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Thread: Active Shooter: Washington Navy Yard DC

  1. #141
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    Default Re: Active Shooter: Washington Navy Yard DC

    Fishy fishy fishy.

  2. #142
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    Default Re: Active Shooter: Washington Navy Yard DC

    September 18 2013: hey tell us that all these layers of Government intrusion into our lives keeps us safer. They tell us they can avert problems before they happen, and thus they need to know every single thing about us. I wish, I pray that we lived in a world where there was absolutely no need what so ever to fear for your life.
    By Bob Rinear

    By now you’ve all heard about the active shooter event that went down at the Washington Navy Shipyard. In fact you’ve probably heard about it so much you’re sick of it already. But I want to look at this from a different angle, because frankly I’m a bit bent out of shape over it.

    We have been told by folks like Snowden and others, that the NSA collects our cell phone calls, monitors our emails, and pretty much has us photo’d, cataloged and stored in data clouds. This isn’t conspiracy nut stuff, this is documented. All the major cell phone carries and outfits like Google and Yahoo admit that Uncle Sam collects their data. The line of BS they shovel at us is that this helps keep us safer.

    The person that pulled off the shooting raises questions that should go right up the chain and land in Obama and Holder’s lap. I’m not talking about that lunatic Pelosi, who’s only interested in making millions with her husband by doing illegal insider deals; or Senator Dianne Feinstein because of course she’s screaming for gun control to solve things. The brainless that continue to keep this parasite in office have such a narrow mental capacity it is the only possible thing they could ever imagine. Logical thought process escapes them, as they have been bred to only act on “feelings”. So acting like the demented lemming she is, you simply knew she’d be on stage talking about banning guns.

    But here’s my point to this, and why we should all be “outraged” to coin a common liberal term. They tell us that all these layers of Government intrusion into our lives keeps us safer. They tell us they can avert problems before they happen, and thus they need to know every single thing about us. Yet here’s this guy Alexis with a huge background of problems, and frankly if you look into this hard enough, you cannot even comprehend that this is coincidence. So it is indeed making some of us “curious” to say the least.

    This guy had “Secret” security clearance. This guy’s job was to be “updating” military computers, and had recently been in Thailand for a spell. Here’s a guy that was to be on military installations around the country playing in computers that certainly would have had sensitive information on them. Military secrets on them. Yet when we examine his background, something jumps out at you like the zit on a prom queen. He’s had all manner of issues with anger management in the past, INCLUDING two instances of gun violations. In one instance in Seattle, he says he “blacked out” and didn’t remember for several hours that he had shot out the tires of some construction workers truck because they mocked him or called him names and disrespected him.

    But from there the story gets even sillier. See, for some reason this guy wasn’t charged with anything over that. In fact “somehow” the paperwork got lost in the shuffle and there was no call by the DA to take this guy to court. Now listen up folks, this was in 2004. Long after the Patriot act, and 9/11 which started the ball rolling for all these quasi defense agencies to be born. So the first question of the day is simply this: How on earth do you shoot out the tires on someones truck and NOTHING happens to you? No illegal discharge charges, no intent to harm property charges, no civil charges on perceived danger, nothing? How can that happen? I’ve seen folks get charged for the mere act of a wardrobe malfunction allowing the public to see a legally concealed weapon. That’s simply a slip up, a shirt too short to cover the butt end of the gun correctly and they’ve been charged and fined. This guy shoots out tires, which is obviously a threatening and menacing thing to do, and there’s NOTHING?? But wait there’s more. Much more.

    In Texas he lived in a complex where he had neighbors that lived on the next floor above him. That neighbor has said multiple times that Alexis had yelled at her for too much noise and she was scared of him Then one day while she was playing some music a bullet came up through the floor into her apartment. Police came and Alexis told them he was cleaning the gun, it slipped and discharged. After looking around, they decided not to press charges and that it was just an accident” The lady upstairs says “BS” he did that on purpose. So here’s the second instance of a “problem with guns” and once again nothing is done.

    Then we find out that the NAVY had given him a “less than honorable” discharge because he’d often act unruly, he had emotional outbursts. His own father said he had anger management issues, and post-traumatic stress after helping in the 9/11 recovery. So let me get this all set up for you, because it doesn’t read right, nor sound right.

    Here’s a guy that has PTSD and “could” be on psychotropic anti depressants for it. ( I don’t know if he was or not yet, but it’s a fairly safe bet) He does an aggressive act of pulling a weapon and shooting at somones truck because they mocked him or called him a name. He says he didn’t even remember doing it he was so outraged…for over two hours. There’s a real stable human being. He gets NO charges for this act, an act that would land you or me in jail for months. He then shoots a round through the ceiling of his apartment and into the upstairs apartment. The cops arrest him, but no charges are filed. A simply “mistake”. The NAVY discharges him, with less than honorable mention… the category of discharge where they aren’t calling you a criminal or lunatic, but has “issues”.

    After ALL that, this guy gets Secret clearance and is hired by contractors to go back to work on military installations? Are you kidding me? Where’s the NSA who apparently knows every word I’ve spoken or written, in all this? How was this lunatic allowed to get clearance on a military base? How could he have two blatant gun issues and there’s no charges? Now you see why this whole thing stinks to high heaven. While I don’t see this as a false flag sort of situation to deflect attention from Syria, I can easily see why some are asking if this guy was a “plant” of some type. A sleeper cell awoken from his slumber. Maybe time will tell.

    While it is possible this was just some guy that fell through a lot of cracks and went bat crap crazy, it doesn’t read well. The only solid conclusion we can draw is that now it is blatantly evident after Ft. Hood and now this…that our military installations should abandon Bill Clintons rule that our military people can’t be armed on base. I find that to be one of the saddest, most bizarre things I’ve ever heard. The Ft. Hood martyr nor this guy would have done a damned thing if all those folks were carrying their military side arms. But when you make something a “gun free” zone, all you’re doing is telling the lunatics and criminals that no one will shoot back. That’s beyond stupid.

    Expect to hear cries for more gun control and banning ever more weapons. Of course it isn’t the right approach, as we’ve been preaching for years on end. Criminals and loonies will always be able to get their hands on guns. Only the law abiding ever give up their arms, and then they’re defenseless. Why can’t the anti gun freaks ever understand that? Ft. Hood proved it. The Navy yard proves it. The movie theatre proved it. The School shootings prove it. Gun free zones are an invitation for disaster.

    Let me end this by saying this. I wish, I pray that we lived in a world where there was absolutely no need what so ever to fear for your life. I wish there were no muggers, gang bangers, robbers, rapists, and other violent people. But facts are facts and they exist. If indeed these kind of people exist and ply their trade…I want the ability to defend my self and my family. Without that right, you’re just another victim looking for your disaster.

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    Default Re: Active Shooter: Washington Navy Yard DC

    The Nuclear Option: Terror Reigns in the Land of Gun Control

    by Charles Hurt 19 Sep 2013

    For those of us foolish enough to live in a crime-gripped city while also summarily denied our constitutional right to protect ourselves, this week's massacre at the Navy Yard pretty well sums up our insane, defenseless existence.

    Our Capitol Hill neighborhood drowned in the scream of sirens as police cars, vans, trucks, and armored vehicles streaked through the narrow streets at deadly speeds. The skies filled with the constant wapping of countless helicopters.

    Just back from dropping children off at school, neighbors began frantically calling, texting and emailing one another to see what was wrong. The crisp morning reminded many of Sept. 11, 2001.

    Police dispatched text and email alerts to residents that there was an "active shooter" at the nearby Navy Yard, just blocks from where our children play little league baseball. Many were dead and more injured, we were told.

    Then the terrifying news: As many as two more shooters were on the loose and being sought.

    D.C. police concluded their advisory to residents with the same admonishment that punctuates every crime alert: "DO NOT TAKE ACTION." Instead, we are given an "event" number and instructed to call 911.

    As any decent American knows, there is no feeling more powerless than to realize that a couple of mass murderers are loose in your neighborhood and you are denied the right to keep a gun to defend yourself, your family, or your home. A sickening knot tightens in your gut.


    Then came the latest Orwellian phrase in the "homeland security" lexicon: "Shelter in place!"

    So, not only are you not allowed to defend yourself against mass murderers, you are not supposed to run from them either.
    This, my fellow countrymen, is pure insanity.

    And all the terror and real bloody carnage took place inside the most impenetrable fortress of gun control utopia.

    The very guns Aaron Alexis used to kill 12 people are banned in this city, unless you submit to an exhaustive, invasive, and expensive process and prove to the city bureaucracy that you are worthy of your Second Amendment rights. Clearly, that failed.

    We now know that Alexis was run through to the normal background checks already in place to purchase a gun from a gun dealer. He submitted to even more exhaustive background checks to get his job and access to the Navy Yard. All of those background checks, and he still massacred 12 people.

    We also now know that Alexis had multiple run-ins with police in various states and was accused of committing numerous gun crimes, including firing a gun into his neighbor's occupied apartment and blasting the tires off of a car in a fit of rage. In those cases, existing laws were already in place to nab the lunatic and strip him of his gun rights. For whatever reason, these laws that should have flagged him as a dangerous criminal were not enforced.

    So here we are with 12 good people dead, living in the land of gun control, where terror reigns because the criminals have guns and the rest of us are scolded "DO NOT TAKE ACTION" and "Shelter in place!"

    The great cartoon philosopher Gary Larson once drew a panel of what he imagined a boneless chicken ranch might look like. Already flightless, the limp birds lay all about unable to even raise their heads with their legs splayed out in ridiculous fashion.

    That is what we are here. Flightless and defenseless. As a cartoon about boneless chickens is hilarious; as a way of life, it is terrifying.

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    “You Americans are so gullible.
    No, you won’t accept
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  4. #144
    Creepy Ass Cracka & Site Owner Ryan Ruck's Avatar
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    Default Re: Active Shooter: Washington Navy Yard DC

    ATF Kept Out Of Loop As FBI Traced Shotgun After Navy Yard Shooting

    September 22, 2013

    Within hours of the Navy Yard shootings, the FBI had traced the gunman's recent shotgun purchase and sent agents to the shop in northern Virginia where he bought it. Left out of the loop was the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, a surprising snub between top U.S. law enforcement agencies that comes as the ATF struggles to show its relevance in Washington.

    The ATF is the federal agency in charge of tracing guns used in crimes, including the military-style semi-automatic rifle used in rampage at a Connecticut school last year, a similar rifle used in the deadly shooting at a Colorado movie theater and a handgun used to kill six people and critically wound a congresswoman, among others, outside a grocery store in Tucson, Arizona

    By the afternoon of the Navy Yard shootings, FBI agents — not ATF agents — were in northern Virginia at the gun shop where Aaron Alexis, 34, bought a Remington 870 Express shotgun and about two dozen shells barely 48 hours earlier. By day's end it was clear that the shotgun, which Alexis altered with a sawed-down barrel and shoulder stock, was purchased legally after Alexis showed his valid Texas driver's license and passed both a state and federal background check.

    But the ATF wasn't involved.

    There is no evidence that the FBI did anything wrong in tracing the gun on its own, but the move is unusual.

    "I have never seen an instance where ATF had not been relied upon to trace the gun," said Mike Bouchard, a former ATF assistant director for field operations. "I have never heard of a situation like that."

    By 6 p.m. Monday, the day of the shooting, The Associated Press had learned that the shotgun had been legally purchased at a gun shop in Lorton, Virginia When asked about those details, the ATF said its trace had not been completed. ATF spokeswoman Ginger Colbrun said in a statement Friday that once ATF traced the shotgun, that information was handed off to the FBI, which is leading the investigation. She declined to say when the ATF completed its trace.

    "ATF is the sole federal agency that is authorized to conduct firearms tracing," Colbrun said in the statement. The ATF's National Tracing Center "is authorized to trace a firearm for a law enforcement agency involved in a bona fide criminal investigation."

    The FBI's Washington Field Office declined to comment on the investigation.

    A 1968 overhaul of gun laws gave the ATF the authority to trace firearms used in crimes and required that gun dealers keep records of who bought what gun and when. The powerful gun lobby has successfully pushed a series of legislation that limits what the ATF can do with that information, including bans on storing it in any searchable computer database.

    When law enforcement needs to trace a gun, the low-tech process includes a series of phone calls, starting with the manufacturer. Depending on the age of the gun and how many times it has changed hands, the process can take days. In the case of the Navy Yard shotgun, Alexis bought the weapon just two days earlier. The paper trail ended about 17 miles from the crime scene.

    The Navy Yard shooting comes less than three weeks after ATF Director B. Todd Jones was sworn in as the first Senate-confirmed ATF director.

    The agency had been without a permanent leader since 2006 when the Senate was given the power to approve the director. In pushing for Jones' approval, Senate supporters, including President Barack Obama, suggested ATF was unnecessarily weakened by lack of leadership.

    The ATF was noticeably absent in the gun debate that dominated the attention of lawmakers in the months after the December massacre of 20 school children and six adults at a Newtown, Connecticut, elementary school.

    Bouchard said another law enforcement agency asking for gun sales records could be confusing for licensed dealers who have become accustomed to dealing with the ATF.

    "Gun dealers are accustomed to dealing with ATF and will always be cooperative with any law enforcement agency," Bouchard said. "But because of dealing with ATF there could be some confusion on their part as to what they have to do during an investigation, or if they should surrender records that they are legally instructed to keep by ATF."

  5. #145
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    That's because they aren't the "ATF".

    They are "struggling" to be a Three Letter Agency (a TLA, lol)

    And they aren't.

    They are still the BATFE

  6. #146
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    WASHINGTON -- The FBI said Wednesday that there is no evidence that Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis targeted specific individuals in the shooting rampage last week in Washington, D.C., that left 12 people dead.

    The FBI also released a video Wednesdasy of the 34-year-old shooter on the day of the Aug. 16 attack that shows him entering a Navy Yard building and walking the halls with a shotgun. Alexis was killed in a shootout with police.

    Valerie Parlave, the FBI assistant director in charge of the Washington office, said Alexis was delusional and thought that extremely low frequency waves, or ELF, were controlling him.

    She said at a news conference that the words "my ELF weapon" were written on the shotgun he used in the killings.

    Parlave also said investigators are continuing to explore the background and motivations of the former Navy reservist and technology contractor, but noted that he had a well-documented history of mental health issues.

  7. #147
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    Those Extremely Low Frequencies messed up his mind. HAARP has to be banned. Along with the ELF used on Subs. And in Michigan (where the antenna is located).

  8. #148
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    Default Re: Active Shooter: Washington Navy Yard DC

    Or we could ban military installations. Those seem dangerous.

    Or perhaps blue shirts.

    Or black men.

    Or we could ban the FBI since they didn't do shit to stop it.

    Or security clearances, since he used one to gain access (no, actually he DIDN'T use a clearance to gain access, that's bullshit)

  9. #149
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    Oh and sawed off shot guns under 16" are illegal. So he broke the law.

    FBI: Navy Yard shooter 'delusional'

    By Joe Sterling, CNN
    updated 2:51 PM EDT, Wed September 25, 2013

    Video shows Navy Yard shooter


    • FBI: Aaron Alexis acted alone and wasn't targeting anyone in particular
    • He used a sawed-off shotgun that was etched 'End to the torment'
    • The shootings occurred September 16 at the Washington Navy Yard

    -- Aaron Alexis, the man who went on the deadly shooting rampage at the Washington Navy Yard, was under the "delusional belief that he was being controlled or influenced by electro-magnetic waves," the FBI's Valerie Parlave said Wednesday.

    Parlave, assistant director in charge of the FBI Washington Field Office, said Alexis acted alone and there was no evidence he was targeting particular people.

    Alexis, who was 34, went on the rampage September 16, killing 12 people and wounded several others. Chilling video released Wednesday shows Alexis running through hallways with a sawed-off shotgun. He also gained access to and used a Beretta pistol during the shooting.

    The investigation indicates that Alexis "was prepared to die during the attack and that he accepted death as the inevitable consequence of his actions," Parlave said, citing electronic media recovered from the shooter's belongings.

    Phrases were also scrawled onto Alexis' shotgun, Parlave said. They read: "End to the torment," "Not what y'all say," and "Better off this way."

    He also wrote "My ELF weapon," which is believed to be a reference to "extremely low frequency or ELF electro-magnetic waves."

    Also, the FBI said, a document retrieved from the shooter's electronic media said: "Ultra low frequency attack is what I've been subject to for the last 3 months, and to be perfectly honest that is what has driven me to this."

    "ELF technology was a legitimate program for Naval sub-tonal submarine communications," Parlave said. "However, conspiracy theories exist which misinterpret its application as the weaponization of remote neural frequencies for government monitoring and manipulation of unsuspecting citizens."

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    Default Re: Active Shooter: Washington Navy Yard DC

    25 September 2013 Last updated at 10:12 ET Share this page


    Why I went in to the Nairobi mall when others fled



    Continue reading the main story In today's Magazine

    When video journalist Nichole Sobecki (above) arrived at the Westgate mall in Nairobi on Saturday, she saw a stream of people running out of the building. But as others escaped from the gunmen who had opened fire, the AFP reporter decided to go into the complex. Here she tells her story.
    I could see that ambulances were picking people up and trying to get them out from the third floor, so I thought that might be an opportunity to get inside.
    When I got close to the third floor entrance of the mall I followed a security officer inside and linked up with another security team.
    I never saw any of the attackers. It was unclear where the shooters were, so we were sweeping from shop to shop through the mall trying to locate the shooters and also looking for civilians that were trapped, and trying to get them out to safety.

    Continue reading the main story Find out more

    • Nichole Sobecki spoke to Newsday on the BBC World Service

    When I first arrived in the mall a security team was trying to disable the elevators to prevent the attackers from moving between floors and popping out and surprising someone.
    Before they were able to to that, one of the elevator doors did open and a middle-aged woman crawled out - she was obviously terrified and they were able to get her out quickly to safety.

    It seemed like everywhere we looked, more people would come out as soon as they realised that this was the security forces and that they were safe, or at least that they had an opportunity to try to get out.
    People were hiding in air vents, crouched on the floor, hiding in cinemas, casinos, beauty salons, locking themselves in.

    This is a mall that I go to frequently. It's not far from where I live and to see it become the scene of terror was absolutely surreal - the mall soundtrack with pop music continuing to play but otherwise the sort of eerie silence, bursts of gunfire.

    I have covered conflict before in a more conventional sense, in Afghanistan and Somalia - places where you go and you have an expectation of what you are going to find. To see a mall on a busy Saturday afternoon transformed into such horror was really surprising.
    I was inside the mall for about three hours, and of course you are afraid in these situations, it's very stressful, you are always looking where you could find cover if you have to move, which direction you will be going in.

    We were with a team of security forces and you just need to make sure that you are staying rational, that you are making good decisions and that you are not putting your life or the lives of anyone around you at any greater risk.

    There was little the security forces could do aside from trying to get people out.
    They were searching them on their way out to make sure that no-one was armed, to make sure that anyone leaving the building was doing it as a civilian. But if some of the attackers did try to pose as civilians there was not that much that they could do. They had to get people out, they had to evacuate the mall and that was a risk.

    Any attack of this sort is meant to divide people and the more [Kenyans] can reach out together as they have been, donating blood, coming together to call for unity, making sure that there is no backlash on the Somali community in Kenya, I think that is what is going to make Kenya move forward after this horrible attack.

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    Kenya info blackout? Extraordinary lack of detail about Westgate siege.

    How many really died? Why no mugshots of militants? Where are the hostages? Why no blow-by-blow? Why no clear information from Kenyatta?

    By Mike Pflanz, Correspondent / September 25, 2013

    A Kenya Defense Forces soldier patrols, while others wait, on the empty road near the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2013.
    Sayyid Azim/AP

    Nairobi, Kenya

    Even as President Uhuru Kenyatta was giving his televised address on Tuesday, telling the world that the siege of Nairobi’s Westgate mall was over, Kenya’s "netizens" were celebrating.

    The Christian Science Monitor
    Weekly Digital Edition

    With the hashtag #WeAreOne, praise for President Kenyatta, the Kenya Defense Forces, the police and the Red Cross swamped Twitter and other social media, as did elegies for the 61 civilians and six security officers the president said died during the assault.

    Soon, however, the tone had noticeably hardened: “SO. MANY. QUESTIONS” tweeted @kenyanpundit. In another, Kenyan authorities had “not provided a single mugshot of the attackers,” as @bonifacemwangi tweeted.

    By Wednesday, a list of 85 questions drawn up by Kenyan citizens was doing the rounds online, demanding answers from their government that was either unable or unwilling to clarify fundamental aspects of the 80-hour ordeal.

    RECOMMENDED: Think you know Africa? Take our geography quiz.

    During the Tuesday speech, Kenyatta did not clarify the final number of people who died. He said 61 civilians, six troops and five attackers were dead but did not spell out if that was in addition to a Kenya Red Cross toll of 62 already counted fatalities.

    A further 71 people are registered missing, the charity said Wednesday.

    More bodies, including those of the militants, were buried in rubble where a portion of the Westgate Shopping Mall collapsed in the last hours of the siege, Kenyatta said. But he was unable to say how many attackers there were, or how they ferried apparently large amounts of ammunition or conspicuously heavy weapons into the four-story mall.

    Perhaps most disturbingly for those still waiting for news of missing loved ones, he did not mention the word “hostage” once in his 15-minute address.

    Early reports from the mall siege gave the impression that there were perhaps dozens of people being held after the first waves of hundreds who managed to escape as the attackers took over the complex.

    The Kenya Red Cross established an emergency field hospital in the basement car park of a Hindu community hall, to “be prepared for many injured”, according to Rashmi Shah, one of the center's managers.

    In the event, fewer than 10 people were treated there, and most of those were soldiers. By Tuesday, the triage hospital unit was shut.

    Now among the most urgent questions that has been raised: “Where are the hostages?”

    Critics are raising allegations against national intelligence and security forces of how such a heavily armed band of foreigners was allowed to enter Kenya, and then to transfer their arsenal into the guarded mall.

    "My position, and the police will investigate this, is that there was a very serious lapse in security, which may have gone on for six months,” said Laban Onditi Rao, vice-chairman of the Kenyan National Chamber of Commerce, who was communicating with the mall's owners and security staff during the siege.

    "There is the idea that they hired a shop there, and that would give them accessibility all over the mall, and would allow some of them to pass security easily because they would be known," he said.

    Responding to this, Manoah Esipisu, Kenya’s presidential spokesman, said late Tuesday that, “we’re leaving nothing to chance" in the investigation, including whether the militant gang had rented a shop at Westgate, or that they had an insider helping them.

    As demands for answers to still unexplained aspects of the assault grew on Wednesday, Mr. Esipisu’s phone was switched off.

    One Kenyatta administration official said that “there seems to be a shutdown of information” within the government, and no real details are getting out to its citizens. The official requested anonymity to speak candidly about internal government operations.

    Meanwhile, US, Israeli and British forensics experts were preparing to enter the mall to help Kenyan authorities assess what is now a vast crime scene. It is expected that their inquiries will continue for at least a week.

    “We will provide additional assistance in the coming days to investigate this attack and to bring its organizers and perpetrators to justice,” said Robert Godec, the US ambassador to Kenya. “We will continue to work together with Kenya to stop the scourge of terrorism.”

    Kenyatta said that “we cannot confirm the details at present” of reports that two American citizens and a Briton were among the attackers.

    By the end of Wednesday in Nairobi, a new hashtag had emerged, #WeAreOne_dering.

  12. #152
    Literary Wanderer
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    Default Re: Active Shooter: Washington Navy Yard DC

    Can anyone read this article and tell me the similarities between it and the Navy Yard, James Holmes, etc.?

    Did divine intervention prevent McDonald's massacre?
    There’s a man apparently intent on holding up a McDonald’s and willing to shoot people. In fact, he points his gun at his intended victims and pulls the trigger, The Star-Telegram reports.

    He runs outside and fires a shot in the air. The gun discharges.
    Back inside and aim.
    Back outside and he fires the gun twice – at a passing car. It goes off.
    “I’ve never seen anything like that before,” said police Sgt. Joe Loughman. “It must not have been their time to go.”
    He was talking about the situation where Jestin Anthony Joseph, 24, apparently mentally disturbed, allegedly tried to fire repeatedly inside a crowded McDonald’s.
    The Star-Telegram reports surveillance video reveals Joseph pulling the trigger several times during his attempted robbery.
    But no one was hit and police are baffled.
    Joseph’s mother, however, told the newspaper she believes the gun misfired – repeatedly – because “we were praying.”
    She recounted for the newspaper how her son had called – and clearly was both distressed and disturbed.
    People were after him, she said he fretted.
    “He said, ‘They’re trying to kill me, Mama! I’m going to die tonight! I’m going to die tonight!’” the mom, who didn’t want to be identified, told the newspaper.
    “Last night, I told God to keep Jestin, and that’s what I do believe happened,” she said. “I did not know he even had a gun.”
    She said she believes her son had a mental breakdown.
    “He was not in his right mind,” she told the Star-Telegram.
    Police say there were potential victims aplenty, with 15 people inside the McDonald’s.
    The suspect pulled a semiautomatic handgun, and appeared, according to police, to be pulling the trigger. Nothing fires.
    According to the newspaper, the gunman went outside, fired a shot into the air and returned.
    Let the Star-Telegram take up the story:
    “As people continued to run from the restaurant, the man again pointed the gun at those inside and pulled the trigger. Again, Loughman said, the gun did not fire. Loughman said the man went back outside near the service road, got his gun to work and fired two rounds in the direction of a passing vehicle. The driver never stopped.”
    The suspect then fled, to be arrested a short time later. Police found the gun he apparently threw away.
    “I’ve never seen a video like this before,” said Loughman. “My gut feeling is the city of Fort Worth and the Fort Worth police department avoided a major tragedy on Tuesday night.”
    According to an NBC outlet, the suspect walked over to a water fountain and witnesses reported he was mumbling to himself before he pulled out the gun.
    The station said reporters interviewed Joseph while he was in custody.
    “I walked into McDonald’s, asked for water, went to the machine and, as soon as I did, dude said something to me. That’s when I pulled the gun, and I lost it,” Joseph told the station.
    He reported he was hearing voices.

  13. #153
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    Default Re: Active Shooter: Washington Navy Yard DC

    Quote Originally Posted by MinutemanCO View Post
    Can anyone read this article and tell me the similarities between it and the Navy Yard, James Holmes, etc.?

    Did divine intervention prevent McDonald's massacre?
    There’s a man apparently intent on holding up a McDonald’s and willing to shoot people. In fact, he points his gun at his intended victims and pulls the trigger, The Star-Telegram reports.

    He runs outside and fires a shot in the air. The gun discharges.
    Back inside and aim.
    Back outside and he fires the gun twice – at a passing car. It goes off.
    “I’ve never seen anything like that before,” said police Sgt. Joe Loughman. “It must not have been their time to go.”
    He was talking about the situation where Jestin Anthony Joseph, 24, apparently mentally disturbed, allegedly tried to fire repeatedly inside a crowded McDonald’s.
    The Star-Telegram reports surveillance video reveals Joseph pulling the trigger several times during his attempted robbery.
    But no one was hit and police are baffled.
    Joseph’s mother, however, told the newspaper she believes the gun misfired – repeatedly – because “we were praying.”
    She recounted for the newspaper how her son had called – and clearly was both distressed and disturbed.
    People were after him, she said he fretted.
    “He said, ‘They’re trying to kill me, Mama! I’m going to die tonight! I’m going to die tonight!’” the mom, who didn’t want to be identified, told the newspaper.
    “Last night, I told God to keep Jestin, and that’s what I do believe happened,” she said. “I did not know he even had a gun.”
    She said she believes her son had a mental breakdown.
    “He was not in his right mind,” she told the Star-Telegram.
    Police say there were potential victims aplenty, with 15 people inside the McDonald’s.
    The suspect pulled a semiautomatic handgun, and appeared, according to police, to be pulling the trigger. Nothing fires.
    According to the newspaper, the gunman went outside, fired a shot into the air and returned.
    Let the Star-Telegram take up the story:
    “As people continued to run from the restaurant, the man again pointed the gun at those inside and pulled the trigger. Again, Loughman said, the gun did not fire. Loughman said the man went back outside near the service road, got his gun to work and fired two rounds in the direction of a passing vehicle. The driver never stopped.”
    The suspect then fled, to be arrested a short time later. Police found the gun he apparently threw away.
    “I’ve never seen a video like this before,” said Loughman. “My gut feeling is the city of Fort Worth and the Fort Worth police department avoided a major tragedy on Tuesday night.”
    According to an NBC outlet, the suspect walked over to a water fountain and witnesses reported he was mumbling to himself before he pulled out the gun.
    The station said reporters interviewed Joseph while he was in custody.
    “I walked into McDonald’s, asked for water, went to the machine and, as soon as I did, dude said something to me. That’s when I pulled the gun, and I lost it,” Joseph told the station.
    He reported he was hearing voices.
    I think demonic possession, control by antihuman ultraterrestrial beings, when I think of these incidents. The 'voices' they the gunmen hear are real.

  14. #154
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    Default Re: Active Shooter: Washington Navy Yard DC

    Kenya shopping mall attack: Nairobi hostages were tortured before they were killed, says police doctor

    Rumours of rapes, disfigurement and beheadings are rife in Kenya’s capital

    Catrina Stewart


    Thursday 26 September 2013

    Related articles

    A police doctor scouring Nairobi’s Westgate mall for bodies after a four-day siege by Islamist gunmen that claimed dozens of lives has said victims were tortured before they died, according to a Kenyan newspaper.

    “Those are not allegations. Those are f****** truths,” the doctor, a forensics expert, told The Star newspaper. “They removed balls, eyes, ears, nose. They get your hand and sharpen it like a pencil then they tell you to write your name with the blood. They drive knives inside a child’s body. Actually, if you look at all the bodies, unless those ones that were escaping, fingers are cut by pliers, the noses are ripped by pliers.”

    The information could not be independently verified, but William Pike, the British editor of The Star, said the reporters working on the story had been given similar accounts from other sources. “We have [the source] on a recording,” Mr Pike said. “He was talking very graphically, and he was very angry.”

    The horrifying details of what may be the last moments of some of the hostages at the hands of terrorists from Somalia’s al-Shabaab movement come amid mounting public anger over the authorities silence about the details of the siege. Many questions remain, such as what happened to the potentially dozens of hostages still unaccounted for? What happened to the attackers? And what caused parts of Westgate to collapse in the final hours of the siege?

    Police have asked for patience as they begin the painstaking work of gathering evidence and searching for bodies, with Interior Minister Joseph Ole Lenku warning it could take up to a week to complete the search. He has said that an “insignificant” number of bodies are still trapped.

    Gunmen armed with machine guns and grenades stormed the Westgate mall on Saturday lunchtime, shooting indiscriminately, and killing at least 61 people. A further six security officers died in attempts to rout the militants. During the siege, rescuers evacuated many survivors, but reports suggested hostages were being held by militants. Kenya’s Red Cross says that 71 people are still listed as missing.

    Ghoulish accounts on the fate of the hostages have circulated Nairobi and there have been claims that the military was forced to blow up part of the Westgate complex not just to bring the siege to an end, but to end the appalling suffering of hostages amid reports that hostages were raped, and others beheaded and their heads thrown out of the windows.

    Mourners at the funeral of radio presenter Ruhila Adatia Sood

    None of these reports could be verified amid what is a febrile atmosphere in the city following the worst terrorist attack on Kenyan soil since the US embassy bombings by Al-Qa’ida in 1998 that killed more than 200.

    Allegations of rape are not commonly linked with Islamist militants, although there are increasing numbers of rape cases reported in Somalia after long years of conflict.

    Meanwhile, Kenyan authorities are also facing questions over whether they had any intelligence on an impending attack, which a Somali al-Shabaab chief said was a “message to Westerners” who had “backed Kenya’s invasion [of Somalia],” a reference to Kenya’s 2011 incursion aimed at crushing the militant movement.

    Kenya’s National Intelligence Agency (NIS), widely accused by politicians of failing to pick up chatter about the attack, has insisted it did warn the police and officials inside the President’s office before the Westgate siege, but its warnings went unheeded, The Star reported.

    According to the same report, a pregnant policewoman avoided Westgate after her brother, who works for Kenyan intelligence, warned her of a terror attack. “She has told police that her brother who is a NIS officer warned her not to visit Westgate that Saturday because she would not be able to run,” a senior officer was quoted as saying.

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    Default Re: Active Shooter: Washington Navy Yard DC

    And what did we know before hand?

    MI5 was informed of plan to attack shopping centre FOUR years ago after British terror suspect was arrested in Kenya

    • Kenya had been warned of an Al Shabaab attack in late September
    • British citizen arrested four years ago questioned about similar attack
    • Bilal Berjawi accused of planning to blow up Israeli-owned supermarket
    • The Westgate Mall, where at least 67 people died, is Israeli-owned

    By Barbara Jones and Ian Gallagher
    PUBLISHED: 18:48 EST, 28 September 2013 | UPDATED: 04:20 EST, 29 September 2013

    A commander of the terrorist group behind the Nairobi attack was questioned by MI5 over plans to blow up a Kenyan shopping centre four years ago.
    Bilal Berjawi, then a British citizen, was arrested in Kenya by counter-terrorism officers who claimed to be working on instructions from MI5.
    Berjawi, who also went by the name Abu Omar, was questioned again on his return to Britain by the Security Service. At the time, he was a secret member of Al Shabaab, but MI5 and the Kenyans accused him of being a member of Al Qaeda.

    Mourning: People light candles during a memorial service in front of the shopping centre

    Prayer: A father lights candles with his son during the 24-hour vigil

    According to his account, he was held in Nairobi for four days by Kenyan officers who were fed questions by MI5.

    They accused him of planning to blow up an Israeli-owned supermarket in an attack sanctioned by Osama bin Laden.


    The Westgate Mall, which includes a large supermarket, is Israeli-owned. Berjawi’s account, if true, suggests a failure of intelligence by MI5 and the Kenyan authorities.

    Security at the mall in the days leading up to the attack was lax, even despite the Kenyan authorities receiving more recent warnings of an imminent attack from the UN.

    Berjawi’s account was given to Cageprisoners, a British charity which campaigns against alleged mistreatment of terror suspects.

    Berjawi, who is of Lebanese origin, went to Somalia and joined Al Shabaab in 2006. He returned to the UK a year later to raise funds for the terrorists.

    He stayed at his family’s council house in North Kensington, West London, before leaving for Kenya, where he was detained. He told Cageprisoners the Kenyans accused him of being an Al Qaeda suicide bomber who had trained in Afghanistan.

    He was told: ‘You were planning to attack a supermarket… an Israeli supermarket.’ After four days, he was allowed to return to the UK, where he was met and questioned by MI5. 'He returned to Somalia in 2009 and rose to become a senior figure in the group Al Qaeda in East Africa, a radical part of Al Shabaab.

    He was suspected of crossing into Uganda in 2010 where he took part in the Al Shabaab attacks at two bars as fans watched the World Cup final. The blasts killed 74.

    He was stripped of his British citizenship and, according to Al Shabaab, was killed in January last year by a US drone missile.
    Last night, MI5 would not say whether it knew of an attack on Westgate Mall four years ago, but a security source said: ‘There is often terrorist chatter about targets for spectacular attacks and over the years the same targets pop up.’

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    Default Re: Active Shooter: Washington Navy Yard DC

    Quote Originally Posted by Thorongil2012 View Post
    I think demonic possession, control by antihuman ultraterrestrial beings, when I think of these incidents. The 'voices' they the gunmen hear are real.
    I am not one to believe in demons or possession... but this gives you pause. Nut case? Drugs maybe.... drugs can do things to people's minds so probably will turn out to be drugs, or even a brain tumor.

    As to the gun not going off.... maybe Someone was watching out over those people?

  17. #157
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    Default Re: Active Shooter: Washington Navy Yard DC

    Word of another shooting here. Being reported on FNC now.

  18. #158
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    Default Re: Active Shooter: Washington Navy Yard DC

    Old thread, new topic

    Active Shooter.

    Number of shooters unknown.

    The base is on lock down.

    MASSIVE police and military police response.

    Unknown injuries, numbers or much else at this time.

    I'll update as I get more.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    Default Re: Active Shooter: Washington Navy Yard DC

    Ok, it is CONFIRMED, there is an active shooter.

    That's all we have right now.
    Libertatem Prius!

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    7:30 EST is the time of the calls.

    All personnel sheltered in place.

    Base is locked down.
    Libertatem Prius!

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