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Thread: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    Dangerous Times: Obama and the Crisis of Evil

    By James Lewis
    November 13, 2013

    The Atlantic, November 2, 2012: Obama's Crystal-Clear Promise to Stop Iran From Getting a Nuclear Weapon.

    USA Today, October 25, 2013: Iran bomb one month away.

    The New Republic, March 2, 2012. "...never has an American president treated an Israeli prime minister with such shabbiness as Obama has treated Netanyahu."



    For decades sane people have tried to raise worldwide alarms about the rise of Iran as a rogue nuclear power.

    Liberals chose not to listen. Conservatives listened, because we are realists, and we still read history.

    Today -- at this very moment -- the crisis is here, and worst of all, it has been aided and abetted by Barack Hussein Obama.

    Obama has plainly betrayed Israel in its hour of greatest danger -- and not only Israel, because every other country within reach of Iranian missiles and WMDs is also in danger of a massive assault. That includes Putin's Russia, Saudi Arabia -- the historic religious enemy of Iran for the last thousand years. Egypt is in danger. Turkey is within reach of Iranian missiles and weapons of mass destructions.

    If you are deluded by our media to think only Israel is in danger, you haven't looked at a map of the Middle East lately.

    The Saudis just ordered nukes from Pakistan to share with the Egyptian army, which has the big numbers the Saudis don't have.

    The Israelis are preparing preemptive strikes. They have been planning with other endangered countries.

    Our U.S. military forces bases all over the Middle East are now also under direct threat from the suicide cult that runs Iran. And Obama has colluded in a criminal retreat from our great power responsibilities.

    If you are wondering why almost 200 general officers have resigned from what Obama calls "my army" in the last few years, consider the possibility that they simply could not tolerate Obama's strategic perversity in the Middle East. These general officers have been telling Obama not to do it. His response was to fire them.

    The crisis we have been predicting is here now. Don't doubt it. This is the greatest nuclear danger since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1963. It is exactly what George Bush and Dick Cheney tried desperately to warn us about, the moment when rogue fanatics got their hands on nuclear weapons. Bush-Cheney tried to keep it from ever happening. But Obama has turned their sane and sensible policy upside-down. In Syria and Iran Obama has actually protected fanatical Muslim war cults. That was the big secret of Benghazi, where Ambassador Stevens was sending arms to nearly 60,000 Al Qaida terrorists in Syria. The Qaidaists turn on him and murdered him, but they kept those arms, including shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles.

    Our media haven't dared to tell the truth. That is why you are reading this in the new media.

    Today the murderous mullahs are within weeks of getting to enriched fissionable materials any time they decide to go ahead -- and Obama is demanding the surrender, not of the war-making mullahs, but rather of the peaceful people of Israel.

    We are now in a nuclear crisis. Remember that. This time it's worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1963, because our president at that time never doubted for a moment that the USSR was a deadly enemy that had to be faced down. Obama doesn't get that.

    BHO is different. If you don't yet understand that, starting paying attention now. This is not a drill. This is real. If Americans don't understand our clear and present danger, they will very soon. We have to understand that Obama is even more dangerous than we thought he was.

    Normal Americans don't have trouble choosing between the Nairobi killers who violated and decapitated young children in the Kenya mall last month, and the Israelis, who have been giving medical help to wounded refugees from war-torn Syria. Those Al Qaida killers in the Kenya mall were bloodthirsty, merciless beasts of prey. Iran's new "smiling man of peace," Ayatollah Rouhani, actually commanded the truck bombing that killed 299 U.S. Marine and French peacekeepers in Beirut in 1983. He is a ruthless mass killer.

    Normal people see Al Qaida's execution of Christian children as unmitigated evil. Ordinary people see Rouhani's mass murder of peacekeeping troops in war-torn Beirut to be just as evil.

    By comparison, civilized nations like Israel and America are constantly worried whether we are doing the right thing. When Ayatollah Khomeini was forced to end the Iran-Iraq war with Saddam Hussein, a war that killed one million Arabs and Iranians, he said that making peace would be like a stab to his heart. That is the difference between civilized nations and war cults like the mullahs of Iran.

    Intelligence analyst Claire Lopez just reported that Saudi Arabia has ordered nuclear weapons from Pakistan. This column has warned about that threat, because Saudi nukes were inevitable once the mullahs of Iran came close enough to nukes. The Saudis have been at war with the mullahs of Iran for a thousand years. The Saudis were almost overthrown by Ayatollah Khomeini forty years ago. Saudi Arabia and Egypt must have nuclear weapons once Iran has them.

    And yet -- Obama has protected the Iranian nuclear program until today, when he is effectively telling Israel to surrender to their demands. If you think Obama betrayed his promise to Americans that "if you like your health insurance you can keep it" -- you have to realize that he just committed a much greater and more dangerous act of treachery -- one that threatens a nuclear holocaust in the Middle East. And it may not stop there. Iran now has ICBMs that can reach Europe. Iran could send a freighter with a nuclear bomb to New York harbor and explode it there. The mullahs have shouted since 1979 that they were prepared or martyrdom to kill the infidels. Today they have the means to carry out their threats. The Saudis and Egyptians understand that, which is why they are buying nukes and missiles from Pakistan.

    The American media have closed their eyes (as always), but Obama has now pushed over the pillars of peace in the Middle East very deliberately. Even Hillary warned him against overthrowing U.S. ally Hosni Mubarak in Egypt as reported in the Washington Post. Yet Obama went right ahead and supported the radical Muslim Brotherhood to take over Egypt. The Egyptian media are now accusing the president of the United States of supporting the most radical Muslim fanatics in Egypt and Iran.

    Rouhani is a mass killer, as he showed in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut. You can be that he's never lost a good night's sleep worrying whether he did the right thing back than. Rouhani is never in doubt, because God told him to kill those U.S. Marines. Those are the people we are dealing with. God told him to do it, and God will know his own when the souls of those U.S. Marines come before Him to be judged. That is literally what Rouhani believes.

    Check it out. You can use the whole web to double-check these statements. Find out for yourself.

    Today, with Obama's active connivance, Ayatollah Rouhani is now conducting a smiling "peace offensive," to lull hundreds of millions of indoctrinated suckers to sleep. Our media are in full collusion with Obama, the radical Left, and the most murderous branches of radical Islam.

    Normal Americans just can't get into the mullahs' ancient theological mindset, because Christianity and Judaism left all that behind many centuries ago, after the great religious wars of European history. But radical Islam has revived Allah-knows-all indoctrination in Iran and Arabia. Westerners provide plenty of suckers for those absolutist cults.
    Cult indoctrination is incredibly powerful. On November 18, 1978, more than 900 people committed mass suicide in Guyana on the direct orders of Jim Jones, a San Francisco cult leader. Those were pretty normal people before they joined the suicide cult. This is also how the Japanese Emperor cult was able to convince hundreds of young Japanes pilots to commit suicide by flying their planes into American aircraft carriers in World War II. Cults are dangerous. The mullahs in Iran have now controlled the schools and mass media in Iran for almost forty years. They are running a war-mongering suicide cult over there, but they have more than Jim Jones' 900 Americans drinking the kool-aid. They have hundreds of thousands of potential martyrs. In their war with Saddam Hussein the mullahs sent regiments of teenage boys on motorcycles into Saddam's minefields to martyr themselves in the name of Allah. Those kids wore green plastic signs around their necks, with the Arab slogan, "Key to Paradise."

    The mullahs of Iran are today's Divine Emperor cult from World War II. Warmaking cults have existed throughout human history. They are not unusual. The Aztecs of pre-Columbian Mexico were a war-making cult that captured members of neighboring tribes to sacrifice atop their pyramids. The Yanamamo of Chile and Peru have been studied for decades by Harvard anthropologists. They are also a fierce, warmaking cult. The inner core of Hitler's Nazis were a cult, sworn to commit suicide to protect Der Fuehrer. The Japanese Aleph Cult is listed as a terrorist gang today, because in 1995 they carried out a Sarin gas attack in the Tokyo subway. Warmaking suicide cults are not unusual. The 9/11/01 Wahhabi terrorists all belonged to one of those cults. They killed 3,000 innocent people.

    With nuclear weapons, the mullah cult could now kill many more people. That is the clear and present danger today. Delusional liberals will never take that threat seriously, but realistic people who understand the real world will take it seriously. The Israelis are realists, and so are the Saudis and the Egyptians. They understand the threat of suicide cults with weapons of mass destruction.

    Obama's closest advisor, Valerie Jarrett, grew up as a child in Khomeinist Iran. She knows all about it. Obama therefore has to know the truth about the suicide cult of Rouhani and Khamenei that runs those sixty million people today.

    Normal Americans see a great moral abyss between Israel and Ayatollah Rouhani, who has been whipping up murderous hatred against the West for forty years. We see the difference between good and evil.

    Obama doesn't get that. He has been taught to flip what normal people believe is good and evil. This may be hard to believe, but look at the facts, not at your fond dreams of what our presidents should be.

    Obama has been indoctrinated all his life -- as a child in Indonesia by Muslims following the bloody Indonesian civil war, then in Hawaii by his "mentor," race-hater Frank Marshall Davis, and later on, as Obama told us in his autobiographies, by a cult-like collection of like-minded angry people he chose to be his personal friends in college. As a result, Obama has only one opinion of the world. Everything he says is an ever-changing stream of lies. That is why Obama needs a teleprompter, to be cued about the "narrative" of the day. Honest people don't need a teleprompter. They just say what's in their minds. Obama cannot do that.
    Today Obama has dropped the smiling mask.

    The O'Care website doesn't work? That doesn't bother this president for one moment. Trillions of deficit spending doesn't fix unemployment after five years? No problem. Obama isn't interested. Obama is a blind ideologue. His words change, but his mind is made up.

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    Report: Valerie Jarrett Led Secret Negotiations with Iran for Past Year

    by Brian Cates 18 Nov 2013, 3:47 AM PDT 1065 post a comment

    The Times Of Israel is reporting that a team of negotiators led by White House adviser Valerie Jarrett has been conducting secret talks with Iran about it's nuclear weapons program for the past year.

    The report states the deal submitted in Geneva earlier this month was a direct result of these secret year-long negotiations between teams headed by Jarrett and Iran's Ali Akbar Salehi. That deal was ultimately rejected when France and Israel raised strong objections, and talks are expected to resume this Wednesday.

    The White House was very quick to issue a categorical denial of the report. According to White House spokesperson Bernadette Meehan, "Those rumors are absolutely, 100 percent false."

    If this report is found to be accurate despite the administration's fast denial, the fact that Jarrett is leading the U.S. negotiating team on Iran's nuclear weapons program is very troubling. She does not appear to have any foreign policy experience or history of being involved in such high level negotiations of this nature.

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    Deal reached on Iranian nuclear program

    Published November 23, 2013

    November 23, 2013: President Barack Obama speaks in the State Dining Room at the White House about the nuclear deal between six world powers and Iran that calls on Tehran to limit its nuclear activities in return for sanctions relief.(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

    DEVELOPING: Iran and six world powers have reached an agreement over the former's nuclear program that President Barack Obama described as "a first step to a comprehensive solution."

    Under the terms of the agreement, which concluded a second round of negotiations in Geneva, Switzerland, Iran committed to halt enrichment of uranium above a 5 percent threshold and dismantle the technical connections required to enrich uranium above that threshold. Iran is also required to neutralize its stockpile of near 20 percent enriched uranium, and halt progress on its enrichment capacity. In return, the six world powers (the U.S., Great Britain, France, Germany, China, and Russia), have agreed to not impose any new sanctions on Iran, suspend sanctions on certain sectors of Iran's economy, and potentially unfreeze $4.2 billion in revenue from oil sales if Iran meets other conditions.

    Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said, `'Yes, we have a deal," as he walked past reporters crowding the hotel lobby where marathon negotiations had taken place over the past five days.

    Asked if there was a deal, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said `'Yes" and gave a thumbs up sign.

    A senior Obama administration official told the Associated Press the nuclear deal with Iran does not include recognition of Iran's right to enrich uranium.

    That had been a sticking point in the negotiations between Iran and six world powers, including the United States.

    The official, who insisted on anonymity, says the deal includes an agreement that Iran will halt progress on its nuclear program, including a plutonium reactor at the Arak facility. The deal also calls on Iran to neutralize its 20 percent enriched uranium stockpiles.

    Tehran has also agreed to intrusive inspections under the terms of the deal, the Associated Press reports.

    The goal had been to hammer out an agreement to freeze Iran's nuclear program for six months, while offering the Iranians limited relief from crippling economic sanctions. If the interim deal holds, the parties will negotiate final-stage agreements to ensure Iran does not build nuclear weapons.

    The deal came after the personal intervention by Secretary of State John Kerry and other foreign ministers whose presence had raised hopes for a breakthrough.

    Diplomats refused to spell out details of the talks, which dragged on past midnight and into early Sunday.

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    Putin, Iran Find Obama Really Flexible After Election

    John Ransom | Nov 26, 2013

    Not content to confine his most heinous mistakes to domestic policy alone, Barack Hussein Obama over the weekend reversed decades of foreign policy both for the United States and her allies by allowing Iran to continue work on its nuclear program.

    Nuclear non-proliferation has long been a principle of the world community.

    Today that principle is dead.

    And do not suppose that this is the end. This is only the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup, which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time. – Winston S. Churchill October 5, 1938, House of Commons on the Munich Agreement

    The nuclear store is now open and anyone wishing to possess such a weapon will be allowed to have it if they just stick at it long enough.

    And along the way, Obama has continued to bolster Russian influence, building on their growing prestige that has been given a goose by Obama’s various fumbling in the Middle East, in Egypt, Syria and Libya.

    And for good measure we have traded in allies like Israel, Egypt, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
    For whom?


    "If in five years, a nuclear suitcase explodes in New York or Madrid," said Naftali Bennett, the Israeli minister of trade and industry as reported by CNN, "it will be because of the agreement that was signed this morning."

    I do not grudge our loyal, brave people, who were ready to do their duty no matter what the cost, who never flinched under the strain of last week - I do not grudge them the natural, spontaneous outburst of joy and relief when they learned that the hard ordeal would no longer be required of them at the moment; but they should know the truth. They should know that there has been gross neglect and deficiency in our defences; they should know that we have sustained a defeat without a war, the consequences of which will travel far with us along our road. – Winston S. Churchill October 5, 1938, House of Commons on the Munich Agreement

    It’s not even that we’ve suffered a defeat, but that Obama has done it purposefully, while also handing over control of the Middle East to Russians and the very Islamic extremists that would like to see a world without America.

    “A Sunni-Shiite war is brewing across the region with the U.S.'s policies ironically emboldening Islamism by supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt,” writes Barak M. Seener, at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affair, “and its hands-off approach that emboldened jihadists in Syria. At the same time the U.S. is relinquishing its role in the Middle East to Russia much to the consternation of Saudi Arabia and Israel.”

    Iran has long held that they are working on a plan “drawn up for the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization.” They hold conferences on the subject. They work the plan. Nukes and EMP devices are part of that plan.

    Because of these policy goals by Iran, until recently, the thought of allowing the Iranians to continue in their work on nukes was a non-starter. No responsible person was willing to propose a deal such as the one just agreed to.

    No one campaigning for the presidency would have proposed it. But I suppose this is what Obama meant when he told Putin that after the election he'd have more flexibility to cut a deal.

    The alternatives, until a few weeks ago, were either continuing sanctions or military action.
    Yet Obama just surrendered to an opponent that Ambassador John Bolton calls “Iran’s Joe Biden.”

    “And when you think of it that way,” said Bolton, “watching President Obama chase Hassan Rouhani around New York at the opening of the (U.N.) General Assembly in September was more than an embarrassment; it was a strategic mistake. Because Iran correctly read Obama’s efforts, first with the photo opportunity, then to even have even a telephone conversation, as signaling weakness in the American position, as signaling desperation to reach some kind of cosmetic deal with Iran on the nuclear weapons program.”

    We have already seen Obama deploy the “nuclear option” here at home, declaring civil war in the Senate in matters of nominations. Now he has declared peace for our time with an agreement on Iran’s nuclear options, which seeks to bolster his sagging, impotent and silly administration.

    “President Obama’s agreement with Iran is a serious strategic mistake,” said Rep. Peter King, former chairman of the Homeland Security committee in the House. “The United States will ease sanctions on Iran making billions of dollars available to the Iranians while Iran does not have to dismantle any of their 19,000 centrifuges. This agreement is a victory for Iran and a defeat for the United States and our allies in the Middle East, specifically Israel and Saudi Arabia.”

    As a consequence of this defeat the measure of success for the peace is whether a suitcase bomb explodes in New York or Madrid.
    That’s not a sufficient basis for peace for any country.

    “You were given the choice between war and dishonor,” Winston Churchill chided his compatriots.
    “You chose dishonor, and you will have war.”

    War. Not today of course, but someday... and today was just the start of the clock.

    Iran to Build Second Atom Plant With Russian Assistance

    By Ladane Nasseri - Nov 13, 2013 4:43 AM CT.

    Iran, which plans to have enough nuclear reactors to generate 20,000 megawatts of electricity, hopes the construction of another Russian-built power plant can start after March, said the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization.

    “We hope to witness the construction of our country’s second nuclear power plant in the beginning of the new Iranian year,” Ali Akbar Salehi was quoted as saying by the state-run Iranian Students News Agency. The new year starts on March 21.

    Salehi said the plant would have the capacity to generate as much as 4,000 megawatts and cited Russia’s “readiness” to be involved.

    The Russian-built 1,000-megawatt reactor located in Bushehr province is Iran’s first and only functioning nuclear power plant. Iranian officials say they plan to generate 20 times as much nuclear power to accommodate their growing population of 77 million. In August, Salehi said his nation was to sign a memorandum of understanding with Russia to build a second power plant.

    Sergei Novikov, Russian state nuclear company Rosatom Corp.’s spokesman in Moscow, declined to comment when asked about today’s announcement.

    Iran is meanwhile talking to Russia, the U.S., the U.K., France, China and Germany over its nuclear program, which the U.S. administration and its allies say could have a military dimension. The previous round of nuclear talks ended in Geneva on Nov. 9 without an initial agreement. Another round of negotiations is scheduled in the Swiss city for Nov. 20.

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    One Key Thing the Obama Administration Isn’t Telling You About the Iran Deal

    Under the agreement reached in Geneva over the weekend, Iran is permitted to keep one-half of the uranium it has enriched to the 20% level, and is required to dilute the remaining one-half to 5% U-235. It is allowed to continue enriching uranium, but agrees not to take that process beyond 5% U-235 during the next six months. No doubt many people who hear about those terms will be reassured, thinking that 5% enrichment, and even 20%, represents only a small percentage of the total effort needed to create the materials for a nuclear bomb. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

    A reader points out this valuable September 2012 report by the American Enterprise Institute, and comments:

    Approximately 15 – 25 kilograms (33 – 55 lbs.) of 90% enriched uranium is required for a Hiroshima type bomb (15 – 20 kilotons). It is about the size of a grapefruit or a softball and a U-235 implosion bomb gun-type fission device is so simple it does not require testing. Despite not being an efficient military weapon it is an ideal terrorist device.

    One big reason to be suspicious of the deal is that the enrichment process for weapons grade uranium is highly non-linear…the level of enrichment accelerates as the process continues. That means that most of the cumulative effort required to produce highly enriched uranium (HEU) comes at the earliest stages. About 90% of the total effort required is expended to reach the 5% level of enrichment and 98% for the 20% level of HEU. (See attached chart)

    From the AEI Report of February 2012 on Iran’s nuclear program:

    The work and time required to enrich uranium from its natural concentration (0.7%) to 3.5% low-enriched uranium (LEU) is an order of magnitude greater than that required to enrich 20% LEU to weapons-grade concentrations (90% U-235). That is because centrifuges must spin more than 14,000 kg of uranium ore to produce 1,373 kg of 3.5% LEU, but only 116 kg of 20% LEU to produce 15 kg of weapons-grade uranium.

    We ought to look at this agreement very carefully and not be misled by the apparently low levels of enrichment permitted, because the effort required is so dramatically non-linear. It takes about 8 days and only 2% of the total effort to go from the 20% HEU permitted to the 90% required for weapons grade and only 45 days and 10% of the cumulative effort from the 5% level of HEU.

    This is the AEI chart our reader referred to; click to enlarge:

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    Amano warns of staff and budget shortfalls

    By: ICEJ News
    Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 (All day) +0100

    US President Barak Obama reportedly called Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week and asked him to “take a breather” from publicly criticizing the recent agreement between Iran and the P5+1 nuclear powers (US, UK, France, Russia, China and Germany.) The call also resulted in an invitation for Israel’s senior national security leadership to come to Washington to discuss the next step in the process. However, Iran’s Arab neighbors are also voicing their intense unease about the deal, highlighted by Bahrain's Interior Minister Sheikh Rashed bin Abdullah al-Khalifa who asked the P5+1 states this week to "clarify to the leaders and people of the region that the agreement that has been reached serves to achieve regional security stability (and that it) “would not be at the expense of the security of any member of the (Gulf Cooperation) Council."

    "It is not a secret that we in Bahrain have felt [threats that] affect our security, with all foreign-related links to that," he added.

    Meanwhile, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani hosted a rare visit by an Arab government official to Teheran on Thursday, telling UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan that “our friendship and brotherhood with the United Arab Emirates is such that no external factors can damage them.”

    The visit come amidst reports that UAE based businesses are eager to resume lucrative trade with Iran.

    In related news, International Atomic Energy Agency chief Yukia Amano told the Agency’s governing board on Thursday that he is eager to accept the invitation by Teheran to send inspectors to Iran’s Arak reactor, but he will need budgetary and manpower support from them to carry out the inspections.

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    Bachmann uncorks on Obama, Armageddon

    Has choice words for president''s nuke deal with Iran

    Garth Kant About | Email | Archive

    Garth Kant is WND Washington news editor. Previously, he spent five years writing, copy-editing and producing at "CNN Headline News," three years writing, copy-editing and training writers at MSNBC, and also served several local TV newsrooms as producer, executive producer and assistant news director. He is the author of the McGraw-Hill textbook, "How to Write Television News."

    WASHINGTON — It was a warning on the perils of appeasement reminiscent of Churchill.

    Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., cut straight to the heart of the matter when WND asked her what the nuclear deal with Iran will mean.

    “The major nations of the world have chosen to fail to thwart Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon. It is a blunder of such great proportion, history will record it’s folly,” she ruefully predicted.

    The congresswoman had an equally dire assessment when asked: Did the deal mean Israel would now have no option but to launch a preemptive strike on Iran to stop it from acquiring nuclear weapons?

    Israel may have ‘to save the world’

    “Now Israel must secure not only her destiny, but she may have to save the world from an Islamic-inspired nuclear Armageddon,” she observed ominously.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the deal brokered by world powers over the weekend a “historic mistake.”

    “Iran gets billions of dollars in sanction relief without paying an actual price,” said the prime minister. “Iran gets written permission to breach U.N. Security Council resolutions.”

    The deal, spearheaded by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, will ease strict economic sanctions on Iran in exchange for steps supposed to curb the nation’s nuclear program.

    Netanyahu had insisted, to be effective in stopping Iran’s drive to build atomic weapons, any deal had to end Iran’s enriching of uranium and include the demolition of a plutonium reactor under construction.

    ‘Surrender by the United States’

    But an Associated Press analysis showed the Israelis’ worst fears were realized because the deal does not do either of those things and “relies heavily on Iranian goodwill.”

    Former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton called the deal an “abject surrender by the United States” because “Iran retains its full capacity to enrich uranium, thus abandoning a decade of Western insistence and Security Council resolutions that Iran stop all uranium-enrichment activities.”

    He warned, “Iran may have gained all of the time it needs to achieve weaponization not of simply a handful of nuclear weapons, but of dozens or more.”

    Bachmann wrote an op-ed in the Jerusalem Post earlier this month that questioned the president’s entire approach to the Mideast, noting Obama recently told the U.N. General Assembly that “Israel’s security as a Jewish and democratic state depends upon the realization of a Palestinian state” rather than neutralizing the threat from Iran.

    But, the congresswoman remarked, “Palestinian refusal to accept statehood in 1937, 1947, 2000 and again in 2008 suggests that destroying Israel, not building a Palestine, is the Palestinian goal.” That led her to wonder, “[W]hy are we pressuring Israel at all?”

    ‘Suicidal deal’

    In an interview with the Post, she said the looming deal with Iran would not just be bad for Israel, it would be “suicidal” for the world.

    Bachmann spoke with WND after having recently returning from Israel, where she first learned the outlines of the deal and met with a clearly concerned Netanyahu.

    “The meeting was unlike any we’d ever had,” she said. “He was very upset and apoplectic about what this deal would mean.”

    She contrasted Netanyahu’s sober concern with a bombastic speech given last week by Iran Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to the fanatical Bassij volunteer loyalist militia.

    The man who has ultimate authority over his nation’s nuclear program called Israel a “rabid dog.”

    “He went on to say they will not change their nuclear program one iota,” Bachmann noted. “And the response from the tens of thousands of paramilitary, who would be the front line of his military response, all shouted in unison, ‘Death to America! Death to America!’”

    Even more stunning than what the Ayatollah said, according to Bachmann, “was the silence that came from the Obama administrationin response to those words.”

    Obama endorses Iran’s ‘right’ to uranium

    “And, as a matter of fact, they (the Obama administration) gave a gift, the greatest gift that Iran could ever hope to receive,” Bachmann said. “It’s this: In the president’s press statement that he issued, he talked about Iran’s ‘right’ to enrich uranium.”

    Indeed, Netanyahu has pointed out nations such as Canada and India import their uranium to run nuclear power plants, and that if Iran really did not want to use the nuclear fuel to build a bomb, it could simply do the same.

    Bachmann called the deal “almost beyond belief, because after decades of violating U.N. Security Council resolutions, they’ve been rewarded for bad behavior.”

    ‘Moment of clarity’

    She termed this a turning point and a “moment of clarity” in the United States’ relations with Iran and Israel.

    “It’s a moment of clarity for the Obama administration. In his press release, the president referred to the Islamic Republic of Iran, not just as Iran. I don’t believe they (his administration) have referred to the Jewish State of Israel.”

    She repeated the observation to emphasize what she clearly considers the historic and ominous nature of this deal.

    “This is a moment of clarity,” Bachmann said. “The president has made it abundantly clear that, for all practical purposes, he and his team are perfectly content to see Iran join the very exclusive league of nations with nuclear weaponry. ”

    Then she spelled out exactly why she believes this deal is both so historic and so dangerous.

    “It’s always been, in order to gain admission to that club, you had to be responsible,” she said. “This is the most dangerous nation with the most dangerous weapons, acquiring them at the worst possible time, with stated intentions to use them to wipe Israel off the map and to use them against us, to bring about the defeat of the United States of America.”

    Transforming America, then the world

    WND asked Bachmann: Why do you think President Obama believes this deal was a good idea?

    “Just go back to the speech he gave five days before he was elected president in which he said he was going to fundamentally transform America,” she replied. “He’s done that domestically, on the economic side with Obamacare, and now he’s doing it with foreign policy.”

    She didn’t mince words when describing the effects of the president’s foreign policy.

    “He’s completely changed the dynamic of the United States and our role in the world, rducing the U.S. as a world power, reducing the strength of the U.S. military, continually disrespecting and pulling the rug out from under our allies.”

    She then returned to a theme, but put it in a hopeful light.

    “I think this is a moment of moral clarity,” Bachmann said. “We should have joy because now, after all the rhetoric we’ve had (from the administration) about being supportive of Israel, now we have an opportunity to put it on the line. That’s what we need to realize – what’s going to happen now? What’s the next step?”

    ‘Israeli military strike is the only way’ left

    Bachmann may have left the question hanging in the air, but another severe critic of the deal spelled it out.

    Ambassador Bolton said there is only one option left: “So in truth, an Israeli military strike is the only way to avoid Tehran’s otherwise inevitable march to nuclear weapons, and the proliferation that will surely follow.”

    Bolton said the real target of the deal was Israel, and he called it an attempt to stop the nation from launching a strike against Iran to defend itself.

    “Obama, fearing that strike more than an Iranian nuclear weapon, clearly needed greater international pressure on Jerusalem,” he said. “And Jerusalem fully understands that Israel was the real target of the Geneva negotiations.”

    And, by stating “Tehran judges correctly that they have Obama obediently moving in their direction,” Bolton clearly agreed with the Saudis that the president has been manipulated by the Iranians.

    Iran outmatches Obama

    In fact, veteran Saudi negotiator Prince Alwaleed bin Talal told Bloomberg News that Obama is outmatched by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    “There’s no confidence in the Obama administration doing the right thing with Iran,” he confided even before the deal was struck.

    Perhaps the most significant measure of how great a threat Iran now poses is that Israeli is now in an unprecedented, and previously unimaginable, de facto alliance with other Arab nations against Iran.

    “We’re really concerned – Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Middle East countries – about this,” confessed bin Talal.

    And the Saudi Prince has his own ideas as to why Obama would make such a deal, which have everything to do with the president’s disastrous health-care law and nosediving poll numbers.

    “Obama is in so much of a rush to have a deal with Iran,” he said. “He wants anything. He’s so wounded. It’s very scary. Look, the 2014 elections are going to begin. Within two months they’re going to start campaigning. Thirty-nine members of his own party in the House have already moved away from him on Obamacare. That’s scary for him.”

    This is wrong

    Bachmann’s commentary in the Jerusalem Post outlined just how much Israel has had to overcome just to survive to this point.

    “It is not Israel that has declared war on its Arab neighbors since its inception in 1948,” she wrote. “It it is the neighboring Arab states which invaded Israel the day it declared independence.”
    “It is not Israel that refused peace talks following the first Arab-Israeli war, it was its Arab neighbors.”

    She accused the Obama administration of leaning heavily on Israel to make concessions while not calling out the Palestinian Authority for it’s “uninterrupted record of … intransigence and extremism.”

    “This is wrong,” she declared. “This is counter-productive. This harms peace prospects. This does not serve American interests. This is not America at its best.”

    Bachmann noted how American presidents have always stood by Israel “when faced with threats, violence, extremism and non-acceptance. Israel faces all these right now.”

    She added, “The time has come for the United States to cease pressuring Israel into unmerited, dangerous, one-sided concessions.”

    However, the congresswoman believes that is what the United States has just done, with historic consequences to follow.

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    Report: Obama Arranging Tehran Visit for Next Year

    10:46 AM, Dec 2, 2013 • By DANIEL HALPER

    The Kuwaiti news outlet Al-Jarida reports that President Obama is seeking to arrange a trip to Tehran, Iran next year.

    Obama in Cairo

    The headline of the article reads, "Obama would like to visit Tehran, official invitation after details resolved."

    "Al-Jarida has learned from a U.S. diplomat that President Barack Obama is seeking to visit Tehran in the middle of next year," the report reads, based on a translation using Google Translate.

    "The source said that the desire to visit is shared, and that Tehran and Washington are waiting for the conclusion of the arrangements prior to Iranian President Hassan Rohani issuing an official invitation to his American counterpart to visit Tehran.

    "He pointed out that the most important detail that is outstanding regarding the meeting is the question of a meeting with Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and the possibility of not holding the meeting.

    "The source said that Obama was waiting for the invitation to devote his new administration's policy in the region based on the principle of non-military involvement and balance. He wants to be the first U.S. president to visit Iran since the Khomeini revolution in order to show that he is an advocate of peace and dialogue even with those who chant death to America."

    The article was originally published in Arabic.

    A State Department spokeswoman did not respond to a request for confirmation of the Al-Jarida report.

    But in an email, one former high ranking U.S. national security official says, "I don't believe it."

    Related Stories

    Last weekend, President Obama, in announcing a nuclear deal between the U.S., other countries, and Iran, said, "the United States -- together with our close allies and partners -- took an important first step toward a comprehensive solution that addresses our concerns with the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear program."

    Obama concluded those remarks by saying, "Ultimately, only diplomacy can bring about a durable solution to the challenge posed by Iran’s nuclear program. As President and Commander-in-Chief, I will do what is necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. But I have a profound responsibility to try to resolve our differences peacefully, rather than rush towards conflict. Today, we have a real opportunity to achieve a comprehensive, peaceful settlement, and I believe we must test it.

    "The first step that we’ve taken today marks the most significant and tangible progress that we’ve made with Iran since I took office. And now we must use the months ahead to pursue a lasting and comprehensive settlement that would resolve an issue that has threatened our security -- and the security of our allies -- for decades. It won’t be easy, and huge challenges remain ahead.

    But through strong and principled diplomacy, the United States of America will do our part on behalf of a world of greater peace, security, and cooperation among nations."

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    ‘US freed top Iranian scientist as part of secret talks ahead of Geneva deal’

    The secret back channel of negotiations between Iran and the United States, which led to this month’s interim deal in Geneva on Iran’s rogue nuclear program, has also seen a series of prisoner releases by both sides, which have played a central role in bridging the distance between the two nations, the Times of Israel has been told.

    In the most dramatic of those releases, the US in April released a top Iranian scientist, Mojtaba Atarodi, who had been arrested in 2011 for attempting to acquire equipment that could be used for Iran’s military-nuclear programs.

    American and Iranian officials have been meeting secretly in Oman on and off for years, according to a respected Israeli intelligence analyst, Ronen Solomon. And in the past three years as a consequence of those talks, Iran released three American prisoners, all via Oman, and the US responded in kind. Then, most critically, in April, when the back channel was reactivated in advance of the Geneva P5+1 meetings, the US released a fourth Iranian prisoner, high-ranking Iranian scientist Atarodi, who was arrested in California on charges that remain sealed but relate to his attempt to acquire what are known as dual-use technologies, or equipment that could be used for Iran’s military-nuclear programs. Iran has not reciprocated for that latest release.

    Solomon, an independent intelligence analyst (who in 2009 revealed the crucial role played by German Federal Intelligence Service officer Gerhard Conrad in the negotiations that led to the 2011 Gilad Shalit Israel-Hamas prisoner deal), has been following the US-Iran meetings in Oman for years. Detailing what he termed the “unwritten prisoner exchange deals” agreed over the years in Oman by the US and Iran, Solomon told The Times of Israel that “It’s clear what the Iranians got” with the release of top scientist Atarodi in April. “What’s unclear is what the US got.”

    The history of these deals, though, he said, would suggest that in the coming months Iran will release at least one of three US citizens who are currently believed to be in Iranian custody. One of these three is former FBI agent Robert Levinson.

    Undated photo of retired-FBI agent Robert Levinson (photo credit: AP/Levinson Family)

    Solomon told The Times of Israel that the interlocutor in the Oman talks is a man named Salem Ben Nasser al Ismaily, who is the executive president of the Omani Center for Investment Promotion and Export Development and a close confidant of the Omani leader Sultan Qaboos bin Said.

    Omani interlocutor Salem Ben Nasser al Ismaily (photo credit: Channel 2 screenshot)

    Educated in the US and the UK and fluent in English, Ismaily has authored two books. “Messengers of Monotheism: A Common Heritage of Christians, Jews and Muslims” and “A Cup of Coffee: A Westerner’s Guide to Business in the Gulf States.”

    The latter tells the fictional tale of John Wilkinson, a successful American businessman who fails in all of his business endeavors in the Gulf until he meets Sultan, who explains to him, according to the book’s promotional literature, how to forgo his hard-charging Western style and “surrender to very different values rooted in ancient tribal customs and traditions.” Those mores have been central to the murky prisoner swaps surrounding the nuclear negotiations, Solomon said.

    Iranian President Hasan Rouhani, right, shakes hands with Omani Sultan Qaboos during an official arrival ceremony, in Tehran, Iran, Aug. 25, 2013. (photo credit: AP/Iranian Presidency Office, Hojjat Sepahvand)

    Solomon said he identified Ismaily’s role back in September 2010, when Sarah Shourd, an American who apparently inadvertently crossed into Iran while hiking near the Iraqi border, was released, for what were called humanitarian reasons. She was delivered into Ismaily’s hands in Oman and from there was flown to the US — the first release in the series of deals brokered in Oman. One year later, in September 2011, her fiancé and fellow hiker, Shane Bauer, was set free along with their friend, Josh Fattal. The two men were also received at Muscat’s Seeb military airport by Ismaily before being flown back to the US.

    Former Iranian hostages Shane Bauer, left, Sarah Shourd, center, and Josh Fattal (photo credit: AP/Press TV)

    The US began reciprocating in August 2012, Solomon said. It freed Shahrzad Mir Gholikhan, an Iranian convicted on three counts of weapons trafficking. Next Nosratollah Tajik, a former Iranian ambassador to Jordan — who, like Gholikhan, had been initially apprehended abroad trying to buy night-vision goggles from US agents — was freed after the US opted not to follow up an extradition request it had submitted to the British. Then, in January 2013, Amir Hossein Seirafi was released, also via Oman, having been arrested in Frankfurt and convicted in the US of trying to buy specialized vacuum pumps that could be used in the Iranian nuclear program.

    Finally, in April, came the release of Mojtaba Atarodi.

    The facts of his case are still shrouded. On December 7, 2011, Atarodi, a faculty member at the prestigious Sharif University of Technology (SUT) in Tehran — a US-educated electrical engineer with a heart condition, a green card and a brother living in the US — arrived at LAX and was arrested by US federal officials.

    He appeared twice in US federal court in San Francisco and was incarcerated at a federal facility in Dublin, California and then kept under house arrest. The US government cloaked the contents of his indictment and released no statement upon his release. His lawyer, Matthew David Kohn, told The Times of Israel he would like to discuss the case further but that first he had to “make some inquiries” to see what he was allowed to reveal.

    In January, shortly after Atarodi’s arrest, his colleagues wrote a letter to the journal Nature, protesting his detention. “We believe holding a distinguished 55-year-old professor in custody is a historical mistake and not commensurate with the image that America strives to extend throughout the world as a bastion of free scientific exchange among schools and academic institutions,” they said.

    Solomon, who compiled a profile of Atarodi, believes that the scientist, prior to his arrest, played an important role in Iran’s missile and nuclear programs. Atarodi, he said, has co-authored more than 30 technical articles, mostly related to micro-electric engineering and, in 2011, won the Khwarizmi award for the design of a microchip receiver for digital photos. “That same technology,” he said, “can be used for missile guidance and the analysis of nuclear tests.”

    Solomon further noted that the then-Iranian defense minister and former commander of the revolutionary guards, Ahmad Vahidi, attended the prize ceremony and that Professor Massoud Ali-Mahmoudi, an Iranian physics professor who was assassinated in 2010, was an earlier recipient of the prize.

    “There is no doubt in my mind that Atarodi came to the US at the behest of the logistics wing of the IRGC [the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps],” Solomon said.

    On April 26 Atarodi was flown from the US to Seeb military airbase in Oman, where he met with Ismaily, and onward to Iran. “The release of someone who holds that sort of information and has advanced strategic projects in Iran is a prize,” Solomon said. The US, said Solomon, must have already received something in return or will do so in the future.

    Thus far, US-Iran prisoner swaps have been conducted in a manner utterly distinct from the old Cold War rituals, in which, as was the case with Prisoner of Zion Natan Sharansky, spies or prisoners from either side of the Iron Curtain walked across Berlin’s old Glienicke Bridge toward their respective home countries. Instead, with Iran claiming it knows nothing about the whereabouts of former FBI agent Levinson, for instance, and the US eager to show that it will not barter with hostage-takers, the deals have taken the form of a delayed quid pro quo.

    There are currently three US nationals — Levinson, Saeed Abedini, and Amir Hekmati — still believed to be held in Iran.

    US President Barak Obama raised the issue of the imprisoned Americans in his historic September phone call to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, Tony Blinken, told CNN that aside from the nuclear program it was the only other issue that was brought up in the call.

    The interim deal in Geneva did not include any reference to prisoner dealings. Richard Haas, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, told CNN, “you’ve got to decide how much you’re going to try to accomplish, and just tackling all the dimensions of the nuclear agreement is ambition enough.” A spokeswoman for the National Security Council added that the “talks focused exclusively on nuclear issues.”

    The omission prompted the chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, Jay Sekulow, who is representing Pastor Saeed Abedini’s wife Naghmeh, to charge Obama and US Secretary of State John Kerry with turning their backs on an American citizen. On the center’s website, he called the decision “outrageous and a betrayal” and said it sends the message that “Americans are expendable.”

    Abedini, who was born in Iran and later converted to Christianity, was arrested earlier this year in Iran for what would seem was strictly Christian charity work and sentenced to eight years in prison. He was recently transferred from Evin Prison, a notorious jail for political prisoners in Tehran, Sukelow wrote in a letter to Kerry, “to the even more notorious and brutal Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj.”

    Amir Hekmati, a 31-year-old former Marine from Flint, Michigan, who allegedly obtained permission to visit his grandmother in Iran in 2011, was charged with espionage and sentenced to death in 2012. In September, Hekmati managed to smuggle a letter out of prison. Published in the Guardian, it contended that his filmed admission of guilt had been coerced and that his arrest “is part of a propaganda and hostage-taking effort by Iranian intelligence to secure the release of Iranians abroad being held on security-related charges.”

    Amir Hekmati, a former U.S. Marine held in Iran over the past two years on accusations of spying for the CIA. (photo credit: Hekmati family/

    Levinson, a 65-year-old veteran of the FBI, was last seen on March 9, 2007, on Kish Island, Iran.

    According to Solomon, Levinson was stationed in Dubai at the time as part of a US task force comprised of former officers operating in the United Arab Emirates, training officials there to combat weapons trafficking, and was tempted to come to Kish for a meeting.

    The last person he is known to have had contact with, and with whom he shared a room the night before his abduction, according to a Reuters article from 2007, is Dawud Salahuddin, an American convert to Islam, who is wanted in the US for murder. According to a New Yorker profile of the Long Island-born Salahuddin, he showed up at the home of Ali Akbar Tabatabai’s Bethseda, Maryland door in July 1980, dressed as a mailman, and shot Tabatabai, a Shah supporter, three times in the abdomen, killing him. From there he fled to Canada and on to Switzerland and Iran.

    Salahuddin has indicated that Levinson had come to Kish to meet with him.

    In September, Rouhani denied any knowledge of Levinson’s whereabouts. In an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, he said that, “We don’t know where he is, who he is. He is an American who has disappeared. We have no news of him.”

    This is highly doubtful. In 2010 and 2011 Levinson’s family received a video and photographs respectively of him in captivity. In January of this year the AP reported that “despite years of denials,” many US security officials now believe that “Iran’s intelligence service was almost certainly behind the 54-second video and five photographs of Levinson that were emailed anonymously to his family.” The photos and the videos traced back to different addresses in Afghanistan and Pakistan, suggesting, perhaps, that Levinson, the longest-held hostage in US history, was imprisoned in Balochistan, a desert region spanning the borders of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

    On Tuesday, Levinson’s son Dan wrote a column in the Washington Post calling Rouhani and Foreign Minister Javad Zarif “well-respected men committed to the goodwill of all human beings, regardless of their nationality.”

    Several hours later, White House Spokesman Jay Carney published a statement saying that the US government welcomes the assistance “of our international partners” in attempting to bring Levinson home and, he added, “we respectfully ask the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to assist us in securing Mr. Levinson’s health, welfare, and safe return.”

    As was the case with the Geneva negotiations, and as is likely happening with the upcoming round of talks regarding Syria, there is good reason to believe, and in this case to hope, that the movements played out under the spotlights of the international stage have been choreographed well in advance, perhaps in the sea-side city of Muscat, under the careful tutelage of Salem Ben Nasser al Ismaily.

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    Secret Deals With Our Enemies: Just Give Peace A Chance

    Posted on by TMH

    By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

    Iran FM Zarif Honors American-Murdering Hezbollah Terrorist, “Signals Insincerity” Behind Tehran’s Latest Moves

    Iran just declared victory over the world, announcing a new nuclear agreement between Iran and the six world powers. The 30 page document has not been made public yet, but word has it, a secret deal was given to Iran.

    Figures. The agreement supposedly takes effect on Jan. 20, after which Iran will begin to get access to some frozen assets and will have to open more facilities to inspectors. Right. And Islamic pigs fly. This absurd theater of the insane is being led by the US and Obama.

    The White House is of course denying a secret agreement. But we know how much their word is worth, don’t we? From the LA Times:

    When officials from Iran and the world powers announced that they had completed the implementing agreement, they didn’t release the text of the deal, nor did they acknowledge the existence of an informal addendum.

    In the interview, Araqchi referred to the side agreement using the English word “nonpaper,” a diplomatic term used for an informal side agreement that doesn’t have to be disclosed publicly.

    The nonpaper deals with such important details as the operation of a joint commission to oversee how the deal is implemented and Iran’s right to continue nuclear research and development during the next several months, he said.

    Araqchi described the joint commission as an influential body that will have authority to decide disputes.

    U.S. officials have described it as a discussion forum rather than a venue for arbitrating major disputes.

    White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said Monday that the text of the implementing agreement would be released to lawmakers. He said the six parties were weighing how much of the text they could release publicly.

    Asked late Monday about the existence of the informal nonpaper, White House officials referred the question to the State Department. A State Department comment wasn’t immediately available.

    Basically the State Department told everyone to cool their heels and they would release details when they were good and ready. Let me translate bull crap for you: never, or after we modify it and craft sufficient lies to cover our tracks temporarily until it is too late. You can just imagine the tight little confab with Iran and Obama, who surely stayed true to his Islamic roots, heatedly going over their agreement in blood. Those wanting the truth were locked out of heaven so-to-speak. This buys just enough time to get the bomb and go after the Little Satan, Israel. The US, China, Russia and the others damn well know it too. It’s a who’s who of lying asshats getting together for an evil tea party with Obama, the Mad Hatter, serving:

    U.S. officials said Sunday that Iran would be allowed to continue existing research and development projects and with pencil-and-paper design work, but not to advance research with new projects. Araqchi, however, implied that the program would have wide latitude.

    “No facility will be closed; enrichment will continue, and qualitative and nuclear research will be expanded,” he said. “All research into a new generation of centrifuges will continue.”

    The research and development issue has been an important one for many U.S. lawmakers, who fear that Iran will try to forge ahead with its nuclear program while the negotiations are underway. At an administration briefing for senators Monday, members of both parties raised concerns about the centrifuge research issue, aides said.

    President Obama on Monday again hailed the implementing agreement and appealed to Congress not to impose new sanctions on Iran, for fear of driving the country from the bargaining table.

    “My preference is for peace and diplomacy, and this is one of the reasons why I’ve sent the message to Congress that now is not the time for us to impose new sanctions; now is the time for us to allow the diplomats and technical experts to do their work,” Obama said. “What we want to do is give diplomacy a chance and give peace a chance.”
    If you mean by giving peace a chance, giving Iran a chance to kill Jews… well then, mission accomplished. How can anyone believe this murderous crap? What is wrong with everyone?

    President Hassan Rouhani crowed over the landmark nuclear deal as a massive victory for Iran. He declared to a crowd that the deal effectively means the “surrender” of Western powers to Iranian demands. Rouhani was quoted as saying the “Geneva deal means the surrender of big powers before the great nation of Iran.” Hear that? It’s the sound of the free world about to die. It’s the sound of a nuclear power being born to a monstrous bloodthirsty theocracy that will use it for the glory of Allah.

    In the meantime, the Iran PM chose this moment to honor a terrorist bomber who killed hundreds of Americans.

    This deal is covered and signed in the blood of innocent Americans:

    Reuters this evening published photos taken earlier today showing “Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif… lay[ing] a wreath at the grave of assassinated Hezbollah military commander” Imad Mughniyeh, a terrorist who was killed in 2008 after having spent literally decades killing Americans and others on behalf of his paymasters in Tehran.

    Celebrating a mass-murdering terrorist is a bad choice for any Foreign Minister, but the decision by Tehran’s top diplomat to so brazenly honor a terrorist like Mughniyeh, who killed hundreds of Americans, within hours of inking an agreement with the US and members of the P5+1 sends a very negative, and unmistakeable signal about Iran’s true intentions.

    Mughniyeh, the leader of Iran’s global terror network, in fact began his career as the mastermind of the deadly 1983 attacks on the U.S. embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut, killing more Americans than any terrorist except Osama Bin Laden. He subsequently engineered the hijacking of TWA Flight 847, as well as the kidnapping, torture and murder of Americans in Lebanon throughout the 1980s, including the CIA’s Beirut station chief William Buckley, who was eventually slaughtered after 15 months of being horrifically tortured on film by Mughniyeh and Iran’s terrorist army, Hezbollah.
    It takes everything in me not to curse vehemently here. Obama made a deal with these monsters, knowing full well what they are and what they do. He didn’t care. They are celebrating the death of Americans, torture and brazen anti-Americanism, while he cuts deals and gives them the world — literally. Neville Chamberlain was clueless – Obama is just plain evil. America – do you really think someone who condones terrorists and mass murderers and snuggles with them, won’t commit atrocities against his own people? Wake up before this ends with a nuclear apocalypse. Secret deals with our enemies within and without does not bring peace… it brings war and death with the Obama logo emblazoned across it.

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    The Obama Perpetrated Iran Disaster Emerges

    Posted on 06/02/2014 by terrortrends

    Well, the deed is all but done. The Obamanistas have gotten what they wanted all along: a false detente with the Ayatollahs.
    John Kerry would have us believe that the Iranian nuclear program has been frozen by the “agreement” he “hammered” out with Iranian negotiators, but the subsequent remarks from Iranian leaders are very telling; they don’t appear to believe that they agreed to anything that truly curtails their nuclear ambitions.

    Kerry is lying.

    At BEST, this agreement seems to have set back the Iranian nuclear program all of 6 weeks. It is now inevitable that one day we will wake up and turn on the cable news shows and be treated to the news that Iran has nuclear weapons.

    Make no mistake, Obama was NEVER committed to preventing the Iranians from becoming armed with nuclear weapons. To Obama’s world view, this is simply a balancing of world power. We have more nukes than anyone, so, what difference does it make that Iran has nukes? (Incidentally, this is essentially the same position that some Republicans, notably Rand Paul, have taken.)

    Obama also has an underlying animosity toward Israel and no doubt sees Iran as a nuclear power in much the same light as Israel as a nuclear power.
    Probably the most disappointing to liberals in the US who purported to support Israel, Hillary Clinton has gone along with the charade. To Hillary Clinton, everything is about political expedience and she sees it in her best political interests not to disagree with Obama on Iran.

    In other words, there is no one in power in Washington who is truly concerned about Iran having the atomic bomb.

    Leon Panetta may actually have believed it a few years ago when he said that the US would not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons, but he was being lied to by his colleagues in the Obama administration who claimed to hold that view. No one in the Obama administration is talking like that now.

    John Kerry would have us believe that we can just turn sanctions back on like a light switch if the Iranians don’t hold up their end of the faux bargain. This is perhaps the biggest lie.

    Maybe the US can turn on sanctions again, but such unilateral sanctions will have little effect because the Chinese and the Russians are running full-speed into expanding their operations in the Iranian market now and our allies in Europe, Japan and South Korea are headed back in too. None of those countries, all of whom have closer economic ties to Iran than the US, is likely to turn sanctions back on any time soon. Nope, the genie is out of the bottle.

    Meanwhile, the Iranians are up to their usual nefarious activities. They are playing chess and we still think the game is checkers.

    A high ranking member of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps recently stated that Iran has IRGC and Hezbollah sleeper cells inside of America ready to strike targets:

    I absolutely believe his claim to be true. There is no reason to doubt it.
    President Rouhani took office last year amid wide speculation that he would finally be the long-lost “moderate” who would reach out lovingly to the West. This broken record is really getting tiresome. As if to ensure that the myth is once again disposed of properly, the Iranians have ramped up executions on his watch:

    Meanwhile, Iran is using its oil wealth to exert its influence in America’s backyard. Through Hezbollah and activities emanating from Iran’s diplomatic facilities in the region, the Iranians are becoming involved in terrorism and criminal enterprises…

    And as we have pointed out previously, the nuclear agreement with Iran doesn’t even mention the Iranians’ ballistic missile program:

    Finally, amid all their nuclear ambitions, ballistic missile testing and sponsorship of terror, the US, thanks to the Obamanistas, is facilitating the Iranians’ access to long frozen financial resources. Money is the most fungible of all commodities. The Iranians might actually tell John Kerry and Barack Obama that this money won’t be spent on things like uranium enrichment, ballistic missiles and Hezbollah, but it makes no difference because it would definitely free up Iranian money elsewhere for such activity. We’ve known for decades that this is what the Ayatollahs do. That’s why this deal that John Kerry has perpetrated upon all of Western Civilization is criminal in its effect…

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    Boeing, GE Get U.S. License To Sell Spare Parts To Iran

    April 4, 2014

    Boeing Co., the world's biggest airplane maker, and engine maker General Electric Co. said on Friday they had received licenses from the U.S. Treasury Department to export certain spare parts for commercial aircraft to Iran under a temporary sanctions relief deal that began in January.

    GE spokesman Rick Kennedy said the Treasury had approved the company's application to service 18 engines sold to Iran in the late 1970s. They will be serviced at facilities owned by GE or Germany's MTU Aero Engines, which is licensed to do the work.

    He said GE officials would meet with officials from Iran flag carrier Iranair and MTU in Istanbul next week to discuss Iran's needs.

    A Boeing spokesman said his company received the license this week and would now contact officials in Iran to determine which parts were needed.

    He said the license covered only components needed to ensure continued safe flight operations of older Boeing planes sold to Iran before the 1979 revolution, and did not allow any discussions about sales of new aircraft to Iran.

    "It's very limited," said the spokesman.

    The sales would be the first acknowledged dealings between U.S. aerospace companies and Iran since the 1979 U.S. hostage crisis led to U.S. sanctions that were later broadened during the dispute over Iran's nuclear activities.

    Reuters reported in February that both Boeing and GE had applied for permission to export aircraft parts to Iran during a six-month window agreed by Iran and six world powers in November.

    Iran agreed in November to curtail its nuclear activities for six months from January 20 in exchange for sanctions relief from Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States. The deal provides for the sale of parts to flag carrier Iranair, the fleet of which includes vintage Boeing and Airbus jetliners delivered as long ago as 1978.

    A spokesperson for the Treasury, which enforces international sanctions, said the department does not comment on license applications or requests.

    Iran says the sanctions have prevented it from renewing its fleet, forcing it to use sub-standard Russian aircraft and to patch up jets that have long since exceed their normal years of service. Since 1990 it has had more than 200 accidents, causing more than 2,000 deaths, according to official news agency IRNA.

    Boeing said the license was granted under the temporary sanctions relief deal, and was aimed at helping improve the safety of Iran's aircraft.

    "We take the safety of flight issue very seriously," said the Boeing spokesman. He had no immediate details on how many parts would be sold to Iran, or their potential value.

    Analysts say the sales could help American companies position themselves for potential sales of new aircraft if a broader softening of sanctions is agreed.

    A senior Iranian official told Reuters in November that Iran could require between 250 and 400 jets if and when sanctions are lifted completely.

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    Iran's Letter to Obama: Thanks for the Nukes!

    Friday, November 14, 2014 | Noah Beck

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    Dear President Obama,

    You’ve been a great friend for the last six years and, to express our appreciation, we’d like to acknowledge some of your many helpful actions:

    1) In 2009, our presidential election results were so dubious that millions of brave, pro-democracy protesters risked their lives to demonstrate throughout our country. When our Basij paramilitary force brutalized them, you kept your response irrelevantly mild for the sake of “engaging” us. That surely helped Iranians understand the risks of protesting our “free” election of 2012 (involving our eight handpicked candidates). It was indeed a very orderly rubberstamp.

    2) After eight years of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, we KNEW you’d fall for the smiles of his successor, President Hassan Rouhani! Human rights abuses have actually worsened under his rule and his polished charm only makes him better at duping the world into acquiescing to our nukes, so we LOVE how you’ve overlooked these facts.

    3) You’ve been unilaterally weakening the sanctions against us by simply not enforcing them (which reassures us that you’re desperate to avoid any real confrontation).

    4) You’ve threatened to thwart any Congressional attempt to limit your nuclear generosity by simply lifting sanctions without Congressional approval. Good stuff!

    5) You isolated Israel on the issue of how close we are to a nuclear capability – we love how your estimates are so much laxer than theirs are!

    6) The diplomatic snubs and betrayals of Israel by your administration have been EPIC. We couldn’t have asked for more – from your humiliation of Prime Minister Netanyahu in 2010, to Secretary of State John Kerry’s betrayal of Israel during Operation Protective Edge, to calling Netanyahu a “chickenshit” a few weeks ago, without even apologizing later. We found it hilariously ironic that your administration’s accusation of Israeli cowardice was made anonymously! And, FYI, Netanyahu is actually the only leader in the world with the guts to defy us, respond to Syrian border violations, enforce his own declared lines, etc., so we thought that this was particularly priceless.

    7) Speaking of enforcing red lines, we LOVE how you backed off yours, after our Syrian buddy, Basher Assad, used chemical weapons on his own people. That was a very helpful signal to everyone that we need not take your threats too seriously (contrary to those scary words you issued in 2012 about how stopping our nukes militarily was still an option, unlike containment, and how you don’t bluff). But we understood back then that you were trying to get re-elected, so we didn’t take it personally.

    8) It was adorably naive of you (in 2011) to request so politely that we give back your drone that went down onIranian soil. In fact, your request was so quaint that we couldn’t resist recently showcasing our knock-off based on that drone.

    9) Fortunately, you don’t take our Supreme Leader Khamenei seriously when he tweets out his plan for destroying Israel (why let our true motives get in the way of a fantastic nuclear deal, right)?

    10) We LOVE how you obsess over Israel building apartments in Jerusalem because it’s the perfect distraction from our deal.

    11) You’ve been pressuring Israel to retreat from more disputed territory, effectively rewarding Palestinians for launching the third missile war against Israel from Gaza in five years last summer and, more recently, the third Intifidah inside Israel in 17 years. You’re almost as awesome as the European appeasers who think Palestinian bellicosity merits statehood!

    12) It’s so cute of you to write us these letters asking for help against ISIS and showing us how desperately you want a nuclear deal. All we had to do was hint at an ISIS-for-nukes exchange and you got so excited!

    13) You’re smart to go behind everyone’s backs when dealing with us. That’s a bummer that your top aide, Ben Rhodes, was caught saying how a nuclear accord with us is as important to you as “healthcare.” But we’ve got the perfect slogan to sell our deal to Americans: “If you like your nukes, you can keep them.”

    14) What’s really awesome about the deal that we’re “negotiating” is that it allows us to continue nuclear enrichment but makes it even harder for Israel to take any military action against our nuclear program. And our agreement will give the press even more ammunition against such an attack. We already know about the world media’s anti-Israel bias – they can’t even get a simple story about vehicular terrorism against Israelis correct. Even we were surprised at how The Guardian writes accurate headlines when Canada suffers an Islamist car attack but not when Israel
    ). So if you accept our nukes and Israel then attacks them, the media will be even harsher on Israel (even though the world will be silently relieved, if Israeli courage succeeds at neutralizing what scared everyone else).

    But we kind of feel sorry for you, because nobody takes you seriously and you're a lame duck now. Putin is unabashedly conquering neighboring countries while going all Cold War on you with 40 provocative security incidents involving Western nations and Russian flights into the Gulf of Mexico (despite your promise of greater flexibility after your 2012 reelection). The North Koreans are closer than ever to building nuclear missiles. China is dangerously testing disputed borders with India, growing increasingly assertive in the contested Spratly archipelago, and stealing your sensitive defense and corporate data. Oh, and ISIS has grown into a veritable jihadi lovefest thanks to your excellent strategy against them.

    Indeed, your foreign policy seems like a massive FAIL, but we’re super ready to help! Your trusted Russian friends have suggested continuing our nuclear talks past the November 24th deadline, and we’re totally down with more enrichment time (that’s another reason we've stonewalled the IAEA’s investigations into our nukes), so count us in on this extension like the one from last July (and any future ones). Hey, it’s good for you too: an extension (or agreement) looks so much better than calling out our manipulations and issuing more empty threats to stop us, right?

    And after everyone sees the killer deal that you’re giving us, the world’s bad actors will line up to talk to you, with demands of their own that you can try to satisfy in the hope that they’ll stop opposing your national interests so much.

    Overall, we appreciate you even more than we did President Carter, because getting nukes is WAY COOLER than holding 52 American diplomats and citizens hostage for 444 days.
    With our deepest gratitude,

    Your Friends in the Iranian Regime

    p.s. We’re glad you didn’t take any personal offense when one of our officials used the N-word to describe you back in 2010. He actually has nothing but respect for you, as do we.

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    Krauthammer: Iranian domination worries Arabs, overlooked by Obama

    Charles Krauthammer says as America's Arab allies look aghast, Tehran's nuclear talks with U.S. have them deeply worried.

    By Charles Krauthammer | January 22, 2015 | Updated: January 22, 2015 7:09pm

    While Iran's march toward a nuclear bomb has provoked a major clash between the White House and Congress, Iran's march toward conventional domination of the Arab world has been largely overlooked. In Washington, that is. The Arabs have noticed. And the pro-American ones, the Gulf Arabs in particular, are deeply worried.

    This week, Iranian-backed Houthi rebels seized control of the Yemeni government, heretofore pro-American. In September, they overran Sanaa, the capital. On Tuesday, they seized the presidential palace. On Thursday, they forced the president to resign.

    Agents of Tehran

    The Houthi have local religious grievances, being Shiites in a majority Sunni land. But they are also agents of Shiite Iran, which arms, trains and advises them. Their slogan - "God is great. Death to America. Death to Israel" - could have been written in Persian.

    Why should we care about the coup? First, because we depend on Yemen's government to support our drone war against another local menace, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. It's not clear if we can even maintain our embassy in Yemen, let alone conduct operations against AQAP. And second, because growing Iranian hegemony is a mortal threat to our allies and interests in the entire Middle East.

    In Syria, Iran's power is similarly rising. The mullahs rescued the reeling regime of Bashar al-Assad by sending in weapons, money and Iranian revolutionary guards, as well as by ordering their Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, to join the fight. They succeeded. The moderate rebels are in disarray, even as Assad lives in de facto coexistence with the Islamic State, which controls a large part of his country.

    Deaths across border

    Iran's domination of Syria was further illustrated by a strange occurrence last Sunday in the Golan Heights. An Israeli helicopter attacked a convoy on the Syrian side of the armistice line. Those killed were not Syrian, however, but five Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon and several Iranian officials, including a brigadier general.

    What were they doing in the Syrian Golan Heights? Giving "crucial advice," announced the Iranian government. On what? Well, three days earlier, Hezbollah's leader had threatened an attack on Israel's Galilee. Tehran appears to be using its control of Syria and Hezbollah to create its very own front against Israel.

    The Israelis can defeat any conventional attack. Not so the Gulf Arabs. To the north and west, they see Iran creating a satellite "Shiite Crescent" stretching to the Mediterranean and consisting of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. To their south and west, they see Iran gaining proxy control of Yemen. And they are caught in the pincer.

    The Saudis are fighting back the only way they can - with massive production of oil at a time of oversupply and collapsing prices, placing enormous economic pressure on Iran. It needs $136 oil to maintain its budget. The price is today below $50.

    Yet the Obama administration appears to be ready to acquiesce to the new reality of Iranian domination of Syria. It has told The New York Times that it is essentially abandoning its proclaimed goal of removing Assad.

    For the Saudis and the other Gulf Arabs, this is a nightmare. They're engaged in a titanic regional struggle with Iran. And they are losing - losing Yemen, losing Lebanon, losing Syria and watching post-U.S.-withdrawal Iraq come under increasing Iranian domination.

    Why the pacification?

    The nightmare would be hugely compounded by Iran going nuclear. The Saudis were already stupefied that the U.S. conducted secret negotiations with Tehran behind their backs. And they can see where the current talks are headed - legitimizing Iran as a threshold nuclear state.

    Which makes all the more incomprehensible President Barack Obama's fierce opposition to Congress' offer to strengthen the American negotiating hand by passing sanctions to be triggered if Iran fails to agree to give up its nuclear program. After all, that was the understanding Obama gave Congress when he began these last-ditch negotiations in the first place.

    Why are you parroting Tehran's talking points, Mr. President? asks Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez. Indeed, why are we endorsing Iran's claim that sanctions relief is the new norm? Obama assured the nation that sanctions relief was but a temporary concession to give last-minute, time-limited negotiations a chance.

    Twice the deadline has come. Twice no new sanctions, just unconditional negotiating extensions.

    Our regional allies - Saudi Arabia, the other five Gulf states, Jordan, Egypt and Israel - are deeply worried. Tehran is visibly on the march on the ground and openly on the march to nuclear status. And their one great ally, their strategic anchor for two generations, is acquiescing to both.

    As Iran’s empire emerges, Obama turns a blind eye

    WASHINGTON – While Iran’s march toward a nuclear bomb has provoked a major clash between the White House and Congress, Iran’s march toward conventional domination of the Arab world has been largely overlooked. In Washington, that is. The Arabs have noticed. And the pro-American ones, the Gulf Arabs in particular, are deeply worried.

    This week, Iranian-backed Houthi rebels seized control of the Yemeni government, heretofore pro-American. In September, they overran Sanaa, the capital. On Tuesday, they seized the presidential palace. On Thursday, they forced the president to resign.

    The Houthi have local religious grievances, being Shiites in a majority Sunni land. But they are also agents of Shiite Iran, which arms, trains and advises them. Their slogan — “God is great. Death to America. Death to Israel” — could have been written in Persian.

    Why should we care about the coup? First, because we depend on Yemen’s government to support our drone war against another local menace, al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula. It’s not clear if we can even maintain our embassy in Yemen, let alone conduct operations against AQAP. And second, because growing Iranian hegemony is a mortal threat to our allies and interests in the entire Middle East.

    In Syria, Iran’s power is similarly rising. The mullahs rescued the reeling regime of Bashar al-Assad by sending in weapons, money and Iranian revolutionary guards, as well as by ordering their Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah, to join the fight. They succeeded. The moderate rebels are in disarray, even as Assad lives in de facto coexistence with the Islamic State, which controls a large part of his country.

    Iran’s domination of Syria was further illustrated by a strange occurrence last Sunday in the Golan Heights. An Israeli helicopter attacked a convoy on the Syrian side of the armistice line. Those killed were not Syrian, however, but five Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon and several Iranian officials, including a brigadier general.

    What were they doing in the Syrian Golan Heights? Giving “crucial advice,” announced the Iranian government. On what? Well, three days earlier, Hezbollah’s leader had threatened an attack on Israel’s Galilee. Tehran appears to be using its control of Syria and Hezbollah to create its very own front against Israel.

    The Israelis can defeat any conventional attack. Not so the Gulf Arabs. To the north and west, they see Iran creating a satellite “Shiite Crescent” stretching to the Mediterranean and consisting of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. To their south and west, they see Iran gaining proxy control of Yemen. And they are caught in the pincer.

    The Saudis are fighting back the only way they can — with massive production of oil at a time of oversupply and collapsing prices, placing enormous economic pressure on Iran. It needs $136 oil to maintain its budget. The price is today below $50.

    Yet the Obama administration appears to be ready to acquiesce to the new reality of Iranian domination of Syria. It has told The New York Times that it is essentially abandoning its proclaimed goal of removing Assad.

    For the Saudis and the other Gulf Arabs, this is a nightmare. They’re engaged in a titanic regional struggle with Iran. And they are losing — losing Yemen, losing Lebanon, losing Syria and watching post-U.S.-withdrawal Iraq come under increasing Iranian domination.

    The nightmare would be hugely compounded by Iran going nuclear. The Saudis were already stupefied that the U.S. conducted secret negotiations with Tehran behind their backs. And they can see where the current talks are headed — legitimizing Iran as a threshold nuclear state.

    Which makes all the more incomprehensible President Obama’s fierce opposition to Congress’ offer to strengthen the American negotiating hand by passing sanctions to be triggered if Iran fails to agree to give up its nuclear program. After all, that was the understanding Obama gave Congress when he began these last-ditch negotiations in the first place.

    Why are you parroting Tehran’s talking points, Mr. President? asks Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez. Indeed, why are we endorsing Iran’s claim that sanctions relief is the new norm? Obama assured the nation that sanctions relief was but a temporary concession to give last-minute, time-limited negotiations a chance.

    Twice the deadline has come. Twice no new sanctions, just unconditional negotiating extensions.

    Our regional allies — Saudi Arabia, the other five Gulf states, Jordan, Egypt and Israel — are deeply worried. Tehran is visibly onthe march on the ground and openly on the march to nuclear status. And their one great ally, their strategic anchor for two generations, is acquiescing to both.

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    Obama Gives Boeing Permission to Sell Aircraft Parts to Iran

    Published April 5, 2014 at 2:49 am

    WASHINGTON TIMES | The U.S. Department of the Treasury has granted permission to the world’s largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft to start sending its spare parts to Iran.

    Boeing Co. said Friday that it would begin contacting Iranian officials, Reuters reported. The impetus for the move comes from the temporary sanctions relief the Obama administration and its allies offered the Middle Eastern nation as part of January’s nuclear deal.
    The license, which Boeing applied for in February, does not allow the company to sell new aircraft to Iran, Reuters reported.

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    Obama’s Middle Nuclear Finger To Us All – As He Bashes Americans On Iranian State TV

    Obama goes on TV to address Iranians with best wishes on their holiday of Nowruz- then bashes Israel and Americans who oppose his efforts to hand Iran nuclear weapons.

    Is it not amazing that His Heinous Obama I – never misses the opportunity to commemorate or celebrate every single Islamic holiday in the world? Shia or Sunni? So Obama tapes a message broadcast on Iranian TV, marking the Persian New Year celebration of Nowruz and uses the occasion to promote his plan to hand Iran nuclear weapons to their Mullah’s and Ayatollah. He then went on to bash Americans who oppose his plan to hand them the weapons they will ultimately use on America and Israel.

    “A nuclear deal now can help open the door for you, the Iranian people,” Obama said on TV.

    Open the door to what? Global Conquest? Nuclear annihilation? Starting a nuclear WWIII to usher in their 12th Imam?

    This petulant boy-king, enraged at Benjamin Netanyahu’s victory not only declares that the United States will “reassess our relationship with Israel”, but then goes directly to the Iranians to promote his efforts to hand them nukes. This not only to a nation that promised to wipe Israel off the map, but an Islamic regime that just last week was found plotting to use nuclear weapons on the United States.

    Iran endorses nuclear EMP attack on United States

    One nuclear warhead detonated at high-altitude over the United States would blackout the national electric grid and other life sustaining critical infrastructures for months or years by means of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). A nationwide blackout lasting one year, according to the Congressional EMP Commission, could cause chaos and starvation that leaves 90 percent of Americans dead.

    Iranian military documents describe such a scenario–including a recently translated Iranian military textbook that endorses nuclear EMP attack against the United States.

    Thus, Iran with a small number of nuclear missiles can by EMP attack threaten the existence of modernity and be the death knell for Western principles of international law, humanism and freedom. For the first time in history, a failed state like Iran could destroy the most successful societies on Earth and convert an evolving benign world order into world chaos.
    Yet Obama just last night – goes on Iranian television to promote giving their Islamic regime the very weapons they need to do attack us with. In addition, Obama is considering lifting the 3 decades-long Arms embargo the Iranians demand before any secret deal is made.

    A secret deal that the White House said they will keep secret – even after the agreement is made.

    So here is the treasonous bastard, on Iranian TV – pushing his nuke deal and giving us all the big finger. Let’s see if you are smart enough to pick up on the great lie he tells in this video.

    Taqiyya much? Well, here is the great big fat lie he told in that video, a lie that Hillary Clinton and his regime have insisted on for months.

    Obama Is A Liar: There Is No Fatwa Against Nuclear Weapons By Iran’s Ayatollah Khameni

    The Obama administration may not have much use for federal law or for Congress’s constitutional role in providing advice on, determining whether to consent to, and enacting any legislation necessary to implement international agreements. But it exhibits cloying reverence for a fatwa — a sharia law edict — issued by a jurist who runs a regime that is the world’s leading state sponsor of jihadist terror.

    Even when the fatwa is a patent hoax.

    …[T]he Supreme Leader [Khamenei] has issued a fatwa against the development of nuclear weapons, and President Rouhani has just recently reiterated that the Islamic Republic will never develop a nuclear weapon.

    But the “fatwa” in question does not exist.

    The invaluable Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has done extensive research into compilations of Khamenei’s published fatwas. (See here and here, and citations therein.) No such fatwa has ever been published.

    In a sharia state, particularly the one in Iran that is actually run by the country’s top sharia jurists, fatwas are important statements of governing law, like statutes are in the U.S. Yet despite repeated requests, Iran has never produced the purported anti-nuclear weapons fatwa from Khamenei.

    Indeed, as MEMRI elaborates, Khamenei was directly asked about the purported fatwa in a 2012 Facebook exchange:

    [I]s it also forbidden to obtain nuclear weapons, as per your ruling that their use is prohibited?
    He refused to answer the question:

    Your question has no jurisprudential aspect. When it has a jurisprudent [sic] position, then it will be possible to answer it.

    The notion that Khamenei actually believes nuclear weapons violate Islamic law and would issue a credible fatwa to that effect should be seen as absurd on its face. Put aside that Pakistan, which incorporates sharia in its law, has long had nuclear weapons. For over two decades, al-Qaeda has been trying to acquire nuclear weapons and has enjoyed essential support from the regime in Tehran.

    Oil-rich Iran has no need to develop nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. It has explicitly threatened to wipe Israel off the map. It has been busily been developing weapons systems capable of delivering nuclear bombs in conjunction with its uranium enrichment. It could not be more obvious that Khamenei’s regime, far from rejecting nuclear weapons as anti-Islamic, seeks to acquire them in order to promote the imposition of its Islamic-supremacist ideology.
    Is it not amazing that the man who pledged to the Russians and the world that he is committed to “a world without nuclear weapons” , and subsequently dismantled our own nuclear stockpiles – is so adamant to make sure that Iran obtains and develops nuclear weapons? With Obama’s BLESSING I might add.

    The sacking of Troy will not hold a candle to what Obama is enabling to happen to us and the world.

    Obama administration won’t commit to making Iran deal public

    Some details of a nuclear deal with Iran may not be made public, a senior Obama administration official said Thursday. …the emerging nuclear deal would likely allow Iran to have up to 6,000 nuclear centrifuges for at least 10 years. The deal would also lift sanctions on the country.

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    President Obama and Secretary Kerry Close to Deal With Iran – Substance: Nukes OK, Just Wait for Us To Leave Office…

    Posted on March 20, 2015 by sundance

    Today’s construct of the pending Iranian “nuclear deal” is essentially the same construct that was outlined over a month ago. All sanctions are lifted and in turn Iran keeps centrifuges (around 6,000). The leaked details indicate under the retained ability it would take Iran approximately a year to fully weaponize enough material to build a bomb – and Iran has agreed not to build the actual nuclear weapons for approximately 10 years.

    Obama/Kerry are relying on a point that U.N. inspectors will insure the Iranians do not build a nuclear weapon prior to the agreed timeframe.

    Democrats and Nancy Pelosi will soon to the microphones to reassure the American electorate by claiming:

    we have to actually see the Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, before we can, …well, um.. tell what is on them”

    LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) — The United States and Iran are drafting elements of a nuclear deal that commits Tehran to a 40 percent cut in the number of machines it could use to make an atomic bomb, officials told The Associated Press on Thursday. In return, the Iranians would get quick relief from some crippling economic sanctions and a partial lift of a U.N. embargo on conventional arms.

    Agreement on Iran’s uranium enrichment program could signal a breakthrough for a larger deal aimed at containing the Islamic Republic’s nuclear activities.

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    U.S. Ready to Back Iran With Airstrikes Against ISIS

    Iran and the U.S. say they’ve been fighting parallel wars in Iraq. But those two campaigns appear ready to become one, American officials tell The Daily Beast.
    The American-led coalition is now launching airstrikes to back up Iranian and Iraqi troops in the key city of Tikrit, a U.S. official tells The Daily Beast. Those forces had previously kicked off their operation to reclaim Saddam Hussein’s hometown from the self-proclaimed Islamic State without informing the U.S. military. But when that campaign stalled, they turned to American airpower.

    A U.S. defense official told The Daily Beast that the U.S. conducted 15 strikes beginning at 3:15 p.m. EDT, targeting weapons storage facilities, barracks and roadblocks set up by ISIS. All the targets were “pre-planned,” the official said, suggesting an operation planned before the Iraqis formally sought approval.

    Two U.S. officials told The Daily Beast that upon receiving a formal request from the Iraqi government, the attacks began almost instantly. “The coalition has demonstrated the ability to rapidly respond to conditions on the ground,” one of the officials noted.

    As the situation deteriorated in Tikrit for Iraqi forces, the U.S. military quietly laid the groundwork for expanding coalition airstrikes into the central Iraq city, the U.S. officials told The Daily Beast. They moved assets and began crafting military plans for striking ISIS targets entrenched there.

    By Wednesday, Iraq time, an Associated Press reporter in Tikrit reported hearing warplanes overhead—and multiple explosions below.

    In an interview with Reuters that was published early Wednesday, Iraqi President Fouad Massoum said airstrikes would begin soon.

    “The Iraqi government along with residents of the area wanted an active contribution from the international coalition,” Massoum told Reuters.

    An American airstrike campaign in Tikrit marks an important shift in the ISIS war. Iraqi officials did not engage their American counterparts before they launched the offensive on Tikrit on March 1, with Iranian generals and tanks by their side. And the American military has long insisted that it wouldn’t coordinate too closely with the Iranians, even as both forces fight a common enemy in Iraq: ISIS.

    The Tikrit campaign was launched with a patchwork force of 20,000 Shiite militiamen, 3,000 Iraqi troops, and a bevy of Iranian troops, tanks, weapons, and missile strikes. And in the early days of the campaign, General Qassem Suleiman, leader of the Iranian Quds force, was on the ground in Tikrit.

    As forces quickly made their way to Tikrit in those opening moments, there were hopes that Iraq would get its biggest win against ISIS within days. Iraqi officials boasted that they were moving surprisingly fast onto the city, which is ISIS’s biggest stronghold in Iraq’s Saladin province. But in the last week, the campaign has stalled as Iraqi forces and militiamen confronted a city laden with explosives. In addition, a key bridge over the Tigris River leading to the city was destroyed, complicating Iraqi troop and militia movement into Tikrit.

    As Iraqi troop and militia deaths rose, more Iraqi politicans suggested they needed U.S. help. On Saturday, after receiving an official request from the Iraqi government, the U.S. and the coalition began providing videos and other intelligence learned from surveillance flights to the Iraqi military, as The Wall Street Journal reported and Army Col. Steven Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, confirmed Wednesday.

    So far, the U.S. had conducted 5,314 strikes against ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria through March 15, according to Pentagon statistics. U.S. officials told The Daily Beast that the heaviest resistance to expanding the American involvement to airstrikes will not be from the Obama administration—which has long shrugged off the idea of cooperating militarily with Iran—but from some Shiite militia leaders who have said they can reclaim the city without American help.

    “The preparatory work is probably already done. The [U.S. military] has started to bring in more assets for a Tikrit air support campaign… The [bombing] could begin within days.”
    “The Shiite militia leaders have been saying ‘We don’t need American airstrikes,’ so they have been pushing back on this idea. So there is going to be an internal debate within the Iraqi state,” the adviser said.

    In his interview with Reuters, Massoum acknowledged that friction, but said: “The Iraqi government alone decides and no other force decides,” referring to the Shiite militias.

    The expansion of the U.S air war into Tikrit was met with mixed feelings inside the Pentagon. While some feared the implications of coming to the rescue of a failed Iranian-led effort, still others welcomed the opportunity to let both Iraq and Iran know that the war in ISIS cannot be won without U.S. help.

    “If this leads to the Iranians forced to concede defeat, that would be a satisfactory outcome,” one defense official expanded to The Daily Beast.

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    Default Re: Iran has 'penetrated' the Obama Administration

    Reporter says John Kerry answered ‘Allah willing’ – in Arabic- when asked if nuke deal would happen

    Mar 28, 2015

    Courtesy of BizPac: Secretary of State John Kerry allegedly responded in a most unusual way to a reporter’s question Friday whether a nuclear arms deal could be reached with Iran before the March 31 deadline.

    Allah willing,” Kerry replied — in Arabic, according to Laura Rozen, a reporter covering the Iran nuclear talks in Lausanne, Switzerland, for the Washington, D.C.-based online publication, Al-Monitor.

    As news reached the public Friday that a deal may be forthcoming, Rozen tweeted:

    “Inshallah” is Arabic for “Allah willing,” according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Rosen

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    Never mind spanish. Time to learn arabic.
    Libertatem Prius!

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