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Jesse Jackson To Muslims: “Stand Up And Fight Back!”

Posted by: Brandon Walker Posted date: October 20, 2013 In: News

Retired Senator and supposed Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr. spoke this weekend at the Arab American Civil Rights League. He showed his true colors this weekend by not supporting the “Christian” church he belongs to, but by saying that Muslims and Arabs in our country need to “stand up and fight back!”

Hundreds of people on the internet are talking about an article first covered by the Detroit Free Press. Al Jeezer and Al Arabia are praising this move by the Reverend as a positive step in bringing Muslim “enlightenment” to the people.

One of Jackson’s senior campaign advisers during his presidential bid was James Zogby. Today, Zogby heads the

Arab-American Institute as its president.

Zogby said during the event that Arab-Americans have “a voice America needs to hear.”~Al Arabia
Speaking to hundreds of people of mainly Islamic and Arabic decent at the Arab American Civil Rights League in Livona, Michigan, Jesse Jackson Sr. completely insulted anyone against the Islamization of America. While most Americans are condoning any discrimination against anyone of Arab or Middle Eastern decent, that is not what he said. In fact his call was all but peaceful to the people.
We are the new America. Love yourself. Stand up and fight back.”~Jesse Jackson
While we agree that there should be no discrimination in the lawsuit against the banks that amounted to profiling, Jesse Jackson does not talk about the orders from the NDA, the FDA, and the United States Government’s Department of Homeland Security’s involvement in the shutting down of certain bank accounts that had ties to Hamas and other known foreign terrorist groups and links to Radical Islam in Saudi Arabia and other middle eastern countries in light of all the terrorist attacks. Instead he talks about Arab Americans to Stand Up and fight back. Never mind that a call to Jihad is sacred to Muslims and this is essentially what he does.

Those that read Holy War In Harlem, Al Sharpton Admits No Church! you saw a brief connection between both Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson Sr. They belong to a church that believes in the universal priesthood doctrine, or also called the priesthood of all believers.

With that in mind, listen to what he says to Muslims in the United States.
We must protest that.You must not retreat. … You are God’s people.”~Jesse Jackson Sr. courtesy of Al Arabia
He is being praised by the Arab American Civil Rights League as a champion to the American People. His campaign manager also chimed in stating that it is the United States at fault for not empowering Arab Americans, although they have the same rights as everyone if they are a citizen under the Constitution.
When you’re not empowered, you can’t defend yourself,” Zogby said at the dinner.”~Detroit Free Press

Muslim immigrants raped over 300 Swedish children in seven months of 2013

In the first seven months of 2013, over 1,000 Swedish women reported being raped by Muslim immigrants. Over 300 of those were under the age of 15. The number of rapes is up 16% compared to 2012 numbers.

From Swedish Public Radio…

Antalet polisanmälningar om våldtäkt i Stockholms län har ökat med 16 procent hittills i år. En stor del av ökningen gäller våldtäkt av unga flickor.
Det är Brottsförebyggande Rådet, BRÅ, som tagit fram statistik som publiceras idag.
Drygt 1 000 våldtäkter har anmälts i länet under årets första sju månader.
En stor del av ökningen gäller våldtäkter av flickor under 15 år.
Enligt BRÅ har polisen i länet fått in 300 sådana anmälningar hittills i år.


Rape epidemic in Norway caused by Muslim immigration

Posted on January 28, 2013 by violenceagainstwhites

Back in May it was reported that every rape assault in the city of Oslo in the last five years had been committed by a person with a “non-Western” background – a Norwegian euphemism for Muslim. Now it turns out that there have already been twice as many rape assaults in Oslo so far this year as there were in all of 2010.

Pat Dollard At least one member of Parliament, André Oktay Dahl of the Conservative Party, calls the situation “critical” and is brave enough to acknowledge that many of the perpetrators come from cultures “with a reprehensible attitude toward women.”

The scandalous fact is that Norway, for all its wealth, has chosen not to invest overmuch in law and order. “Norway wastes millions of kroner every year on ‘development aid’ that ends up largely in the pockets of corrupt African dictators; it pours millions more into the pockets of non-Western immigrants who have become masters at exploiting the welfare system; the Norwegian government even funds anarchists. It’s not entirely misguided for a Norwegian citizen to feel that his tax money is going less to fight the crime that threatens his home, his self, and his business than to support criminals.”

But beefing up the police force wouldn’t even begin to address the problem that’s at the root of the country’s growing rape crisis: the presence in Norway, and especially in Oslo, of ever-growing numbers of people who have nothing but contempt for Western culture, who have absolutely no concept of respect for members of religions other than their own, and who have been brought up on the idea that women who dare to walk the street alone and without veils covering their faces deserve to be violated.

Not so very many years ago, Oslo was virtually a rape-free city, inhabited by people who had been brought up on civilized notions of mutual respect and tolerance. No longer. Over the years, the incidence of rape has risen steadily. A wildly disproportionate number of the perpetrators are “rejected asylum seekers” – which may sound puzzling unless you are aware of the perverse state of affairs whereby even persons officially rejected for asylum in Norway are still allowed to stay. And the increasing temerity of the rapists – who know very well that they will probably not be caught, and, if caught, will not be severely punished – is reflected in the fact that the most recent rape (in which two men assaulted a 21-year-old woman) took place virtually in the backyard of the Royal Palace.

Oslo is, of course, not alone in having undergone this cultural sea change: many major cities in Western Europe have experienced similar transformations. Yet it now appears that the incidence of rapes in Oslo has now eclipsed that in the other two Scandinavian capitals, Stockholm and Copenhagen. This is quite an achievement, given that Oslo has traditionally been the smallest and sleepiest of these three cities – the least cosmopolitan, the one that feels more like a safe small town than a European capital.
A glimpse of the official mentality that makes this steady rise in rape statistics possible was provided in an article that appeared in the Norwegian daily Dagbladet on October 25. It appears that in the summer of last year, the same paper ran a story about Abdi, a Somali immigrant, then 24 years old, who since coming to Norway as an asylum seeker had committed 14 robberies, been incarcerated, become a narcotic, and lived on welfare.

On June 3, 2010, Dagbladet reported, an Oslo court had ruled that Abdi, who is not a Norwegian citizen, should be returned to Somalia. Now, however, that ruling has been overturned by an appeals court. Abdi’s lawyer was jubilant, saying that this decision “is important for many Somalis in this country.” (Of all immigrant groups in Norway, Somalis are among those with the lowest employment and highest crime rates.) The lawyer chided Norway for having shown “an ugly face in this case” by planning to return her client to Somalia, but she expressed hope that given the new decision Norway would “change its practice” – presumably meaning that no amount of unsavory activity would make it possible to kick an immigrant out.

The appeals court’s basis for its decision to let Abdi stay in Norway was that it might be dangerous for him to live in Somalia. Whether letting him stay in Norway might make life dangerous for Norwegians didn’t seem to enter into the court’s calculus.

It’s not only the courts, to be sure, that are at fault in this sort of situation. In such cases, the media almost invariably step in and bombard the public with shameless propaganda designed to stir up sympathy for the miscreant in question. So it was with the Dagbladet article the other day, which sought to present Abdi as repentant, reformed, and reflective – indeed, almost sagacious and saintly. He was represented as having claimed that he has turned over a new leaf and that he now wants to help wayward immigrant kids to straighten out. He also supposedly said that he wants to study to be a sociologist (which, the more one thinks about it, sounds potentially even more dangerous than if he decided to persevere in his life of crime).

Three comments;

1. God help Jesse Jackson, who is no more a 'christian' than Vladimir Lenin was, and for the same reasons.

2. 'Arab-Americans'. Well, I know of alot of Arab Christians would hate to hear 'their' interests in the United States, often fleeing for their lives from Islamic Tyranny, are represented by Stealth Jihadists.

3. Moslem immigrant rapes in Scandinavia. Where is the Viking spirit of St. Olaf King of Norway in the callow liberals of Northern Europe today, longing for self-destruction? They are being invaded by Mohammedan scum who live off their welfare systems and commit most of the crimes! If they don't wake up soon, they will deserve their destruction.