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  1. #1701
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Syria

    Putin's Boost In Battle Against ISIS: China Preparing To 'Team Up With Russia In Syria'

    October 8, 2015

    Russia has carried out a series of deadly airstrikes against the terrorist group over the last few days and Vladimir Putin has now sent the country's most elite special forces team into the war zone.

    And speculation is heightening that offensive will be bolstered by the China's People's Liberation Army, following a number of reports of military movements in the region backed up by strong words from a senior government member at a United Nations meeting.

    Reports emanating from the Middle East last week said China was planning on joining the fight against ISIS "in the coming weeks", according to a Syrian army official.

    While Beijing insists it will abide by the United Nations (UN) in the region, hints of an action were backed up when it spoke strongly about a coordinated response to the rising terrorist threat.

    Speaking of the Syrian crisis China's foreign minister Wang Yi said at the UN Security Council session in New York: “The world cannot afford to stand by and look on with folded arms, but must also not arbitrarily interfere.”

    He added that nations should stand united against "violent extremist ideology".

    Mr Wang and his opposite number in Russia, Sergey Lavrov met at length last week and afterwards Mr Lavrov said the two countries are in "similar positions" on many domestic and international issues.

    China has also shown solidarity with Syria, joining Russia in vetoeing UN proposals against Bashar al-Assad, which are likely to prevent him being referred by the council to the International Criminal Court.

    The latest actions at the UN conference have come amid reports, citing key military sources, Chinese warships have made their way to Syrian shores through the Suez Canal.

    It was said China's J-15 warplanes would launch from an aircraft carrier for attacks on ISIS.

    Russian media followed that up by quoting Igor Morozov, a member of the Russian Federation Committee on International Affairs, confirming Chinese aircraft carrier, Lianoning, and a guided missile cruiser were heading to the area, and adding Chinese military advisers were already in the region.

    Mr Morozov said: "It is known that China has joined our military operation in Syria.

    "The Chinese cruiser has already entered the Mediterranean, followed by its aircraft carrier."

    These reports have not been verified by China and satellite images show the Syrian port of Tartus, currently empty.

    However, China come under threat from ISIS in recent months increasing the theory an attack is in the pipeline.

    It began last year when ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi sent out a chilling threat to China over the perceived oppression of the Muslim Uighur minority in the state of Xinjiang.

    Beijing claims members of the Uighur militant group, the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, have been training with extremists in Syria and Iraq.

    China officials also say they face a severe threat of terror attacks in Xinjiang, where hundreds have died in clashes over the past three years.

    China was further angered by ISIS insurgents releasing photos last month purporting to be of a Chinese citizen who had recently gone missing in the region.

    They were demanding a ransom for his return.

    ISIS has also spoken of its desire to increase its presence in China and last month a document from the group revealed the country is among a list of nations it wants to seize by 2020.

    China has long maintained a policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of other states but, as well as the threat to its own country from ISIS, the situation in Syria is impacting on the Asian state's economy.

    That includes the China National Petroleum Corporation being forced to abandon its oilfields in Syria.

    China also has oil fields in Iraq and would suffer heavily financially if these fell into the hands of ISIS.

    Any interference in the region would pit China against USA and the Asian country would be keen to avoid a confrontation with its fellow superpower.

    However, it would be a major boost to the Russian war strategy in Syria.

    Besides Russia's test firing of the Kalibr missile, is this China taking the opportunity to begin testing their carrier ops?

    This would be big news if the Liaoning has sailed into the Med!

  2. #1702
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    Default Re: Syria

    Foreign involvement in the Syrian Civil War refers to political, military and operational support to parties involved in the Syrian Civil War, as well as active foreign involvement. Most parties involved in the war have received support, militarily, logistically and diplomatically, from foreign countries and entities.

    Interesting list of most of the players.

  3. #1703
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Syria

    When do we officially get to call this a proxy war with Russia?

    Fighter escorted C-17s in the same airspace as Russian fighters?

    U.S. Delivers 50 Tons Of Ammunition To Syria Rebel Groups

    October 12, 2015

    U.S. military cargo planes gave 50 tons of ammunition to rebel groups overnight in northern Syria, using an air drop of 112 pallets as the first step in the Obama Administration's urgent effort to find new ways to support those groups.

    Details of the air mission over Syria were confirmed by a U.S. official not authorized to speak publicly because the details have not yet been formally announced.

    C-17s, accompanied by fighter escort aircraft, dropped small arms ammunition and other items like hand grenades in Hasakah province in northern Syria to a coalition of rebels groups vetted by the US, known as the Syrian Arab Coalition.

    All pallets successfully were recovered by friendly forces, a U.S. official said.

  4. #1704
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    Default Re: Syria

    I just read this on google news. That is one hell of an operation nice job fellas. I like this move and for Putin it might only get worse this might go down as one bone head move on his part (I hope). The only thing about this Putin I heard on the news was saying no boots........what happens when this starts to fail and Isis makes up alot of ground and Assad is about to fall. He can't afford to lose this how far does he go to win?

  5. #1705
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    Default Re: Syria

    U.S., Russia Jets Came Within Visual Range Over Syria: U.S. Military

    October 13, 2015

    U.S. and Russian jets came within visual identification range over Syria, the U.S. military said on Tuesday, adding the incident underscored a need for air safety protocols as the former Cold War foes carry out rival bombing campaigns.

    U.S. Army Colonel Steve Warren, a Baghdad-based spokesman for the U.S.-led military campaign, told a Pentagon briefing the jets came within miles of each other on Saturday -- the same day U.S. and Russian militaries held talks on safety protocols.

    Warren said the air crews from both countries acted professionally.

    Russia Says Its Jet Neared U.S. Aircraft Over Syria For Identification

    October 14, 2015

    A Russian fighter jet came into close proximity with a U.S. air force jet over Syria on Oct. 10 to identify it, "not to scare it", Russia's state ITAR-TASS news agency quoted the defense ministry as saying on Wednesday.

    The ministry said its SU-30CM jet was within 2-3 kilometers of the U.S. plane.

    Washington said on Tuesday U.S. and Russian jets came within visual identification range over Syria where the former Cold War foes are carrying out rival bombing campaigns.

  6. #1706
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    Default U.S.-led coalition parachutes ammo to anti-ISIL Syrian rebels

    httpThe U.S.-led coalition has begun dropping ammunition to rebel forces via parachute in northern Syria.
    The Pentagon announced last week that it was changing its strategy from training moderate rebels to arming rebel groups already on the ground and engaged in fighting ISIL jihadists.
    The U.S. said it air dropped 50 tons of ammo to Syrian rebels.

    Col. Steve Warren, the Baghdad-based spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition, said the ammunition was supplied to a rebel group called the Syrian Arab Coalition (SAC) that has been battling ISIL near the terror group’s stronghold of Raqqa, Syria.
    Warren said the U.S. has carefully vetted the SAC, which includes several smaller Arab groups and has about 5,000 fighters.
    “Coalition forces conducted an airdrop Sunday in northern Syria to resupply local counter-ISIL ground forces as they conduct operations against ISIL,” U.S. Central Command spokesman Col. Patrick Ryder said.
    A U.S. official told AFP the air drop included 50 tons of ammunition and hand grenades.
    The Pentagon recently announced it was ending the much-maligned and failed $500-million program to train thousands of Syrian rebels in Turkey and Jordan. The program produced only a handful of fighters after most failed to pass the screening process. One group trained by the U.S. ended up handing its gear over to an Al-Qaida affiliate.
    Warren said the risk of the SAC rebels being hit by Russian bombs was minimal since Moscow was focusing its air strikes elsewhere in Syria.
    “The Russians haven’t thus far done much work in that area, because the SAC is fighting ISIL, and only a fraction of the Russian strikes have been in areas where ISIL is operating,” Warren said.
    Last edited by falcon; October 19th, 2015 at 15:49. Reason: Corrected posting.

  7. #1707
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Syria

    Went ahead and moved your post into the long running Syria thread.

  8. #1708
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: U.S.-led coalition parachutes ammo to anti-ISIL Syrian rebels

    Syria's Army, Allies Plan Offensive Against Insurgents In Aleppo

    October 13, 2015

    Syria's army along with Iranian and Hezbollah allies will soon launch a ground attack supported by Russian air strikes against insurgents in the Aleppo area, two senior regional officials told Reuters on Tuesday.

    Control of Aleppo city and the surrounding province in the area near the Turkish border is divided among the Syrian government, insurgent groups fighting Assad and the Islamic State group that controls some rural areas near the city.

    "The big battle preparations in that area are clear," said one of the officials familiar with the plans. "There is a large mobilization of the Syrian army ... elite Hezbollah fighters, and thousands of Iranians who arrived in stages in recent days."

    Islamic State and other insurgents, including groups backed by Assad's foreign enemies, have been fighting each other north of the city in an area of territory where Turkey and the United States have been laying plans to crush Islamic State, which controls large swathes of Syria and Iraq.

    The offensive, which both officials said would begin soon, would expand on a ground attack by the same alliance last week that is targeting rebels in Hama province farther west. The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said thousands of Iranian troops had arrived to take part in the offensives in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    Earlier on Tuesday, rebel commanders said Syrian insurgents were deploying extensive supplies of anti-tank missiles provided by their foreign backers to counter ground attacks by the Syrian army and its allies, supported by heavy Russian air strikes.

    With support from Russian air strikes, which began on Sept. 30, and help from Lebanon's Hezbollah and Iranian soldiers, the Syrian army is trying to drive insurgents from western areas crucial to Assad's survival, and has recaptured a number of towns in the provinces of Hama and Latakia.

    Russia's two-week-old air campaign has bolstered Assad and left the United States struggling to adjust its military support program for Assad's opponents.

    The United States and Russia are conducting separate air campaigns in Syria, which they have said are targeting Islamic State.

    But Washington has said Moscow's campaign has mainly targeted other insurgent groups including those that have fought Islamic State. Russia has denied the allegation.

    In an audio message on Tuesday, Islamic State, which controls large swathes of Syria and Iraq, urged Muslims to launch a "holy war" against Russians and Americans.

    "Islamic youth everywhere, ignite jihad against the Russians and the Americans in their crusaders' war against Muslims," said Islamic State spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani.

    The United States and Russia are due to hold another round of military talks on Wednesday as the two Cold War adversaries seek to avoid an inadvertent clash during their bombing campaigns over Syria.

    "Our talks there are very professional, they're very constructive, and I expect them to lead in very short order to an agreement," U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter told a news briefing.

    The U.S. military said on Tuesday that two U.S. and two Russian aircraft had "entered the same battle space" over Syria on Saturday, getting within miles (kilometers) of each other.


    The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British-based group tracking the war, said a battle was under way for control of the town of Kafr Nabuda in Hama province, which the army said it captured on Monday. At least 25 fighters on the government's side were killed, it said.

    The town marks the western edge of the defensive line along which the rebels have stationed a dozen anti-tank missile launch platforms, said Ahmed al-Seoud, head of the 13th Division, a foreign-backed faction fighting under the umbrella of the Free Syrian Army.

    "They are highly effective. They are breaking the Russian-Iranian and Syrian army," he said. "The situation in terms of ammunition and weapons with the Syrian opposition is excellent."

    Foreign states opposed to Assad have supplied the TOW guided missiles to a number of rebel groups via an operations room in Turkey, one of the states in the region that wants Assad gone.

    The Observatory's director, Rami Abdulrahman, said the rebels were using significant numbers of TOWs. "It increased in the last days, and it has proven its effectiveness," he said.

    The rebels are hoping for more military support from Arab states, notably Saudi Arabia, which has warned Russia its intervention will escalate the war and inspire more foreign fighters to go to Syria to fight.

    An alliance of insurgents targeted by Russian air strikes said on Tuesday it was starting an operation to recapture Hama.

    The Army of Conquest, which captured most of the neighboring Idlib province in May, includes al Qaeda's Syria wing, Nusra Front, the Islamist Ahrar al-Sham faction and groups including Chechen and central Asian fighters. But it will struggle to advance in the face of the Russian air strikes and Syrian army assault, Abdulrahman said.

    Both sides have sent reinforcements to the area. Hezbollah has redeployed all its fighters in Syria to take part in the battle in the northwest, according to sources familiar with political and military developments in Syria.

    Abdulrahman said insurgents sent to Kafr Nabuda - many of them from jihadist groups - had helped prevent the army from recapturing the town.


    Two shells landed near the Russian Embassy in Damascus on Tuesday, while a small pro-Moscow demonstration was taking place, but there were no reports of casualties or damage to the embassy building.

    Interfax news agency said Russia's air force carried out 88 sorties in the last 24 hours, one of the biggest totals of its campaign.

    Syria's foreign ministry said on Tuesday that Europe was trying to misrepresent the Russian intervention, which it said had "demonstrated the credibility and determination of the Russian and Syrian leadership to combat terrorism".

    A ministry source quoted by state media said the Russian campaign came in response to a formal Syrian request - unlike air strikes carried out by U.S.-led coalition - "and these joint efforts will find the appropriate circumstances to launch the political path to solve the crisis in Syria".

    Iranian Troops 'In Syria' For Aleppo Offensive

    Officials say the soldiers are preparing to launch an attack backed by Russian airstrikes in support of President Bashar al Assad

    October 14, 2015

    Thousands of Iranian troops have arrived in Syria to take part in a ground offensive against insurgents around Aleppo, officials said.

    Speaking on condition of anonymity, the officials told Reuters the Syrian army and forces from Iran and Hezbollah were preparing to launch an attack backed by Russian airstrikes in support of President Bashar al Assad.

    The offensive would expand on an offensive launched by the same alliance last week that is targeting rebels further west in Hama.

    A large offensive in the area close to the Turkish border is likely to anger Ankara, which is a member of NATO.

    Turkey has backed insurgents fighting President Assad and has expressed deep concern about Russian airstrikes that have targeted them.

    Control of the city of Aleppo and the surrounding province is split between the Syrian government, a range of insurgent groups battling President Assad, and fighters from Islamic State who control some rural areas close to the city.

    "The big battle preparations in that area are clear," one of the officials told Reuters.

    "There is a large mobilisation of the Syrian army ... elite Hezbollah fighters, and thousands of Iranians who arrived in stages in recent days."

    A second official close to the Syrian government said: "The decision to launch the battle of Aleppo has been taken ... It is no longer hidden that thousands of Iranians are now in Syria and their role is fundamental."

    Both of them said the attack would start soon.

    A delegation of Iranian politicians arrived in Damascus with the preparations under way.

    Alaeddin Boroujerdi, chairman of the Iranian parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, said: "The international coalition led by America has failed in the fight against terrorism.

    "The co-operation between Syria, Iraq, Iran and Russia has been positive and successful."

    On Friday, it emerged a general in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, Hossein Hamedani, was killed in Aleppo province while advising the Syrian army.

    The government controls western areas of Aleppo city, and an array of insurgent groups control the east.

    Islamic State and other insurgents, including groups backed by President Assad's foreign enemies, have been fighting each other north of the city.

    The north of the province is one area where the US-led coalition bombing IS in Syria has been active.

    Russia says its airstrikes in the country, which began on 30 September, are aimed at Islamic State, although many of the strikes have been in areas held by other rebel groups including some that have received backing from President Assad's foreign opponents.

  9. #1709
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    Default Re: Syria

    Russian plane crash: US intelligence says bomb was planted by Islamic State as Britain suspends Sharm el-Sheikh flights - latest news

    Like I said it wouldn't take long for Russia to get it's teeth kicked in. With Russia getting into this Putin can't afford to look weak. I won't be surprised if this keeps up tactical nukes get used to make a very serious point. It's what we should have done days after 911 and I am just putting it out there.

  10. #1710
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    Default Re: Syria

    You know, part of me wonders if Russia themselves didn't have a hand in this as they have with other "terrorist" attacks.

    Their track record makes one think...

  11. #1711
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    Default Re: Syria

    Wouldn't shock me one bit especially if they try and say Saudi or someone on that side of the playing field had something to do with it.

  12. #1712
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    Default Re: Syria

    Won't shock me either. But, what the hell... let's get rid of ISIS. Even if the Russians have to do it for us, right?


    Libertatem Prius!

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  13. #1713
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    Default Re: Syria

    See, this is what happens when we have a lack of American leadership in the world.

    Throughout the most of the Cold War, France wasn't part of NATO and only somewhat recently rejoined.

    Not that France was necessarily friendly to Russia then and if the balloon went up, they would have stood against Russia but, now Russia is nudging France toward it as Russia takes advantage of both their and France's terrorist attacks to engage in military operations against targets in Syria together.

    Russia has taken the opportunity to bring out Tu-22s, Tu-160s, and Tu-95s to launch cruise missiles against and carpet bomb targets.

    Russia And France Wreak Revenge On ISIS: Putin Orders His Warships In Med To Work With French Navy As Jihadists In Syria Are Pummelled From The Air

    November 18, 2015

    Vladimir Putin has ordered his warships to co-operate with the French military as both countries launched revenge attacks on ISIS targets in Syria.

    Russia has hit the ISIS 'capital' Raqqa with cruise missiles - just hours after saying the passenger jet brought down in Egypt had been bombed.

    The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold, including a command centre and a recruitment base for jihadists.

    Now the Russian President wants his missile cruiser Moskva, which is in the Mediterranean Sea, to work with France's military, who are carrying out more airstrikes over Syria tonight after ISIS claimed responsibility for the Paris terror attacks which killed 129 people and injured 352.

    Footage taken from the Russian Defence Ministry shows a Tu-95 bomber launching a cruise missile over Syria

    Russia has hit the ISIS 'capital' Raqqa with cruise missiles - just hours after saying the passenger jet brought down in Egypt had been bombed

    French warplanes bombing operational sites at the Islamic State's Syria stronghold Raqa for the third consecutive time today

    Russian President wants his missile cruiser Moskva, which is in the Mediterranean Sea, to work with France's military, who are carrying out more airstrikes over Syria tonight (pictured)

    France's defense minister says 10 French fighter jets are carrying out new airstrikes on Islamic State group targets in Syria

    The Egyptian plane crash and the weekend wave of terrorist attacks in Paris have raised Russia's determination to fight ISIS, although concern remains in the West that its Syria airstrikes are also targeting rebels who are opposed to Syrian President Bashar Assad but not affiliated with radical groups.

    Putin said a French aircraft carrier task force is to approach the Moskva soon and the cruiser is to 'cooperate with them as with allies'.

    Russian forces today carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city, Idlib and Aleppo. They also deployed long-range Tu-160, Tu-95 and Tu-22 bombers from Russian bases.

    The terror group has positions in Aleppo province and Idlib has the presence of the Nusra Front militant group.

    Russia's Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has tonight confirmed that Russian bombers hit ISIS positions in Raqqa and Deir al-Zour.

    Shoigu said the cruise missiles that hit the Aleppo and Idlib positions were fired from supersonic Tu-160 bombers and from Tu-95s, long-distance turboprop strategic bombers that started from Russian territory.

    Missiles are loaded onto a French fighter jet, before it heads to Syria to attack ISIS targets. Russian forces today carried out 34 cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as Islamic State's capital city, Idlib and Aleppo

    Charles de Gaulle, the flagship of the French Navy and the largest western European warship currently in commission, is seen anchored in the military port of Toulon

    The Charles de Gaulle, carrying French fighter jets, before leaving on mission in Mediterranean Sea to take part in operations on Syria

    The Egyptian plane crash and the weekend wave of terrorist attacks in Paris have raised Russia's determination to fight ISIS. Pictured is a French airstrike over Syria today

    France are hitting jihadists who claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks, Defence Minister Jean Yves Le Drian said

    As Russia's campaign in Syria intensifies, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov criticised the United States for pursuing what he said was a contradictory and confusing policy in Syria.

    In remarks in a Russian TV documentary, which was broadcast tonight, Lavrov said that analysis of U.S. attacks on Islamic State militants in Syria over the past year indicates that the attacks are sparing the ISIS units that would pose the most threat to the Syrian army and Assad.

    The U.S. wants to see Assad removed from power, but Lavrov said this means that Washington is effectively 'sitting on two chairs'.

    American military generals are also criticizing the country, saying the US has been slow to act and is holding back.

    'Our air campaign in Syria and Iraq has never been what it should be,' former US Army vice chief of staff Gen. Jack Keane told Fox News.

    Keane criticized the US 'rules of engagements', which he claimed has let enemies escape because it takes too long to get approval for targets under the restrictions.

    The currently imposed rules of engagements, which provide authorization and restrictions on the military's use of force, are no civilian deaths and to limit collateral damage, according to retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, who called them 'unrealistic'.

    'Obama believes in this illusion that you can somehow wage clean war,' he said. 'But you can't have a standard of no civilian casualties and expect to win like that. It never has and it never will.'

    The strikes come after it was revealed French jets had pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold, including a command centre and a recruitment base for jihadists

    Russian Tu-22 bombers escorted by the Su-27s fighter jets drop bombs on a target in Syria. Russia are also reportedly transporting paramilitary forces across Syria

    A Russian military jet dropping a bomb over Syria. Russia said today that it had stepped up air strikes against Islamist militants

    France's defense minister says 10 French fighter jets are carrying out new airstrikes on Islamic State group targets in Syria

    Keane claims that ISIS is aware of the US rules of engagement and thus can't be found 'out in the middle of the desert totally exposed'.

    'Every function and critical node they have is tucked in some place within the population,' he said.

    President Obama has fought back against critics and said his strategy, which avoids sending ground forces to Syria or Iraq, is going to work but - 'it's going to take time'.

    The US has launched 8,253 airstrikes against ISIS targets as of Tuesday, carrying out 95 percent of the airstrikes in Syria since the coalition air campaign against ISIS began last summer, according to the Pentagon.

    On Monday US warplanes took out 100 tanker trucks ISIS uses to transport oil and earn millions every month and on Tuesday another 17 airstrikes were conducted by an American-led coalition, according to the Pentagon.

    Meanwhile, France's defense minister says 10 French fighter jets are carrying out new airstrikes on Islamic State group targets in Syria.

    Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said the jets have carried out new raids tonight. Speaking on TF1 TV, he said France will have 36 fighter jets in the region capable of carrying out airstrikes on IS targets once the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier reaches the zone.

    Russia are also reportedly transporting paramilitary forces across Syria. Personnel and helicopters operating are operating inside the country to support, according to the Twitter account of Assyrian Christian militia, known as the Gozarto Protection Force (GPF).

    The GPF are based in the western province of Homs are fighting to defend the predominantly Christian town of Sadad. They claim that the Russian military have flown in to join their fight against ISIS in the town.

    A French fighter jet prepares to take-off as part of military operations targeting ISIS in Syria. A video was released showing the attacks

    A French fighter jet prepares to take-off as part of military operations targeting ISIS in Syria

    A Russian Tu-160 bomber launches a cruise missile at a target in Syria. Russia's defense minister said its warplanes have fired cruise missiles on militant positions in Syria's Idlib and Aleppo provinces

    Russian pilots in the cockpit of a long-range warplane in flight. Russian Tu-160, Tu-95MS, Tu-22 M3 long-range aviation warplanes based in Russian territory carried out airstrikes against what Russia says were Islamic State targets in Syria

    Footage taken from the Russian Defense Ministry today shows a Russian Su-24M during a Russian air raid in Syria

    Earlier today Putin vowed to 'punish' those responsible for bringing down a Russian jet over the Sinai desert last month, after he confirmed that a bomb was responsible for the crash

    Russian air force technicians preparing a warplane for a mission in Syria. Russian Tu-160, Tu-95MS, Tu-22 M3 long-range aviation warplanes based in Russian territory carried out airstrikes against what Russia says were Islamic State targets in Syria

    Earlier today Putin vowed to 'punish' those responsible for bringing down a Russian jet over the Sinai desert last month, after he confirmed that a bomb was responsible for the crash.

    The Russian president claimed that the jet was blown up by a home-made bomb containing 1.5kg of explosives, resulting in the loss of 224 lives.

    Shortly after Mr Putin's announcement, Egyptian authorities arrested two airport employees accused of helping ISIS to smuggle the device onto the aircraft.

    The Airbus A321 disappeared 23 minutes after leaving Sharm el-Sheikh airport en-route to St Petersburg.

    ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack on the Metrojet aircraft which crashed on October 31.

    French jets have pounded targets in the terrorists' Syrian stronghold, including a command centre and a recruitment base for jihadists

    French soldiers prepare a Rafale fighter jet at a military base at an undisclosed location in the Gulf today

    A Russian Tupolev Tu-160 long-range bomber landing on the tarmac at the Hmeymim air base near Latakia, Syria

    A $50 million reward has been offered for information leading to the capture of the terror cell responsible for the atrocity.

    Alexander Bortnikov, head of the FSB security agency told Russian President Vladimir Putin: 'One can say unambiguously that it was a terror act.

    'An improvised bomb with a capacity of up to 1.5 kg of TNT exploded on the fight.

    'As a result, the aircraft was torn apart in the air, which explains the large distance over which the pieces of the fuselage of the aircraft have scattered.'

    Russia are also reportedly transporting paramilitary forces across Syria. Personnel and helicopters operating are operating inside the country to support, according to the Twitter account of Assyrian Christian militia, known as the Gozarto Protection Force (GPF)

    Vladimir Putin vowed to 'punish' those responsible for bringing down a Russian jet over the Sinai desert last month, after he confirmed that a bomb was responsible for the crash

    Russian state security services have admitted that a bomb brought down a Metrojet aircraft over Egypt

    Russian technical experts said that the aircraft was destroyed by a homemade 1.5kg bomb

    President Putin has vowed to avenge the perpetrators: 'It's not the first time Russia faces barbaric terrorist crimes. Killing our people at Sinai is among the most bloody crimes judging by the number of victims.

    'And we won't wipe our tears away from our hearts and souls. It will remain with us forever. But it won't stop us from finding and punishing the criminals.'

    He vowed: 'We must do it without time limitation. We must know each name. We will search for them everywhere, wherever they will hide. We will find them in any part of planet and punish them.'

    'There is no statute of limitation on this. The combat work of our aviation in Syria must not only be continued. It must be intensified so that the criminals understand that vengeance is inevitable.'

    Russia has now launched a 'significant' number of strikes which are reported to have included long-range bombers and sea-launched cruise missile (file picture of Russian cruiser)

    French President Francois Hollande called for a global coalition to destroy ISIS following the attacks in Paris, and hours later French fighter jets launched fresh strikes on targets in Syria (Pictured: French fighter jets)

    One of the ten French fighter jets prepares to take off from an airbase in the United Arab Emirates

    It came after French President Francois Hollande yesterday called on the United States and Russia to join a global coalition to destroy ISIS following the attacks in Paris, and hours later French fighter jets launched fresh strikes on targets in Syria.

    A spokesman for France's military command said the strike, conducted overnight, included 10 fighter jets, which were launched from the United Arab Emirates and Jordan.

    The airstrikes comes just a day after French jets launched a series of 'massive' raids on ISIS in Syria as the country started its 'pitiless' retribution for the terror attacks on Paris.

    That blitz was conducted by ten fighter planes which dropped 20 bombs on the terror group's capital of Raqqa, destroying a key command centre, training camp and munitions dump, throwing the city into panic.

    Today's bombardment came just two days after President Francois Hollande said the co-ordinated attacks in Paris that killed up to 129 people was an 'act of war' and vowed to strike ISIS in Syria 'without mercy'.

    In France, police carried out around 150 co-ordinated anti-terrorism raids across the country yesterday morning, arresting dozens of suspects and seizing a cache of weapons including a rocket launcher.

    French fighter jets have carried out another 'massive' air strike on Raqqa, targeting an ISIS command centre

    Today's bombardment came just two days after President Francois Hollande said the co-ordinated attacks in Paris that killed up to 129 people was an 'act of war' and vowed to strike ISIS in Syria 'without mercy'

    A huge manhunt is also underway for accomplices of the Islamist cell including one of the bomb plotters who is still on the run today after police let him go in a string of incredible security blunders before and after the atrocity on Friday night.

    A French official has also identified the suspected mastermind of the Paris attacks as Belgian Abdelhamid Abaaoud.

    French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, meanwhile, has warned that authorities believe new terror attacks are being planned in France and in other European countries following the carnage.

    Yesterday Hollande told a joint session of parliament at the Palace of Versailles 'France is at war', before promising to increase funds for national security and strengthen anti-terrorism laws in response to the suicide bombings and shootings that killed 129.

    'We're not engaged in a war of civilisations, because these assassins do not represent any. We are in a war against jihadist terrorism which is threatening the whole world,' he told a packed, sombre chamber.

    Islamic State has claimed responsibility for Friday's coordinated attacks, saying they were in retaliation for France's involvement in US-backed air strikes in Iraq and Syria.

    Some video from RT of the Russians in action.

  14. #1714
    Postman vector7's Avatar
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    Default Re: Syria

    Cuba and Nicaragua build up their armies; Wars in the Middle East create chaos and mass migration spilling over into Europe straining their economies and culture, Russia and China re-arms, America elects weak Leftist leaders that erode American values and leadership, they further spend and lower defenses, push for illegal immigration and attack their political enemies to divide a nation to stay in power, America's superpower influence fades, Russia, China and their allies regain their influence over former regions, revolution comes to Mexico, America falls into civil unrest; NATO dissolves. And then: “United States Stands Alone".

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

  15. #1715
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Syria

    More video of the Russian hardware in action.

  16. #1716
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Nice equipment. We are being shown what we're up against. Too bad few are taking a clue'
    Libertatem Prius!

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  17. #1717
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Syria

    Hmm... Now this is interesting...

    Iranian F-14s escorting a Russian Tu-95.

    Fast forward to 1:19 if you want.

    Stills from the video...

  18. #1718
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    Libertatem Prius!

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    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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  20. #1720
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Syria

    Some video of Su-30s escorting a Tu-160 with cruise missile launch.

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