of the economic consequences for our century-long socialism-influenced actions, but also because the American leftists are willing and ready to launch their own violent revolution while we are financially down.

    Some suggestions are even questioning if the Trump presidency will ever get off the ground. ISIS, after all, is already promising a bloody inauguration day at the hands of Muslim terrorists. What if the liberal left is preparing to do the same - or worse?

    A website,, is promising to put into action a liberal left uprising against the Trump administration on January 20, 2017 as I write this. It is their goal to “block, obstruct, disrupt, and do whatever they can to prevent the onslaught that is going to happen with Donald Trump,” says Michael Moore.

    They see themselves as the moral supremacists. Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press is fine as long as you agree with the liberal left. Disagreement with leftism is so upsetting that on college campuses they need safe zones to protect themselves from being offended by conservative thoughts or words. And, if the political right actually dares to score a political victory against the liberal left, it has been already determined that the right-wingers will pay the price.

    The liberal left's delusional paranoia typifies them, and they have been busy teaching the youth that madness, as well.

    Violence has become a norm. The younger generation has been taught so well to go off into violent fits with ease that we have been even seeing their violence erupt at various shopping malls during the Christmas season.

    It's a communist uprising, in truth. It's what they've been working towards since before any of us were born. The real coup, however, began in 2008, after a century long reeducation of society. Yet, to their surprise, they somehow lost the White House in 2016. So, when the political angle doesn't work, that is when tyranny reaches into their bag of violent tricks. But, like all communist uprisings, it will all begin as something good and meaningful. It will be launched as a peaceful protest.

    Darkness always first appears as an angel of light.

    Could the Inauguration Day revolution be something akin to the Tet Offensive?

    Could the liberal left tyrants be planning an offensive aimed at the new Trump inauguration in order to foment rebellion nationwide?

    Could this be an activation of their angry brown shirts we've seen glimpses of at Trump rallies during 2016, or during riots in black neighborhoods in recent years?

    The liberal left believes that they've been too nice, and now they are willing to go for broke. To unleash the revolution. To finally bring about their long awaited Marxist regime.

    The timing, if the liberal left does actually do such a thing as use violence against the Trump administration on Inauguration Day, would be interesting from a historical perspective, considering that reports are also circulating that ISIS is planning a series of “Jihad” attacks on Inauguration Day, as well.

    U.S. special forces will already be on high alert when Mr. Trump takes his oath as the 45th President of the United States on Friday, January 20, 2017, in Washington, DC. They will be so busy looking for Islamic terrorists that they won't realize the true threat is from within. The liberal leftists want desperately to sabotage the Trump administration, and possibly overthrow the entire government. For their socialist big government agenda, the ends justifies the means.

    Besides, under Obama, the veil was raised. Why worry about exposure now? They've been poking the right-of-center groups in the chest for years, trying to instigate a violent response, and they never got it. Now, they may be realizing, it is up to them to initiate the violence. It is up to the leftists to finally launch the true coup. Or, at least that is what a lot of people think.

    I am not as convinced that the violent actions of revolutionary liberal leftists will be launched any time soon. The liberal left has always worried about the fact that conservatives are armed. The 2nd Amendment has always been the one thing that has protected us from such a takeover.

    So, while there are liberal left groups out there, and Islamic terrorists out there, aiming to be a problem for Donald Trump's inauguration, I find it more likely it will be a Muslim terror attack than a liberal left launch of a violent revolution.

    This is not to say we will not see the occasional leftist crazies doing stupid things.

    We have already seen liberal left loonies go over the deep end and do some crazy stuff. A passenger on a JetBlue flight went nuts when noticing Ivanka Trump was on board. The person admitted to being a Hillary voter, and claimed Ivanka's father is "ruining the country." I guess the liberal left mantra is that everyone should be treated with respect, unless you're Republican - and especially unless you are a Trump supporter or member of Trump's family.

    A group of artists have voiced their unhappiness with Trump by telling Ivanka Trump they are not happy with the fact that Donald' Trump's eldest daughter has been featuring their work on the walls of her home. The artists, who joined together to form Halt Action Group, have started an Instagram campaign called “Dear Ivanka” to protest President-elect Donald Trump through his daughter, Fox News has reported. Many of Ivanka’s Instagram photos show her posing with the pieces of artwork in her apartment.

    Ivanka Trump is also being targeted on AMAZON, where reviewers are trolling her products and leaving less than complimentary reviews.

    Reviews of the Ivanka Trump Women's Issa boots, for example, included reviews like "These boots were perfect for wiping my feet on the Constitution and trampling the civil liberties and basic human rights of my fellow Americans. The spike heel is ideal for grinding democracy into the ground, or simply kicking the downtrodden as you stride past."

    Another Amazon user called them "two extremely right boots" in her one star review and added that the "sizing and all other info is in Russian, but they are made in China."

    The list of stinging insults is a long one, and virtually every Ivanka Trump product on Amazon has at least one scathing review designed as a barb against the businesswoman, particularly as she relates to her father's political agenda.

    The liberal left agenda of claiming Trump is some kind of Hitler has dug so deep that even the Royals have fallen for it. With Trump's election following Brexit so closely, misguided Prince Charles has actually claimed that what is going on raises a specter of a coming holocaust.

    Remember, the leftists have said continuously that they don't trust Trump with the nuclear codes, and they have somehow, in their mind, equated his position of stopping Muslim immigration because of the threat of terrorists being intermixed with those refugees on par with what Germany did with the Jews. Their hysteria goes beyond insanity, and the liberal lefties are gnashing their teeth in anger and fear because of their anti-Trump derangement disorder.

    Therefore, it is no surprise they are also up in arms because Trump has said he plans to strengthen and expand the nuclear capabilities of the United States. From a conservative point of view, however, the timing is perfect, since Russian President Vladimir Putin has his own sights set on strengthening the Russian military. Putin's making a pitch for bigger and badder nuclear weapons, saying that Moscow must “strengthen the military potential of strategic nuclear forces, especially with missile complexes that can reliably penetrate any existing and prospective missile defense systems.”

    Is all of this we've discussed here enough for the liberal left to set off some kind of a violent revolution? Yes. But, they won't. Not yet, anyway.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    I can only say that any dreams of a violent overthrow by Democrats and Leftists will result in a damned lot of blood flowing into the sewers. The entire Left population won't do it. There are a few chimeras in the visions of the left, and this might be one, but it will be unrealized.

    This is not France. We are not France. Americans have been hornswoggled way too many times to fall for the bullshit of the Bolsheviks and Marxists of 18th century France.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Al Sharpton calls for 'season of civil disobedience' ahead of Jeff Sessions 'nightmare' appointment as attorney general

    • The famous civil rights activist spoke before a march on Washington this week
    • 'Believe me, there will be a season of civil disobedience,' Sharpton said on Friday
    • He went on to describe Jeff Sessions as a 'nightmare we cannot wake up from'
    • Sharpton said this Saturday's march will make politicians understand the issues

    By Liam Quinn For
    Published: 16:14 EST, 9 January 2017 | Updated: 19:40 EST, 9 January 2017
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    Reverend Al Sharpton has called for a 'season of civil disobedience' to protest decisions made by Donald Trump - especially the one to appoint Jeff Sessions attorney general.

    Sharpton, 62, made his remarks during a conference call with other civil rights leaders and reporters ahead of a march in Washington this Saturday.

    'I think that clearly, one must always remember that civil disobedience not only shows the commitment, it changes policy,' Sharpton said, according to PJ Media.

    Scroll down for video

    Reverend Al Sharpton (pictured in New York in July 2016) has called for a 'season of civil disobedience' to protest decisions made by Donald Trump - especially the one to appoint Jeff Sessions attorney general

    Video courtesy Nicholas Ballasy of PJ Media

    'So we're not just doing this to be doing it. We do it because it can lead to change and, believe me, there will be a season of civil disobedience - particularly around the Sessions nomination.'

    He added: 'To have Sen. Sessions as attorney general is a nightmare we cannot wake up from.'

    During the call, the civil rights icon also referenced his jailing in 2001 for protesting the naval training base in Vieques, Puerto Rico. He was behind bars for 90 days as a result.

    The US had withdrawn from the base by May 2003, which he identifies as proof the protest was a success.

    NAACP President Cornell William Brooks also took aim at Sessions on the call, according to PJ Media.

    'Senator Sessions, over the course of many years, his support for voting rights has been a matter of vacillating between indifference and out-and-out hostility,' Brooks said.

    'Believe me, there will be a season of civil disobedience - particularly around the Sessions (pictured) nomination,' Sharpton said on Friday

    'He has not acknowledged the reality of voter suppression while loudly in faith of voter ID laws predicated on the myth of voter fraud.'

    Sessions' detractors have said the 70-year-old Alabama Senator's appointment raises 'grave questions about his commitment to fair and even enforcement of the law'.

    Kristen Clarke of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law added Sessions' commitment to civil rights has 'gaping holes'.

    The anti-immigration Senator opposed the Senate's 2013 overhaul of the issue as too permissive and has advocated broad presidential powers to curtail illegal immigration, by connecting lax border security to the terrorism threat.

    He has opposed efforts to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, has questioned whether terrorism suspects captured overseas deserve protections of the civilian justice system and as attorney general may endorse more aggressive scrutiny of Muslims.

    'To have Sen. Sessions as attorney general is a nightmare we cannot wake up from,' Sharpton (pictured marching in 2016) said on Friday

    Jeff Sessions speaks next to U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at a rally at Madison City Schools Stadium in Madison, Alabama on February 28, 2016

    He also opposed expanding the federal hate crime definition to include violence based on sexual identity or gender orientation.

    He called the Voting Rights Act 'intrusive' legislation long before the Supreme Court gutted a key provision of it in 2013 and has repeatedly sounded alarms about the frequency of voter fraud, which current Justice Department leaders consider virtually nonexistent.

    Sharpton made his comments while promoting a march in Washington DC on Saturday, January 14

    However, his supporters paint him as a Republican who grew up in the segregated Jim Crow South before forging a career as a local GOP leader, prosecutor and elected official, all while being an unyielding but fair-minded conservative.

    Saturday's march, organized by the National Action Network and to be attended by Sharpton, is designed to hold Trump's White House accountable on decisions such as the Sessions pick.

    'We will rally and put the next Administration (and the nation) on notice that there are some things that will not be changed no matter who is president and what party dominates the House and Senate,' a statement from the organizers reads.

    'Protecting the civil rights of citizens and the voting rights of people that have been excluded, providing health care for all Americans and equal opportunity should supersede any of the beltway partisan fights that we are inevitably headed into.

    Sharpton pointed to his protests against the naval training base in Vieques, Puerto Rico, as an example of action changing a government. He is pictured (right) with Aldolfo Carrion after being arrested for entering U.S. Navy lands on May 1, 2001

    Some have given their lives and others dedicated their lives to try to make Dr. King's dream a reality, and now they have added to that mission by preserving the legacy of President Obama.

    Groups come and go, elections come and go, but some things must remain constant and non-negotiable.'

    Sharpton also offered a teaser of what is to come at Saturday's march, saying: 'We intend to make this a critical stand in terms of where people are with civil rights and voting rights in this country.

    'Make them understand that if they think they are voting based on some courtesy of a Senate colleague and will not face a real backlash in their own states, then they have another thing coming.

    'This is not going to be some regular ceremonial procedure that they’re going to be able to bluff their way through.'

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Jim Hoft Jan 12th, 2017 3:57 pm 277 Comments

    Say what you want, but the Snowflakes have now ramped it up, and have taken things to the next level.

    We can also expect the social anarchy to start before the 20th. I fully expect the chaos to start on January 16th, MLK's birthday, or some have been making noise about the 14th.

    The link below is a video where one of the heads of the Snowflake/Anarchist coaliton says "We don't accept the peaceful transition of power because Trump is a fascist and we can do what we want to." That is a paraphrase, but it gets the gist of what he is saying.

    FAR LEFT PROTESTERS Announce Plans to Shut Down Trump Inauguration (VIDEO)

    Jim Hoft Jan 12th, 2017 3:57 pm 184 Comments

    Far left protesters announced on Thursday at a press conference that their goal next week is to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.

    Protesters from Disrupt J20 have several events organized to disrupt the Trump Inauguration next week.

    The group announced several activities next week including protesting the DeploraBall on Thursday night and numerous protests on Inauguration Day.

    Via NTK Network:

    NTK reported:

    #DisruptJ20 organizer Legba Carrefour said Thursday that #DisruptJ20 members were “not in favor of the peaceful transition of power.”

    The left-wing protest organization, #DisruptJ20, met Thursday to announce its intentions and plans to obstruct the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20. The group’s website reads: “We call on all people of good conscience to join in disrupting the ceremonies. If Trump is to be inaugurated at all, let it happen behind closed doors, showing the true face of the security state Trump will preside over.”

    “We need to stop the peaceful transition of power,” Carrefour said at a press conference at St. Stephen’s Church in Washington, DC. “We need to stop this kind of fascist government from coming to power.”

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  13. #1293
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    All you have to do to stop these people is close all the coffee shops and kill all the free WiFi in the AO.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  14. #1294
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Too true!

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Women’s March on Washington Shows Left-Wing Devouring Its Own

    Chris Beck

    Obsession with identity.

    According to The New York Times, Jennifer Willis was planning to travel up to D.C. from South Carolina with her two daughters to attend the Women’s March on Washington on the day after Donald Trump’s inauguration. She thought it’d be a great opportunity to stand alongside her sisters and protest Trump’s misogyny. Then she got a harsh lesson in how the political left conducts itself. One of the event’s organizers, a black woman from Brooklyn, lectured on Facebook in excluding language that white “allies” should listen more and talk less, adding, “You don’t get to join because now you’re scared too. I was born scared.” There’re plenty of victimhood points for being born scared. Willis decided that she and her daughters might not be welcome at the gathering, so she cancelled the trip.

    People may ask how the march became a racial affair, when it was supposed to be about all women, but that’s how things work on the left, a movement so obsessed with personal identity that tangible goals and opportunities often slip out of reach amidst tribal infighting. The left devours its own in what often appears to be an addiction to identity politics they can’t own up to, and therefore have no hope of treating.

    The American left is poor at strategy. Demonstrations are clearly a numbers game. The power of the message is directly driven by how many show up. The main strategy for the Women’s March should’ve been to maximize attendance, yet it wasn’t. The national organizers deliberately set out to inject the racial issue from the outset, as well as that of undocumented immigrant women, in order to “take the conversation to deep places,” in the oddly-phrased words of Muslim intersectionalist Linda Sarsour, who led the successful effort to close New York public schools on Islam holy days, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

    Sarsour is one of the four national co-chairwomen of the post-inaugural event. “Sometimes you are going to upset people,” she said of the intersectional approach, demonstrating her unsound grasp of strategy. The time to bring up the uncomfortable questions is after you’ve pulled off the successful march. After you’ve made your show of strength and unity and delivered a powerful message, then you address the dirtier, messier business of how to slice up the pie.

    Sarsour encouraged the Brooklyn organizer to high-handedly scold potential attendees, thus turning them off. The “allies” she spoke of have just as much right to march as she does, and for that matter why is she even calling them allies when it’s a women’s march and they’re women too? Maybe because categorizing them as mere allies marginalizes them, while simultaneously boosting your own status. It’s a power game.

    The Left just can’t seem to help itself. It uses the victimhood index to determine who gets to speak and who must listen politely. The designated listeners are the ones who’ve been cowed into submission by all the privilege they’re constantly told they have. The most guilt-addled comply meekly, but there are many others, like Jennifer Willis, who just decide not to show up. She probably doesn’t want to expose her daughters to potential racial unpleasantness at their impressionable age. Maybe her daughters will one day decide to become Republicans. One could hardly blame them for not wanting any part of the perpetual identity-driven power struggle that consumes the left. To be a part of a political discussion not focused on individual skin colors, ethnic background, religion, ableism, etc. could be seen as refreshing in comparison.

    The victim-centric philosophy currently embraced by progressives sets them up for a perpetual power struggle. Blacks, for example, outrank women on the victimhood index, so white women can’t be seen as legitimate leaders of the Women’s March On Washington. Such an approach is doomed, as the most legitimate candidate for leadership (the one with the least privilege) would logically be the person who has the greatest conceivable combination of marginalizing characteristics possible in one individual. That would be something like a transsexual gender-neutral person of color with below average physical looks and a physical disability. Nobody could question this person without exposing their own relative privilege, including good-looking black, cisgendered, heterosexual women. This would not work out well.

    Alienating the majority in favor of the marginalized works badly from a purely mathematical point of view. The only group you end up never alienating has almost no membership, while members of the largest groups have an incentive to drop out. The left has now reached the Kafkaesque position where, by their actions, they actually help achieve what they profess to be fighting against. If you told one of them that, they’d be flabbergasted. They think they’re fighting racism by calling out as many people possible as racists, but that ended up fueling the backlash elected Trump. Trump’s inauguration offers them the perfect opportunity to stand together against what he represents, but they’re too obsessed with their addictions to make the best of it.

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Tucker Carlson DESTROYS DISCREDITS Demand Protest Leader Dom Tullipso Paying Protesters Hoax 1/17/17

    Published on Jan 17, 2017

    Tucker Carlson DESTROYS and DISCREDITS Demand Protest Leader "Dom Tullipso" who claims to pay Protesters 1/17/17. On January 17, 2017 edition of "Tucker Carlson Tonight", Host Tucker Carlson takes on Demand Protest Leader Dom Tullipso who allegedly pay protesters to show up at events. Tucker Carlson discredits the groups leader calling him out for using a fake name of someone who doesnt exist. wath for more. this video is insane

    I watched the video. I have no idea what's going on. So, supposedly some freak made up the website and placed ads all over the country to make an elaborate hoax to do ..... what??? Make fun of fake news by making fake news? Show how MSM runs with fake news? Take attention away from the real serious agitators??? That seems most likely to me.

    If anyone has a clue, I need a couple.....

    Supposedly the site below is the hoax, and info was posted by me and others on a couple of threads.[/QUOTE]

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    America Under Siege: Civil War 2017

    VIDEO: Anti-Trump Protestors Vandalize Businesses, Cars, Kiosks in D.C.

    By Lauretta Brown and Katie Yoder | January 20, 2017 | 12:59 PM EST

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Oh good, Alex Jones is on the ground.

    Regardless, those videos need more:

  19. #1299
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    Oh and fun(ny) fact... The limo they destroyed was Larry King's ride.

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    Default Re: America will face Riots, Marches, and Revolution

    Anarchists rage at Trump in D.C.

    Published Each Saturday Afternoon
    Anarchists Rage at Trump Inaugural
    Jan 21, 2017
    Between Jan 16-20, AlertsUSA issued the following
    related Flash message to subscriber mobile devices:
    1/20 - AlertsUSA monitoring violent protests and clashes with police @ 12th and K St in DC. National Guard troops deployed. Avoid the area.
    1/19 - High speed vehicle attack, Melbourne, AUS. Shots fired by police. 20 injured, at least one death. Add'l alerts as warranted.
    1/18b - Mil forces from five W. African nations poised to invade Gambia after Pres refuses to cede power flwg election. US Embassy urges Americans to shelter in place.
    1/18a - Security in DC area and at US mil bases & embassies worldwide increasing in run up to inauguration. If traveling, leave early expect delays, remain vigilant.
    1/16 - Overnight: Gunman attack 2 tourist nightclubs in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. 4 dead, 12 injured. U.S. Embassy urges caution and vigilance. AlertsUSA monitoring.

    What You Need To Know
    On multiple occasions this week AlertsUSA subscribers were notified of vis SMS messages to their mobile devices regarding domestic and international security threats:

    Presidential Inauguration
    On Friday, AlertsUSA subscribers were notified of violent protests and clashes with police taking place at 12th and K St in Washington, DC. Activists smashed store and car windows, blocked traffic and set cars and trash bins ablaze. (See this, this and this). Police responded with clubs, tear gas and stun grenades. Several officers were injured in the clashes. More than 200 protesters were arrested.

    As AlertsUSA warned last week, protesters were also threatening to target inaugural balls, which they did. On Thursday night protesters showed up at the "DeploraBall" at the National Press Club and began attacking attendees and police, resulting in a similar law enforcement response.
    Security in the nations capital will remain tight through the weekend, with even larger protests planned. The well publicized “Women’s March on Washington” is expected to draw upwards of a quarter million people.


    On Monday, AlertsUSA subscribers were notified of a mass shooting at two bars in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, just South of Cancun and opposite Cozumel. In the aftermath, it turns out the attack was on one bar, resulting in five deaths and 15 wounded. An 18 YO American female was among those killed.
    The Zetas drug cartel has claimed responsibility for the attack.

    Readers are reminded that the U.S. Government has a broad reaching travel warning in effect for Mexico, with the most recent update on December 8th. If traveling south of the border you are well advised to take the time to read the assessment and heed the advice therein.

    On Thursday, AlertsUSA subscriber were notified of a sigh speed vehicle attack in Melbourne which killed four and injured 30. Three of the four were killed in the street as the driver intentionally drove through a pedestrian mall with police in pursuit. Multiple witnesses report the driver hanging out of the car window screaming "Allahu Akbar!"

    Readers are reminded that the Islamic State has been encouraging followers to carry out vehicular attacks for several years. Most recently these calls came in June, which was followed less than a month later by the horrific truck attack in Nice, France, another in November, which was followed approximately a week later by a vehicle attack at Ohio State University, and in December with an attack on a Berlin holiday market.

    AlertsUSA continues to monitor the overall domestic and international threat environment and will immediately notify service subscribers via SMS messages of new alerts, warnings and advisories or any developments which signal a change the overall threat picture for American citizens as events warrant.

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