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Thread: The Destruction Of The United States

  1. #1
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default The Destruction Of The United States

    The Destruction Of The United States
    by J. R. Nyquist

    History teaches that all nations, like all individuals, have a beginning and an end. No country is immortal. No nation is invincible. To make the point less delicately, America will one day cease to exist. And it may be useful, especially given the multiple crises now developing, to contemplate the mortality of the world’s most powerful country. What would the world be like without the United States? Would it be more violent or less violent? Would it be richer or poorer? Would there be more dictatorships in the world, or fewer, more freedom or more tyranny? The answers you give on these questions, if you are liable to have any answers, are ideologically defining.

    There are those who claim that America’s destruction would be a good thing. The destroyers of America, by this reasoning, would be liberators and heroes. If we attempt to look at the case objectively, it is hard to think of America’s chief rivals for power as “liberators” in any sense of the word. China is a communist dictatorship and Russia is governed by thugs.

    It is not nice to say that major powers like China or Russia seek the destruction of the United States. It is not nice to say that Russia and China are governed by thugs. But anyone who studies the foreign policies, chicanery, secret maneuvers and war preparations of Beijing and Moscow cannot honestly conclude otherwise. The fact that Russia and China are both assisting Iran’s development of nuclear weapons is more than suggestive. It is no accident that in America’s struggle against radical Islam, the Russian president has declared that Russia is Islam’s “best friend.” Before the fall of the Communist Party Soviet Union the central goal of Soviet foreign policy was to foster the downfall of the United States and the communization of the entire world. China, on the other hand, is a great country that suffered eclipse during the period of Western imperialism and colonialism. So China has reason to predicate its policy on the notion that “one good turn deserves another.” The reason for China’s opening to the West was not to enrich the Chinese bourgeoisie, or to adopt Western democratic values. The Chinese Communists sought an opening to the West so that they could get the investment capital and technology they needed for a modern military machine. Developing their economy is merely a necessary step in developing China’s new superpower status.

    Some days ago China successfully tested an anti-satellite weapon. This remarkable capability didn’t develop overnight. As Washington Times correspondent Bill Gertz pointed out in his January 24 column, American defense officials concede that China’s Jan. 11 test is part of a “covert space-weapons program designed to cripple the U.S. military in a conflict.” The Chinese, to be sure, are publicly lying about the peacefulness of their intentions. “This test was not directed at any country and does not constitute a threat to any country,” said the Chinese Foreign Ministry. Oh yes, we all know that China couldn’t possibly want to shoot down American satellites. Beijing merely enjoys the challenge of shooting down its own satellites for meaningless target practice. In that case, it was a also a “practice” exercise when Chinese hackers attacked U.S. Naval War College computers in November. As one U.S. official told Bill Gertz: “The Naval War College is where the Navy’s Strategic Study Group is planning and practicing cyber-war techniques, and now they don’t even have e-mail access.”

    In a 1999 book titled Red Dragon Rising, researchers Edward Timperlake and William C. Triplett wrote: “We are deeply disturbed that senior PLA [People’s Liberation Army] officers have begun to talk among themselves about a preemptive strike using information warfare. In 1996, for example, a writer in the PLA’s main newspaper pointed out that ‘the enemy’ has ‘reconnaissance positioning satellites, AWACs, stealth bombers, aircraft carriers, long-range precision weapons’ but the PLA does not. A surprise attack, therefore, is not only justified but ‘is the only way to steer the course of the war in a direction favorable to China.’” Two years before 9/11, Temperlake and Triplett warned that a Chinese surprise attack on the United States “would be aimed at the American people – that is, the home front.”

    Is this the policy of a peaceful and friendly nation?

    Furthermore, China’s naval buildup directly threatens the economic lifelines of Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Taiwan. The Japanese have expressed alarm at the appearance of Chinese warships close to their shores. Is it possible that Chinese naval power might one day force East Asian nations into Beijing’s political orbit? According to Chinese president and commander-in-chief Hu Jintao, China needs a navy that is prepared for war “at any time.” At a meeting of Communist Party delegates in December, dressed in a green military uniform, Hu explained: “We should strive to build a strong navy that meets the needs of our military’s historical mission in this new century and at this new stage. We should make careful preparations for future military battles to ensure that our forces can effectively carry out their mission at any time.”

    And what is this “historical mission” of the People’s Liberation Army? Believe it or not, Chinese Communism is sworn to destroy Western capitalism and build, in its place, a new socialist civilization. This has been a central doctrine of the Communist Party of China since its inception. The development of capitalism in China is merely a necessary expedient, accepted for the sake of capitalism’s ultimate demise. It is through trade that China is building its economic position, and thereby its military position. Western capitalists should look to their own survival. But this is something they take for granted. Many businessmen would say that U.S.-Chinese enmity is absurd. That is to say, they ignore China’s military buildup, China’s infiltration of Canada, China’s strategic alliance with Mexico, China’s “partnerships” with Russia and Iran. Here is a strategic “pattern” that deserves our close attention.

    It is odd that Washington should worry more about Iran, when the butchers of Tiananmen Square are manufacturing thermonuclear weapons like sausages. So many nuclear weapons, and one big, fat, hollowed-out country to drop them on. Given the preparations of China, does anyone really suppose America is going to die a slow death at the hands of social reformers, lawyers and downsizing experts? Even if one supposes a gradual weakening of the Republic, wouldn’t some overseas power take advantage before the sick animal keels over? And since it really was the barbarians that finished off Rome, ask yourself who is most likely to finish off America?

    What about the Russians? All the leading intelligence defectors and dissidents from Russia seem to agree that the Kremlin ordered the death of KGB/FSB defector Alexander Litvinenko. Nearly all of them think that the Soviet system is back in power. And the United States, with its ties to Europe weakened, with its global image in tatters, with its army stuck in Iraq, finds itself unable to oppose Russia’s policy in Europe and the Middle East. Under present circumstances, no American politician would suggest a return to the Cold War. And so, the Kremlin advances on every front, in broad daylight, unchallenged and unfettered – nationalizing industries, muzzling independent newspapers and silencing opposition voices with bullets and radioactive poison. What do we suppose the Russian leadership is up to?

    When Nikita Khrushchev bragged of Moscow’s future victory almost fifty years ago, he said to his Western listeners, “Your grandchildren will live under Communism.” If we think the time of reckoning is a long way off, we ought to remember that we are the grandchildren Khrushchev was talking about. Soviet Russia’s long-range strategy didn’t expect quick results. It was predicated on patience, on decades of deception. America is now in a weakened economic and military position. The Great Crisis cannot be passed along to yet another generation, because things are coming to a head. The position of the United States is approaching a low point, and America’s enemies know it. On Tuesday Iranian President Ahmadinejad told Syria’s foreign minister: “the United States and the Zionist regime of Israel will soon come to the end of their lives.” The end is near, he says. The time to strike is approaching. A BBC poll taken in 25 countries, involving 26,000 people, suggests that America is no longer as popular, as admired or favored as it once was. The tables have been turned and the dictators of the world are encouraged.

    The number one security concern of the United States is the prospect of a massive terror assault against the American homeland using nuclear weapons. This is not a mythical threat. A successful assault against one city, killing five to fifty thousand people, would almost certainly trigger an unprecedented economic and political crisis in America. First, the dollar would lose its value. Second, cities would shut down and people would flee to the countryside. National paralysis and the collapse of entire industries could follow. A terrorist attack with nuclear weapons need only destroy a single city. The rest is accomplished by suggestion, by the psychological aftermath of history’s most profound failure. What government, what Constitution, could survive such a failure?

    America is helpless, not knowing which way to turn as nuclear weapons are built and tested in one country after another. Some experts are afraid that America is going to launch a preemptive attack on Iran, to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. In the long run, all rogue regimes will acquire nuclear weapons. In the long run, terrorists will acquire nuclear weapons. Either they will be given the weapons, or Russian and Chinese special forces will place the weapons in America themselves, knowing that terrorists will be blamed. How could the United States retaliate if the attackers cannot be identified? And what becomes of Mutual Assured Destruction under such circumstances?

    We already know from defector testimony that Russia's war plan incorporates the use of false flag terrorist diversionary operations in the early stages of the next world war. GRU defector Viktor Suvorov explained long ago that such operations were referred to as "gray terror.” The fact that Ayman al-Zawahri was named as a longtime agent of the KGB is the icing on the nuclear cake (as it were). The fact that Alexander Litvinenko – the man who fingered Zawahri – was recently poisoned by polonium-210, underscores the hardscrabble reality of the nuclear terror game. The United States government and President Bush aren’t looking at the problem squarely. They are looking away from the main threat, toward a tertiary threat. This is a fatal error, because the war we are in isn’t simply a war against Muslim extremists. It is a much broader, more deceptive conflict.

    The United States has never been nearer to destruction.

  2. #2
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    America better wake up.

    We'd better stop coddling terrorism suspects, and countries that give terrorists money. And nation-states that are planning our destruction.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: The Destruction Of The United States

    How right you are Rick, al-Qaeda British cells are now now starting their operations and it's just a matter of when they start here.

    al-Qaeda Tells British Cells to Start Beheadings

    Islamic terror cells in Britain have been instructed to carry out a series of kidnappings and beheadings of the kind allegedly planned by the nine terrorist suspects arrested in Birmingham last week.

    The “strategic” assassination instruction was issued by Al-Qaeda’s leaders in Pakistan and Iraq to dozens of their followers in this country. It was uncovered by MI5 last autumn, senior security sources say.

    As a result police are on standby for multiple attempts by terrorists to kidnap and then behead people across Britain. MI5 is conducting a counter-terrorism surveillance operation to prevent such an attack.

    The alleged attempt to kidnap and behead a Muslim soldier or soldiers in Birmingham was just the first of a series of planned attacks, security sources say.

    The revelation explains the recent deployment of a permanent SAS unit to London. The unit has been placed on 24-hour standby to respond to a terrorist attack in the capital. It would aim to carry out a hostage rescue mission within minutes of being alerted.

    Muslim police officers serving in London may also be given extra protection. The Association of Muslim Police is in talks with the Met, which is expected to carry out a risk assessment of the dangers.

    One well placed source said: “Cells in the UK have been alerted to carry out this type of attack as opposed to the more sophisticated type of bombing in which you place a large number of volunteers at risk. All you need for a beheading is a bit of courage and a sharp knife.”

    The order to encourage “low-tech” assassinations is said to follow a review by senior Al-Qaeda planners after an alleged plot to smuggle bombs onto airlines was foiled by police last August.


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    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Destruction Of The United States

    A couple days ago I printed Nyquists article that Ryan posted. I gave that print to a fella I know who keeps a mantra of "China is our Friend" and "Russia is a democracy". He read it and saw the point.

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    So you found someone that actually READ what was being said, and then changed his mind?

    I'm impressed. I say that because we recently had "Satan" stop in to tell us how brainwashed we were, and completely and totally wrong, and that our ideas were diametrically opposed to his.

    Truth be known, I'd say that ANYONE registering as "Satan" under whatever name he choses to use would be automatically diametrically opposed to us.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Super Moderator and PHILanthropist Extraordinaire Phil Fiord's Avatar
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    Yes. The fella is a nice guy and does know a lot, but I sensed he did not read deeper into topics than the 20 seconds devoted to nightly news topics.

    Once he read it he started to pull from his memory several incidents that betrayed his mantra, and I saw reality sink in.

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    Default Re: The Destruction Of The United States

    Tuesday, February 6, 2007

    November 2008: America is nuked

    Posted: February 2, 2007
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    Only two weeks after the elections in November of 2008, the United States of America, a nation of former greatness, lay in absolute desolate ruin. Within the previous 72 hours a series of eight successive, delayed nuclear devices had been detonated.

    Indescribably large portions of metro Washington, D.C., Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, and two thirds of the island of Manhattan have been turned into steaming craters. Millions are dead. President George W. Bush is in intensive care; two-thirds of the Cabinet, including the vice president, are missing or dead.

    President-elect Barack Obama faces the most enormous challenge of any incoming president in the history of the nation.
    But why?

    How did it happen?
    Turn back the clock to the week of Feb. 5, 2007. With a courageous handful of dissenting votes against the measures, the two houses of Congress purposefully ignore the pleas of Gen. David Petraeus and both pass non-binding resolutions that condemn the president's call for victory. One comes from the Democratic controlled House condemning the president, his plan and by implications the troops, and the other from a U.S. Senate that ceases to even feign any faint resemblance of standing for victory.

    Most disappointing in the entire sick, pathetic process are the cowardly actions of those who refuse to answer even simple questions on talk-radio shows. Names like Boehner, Cantor, Warner and McCain take actions, evade questions, and sponsor resolutions that then-Secretary of Defense Robert Gates confirms will embolden the enemy. It matters not that at 6 p.m. Eastern time across America, Hewitt, Levin, Gibson and Savage tried daily to remind us all of what would come.

    As a nation our leaders had taken us from the shadows of Churchill to the defeat of Chamberlain. And what's worse is we had let them.

    Even the then "new media" known as the blogosphere rallied tens of thousands of signatures and bloggers to speak back to those in power, only to be evaded, shut down and ignored.

    From those resolutions the remaining remnants of Americans who knew in their hearts the importance of victory over the terrorist movement of Islamo-fascism begin to resign themselves to the reality that the maniacal and dangerous voices from the left had achieved full victory. Even Howard Dean emerged from his political cave long enough to gloat and offer comment.

    As in the Vietnam conflict a generation previous, neither the United States military nor her allies had lost a single battle on the field of war. Yet her withdrawal from the area begins a rapid progression into absolute civil strife and chaos.
    Iran, long on the very publicized trail to a nuclear weapon of her own, reinforces the Shia majority population in what was Iraq. Feeling threatened and under-matched to Tehran's superior strategy and numbers, al-Qaida seeks state-sponsored help for the Sunni population. Wicked Shia death-squad strikes are answered with large scale Shia losses from Sunni IEDs.

    The Kurds are annihilated by a second set of Hezbollah and Iranian forces, and Tehran seizes the oil wealth of northern Iraq. Eventually, Iraq all but disappears, and only an imaginary line now divides the Sunni controlled south and the Iranian controlled north.

    For a brief while, Americans forget about war. Soldiers return home and go back to families, children and jobs. During the main push of the 2008 election cycle, pro-war-on-terror candidates begin to be scorned so badly on the campaign trail, most of them drop out by mid-May.

    Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama battle it out to the end. But in the end, the Kennedy-styled message of Obama secures enough states to guarantee the nomination. In a gesture of unspeakable generosity, particularly after many of the things she has said about him on the trail, Obama invites Clinton to accept her place as his vice president. The convention rocks with excitement and causes the already shaky ticket for the GOP to simply fall apart.

    On Election Day, Obama carries 39 states including the previously unthinkable Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama.

    The nation prepares for another peaceful transition of power, one of the truly remarkable footnotes of American-style democracy. Even then, perhaps especially then, people prepare for Thanksgiving.

    On the Monday before the American holiday, Iran finally fulfills one of its long intentioned plans. At roughly 3 a.m. local time military jets drop a small payload of conventional bombs onto the northern Israeli town of Tel Aviv. By 6 a.m. local time the story is on the front pages but also on every cable television channel across the world. At roughly 6:15 a.m., with the sun still not risen, television crews in Tel Aviv capture what appear to be streaking lights headed south in the sky. Moments later above Jerusalem and viewable from as far away as Tel Aviv, a bright light followed by a large mushroom cloud – it is pay dirt for the North Korean long-range missile and the Iranian developed nuclear payload.

    In order that they may share the oil revenue in the name of serving Allah, the world does not know that key Sunni leaders along with current al-Qaida leadership had long since helped sustain an enforced truce with Iran along the imaginary line in former Iraq. Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announces on Iranian television, which is in turn shortly relayed throughout the world, that Allah has been victorious over the Zionists.

    Immediately and through every means available a massive crush of people leaving Israel hits anywhere they can land in North America – New York, Chicago, Mexico City, Miami and Dallas. Simultaneously, because the Congress had decided to de-fund the southern border fence, there is noted increase in the number of border crossings by people attempting to get into the United States.

    With them are the final two persons needed to activate the final two portable nuclear devices in American cities.
    President Bush, out of loyalty and love for our best allies, Israel, orders jet strikes on Tehran. Unfortunately, the damage done is not able to penetrate deep enough underground to disturb Iran's operational hub.

    Beginning at 5 a.m. on Wednesday morning, al-Qaida agents incinerate historic Washington, D.C., downtown Manhattan is leveled, and the Sears Tower in Chicago sprays bits of glass as far as DuPage County.

    Will we then be a nation UNITED toward victory?
    Will it even matter?


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    by wkchild

    Cross-dressing camp for boys as young as six draws criticism from Christian leaders

    Editor’s Note: Sorry, this is just wrong, on so many levels…

    LONG ISLAND, NY, July 17, 2013 (LifeSiteNews) – Young boys preening in front of mirrors putting on makeup, picking flowers in skirts, and prancing in heels and dresses at a talent show: all these are depicted in controversial photo essay, featured on Slate this week, documenting an annual summer camp for gender confused boys. The images are drawing praise from gay activists, and criticisms from pro-family leaders.

    For the last three years, photographer Lindsay Morris has attended the four-day-long camp for “gender variant” boys from 6 to 16 and their families held in an undisclosed location in New England. Morris refers to the camp by the pseudonym “Camp ‘You Are You,’” although her description of the camp closely matches the one given on the website for Camp Aranu’tiq for “transgender” boys, which was featured last year in the Boston Globe, and which makes campers and visitors sign a confidentiality agreement. According to the Globe, it is the only camp of its kind in America.

    Morris, who recently published the photoessay on her website, told Slate that the camp is aimed at “parents who don’t have a gender-confirming 3-year-old who wants to wear high heels and prefers to go down the pink aisle in K-Mart and not that nasty dark boys’ aisle.”

    She said that the fashion show was one of the highlights of the camp, and something that many boys and their families worked to prepare for all year. “Some … create their own gowns with their mothers or friends of the family,” Morris said. “The focus and enthusiasm is really pretty incredible.”
    Read More @
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Glenn Beck ‘Eve Of Destruction’ Warning

    Wednesday, October 30, 2013 5:26

    Glenn Beck issues a dire warning in this video: the United States is now on the ‘eve of destruction’. Glenn drops a bombshell on the ‘progressive, utopian, collective, socialist states of America’ and gives us his take on ‘this horror show’ we now live in.

    Published on Oct 30, 2013

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    We’ll so weaken your
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    until you’ll
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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: The Destruction Of The United States

    I thought this appropriate.....


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    Default Re: The Destruction Of The United States

    Loud + Weak = War

    China and Russia are no more impressed with empty bluster today than Japan was in 1941.

    March 25, 2014 4:00 AM
    By Victor Davis Hanson

    The Roosevelt administration once talked loudly of pivoting to Asia to thwart a rising Japan. As a token of its seriousness, in May 1940 it moved the home port of the Seventh Fleet from San Diego to Pearl Harbor — but without beefing up the fleet’s strength.

    The then-commander of the Pacific Fleet, Admiral James O. Richardson, an expert on the Japanese Imperial Navy, protested vehemently over such a reckless redeployment. He felt that the move might invite, but could not guard against, surprise attack.

    Richardson was eventually relieved of his command and his career was ruined — even as he was later proved right when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

    Britain at the same time promoted a loud Singapore Strategy, trumpeting its Malaysian base as the “Gibraltar of the Pacific.” But London did not send out up-to-date planes, carriers, or gunnery to the Pacific.Japan was not impressed. It surprise-attacked the base right after Pearl Harbor. The British surrendered Singapore in February 1942, in the most ignominious defeat in British military history.

    By 1949, the U.S. was pledged to containing the expansion of Communism in Asia — even as Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson (who had been chief fundraiser for Truman’s 1948 campaign) declared that the Navy and Marines were obsolete. He began to slash both their budgets.

    A “revolt of the admirals” followed, to no avail. But Mao Zedong’s China and Stalin’s Soviet Union took note of the new disconnect between American bluster and massive defense cuts. So they green-lighted a North Korean invasion of South Korea in June 1950.

    The common historical denominator is that Asia and the Pacific are always dangerous places, where calling for tough action is not the same as preparing for the consequences of upping the ante. Loud talk sometimes even encourages a thuggish challenge to prove it.

    Unless the United States in any meaningful way backs up its current flamboyant “pivot” to Asia with additional ships, air wings, and manpower, there is no sense in chest-pounding our resolve to our increasingly orphaned allies, who may soon have to choose between acquiescing to China and going nuclear.

    China will not be impressed that we talk confidently even as we cut defense — just as imperial Japan was not awed when aged American battleships were ordered westward to Pearl Harbor as a gesture.

    Nor did the Japanese tremble when the British battleship Prince of Wales and battle cruiser Repulse were sent without air cover to Singapore. Both were seen as targets rather than deterrents and so soon ended up at the bottom of the sea.

    Likewise, in the late 1940s, “containing Red China” meant nothing when the postwar U.S. had canceled new aircraft carriers, even as it still deployed on the cheap vulnerable small garrisons of troops all over Asia.

    President Obama’s pivot has now joined his stable of deadlines, red lines, step-over lines, and “I don’t bluff” and “I’m not kidding” assertions. The problem with such rhetoric is not just that it is empty, but that it is predictably empty. If Obama cannot lead, can he at least keep quiet about it?

    A Russia, China, North Korea, or Iran is not just unimpressed but encouraged, seeing such sermonizing as an assurance of nothing to follow. Obama’s threats are like a gambler’s involuntary tic, which astute poker players read always as a forewarning of a bluffed empty hand to follow.

    A wiser course is to decide in advance where the U.S. is capable of deterring aggression and where it either has no interest in trying or has no power even if it wished to. Then, once our security parameters are established, we should stay largely quiet, consult our allies, keep troublemakers guessing about our next move, and then use force if necessary to stop their aggressions.

    The Japanese, Taiwanese, South Koreans, Filipinos, and Australians are more likely to assume their democracies are safe when they see a U.S. carrier that means business than when they hear the president or his secretary of state lecture an aggressor about its unacceptable 19th-century behavior, the Third World about its homophobia, or the world about the dangers of climate change.

    Consider also Russia. We forget that “reset” in 2009 was a loud Obama attempt to reverse the Bush administration’s efforts to punish Russia for its aggression against Georgia — a Russian gambit itself perhaps predicated on the impression that the United States was bogged down in Afghanistan and Iraq, and that the Bush administration had been weakened by the midterm elections of 2006. Bush’s efforts to promote new missile-defense initiatives with Poland and the Czech Republic, suspension of nuclear-arms-limitation talks, curtailment of official communications with Moscow, and bolder efforts to isolate Iran from Russian interference were all intended to advise Moscow not to bully its neighbors.

    Yet Obama entered office declaring that it was the Bush administration’s reaction to the Georgia aggression, and not the Russian invasion itself, that had cooled U.S.–Russian relations. The result was a red plastic reset button that presaged loud lectures about human rights in Russia without any real, concrete follow-through.

    Our relationship with Russia is far worse now than during the Bush administration. Vladimir Putin is not just not deterred — who would be, after the U.S. fickleness in Libya, Egypt, and Syria, and in dealing with Iran? — but quite eager in the Crimea and Ukraine to show the world how to deflate American moralistic sermonizing. Putin believes that his amoral show of power impresses others who admire not his strength — for in truth he has little of it — but the simulation of strength that wins him support at home and a sort of sick admiration abroad.

    Being weak is sometimes dangerous. Being loud, self-righteous, and weak is always very dangerous indeed.

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    Nikita Khrushchev: "We will bury you"
    "Your grandchildren will live under communism."
    “You Americans are so gullible.
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    outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of
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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    like overripe fruit into our hands."

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    Default Re: The Destruction Of The United States

    By 1949, the U.S. was pledged to containing the expansion of Communism in Asia — even as Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson (who had been chief fundraiser for Truman’s 1948 campaign) declared that the Navy and Marines were obsolete. He began to slash both their budgets.
    And thus, history repeats itself.

    Marine Commandant James Amos’ recent remarks on the future of the corps can be summed up as: nothing new.

    In shorthand, “Rah, rah, the Marine Corps is awesome, and all we have to do is make sure they have the equipment & training & facilities they need so they can always be awesome Marines, rah, rah!”


    The Marines as currently organized and equipped are about as relevant as the Army’s horse cavalry in the 1930s and the Marines are not alone. They have company in the Army’s XVIII Airborne Corps.

    But, first, let’s examine the Marines.
    - Time Magazine said that recently.

    President Obama made bayonets sound like buggy whips at Monday’s presidential debate, but the fact is they’re still standard issue for Marines.

    The knives, which fit on the end of a rifle barrel and have been around since the 17th century, are not just there for when the ammo runs out and the enemy is close. According to the U.S. Army, the M9 bayonet serves as “a hand weapon, as a general field and utility knife, as well as a wire cutter together with its scabbard, and as a saw.”

    Obama brought up bayonets by way of chiding Mitt Romney for calling proposed military cuts devastating.
    Obama said that recently (last election).

    Gates has been quoted as saying that the Marines have “gotten too big” since the Iraq and Afghanistan wars grew their numbers from 175,000 to 202,000, and “too heavy, too removed from their expeditionary, amphibious roots” as during World War II. Too many Marines “have never stepped aboard a ship.”

    That’s fine, except Gates has also mused about whether big amphibious operations like Iwo Jima or Inchon are even feasible any more in the age of long-range anti-ship missiles — and whether the money spent on ships, helicopters, landing vehicles and planes for close air support of Marines attacking from the sea might be better spent elsewhere.

    Today’s Pentagon is focused on saving money, no matter what. If the Marines are best suited for one kind of warfare, and that warfare is becoming obsolete, that begs the obvious question: Why have Marines at all?

    Yet here, Gates’ view of history is distorted. The Marines have never been just a fighting force that existed to land and die on beaches. They literally wrote the book on counterinsurgency back in 1940, the “Small Wars Manual,” based on their 180-year experience fighting in remote jungle and rough terrain environments from Latin America to the Philippines and North Africa.
    New York Post
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: The Destruction Of The United States

    We may well be on the brink of destruction just as Russia was in recent memory in the 90's thanks to Clinton/Yeltsin. but what we can draw from this is that we are deserving of a government that represents our interests, our true national interests. That keeps the peace, doesn't allow the public to be economically raped and swindled and also protects the rights of free enterprise. That doesn't allow invaders armed or otherwise to set up 'squatter's rights' in our own country. A Government that makes sure it's national security is seen to along it's frontiers.
    "God's an old hand at miracles, he brings us from nonexistence to life. And surely he will resurrect all human flesh on the last day in the twinkling of an eye. But who can comprehend this? For God is this: he creates the new and renews the old. Glory be to him in all things!" Archpriest Avvakum

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