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Thread: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

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    Default Re: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

    Black Lives Matter Slavery Reparation Demands

    We demand reparations for past and continuing harms. The government, responsible corporations and other institutions that have profited off of the harm they have inflicted on Black people — from colonialism to slavery through food and housing redlining, mass incarceration, and surveillance — must repair the harm done. This includes:

    1. Reparations for the systemic denial of access to high quality educational opportunities in the form of full and free access for all Black people (including undocumented and currently and formerly incarcerated people) to lifetime education including: free access and open admissions to public community colleges and universities, technical education (technology, trade and agricultural), educational support programs, retroactive forgiveness of student loans, and support for lifetime learning programs.
    2. Reparations for the continued divestment from, discrimination toward and exploitation of our communities in the form of a guaranteed minimum livable income for all Black people, with clearly articulated corporate regulations.
    3. Reparations for the wealth extracted from our communities through environmental racism, slavery, food apartheid, housing discrimination and racialized capitalism in the form of corporate and government reparations focused on healing ongoing physical and mental trauma, and ensuring our access and control of food sources, housing and land.
    4. Reparations for the cultural and educational exploitation, erasure, and extraction of our communities in the form of mandated public school curriculums that critically examine the political, economic, and social impacts of colonialism and slavery, and funding to support, build, preserve, and restore cultural assets and sacred sites to ensure the recognition and honoring of our collective struggles and triumphs.
    5. Legislation at the federal and state level that requires the United States to acknowledge the lasting impacts of slavery, establish and execute a plan to address those impacts. This includes the immediate passage of H.R.40, the “Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act” or subsequent versions which call for reparations remedies.

    Reparations for the Systemic Denial of Access to High Quality Educational Opportunities In the Form of Full and Free Access for All Black People (Including Undocumented, Currently, and Formerly Incarcerated People) to Lifetime Education Including: Free Access and Open Admissions to All Public Universities and Colleges, Technical Education (Technology, Trade, and Agricultural), Educational Support Programs, Retroactive Forgiveness of Student Loans, and Support for Lifetime Learning Programs

    What is the problem?

    • Education in the U.S. has always been a subversive act for Black people. During enslavement we were legally barred from the most basic forms of education including literacy. Post-Civil War, and even after the Brown v. Board of Education (1954) decision, Black people have been locked into segregated institutions that are underfunded, under resourced and often face severe health risk because of the decrepit conditions of their school buildings.
    • The current racial equity gap in education has roots that date back to enslavement. In fact, recent studies suggest that racial educational inequalities may be the most (measurable) enduring legacy of slavery. The same study also verified ongoing income inequality correlated to counties where slavery was prevalent.
    • The cradle-to-college pipeline has been systematically cut off for Black communities. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 23 states spend more per pupil in affluent districts than in high-poverty districts that contain a high concentrations of Black students; and the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights shows persistent and glaring opportunity gaps and racial inequities for Black students. Black students are less likely to attend schools that offer advanced coursework, less likely to be placed in gifted and talented programs, more likely to attend schools with less qualified educators, and employ law enforcement officers but no counselors.
    • Public universities, colleges, and technical education remain out of reach for most in the United States and policies to help students cover costs continue to shift towards benefiting more affluent families.
    • Funding cuts across the country are forcing individual students’ tuition and fees to cover more operating costs than ever at public colleges and universities. At City University of New York (CUNY), the largest city public university system in the U.S.,tuition and fees cover over 50 percent of the operating budget. Since right before the recession, government funding for higher education has significantly fallen. 47 states spent less in 2014-2015 on per student funding than they did at the start of the recession..
    • Financial aid is not sufficiently covering the basic needs of students attending public universities and colleges, leaving many of them struggling to eat and pay for housing, transportation, daycare and healthcare. A Wisconsin Hope Lab survey showed half of all students surveyed were struggling with food and housing insecurity, 20 percent didn’t have money to eat and 13 percent were homeless.
    • Access to education — from university, to college, to community schools, to continuing adult education, to agricultural training — is essential to ensure that our communities can thrive. In addition to college age students, the ability to access lifelong education is essential to the political, economic and cultural health of our nation.
    • The rising costs of higher education and exploitative and predatory lending practices of private and for-profit institutions make Black students more likely to drop-out, and leave them and their families stuck with debilitating and crippling debt. U.S. student loan debt nearly totals $1.3 trillion, with close to $900 billion in federal student loans, and more than 7 million borrowers in default.
    • Historically Black Colleges and Universities continue to play a critical role in offering Black students, especially from low-income communities, access to higher education in an environment where they are supported and able to thrive. However, federal and state funding systematically underfunds Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s) compared to Predominantly White Institutions (PWI). Since the recession, deep state funding cuts have disproportionately affected HBCU’s, putting the future of many in jeopardy, and impairing their ability to offer high-quality educational opportunities to their students.

    What does this solution do?

    • We seek complete open access for all to free public university, college and technical education programs (including technology, trade and agricultural) as well as full-funding for lifelong learning programs that support communities and families. We also seek the forgiveness of all federal student loans. Policies shall apply to all and should focus on outreach to communities historically denied access to education including undocumented, incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people.
    • Cover all living costs, including but not limited to housing, transportation, childcare, healthcare, and food for students attending public universities, colleges, and technical educational programs (including technology, trade, and agricultural).
    • Fully fund and provide open access to K-12, higher education, technical educational programs (including technology, trade, and agricultural), educational support programs and lifelong learning programs to every individual incarcerated in local, state, and federal correctional facilities (juvenile and adult).
    • Provide full access to all undocumented people to state and federal programs that provide aid to cover the full costs, including living costs, to attend public universities, and colleges, technical educational programs, and lifelong learning programs.
    • Increased federal and state investments in all Historically Black Colleges (HBCUs).

    Federal Action:

    • Target: Legislative
    • Process: This would require passage of a bill through both houses of Congress and be signed by the President. The Bill would provide $165 billion (in 2014 the DOE provided $30 billion in grant aid, $36 billion in tax cuts and $99 billion in federal student loans) per year to states to eliminate undergraduate tuition and fees at all public universities and colleges, and assist states to cover all related living costs for students. Additionally, the bill would allocate funding to lifelong learning and technical education programs and fund and provide complete open access to K-12, higher education, technical educational programs (including technology, trade, and agriculture), educational support programs and lifelong learning programs to every individual incarcerated in local, state, and federal correctional facilities (juvenile and adult). The bill would also increase work study programs and employment opportunities for students and expand eligibility to undocumented students and incarcerated students.

    • Target: Legislative
    • Process: This would require the passage of a bill through both houses of Congress and be signed by the President. The bill would allow undocumented people access to full state and federal aid to cover all tuition, fees, and living costs to attend public universities and colleges, technical educational programs (including technology, trade, and agriculture), and lifelong learning programs.

    • Target: Legislative
    • Process: This would require passage of a bill through the state legislature that ensures all HBCU’s receive equitable funding for operational, staffing, infrastructure, and research needs, in order to adequately provide high-quality educational opportunities. In addition, the bill should offer incentives for HBCU’s to attract and secure staff, increase graduate school course offerings, and support graduate schools that train teachers, doctors, lawyers, and social scientist.

    • Target: Executive
    • Process: The President could issue an executive order abolishing all current student debt, Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution. The President should expand the Second Chance Pell Grant to include all individuals currently incarcerated in local, state, and federal correctional facilities (juvenile and adult).

    State Action:

    • Target: Legislative
    • Process: This would require passage of a bill through the State legislature which provides funds to eliminate undergraduate tuition and fees at all public universities and colleges and cover living costs. Additionally, the bill would allocate funding to lifelong learning and technical education programs and fund K-12, higher education, technical educational programs (including technology, trade, and agriculture), educational support programs and lifelong learning programs in all state correctional facilities.The bill would also increase work study programs and employment opportunities for students and expand eligibility to undocumented students and incarcerated students. The cost of the bill would vary based on jurisdiction.

    • Target: Legislative
    • Process: This would require the passage of a bill through both houses of Congress and be signed by the President. The bill would allow undocumented people access to full state and federal aid to cover all tuition, fees, and living costs to attend public universities and colleges, technical educational programs (including technology, trade, and agriculture), and lifelong learning programs.

    • Target: Legislative
    • Process: This would require passage of a bill through the state legislature that ensures all HBCU’s receive equitable funding for operational, staffing, infrastructure, and research needs, in order to adequately provide high-quality educational opportunities. In addition, the bill should offer incentives for HBCU’s to attract and secure staff, increase graduate school course offerings, and support graduate schools that train teachers, doctors, lawyers, and social scientist.

    Local Action:

    • Increase local investments in public universities, colleges, technical educational programs (technology, trade, and agricultural), educational support programs and lifelong learning programs. Increase local investments and ensure access to education for all adults and youth incarcerated in local correctional facilities.

    How does this solution address the specific needs of some of the most marginalized Black people?

    • This policy would directly impact undocumented and incarcerated people by making higher education, technical education (including technology, trade, and agriculture) and lifelong learning programs eligible to them. The policy would also cover necessary living costs so they can pursue educational opportunities.
    • Only 32 states offer some type of college or post-secondary courses to adults who are incarcerated, but 80 percent of the incarcerated population never graduated from high school.
    • In the National Transgender Discrimination Survey, 83 percent of Black trans respondents report not having a college degree.
    • A Center for American Progress report showed that among Black same-sex couples that reported graduating from high school, only 40 percent report completing some college, compared to 67 percent for white same-sex couples

    Model Legislation:

    • While, no current legislation provides funding to cover all costs related to higher-education, we can build off of models that cover the costs of tuition and fees and eliminate our current debt-based model.


    Organizations Currently Working on Policy:

    • The Debt Collective
    • Ohio Students Association
    • DEMOS
    • Wisconsin Hope Lab

    Authors & Contributors of this Policy Overview

    • Kesi Foster, Urban Youth Collaborative
    • Montague Simmons, Organization For Black Struggle

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    Reparations for the Continued Divestment from, Discrimination toward, and Exploitation of Our Communities in the Form of a Guaranteed Minimum Livable Income for All Black People, with Clearly Articulated Corporate Regulations

    What is the problem?

    • Structural racism — particularly against Black Americans — has shaped the rules of our economy since the founding of the U.S. The combination of slavery, America’s deep-rooted system of racial capitalism, and long-lasting discriminatory institutions have for centuries denied Black people equal access to the wealth created through their labor.
    • Second, such racism continues to drive unequal economic outcomes and opportunities that are passed on intergenerationally. Today, an entire system of laws, regulations, policies, and normative practices explicitly exclude Black Americans from the economy and from leading safe, healthy, and economically secure lives. In the past, this took the form of Jim Crow and problematic racial and gender exclusions in New Deal social policies; now, the most glaring example is our racialized system of mass incarceration.
    • In 2011, the median Black household had just $7,113 in wealth, more than 15 times less than the $111,146 in wealth held by the median white household. Today, a mere 42 percent of Black families compared to 72 percent of whites own their homes, driving the historically durable racial wealth gap. At the end of 2015, the unemployment rate for the general population was 5 percent, yet 9.2 percent for Black workers and just 4.4 percent for white workers. The unemployment rate for Black Americans has been roughly double that for whites since at least the early 1970s. There are also stark racial disparities in education, health access and outcomes, the criminal justice system, and social mobility, among many other arenas of economic security and well-being.

    What does this solution do?

    • A Universal Basic Income (UBI) provides an unconditional and guaranteed livable income that would meet basic human needs while providing a floor of economic security. UBI would eliminate absolute poverty, ensuring economic security for all by mandating an income floor covering basic needs. Unlike most social welfare and social insurance programs, it is not means tested nor does it have any work requirements. All individual adults are eligible.
    • No other social or economic policy solution today would be of sufficient scale to eradicate the profound and systemic economic inequities afflicting Black communities.
    • As patterns and norms of “work” change rapidly and significantly in the decades to come — no matter how profound those changes are — it is likely that Black America and other populations that are already disadvantaged will bear the brunt of whatever economic insecurity and volatility results.
    • A pro-rated additional amount included in a UBI for Black Americans over a specified period of time.
    • The revenue saved from divesting in criminal justice institutions could be pooled into a fund for UBI; this revenue could be earmarked for the “PLUS” aspect of the policy that would be targeted toward Black Americans. If combined with other funds, it would effectively function as reparations, in a grand bargain with white America: All would benefit, but those who suffered through slavery and continuing racism would benefit slightly more.

    Federal Action:

    • Target: Legislative
    • Process: UBI would have to pass both houses of Congress and then be signed by the president. The revenue could be generated by multiple sources which would require structural reforms to the tax code including higher taxes on the wealthy, taxes on public goods like air (carbon tax) or on certain industries (financial transactions tax), or a dividend based on distributing resources from a common-owned asset (like oil).

    State Action:

    • Target: Legislative
    • Process: Similar to national policy, UBI would have to pass through state legislatures and be signed by governors. Other instances might require amendments to State Constitutions. The precedent here is the Alaska Permanent Fund, set up in the late 1970s/early 1980s. All residents of Alaska receive an annual dividend based on the invested revenue from the publicly-owned oil reserves.

    How does this solution address the specific needs of some of the most marginalized Black people?

    • UBI would then provide an individual-sustaining basic floor for people who are formerly incarcerated upon re-entry that does not currently exist.
    • UBI would be an improvement on portions of today’s current safety net and would benefit cash poor Black people the most. Some benefits, such as food stamps, are replete with paternalistic restrictions that rest on racist tropes about recipients and their consumption habits. Others, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), are significantly tied to work, which is problematic when structural racism continues to create so many barriers to Black employment. UBI lacks these flaws.

    Model Legislation

    • Model policy exists in the form of the Alaska Permanent Oil Fund in which state residents receive a yearly dividend based on the publicly owned wealth of the state’s oil reserves. Other countries around the world are currently proposing a UBI including Switzerland and Finland.


    Organizations Currently Working on Policy:

    Authors & Contributors of this Policy Overview

    • Dorian T. Warren, Center for Community Change

    Download PDF

    Reparations for the wealth extracted from our communities through environmental racism, slavery, food apartheid, housing discrimination and racialized capitalism in the form of corporate and government reparations focused on healing ongoing physical and mental trauma, and ensuring our access and control of food sources, housing and land.


    Reparations for the Cultural and Educational Exploitation, Erasure, and Extraction of Our Communities in the Form of Mandated Public School Curriculums That Critically Examine the Political, Economic, and Social Impacts of Colonialism and Slavery and Funding to Support, Build, Preserve and Restore Cultural Assets and Sacred Sites to Ensure the Recognition and Honoring of Our Collective Struggles and Triumphs

    What is the problem?

    • The United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent reported after their country visit to the U.S. that they were “concerned by an insufficient recognition in the present day of the influence of the baggage of the past, which necessitates specific institutions and programmes tailored to the situation of people of African descent.” Stories of African American history are often left untold or are under-told, and many individuals have no understanding of the extraordinary sacrifices that were made and hardships that were overcome. We need cultural reparations to publically acknowledge the history of mass violence in the U.S. in order to begin to heal from the trauma.
    • School curriculums often whitewash the history of slavery and the state’s role in oppressing Black people, such as through textbooks that refer to slaves as immigrant workers, claim thousands of Blacks fought for the South during the Civil War, or otherwise downplay the horrors of slavery.
    • Even in states and cities that require Black history education, the subject is often taught sporadically or only during Black History Month or Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday. Teachers at D.C.’s Howard Middle School were even fired for teaching Black history beyond the curriculum.
    • There are too few acknowledged and preserved historical sites commemorating Black history. Of the 412 National Park Service sites in the U.S., only 25 (or 6 percent) are specifically devoted to Black history. According to the Institute of Museums and Library Services, there are 35,000 museums in the U.S., but only about 300 (or less than 1 percent) of these are specifically devoted to Black individuals or history. Despite their valuable programming and exhibitions, these organizations do not receive adequate funding from state legislatures or philanthropic organizations. The Smithsonian will open the National Museum of African American History & Culture in September 2016, making it the first and only national Black history museum to date.

    What does this solution do?

    • Demand a thorough and accurate public education curriculum on Black History, including not only slavery and civil rights, but also contributions of African and African American heritage at the local, national and global level. This must be integrated throughout the school year and taught in a way that presents the history as part of an ongoing narrative of oppression and resilience, not as historical artifacts.
    • Funding for cultural assets and sacred sites such as Black burial grounds; Black towns (e.g. Mound Bayou, Mississippi); houses of worship; meeting halls; one-room schools; and other significant institutions that speak to the triumphant quest of a determined people to create a new African community in this hostile land.
    • These Black sacred sites, monuments, and museums must be preserved as permanent memorials to continuously inform and inspire future generations of people of African descent about this legacy of trials, tribulations and triumph, and to remind America of the white supremacist terror employed to obstruct the path to freedom of African Americans.

    Federal Action:

    • Target: Executive, U.S. Congress (especially Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs), U.S. Department of the Interior
    • Process: The President of the United States has the power to designate important natural, cultural, and historical sites for permanent protection under the 1906 Antiquities Act. While the President can designate national parks or monuments, congressional approval is needed to create a national park. The federal government (via the National Parks Service) should erect markers on every site where a Black person was lynched, where a massacre of Black people was committed, and sites where Black towns or neighborhood were destroyed.
    • Target: U.S. Congress
    • Process: Pass a bill authorizing funding for the preservation of Black burial grounds and other significant cultural and historical sites. Additional funds should be appropriated to conduct research on the impacts and legacy of slavery and to identify previously unknown Black sacred sites and monuments.

    State Action:

    • Target: State Legislature
    • Process: Pass a bill requiring instruction in Black History from elementary through high school. State legislatures should form a commission to research how Black history is taught in their schools, identify inconsistencies, and make recommendations for improved instruction.
    • Target: State Departments of Education and State Boards of Education
    • Process: Develop statewide curriculum standards for a robust Black History curriculum.
    • Target: State Legislature
    • Process: Pass a bill authorizing increased funding to existing Black museums and appropriate funds to erect markers on sites where a Black person was lynched, where a massacre of Black people was committed, and sites where Black towns or neighborhood were destroyed.

    Local Action:

    • Target: Local School Boards (and possibly individual school Principals)
    • Process: Develop and implement a robust Black History curriculum.

    How does this solution address the specific needs of some of the most marginalized Black people?

    • By expanding Black history education, monuments, museums, and recognized heritage sites, the stories of those who were marginalized and forgotten will be elevated. As we expand the knowledge and understanding of this history with depth and breadth, we can honor the diverse experiences of Blacks in America, including the history of, for example, our trans, queer, and gender nonconforming brothers and sisters.

    Model Legislation

    • Illinois House Resolution 1011 “Requests President Obama to commission a study to detail the economic impact of the slave trade and the use of slave labor; and how Emancipation, while freeing them of their literal bonds, and ending an immoral practice, did not guarantee equality in education, employment, housing, and access to quality affordable health care; that this study also include an analysis for how reparations for past harms have benefited ethnic groups that have received them during the course of U.S. history; and a proposal for reparations to the descendants of slaves in the U.S., and how those reparations can help overcome obstacles that still exist today in education, employment, housing, health care, and justice.” This does not specifically call for development of heritage sites or monuments.
    • H.R. 40 requests a federal commission to study slavery and its impact on descendants of slaves today, including the role of the Federal and State governments. It further requests that the commission make recommendations based on its finding, including an apology to descendants of slaves and reparations. It requests $8 million for the commission, but does not specifically call for development of heritage sites or monuments.
    • 105 ILCS 5/27-20.4 requires every public elementary and high school curriculum to include a Black history unit, but does not require an all-year integration of Black history into the curriculum.
    • The City of Chicago created a reparations package for victims of police torture under Jon Burge, including a $5.5 million fund (the torture victims originally requested $20 million); a formal apology from the Chicago City Council; creation of a permanent memorial recognizing the victims; an agreement to teach public school students about the case in their 8th and 10th grade history classes; free city college tuition and job training to victims, their immediate family members and their grandchildren; and funded psychological, family, substance abuse, and other counseling services to victims and their immediate family members.
    • Philadelphia was the first city to impose a Black history graduation requirement in 2005.


    Organizations Currently Working on Policy:

    Authors & Contributors of this Policy Overview

    • Arielle Humphries, Center for Popular Democracy

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    The Immediate Passage of H.R.40, the “Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act” or Subsequent Versions Which May Call for Reparations Remedies, and Similar Legislation In All 50 States in Order to Force the US to Acknowledge the Lasting Impacts of Slavery and Establish a Plan to Address Those Impacts

    Please refer to this page.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    Go to fucking hell.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Public College Offers Blacks-Only Classes, Claims It’s Totally Okay

    Blake Neff

    7:21 PM 08/08/2016

    A community college in Illinois is trying to defend itself after it decided to offer special classes only available to black people.

    “College: Changes, Challenges, Choice” is a one-credit introductory course at Moraine Valley Community College in Palos Hills, and is intended to help new students “assess your purpose for college, assess your study strategies, set college and career goals, examine your values and decision-making skills, and develop an appreciation for diversity.”

    But while the class may want students to appreciate diversity, the school doesn’t practice what it preaches. Two sections of the class are specifically set aside exclusively for black students, who make up about 10 percent of Moraine Valley’s 34,000 students. The special classes were first reported on by The Chicago Tribune after it was notified by the parents of several students.

    Moraine Valley says it’s simply trying to improve the odds of success for black students, who are typically less likely to graduate from the school.

    The school has defended its action by pointing out that it has been creating classes targeted to certain demographic groups for some time. Previous classes have been open exclusively to veterans, older students and Hispanics. Whatever its justifications, though, it’s not clear that Moraine’s policy is even legal. The federal Title VI law prohibits racial discrimination in all programs that receive federal funds, and it’s hard to imagine a genuine case of racial segregation not violating the law.

    Margarent Lehner, the school’s vice president for institutional advancement, told Inside Higher Ed that the classes should be fine because separate but equal versions of the class are available for members of other races.

    “Because a few people object to it should not be a deciding factor in limiting these opportunities for at-risk students,” she said. “We certainly are not hampering other students also being successful. We have the same courses available to them as well.”

    Moraine Valley’s predicament is similar to a recent one at Michigan State University, where a longstanding women-only study lounge was shut down shortly after a college professor discovered it and argued that it was a violation of Title IX’s ban on sex discrimination.

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  5. #85
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

    I thought "separate but equal" was supposed to be bad...

  6. #86
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

    Well, looks like it's working...

    U.S. Satisfaction Higher Among Blacks, Hispanics Than Whites

    July 15, 2016

    Nearly half of American blacks (49%) and Hispanics (47%) are satisfied with the way things are going in the U.S., compared with 28% of whites. Satisfaction levels among these three groups have generally been steady in Minority Rights and Relations polls conducted since 2013.

    The latest reading, from Gallup's June 7-July 1 Minority Rights and Relations survey, was collected just before recent police shootings of black men in Minnesota and Louisiana that once again brought race relations to the forefront of public discussion. These data were also collected before the shooting deaths of five Dallas police officers during a protest march.

    Polling conducted as part of Gallup Daily tracking earlier in the Obama administration, between 2009 and 2013, shows racial gaps in satisfaction similar to those seen today. By contrast, throughout the Bush administration from 2001 through 2008, whites were more satisfied with the direction of the country and blacks less satisfied, consistent with each racial groups' political leanings.

    Blacks and Hispanics lean heavily Democratic, while whites lean Republican -- which appears to influence their views of the way things in the U.S. are going under presidents of their own party versus those of the opposing party.

    More Than Four in Five Americans Satisfied With Personal Lives

    While two-thirds of Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country as a whole, Americans are generally upbeat about the direction of their own lives. No less than 85% of those in any of the three major racial and ethnic groups say they are very or somewhat satisfied with their lives. This follows the general truism that Americans tend to be more positive about their personal lives and where they live than they are about the country as a whole. Additionally, personal satisfaction across all racial and ethnic groups is much more consistent than is U.S. satisfaction.

    Unlike the racial gaps seen with U.S. satisfaction, there are small differences among whites, blacks and Hispanics in personal satisfaction. Whites and blacks have virtually identical satisfaction levels, at 89% and 88%, respectively, with Hispanics just slightly lower, at 85%.

    Bottom Line

    Even with the increased spotlight on police treatment of blacks and more focus on U.S. race relations, blacks' and Hispanics' satisfaction with the direction of the country remains about where it has been in recent years. These higher levels of satisfaction appear to reflect blacks' and Hispanics' Democratic orientation and their positive reaction to a Democratic president. Blacks are clearly more negative than whites about specific aspects of race relations, but their general outlook on the way things are going in the country is more positive.

    Whites continue to be least satisfied with where the country is heading, most likely linked to their Republican orientation. It may also help explain why enough Republican voters gravitated toward Donald Trump's campaign promises about making America great again -- and his continued criticism of the way things are going in the U.S. under President Barack Obama -- to make Trump their party's nominee.

    Regardless of race or ethnicity, most Americans have been satisfied with their own lives over the past 16 years, suggesting that even in times of widespread dissatisfaction with their country, Americans separate their personal circumstances from those going on in the country around them.

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    White-on-Black Violence Is Everywhere, Says AP

    August 10, 2016

    By Colin Flaherty

    There are a million stories in the big city. With a million ways to tell each one.

    So when the University of Chicago told reporters that a new poll shows that 62 percent of young black people are more afraid of violence from “white extremists” than from ISIS, the world’s largest news organization had a choice:

    1) It could produce a story scorning such a transparently false idea. Maybe even remind their readers that white people are 25-50 times more likely to be the victim of black violence than vice versa. Though many already know that from personal experience. Or,

    2) It could perpetuate the greatest hoax of our generation: The myth of black victimization -- that black people are relentless victims of relentless white racism all the time, everywhere, that explains everything. Especially why cops are always picking on black people for no reason what so ever.

    Don’t laugh: it’s called "Critical Race Theory". Only today, it is an industry, taught to hundreds of thousands of students in hundreds of school districts across the country. Including virtually every university.

    The Associated Press chose door number Two. “Poll: Young Blacks Fear White Extremist Violence More than Violence from Foreign Extremists,” said the headlines in papers around the country, including
    Sixty-two percent of young African-Americans and 55 percent of Hispanics surveyed said they were very concerned about the threat of violence committed by White extremists, compared to one-third of Whites and 41 percent of Asian-Americans.

    GenForward is a survey by the Black Youth Project at the University of Chicago with the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

    The poll is designed to pay special attention to the voices of young adults of color, highlighting how race and ethnicity shape the opinions of a new generation.

    Gregg Higgins, 27, was one of the Whites who said he was very worried about violence by extremists in his own race. In fact, he said he was more concerned about “the homegrown White extremists” than the threat of violence from people outside the United States or people inspired by foreign extremists.

    A social worker in Pittsburgh, Higgins said the growing political tension during the current election cycle has “shown a really ugly part of our past coming through and being more heard.”

    He described it as “White males who are angry and who aren’t now afraid to show that anger.”

    “That fear of loss of control and loss of privilege is what’s inspiring this vitriol and this hate,” Higgins said.

    As you can see, critical race theorists are easy to find. AP loves to interview them. And hire them. Here’s a story from 2012: “AP poll: U.S. majority have prejudice against blacks.”

    AP never really tells us how they know if someone is racist -- other than: “When measured by an implicit racial attitudes test, the number of Americans with anti-black sentiments jumped to 56%, up from 49%.”

    Ah the test: No one takes a test and says they hate a person because of their race. So the shrinks found another way to uncover our darkest secrets -- which we covered at length in that scintillating best seller, Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry.

    Some tests are as short as six questions: If you do not like affirmative action, racial quotas, black criminality that is wildly out of proportion, and things like that, then guess what, you just failed.

    Despite the AP’s explanation of rampant white racism that is everywhere and explains everything all the time, it is very difficult to find it. That is why Hillary and Barack have taken to talking about unconscious and subconscious racism.

    Which Hillary, of course, wards off with some special hot sauce in her purse and some black friends to help her with her black musical choices.

    The National Association of Black Journalists loves that.

    But one thing the AP and this poll ignore is the level of black on white criminality that is wildly out of proportion -- and you do not have to take some silly test to find it.

    Could it be this relentless violence is indicative of black on white racial hostility? Could it be that white people have way more reason to worry about black crime that black people do to worry about white violence?

    That’s a question you’ll never get answered reading the AP wire. But let’s look anyway. Within the last few days:

    In Birmingham, Alabama, Tommy Shaw -- a retired businessman who spent his spare time driving his RV around his state for Donald Trump -- was in his home office when a black person came in and beat him to death.

    In Augusta, Georgia, a group of black people beat and robbed an 87-year old great grandmother. They left her with broken bones in her hands and face. Then they returned and set her on fire. She’s still alive, if you want to call it that.

    In Staten Island, a white newcomer to the area met with an old-time black gangster. The white newcomer is dead, and a black man with a long record of violence is under arrest.

    In Amity Township, Pennsylvania, Michael Shields saw a black man trying to beat the owner of a motorcycle during a robbery. Shields came to help and he was murdered. Now police are looking for another black on white killer.

    How many of these do you want? That’s how many there are. Easy to find in my books and YouTube channel.

    Black on white, black on gay, black on young, black on old, black on man, black on woman, black on Asian, black on Hispanic, black on recent immigrant, and on and on and on.
    Black mob violence, black mob car thievery from dealerships.

    Thousands of examples. Easy to find. But when it comes to white on black crime, the solons at AP have trouble ginning up anything except the racial fantasies of an amateur Critical Race Theorist and some silly test.

    And did I mention the Black Lives Matter leader who was just arrested for choking his pregnant girlfriend in Memphis? Or the black man who beat the white Trump supporter in New Jersey; or the hundreds of black people who rampaged through downtown Pittsburgh; or the many other examples of black violence that surpasses even ISIS for brutality and terror?
    Never mind. Not in the AP style book.

    Lying Black Folks to Death

    PJ Media ^ | August 14, 2016 | Andrew Klavan
    Posted on 8/14/2016, 8:15:51 PM by Kaslin

    Leftists — aided by our corrupt news media — are past masters of replacing truth with narrative. Ninety-seven percent of scientists believe in catastrophic man-made climate change. Women are paid 77 cents on the dollar. These statements are indefensible lies, but when you have a leftist press trained in leftist universities to repeat the assertions of leftist politicians, it's easy to make these "facts" part of what ordinary people think they know.

    Especially impressive is the way in which leftists manage to bake dishonesty into the language itself. Take the repellent phrase "objectifying women," which is used to support the equally repellent philosophy of feminism. The phrase essentially asserts that the normal male sex drive, with its emphasis on visual cues, is somehow in and of itself immoral, that it's wrong and unfair for guys to desire the beautiful Giselle Bundchen, say, more than the dumpy Lena Dunham. Men, simply by being as God made them, are in some sense doing wrong — and if you fight back against this calumny, you are accused of "man-splaining." Well, I intend to continue man-splaining until feminists begin to girl-understand.

    When it comes to the problems of black Americans, the left outdoes itself in the art of deception. Virtually every assertion of the violent Black Lives Matter hate movement is a falsehood. Even the name of this vicious collection of groups is offensive. When challenged by those who respond with "All Lives Matter," the BLM people thug-splain that what they really meant was "Black Lives Matter too." But this assumes that white people don't know this, that blacks in this country are treated as if their lives matter less than others.

    The facts tell a different story. In about 85% of crimes involving whites and blacks, blacks were the attackers, whites the victims. Racial hatred of whites is at least — at least — as virulent among blacks as racial hatred of whites is among blacks. Assertions that black people can't be racist are just more lies.

    Obama Justice Department Laughed Off Armed New Black Panther Threat

    And, of course, as anyone who follows the data knows, the assertions made by leftists from Barack Obama to the Justice Department on down that police harass or over-police blacks always — always — fail to take into account the massive difference in the crime rates between black and white communities. When you consider that between 1980 and 2008 the black 13% of the population committed 52% of the nation's murders, the phrase "racial profiling" is revealed to be what it always was: another leftist lie baked into the language, a nasty way of describing ordinary, heads-up police work.

    In Milwaukee this weekend, blacks rioted after police shot and killed a fleeing suspect who was brandishing a stolen gun. The racist rioters targeted white people for beat-downs as if "whites," whatever that means, were to blame. In Democrat-owned-and-operated Chicago, meanwhile, 65 people were murdered in July alone. No need to ask what color the victims and killers were.

    Only 3.5% of Chicago murders are committed by whites, 4.6% of the victims are white, just about all the rest of the murderers and the dead are either black or, to a lesser extent, Hispanic. No riots in Chicago though. What would the rioters have said: "We demand we take responsibility for our own lives!" I don't think so.

    Violence in Milwaukee: Chants of 'Black Power!' as Gas Station Burns

    BLM, the reparation people, the president, the Justice Department and the press are all lying to our black citizens about the source and nature of the dangers to their lives. They tell black people things that are the opposite of what a friend tells a friend. They say, "It's not your fault." They say, "There's nothing you can do until other people stop oppressing you." They say, "Things will get better for you when your superiors fix the world."

    This is crap.

    A true friend to black Americans would say: "Your treatment as a race is as good as it is anywhere, and as good as it's gonna get. The past is past. It's on you to make your lives better now.

    Take responsibility. Join with good guys of whatever color to fight bad guys of whatever color. Then get on with making something of your lives. Because it's all on you. And anyone who tells you differently, is lying you to death."

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    Milwaukee Blacks Attack Whites Because "The Rich People Are Not Trying To Give Us None"

    by Tyler Durden

    Aug 14, 2016 11:30 PM

    According to the government's official data, the number of unemployed black Americans is at its lowest since 2007 seemingly confirming President Obama's narrative that "everything is awesome." So, we wondered, if everything's awesome and everyone's got a job, why are black Americans rioting in Milwaukee?

    Here is the answer in one chart and one short sentence from a Milwaukee protester...

    Jobs are not fungible... Since President Obama was elected, black Americans may have seen their joblessness decline - but since President Obama was elected, income inequality for black Americans has soared...

    The solution is simple - as this young black American explains... the violent rioting that occurred last night in Milwaukee is rich people's fault...
    This is embarrassing. #Milwaukee
    — Charter (@hoodsonco) August 14, 2016

    To quote:
    "It's sad because you know, this is what happens because they're not helping the black community, like you know, the rich people, they got all this money, and they not, like you know, trying to give us none."
    Of course - this lone wolf interviewee does not represent the views of all black Americans, although it appears the focus is not 'the rich' but 'the white' - “They’re beating every white person!” one of the agitators shouted in the video. “They jumpin’ every white person.”

    Blacks hunting down whites in streets of #Milwaukee, the true racists revealed #MilwaukeeUprising #BlackLivesMatter
    — Trent B (@Trentsickle) August 14, 2016

    And Milwaukee Alderman Khalif Rainey was pretty clear...
    "This is a warning cry... Black people of Milwaukee are tired. They are tired of living under this oppression."

    So despite eight years of a black President's increasing tyrannical exucutive orders, black Americans income inequality has soared to record highs.. and yet they continue to support the handouts-party?

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    Obama: “Then White Folks…”


    President Barack Obama, while addressing students at the University of Chicago Law School, opined that America’s voting system is “rooted in racism” because it “unabashedly discourages” some Americans from voting. He suggested “reducing polarization” in politics might help improve things.

    Then, he added that “white folks” have been the problem all along:

    “We really are the only advanced democracy on earth that systematically and purposefully makes it really hard for people to vote,” Obama said Thursday when speaking at the University of Chicago School of Law. “There is no other country on earth that does that. There is a legacy to that that grows directly out of a history in which first propertied men, then white men, then white folks didn’t want women, minorities, to participate in the political process and be able to empower themselves in that fashion. That’s the history. We should be a society in which at this point we should say, yeah, that history is not so good.”
    Via The Blaze

    If that wasn’t offensive enough, Obama suggested it’s time for America to mandate that every American be required to vote on election day. Just like the healthcare mandate in Obamacare, the government should now compel you to vote, or else!

    “Maybe the single biggest change that we could make in our political process that would reduce some of the polarization, make people feel more invested and restore integrity to the system is just make sure everybody is voting,” Obama said. “Australia has got mandatory voting. If you start getting 70 or 80 percent voting rates, that’s transformative.

    Can you see why Obama has been so busy using his final year in office reinstating voting rights for felons, and expanding citizenship to illegal aliens?

    If turnout is the problem caused by voter ID, Obama should take a look at Wisconsin.

    The Badger State just implemented their voter ID law, and their presidential primary days ago just had their biggest turnout since 1972.

    That should be impossible, according to Democrats like Barack Obama!

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    Hillary’s VP: Whites Must Become a “Minority” to Atone For Racism

    Hillary’s running mate Tim Kaine told a black audience in New Orleans that white people must become a “minority” in order to properly atone for racism and oppression suffered by blacks...

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    'Memphis Is Apartheid': Black Lives Matter Tries to Shut Down Graceland and Disrupt Elvis Week

    Cortney O'Brien | August 16, 2016

    'Memphis Is Apartheid': Black Lives Matter Tries to Shut Down Graceland and Disrupt Elvis Week
    Black Lives Matter is doing the unthinkable: they are planning to "Shut Down Graceland." It's Elvis Week in Memphis, Tennessee, an annual event where thousands of people arrive to recognize the anniversary of the rock n' roll legend's death.

    Yet, activists are not interested in celebrating Presley, arguing that Graceland has a history of police injustice against black citizens.

    Leaders say they also chose Graceland because "it demonstrates one of Memphis's most common forms of financial inequality and because the site has ties to...the death of unarmed teen Darrius Stewart."

    A community leader, Frank Gottie, is extremely suspicious of the protesters' timing.

    "They had 30 days to respond, but they responded right before Elvis Week," said Gottie. "Elvis Week must be really important, because I got a lot of phone calls. Homeland security and everybody. [They said] don't go to Elvis more than 20 deep, you can't go there. But how they going to say that when it's welcome to the public?"

    So, tourists just trying to enjoy a week of Presley festivities are instead being greeted by angry protests. Some raw footage from USA Today shows a group of women wearing Elvis t-shirts walking nervously by police and protesters, with some activists holding signs that read, "Put the gun down and fight like a man" and "Memphis is Apartheid."

    It also sounds like some of the protesters are chanting, "F*** the police!"

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    There's a reason a number of the locals refer to it as "Memphrica"...

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    Obama’s last act is to force suburbs to be less white and less wealthy

    Guest Post by Paul Sperry

    Hillary’s rumored running mate, Housing Secretary Julian Castro, is cooking up a scheme to reallocate funding for Section 8 housing to punish suburbs for being too white and too wealthy.

    The scheme involves super-sizing vouchers to help urban poor afford higher rents in pricey areas, such as Westchester County, while assigning them government real estate agents called “mobility counselors” to secure housing in the exurbs.

    Castro plans to launch the Section 8 reboot this fall, even though a similar program tested a few years ago in Dallas has been blamed for shifting violent crime to affluent neighborhoods.
    It’s all part of a grand scheme to forcibly desegregate inner cities and integrate the outer suburbs.

    Anticipating NIMBY resistance, Castro last month threatened to sue suburban landlords for discrimination if they refuse even Section 8 tenants with criminal records. And last year, he implemented a powerful new regulation — “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” — that pressures all suburban counties taking federal grant money to change local zoning laws to build more low-income housing (landlords of such properties are required to accept Section 8 vouchers).

    Castro is expected to finalize the new regulation, known as “Small-Area Fair Market Rents” (SAFMR), this October, in the last days of the Obama presidency.

    It will set voucher rent limits by ZIP code rather than metro area, the current formula, which makes payments relatively small. For example, the fair market rent for a one-bedroom in New York City is about $1,250, which wouldn’t cover rentals in leafy areas of Westchester County, such as Mamaroneck, where Castro and his social engineers seek to aggressively resettle Section 8 tenants.

    [The Section 8 reboot] is all part of a grand scheme to forcibly desegregate inner cities and integrate the outer suburbs.
    In expensive ZIP codes, Castro’s plan — which requires no congressional approval — would more than double the standard subsidy, while also covering utilities. At the same time, he intends to reduce subsidies for those who choose to stay in housing in poor urban areas, such as Brooklyn. So Section 8 tenants won’t just be pulled to the suburbs, they’ll be pushed there.

    “We want to use our housing-choice vouchers to ensure that we don’t have a concentration of poverty and the aggregation of racial minorities in one part of town, the poor part of town,” the HUD chief said recently, adding that he’s trying to undo the “result of discriminatory policies and practices in the past, and sometimes even now.”

    A draft of the new HUD rule anticipates more than 350,000 Section 8 voucher holders will initially be resettled under the SAFMR program. Under Obama, the total number of voucher households has grown to more than 2.2 million.

    The document argues that larger vouchers will allow poor urban families to “move into areas that potentially have better access to jobs, transportation, services and educational opportunities.” In other words, offering them more money to move to more expensive neighborhoods will improve their situation.

    But HUD’s own studies show the theory doesn’t match reality.

    President Bill Clinton in 1994Photo: Getty Images

    President Bill Clinton started a similar program in 1994 called “Moving to Opportunity Initiative,” which moved thousands of mostly African-American families from government projects to higher-quality homes in safer and less racially segregated neighborhoods in several counties across the country.

    The 15-year experiment bombed.

    A 2011 study sponsored by HUD found that adults using more generous Section 8 vouchers did not get better jobs or get off welfare. In fact, more went on food stamps. And their children did not do better in their new schools.

    Worse, crime simply followed them to their safer neighborhoods, ruining the quality of life for existing residents.

    “Males … were arrested more often than those in the control group, primarily for property crimes,” the study found.

    Dubuque, Iowa, for example, received an influx of voucher holders from projects in Chicago — and it’s had a problem with crime ever since. A recent study linked Dubuque’s crime wave directly to Section 8 housing.

    Of course, even when reality mugs leftists, they never scrap their social theories. They just double down.

    The problem, they rationalized, was that the relocation wasn’t aggressive enough. They concluded they could get the desired results if they placed urban poor in even more affluent areas.

    HUD recently tested this new theory in Dallas with disastrous results.

    Starting in 2012, the agency sweetened Section 8 voucher payments, and pointed inner-city recipients to the far-flung counties surrounding Dallas. As government-subsidized rentals spread in all areas of the Metroplex (163 ZIP codes vs. 129 ZIP codes), so did crime.

    The US Department of Housing and Urban Development used Dallas as a test — and the city is now experiencing much more violence.Photo: Getty Images Now Dallas has one of the highest murder rates in the nation, and recently had to call in state troopers to help police control it. For the first time, violent crime has shifted to the tony bedroom communities north of the city. Three suburbs that have seen the most Section 8 transfers — Frisco, Plano and McKinney — have suffered unprecedented spikes in rapes, assaults and break-ins, including home invasions.

    Although HUD’s “demonstration project” may have improved the lives of some who moved, it’s ended up harming the lives of many of their new neighbors. And now Castro wants to roll it out nationwide. Soon he will give Section 8 recipients money to afford rent wherever they choose — and if they don’t want to move, he’ll make them an offer they can’t refuse.

    Ironically, Hillary’s own hometown of Chappaqua is fighting Section 8 housing because of links to drugs and crime and other problems.

    This is a big policy shift that will have broad implications, affecting everything from crime to property values. And it could even impact the presidential election, especially if Castro joins Hillary on the Democratic ticket.

    Paul Sperry is author of “The Great American Bank Robbery,” which exposes the racial politics behind the home mortgage crisis.

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    University Hosts “Stop White People” Workshop

    From Binghamton Review

    By Todd Starnes
    Nothing screams tolerance and diversity like a university workshop designed to target white people.

    The State University of New York in Binghamton has a bit of explaining to do after they held a workshop titled, “#StopWhitePeople2K16.”

    The workshop was an official part of the residential assistant training program at the taxpayer-funded university.

    The Binghamton Review, the university’s conservative newspaper, exposed this nonsense and they deserve a round of applause for their efforts.

    It’s not exactly clear how they intend to stop all of us white folks, but the course smacks of blatant bigotry disguised as cultural awareness.
    Get a load of the course description:

    “The premise of this session is to help others take the next step in understanding diversity, privilege, and the society we function within.”
    I developed a micro-aggression just reading that nonsense.

    “The terrifying implication here is not that students on campus think it is appropriate to call an event by that name, but that the university seems to endorse it as a proper part of a RA training,” Binghamton Review journalist Howard Hecht wrote.

    “For a university dedicated to providing an inclusive environment, calling an event ‘#StopWhitePeople2K16’ seems counterproductive at best,” Hecht continued. “The name is divisive.”

    Well said, Howard.

    You will be relieved to know the grownups at SUNY-Binghamton say they really don’t hate white people.

    “We verified that the actual program content was not ‘anti-white’,” said Brian Rose, vice president for student affairs.

    Whew! What a relief.

    “The program title, ‘#StopWhitePeople2K16’ was drawn from a familiar hashtag in use on Twitter, and was not invented by the program facilitators,” he said in a prepared statement. “It is my understanding that the hashtag is commonly used ironically.”

    Ah yes, the old “I’m not a racist, I’m just a plagiarist defense.”

    Mr. Rose said as many as 50 RA’s attended the session – which he stressed was voluntary.

    The content included discussions on reverse racism, the relationship of communities of color with police, whiteness and so on and so forth.

    “What we strive to do from an administrative level is cultivate an environment where our students listen to one another, learn from one another and do so in a manner that doesn’t cause unnecessary harm,” Mr. Rose said. “I have no indication that this particular program was inconsistent with the respectful environment we hope to support and sustain.”

    In other words “#StopWhitePeople2K16” is just another name for “Blame the White Guy 101.”

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    Default Re: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

    'How To Be a White Ally' posters say all white people are racist

    Steven Glick The Claremont Independent @CmontInd

    New students at Pomona College were welcomed to campus with posters in their dorms giving instructions on “How to be a (Better) White Ally” and stating that all white people are racist.

    New students at Pomona College were welcomed to campus with posters in their dorms giving instructions on “How to be a (Better) White Ally” and stating that all white people are racist.

    The signs state white people should “acknowledge your privilege” and “apologize if you’ve offended someone,” adding that offensive language includes words like “sassy” and “riot,” which are “racially coded.”

    “Understand that you are white, so it is inevitable that you have unconsciously learned racism.”

    “Everyone is problematic and even the most educated and well-intentioned people will screw up,” the poster states.

    The sign then gives three steps for white allies to follow:
    “1. Be prepared to make mistakes.
    2. Listen and apologize.
    3. Make sure to change.”
    [RELATED: Claremont students refuse to live with whites]

    “Remember, just because POC [person of color] #1 isn’t offended by something, does not mean that POC #2 will not be offended by it either,” it says.

    The poster goes on to states that “social justice is about BOTH elevating oppressed groups and simultaneously unpacking the privilege of dominant groups. These aspects are equally as important!”

    Additionally, the sign claims that all white people are racist.

    “Understand that you are white, so it is inevitable that you have unconsciously learned racism,” it asserts. “Your unearned advantage must be acknowledged and your racism unlearned.”

    Further, the poster claims that white people should “just listen!” rather than explaining their own perspective.

    “Comparing a POC’s situation with some experience of your own is not helpful. You do not & can not understand our oppression!” The guide recommends that white people should “listen to a diverse selection of marginalized voices” and notes that “POC will always understand racism in a way that you cannot—you need to listen to them!”

    Pomona College had several events last year that white students were not allowed to attend, yet the school’s website states that “Pomona College seeks to maintain an environment of mutual respect among all members of its community” and that discrimination on the basis of race “destroy[s] the foundation for such respect and violate[s] the sense of community vital to the College’s education enterprise.”

    This article was originally published in The Claremont Independent, a conservative student newspaper affiliated with the Leadership Institute's Campus Leadership Program. Its articles are republished here with permission.

    Follow The Claremont Independent on Twitter: @CmontInd

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    Default Re: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

    How about this.

    How about the uneducated morons posting this shit need their asses kicked because frankly they are fucking morons?
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Now in Obama's America it's "unfair" to be white

    I’m All Blacked Out

    Posted on September 23, 2016

    On my way home last night, I saw a couple of young black women on a corner, holding signs that had “Black Lives Matter” on them with some other writing. I think one of them had something about Charlotte, but I don’t know for sure. They were hoping to get the attention of drivers, but it seemed like no one was paying any attention. As traffic slowed, I did not see any heads turning their way, but in the city, drivers look straight ahead out of habit. That way the bums and panhandlers are not encouraged to molest you.

    I caught the light so I was sitting at their intersection with a chance to observe for a few minutes. They stepped into the street and starting taunting the white drivers by holding their signs up against their windows and chanting something. When young black women get worked up, their voices reach a pitch close to a dog whistle. It’s just high pitched echolalic babbling, that is intended to annoy, rather than convey information. I had my windows up so I could make out nothing. My guess is it was just some gibberish they saw on-line or on TV.

    Before they got to me, the light changed and they had to retreat back to the curb, which was a surprise. In the ghetto, you run into this behavior a lot. Black females will wait for the light to change and then saunter into the cross walk, giving drivers the business, making them wait as they stroll across the street. It is just one of the many hassles that comes with dealing with people in the ghetto. At some level, they know the rest of us would just as soon ignore the ghetto entirely, so they spend their energy making that impossible.

    Sitting there watching their antics, I felt a bit of rage welling up. All this effort to be a public nuisance, to make demands on me, and yet they put little to no effort into managing their lives. Even if they have a claim, harassing drivers on their way home is not going to win them any friends. They have to know it, which means they are not there on the street corner with good intentions. They are there explicitly to be a public nuisance. They just like hassling white people, purely out of racial animus.

    More and more, that’s the sort of thing that creeps into my mind when I see blacks acting up. I have a great deal of sympathy for black people, particularly underclass blacks. Despite what you see on TV, most black people in the ghetto are decent people. They just lack the cognitive tools and opportunity. They are my fellow citizens and I want the best for them. I just don’t know what can be done to change their lot in life. The Civil Rights Movement was over 50 years ago, but here we are with young black girls full of hatred for the honkies.

    I got home and decided to see what the news channels had to say about the riots in Charlotte. On a Fox show, some old white guy was trying to explain to Juan Williams that the reason blacks get shot by cops is that blacks commit an outlandish amount of crime. He tried to explain how 3% of the population, committing 40% of the crime, is going to have a disproportionate amount of police interaction. Juan Williams is innumerate, so he could not grasp the math. He just kept insisting the cops like shooting black people.

    There was something about the irritated look on the face of Juan Williams that bugged me. The old honky was trying to respectfully explain the mathematical reality of crime in America. Blacks are 13% of the population, but they account for more than half of all crime. Most of that crime is against black people. This is public information that is easy to verify. Yet, Juan had a look on his face like the old honky had just farted. You could tell that he was thinking, “How dare this guy say such things?”

    Instead of getting angry, I flipped over to the sports channel and, of course, they were celebrating the asinine and insulting protests by black athletes. These pampered babies owe everything they have to white America, yet they have the gall to claim they are victims. They are living lives few humans have had the privilege to live and it is not enough. That’s what’s so damned galling about these protests. They are a reminder that it is never enough. There’s no way to pay off the debt, assuming there is one. It never ends.

    That is, of course, something white people used to know. When I was a kid, the old people would often says, “We’ll never hear the end of slavery. We’ll be paying for that forever.” The point was that there’s no point in trying. All of us have done something to someone for which that person will not forgive us. No man keeps going over to his ex-wife asking for forgiveness. You just accept the fact that there is no making it right and you get on with your life. That’s the reality of race relations. There’s no fixing it so there’s no point in trying.

    Even so, I’m increasingly pissed off by what I’m seeing and I resent the people behind it. Guys like Juan Williams should be on TV demanding the cops round up every last Charlotte rioter and pack them off to Africa. The rich black guys on TV talking sportsball should be mortified that their co-ethnics are embarrassing their race with these antics. If the roles were reversed and it was whites making asses of themselves, you can be sure the honkies on TV would be furious and embarrassed, demanding a halt to it.

    That’s not how it works and that’s what is getting tiresome. Those two black girls get the idea in their heads to make a nuisance of themselves in the street and I’m supposed to feel guilty about it. Frankly, Glenn Reynolds was right. Let’s have a few motorists drive over these people and then we can talk about feeling guilty. Let’s have the cops unleash the dogs and water cannon on these rioters and then talk to me about feeling guilty. I’ll be happy to feel guilty as long as the streets are clear.

    I’ve simply had enough. I’m all blacked out. I’m tired of the blame shifting and excuse making. I’m tired of seeing people, who know better, lying to me on TV. Those rich sportsball talkers ain’t living in my neighborhood. They are as far away from the Black Lives Matter types as possible. They live in gated communities with the honkies. Their honky cohorts on TV are not even driving through my neighborhood. They are despicable hypocrites, who deliberately say things on television that make our lives worse.

    Black America does not have a race problem. It ain’t honkies robbing, looting and killing in the ghetto. They don’t have a cop problem. The cops shoot fewer black offenders than white offenders. They don’t have a gun problem either. Black America has a black guy problem. They have far too many black guys robbing, looting and killing, almost always doing so at the expense of blacks. They won’t let me fix that problem, so stop demanding I feel bad about it. I’m done. I’m all blacked out.

    Reuters U.S. News ‏@ReutersUS 10h
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    Black on white VIOLENCE & anti white RACISM can NOT be ignored for #BlackLivesMatter any longer!

    Published on May 10, 2016
    * For more info, check me out on Facebook-
    and on Twitter- @exposes_racism *

    *Note- I had to lower the background music, so I deleted the upload of this video off of YouTube & fixed it. *

    Okay, I've received countless requests asking if I can make another video showing the anti-white racism & black on white violence because many people want me to bring attention to it. I'm honoring that request as I feel it's definitely an issue that people need to be aware of & to show people that black on white violence along with anti-white racism is NOT some myth that's made up. The majority of the time, the media covers it as a 'random attack' or a 'robbery' or a 'robbery gone wrong' or 'at the wrong place at the wrong time' or 'just don't know what the motive is' but if it's white on black then the media covers it as a possible hate crime & then protests erupt & it trends on social media. Don't forget about the professional race baiters & agitators who come out like cockroaches .

    Black on white violence & anti-white racism is real. It is happening. It is rising at epidemic proportions. It is an issue. It is being ignored. It is being covered up. It is being silenced in the name of diversity. It is being silenced by the media. It is being silenced in the name of #BlackLivesMatter. It is being silenced by Obama & his administration. It is being silenced by US attorney general Loretta Lynch & former US attorney general Eric Holder. It is the so-called elephant in the room. It is being suppressed by many due to fear of being LABELED a racist. And that needs to stop NOW! To bring attention to black on white violence & anti-white racism does NOT make one a racist or white supremacist, so get that thought out of your head! If everyone can bring up & talk about the racism against black people or gay people or Muslim people or Asian people, then there is absolutely NO reason racism against white people can not & should not be brought up.

    I know & am friends with many black people in real life & on my social media accounts. They just happen to be black conservatives. I've seen them get ripped up by both white & black people. It really pains me to see the vile racism they & others receive because of their personal beliefs or what type of individual they choose to be or for being friends with white people or for not being pro-black (aka anti-white) or for their political beliefs or for defending white people or for speaking out on anti-white racism & black on white violence. What's sad is that some of them have told me they've been receiving this racial hatred from both races for so long, that they have learned to just expect it. They are all amazing individuals who have successfully made a life for themselves & worked their asses off to get where they are, but they still get subjected to this racism. I've got friends of all races & if I'm around when you come at any of them, expect me to be right there coming right back at you! If I'm around & see anyone of any race or any color falling prey to someone's racism or discrimination, then expect to see me coming for that racist!

    But let's get back on track. Maybe we should be asking WHY many CHOOSE not to acknowledge black on white violence & anti-white racism. Why do so many CHOOSE not to accept the truth?? Are people afraid they'll be LABELED a racist instead of actually being a racist?? Why are people afraid to admit the truth about it?? Are people afraid it will contradict them after going around & telling others it doesn't exist?? Does it make you feel UNCOMFORTABLE to talk about it?? Well get fearful! Get afraid & get uncomfortable! Cause I'm unleashing the TRUTH & bringing attention to black on white violence & anti-white racism! If you're not ready to handle the truth, then go back to your 'safe space' in your distorted reality cause this video is NOT for you! I know it's everyone's right to free speech, but please try & refrain from using racial epithets directed towards any race in the comment section under my videos. Don't lower yourself to the standards of those racists. #AllLivesMatter #Anonymous #OpAllLivesMatter

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    United Nations Panel: U.S. Owes Black People Reparations For a History Of ‘Racial Terrorism’.

    By Ishaan Tharoor September 27 at 12:45 PM

    Slave shackles on display at the new National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

    The history of slavery in the United States justifies reparations for African Americans, argues a recent report by a U.N.-affiliated group based in Geneva.

    This conclusion was part of a study by the United Nations' Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent, a body that reports to the international organization's High Commissioner on Human Rights. The group of experts, which includes leading human rights lawyers from around the world, presented its findings to the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday, pointing to the continuing link between present injustices and the dark chapters of American history.

    "In particular, the legacy of colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remains a serious challenge, as there has been no real commitment to reparations and to truth and reconciliation for people of African descent," the report stated. "Contemporary police killings and the trauma that they create are reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching."

    Citing the past year's spate of police officers killing unarmed African American men, the panel warned against "impunity for state violence," which has created, in its words, a "human rights crisis" that "must be addressed as a matter of urgency."

    The panel drew its recommendations, which are nonbinding and unlikely to influence Washington, after a fact-finding mission in the United States in January. At the time, it hailed the strides taken to make the American criminal justice system more equitable but pointed to the corrosive legacy of the past.

    "Despite substantial changes since the end of the enforcement of Jim Crow and the fight for civil rights, ideology ensuring the domination of one group over another, continues to negatively impact the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of African Americans today," it said in a statement. "The dangerous ideology of white supremacy inhibits social cohesion amongst the US population."

    Mireille Fanon-Mendes-France, chairwoman of a United Nations working group for people of African descent, reads findings about institutionalized racism after an official visit to the U.S. (Youtube/UN Human Rights)

    In its report, it specifically dwells on the extrajudicial murders that were a product of an era of white supremacy:
    Lynching was a form of racial terrorism that has contributed to a legacy of racial inequality that the United States must address. Thousands of people of African descent were killed in violent public acts of racial control and domination and the perpetrators were never held accountable.

    The reparations could come in a variety of forms, according to the panel, including "a formal apology, health initiatives, educational opportunities ... psychological rehabilitation, technology transfer and financial support, and debt cancellation."

    To be sure, such initiatives are nowhere in the cards, even after the question of reparations arose again two years ago when surfaced by the groundbreaking work of American journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates.

    Separately, a coalition of Caribbean nations is calling for reparations from their former European imperial powers for the impact of slavery, colonial genocide and the toxic racial laws that shaped life for the past two centuries in these countries. Their efforts are fitful, and so far not so fruitful.

    When asked by reporters to comment on the tone of the American presidential election campaign on Monday, the working group's chairman, Ricardo A. Sunga of the Philippines, expressed concern about "hate speech ... xenophobia [and] Afrophobia" that he felt was prevalent in the campaign, although he didn't specifically call out Republican candidate Donald Trump.

    "We are very troubled that these are on the rise," said Sunga.

    United Nations panel says U.S. owes reparations for slavery, mass incarceration

    Play Video1:47

    The U.S. is reeling from a week of violence. Two police shootings of black men have sparked nation wide protests. Now thousands around the world are marching in solidarity with U.S. protesters and the Black Lives Matter movement. (Jennifer Hassan, Jason Aldag/The Washington Post)

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    SEARCH FOR TRUTH Google promotes controversial claim it’s NOT possible for ethnic minorities to be racist against white people
    Tech giant foregrounds idea that white people cannot be victims of racism in search results

    3rd October 2016, 12:50 pm

    GOOGLE is promoting the idea that ethnic minorities CANNOT be racist toward white people.

    The tech giant’s search results appear to foreground left-leaning answers to this highly controversial question, rather than giving a view which reflects the fact there is debate over this contentious issue.

    Reuters 2
    It is not clear whether this is conscious decision from Google, or whether it is a result of the algorithms it uses to compile search results
    America is currently locked in a passionate argument about whether some supporters of groups like Black Lives Matter are actually racist towards white people, with people from different sides of the political spectrum offering varying views.

    However, Google’s search facility offers a rather one-sided solution to this thorny and divisive question.

    We searched Google using several terms similar to the phrase: “Can you be racist towards white people?”

    Google showed us an explanation which appears to be taken from the Huffington Post.

    “Any person can be racist, regardless of their own race,” Google’s search rankings explained.

    “WRONG no they can’t racism requires power and prejudice. white people have power to oppress black people because they control the system and ecnomic [sic.] structure in society.”

    Here’s what happens if you ask Google ‘is it possible to be racist to a white person?’
    We also asked if a black person be racist against a white person and were told: “The usage of the word racist relative to a hate speech by blacks on blacks or whites is incorrect. A subjugated group cannot be racist – they can only be prejudicial.”

    When we asked Google the question “can you be racist towards a white person?” it showed a comment from a blogger called Slapdash Mom.
    She wrote: “Prejudice against white folks is not ‘racism’, it’s ‘prejudice’ or ‘discrimination’.

    “Racism is something else entirely…it’s a system that acts against people of colour in this country (established through slavery and colonisation)…so their [sic.] is a difference.”

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    “To be white is to be racist,” Norman student offended by teacher’s lecture

    Posted 10:18 pm, October 14, 2016, by Kristen Shanahan, Updated at 10:18pm, October 18, 2016

    NORMAN, Okla. - There are startling accusations against a Norman teacher.

    A student said the premise of his lecture stated all white people are racist.

    The Norman North student said the teacher was lecturing on how to “heal the racial divide.”

    She was stunned by what was being taught, so she pulled out her phone and started recording.

    In the audio, you can hear the teacher say “to be white is to be racist, period.”

    The student said she was instantly offended.

    "Half of my family is Hispanic, so I just felt like, you know, him calling me racist just because I'm white... I mean, where's your proof in that,” she said.

    The words that followed were even more shocking to her.

    In the recording you hear the teacher ask "Am I racist? And, I say yeah. I don't want to be. It's not like I choose to be racist, but do I do things because of the way I was raised?"

    "I felt like he was encouraging people to kind of pick on people for being white," the student said.

    "Why is it okay to demonize one race to children that you are supposed to be teaching a curriculum to," her dad asked.
    Norman Public Schools released the following statement regarding the issue:

    "Racism is an important topic that we discuss in our schools. While discussing a variety of philosophical perspectives on culture, race and ethics, a teacher was attempting to convey to students in an elective philosophy course a perspective that had been shared at a university lecture he had attended. We regret that the discussion was poorly handled. When the district was notified of this concern it was immediately addressed. We are committed to ensuring inclusiveness in our schools." - Dr. Joe Siano, superintendent of Norman Public Schools
    "You start telling someone something over and over again that's an opinion, and they start taking it as fact," the student said. "So, I wanted him to apologize and make it obvious and apparent to everyone that was his opinion."
    NewsChannel 4 reached out to the teacher by email.
    We have not heard back.

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