Ok... ok...

I know this isn't US Military.

But the offer holds for them too.

If they need bras, they can send me their measurements, some pictures of them from the waist up, not shirt of course, and I'll be happy to match up bras with their names, and boobs... er... breasts and mail them at my cost.

British Soldierettes Ask For More Support. They Want Better Sports Bras

By Cultural Limits on • ( 6 )

Some things are just not meant to be

Coming from the “you can’t make this up” and “reason 598 why women should NOT be in combat” departments is this from our girlfriends across the pond:

Defence chiefs are considering “adequate support” for servicewomen after complaints that their rigorous duties risked damaging their breasts.
One solider said she had spent the last two decades having to buy her own bras because official kit is not good enough.
She is also calling for the reinstatement of a “hosiery allowance” to let soldiers buy their own undergarments. SOURCE – The Telegraph
Why, given the general build of a woman who wants to be in combat, would anybody need extra cash for sports bras?
“I take a 30JJ size bra and for 20 years I’ve had to go out and purchase decent support myself.”
Oh, well that explains it. As a bosom buddy, bras at that size are produced by VERY few manufacturers and are NEVER on sale. The “good” ones are easily over $40 a pop. The sports variety, which is really more of a compression garment than an actual bra, can run over $60. This is truly a specialty item. As in for Barbie proportions. (And they’re really unhealthy re lymph flow that serves as the body’s waste disposal system. My favorite source for foundation garments only has one in that size, and it’s an underwire, too.)
More from our buxom Brit:
“I’ve heard all the excuses about the wide range of products available to us but there are few companies who make sports bras of the quality that are suitable for an active servicewoman.

“Surely a contract with one of these firms, or even better, the return of the hosiery allowance which was around £45 per year would solve this.

“I love my breasts and don’t wish to go under the knife to repair them and then begrudge the money I’ve spent to ensure I can do my job.

“We issue recruits with sports kit and other essential wear so why not decent sports bras?”
At that size, hon, you should seriously consider reduction surgery – and I don’t exactly believe in that. By even trying to keep up with the boys, it’s not breast tissue that’s being damaged, but neck and shoulder muscles, and the tendons and ligaments God put in a woman to keep things more buoyant.

(They don’t develop well with constant bra wearing, either.)

Women in the military DO need support, but at that size…maybe there should be a limit, sort of like height. If you can’t fit into standard gear….