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Thread: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

  1. #321
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

    It's just one of Obama's sons, hence the resemblance.

  2. #322
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

    Officials Detail Fountain Square Incident, Safety As All-Star Events Approach

    In wake of events, Hip-Hop Saturdays canceled until further notice

    July 6, 2015

    The business of burnishing the city's image was on display Monday as concern continued to mount in the wake of Saturday night's unruly scene on Fountain Square.

    Watch full news conference

    Officials touched on the double-shooting in Avondale that left a 6-year-old critically wounded. Click here to read full story.

    Watch this story

    Leaders took pains Monday to reassure the public and forthcoming All-Star visitors that what happened Saturday was an aberration, and that family-friendly events and hundreds of welcoming officers will ensure a safe downtown environment.

    Capt. Mike Neville said the event on Fountain Square was a hip-hop concert that began at about 8:30 p.m. At about 11 p.m. two officers were involved in an assault that left both officers injured. One officer said some people on Fountain Square were throwing firecrackers and other items at police.

    Officer Roger Noe said he arrested two people after each individual assaulted him, ultimately injuring his mouth.

    Both of the men that were arrested are adults and they're facing felony assault charges.

    An Indiana man who was beaten and hospitalized was not the victim of a hate crime, according to police even though they originally listed it that way on their report.

    (See! Non-hate crime hate crime!)

    They said they were still investigating the assault and had not determined all of the circumstances that led up to it.

    Neville said the assault victim suffered a concussion, a broken nose and facial injuries.

    Authorities said in all seven people were arrested, including four adults.

    Hindsight suggested there was simply not enough of a police presence for the type of unsupervised event that was held, a hip-hop show that stretched past curfew and attracted many teenagers.

    "It was an event targeted to young people that weren't properly chaperoned,” Mayor John Cranley said. "We're not going to let that happen again. All such events will be examined and the police will approve or disapprove."

    Officials said police were stretched thin over the holiday weekend.

    Eight officers were on or in the vicinity of Fountain Square Saturday night when programming protocols for the event were sorely lacking.

    "On individual shows, we have had some concerns,” Steve Leeper of 3CDC said. "But, we've had concerns in other parks and other events. This is a public space. We had tried to create a diverse family set of events, some other events that serve other different populations. We have been doing that for a long time. So, if we want to sit there and play the I-told-you-so game, I don't think that's productive."

    With the Major League Baseball All-Star Game taking place on July 14 and the rash of violence throughout Greater Cincinnati the safety of the city has been placed under a microscope.

    City manager Harry Black said Cincinnati has one of the most competent and capable police departments in the country, and Saturday's events provided a learning opportunity for the city.

    "The Fountain Square incident was clearly an event-based incident. And as a result, we've learned some things from it," Black said.

    Mayor John Cranley said the preparations for the All-Star Game are ongoing and that Cincinnati will be safe for anyone who chooses to come downtown for the week-long events.

    “This weekend, the All-Star game is going to be programmed by Major League Baseball by 3CDC, it is going to be family friendly and there are literally going to be hundreds, hundreds of police officers visible and managing the crowd at all times," Cranley said.

    Authorities said the city of Cincinnati has been working with different agencies on all levels for the past two years to ensure All-Star Week is safe and enjoyable for all patrons in attendance.

    Moving forward, city officials said the city's safety is a primary focus.

    "I promise the people of Cincinnati that this weekend and all coming weekends, Fountain Square will be as safe as we’ve grown accustomed to over the last couple of years,” Cranley said.

    City leaders said Monday, what's productive going forward is to reiterate how the Square is a safe spot for the city's All-Star showcase event starting at the end of this week.

    The image-conscious city leadership sought to allay any fears about being a part of the urban vibe, particularly during a national stage event.

    Chief Jeffrey Blackwell assured media the city will be well-policed.

    "It's not going to just be uniformed officers. We're going to have a lot of undercover police officers as well," Blackwell said.

    Asked what he'd tell out-of-town visitors who might be raising eyebrows about a safe visit, Chief Blackwell did not hesitate.

    "We're the safest big city in America. That's what I say, period."

    Additionally, organizers said in wake of the events on Fountain Square, Hip-Hop Saturday's will be canceled until further notice.

  3. #323
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Leave it to the Dem mayor to... ahem... whitewash events.

    Mayor John Cranley Attributes Fountain Square Uproar To 'Unchaperoned Youth'

    July 6, 2015

    Mayor John Cranley and other city leaders attributed the unrest on Fountain Square over the holiday weekend as the result of concert programming geared toward "unchaperoned youth" that extended past the city's curfew.

    Later in the day, organizers announced those concerts would be discontinued.

    Seven revelers, including three juveniles, were arrested after police said a large crowd gathered at the square and became unruly. Cincinnati Police Captain Mike Neville said several different groups of people started fighting on the square shortly after 11 p.m. -- just after a concert, the Reds game and Fourth of July fireworks.

    Police think the beating of a bystander, 27-year-old Christopher McKnight, may have ignited the unrest.

    Cranley began a news conference Monday by emphasizing that "downtown is safe," taking full responsibility for what he called an "unacceptable" incident.

    Cranley, along with City Manager Harry Black, went on to applaud the Cincinnati Police Department's response to the incident.

    "Our police responded politely and professionally and got the situation under control," Cranley said.

    Cranley was quick to attribute the uproar to young people being out past curfew.

    "(The) Fountain Square (incident) was an event-based problem, a hip hop concert focused on entertaining young people," he said.

    A World Cup watch party Sunday evening at Fountain Square took place without incident, he said.

    Later Monday, Self Diploma -- which has produced the Saturday night concert series with 3CDC for five seasons -- announced future concerts would be discontinued after a performance this Saturday, July 11, by Cal Scruby.

    "While we strongly believe that the individuals instigating trouble at Government Square on July 4th, 2015 are not associated with our event, they have caused us to take immediate actions," the organizers posted on Facebook."Anytime a Police officer of our city is put in harms (sic) way, or patrons of an event we are producing feel unsafe to attend, we are always focused on what's best for the city of Cincinnati."

    Increased curfew enforcement has been a large focus of Cincinnati Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell's 90-day crime reduction plan.

    Increased police presence is also at play, Cranley said. When asked if there were enough officers on Fountain Square Saturday night, he said, "Obviously not...There's only so many cops to go around."

    Neville told reporters that eight officers were assigned to Fountain Square Saturday night, and were later joined by 60 additional officers in riot gear after crowds started fighting.

    This year's uptick in shootings within the city, which includes the fatal ambush of a beloved 27-year police veteran and more than 30 other fatal shootings, has led many to call for increased and accelerated police recruitment. That initiative was approved by City Council in early July.

    Cranley emphasized residents and visitors to the city should not worry as the All-Star Game approaches.

    "I hope we do not take one incident that was not good as what will happen in general," he said. "There is a false perception that the chaos could happen on any given night."

    Beyond a group of people beating McKnight, two officers were also assaulted, Neville said.

    Both have returned to work. Two suspects have been arrested in the assaults and are facing felony charges, Neville said.

    So, if I am to understand correctly, the victim of the beating managed to spark a non-hate crime hate crime not-riot of "unchaperoned youth" and "revelers" by being beaten by "unchaperoned youth" and "revelers". Got it...

  4. #324
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

    Raise your hand if you saw this on the news!

    Incredibly Brave Family Speak Out After Horror Home Invasion Which Saw Them Shot, Sexually Assaulted And Robbed

    May 12, 2015

    An Indianapolis family who survived a shocking home invasion by six armed thugs have bravely shared their story as the people responsible are being sent to prison - and have explained why they refuse to let the ordeal define them.

    Parents Carl and Eileen Portenza, along with 26-year-old daughter Alli, were asleep in their house in a quiet Washington township subdivision on October 29, 2013, when six armed men burst in around 5am.

    Carl, who needs braces to walk due to a neurological condition, was told to stay in bed and held at gunpoint, as Eileen was twice shot and forced to drive to an ATM to withdraw cash.

    Both Portenza and her daughter were brutally sexually assaulted.

    But the family, who admit to being incredibly close, say there were determined to triumph over evil with the help of each other and their faith.

    'Things like this don't have to define you,' Eileen told WTHR, in the family's first interview about the horrifying incident.

    'And they won't. Those are almost fighting words for me. We will get through this and we will make something better out of it and I think that's how you triumph over tragedy.'

    'Mama Bear': Eileen Portenza details her incredible bravery at the hands of six intruders who burst into her home early in the morning on October 29, 2013, during her first interview about the ordeal

    Eileen recalled her brave but unsuccessful attempts to try and stop the intruders.

    'As Mama Bear, I was thinking ''I've got to do something to save our family'',' she said.

    She tried to sprint from her bedroom to the phone at the end of the hall, but one of the men shot her in the upper leg as she ran.

    The commotion woke Alli, who quickly realized what was happening and grabbed her wallet, which she offered to the attackers.

    Meanwhile Carl is still being held in bed, helpless to do anything.

    'I kept thinking, ''This is going to be over any minute. Just hang in there'',' Carl recalls.

    'But it just kept going and going and going.'

    The men went through the house, smashing things and ransacking cupboards.

    When they came up with little, one ordered Eileen to drive him to a cash machine.

    As the robber turned his back, Eileen tried to seize another moment and run for the neighbors house.

    However the man tackled her down and shot her a second time in the foot.

    'At that point I was on the ground, another guy kicking me in the head and I said ''Alright, I'm going to do whatever it takes. I'm not going to fight anymore'',' Eileen told WTHR.

    Eileen was raped, and then, with two bullet wounds, got behind the wheel of her car and drove to an ATM, as one of the men sat in the passenger seat holding her at gunpoint.

    'It felt like I had a little boy with me,' she said.

    'He had a gun and didn't know what he was doing. I teach little kids and I thought ''This is just a very troubled, unhappy kid''.'

    Eileen decided to try and reason with him.

    Guilty: Michael Pugh, 23 (left), and Alexander Dupree (right), 24, were convicted on their roles in the home invasion in March and will now likely be sentenced to life in prison

    Convicted: Demetre Brown, 22 (left), and Adrian Anthony, 21 (right) were also found guilty on felony charges including rape, criminal deviate conduct, carjacking, criminal confinement, aggravated battery and robbery

    She asked about his life and his family, and he said his father had been shot and his mother abandoned him.

    Eileen expressed her sadness, said that she was sorry that had happened and that she wanted to help him, offering him not just her money but anything else he needed.

    'I think it just floored him,' she recalled. 'He didn't know how to react.'

    Throughout the ordeal, the family had been told to keep their heads down, but in a bizarre moment, the attacker in the car said to Eileen: 'Look at me.'

    'We looked at each other for several seconds, it was quite uncomfortable, and then afterwards I said ''Why do you ask me to do that?'' ... and he didn't say anything,' Eileen told WTHR.

    At the house, Alli had endured a violent gang-style rape.

    Eileen returned and said she could hear her daughter crying, however she managed to get her laughing by making a silly joke about how much cleaning up they are going to have to do.

    'I knew then, when I heard her regular Alli giggle, that she was going to be OK,' Eileen said.

    The men had their money and fled, stealing the family's three cars, and the Portenza's were finally able to call 911.

    Despite their trauma, the family all remember a certain peace come over them at the hospital, and that soon became happiness.

    Happiness that they were alive and together and safe.

    Friends and family quickly rushed to their side to make sure they were all okay, and Eileen, who friends say is known for her indefatigable spirit, started making jokes.

    'It was fun,' Alli remembers of the hospital stay.

    'I know that sounds crazy, but I was surrounded by the people I love.'

    Meanwhile, police were able to find the men responsible thanks to the stolen cars, two of which had been dumped.

    All six were soon arrested and held in custody.

    In March , four of the men - Adrian Anthony, Michael Pugh, Alexander Dupree and Demetre Brown - were found guilty on multiple charges, including rape , robbery, burglary, carjacking, criminal confinement and battery, Fox 59 reported.

    They will likely be sentenced to life in prison.

    A fifth man is still awaiting trial, while the sixth, Trae Spells, accepted a plea deal and is testifying against the others as the prosecution's 'star witness'.

    Spells has pleaded guilty to rape, criminal deviate conduct, robbery and burglary and will be sentenced in April, how attorneys for the other men say he was the most violent in the attack and should not be treated with leniency.

    Recovering: Eileen and Alli Portenza say they now live by the mantra 'Don't let them win'

    The Portenza's say their recovery has hinged heavily on words they were told from a victim's advocate from the Indianapolis Police Department: 'Don't let them win.'

    They say that sentiment allowed them to return to their house, and not let it be haunted by memories of that awful morning.

    Ironically, it is perhaps the youngest of the family, Rachel, 23, who went through the most struggle, needing therapy for survivor's guilt as she was at college when the attack happened.

    She felt terrible that the ones she cares about most had to go through something so shocking, but says she feels better every time she sees them and how they have been able to pick themselves back up.

    'We had two hours of hell, but after that, it has been months and months of kindness,' Carl said.

    I'm sorry for what happened to them but damn, they are some demented sheep!

    The mother asking someone who had just raped and shot her to talk about his feelings?!?!

    The mother and daughter who had just been gang raped giggling about the mess to clean up?!?!

    What. The. Fuck.

  5. #325
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    That's some suppressed anger right there. She's got PTSD and doesn't even know it.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  6. #326
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    You catch the part about her being a teacher?

    I chalk it up to liberal stupidity. After all, it is a mental illness...

  7. #327
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Court Records Reveal New Details From July 4 DC Metro Stabbing

    July 7, 2015

    Jasper Spires (left), Kevin Sutherland (right)

    A D.C. man was punched repeatedly and stabbed as many 20 times before his killer kicked his bloody body as he lay dying on the floor of a Metro train, court documents released Tuesday say.

    Jasper Spires, 18, of D.C., appeared in court Tuesday afternoon to face a first-degree murder charge for the death of 24-year-old Kevin J. Sutherland. Police say that Spires killed Sutherland while trying to rob him Saturday afternoon and then robbed two more people before fleeing.

    Spires was ordered held without bond and his next court date was set for July 17.

    “They say he’s guilty right now but we’ll find out later on, that’s all I can say,” says family friend Sean Stewart who is a friend of Spires’ cousins.

    According to court documents, Sutherland’s stabbing injuries included a deep wound to the heart. Another stab wound fractured a rib and punctured his lung. He was also stabbed in the back, sides and arms.

    Sutherland had another 10 to 20 cuts on his body including defensive wounds to his arms and hands plus multiple bruises on his face, an autopsy found.

    Multiple riders witnessed Spires attack Sutherland and then rob two other passengers on the train. In interviews with police, the witnesses say that Spires punched Sutherland after the two struggled over an unknown item. Sutherland fell to the train floor and Spires began to stab him with a knife.

    A witness says Sutherland was bleeding. Another told police that Spires had blood on his arms and hands.

    Spires threw Sutherland’s cellphone at the dying man and then walked away. But he returned and stomped on Sutherland’s body, according to one witness. Another passenger tells police that Spires kicked the dying man.

    Witnesses say Spires robbed two other passengers before leaving the train at the NoMa-Gallaudet Station, where he was seen dropping a black bag.

    Inside the bag, police say they found a bloody cloth and an insurance card with Spires’ name on it. Police also found the knife they believe Spires used in the attack in a trash can at the station.

    Spires had been arrested just two days earlier in Friendship Heights on charges of robbery and assaulting a police officer.

    The D.C. police officer who arrested Spires Thursday in Friendship Heights identified a man seen in surveillance footage leaving the NoMa-Gallaudet crime scene as Spires.

    The same officer also had previous encounters with Spires and told detectives that he thought Spires acted as if he was under the influence of some sort of drug and would talk to himself.

    The Washington Post reports that D.C. detectives are investigating whether Spires was high on synthetic drugs at the time of the murder, but Stewart says he hasn’t known Spires to use drugs.

    “Far as I could see he was all right (one month ago,)” Stewart says.

    Spires also has two pending charges filed against him in Maryland for trespassing and not paying a Metro fare.

    An American University graduate, Sutherland was a digital political strategist and was once a congressional intern.

    His employer New Blue Interactive posted a statement on its Facebook page that included a staff photo with Sutherland and the motto of his home state of Connecticut.

    “He was one of the brightest political digital strategists in the country and Kevin always had a smile. His murder was a tragedy and senseless. It robbed all of us of his amazing talents and future,” the post reads.

    More liberal chickens coming home to roost.
    Palak Gosar said Sutherland, a Connecticut native, loved advocating for progressive causes. “He never shied away from a fight, especially when it came to what he believed in.”

  8. #328
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    Actually, she probably believes it's ok to "give as much as she can" for "social justice"....

    And likely thinks it was ok to "give herself" to those nice young men.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  9. #329
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    Multiple riders witnessed Spires attack Sutherland and then rob two other passengers on the train. In interviews with police, the witnesses say that Spires punched Sutherland after the two struggled over an unknown item. Sutherland fell to the train floor and Spires began to stab him with a knife.
    Clearly, people were all around when this crime went down. Now I need to ask you all here - would you really stand there and watch as someone died at the hands of another man? I know it happens fast in most cases and it takes a moment for your brain to kick in. I also know that fear of dying keeps most would-be Samaritans from helping. But in this instance, the man was stabbed at least 20 times, punched, kicked, and robbed. This act took some time to perpetrate. And no one helped. Our population really is made up of a bunch of cowards. Or could we be so entranced by entertainment and electronic devices that desensitize the viewer to such acts that they are unable to respond.

  10. #330
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    A simple run-and-smash usually takes almost anyone down.

    Tackle them. Slam them into a wall. Anything.

    Murdering assholes.
    Libertatem Prius!

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  11. #331
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Non-Hate Crime Hate Crimes

    Joe Deters, the Hamilton County prosecutor dealing with the prosecution of the assailants in the beating of the guy in Cincinnati, says he won't prosecute as hate crimes because they're already facing very serious charges and hate crime charges would be like tacking on speeding charges.

    That's right folks, you just heard from a sitting county prosecutor that hate crimes are comparable to a ticketable, typically non-criminal offense.

  12. #332
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    That's right folks, you just heard from a sitting county prosecutor that hate crimes are comparable to a ticketable, typically non-criminal offense.
    Which is all we wanted right? But, you know, as long as they are prosecuting WHITE people for hate crimes.... it should be the same right?
    Libertatem Prius!

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  13. #333
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    Exactly. I heard the report on the radio with Deters in his own words and since yesterday I've been trying to source the quote in writing with no luck. Odd...

  14. #334
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    I had to fix the headline... Don't see how there's any "allegedly" to it since the evidence in the video at the link speaks for itself.

    Yet another person that fails to use the +4,000lb weapon at their disposal.

    Woman Allegedly Attacked By Group Near University Of Chicago Campus With Kids In Car

    July 11, 2015

    Her car damaged, her nerves shaken, the victim of an alleged group attack near the University of Chicago campus with her children in the back seat of her car talked exclusively with ABC7 Eyewitness News about the incident Friday night.

    Police say two people were arrested and charged, but Susan Pedersen says several dozen people were involved in the incident that left her two kids covered in broken glass.

    The encounter left several dents in the vehicle and shattered the back window.

    "I'm very scared, very anxious, nervous. Just fearful," she said.

    Broken glass littered the pavement at 60th and King Drive across from Washington Park, where the attack took place around 9 p.m. Thursday night.

    Pedersen says she had just dropped off a friend at the University of Chicago with her daughter and son in the back seat. She said she stopped at a red light and found herself surrounded by several dozen young people.

    "They were walking around both sides of the vehicle - in the front, in the back - and as they were walking across, they were hitting my car, using racial slurs and telling me that I didn't belong in their neighborhood because I was white," Pedersen said.

    The group, all African-American, she says, kicked the vehicle and shook it violently. Her children were in the back screaming.

    Pedersen said one person was on a bicycle - the group used it as a battering ram, shattering the back window, with glass flying into the third-row seat where 3-year-old Benjamin was seated. The broken glass left cuts on the boy.

    Pedersen said a police car, which happened to be nearby, arrived and the group scattered.

    Police say two juveniles were arrested. Pedersen, however, is still unnerved.

    "This is something that's going to stay with me for the rest of my life," she said.

    Police say the two juveniles have been charged with misdemeanor criminal damage to property, but Pedersen says this was more than a property crime and she would like more serious charges filed.

  15. #335
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Thug Stabs White U.S. Army Combat Vet To Death… Black Lives Matter Unavailable For Comment

    July 21, 2015

    (Weasel Zippers) I forgot, only white-on-black murders are national news.

    PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A local man who just turned 18 is charged with the murder of an Army veteran and the stabbing of his friend in a Walgreens parking lot early Saturday.

    Erico Montalvo, of 10 Pocasset Ave., wore no expression as he was led handcuffed into District Court early Friday morning to face the charges. The timing, coincidentally, was just before the funeral Mass for 26-year-old Colby Mendonca of Pawtucket.

    Mendonca and his friend, Russell Gleason, 25, were in the parking lot behind the Walgreens at 533 Elmwood Ave. just before 2 a.m. when they got into an argument with strangers, according to police. The argument became a fight that left Gleason badly injured and Mendonca dead.

    Special Assistant Attorney General Meg McDonough told Magistrate Joseph Ippolito that Montalvo admitted to Providence investigators that he’d been at the scene and had stabbed both men.

    Montalvo was charged with murder and assault with a dangerous weapon, both felonies. No plea was entered, and the magistrate ordered Montalvo held without bail, pending a hearing on July 28.

    Montalvo’s lawyer, Chad Bank, declined comment outside the courtroom.

    Mendonca’s family said he’d served a tour in Afghanistan in the Infantry and was discharged last fall. He is survived by a 3-year-old daughter.

  16. #336
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Thug Stabs White U.S. Army Combat Vet To Death… Black Lives Matter Unavailable For Comment

    July 21, 2015

    (Weasel Zippers) I forgot, only white-on-black murders are national news.

    PROVIDENCE, R.I. — A local man who just turned 18 is charged with the murder of an Army veteran and the stabbing of his friend in a Walgreens parking lot early Saturday.

    Erico Montalvo, of 10 Pocasset Ave., wore no expression as he was led handcuffed into District Court early Friday morning to face the charges. The timing, coincidentally, was just before the funeral Mass for 26-year-old Colby Mendonca of Pawtucket.

    Mendonca and his friend, Russell Gleason, 25, were in the parking lot behind the Walgreens at 533 Elmwood Ave. just before 2 a.m. when they got into an argument with strangers, according to police. The argument became a fight that left Gleason badly injured and Mendonca dead.

    Special Assistant Attorney General Meg McDonough told Magistrate Joseph Ippolito that Montalvo admitted to Providence investigators that he’d been at the scene and had stabbed both men.

    Montalvo was charged with murder and assault with a dangerous weapon, both felonies. No plea was entered, and the magistrate ordered Montalvo held without bail, pending a hearing on July 28.

    Montalvo’s lawyer, Chad Bank, declined comment outside the courtroom.

    Mendonca’s family said he’d served a tour in Afghanistan in the Infantry and was discharged last fall. He is survived by a 3-year-old daughter.

  17. #337
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Black Man Who Tortures, Kills 2 White Teens Makes ‘Black Lives Matter’ Speech in Court

    July 14, 2015

    Two Westland teenagers were murdered execution-style in a vacant Detroit field two and half years ago.

    Wednesday was their opportunity for their parents to address the men who killed their sons but what one of the defendants had to say to them left everyone shaking their heads.

    Fredrick Young and Felando Hunter – were sentenced on this day to life in prison without parole for robbing, torturing, and murdering the two teens who had been in Detroit trying to buy drugs.

    The Westland teens, Jourdan Bobbish and his friend Jacob Kudla, went missing in July of 2012. Their lifeless bodies were discovered days later in a field on Detroit’s east side.

    At the sentencing, the victims’ family members gave their victim impact statements.

    “Everything just aches and it’s just a totally senseless crime,” said Mike Bobbish, Jourdan’s father. “And how you could march someone out in the middle of a field and execute them – we’re not a third world country. Sometimes I wish it did happen in a third world country because it would be a lot different outcome of this whole thing.”

    Virgie Kudla, Jacob’s mother then spoke.

    “Not only did the defendant take away my son’s future,” she said. “He took away my future – my future as a mother – my future as a grandmother.”

    “I have sorrow in my heart, soul and every fiber of my being today and I will carry that with me for the rest of my life here on earth,” said Carrie Bobbish, Jourdan’s mother.

    When their son’s murderer had his chance to apologize to the families – he did nothing of the sort saying:

    “I’d like to say sorry to the families of Aiyanna Jones, Michael Brown, Eric Garner,” Young said. “And I want to apologize to them for not being able to get justice for their loved ones who was murdered in cold blood – and in respect for the peaceful protest, I want to say ‘hands up don’t shoot.’ Black lives matter – that’s it your honor.”

    People in the courtroom reacted in disbelief. But still – the message from the families of Jacob Kudla and Jourdan Bobbish was one of forgiveness.

    “In the end – knowing who Jourdan was, I believe he would want me to offer forgiveness,” Carrie Bobbish said. “Although I know I may struggle with that endeavor for the rest of my life, it would be what Jourdan would want.”

    “On behalf of Jourdan and myself, I will pray for forgiveness for both of you.”

    “No matter what sentence the court imposes today, these defendants will have to answer to God,” Kudla said. “God’s got this – thank you for letting me speak.”

    VIDEO: Fredrick Young, the Black Man Who Tortured and Executed Two White Teens Declares ‘Black Lives Matter’ at Sentencing.

  18. #338
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Haven't done any of these in a while...

    Police Say Pastor’s Wife, Killed In Home Invasion, Was Raped by Killer

    November 20, 2015

    Amanda & Weston Blackburn

    In a tragic new development, police told WTHR Friday that the pregnant daughter-in-law of a North Carolina pastor, who was murdered in Indiana, was also sexually assaulted.

    Police are still following several leads in the murder of 28-year-old Amanda Blackburn, who died after being shot in the head by a gunman.

    One of the people who was interrogated by police on Thursday, Jalen Watson, 21, was taken into custody for a parole violation.

    “Our detectives believe this was a robbery likely to have gone foul,” said Indianapolis Metro Police Sgt. Kendale Adams.

    According to WTHR, some of Blackburn’s bank cards were used at a gas station after the home invasion.

    Crime scene investigators have processed the home for evidence on two occasions, looking for anything that could lead them to the killer.

    “To the individual who committed this crime, you are not as good as you think you are…got away with it, but you left something behind and we will find you, we are coming to get you,” Asst. Commander Eric Hench said at a news conference last week.

    Several sources close to the investigation told WTHR that DNA evidence may play a major role in identifying Blackburn’s killer.

    The victim and her husband have a 1-year-old son. The victim’s father-in-law is the pastor of NEXT Church in Brevard, N.C., according to WLOS.

    Amanda Blackburn’s husband, Davey Blackburn, is a pastor at Resonate Church in Indianapolis. The church posted a note to Facebook last Wednesday about the incident.

    “It’s impossible to communicate all the emotions my heart has been forced to process. My wife was such a beautiful, gracious, loving woman of God,” Davey Blackburn’s statement read, in part. “I have not only lost my ministry partner and support but also my very best friend. There is no way to prepare yourself for circumstances like these.”

    Jalen Watson (L)

  19. #339
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    3 Charged In Rape Of Woman, 14-Year-Old Daughter

    November 17, 2015

    A woman and child were raped and beaten after masked gunmen invaded their Minneapolis home.

    Police say Reggie Bishop, Roynell Taylor and Deondre Bishop broke into a Minneapolis home on Bryant Avenue North late at night on July 19.

    “They broke into this house, vandalized and stole things, but worse: They raped both the young woman, the daughter, and her mother,” Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said.

    Police say the three armed men tied the mother and the 14-year-old girl up and put pillow cases over their heads. They demanded money and threatened to burn them with hot water.

    One of the men then raped the daughter, telling her “it will all stop if you tell me where the money is,” a criminal complaint states.

    The mother was brought upstairs separately and also raped before being brought back by her daughter and beaten.

    After an hour and a half, the suspects left and the woman called police.

    The three suspects have extensive criminal histories. Deondre Bishop was sent to prison on other unrelated charges, but Reggie Bishop and Taylor are still at large.

    “When we find them, and if we prove the allegations in the complaint, which we believe we will, we will send them [away] for a very long time,” Freeman said.

  20. #340
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    Police Release Video Of Tulane Med Student Shooting: Graphic Content

    November 20, 2015

    New Orleans police released surveillance footage of Tulane University medical student Peter Gold being shot early Friday morning (Nov. 20) while trying to stop an apparent armed robbery at Magazine and St. Mary streets in the Lower Garden District.

    New Orleans police released surveillance footage of Tulane University medical student Peter Gold being shot early Friday morning (Nov. 20) while trying to stop an apparent armed robbery at Magazine and St. Mary streets in the Lower Garden District.

    Warning: This video contains graphic images of a man being shot.

    Gold, 25, stopped his car upon seeing a man dragging a woman toward an SUV in the 1000 block of Saint Mary Street, police said. When he tried to help, police said the gunman pointed a weapon at Gold and demanded his money.

    "The victim explained to the suspect, repeatedly, that he did not have any cash," NOPD said in a news release. "The suspect became enraged and shot the victim once in the stomach and attempted to shoot him a second time, but the gun jammed."

    The gunman took the woman's purse and drove away in a gray or silver SUV, police said. She was not injured.

    Gold was taken to an area hospital, police said, where he is listed in "guarded" condition.

    Tulane University's president, Mike Fitts, issued a statement identifying Gold as a fourth-year medical student whose parents and sister also attended the university.

    "He is an outstanding student who represents the best of Tulane in every possible way," Fitts said.

    Anyone with information about this man's identity or whereabouts should contact NOPD 6th District detectives at 504-658-6060, or Crimestoppers at 504-822-1111.

    New Orleans police released surveillance footage of Tulane University medical student Peter Gold being shot early Friday morning (Nov. 20) while trying to stop an apparent armed robbery at Magazine and St. Mary streets in the Lower Garden District.

    Dude is extremely lucky bad guy decided to go for gangsta image with a Tec-9 instead of something actually reliable.

    Also, if you're going to intervene in a crime in progress, make sure you're bringing more force than the bad guy.

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