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Thread: Attempts to Push Sharia Law on America

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    Default Re: Attempts to Push Sharia Law on America

    51% of U.S. Muslims Want Sharia...What could possibly go wrong?

    Posted on October 16, 2015 by Leslie Burt

    Frontpage, by Robert Spencer, Oct. 16, 2015:

    Lost in the controversy over Ben Carson’s remarks on Sharia and a Muslim President was the fact that a recent poll bears out his concerns.

    Investigative journalist Paul Sperry reported during the Carson brouhaha that “Muslims living in the U.S….just this June told Polling Co. they preferred having ‘the choice of being governed according to Shariah,’ or Islamic law.” He also noted “the 60% of Muslim-Americans under 30 who told Pew Research they’re more loyal to Islam than America.”

    Many key Muslim leaders in the U.S. have said the same thing. “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.” So said the cofounder and longtime Board chairman of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Omar Ahmad, back in 1998. He has since denied saying this, but the original reporter stands by her story.

    Ahmed’s longtime colleague, Hamas-linked CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper, said in 1993: “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future.”

    Another prominent Muslim leader in the U.S., Siraj Wahhaj, said back in 2002: “If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate.”

    Younger Muslims have expressed the same sentiments. “We reject the U.N., reject America, reject all law and order. Don’t lobby Congress or protest because we don’t recognize Congress. The only relationship you should have with America is to topple it. . . . Eventually there will be a Muslim in the White House dictating the laws of Shariah.”

    That was Muhammad Faheed, a young Muslim leader at a Muslim Students Association meeting at Queensborough Community College in 2003.

    Some may object that none of these quotes are newer than twelve years old. One wonders, then, what transformation in Islam in the United States has taken place over the last twelve years to make it likely that these men have changed their views.

    Others may suggest that these men don’t speak for the vast majority of Muslims. If that is so, however, then where is the Muslim group that equals the power and influence of Hamas-linked CAIR while eschewing jihad violence, Islamic supremacism, and any desire to impose Sharia in the United States now or in the future? Where is the Muslim student group that rivals the Muslim Students Association in the number of campuses on which it has chapters (the MSA has hundreds, all over the country) while rejecting all attachment to the aspects of Sharia that are incompatible with U.S. law, such as its denial of the freedom of speech and of the equality of rights of women and non-Muslims?

    And there are others as well. Sperry quotes Muzammil Siddiqi, the chairman of the Fiqh Council of North America and the North American Islamic Trust: “As Muslims, we should participate in the system to safeguard our interests and try to bring gradual change, (but) we must not forget that Allah’s rules have to be established in all lands, and all our efforts should lead to that direction.”

    Sperry also quotes the Imam Zaid Shakir, co-founder of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, California, has said: “If we put a nationwide infrastructure in place and marshaled our resources, we’d take over this country in a very short time….What a great victory it will be for Islam to have this country in the fold and ranks of the Muslims.”

    Really, what did you expect? Islam has been supremacist, authoritarian, and expansionist since its inception. U.S. Muslims are not from some sect that rejects all that. Yet a considerable portion of U.S. domestic and foreign policy is based on the assumption that Islam in the U.S. will be different: that Muslims here believe differently from those elsewhere, and do not accept the doctrines of violence against and subjugation of unbelievers that have characterized Islam throughout its history.

    But on what is that assumption based? Nothing but wishful thinking. And future generations of non-Muslims will pay the price.

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    Default Re: Attempts to Push Sharia Law on America

    Did DOJ ‘Strong Cities’ Put US Under Islamic Law?

    What this actually is is the UN plan for global police, using the Department of Justice.

    Jerry McGlothlin October 22, 2015 at 5:33pm

    On September 30, 2015, at the UN, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced a new worldwide law enforcement initiative, the Strong Cities Network, to be set up in certain American cities. What this actually is is the UN plan for global police, using the Department of Justice. It’s the overriding of American law by the Obama administration in conjunction with the UN, without Congressional input.

    What’s the initiative all about? Officially, it’s to prevent and combat “violent extremism in all of its forms” without linking it “with any particular religion, nationality or ethnic group.” The emphasis is on inclusiveness, collaboration, and non-discrimination. Although it doesn’t mention any specific religion, using the language of Obama-speak, its goal of “building social cohesion and resilience to violent extremism” actually means peacekeeping between Muslims and non-Muslims, “mostly by making sure that non-Muslims don’t complain too loudly about, much less work against, rapidly expanding Muslim populations and the Islamization of their communities,” according to Pamela Geller.

    This is a reasonable interpretation. Instead of “building social cohesion,” the flood of Islamic refugees and immigrants are destroying social unity in Western nations; yet they’re being welcomed by governments despite public outcry. And the FBI recently sent out a bulletin to law enforcement warning of attacks against Muslims by “militia extremists,” even though there’s no proof of any imminent attacks. In DHS reports, we’ve also seen the Obama administration target conservatives such as Christians, gun-owners and pro-lifers as dangerous.

    Who’s set to head this “worldwide initiative”? A Jordanian Muslim, Prince Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein, the UN’s new High Commissioner of Human Rights, of course. The UN is a sharia-compliant organization, and there’s been a great deal of movement toward silencing critics of Islam in nations around the world, fueling speculation that this will be used to enforce Islamic blasphemy laws. According to Foreign Policy, “in 2013, the ministers of justice of the League of Arab States approved an extremely wide-ranging draft blasphemy law that not only aims at criminalizing allegedly blasphemous utterances…but also envisaged extraterritorial jurisdiction, meaning that someone deemed to have blasphemed in the United States or Europe would be liable to prosecution in Arab League member states.”

    The SCN’s stated aim is to “connect cities and other local authorities on an international basis, to enhance local level approaches” by “facilitating information sharing” and creating “new and innovative local practices.” The practical effect is to strip authority from local law enforcement as it destroys American sovereignty. Initially, 23 cities will be involved. Constitutional lawyer John Whitehead states that this is an initial step toward a global police force, which is being imposed on us whether we want it or not.

    This is the continual non-stop merging of information on every level, heading toward what John McTernan refers to as the 666 Surveillance System. He also feels that as America rejects God and Obama turns from Israel, God is sending Islam as a judgment on the nation.

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    Default Re: Attempts to Push Sharia Law on America

    CBS: “Islamophobia” triggers jihad terror attacks

    By Robert Spencer 64 Comments

    “The Muslim community feels really under siege.” This is the kind of thing the learned analysts say after Muslims commit a series of mass murders: if you learn to look at things the right way, you see, it is really the perpetrators who are the victims.

    “Discrimination against Muslims in neighborhoods like Molenbeek and Schaerbeek worsens.” Really? Here is a dose of reality courtesy of Leon De Winter: “Compared to average living standards in Morocco or Egypt, the average living standard in Molenbeek is comfortably middle-class. Like in any other Western European country, many Belgian institutions and organizations offer support when families need housing, food, education, and health care.

    Opportunities for success, and to study and become a respected member in society, are countless compared to those that exist in many immigrants’ countries of origin. Still, there is deep resentment among the younger generations of immigrant Moroccan families.”

    And even if Muslims from Molenbeek and Schaerbeek did face discrimination and disenfranchisement, those are not the causes of terrorism. The New York Times reported in March that “not long after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001…Alan B. Krueger, the Princeton economist, tested the widespread assumption that poverty was a key factor in the making of a terrorist. Mr. Krueger’s analysis of economic figures, polls, and data on suicide bombers and hate groups found no link between economic distress and terrorism.”

    CNS News noted in September 2013 that “according to a Rand Corporation report on counterterrorism, prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense in 2009, ‘Terrorists are not particularly impoverished, uneducated, or afflicted by mental disease. Demographically, their most important characteristic is normalcy (within their environment). Terrorist leaders actually tend to come from relatively privileged backgrounds.’ One of the authors of the RAND report, Darcy Noricks, also found that according to a number of academic studies, ‘Terrorists turn out to be more rather than less educated than the general population.’”

    “What role does Islamophobia play in terror attacks?,” by Christina Capatides, CBS News, April 8, 2016:

    Days after the deadly Brussels attacks, which killed 32 people at the city’s airport and a metro station, right-wing demonstrators appeared at a memorial to denounce the country’s Muslim community. A week later, police had to intervene when similar right-wing protesters squared off against anti-racism demonstrators. The confrontations underscore an important, though perhaps uncomfortable, question: to what extent does Islamophobia contribute to the atmosphere of isolation that breeds violent radicals?

    “When you have no life objectives, no long-term objectives, you try to find your quest for self elsewhere,” explains Tewfik Sahih, a lifelong resident of Schaerbeek, Brussels, the neighborhood in which the bombs used in the Paris and Brussels attacks were made. “Many people feel discriminated [against] here. Some citizens here don’t feel part of the national community.”

    Experts tell CBSN that many of Belgium’s disenfranchised Muslims feel more loyalty to their nuclear communities than their country. So, even if they don’t necessarily agree with how certain members of their neighborhood or mosque choose to lash out, they might not be inclined to report those people to the authorities either.

    “The mafia protects itself. Hooligans with soccer clubs don’t betray themselves as well. It’s very much a group mentality where you don’t betray,” explains Michael Privot, director of the European Network Against Racism. “The Muslim community feels really under siege. They are victims themselves of hate crimes. So, if you want to really help them make the change from within … you have to give them breathing space … open space for them to build a future.”

    As it currently stands, most Moroccan and Turkish immigrants live in what is known as the “poor croissant” of Brussels. And the conditions in those neighborhoods offer little hope for social or economic success.

    “In Molenbeek, one young person of Moroccan background out of two is unemployed. One family of Moroccan origin [out of two] is below the poverty line. You see, it’s dire,” says Privot. “Schools are ghettoized. … You have a whole generation of youngsters, aged 15 to 25, that have no skills because they didn’t receive proper support. Not from parents and not from the state. Those young guys are living in Brussels, which is one of the most competitive cities [in the world], but without skills to find a job in their own city.”

    The actions of the few then spawn a vicious cycle for the many, according to Privot. The societal factors that contributed to the radicalization of the Brussels and Paris attackers are heightened by the fact that they executed attacks. Discrimination against Muslims in neighborhoods like Molenbeek and Schaerbeek worsens. It becomes even harder for members of those struggling communities to find jobs. And perhaps worst of all, it excludes them even further from the Belgian mainstream.

    “There is an increase in polarization within the majority community, and a sense of exasperation towards Muslims,” Privot said in the aftermath of the March 22 attacks on a Brussels airport and metro station.
    “This is really in the mainstream. It’s the man and woman on the street who decides to take justice in their hands and insult someone. … A few months back, people would not resort to insults. Now, people do resort to racists slurs. You really see and feel the tensions within the society. So, this is one more nail in the coffin of social cohesion.”…

    First it was Germany 'BANS' sexy women in adverts after Cologne sex assaults

    GERMANY has announced plans to ban images of scantily-clad women in adverts in response to the sexual assaults in Cologne on New Year’s Eve.

    By Selina Sykes

    A promotional picture for a German beer festival

    German Justice Minister Heiko Maas said the move to ban ads which "reduce women or men to sexual objects" is an attempt to create a "modern gender image”.

    The proposal, if introduced later this year, would see courts decide on what qualifies as sexist.

    The plan has been called political correctness gone mad by its critics, who said it was the first step towards a “nanny state”.
    It comes following a controversy over claims made by a senior politician that some schools and canteens in Germany are 'banning' the serving of pork to avoid offending Muslim migrants...

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    Default Re: Attempts to Push Sharia Law on America

    Houston: Dem Mayor Cuts Ribbon for Library of Islamic Knowledge

    Posted on April 27, 2016 by creeping
    Brought to you be the Bush family, Rick Perry, Ted Cruz and mayor’s like Sylvester Turner!

    Source: Lavish Library of Islamic Knowledge ‘For Everyone,’ Says Houston Mayor
    The Library of Islamic Knowledge officially opened last weekend in downtown Houston. Mayor Sylvester Turner, joined by former Houston Rockets Hall of Famer Hakeem Olajuwon, cut the ribbon of the lavish $2.5 million dollar library housed within the Islamic Da’wah Center.
    At the ribbon cutting ceremony, Turner said: “This place is not just for Muslims, but everyone,” noting it opens the door for people of all faiths to learn about a different part of the highly diverse city of Houston, according to the Houston Chronicle.
    The Houston newspaper described the venue as “white marble floors of the opulent library contrast with its mahogany brown tables and bookshelves – some of which remain empty.” There’s no shortage of gold in sight. The library’s executive director, Ameer Abuhalimeh, said it cost around $2.5 million.
    “The center is dedicated to the history, culture and public education of Islam,” said Abuhalimeh. “Our goal isn’t just to promote a balanced perspective of Islam, but also to serve downtown Houston and the community at-large,” he added. The library is open to the public and is part of a larger goal to offer a comprehensive educational resource to Houston residents.
    The Islamic Da’wah Center opened in 2002 on the site of the former Houston National Bank. Olajuwon, who converted to Islam early on in his NBA career, bought the property in 1994, converting it into the three-story mosque that houses a main prayer hall, meeting rooms, classrooms, offices, and a kitchen. It was the first mosque in downtown Houston, according to the center’s website, and the first in the city “dedicated for Da’wah” (also spelled Dawa or Dawah).

    Broadly defined, Dawah means preaching, proselytizing or calling non-believers to Islam. Dawah is viewed in classic Islamic law as a communal obligation, meaning it is the general responsibility of the Muslim community,” says Kyle Shideler with the Center for Security Policy.
    During the ribbon cutting ceremony, Turner also said he was happy the center will continue to serve as an educational resource for middle schools, high schools, and colleges in the area, something it has done since its soft opening two months ago, as reported by the Houston newspaper.
    In 2015, the Houston Independent School District opened its Arabic immersion magnet public school, which the Qatar Foundation International (QFI) granted the district’s Board of Education $75,000 for “Arabic language activities and Arab cultural events for students, teacher professional development, educational resources, the promotion of the Arabic language, community outreach, and curriculum development” as part of the school’s educational mission. Similarly, Olajuwon described a demand for the library to help the museum “complete the educational mission of the institution,” in the Chronicle article.
    Houston has the state’s largest Muslim population, which, by some estimates, accounts for 1.2 percent of the city’s population. The U.S. Census Bureau’s most current 2014 available statistics estimate 2,239,558 people reside in the city of Houston. The 2014 Social, Economic and Demographic Characteristics of Metro Houston identified Arab as an ancestry for 0.7% or 41,653 people as part of the current Houston-Sugar Land-Baytown Metro area (based on the 2013 American Community Survey) of a 6,313,158 total population. In the Houston newspaper article, Abuhalimeh claimed 200,000 Muslims live in Houston.
    In 2015, the San Antonio Express-News reported there were about 80 mosques and, at least, 10 Muslim schools in Houston. According to a 2007 Pew Research Center survey, 65 percent of adult Muslims in the U.S. are foreign born. Pew’s 2011 survey of Muslim Americans noted more Muslims came to the U.S. in recent years: 12 percent came before 1980; 16 percent, during the 1980s; 31 percent, in the 1990s; and 40 percent since 2000.
    In January 2016, Pew reported just over half of the projected growth of the U.S. Muslim population from 2010 to 2015 was because of immigration. They estimate 3.3 million Muslims of all ages live in the U.S., comprising around 1 percent of the nation’s population. Based on age, fertility, mortality, migration, and religious switching drawn from multiple sources, including the 2011 survey, Pew projects the U.S. Muslim population to double by 2050.

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    Default Re: Attempts to Push Sharia Law on America

    Understanding the Hijab

    The widespread misconception about Islamic covering among leftists in the West.

    April 27, 2016
    Dr. Majid Rafizadeh



    I spent most of my life in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria until a few years ago. Now, living in the West, I am stunned with all misconceptions and misleading information about Islam. It seems to me that this stems from a large propaganda campaign coming from various platforms ranging from the dominant liberal media to Western Muslim scholars who have never lived in an Islamic country, but only read books published in the West. Liberals are brainwashed to view the West as the victimizers and the Muslims as the victims.
    While covering all the misconceptions would require hundreds of books, I am going to only address the truth about the hijab in this article and the fallacies that are taught to ordinary people in the West about veiling, Muslim women, and the idea of victimhood.
    (I have covered other truths and aspects of Islam in my memoir, Allah: A God Who Hates Women.)
    Two of my own sisters have gone through the phases of wearing the hijab. I believe that the repression and domination of women in the Muslim world begins with the dress code -- wearing a scarf, or hijab; wearing wide garments, chador; and hiding the body. In other words, the religion of Islam provides the language for men to dominate women by Sharia law, which takes possession of a women’s body from the moment a girl is born.
    On the surface, a wide garment, scarf, or hijab looks like a piece of cloth. But, in fact, the dominating power of this piece of cloth is extraordinary. The idea is that once I can control your body, and once I can confine your body, I basically own you.
    I believe and personally witnessed that wearing a scarf and wearing a wide garment, do not have anything to do with divine religious rules, as some ignorant imams or Muslims attempt to promote. Hijab is the first crucial step to possess a woman and make her follower of Islam.
    I argue that the process of enforcing the hijab on women and making it feel natural to them is carried out through several institutional and psychological steps.
    The First Phase: Indoctrination
    The first phase is indoctrinating the idea of hiding one's hair and body in the mind of a woman. The process of indoctrination begins from the moment a baby girl is born.
    One concrete example is my sisters. They were forced to wear the hijab at the age of 8 in the schools of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria. So even before girls reach the age that they can make decisions, before they know right from wrong, they are indoctrinated to hide their body. From age 3 or 4, they are repeatedly told about the “nice” things that will happen to them when they wear their hijab, and how they will be a good girl and be treated as a mature girl when they hide their body.
    The Second Phase: The Superficial Pleasure
    I call the second phase the superficial pleasure. In most cases, the first phase is followed with connecting fake pleasure with the action; in other words, this is the phase of connecting a bad or painful action with superficial pleasure and happiness.
    For instances, there are ceremonies for the little girl when she wears the hijab. These ceremonies are performed at schools and often at houses as well. Psychologically speaking, the ceremony for the wearing of the hijab is skillfully, institutionally, and systematically orchestrated in schools to make the girls feel that these actions of hiding one's body and listening to men elicit happiness.
    Some Muslim women get stuck in these two phases for rest of their lives. For example, If you see some Muslim women in the West or East who wear the scarf and proudly argue and brag that they are wearing it happily and based on their own decision, they are actually unaware that they were subconsciously brainwashed from birth and that they are subconsciously confined in the aforementioned two phases. But since human beings normally are not cognizant of their subconscious thoughts that were formed while they were children, most of these women think that this is what they want.

    More fundamentally, it is crucial to point out that there are also those Muslim women, particularly in the West, who get a different kind of superficial pleasure from wearing a scarf, wide garment, or hijab, even in the burning hot weather. These superficial pleasures are attention, materialistic gains, public sympathy, and a sense of victimhood. They love the attention from the liberals primarily (whether from ordinary people, authorities or media), as well as the materialist gains that follows with that.
    Many Western governmental and non-governmental institutions also might prefer to hire a Muslim woman who wears a scarf over other women, or give a women wearing a hijab more bonuses because they fear being sued for discrimination.
    The Third Phase: Terror
    The third phase I identify as imposing terror. The moment the two phases of indoctrination and connecting superficial pleasure with the hijab and hiding the body are fulfilled, the next phase begins, which is the process of imposing terror and fear in the girl in order to fix and cement the action.
    This applies to those Muslim women who wear the hijab, but don’t brag about wearing it; these women have gone through this third phase.
    Suddenly, the ceremony shifts to the real depiction of Allah, Khoda (in Persian); the Muslim god created by Muslim men. Allah becomes a torturer, an oppressor and a dictator.
    The society tells the girls, as they told my sisters, that if you take off your hijab, scarf, chador, etc., and if you show your hair to people, Allah or Khoda will hang you from you hair for billions of years. When you die from being hanged or when all your hair is pulled out from being hanged, Allah will make you alive again and hang you from your hair again and again. If you talk back to your husband, Allah will hang you from your tongue. Allah will repeatedly burn you if you show the shape of you body to anyone other than your husband. Allah will take everything from you in this life and afterlife. The threats go on and on. Fear of Allah’s punishment is taught to those little girls. (One of my sisters had nightmares for many years after they taught her these stories at school.)
    The hijab was imposed from the beginning to show women that they are second-class citizens, that men control their bodies, that men can force them to wear whatever the men choose, that they have no freedom, that they are created by Allah only to please their men, that they can only take off their hijab in the bedroom, that they are only a sex object for their husband, that they are not allowed to communicate with other people, that they are restricted, that they are cut off from the rest of the world, etc., etc.. They become a slave of Allah and other men.
    The Final Phase: Liberation, Enlightenment and Freedom.
    Finally, some women pass phase three and go to the final phase by revolting. I call this phase liberation, enlightenment and freedom.
    If the oppression and restrictive laws of Islam go too far, become ubiquitous and unbearable, resistance and enlightenment will occur in some women. (This scenario is more likely to happen for some women who live in a country where religion rules the state -- a theocracy such as the Islamic Republic of Iran -- and where the state imposes Sharia law. In secular countries, i.e. Western countries or those Muslim countries in which the government is mostly secular, Muslim women are more likely to become more “Islamic,” in fact. I discuss the reasons in my book.)
    Those few women who rebel go against all the indoctrination imposed on them from the time of their birth, and sometimes they protest regardless of the repercussions.
    This is the real truth behind covering the body and wearing the hijab, which liberals need to comprehend if they truly believe in values such as human rights, social justice, freedom and democracy.

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    Citadel punishing cadet for leaking story about Muslim cadet possibly getting uniform exemption

    April 28, 201612:34 am By Robert Spencer 33 Comments
    Cowards trying to cover the tracks of their abject surrender by punishing the one courageous man left at The Citadel.

    “Citadel cadet punished after leaking hijab story,” by Paul Bowers, Post and Courier, April 21, 2016:
    A cadet at The Citadel said he is being punished with 33 hours of marching after he revealed in a Facebook post that the school was considering allowing an incoming cadet to wear a hijab in uniform.
    The cadet, senior political science student Nick Pinelli, said officials at the public military college originally sought to charge him with behavior “unbecoming to a cadet,” a Class I offense that can lead to dismissal under the school’s disciplinary code. Instead, he said the school reduced the charge to “gross poor judgment” and handed him the maximum punishment: 40 “tours,” each consisting of 50 minutes of silent marching with a rifle in a barracks quadrangle. Pinelli, who has also been working as an intern for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, must complete the tours before graduating on May 7.
    Pinelli’s April 13 Facebook post led to national media coverage and sparked heated debate among Citadel cadets and alumni about the issue of the hijab, a head covering worn by some Muslim women. The Citadel is considering accepting a Muslim freshman who has asked to be able to wear the head scarf — an exception to the school’s military dress code. No final decision has been made on the issue.
    “If I valued liberal ideology, I would go to UC Berkeley,” Pinelli wrote in the post….

    The Citadel punishes cadet who exposed school’s pending submission to sharia

    Posted on April 28, 2016 by creeping
    Source: Citadel cadet punished after leaking hijab story – Post and Courier h/t BNI
    A cadet at The Citadel said he is being punished with 33 hours of marching after he revealed in a Facebook post that the school was considering allowing an incoming cadet to wear a hijab in uniform.

    The cadet, senior political science student Nick Pinelli, said officials at the public military college originally sought to charge him with behavior “unbecoming to a cadet,” a Class I offense that can lead to dismissal under the school’s disciplinary code. Instead, he said the school reduced the charge to “gross poor judgment” and handed him the maximum punishment: 40 “tours,” each consisting of 50 minutes of silent marching with a rifle in a barracks quadrangle. Pinelli, who has also been working as an intern for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, must complete the tours before graduating on May 7.
    Pinelli’s April 13 Facebook post led to national media coverage and sparked heated debate among Citadel cadets and alumni about the issue of the hijab, a head covering worn by some Muslim women. The Citadel is considering accepting a Muslim freshman who has asked to be able to wear the head scarf — an exception to the school’s military dress code. No final decision has been made on the issue.
    “If I valued liberal ideology, I would go to UC Berkeley,” Pinelli wrote in the post.
    Col. Brett Ashworth, a spokesman for The Citadel, declined to comment on whether Pinelli is being punished. “Due to FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), I can’t discuss individual disciplinary action,” Ashworth wrote in an email.
    The college has not announced whether it will allow the incoming cadet to wear a hijab.

    Let them know how you feel on any of their social media pages like Facebook and Twitter or via phone/email from the Contact page.
    Ask them, Will The Citadel submit to sharia and break 175-year uniform rule for one Muslim hijabi?Minnesota: Another Muslim Pleads Guilty in Jihad-Recruiting Case

    Posted on April 28, 2016 by creeping
    Source: Another Defendant in Terror-Recruiting Case Pleads Guilty | KSTP TV – Minneapolis and St. Paul
    A Minnesota man arrested in 2015 on charges he and several others were trying to assist the Islamic State terror group pleaded guilty Monday in federal court.
    Hamza Ahmed pleaded guilty to conspiracy and student financial fraud. He could get up to 20 years in prison.
    He told the judge today that he originally pleaded ‘not guilty’ to appease his mother. He said she wanted to see his case go to trial and “she was a big influence in that.”
    Judge Michael Davis ordered a pre-sentence investigation report, and will schedule a sentencing hearing after it is complete.
    Ahmed was stopped at a New York City airport in November as he and three others were attempting to travel to Syria. Ahmed has been indicted on charges of lying to the FBI during a terrorism investigation, conspiring to provide material support to the Islamic State terror group, and attempting to provide material support, according to federal charges.
    There are three other suspects still awaiting trial in this case, six others have changed their pleas.
    Most recently, co-defendent Adnan Abdihamid Farah also pleaded guilty April 14.
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    Muslim Gets 25 Years for Murdering U.S. Diplomat, Wounding Marine

    Posted on April 29, 2016 by creeping

    Not sure why this was a “conspiracy to murder” charge. He shot and killed U.S. diplomat William Bultemeier at point blank range.

    Source: Department of Justice h/t: Blazing Cat Fur
    Alhassane Ould Mohamed, aka Cheibani, 46, a citizen of Mali, was sentenced to 25 years in prison in the Eastern District of New York for conspiring to murder a U.S. diplomat stationed in Niamey, Niger, in December 2000.
    According to court filings and facts presented during the plea proceeding, in the early morning hours of Dec. 23, 2000, Mohamed and a co-conspirator accosted a group of employees of the U.S. Embassy in Niger as they left a restaurant in Niamey. Carrying a pistol and an AK-47 assault rifle, the two men approached U.S. diplomat William Bultemeier as he was about to enter his car, a white sport-utility vehicle bearing diplomatic license plates clearly indicating that it belonged to the U.S. Embassy. After demanding that Bultemeier turn over the keys to the diplomatic vehicle, the defendant and his co-conspirator shot Bultemeier and Staff Sergeant Christopher McNeely, the Marine Detachment Commander for the U.S. Embassy in Niger at the time, who had run to Bultemeier’s aid. Mohamed and his fellow assailant then drove away in the U.S. Embassy vehicle.
    Bultemeier died of the injuries inflicted by the gunshot wounds. Staff Sergeant McNeely survived the shooting and later retired from the Marine Corps as a Master Sergeant.
    The defendant and his confederate murdered U.S. diplomat William Bultemeier in cold blood and seriously injured U.S. Marine Staff Sergeant Christopher McNeely, who bravely risked his life to attempt to save his colleague,” said U.S. Attorney Capers. “Although nothing can undo the pain caused by the defendant’s violent actions, we hope the victims’ families can take some measure of solace in knowing that the defendant is being held accountable for the senseless murder of Mr. Bultemeier and the attack on Staff Sergeant McNeely. The United States takes the protection of its employees stationed overseas very seriously and will continue to work tirelessly to bring those who harm our diplomats to justice.”
    “Over the past 16 years, Cheibani evaded full accountability for his murderous actions in taking the life of a U.S. Diplomat,” said Assistant Director in Charge Rodriguez. “U.S. employees working overseas understand there are certain risks in representing their government in foreign territories; however, a death sentence should not be one of them.

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    Feds push Islam in class to stop supposed ‘bullying’ of Muslims

    Posted on April 28, 2016 by creeping
    Taxation for Islamization. What are your children being brainwashed with in class? Source: Feds push Islam in class to stop ‘bullying’ of Muslims
    The U.S. Department of Education has posted instructions to educators on its website imploring them to be aware of their responsibilities to protect Muslim students from “bullying.”
    The DOE post urged teachers to “be sure to include Islam” in classroom discussions during “social studies, current events, children’s literature.”
    The post is seen as so inflammatory by some Christian groups that a petition drive has been launched demanding the DOE “halt its efforts to Islamize school children.”
    Virginia-based Christian Action Network announced it is collecting petitions to present to U.S. Secretary of Education John B. King Jr.
    Without providing any scientific data that bullying of Muslims is a problem in public schools or defining what type of behavior it would consider to be “bullying,” the DOE post says Muslim students face more bullying than at any time since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
    Read the DOE blog post titled “Protecting our Muslim Youth from Bullying: The Role of the Educator” or see screenshot below.

    The only source the DOE gives for its claim that bullying of Muslim students is a growing problem in schools is a December 2015 article by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League that lists 10 incidents nationwide. Of those 10, the ADL lists two assaults, three cases of vandalism of mosques and five cases of alleged “threats and intimidation.” Only one of the 10 incidents involved a student or school.
    One of the “threats” listed by ADL involved “anti-Muslim” fliers posted in Fredricksburg, Virginia, in advance of a public hearing about a proposed new mosque that read, “No Jihad in Fredricksburg.”
    Readers not impressed
    The DOE blog post sparked nine reader comments before comments were shut down — all but one of the commenters chastised the federal bureaucracy for sticking its nose into the issue.
    “Islam is not merely a religion; it is also a totalitarian, supremacist political ideology,” wrote Joanne Meegan, RN. “This kind of nonsense is one of many reasons why the U.S. Department of Education should be dismantled.”
    “Why is the bullying of Muslims any more important than the bullying of other kids,” wrote another blogger named Steve.
    Florine Isaacs wrote: “This is totally inappropriate for any educator to bring up in class. That is a parent’s job because it has to do with religion. You have already overstepped your role by introducing Islam into the classroom in the first place.”
    Americans who ‘associate terrorism with Islam’ are ignorant
    All of the alleged bullying of Muslims is based on a “lack of information among the public about Islam,” the DOE said in its post, “and a tendency to associate Islam with terrorism.”
    Due to this ignorance on the part of the American public, the DOE says, “there has been an increase in expressions and incidents targeting the Muslim community …”
    The post continues as follows:
    “There has also been an increased wave of anti-Muslim sentiment in our public discourse, political rhetoric and everyday interactions. Schools have not been immune. Youth have been called, ‘terrorists’ or ‘ISIS.’ There have been physical attacks, verbal threats, and social isolation. These are just a few of the many ways anti-Muslim sentiment has impacted schoolchildren who are Muslim or perceived to be Muslim.”
    Parents also targeted
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    Citadel says no to Muslim’s hijab request, terror-linked CAIR threatens lawsuit

    Posted on May 11, 2016 by creeping
    Source: Muslim student’s family considering legal options in Citadel’s hijab decision
    CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) -A spokesman for the family of a newly-accepted Muslim student at The Citadel says they are considering legal options following the Commandant of Cadets’ decision to reject the student’s request to wear a head cover.

    According to a statement from Lt. Gen. Jon Rosa, an American Muslim student accepted to the Class of 2020 asked to wear a head cover, called a hijab, along with the Citadel’s standard blue, black and white uniform.
    “While we hope the student will enroll in the college this fall, the Commandant of Cadets, after considerable review, determined the uniform exception cannot be granted,” reads the statement.
    “The standardization of cadets in apparel, overall appearance, actions and privileges is essential to the learning goals and objectives of the college,” it continues. “This process reflects an initial relinquishing of self during which cadets learn the value of teamwork to function as a single unit.”
    Lt. Gen. Rosa says The Citadel recognizes the importance of a cadet’s spiritual and religious beliefs and provides services for specific needs whenever possible.
    “Cadet religious officers arrange transportation to churches, mosques, synagogues and other places of worship for those without cars,” he said. “Accommodations for prayer and dietary needs are common at the college.”
    Abdul Mjeed, the Sheik of The Central Mosque of Charleston said Tuesday he answered questions from Citadel officials to help them better understand the religion.
    “[They] asked me if it was mandatory for a woman in Islam to wear the hijab or wear that scarf,” he said. “I said yes it is.”
    According to Mjeed all women over 10-years-old who practice the religion, must wear the head scarf.
    If they don’t, it can be considered a sin.
    Female members of the mosque said they respect the decision made by the Citadel.
    “Every institution has their own policies and rules that we need to respect them,” said Reshma Khan, the Women’s representative at the mosque.
    However Khan and Ruby Abid, another member, said they do have some reservations about the decision and what it could have meant to society today.
    “If they would have allowed her to wear the scarf it would have been very positive in these current days of Islamic-phobia,” Abid said.
    “It would have broken a lot of barriers and it would have given us a warm feeling,” Khan added.
    Suzanne Chisholm is a graduate of the Citadel.
    She said she stands by the decision made, saying she had to make sacrifices herself in order to become part of the Citadel community.
    “I had to wear a uniform I didn’t want to wear,” Chisholm said. “I had to cut my hair. I had to follow a bunch of rules and regulations that I didn’t want to follow, but if I didn’t want to do those things then I shouldn’t have gone to the Citadel.”
    “This world is full of choices,” Abid said. “If she (the Muslim student) happens to not choose this choice, maybe there is something better waiting for her.” Continue reading →
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    Ohio: Feds seek to revoke citizenship of immoral, Somali-born Muslim cleric

    Posted on May 11, 2016 by creeping
    With Obama and Loretta Lynch at the helm, good luck. Source: U.S. seeks to revoke citizenship of Somali-born Muslim cleric | The Columbus Dispatch
    The federal government says a man considered by Somali immigrants as the most important Muslim cleric does not have the “good moral character” to remain a U.S. citizen.

    The U.S. attorney’s office wants the citizenship granted to Mohamed Idris Ahmed in 2003 revoked. Prosecutors say he lied on his naturalization application by not mentioning that he had two wives and had traveled outside the United States.
    A two-day nonjury trial in Ahmed’s case ended last month in federal court in Columbus; attorneys have until May 27 to file briefs with U.S. District Judge Michael H. Watson.
    Somalis in the United States fear for Ahmed’s safety if he is deported to Somalia, said Abshir Haji, vice president of Ibnu Taymiyah mosque on Mock Road on the North Side. The mosque is home base for Ahmed.
    Radicals hate Ahmed for speaking out against terrorist groups such as Somalia’s al-Shabab and for encouraging immigrants to embrace their new homeland, Haji said.
    “He gives a lot of sermons nationwide, and the topic he addresses is integration, to be thankful for what we have in this country and to be part of the society here, especially the youths,” Haji said.
    The Justice Department sued Ahmed in 2012. By not revealing the second wife and 13 trips outside the United States in the five years before becoming a citizen, he demonstrated a lack of “good moral character,” prosecutors said.
    Ahmed, 38, testified that he has a “legal” wife from a civil marriage living with their children in Kenya and a “religious or cultural” wife and family in Saudi Arabia. He said a U.S. consulate official in Saudi Arabia advised him to bring only the legal wife and children to the United States. Because of that, he believed he did not need to mention the religious marriage.
    Ahmed, the father of 11, acknowledged traveling to the Middle East and Africa to visit his families, including to Syria to see a son in college long before the civil war there began. He also traveled to speaking events around the world.
    He said he had presented his Somali passport to officials at what was then the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Because no one asked him about the trips stamped, he didn’t mention them.
    “So you didn’t lie?” asked Timothy M. Belsan, a Justice Department attorney from Washington, D.C., who led the prosecution team in Columbus.
    Ahmed said he didn’t lie, but he acknowledged that the answers on the form are inaccurate. However, he added that “it’s accurate according to my understanding.”
    Translator Khue Truong, who signed Ahmed’s application, said she was careful about questioning applicants and having them review the documents before forwarding them to the INS. Ahmed said no one showed him the finished document.
    Yvonne Jarrett, a former INS official who reviewed and signed off on Ahmed’s application, said records show he did not have a passport with him.
    One of Ahmed’s attorneys, D. Wesley Newhouse, asked Jarrett why she wouldn’t press an applicant who didn’t have a passport about travel.
    “It’s face value,” she said. “They’re under oath.
    “If any applicant tells me they’ve been out of the country 13 times, to the Middle East and northern Africa, that would definitely raise a red flag,” Jarrett said.
    Newhouse argued that a backlog of cases in 2003 could have led to overworked employees rushing interviews and misplacing documents.
    Citizenship revocations are rare, although government officials could not provide figures. Whether Ahmed is deported would be up to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, whose officials did not answer requests for interviews .

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    Education Dept encourages Islam in classroom to stop bullying of Muslims

    April 27, 20164:55 pm By Robert Spencer 44 Comments
    Isn’t this unconstitutional? Wasn’t there a decades-long struggle to get Christianity out of public school classrooms? Now what had been accepted norms for the separation of religion from public school education are out the window. This initiative to introduce Islam into classroom teaching is based on spurious claims that Muslim students are bullied, when actual FBI statistics show that incidents against Jews are far more common.

    “Department Of Education Encourages Islam In Classrooms To Stop Muslim Bullying,” by Diane Palmer, Parent Herald, April 27, 2016 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
    The U.S. Department of Education calls educators to include Islam in the curriculum to address the bullying of Muslim students.
    The Department of Education (DOE) in the U.S. encouraged educators to be more responsible in protecting Muslim students from bullying by teaching Islam in class. Many people rejected the demands of the DOE’s instructions by saying that it is inappropriate to bring up religion in class.
    The DOE posted instructions on their website urging teachers to include Islam in classroom discussions. Educators are encouraged to incorporate experiences of Muslim people into the curriculum through current events, social studies and children’s literature.
    The alleged bullying is said to be largely based on the lack of information about the religion and the tendency to associate Islam with terrorism. Although no firm statistics show how often Muslim students are bullied, activists claim that the numbers became higher after the attacks of 9/11, according to Huffington Post.
    A 2010 survey of 57 Muslim teenagers aged 11 to 18 reported being called a name because of their faith. About 80 percent of the respondents also said they have been called a ‘terrorist’.
    DOE cites an increase in incidents targeting the Muslim community due to the 10 incidents that happened nationwide, according to WND. Of the 10 events, two resulted in assaults, three reported the vandalism of mosques, five involved alleged threats and intimidation and only one involved a student inside school.
    Parents were also called to educate their kids on how to prevent bullying. Parents were told to teach how to appreciate their peers and make friends across different cultures.
    However, many groups rejected the claim of DOE by organizing a petition drive demanding the department to stop efforts to Islamize children in school. Nowhere in the blog does it talk about incorporating Christian or Judaism into classroom discussions despite far more actual violent attacks on Jews and Christians all over the world, according to Martin Mawyer, president and founder of Christian Action Network….

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    Hamas-linked CAIR releases “toolkit” to help Muslims introduce resolutions against “Islamophobia”

    April 27, 201612:18 pm By Robert Spencer 44 Comments
    These anti- “Islamophobia” resolutions are designed to “counter the continued introduction of unconstitutional and discriminatory ‘anti-Sharia,’ ‘anti-foreign law,’ and ‘anti-Islamic Indoctrination’ bills in state legislatures nationwide.” So they’re designed to clear away obstacles to the introduction of practices such as wife-beating, polygamy, and the devaluation of a woman’s testimony and inheritance rights — all of which are elements of Sharia that anti-Sharia laws are meant to prevent spreading in the U.S. These anti- “Islamophobia” resolutions are meant to stop protests against the teaching of Islam as fact in public schools. The very idea of “Islamophobia” is a concept designed to intimidate people into thinking it wrong to resist jihad terror. So this initiative reveals Hamas-linked CAIR’s true agenda yet again.

    Hamas-linked “CAIR Releases Toolkit to Help Muslims Introduce Anti-Islamophobia Resolutions in State Legislatures,” Hamas-linked CAIR “American Muslim News Briefs” email, April 26, 2016:
    (WASHINGTON, D.C., 4/26/16) – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is calling on American Muslims and other people of conscience to help counter the continued introduction of unconstitutional and discriminatory “anti-Sharia,” “anti-foreign law,” and “anti-Islamic Indoctrination” bills in state legislatures nationwide by introducing a pair of anti-Islamophobia resolutions that recognize the contributions of American Muslims and reaffirm the right of citizens to practice their faith within the law and free of government interference.
    The two resolutions, “Recognizing the Accomplishments of Muslim Citizens” and “Faith in Our State and Laws,” along with step-by-step advice on the introduction and passage of those resolutions, are part of a new CAIR toolkit called “Recognizing American Muslim contributions in Our States.”
    CAIR’s toolkit has sections such as “Understanding the Legislative Process,” “Legislative Advocacy: Limits for Non-Profit Organizations,” “Checklist: Meeting with an Elected Official,” and “Ensuring an Effective Meeting with an Elected Official,” as well as fact sheets that may be given to lawmakers and their staff in support of the two resolutions.
    In his introduction to the toolkit, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad states:
    “American Muslims work hard every day in different sectors and fields in our society, from academia, to medicine, to engineering, to the arts, sports, politics, and much more. Every day, we are making America stronger and better. It is time to make our society and elected officials better aware of our contributions and who we are as Americans.”
    “The release of this toolkit is an important step in pushing back against Islamophobic fear-mongering in our state legislatures by reaffirming that Muslims are not only welcomed, but also that their civic contributions are recognized,” said CAIR Government Affairs Director Robert McCaw. “By doing so, we will reaffirm our shared history of embracing individuals’ right to practice the faith tradition of their choice.”
    McCaw noted that the resolutions are modeled on language used in Congressional H.Res. 569 – “Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States,” and D.C. City Council resolution 20-579.
    CAIR is urging Islamic communities nationwide to ask state lawmakers to stand with their Muslim constituents in countering the injustice of growing Islamophobia nationwide that is being spread by anti-Muslim activists and hate groups.
    These Islamophobic individuals and organizations have introduced legislation that would ban state courts from considering or using either “international law” or “Sharia” in the attempt to falsely suggest that the American Muslim community is a foreign entity that seeks to undermine American law and ultimately replace it with Sharia, the religious principles of Islam.
    Elected officials in a number of states have enacted legislation designed to vilify or otherwise target Islam. In at least two states, the way school text books are selected was changed because some activists wrongly believe that introductory religious courses that teach children Islam’s five pillars are indoctrination and proselytization.
    Following the release of a similar CAIR sponsored toolkit in 2012, lawmakers in Washington state challenged this anti-Islam legislating trend by adopting the “Faith in Our State and Laws” of 2013. That resolution, supported by CAIR-Washington stated, “this body believes that it is not the role of the legislature of Washington State to disparage or marginalize any religious tradition.”
    In 2014, the Washington, D.C., city council adopted as resolution “supporting religious tolerance toward people of all faiths in the District of Columbia” and rejecting anti-Muslim bigotry.
    The resolution, was supported by CAIR and Jewish Voice for Peace – DC Metro Chapter, and introduced after anti-Muslim blogger Pamela Geller’s hate group American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) placed an Islamophobic advertisement on buses falsely claiming that the Quran, Islam’s revealed text, encourages Muslims to hate Jews.
    CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

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    “Just wait till I win my Golden Globe and I yell, ‘Allahu akbar!’”

    May 1, 20165:00 pm By Robert Spencer 53 Comments
    Here it is again: yet another article calling for the long-desired Muslim family situation comedy that is going to cure “Islamophobia” by showing racist, ignorant, xenophobic Americans that hey, look, Muslims are just like us. Katie Couric called for it during the Ground Zero Mosque controversy, saying that what America needed was a Muslim Cosby Show. Reza Aslan, with his typical moronic arrogance, later updated the demand and called for a Muslim “All in the Family,” apparently not realizing that the central character of that show was a butt of jokes and an object of ridicule. But clearly he meant the same thing: if Americans could just see Muslims outside of the context of jihad terrorism, they would love them, and “Islamophobia” would evanesce. Then Barack Obama said at the Islamic Society of Baltimore that “our TV shows should have Muslim characters that are unrelated to national security.”
    It is certain to come sooner or later. Will it work? Will it make Americans drop their concerns about jihad terror? Unlikely. The whole idea that Muslims are threatened, harassed and discriminated against in the U.S. is a creation of the Islamic advocacy industry, which knows well how well it pays to be a victim in the U.S. today. Those groups — Hamas-linked CAIR, ISNA, MPAC and the rest — will still need to play the victimhood game even while this sitcom is running, and after its run has ended. So we will continue to see fake hate crimes and claims of discrimination, and the failure of this show to stem the tide of “Islamophobia” will be touted as a reason why Muslims deserve special privileges and the further weakening of counter-terror measures.

    “Muslims still searching for their ‘Cosby Show’ moment,” by Hannah Allam, Miami Herald, April 26, 2016 (thanks to Darcy):
    When Jennifer Zobair sat down to write her first novel, she already had a muse in mind for the heroine, a glamorous, foul-mouthed Muslim woman whose high-profile job in Boston politics is on the line after a terrorist attack.
    The character, Zainab, was inspired in part by Muslim political operative Huma Abedin, a longtime aide to Hillary Clinton and vice chairwoman of Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. Zainab and her fictional friends struggle to balance their high-pressure jobs with family expectations, like many real-life Muslim girlfriends of the author, an Iowa-born convert to Islam. And although terrorists are central to the plot, Zobair said, she was determined not to let them overshadow the romance at the heart of the story.
    “I was thinking of people with anti-Muslim views and thought, ‘Can I change that? What would it take?’ ” Zobair recalled in an interview at her home in Virginia. “Well, it’s got to be love.”
    What would it take? How about cutting out the jihad terror attacks?
    Unfortunately for Zobair, her book, “Painted Hands,” was released in spring 2013, coinciding with the Boston marathon bombing, in which two radicalized Muslim brothers killed three people and wounded more than 250. Reviewers wouldn’t touch a Muslim love story set in Boston, Zobair said. And so she watched as the novel she’d hoped would introduce book clubs to the unseen lives of ordinary Muslim families instead got lost in the nonstop coverage of homegrown terrorists.
    “It was sad because the publicist kept saying, ‘This is a time where people need to read your book, because it’s showing what Muslim American lives are like in a way that people don’t see,’ ” Zobair said. “But we just could not get any traction. It was just really unfortunate timing.”
    This unhappy ending is familiar to Muslims across the arts who are struggling to diversify depictions of Islam only to confront hardened stereotypes and a lack of executive-level support across the creative fields. In more than a dozen interviews, Muslims working in mass media named three common archetypes representing a faith with more than a billion followers: the terrorist “bad Muslim,” the hyper-patriotic “good Muslim,” and the oppressed woman yearning for liberation.
    The past couple of years have yielded a handful of breakout moments, but representation of Islam remains overwhelmingly narrow and negative – a problem that’s not only unjust on its own, but one that also stokes anti-Muslim prejudices at home and gives ammunition to jihadist recruiters abroad, according to media critics and counter-extremism specialists….
    Muslim writers and artists agreed that they haven’t yet reached what some regard as their “Cosby Show moment,” a breakthrough hit that transforms mainstream thinking about Islam the way “The Cosby Show” challenged images of African Americans.
    The comedian Aasif Mandvi, a regular on The Daily Show, made a tongue-in-cheek reference to that goal with his web series “Halal in the Family,” described as “a sitcom parody about an all-American Muslim family.” The last name of the fictional family is, “Qu’osby.”
    Mandvi said there are now enough American Muslims in media and entertainment to be able to push through some better roles. Rather than dwell on the projects that never got off the ground, he said, they should keep trying for that hit that will propel them into the mainstream.
    “You have to keep on creating stuff. It’s about a zeitgeist moment,” Mandvi said in a phone interview. “We’re in a period of time right now where Hollywood, maybe for the first time in a long time, is looking at diversity in another way, with the #OscarsSoWhite movement. This conversation is happening.”
    The slow evolution in roles can be seen in the USA network’s “Mr. Robot,” in which an Egyptian-American actor plays a computer programmer who struggles with the moral questions of his secret life as a vigilante hacker. The one obviously Muslim character is Trenton, an Iranian-American woman whose role is written to focus on her hacking skills, not her headscarf.
    The show’s Egyptian-American creator, Sam Esmail, thanked his family in Arabic when “Mr. Robot” won this year’s Golden Globe award for best TV drama. Muslim fans of the show delighted in hearing the language of the Quran broadcast on national television from one of Hollywood’s biggest events.
    “Just wait till I win my Golden Globe and I yell, ‘Allahu Akbar!’ ” said Mandvi, with a chuckle. “I’m so ready!”

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    Denver: Christian school dropping ‘Crusaders’ mascot to appease Muslims

    Posted on May 1, 2016 by creeping

    Islam means submission, not peace. via: Christian school insists dropping ‘Crusaders’ mascot not due to political correctness |
    DENVER – A Denver Christian school is changing its Crusaders mascot because some people think it’s offensive to Muslims.
    “In our mission, in light of the command to love our neighbors as ourselves, the crusader was an inconsistent, inappropriate symbol for that mission,” Denver Christian Schools CEO Todd Lanting told KUSA.
    After using the Crusaders mascot for 65 of the school’s 100 year history, officials in November began to solicit ideas for a new symbol, and have since narrowed it down to two possibilities: Thunder and Trailblazers.
    The problem with the old name is that “a lot of people were concerned about the association with the crusades, a series of wars between Christians and Muslims,” according to the news site.
    Lanting insists the change is not an effort to align with political correctness.
    “It has nothing to do with political correctness,” he said. “It’s got everything to do with love and empathy for our neighbors.”
    An unidentified school board member backed up the CEO in a staged interview at the school that drew dozens of spectators.
    “A mascot is just a name. The name of the school, the name of who we are as people, and the name of the community we’re trying to create and invite other to is Christian,” he said. “and that’s the name that really has value to it.”
    At least 300 folks who joined a Facebook page calling for school to keep the Crusaders name clearly disagree.
    Numerous people who sounded off on KUSA’s Facebook page are also venting their frustrations about name change.
    “As and alumni of DC, it’s hard to fathom that the school my grandparents, parents, and myself (attended) can’t see the tradition and history that made the school what it was/is,” Brad Meyering posted. “The biggest mistake the school administration ever made was making it a business, see CEO.
    “Please instead of changing the mascot, change the entire name of the school and let Denver Christian Schools retire gracefully. Lakewood Community Trailblazers perhaps?”
    “This is where it all starts, cave in to a few letters who complained, and go through a name change to appease a small minority while throwing the history and all those who studied under this banner under the bus,” Ella LeBain wrote, garnering many “Likes.” “Why should anyone cave to political ‘incorrectness’? …
    “There is nothing offensive about the word ‘crusaders.’ What about Batman? Isn’t he called ‘the caped crusader’? Should we all ban Batman now too? Where does this nonsense end?”
    “Why must there always be someone to ruin things like this?” Christina Stern questioned. “Let’s change the schools mascots! No let’s not and stop changing things that have a history and mean something to people.”

    The DC can now be changed to Dhimmi Christians.
    Speaking of history:
    Misconceptions about the Crusades

    Jihad vs Crusades: The Facts (video)

    How the Crusades Saved Europe

    Please Share & Help Wake America Up

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    California: Muslim fugitive caught, files lawsuit over hijab removal

    Posted on May 9, 2016 by creeping
    Once again we see the fake piety. This broad had at least 3 warrants outstanding for vehicle theft, resisting arrest and petty theft. She had no problem committing crimes, but to remove the head covering was just intolerable. via Long Beach police respond to lawsuit filed over removal of Muslim woman’s headscarf
    Police said they have a duty to protect all people who are in their custodial care.
    The Greater Los Angeles Area chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations filed the lawsuit today in Los Angeles federal court on behalf of Kirsty Powell, who alleges that the incident occurred May 5, 2015 at the Long Beach police station.
    Long Beach City Attorney Charles Parkin said his office has not yet been served with the lawsuit, and therefore had no comment.
    In a statement late Monday, the police department said it removed Powell’s headscarf – as it does for other items such as belts, neckties and shoelaces – for the safety of the individual, staff and other prisoners.
    “We respect the religious rights and beliefs of all people and understand the sensitivity of this matter,” said Chief Robert Luna said in a statement.”
    According to CAIR, Powell and her husband, Deshawn Smith, who are both African American, were driving home near Market Street and Long Beach Boulevard when they were pulled over by an officer with the Long Beach Police Department.
    Police said officers pulled over the car Powell was riding in for having an unsafe hydraulic suspension. Officers discovered she had three outstanding misdemeanor warrants, for vehicle theft, resisting arrest and petty theft.
    During the arrest she was told by the officers that she would have to remove her hijab, according to CAIR, which says Powell made several requests for a female officer to search her. Police said the scarf was removed and “placed into her property bag where it was secured.” Her bail was set at $36,000.
    The political advocacy group says officers informed Powell that she was “not allowed to wear her hijab” and that they were “allowed to touch a woman.”
    While handcuffed at the police station, the arresting officer forcibly removed Powell’s head covering and forced her to remain exposed overnight, in plain view of other male officers and dozens of inmates, the suit alleges.
    CAIR-LA Civil Rights attorney Yalda Satar says Powell’s First Amendment rights to the free exercise of religion were violated.
    At least four female officers were at the station and available to remove Powell’s hijab, which she repeatedly requested, Satar said. One female officer escorted Powell to a holding cell, after her headscarf had been removed, Satar said.
    “It’s usually done in private, having them remove it, patting it down so there’s no kind of weapon in there or contraband,” Satar said. “Initially, the request was made at the intersection.”
    Police said they have a duty to protect all people who are in their custodial care.
    The department “takes great pride in our community partnerships,” according to the statement. “We will continue to work with local religious leaders to make sure we are mindful of cultural sensitivities while ensuring the safety of all involved.” Officials added they will also reach out to other local law enforcement agencies to ensure that the department’s policies and practices are consistent with industry standards.
    Apparently the media or police department did not make the mugshot available. Why not?

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    By NWV Senior Political News Writer, Jim Kouri
    Posted 1:00 AM Eastern
    May 9, 2016
    © 2016"In the midst of the heated debate over whether to bring thousands of Muslim refugees into the United States, a federal case against a follower of Islam landed him in prison for the rest of his life this week.Shahid Hassan Muslim, aka “Sharp,” 33, was sentenced this week to life in prison for operating an extensive sex trafficking enterprise that recruited women and girls – some as young as 16 years old – into prostitution. The sentence was announced by Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Vanita Gupta, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, U.S. Attorney Jill Westmoreland Rose of the Western District of North Carolina, Special Agent in Charge John A. Strong of the FBI’s Charlotte Division and Special Agent in Charge Nick S. Annan of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcements Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Atlanta Division.In sentencing Muslim, U.S. District Court Judge Robert Conrad Jr. of the Western District of North Carolina also ordered him to pay $13,840 in restitution to the victims of the two sex trafficking counts, which charged Muslim with the sex trafficking of those victims for periods of two months and three months, respectively. On Aug. 11, 2014, a federal jury found Muslim guilty on all counts, including two counts of sex trafficking, one count of kidnapping, one count of production of child pornography, one count of witness tampering and five counts of promoting a prostitution business enterprise.Evidence presented during Muslim’s four-day trial, including the testimony of five victims, revealed that Muslim’s sex trafficking enterprise operated in Charlotte, North Carolina, and other cities from at least 2010 until his arrest in November 2013. As established by the evidence presented at trial, Muslim recruited vulnerable young women and girls from the Charlotte area and advertised them for prostitution on the internet. He lured them into his scheme by promising that they would be part of a “family” when they had none. Once the women and girls were a part of his enterprise, Muslim demanded all of their proceeds and used brutal violence to control them. As one witness explained, he never hit the victims in the face because it would damage his “merchandise.”

    According to the evidence established at trial, Muslim accused one teenage victim of withholding money from him and then proceeded to handcuff and beat her until she admitted to keeping some of her earnings. Muslim’s assaults on other victims included burning one victim’s leg with a cigarette to teach her a lesson; and punching a third victim in the stomach, without warning, as she balanced with her eyes closed during a “DUI test” he forced her to perform. After punching her in the stomach, Muslim then dragged her by her hair to a bathroom and repeatedly punched her until she vomited. The evidence further showed that Muslim kidnapped one of the victims and viciously beat her after she left and reported him to the police. Witnesses testified that he lured her to a hotel, pretending to be a customer, then attacked her and shoved her into a storage trunk. After transporting the trunk to his house, he handcuffed her, bound her feet and continued to beat her, breaking a toilet in the process. Muslim then left her in the shower – still handcuffed – overnight with cold water running on her until she managed to escape and report the kidnapping to a neighbor the next day.The evidence also demonstrated that Muslim continued his efforts to intimidate and control the victims even after his arrests on both federal and state charges. He convinced the kidnapping victim to submit a false affidavit declaring his innocence, resulting in dismissal of state charges. He further harassed a victim in the federal case to submit a false affidavit regarding a sexually explicit video that he produced of her when she was 16 years old.“This defendant preyed on and abused vulnerable young women by running a violent sex trafficking operation,” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Gupta. “While no amount of jail time can undo the harm he caused and the trauma he inflicted, this sentence sends a clear message that people who engage in human trafficking and violate the most basic standards of human decency will face the full force of justice.”
    “Shahid Muslim is a ruthless predator who used lies to lure vulnerable young women and underage girls into his criminal enterprise,” said U.S. Attorney Rose. “But instead of finding the better life his young victims had been promised, they endured unspeakable violence and exploitation in the hands of Muslim for his financial gain. My office will continue to aggressively prosecute those who engage in this illegal business that dehumanizes victims and strips them of their dignity.”

    “Shahid Muslim promised his victims the loving support of a family, instead he controlled them through beatings, fear, and intimidation,” said Special Agent in Charge Strong. “The FBI devotes a significant amount of resources to helping sex trafficking victims recover from the trauma they suffer at the hands of ruthless people like Muslim. Today’s sentence is a stark warning, there is a harsh punishment for those who choose to sacrifice another person’s civil rights and freedom for their own profit.”“Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery that Homeland Security Investigations fights as one of its highest priorities via a coordinated global effort with our law enforcement partners,” said Special Agent in Charge Annan. “The sadistic abuse inflicted by this defendant is unspeakable and hopefully victims can now find some relief in knowing the monster who exploited them will be safely locked away for many years.”

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    Bill making Sharia illegal defense in SC courts defeated

    May 12, 201611:44 pm By Robert Spencer 12 Comments
    “I couldn’t, in good conscience, support what it represents,” Sabb said. “A law like this sends us backwards.”
    Yes. What could be more forward-thinking than stonings for adultery, amputations for theft, murder of apostates, and the institutionalized subjugation of women and non-Muslims? It’s the wave of the future!

    “Ban on Sharia law defense in S.C. courts dies at the Statehouse,” by Maya T. Prabhu, Post and Courier, May 11 2016:
    COLUMBIA — A bill that would have made the Muslim world’s Sharia law an illegal defense in South Carolina courts was narrowly defeated in the state Senate on Wednesday, killing it for the year.
    The measure, sponsored by Charleston Republican Rep. Chip Limehouse, would have prevented an attorney from arguing that the laws of a client’s home country allow for certain actions in South Carolina.
    “I’m not surprised,” Limehouse said of the bill’s failure to advance. “The Senate can be the graveyard of many good ideas.”
    Limehouse said the measure was needed to curb the advancement of terrorist organizations in the country.
    “Ask the people in France,” he added. “Ask the people in Belgium what they think about laws that would limit the use of Sharia law (as a defense in court). To me a ban on Sharia law is kind of like a ban on poisonous gas. It just makes sense.”
    Sharia law is the legal framework where the public and some private aspects of life are regulated under legal systems based on Islam. The bill passed the House 68-42 in January.
    But the bill failed to get past the Senate Judiciary Committee, dying on a 9-10 vote Wednesday.
    “There’s no need to talk about it, let’s just do it,” said Committee Chairman Larry Martin, R-Pickens, as the vote was taken. Martin voted in favor of the legislation.
    Sen. Ronnie Sabb, D-Williamsburg, said he was glad to be one of the committee members who helped defeat the bill which opponents said unfairly targeted Muslims.
    “I couldn’t, in good conscience, support what it represents,” Sabb said. “A law like this sends us backwards.”…

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    3 Syrian Muslim Refugees Allegedly Rape Minor Girl-Twin Falls Idaho

    Creeping Sharia ^
    | June 18,2016 | creeping sharia

    Posted on 6/18/2016, 2:19:27 PM by magna carta

    Here are the details as reported by a Twin Falls resident- The little girl being born very premature she is less developed for her age. The little girl was at the FAWNBROOK apartment buildings where both her parents and grandmother reside.

    She was playing in between those two apartment units when 3 boys (from 2 Syrian refugee families, ages 8, 10, 13) pulled a knife on her, held it to her throat, forced her into the laundry unit, stripped her naked, raped, and urinated on her.

    The 13 year old “coached” the younger boys as he videoed. Due to age restraint the boys could not ejaculate but did urinate on her.

    (Excerpt) Read more at ...

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    If there's a video, the parents need to be held responsible. They damned sure would come after ANY of us for not making our kids go to school.....
    Libertatem Prius!

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    BREAKING: Obama And Sadiq Khan Just Passed Online Sharia Law

    Alex Cooper News
    Obama Addressing Department of Justice On New Executive Legislation
    Obama has just begun working with London’s Muslim Mayor to institute a global law that will fight anti-Muslim talk. The idea was spawned by London’s first Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan.

    Khan has already instituted laws the forbid women from wearing certain clothing. Now he is moving to censor the internet and attack anyone who talks down to Islam. Obama and Khan are long-time friends and it’s no surprise given Obama’s ties to Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood.

    The Muslim Brotherhood took advantage of the destruction caused in Syria and utilized the weapons funded to them by Head of State Hillary Clinton.

    Currently, a “partnership” is being established between all of the major online companies.

    Companies included in this partnership include Google, YouTube, Bing, Microsoft, Yahoo, Twitter, and Facebook.
    Sadiq Khan With Muslim Representatives of Large London Companies

    As you can see, there are a lot of big names that are doing what they can to spread the word of Islam and protect Allah’s commandments from being hurt.

    In London, Sadiq Khan has just committed almost $2,000,000 dollars to create the new “Home Office Police Innovation Fund.” The “Fund” is just an easy way to disguise what’s really going on.

    The new police branch is obviously being created to help further the spread of Islam throughout Europe.

    It’s happening at an alarming rate. History is repeating itself all over again. The United States of America had to get involved in the World Wars to protect the balance of the global geo-political environment. We had to show the world that AMERICA would be making the decisions.

    The fact that Obama and Sadiq are helping to arm and grow the Muslim Brotherhood is nothing to be ignored. It may be talked about a lot, but make sure you understand how bad the situation really is.

    Sadiq and Obama made a joint statement about the “online abuse” of Muslim Ideals: “By establishing this new standard we are working to combat the hate crime against all Muslims so that we can all live peacefully together.”
    London’s Muslim Population Has Exploded Since Khan Took Power
    The actual legislative code that is now being revamped was originally passed in 2003. Section 127 of the Commutations Act of 2003 was originally intended to protect people from serious crimes being committed online. Well, now it looks like Obama will be expanding it with a new piece of executive legislation. And, because it is determined by a committee, he can actually get away with doing this.

    Already there are two men undergoing investigation for “spreading the hate of Muslims.” James McConnel and Stephen Birrells are being sentenced and prosecuted for expressing their views that run contrary to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    While the new piece of legislation has gone into effect already, it may be some time before the police can control all internet speak. Hopefully they don’t figure it out before Election Day, or we might witness the collapse of this Great Nation.

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    Immigration Fraud Omar wins MN House seat; nation's first Somali-American lawmaker

    Minneapolis organizer Ilhan Omar made history Tuesday when she won a Minnesota House seat and prepared to become the nation's first Somali-American legislator.

    Omar won House District 60B, which comprises parts of the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, southeast Minneapolis and the University of Minnesota. It was represented for decades by DFLer Phyllis Kahn. Omar defeated Kahn in a primary contest.

    While her election wasn't a surprise in a reliably Democratic district, it carried huge symbolic importance in Minnesota, home to the nation's largest Somali immigrant population. It came just days after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump ripped Somali immigration as a threat to Minnesota.

    Following news that the Associated Press had called her victory shortly after the polls closed, Omar said the win was "icing on the cake" of a long campaign season and that she'd be a "voice for the marginalized" at the Capitol.

    "I think I bring the voice of young people," she said. "I think I bring the voice of women in the East African community. I bring the voice of Muslims. I bring the voice of young mothers looking for opportunities."

    Immigration fraud: Muslim Minnesota House candidate married her brother; no investigation
    Further investigation into social media accounts, news reports, and legal documents support the allegation MN State House of Representatives Candidate Ilhan Omar married her brother, who is not a US citizen, in 2009

    “Historic” Muslim primary winner married her brother while she was already married

    The Brother Ilhan Omar Legally Married Sends Alpha News an Email

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    Michigan: Sterling Heights submits to sharia – allows mosque in residential area, will pay mosque’s $350K insurance deductible

    FEBRUARY 27, 2017

    The federal government-imposed sharia has now been approved by the local Sterling Heights government and not only includes a mega-mosque in the middle of a residential community and taxpayer-funded insurance payments but will force city employees to attend Islamic propaganda training.

    Could a more lopsided “settlement” been possible? As one resident who attended the meeting stated:

    They lost. The Muslims won.

    According to the settlement deal, the city of Sterling Heights will grant the American Islamic Community Center a permit to build a 20,800-square-foot mosque and will send city employees to classes teaching them how not to discriminate against Muslims in the future.

    Source: Sterling Heights city meeting over mosque lawsuits erupts over statements –

    STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. (WXYZ) – Sterling Heights City Council unanimously approved settlements of two federal lawsuits that were filed after construction of a mosque in the community was denied.

    Emotions spilled over in the packed council chambers, prompting Sterling Heights Mayor Michael Taylor to order a recess of the meeting on four separate occasions before the vote was finally taken around 11 p.m.

    The fight over the mosque dates back to 2015. The American Islamic Community Center (AICC) proposed building the mosque on property at 15 Mile Road and Mound, in the middle of a residential community.

    City Council voted 9-0 against the special land use in September 2015. A month later, the U.S. Department of Justice opened an investigation and eventually sued Sterling Heights accusing the city of religious discrimination. The AICC filed a civil lawsuit in August 2016.

    The settlement reached between the city, federal government and the AICC reduces the city’s financial risk and allows for input in the design and construction of the 20,500 square foot building.

    The negotiated agreement stipulates that the city of Sterling Heights did not violate any law or the constitution in reaching its original decision to deny construction of the mosque.

    The city of Sterling Heights will be responsible for the $350,000 insurance deductible as a part of the lawsuit.

    The city on Tuesday night agreed to a settlement with a Muslim group that wants to build a mega-mosque on 15 Mile at Mound Road, in the heart of a residential area filled with Christians who escaped Muslim persecution in Iraq.

    The nearly 200 people who packed city hall in protest of the mosque were limited by Mayor Michael C. Taylor to two minutes of speaking time.

    “There were people crying, complaining about not being given enough time to speak,” said Nahren Anweya, spokeswoman for the approximately 50,000 Chaldean and Assyrian Christians living in the area.

    “The mayor was literally acting like a dictator, wouldn’t let people finish their statements,” she told WND. “As soon as they said something about the persecution their family experienced from Muslims in Iraq, he would shut them down.”

    Anweya said her own great-grandfather was crucified by Muslims in Iraq because he refused to remove the large gold cross he wore around his neck. Her family immigrated to the U.S. in 1989, when she was 6 years old.

    At one point, Taylor cleared the chamber of all people opposed to the mosque, ordering two police officers to escort them out. The council then voted unanimously to approve the federal government’s consent order accusing the city of being discriminatory against Muslims.

    Anweya said the Iraqi Christians are a tight-knit community with a history of escaping genocide at the hands of Muslims in the Middle East, and the city should have listened to their concerns.

    “They didn’t even want to discuss it; their minds were already made up. [Mayor Taylor] really didn’t even want to hear the people out,” she said.

    “Whenever someone voiced concerns about future persecution, he cut them off and called them out of order.”

    She said her people are concerned the Shiite mosque is being funded by Iran.

    “Why would you build a mosque when you don’t have a large population of Shiites in Sterling Heights? They’re wanting to bring in people from other areas,”
    Anweya said. “You’re talking about a city that doesn’t blink at spending $1 million on a playground, but they don’t want to spend $350,000 on defending this lawsuit.”

    There were complaints, tears and shouts of betrayal as the citizen were ushered out of the meeting chamber.

    “I don’t think the city ever really intended to fight this; they just went immediately into the settlement mode after the DOJ filed suit,” said attorney Karen Lugo, author of the new book “Mosques in America.”

    Lugo watched a livestream video of the meeting and said it appeared the mayor had little patience for citizen concerns about traffic, parking, noise and other issues.

    “This was kind of stunning. It wasn’t a hearing; it was a sham. It was clear from the beginning with the attorney’s presentation that this was just going to be a matter of enduring everybody’s two minutes,” she said.

    Only one councilman spoke, giving a lengthy monologue about Thomas Jefferson.

    Lugo said local residents have a right to express their concerns, “especially when this apparently insurance-driven settlement overrode their planning commission. The council voted to overturn that without considering some very critical concerns presented by the planning commission. I think that is outrageous.”

    Anweya said the city has not heard the last from the Chaldean and Assyrian Christians.

    “The Christians from Iraq they feel they’ve lost everything, so when there’s a mosque placed right in the heart of their community, it’s not gonna stop. There’s gonna be a lot of hostilit. The city is creating a tension there,” Anweya said.

    “It’s already starting off that way, so I didn’t see it being good on any terms possible what happened last night,” she said. “They know how we feel about it and how we protested it. Everyone should know the Christians of Iraq are the most warm and friendly people, and everyone has taken advantage of that — the Sunni Muslims, the Shiite Muslims and the Kurdish Muslims — and we ended up in the middle of a genocide.”

    Tom Mitchell, a 50-year resident and taxpayer of Sterling Heights, said Wednesday he was still in shock at how little respect he and other residents were given when they spoke to the council Tuesday.

    “I’m still overwhelmed by it,” he said. “You know, a word keeps staying in my mind since last night, ‘tyranny.’ What we witnessed was a tyrannical effort to shut down the good people of Sterling Heights to allow a nefarious agenda to move forward.”

    He said the mayor twice emptied the council chambers of all people against the mosque.

    One young woman had to be removed.

    “She got hysterical. I saw this for myself. These people are literally shaken by the possibility that the whole reason they left Iraq was the threat of death from Muslim groups,” Mitchell said. “And to bring that right to their front door. One woman said they came to America to get away from that. They understand it’s an ideology, but the people in control don’t understand the threat.”

    Mitchell said the mosque ordeal has been a wake-up call that he and others need to be more supportive of the local Chaldean Christian community.

    “It’s made me more determined to help take care of the people I care about in my community,” he said.

    He said a coalition of like-minded residents, Chaldean immigrants and native-born Americans are starting to work closer together. A lawsuit against the city is being considered.

    “I think that’s being worked on right now,” Mitchell said.

    Not only did the city fail to announce the agenda for Tuesday’s meeting in the local legal newspaper, but the way the meeting itself was handled seemed questionable, he said.

    Anweya said Chaldean immigrants will be more likely now to become active in the wake of the mosque battle. It is now personal for them.

    “Freedom of speech? What freedom of speech? They were given two minutes, and the second they started talking about their culture and their history, they were told to sit down. And if they didn’t sit down, [Taylor] had them escorted out by the police,” she said.

    “These were people who literally escaped from genocide in Iraq, and some were escorted out in tears. I’m surprised he handled it this way. Why would you want to upset a large minority? Even if they never voted in the last 20 years, they will vote now. Word is spreading and going viral now in the community, and they are going to vote and probably vote out the entire council. And I will help them. The mayor, we’re going to probably go after him,” said Anweya.

    Future generations in the U.S. will be fighting the same physical battles and violence seen in the middle east and now Europe as ‘Centuries of religious conflict’ now on U.S. soil.

    PS: The Shiite Muslim AICC mosque’s Useful Links lead to a site that promotes “The conditions of Jihad.”

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    Default Re: Attempts to Push Sharia Law on America

    Shocking video of children in Philadelphia Muslim Society: 'We will chop off their heads' for Allah

    By Caleb Parke | Fox News

    Disturbing footage of Muslim kids saying they would sacrifice themselves and kill for the "army of Allah" surfaced from an Islamic center in Philadelphia.

    The Muslim American Society (MAS) Islamic Center in Philadelphia posted the video to its Facebook page celebrating "Ummah Day" in which young children wearing Palestinian scarves sang and read poetry about killing for Allah and the mosque in Jerusalem.

    The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), a watchdog group, alerted Fox News to the video.

    "These are not isolated incidents; they are happening in major centers of the country – including in Pennsylvania," MEMRI said in a statement.

    In the video, translated by MEMRI, kids can be heard singing: "The land of the Prophet Muhammad's Night Journey is calling us. Our Palestine must return to us."

    One girl talks about martyrs sacrificing their lives without hesitation to conquer Jerusalem.

    "We will defend the land of divine guidance with our bodies, and we will sacrifice our souls without hesitation," a second girl says. "We will chop off their heads, and we will liberate the sorrowful and exalted Al-Aqsa Mosque. We will lead the army of Allah fulfilling His promise, and we will subject them to eternal torture."

    MAS Philly belongs to the Muslim American Society (MAS), which has 42 chapters in the United States and one in the United Kingdom.

    MAS' website says that its mission is to "move people to strive for God-consciousness, liberty and justice, and to convey Islam with utmost clarity," and that its vision is "a virtuous and just American society."

    In its latest press release, MAS condemns the synagogue shooting in California.

    “Hate has no place in our society. In an era where we’ve seen an increase in hate crimes, including rising Islamophobia and anti-semitism, we must stand tall together in solidarity.”

    Ayman Hammous, executive director of MAS, said in a statement. "These acts of terror in places of worship and against humanity cannot become the norm.”

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    Default Re: Attempts to Push Sharia Law on America

    Watch out, Islamophobia? America’s ‘first Muslim patrol’ hits streets of Brooklyn (VIDEO)

    Published time: 4 May, 2019 13:53 Edited time: 5 May, 2019 10:03

    They’re not cops or armed vigilantes, but Brooklyn’s new ‘Muslim patrol’ hopes to work with police to help make their neighborhood more Muslim-friendly. RT’s Caleb Maupin joined the patrol on its beat.

    Founded by a Yemeni migrant and boasting at least 30 members, the Muslim Community Patrol’s (MCP) main aim is to be the “eyes and ears” of Brooklyn’s Muslim community. With uniforms and marked cars complete with sirens, the group could easily be mistaken for regular police – but don’t be fooled. The patrolmen are unarmed and have no police powers. Instead, the group radios to police if they encounter something that requires police action – or firepower. The volunteer-based organization is believed to be the first Muslim ‘patrol’ of its kind in the United States.

    The patrol was founded in response to concerns over an uptick in Islamophobia, but they do much more than just patrol the streets. One volunteer who spoke with Maupin said that the group offers counseling, feeds the homeless, and participates in other community outreach projects.

    “We’re here to help bridge the community together,” the volunteer said.

    Local residents who spoke to RT seemed supportive of the initiative, although a few said the patrol, which mirrors similar groups created by Hasidic and Asian communities in Brooklyn, was cause for concern.


    In U.K.




    Minnesota: City of St. Cloud Orders Cease-and-Desist on Mosque’s Look-alike Police Car

    The city of St. Cloud this week issued a cease-and-desist order against the Islamic Center of St. Cloud because its security vehicle looks too similar to a police vehicle.

    But the president of the center said Thursday they modeled the vehicle’s design after other area security vehicles at organizations such as CentraCare Health and Crossroads Center.

    Now the city is now looking to curb the use of all non-compliant security vehicles, including those in use at religious centers, businesses and schools such as St. Cloud State University.

    Mayor Dave Kleis was alerted to the issue Sunday when City Council member Paul Brandmire called him to report the vehicle, which he said looked similar in color and design to a St. Cloud squad car.

    Brandmire said the vehicle reminded him of vehicles he has heard were used in other states like New York to “enforce Sharia Law.”

    “That raised all kind of red flags,” Brandmire said Wednesday. “Why do they need a patrol car?”

    He said he didn’t know what the vehicle was being used for in St. Cloud.

    Mohayadin Mohamed, president of the center, said the vehicle is used for safety and security purposes such as directing traffic.

    “It’s common sense for when you have that number of people coming at the same time,” he said. “Because we’re a private organization, we feel that it’s our responsibility to at least have some presence of security on our premises.

    “They are not out patrolling any neighborhood. We are not going out into the city and walking around,” Mohamed added. “This is specifically for our building and our parking lots.”

    St. Cloud Assistant Police Chief Jeff Oxton said the city talked to the vehicle’s owners Tuesday after finding the vehicle violated state law because only law enforcement can use certain colors such as white for public safety vehicles.

    After investigating the center’s vehicle, Kleis said, the city found other area security vehicles also not in compliance with state statute because many are white with “security” written on the side.

    Mohamed said the center has consulted with the police department in the past in regard to general security questions. The center looked to other area security vehicles for inspiration, Mohamed said.

    “Those are the designs we looked at,” he said. “And all of a sudden this week we’ve been hearing about a City Council member having an issue with this car. … It’s crazy when you have elected officials talking about issues in other states when they don’t talk to their own constituents.”

    Mohamed said the center is working with the police department to change the car’s appearance so it doesn’t violate state statute.

    Kleis said the city is consulting with the League of Minnesota Cities and wants to give all the owners of the vehicles time to come into compliance.

    “We’re going to make sure we treat all of those vehicles exactly the same,” he said.

    Minnesota State Statute 169.98 states all vehicles used by security guards “may have any color other than those specified” for law enforcement vehicles.

    Minnesota law states a regulatory agency may issue a cease-and-desist order to stop a person from violating any law.

    The person receiving the order has the right to request a hearing on the matter, but if the person does not comply with an order, the regulatory agency may take the person to court or impose a fine.

    Will they treat them all the same or will Muslims get special privileges like they do to build their mosques wherever they desire? How quickly will they attempt to take down the city councilman who dared ask questions of the Islamic squad car?

    Citizens who oppose mosques in their neighborhoods generally fear the massive increase in traffic and mosque representatives generally lie and claim traffic and parking will not be an issue. Yet here we have a mosque official stating that traffic and parking is so bad that they need their own police force to manage it.

    How long before mosque police forces are patrolling Muslim neighborhoods – as they do in New York and elsewhere?

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