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Thread: We are Losing Our Country...Can We Save It?

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    haha A few of them.
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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis

    A flood of illegals has massively surged at our southwestern borders. The economic impact of medical care, education and incarceration for illegals forced on taxpayers is bankrupting Arizona.

    Why are such swarms entering the U.S. illegally NOW, particularly children? Newspapers in Mexico and Central and South America are actually describing U.S. “open borders,” encouraging people to come with promises of food stamps or “amnesty.” It is textbook Cloward-Piven strategy to overwhelm and collapse the economic and social systems, in order to replace them with a “new socialist order” under federal control.
    Carried by this tsunami of illegals are the invisible “travelers” our politicians don’t like to mention: diseases the U.S. had controlled or virtually eradicated: tuberculosis (TB), Chagas disease, dengue fever, hepatitis, malaria, measles, plus more. I have been working on medical projects in Central and South America since 2009, so I am aware of problems these countries face from such diseases.
    A public health crisis, the likes of which I have not seen in my lifetime, is looming. Hardest hit by exposures to these difficult-to-treat diseases will be elderly, children, immunosuppressed cancer-patients, patients with chronic lung disease or congestive heart failure. Drug-resistant tuberculosis is the most serious risk, but even diseases like measles can cause severe complications and death in older or immunocompromised patients.
    TB is highly contagious – you catch it anywhere around infected people: schools, malls, buses, etc. The drug-resistant TB now coming across our borders requires a complex, extremely expensive treatment regimen that has serious side effects and a low cure rate.
    Chagas, or “kissing bug” disease, caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, is carried by the triatomine bug that transmits disease to humans. Although “kissing bugs” are already here, they are not as widespread as in Latin America. Right now, Chagas disease is uncommon in the U.S., so many doctors do not think to check for it.
    Chagas causes debilitating fatigue, headaches, body aches, nausea/vomiting, liver and spleen enlargement, swollen glands, loss of appetite. When Chagas reaches the chronic phase, medications will not cure it. It can kill by arrhythmias, congestive heart failure or sudden cardiac arrest.
    Vaccine-preventable diseases like chicken pox, measles and whooping cough spread like wildfire among unvaccinated children. Other illnesses, along with scabies and head lice, also thrive as children are transported by bus and herded into crowded shelters – courtesy of the federal government. Treatment costs are borne by taxpayers.
    Our public health departments complain of being overtaxed by a dozen cases of measles or whooping cough. How will they cope with thousands of patients with many different, and uncommon, diseases? Americans, especially Medicaid patients, will see major delays for treatment.
    Delays to see doctors at the Phoenix VA hospital cost the lives of 58 veterans while waiting for care. This is just a portent of far more deaths to come from delays for Americans’ medical care as thousands of sick illegals swamp already overcrowded emergency rooms. How will these facilities stay open at all under the financial burden of this huge unfunded federal mandate to provide “free” treatment?
    People express concern about child endangerment from illegal minors dumped on Arizona streets in hundred-plus degree heat, with no support. A bigger concern is American endangerment from life-threatening diseases added to social and economic collapse from costs of treating hundreds of thousands of illegals.
    GOP physician-lawmaker offers common-sense prescription for healing health-care system in his book, “Doctor in the House”

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    Default Re: We are Losing Our Country...Can We Save It?

    Southern border mess

    Published June 19, 2014 | O'Reilly Factor | Bill O'Reilly
    With: Rick Perry

    This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," June 19, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. Watch "The O'Reilly Factor" weeknights at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET!

    O'REILLY: "Factor Follow Up Segment" tonight, as thousands of illegal immigrants, many of them young children, continue to pour into Texas the state is taking unilateral action. Joining us from Washington, Governor Rick Perry. What are you going to do to stop all this chaos?

    GOV. RICK PERRY (R), TEXAS: Bill, obviously this has been going on for some time. We've been flagging this issue, calling it to the attention of this administration since 2009. 2010 I gave the President a letter on a tarmac. In 2012 we brought to their attention flag, put the caution lights on that there were unaccompanied children, alien children coming in and it's only gotten worse.

    Now we have an absolute humanitarian catastrophe on our hands as well as homeland security issue. And the federal government must step in and do their part to uphold their constitutional duty to secure that border. Until they do that, Texas is now doing even more than we were beforehand yesterday.

    We approved $1.3 million a week for additional border security for operational security reasons. We are not going to go through all the things that we are going to be engaged with but there will be substantial law enforcement. There will be National Guard involvement. There will be local law enforcement also being bolstered in that region of the Rio Grande.

    But the issue here we get back to is the federal government owes to the citizens of this state their responsibility to take care of and secure that border because, until we get the border secure, none of this immigration reform talk is going to go anywhere.

    O'REILLY: And I agree 100 percent with that. So, you are in Washington now having made your case there today. Is this why you are up here? Telling them look, we need help down there and what's the response to you?

    PERRY: Well, we were on the phone to the Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, and I shared with him very clearly. Hopefully they understand the gravity of what's going on, supposedly the Vice President is going to be down in either Guatemala or one of the central American countries over the next 24 to 48 hours, which brings up the entire issue of this many people moving from central America, through Mexico to the southern border of the United States.

    I don't think this just happened by accident. We have got to be diplomatically engaging our neighbors to the south and making sure they understand they have a responsibility as well to keep this from happening.

    O'REILLY: Yes. I mean look. They have got to cross into Mexico from Guatemala and Honduras and El Salvador. So we know that the people smugglers make a lot of money. We know the word on the Internet and in the local media down there is if you come to America you can stay and that's largely true.

    When your local -- Texas law enforcement, even the National Guard apprehend someone coming over you have to hand them over to ICE. That's the law. So you can't push them back across the river and tell them to go back where they came from. You have to treat them humanely. They know that. They're seeking you out, the aliens and the children. And you have to give it to ICE and then ICE flies them around.

    Massachusetts, Arizona, wherever it may be, wherever they say they have an uncle or an aunt or whoever. I don't know if you spending all the money are going to do anything at all to control the situation.

    PERRY: Well, there is two issues here. One of them is that when you put a presence, when you put a law enforcement presence on the border, whether it's National Guard, whether it's law enforcement of some form or fashion, state police, local police, or what have you it does have an impact on those illegal activities.

    And that's what Texans want to see is that the illegal activities are brought to a close as quick as they can.

    Here's the other issue from my perspective. I'm a governor of a state who has major natural disasters from time to time. Hurricanes come in. Hurricane season is just starting. If we have a major event in Texas today, I do not have a place that it can handle that mass amount of migration away from the storm's path and give safety to my citizens because of all these facilities that are being used by these individuals that are absolutely overrunning our border.

    That's the reason, secondary reason that the federal government has to step in to place.

    O'REILLY: We know that all the border states are strained. I mean you are draining resources from what you would otherwise put in other places. Are you saying tonight though Governor, that President Obama doesn't care about the issue? He just blows you off, ignores you? You have been telling him for years you need help and he doesn't respond? Is that what you are saying tonight?

    PERRY: Well, if the track record is indicative of that that's exactly what I would be saying from '09 until the current time. The President has not addressed this issue. He has sent some of his underlings to address it from time to time but the fact is I don't have any confidence that the President of the United States is engaging and engaging in a way that he should.

    O'REILLY: All right. We have called for a boycott of Mexico. We did that last night because we believe the Mexican authorities helped the people smugglers by getting these children up there. We think that is an atrocity against the children themselves. And we're not going down to spend any money in Mexico -- tourism money.
    Am I doing the wrong thing, Governor?

    PERRY: Well, Mexico is our number one trading partner. This needs to be addressed and needs to be addressed as fast as it can. The Mexican authorities have some, I think answering to do from the standpoint of these children transport in their country. They are either complicit or they are not. The more important issue is we are either going to have a border or we are not.

    I would suggest to you Americans want a border, they and want it secured. And Texas is going to do its part to secure that border.

    O'REILLY: All right, Governor. Thanks for coming on today. We appreciate it.
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    Border Agents Quitting Over Catch and Release of Known Gang Members

    Desperate agents' pleas for help ignored, as DHS bankrolls invasion

    [IMG]http://hw.********.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/gangrelease.jpg[/IMG] Image Credits: KRGV

    by Adan Salazar | ********.com | June 19, 2014

    Customs and Border Protection agents are quitting the agency in protest of the practice of releasing minors from detention known to be gang members, a South Texas news outlet reports.

    Regardless of whether the minors are inked with gang-affiliated tattoos, and regardless of whether they admit to agents that they are actual gang members, so long as they have no US criminal record, CBP agents are being forced to release them onto the streets of America, a Border Patrol union representative says.
    “They are confirmed either by tattoos or by self admission,” the vice president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307in the Rio Grande Valley, Chris Cabrera, told KRGV. “But since they have no criminal record in the United States, and they happen to be minors, they’re reunited with their family in the U.S.”
    Many of the gang members, as ******** exposed, are also being fed, housed and provided bus tickets and vouchers to other parts of the country by the very same agency.
    Cabrera says the practice of releasing gang members, in addition to being unable to adequately deal with the overwhelming flood of immigrants crossing into the Rio Grande Valley, is testing the morale of agents, many of whom are “already looking for other jobs,” according to KRGV.
    “We all know that if you arrest and release, then the arrest is meaningless,” Cabrera said, echoing sentiments expressed by an ICE agent earlier in the week to ********.
    “We can put as many people as we want on the border, but if we’re gonna catch them, hook them up and then release them, then what good is it gonna do?” the ICE agent, whose name was withheld to protect his identity, told us.
    Some of the minors tell agents they’re fleeing their home countries to escape the out-of-control violence there. Cabrera notes it is difficult to discern whether the minors are truthful, but says he believes many of them have been coached.
    “You ask them their name and where they’re from, they say that there is violence in my home country and they’ll kill me if you return me,” Cabrera stated. “I do believe there is violence in their home country, but I also believe that a lot of them have been coached.”
    Cabrera also admits that a number of gang members have been released in South Texas. “We’ve seen a few. Not too many, but we’ve seen a few in the Rio Grande Valley,” he says.
    Previously, Cabrera had told the National Review agents were encountering Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) members, a violent gang spanning from Central America up through Canada, whose initiation rituals include committing violent acts against innocents, including rape and even murder.
    As we reported last week, agents are perturbed that the Obama administration is, in effect, granting “de facto amnesty,” with one agent writing to ********, stating that many of those escaping detention “are convicted felons, aliens from special interest countries, and other high risk individuals.”
    “The President and the Secretary of Homeland Security will ignore this issue as long as possible in order to let as many illegal aliens gain entry into the United States,” the agent wrote in a letter to us.
    Other former Border Patrol agents have also accused the Obama administration of deliberately aiding the invasion of illegal immigrants.
    “This is not a humanitarian crisis. It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor illegal alien children at risk for purely political purposes,” the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers said in a statement earlier this month.
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    Default Re: We are Losing Our Country...Can We Save It?

    Border Agents Quitting Over Catch and Release of Known Gang Members

    Desperate agents' pleas for help ignored, as DHS bankrolls invasion

    [IMG]http://hw.********.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/gangrelease.jpg[/IMG] Image Credits: KRGV

    by Adan Salazar | ********.com | June 19, 2014

    Customs and Border Protection agents are quitting the agency in protest of the practice of releasing minors from detention known to be gang members, a South Texas news outlet reports.

    Regardless of whether the minors are inked with gang-affiliated tattoos, and regardless of whether they admit to agents that they are actual gang members, so long as they have no US criminal record, CBP agents are being forced to release them onto the streets of America, a Border Patrol union representative says.
    “They are confirmed either by tattoos or by self admission,” the vice president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 3307in the Rio Grande Valley, Chris Cabrera, told KRGV. “But since they have no criminal record in the United States, and they happen to be minors, they’re reunited with their family in the U.S.”
    Many of the gang members, as ******** exposed, are also being fed, housed and provided bus tickets and vouchers to other parts of the country by the very same agency.
    Cabrera says the practice of releasing gang members, in addition to being unable to adequately deal with the overwhelming flood of immigrants crossing into the Rio Grande Valley, is testing the morale of agents, many of whom are “already looking for other jobs,” according to KRGV.
    “We all know that if you arrest and release, then the arrest is meaningless,” Cabrera said, echoing sentiments expressed by an ICE agent earlier in the week to ********.
    “We can put as many people as we want on the border, but if we’re gonna catch them, hook them up and then release them, then what good is it gonna do?” the ICE agent, whose name was withheld to protect his identity, told us.
    Some of the minors tell agents they’re fleeing their home countries to escape the out-of-control violence there. Cabrera notes it is difficult to discern whether the minors are truthful, but says he believes many of them have been coached.
    “You ask them their name and where they’re from, they say that there is violence in my home country and they’ll kill me if you return me,” Cabrera stated. “I do believe there is violence in their home country, but I also believe that a lot of them have been coached.”
    Cabrera also admits that a number of gang members have been released in South Texas. “We’ve seen a few. Not too many, but we’ve seen a few in the Rio Grande Valley,” he says.
    Previously, Cabrera had told the National Review agents were encountering Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) members, a violent gang spanning from Central America up through Canada, whose initiation rituals include committing violent acts against innocents, including rape and even murder.
    As we reported last week, agents are perturbed that the Obama administration is, in effect, granting “de facto amnesty,” with one agent writing to ********, stating that many of those escaping detention “are convicted felons, aliens from special interest countries, and other high risk individuals.”
    “The President and the Secretary of Homeland Security will ignore this issue as long as possible in order to let as many illegal aliens gain entry into the United States,” the agent wrote in a letter to us.
    Other former Border Patrol agents have also accused the Obama administration of deliberately aiding the invasion of illegal immigrants.
    “This is not a humanitarian crisis. It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor illegal alien children at risk for purely political purposes,” the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers said in a statement earlier this month.
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    “Children Immigrants” An Impending Issue For Miami-Dade Schools

    June 18, 2014 5:48 PM
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    Alberto Carvalho, Central America, Children Immigrants, Cynthia Demos, Florida Politics, Haitian Community, Immigration, Immigration Issues, Immigration Issues Florida, Jose Felix Diaz, Miami-Dade, Miami-Dade County School Board, Miami-Dade Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, Politics, South Florida, South Florida Immigration
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    Political Coverage On CBSMiami

    MIAMI (CBSMiami) — The crisis of children crossing the border without their parents and filling up shelters in Miami-Dade county is becoming an impending issue in Florida’s public school system.
    The issue was addressed at a Miami-Dade County School Board meeting on Wednesday, knowing those kids would end up in the school system.
    “We have received about 300 students from Honduras over the past few months so recognizing the challenge, that crisis, we’re asking federal got to intervene,” said Miami-Dade Superintendent Alberto Carvalho.
    Carvalho asked the board for support to request funds from the federal government for those children, known as unaccompanied children immigrants, primarily from Central America to cover their costs in school.
    The board will request $1,950 per year per child in addition to what the state already puts in.
    Local representatives are in full support of the move.
    “I think we’ve seen this before .. with the rafter crisis and Haitian community.. another wave where we having a wave of immigrants and the super is doing the right thing,” said State Representative Manny Diaz.
    “It’ unsustainable and unless the feds step in, we are going to find ourselves in a very big crisis,” said State Representative Jose Felix Diaz
    In the past nine months 50,000 unaccompanied children immigrants have crossed our borders with smugglers who know they can cash in on kids who receive much more lenient consideration at the border. The children are in Texas, California, Arizona and in three local South Florida shelters.
    Click Here to watch Cyntia Demos’ report.
    Superintendent Carvalho said he is “modestly confident” that they will get the funding.
    School starts in two months with unaccompanied children immigrants in Miami-Dade’s school system but Superintendent Carvalho says he hopes to maybe see funding within the next 12 months.
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    Militia groups call members to border...

    Texas Border Crisis to be Complicated by Militia

    by Bob Price 20 Jun 2014, 8:54 AM PDT 157 post a comment

    HOUSTON, Texas—Militia groups in Texas and across the nation are responding to the Texas Border Surge announced Wednesday night by the offices of the Governor, Lt. Governor and Texas House Speaker. An announcement was made on several new media outlets including Facebook.

    The alert to the civilian militia groups, which includes many groups who showed up at the Clive Bundy ranch in Nevada, calls on all able bodied militia members to converge on the Laredo sector of the Texas/Mexico border. A man who identified himself on a national conference call as “Ruthless” said their objective it to “put up a man-fence” to prevent the illegal aliens from crossing the border in their area of control.
    Following is the text of the actual alert which was published on and several other locations:
    “***ACTION ALERT*** All Texas & National Militia Available Please Converge Immediately Status GO: Mission close down Laredo Crossing for starters ((All need to be closed)) Operation complete when border fence is in place and secure Name: Love's #298 Love's Travel Stop 28527 Interstate 35, Encinal, TX 78019 (956) 948-7044 Location: I 35 & Hwy 44, Encinal, TX Distance from Encino: 93.7 miles Contact numbers: for location and or pick up 580 889 1036 423 333 8872 Militia ***ACTION ALERT*** All Texas & National Militia Available Please Converge Immediately Status GO: Mission close down Laredo Crossing for starters ((All need to be closed)) Operation complete when border fence is in place and secure Name: Love's #298 Love's Travel Stop 28527 Interstate 35, Encinal, TX 78019 (956) 948-7044 Location: I 35 & Hwy 44, Encinal, TX Distance from Encino: 93.7 miles Contact numbers: for location and or pick up 580 889 1036 423 333 8872 Militia Conference Number 24/7 For info and assistance 559 726 1300 access 639939# It's time to bring down the thunder. Activating the Patriots willing to stand up for America GO GO GO. III% Kelli in Texas USA Let's share this like the brushfires of Liberty”
    Another leader of the conference call said there are 500 militia troops currently deployed on the Arizona/Mexico border. She declined to specify where they are deployed. She also confirmed they have “boots on the ground” in the Laredo sector at this time.
    State Rep Steve Toth (R-The Woodlands) spoke to Texas Department of Public Safety Director, Colonel Steve McCraw about the militia groups coming to Texas. On a Facebook chat thread this morning Toth said, “Steve McCraw is not looking for anyone to show up on the border to help DPS or the Guard. If you would like to join the Guard we would love to have you but don't show up on the border to help it will only cause confusion and lead to someone getting hurt.”
    Breitbart Texas reached out to the offices of Governor Rick Perry and Attorney General Greg Abbott for comment about the announced “Action Alert” being called by the militia groups. No response has been received at this time.
    Bob Price is a staff writer and a member of the original Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.

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    Calls for National Guard to be deployed...

    Boehner: Call out National Guard for border

    By Stephen Dinan
    The Washington Times
    Friday, June 20, 2014

    House Speaker John A. Boehner on Friday called on President Obama to deploy the National Guard to the border to help stem the surge of young illegal immigrant children that has overwhelmed the administration and distracted the Border Patrol from being able to guard against smugglers and other dangers.

    “The National Guard is uniquely qualified to respond to such humanitarian crises. They are able to help deal with both the needs of these children and families as well as relieve the border patrol to focus on their primary duty of securing our border,” Mr. Boehner said in a letter to Mr. Obama.He also urged Mr. Obama to begin negotiations with El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala — the three countries responsible for most of the surge — on how to get them to accept their children back quickly.

    Mr. Boehner, Ohio Republican, also demanded the U.S. pressure Mexico to do more on its southern border.

    He becomes the highest-ranking member of the government to call for the National Guard to be deployed, and the move will likely put pressure on Mr. Obama as he tries to figure out how to manage the surge.

    The administration has characterized it as a humanitarian crisis rather than an immigration crisis, and has spent most of its efforts trying to get a handle on how to care for the thousands of children who are now in its custody.

    But Republicans argue Mr. Obama’s own lax enforcement policies here in the U.S., combined with the difficulty of deporting illegal immigrants from countries other than Mexico, is contributing to the surge. They want to see him embrace stricter enforcement.

    Democrats, though, have said putting troops on the U.S. side of the border is the wrong message to sent.“To say we need to put more National Guardsmen on our border to greet children? Fleeing guns and violence, and then confronted with guns on the other side?” Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez said Thursday.

    More than 90,000 unaccompanied minors — children traveling without their parents — are expected to be caught on the southwestern border this year, and more than 140,000 are expected next year.

    Democrats have accused Republicans of using a humanitarian issue for political gain, and have said the situation with the children should be separated from the broader border security debate — though they said passing a bill legalizing illegal immigrants and creating new pathways for legal migration could help.

    In another letter, top House GOP lawmakers told the Obama administration to scrap plans to move illegal immigrant children to the interior of the U.S., saying they should be kept as close to the border as possible and should be put through the fastest deportation proceedings possible.

    The lawmakers also demanded that the families the children are sent to stay with should be deported if it’s discovered they, too, are here illegally — a move that would be a direct challenge to President Obama’s non-deportation policies.

    “To end this dangerous migration, it is essential that the U.S. enforce our immigration laws and create effective and necessary deterrents so that potential illegal immigrants understand that their dream of reaching and being allowed to remain in the U.S. is unrealistic, and it is a virtual certainty they will be repatriated to their home countries,” the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and five senior lawmakers on the House Appropriations Committee wrote in their letter.

    Presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett said Friday that Mr. Obama is concerned about the humanitarian proportions of the crisis. She said Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and White House domestic policy director Cecilia Munoz were touring immigration detention facilities on the U.S.-Mexican border Friday.

    “They’re fleeing their countries because of fear,” Ms. Jarrett said of the surge of illegal immigrants. “That’s why we’re looking at this as a humanitarian effort. Part of what we need to do is to make sure they’re safe in their own countries and don’t look at their only refuge is to send, in many cases, their children unaccompanied by adults to our country.”

    Speaking to reporters at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor, Ms. Jarrett said the administration is trying to inform Central Americans that people crossing the border now are not eligible for Mr. Obama’s “deferred action” program on deportation, known as DACA.
    “The people who are coming now cannot take advantage of DACA,” she told reporters. “We have spent a lot of time communicating that, particularly in the Spanish press. So anything you can do to help us communicate that, if they’re under that misperception, would be very helpful.”

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    No Boner, you ignorant slut, Obama does not need to be calling any National Guard forces to do any thing. These border states' governors need to be doing the call-ups that way Obama doesn't have a say in how the forces are employed or ROE.

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    Former Border Patrol Officers Press Release: This Time The Republic Hangs in the Balance.

    24 Tuesday Jun 2014

    Posted by bydesign001 in Uncategorized

    Grumpy Opinions
    Strong language from people who know the border in the latest press release for the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers.. In their last release they came right out and said the so called Humaitarian Crisis at the border had been orchestrated by the Obama Administration, this time they’re calling for military intervention, because:

    This is not just another of the administrations manufactured crises, this time The Republic hangs in the balance.
    National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers Press-release-june-22-2014 by dsx_shep

    For those who might still doubt that the massive surge of illegal aliens coming across the U.S.-Mexico border is a “manufactured crisis”, I direct you to an earlier post, BUSTED! DHS, Obama Admin posted request for “Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children” Back in January 2014.”
    This is not a humanitarian crisis.
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    Shocking, hidden agenda behind border crisis

    25 Wednesday Jun 2014
    Posted by Mary W. in Amnesty, DOJ, ICE, Illegal Immigrants, Immigration, Tyrannical Government, United States, US Border Patrol
    1 Comment

    America, anti-American mass immigration offensive, crisis, humanitarianism, illegal aliens, immigration reform, KGB, mass immigration, National Association of Former border Patrol Officers, open borders, path to citizenship, plots, plots within plots, President Carter, world proletarian revolution

    Top Cold War defector explains devious reason for mass immigration
    Virtually all of the 1,087 comments on a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed titled “Immigration Reform Can’t Wait,” by Rupert Murdoch, who owns that prestigious newspaper, disagreed with the article’s call for an immediate “path to citizenship” for our millions of illegal immigrants.
    This disagreement is historically significant: America is beginning to see through the thick veil of disinformation designed to conceal the secret intelligence weapon of mass immigration under a mask of humanitarianism.
    “This is not a humanitarian crisis,” stated the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers. “It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans.” Two congressmen avowed that the flooding of America’s Southern borders with illegal-alien children might derive from a secret strategy to transform the U.S. into a socialist state.
    Do not take me wrong. I am a conservative who appreciates Fox News, I have often been published in the Wall Street Journal, and I am myself an immigrant – in fact, I paid with two death sentences (from my native
    Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa

    Romania) for the privilege of becoming a citizen of this great country.
    But in my other life, as one of the top members of the KGB’s intelligence community, I was involved in a super-secret operation tasked to switch the allegiance of Western Europe and Israel away from the United States and capitalism over to the Soviet bloc and socialism by flooding the Western world with various immigrants, while hiding this assault under the disinformation mask of “humanitarianism.”
    After I defected, I exposed that anti-American mass immigration offensive in a memo to President Carter – who wrote on it, “All new to me” – and in my book “Red Horizons,” whose motto was Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi sed saepe cadendo (A drop makes a hole in a stone not by force but by constant dripping). That was the KGB dictum suggesting how mass immigration would move Western Europe and Israel over to our side: drop by drop by drop. It would take time, but wherever you could not use a drill, that was the best way to make a hole.
    Last year I exposed that old offensive again in “Disinformation,” a book I co-authored with Professor Ronald Rychlak, because Russia has now become a dictatorship of the KGB (renamed FSB). And just as with all the other disinformation campaigns past and present I reveal in that book, today mass immigration has become a weapon of the emotions used against the U.S. itself.
    Here is the KGB’s mass-immigration disinformation scenario in a nutshell:
    After Stalin died, his “immutable” theory of the world proletarian revolution was replaced with Khrushchev’s “parliamentary road to power.” Communist insurgencies were out. Mass immigrations – of Soviet bloc propagandists – were in. It worked. By the mid-1950s, some 30 million people in Western Europe were voting the Communist Party ticket. Communism had not been imposed on them by force, as it had been in Eastern Europe, but that was not the whole story. Our mass immigration plot, supported by the numerous émigré organizations we financed in the West, was so successful that we even started selling some of our own citizens to capitalist countries for hard currency.
    West Germany became my personal target in 1956, when I was appointed chief of Romania’s espionage station in that country. My operational directive, written by KGB advisers, looked like a five-year plan for
    Joseph Stalin

    transforming West Germany into a socialist country by inundating it with immigrants of German origin. Moscow believed that a mass influx of immigrants from Soviet bloc countries would not only spread the miracles of socialism to West Germany, but it would also overwhelm its governmental bureaucracy, squeeze the country’s treasury, provoke economic chaos and sway the West Germans into voting the socialist ticket.
    The KGB community was not able to change West Germany into a socialist country, but that was not for lack of trying. During the rest of my time in Romania, West Germany was inundated with immigrants from the Soviet bloc. Of course, the East German Stasi (secret police) enjoyed a unique advantage, but Romania followed in second place, for it had a large German minority.
    In the late 1960s, the Romanian contribution to this immense flow of émigrés received a special boost when the Bonn government quietly let it be known it was prepared to pay Bucharest cash dollars for every Romanian of German heritage allowed to emigrate to West Germany.
    According to a book published by a West German ambassador to Romania, who kept track of this human traffic, Bucharest had sold off 200,000 Volksdeutsche (ethnic Germans living outside of the Reich) up until 1989, when the Soviet bloc collapsed.[1] Some of the Volksdeutsche who emigrated to West Germany were intelligence agents who had been trained in planting the seed of anti-Americanism. The rest were just expected to popularize the cradle-to grave socialist concept of the welfare state. People everywhere love free lunches.
    In the early 1970s, when West Germany opened its borders to Yugoslav émigrés needed as guest workers, Tito’s foreign intelligence service joined the fray. According to Silvo Gorenc, my Yugoslav counterpart, almost a million Yugoslav émigrés were sent to West Germany. In the mid-1970s, when West Germany started importing guest workers from Turkey as well, the Romanian espionage service began recruiting Romanians of Turkish origin (Romania had a large Turkish community) and dispatching them to West Germany – directly or via Turkey.
    Here is not the place for me to describe the details of that gargantuan mass immigration endeavor. Let it suffice to say that the per-capita rate of immigration to Germany in the 1980s was substantially higher than that of the U.S., and that there are over 15 million people with immigrant background living in today’s Germany, whose population is 82 million. Just before I left Romania for good, the DIE (Romania’s foreign intelligence service, which I headed) received a letter signed by KGB chairman Yuri Andropov stating our immigration offensive on West Germany had played a substantial role in determining the government and the parliament of that country to adopt the policy of Ostpolitik (“an opening toward the East”).
    In April 1974 I had my last meeting with Willy Brandt, the chancellor who authored West Germany’s Ostpolitik. Brandt seemed distressed. He did not even raise his vaunted Ostpolitik with me, as he had usually done
    West German Chancellor Willy Brandt, foreground left, meets his East German counterpart for the first time.

    in the past. It was shortly after the arrest of Günther Guillaume as a Stasi illegal officer,[2] and Brandt could talk about nothing else.
    Guillaume, one of the immigrants from East Germany, had risen to become a staunch member of West Germany’s socialist party, the SPD, [3] and a trusted adviser to Chancellor Brandt himself. Guillaume had been instrumental in persuading the socialist Brandt to repeal West Germany’s Hallstein Doctrine, adopted under the conservative Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, which had declared West Germany the exclusive representative of the entire German nation. Guillaume also influenced Brandt to sign an agreement with the Soviet Union officially recognizing East Germany. Guillaume’s arrest as a Soviet bloc spy was simply shattering, and Brandt admitted to me that he felt betrayed.
    One month later Brandt would write to the West German president: “I accept political responsibility for negligence in connection with the Guillaume espionage affair and declare my resignation from the office of federal chancellor.”[4]
    In 1998, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, another pro-Soviet socialist, was instrumental in granting mass citizenship to most German immigrants. This made
    Russian President Vladimir Putin and former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder

    those immigrants a powerful political force. During the same year of 1998, Joschka Fischer, whose parents had immigrated from Hungary, became vice chancellor of West Germany. Soon, the German media revealed that Fischer had been affiliated with the Revolutionärer Kampf, a terrorist organization financed by the KGB, and that he had once attended a 1969 PLO meeting in Algiers at which the PLO adopted a resolution to achieve final victory against Israel. German journalist Bettina Roehl, the daughter of the late Ulrike Meinhof, co-leader of the terrorist Baader-Meinhof, proved that Fischer had indeed been a terrorist during the 1970s. She provided pictures showing a helmeted Fischer beating a German police officer, Rainer Marx, during an April 7, 1973, violent demonstration in Frankfurt/Main’s Luisenplatz. In 2002, Joschka Fischer publicly apologized to Rainer Marx, the beaten police officer.
    The anti-Americanism sowed by Schroeder-Fischer mass immigration policies bore fruit.
    In June 2002, a documentary on “U.S. war crimes” in Afghanistan was shown in the Bundestag. And on Sept. 19, 2002, a German cabinet minister, Herta Dauebler-Gmelin, compared President George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler.
    West Germany subsequently rebelled against Schroeder’s mass immigration policy and in 2005 voted him out of power, in spite of the votes he got from the millions of immigrants just granted citizenship. Schroeder retired from political life, and Fischer moved to quiet, leafy Princeton University in the U.S. to write his memoirs and teach political science.
    Soon after, Germany was astounded to learn that Schroeder was holding a high position at the Russian Gazprom company. In an editorial headlined “Gerhard Schroeder’s Sellout,” the Washington Post noted:
    It is the sort of behavior we have – sadly – come to expect from some in Congress. But when Gerhard Schroeder, the former German chancellor, announced last week that he was going to work for Gazprom, the Russian energy behemoth, he catapulted himself into a different league. It’s one thing for a legislator to resign his job, leave his committee chairmanship and go to work for a company over whose industry he once had jurisdiction. It’s quite another thing when the chancellor of Germany – one of the world’s largest economies – leaves his job and goes to work for a company controlled by the Russian government that is helping to build a Baltic Sea gas pipeline that he championed while in office. To make the decision even more unpalatable, it turns out that the chief executive of the pipeline consortium is none other than a former East German secret police officer who was friendly with Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, back when Putin was a KGB agent in East Germany. If nothing else, Schroeder deserves opprobrium for his bad taste.
    In April 2006, Radoslaw Sikorski, then Poland’s defense minister, compared this pipeline project to the infamous 1939 Hitler-Stalin Pact that redrew the map of Europe.[5] Indeed, the current dependence on Russian gas has prevented Western Europe from acting decisively against Putin’s stealing of Crimea, and against his further efforts to rebuild the old Soviet Union, whose breakup, in Putin’s view, “was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.”
    Read more at WND
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    I had a good idea that this was all manufactured. The timing of each of these events is everything. How much preparation do you think it takes to assemble and march an endless line of children to the border? Promises need to be made to the parents, much logistical planning undertaken. View all the world's events in concert to understand the entire agenda as it begins to take shape.

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    Wait until you read the thing I'm about to post over in the "Lost Iraq" thread in a minute.
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    Here's proof these people, and I use that term loosely now, are being told what to say!

    This Is a ‘Cheat Sheet’ Found at the Border to Coach Illegals on How to Stay in the U.S.

    Sara Carter


    U.S. law enforcement officials have been finding “cheat sheets” along the border used by illegal immigrants to try to stay in the United States and not get deported after they’ve been caught.
    The notes, believed to be supplied by human trafficking groups, give pointers in Spanish on what immigrants should say when confronted by border authorities.
    One federal law enforcement official dubbed them “illegal alien cheat sheets.”
    A copy of one sheet obtained by TheBlaze lists a series of questions that U.S. authorities will consider in granting someone an immigration hearing.
    “It’s proof they are told what to say,” a Department of Homeland Security official told TheBlaze. Often times, the sheets get “destroyed or thrown away before illegal aliens are apprehended.”
    A “cheat sheet” discovered near the U.S.-Mexico border. (Photo obtained by TheBlaze)

    The sheet obtained by TheBlaze has handwritten notes about the appropriate “yes” or “no” answers to the questions, along with some jotted personal notes on what to say to U.S. authorities. They include, “Who did you live with?” and the answer, “My aunt, but she crossed the border.”
    Another handwritten question is, “Where does your father live?” The answer underneath reads, “I don’t know him or even his name.”
    Border Patrol agents in McAllen, Texas, have said most of the illegal immigrants they encounter have the same “rehearsed” answers about having “credible fear” in fleeing their countries so they will not be returned.
    Among the printed statements in Spanish on the sheet are:
    • Why did you abandon your country?
    • Because of poverty and misery.
    • You’re in fear of your government and afraid to live in your country.
    • You’re afraid of extortion from Maras [MS-13 gang].
    • Do you have family in the United States?
    • Is this the first time you’ve come into this country?
    • Did you swim across the river?
    • Somebody told you that if you brought a minor child into the United States you can stay.
    More than 52,000 unaccompanied minors from Central America have illegally crossed into the United States over the past eight months, mainly through the Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley sector in Texas. Many of the families arriving from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatamala believe they will not be returned home if they have young children with them, authorities say.
    Federal law enforcement officials told TheBlaze the sheets are prepared by human traffickers whose job it is to ensure passage of the illegals into the U.S. The cost of traveling from Central America to the United States can vary from $5,000 to $8,000, according to recently arrived immigrants and law enforcement officials who spoke to TheBlaze. Many who cross the border use the “credible fear” claim, saying they are afraid to return home, and knowing that they will obtain a notice to appear in immigration court to appeal to stay in the country.
    “It’s proof they are told what to say.”

    Because of the overcrowded conditions at border facilities, many families are released at their own recognizance and subsequently fail to report to their hearings.
    “Several years ago, we would hold illegal aliens until their court date,” the DHS official said. “We didn’t have this huge crisis when they knew they couldn’t get away and were being held. Now we let everyone go because we have no space — the administration also makes it impossible to do our job and deport them.”
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    White House Press Secretary: 'We’re Not Just Going To Sit Around And Wait' For Congress To Write Laws

    by Charlie Spiering 26 Jun 2014, 8:26 AM PDT

    President Obama, tired of waiting for Congress to act on immigration reform, is currently exploring ways to address issues with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.

    During an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest explained that the Obama was getting impatient with Congress.

    “[W]e’re not just going to sit around and wait interminably for Congress,” he explained. “We’ve been waiting a year already. The president has tasked his Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson with reviewing what options are available to the president, what is at his disposal using his executive authority to try to address some of the problems that have been created by our broken immigration system.”

    Earnest added although Obama was exploring executive action, it was “not a substitute for robust Congressional action” on immigration reform.
    “That’s why we’re trying to focus on getting that done,” he concluded.

    Obama has been heavily criticized after his 2012 executive decision to defer the deportations of some young illegal immigrants which critics argue was a key incentive for more children to cross the border illegally.
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