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Thread: Mandating health Insurance - Obamacare

  1. #381
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Insurance companies are not in the business to provide health care. They are in business to make money. Since being part of an exchange means they will lose money, they are not taking part. Is anyone surprised?

    The only companies that will be part of the exchanges will do so with big fat kick backs from the government.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  2. #382
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    No, we've all seen the writing on the wall on this one Mal. I can't imagine that ANY insurance company will remain involved.

  3. #383
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    Obama: I Had To Violate The Constitution Because Republicans Are Such Partisan Hacks (Or Something)

    By Brian Carey on August 9, 2013@brianmcarey

    During his press conference today, President Obama was asked by Fox News Channel’s Ed Henry about ObamaCare. The President answered the question by saying that it’s the Republicans’ fault that he had to violate the Constitution.

    Here is Ed Henry’s very sensible question: “October 1st, you’re going to implement your signature health care law. You recently decided on your own to delay a key part of that. And I wonder, if you pick and choose what parts of the law to implement, couldn’t your successor down the road pick and choose whether they’ll implement your law and keep it in place?”

    Mr. Henry also asked about Benghazi, but we’ll leave that for another article. We’ll focus on the President’s answer to the above question here.

    Here’s how President Obama started the ObamaCare answer: “I didn’t simply choose to delay this on my own. This was in consultation with businesses all across the country, many of whom are supportive of the Affordable Care Act, but — and who — many of whom, by the way, are already providing health insurance to their employees but were concerned about the operational details of changing their HR operations if they’ve got a lot of employees, which could be costly for them, and them suggesting that there may be easier ways to do this.”

    In other words, President Obama consulted with business leaders before he decided to violate the Constitution. He violated the Constitution, of course, by changing the law on his own. He’s not allowed to do that. Congress passed a law that said that the employer mandate will begin on January 1, 2014. President Obama pushed it back one full year without any approval from Congress.

    However, the President’s excuse for violating the Constitution gets even better. He blamed Republicans. Here is what he said: “Now what’s true, Ed, is that in a normal political environment, it would have been easier for me to simply call up the speaker and say, you know what? This is a tweak that doesn’t go to the essence of the law. It has to do with, for example, are we able to simplify the attestation of employers as to whether they’re already providing health insurance or not. It looks like there may be some better ways to do this. Let’s make a technical change of the law. That would be the normal thing that I would prefer to do, but we’re not in a normal atmosphere around here when it comes to, quote- unquote, Obamacare.”

    So it’s the “political environment” that enabled President Obama to change a law by executive fiat? We must have forgot about that provision in the U.S. Constitution that enables a president to change laws on his own because the “political environment” isn’t favorable to his wishes.

    On this point, President Obama concludes: “We did have the executive authority to do so, and we did so. But this doesn’t go to the core of implementation.”

    No, he didn’t have the authority to change the law by executive authority. The fact that he even discussed changing it by the normal legislative process if the “political environment” was more favorable demonstrates that even he believed that Congressional involvement was necessary to change the law.

  4. #384
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    It really doesn't matter what he's doing. No one will hold him accountable for misdeeds.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  5. #385
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    It's time to demand these guys step down. And continue demanding, protesting and blocking offices and homes of the criminals allowing this criminal to remain in office.

    Congress needs to get the message they work for us, not the other way around.

  6. #386
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    House votes to fund government, gut Obamacare

    By Michael O’Brien , Political Reporter, NBC News
    Follow @mpoindc

    The House approved legislation on Friday to keep the government open past Sept. 30, but also to eliminate funding for "Obamacare."
    The vote marked an opening gambit by the GOP just 10 days before the deadline at which the government will run out of money, causing a myriad of federal services to cease. The provision gutting health care reform was intended to mollify conservatives who have vowed not to fund the government unless the landmark law is eradicated.
    But the measure faces almost certain doom in the Senate, where Democrats have said they would vote to restore funding for the Affordable Care Act. And even if they were to fail, President Barack Obama has flatly promised to veto the bill.
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    The posturing by the Republican-controlled House means Washington now faces a narrow window of opportunity to reach an ever-elusive consensus over how to continue government operations, and avoid a politically-costly shutdown.
    Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, talks to reporters about the deadline to fund the government and the fight among House Republicans, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Sept. 19, 2013.

    If no resolution is reached, a shutdown threatens to harm the economy and place scores of government workers out of work for an undetermined period of time. Wall Street appeared unconcerned by the developments, though, expecting lawmakers to reach an 11th-hour accord as they have in virtually every previous showdown.

    Still, Friday's vote set up a tense series of negotiations between Obama, Republicans and Democrats in the Senate over the next 10 days. In the House, 230 lawmakers -- mostly Republicans -- voted to defund Obamacare as part of the stopgap spending measure; 189 lawmakers, mostly Democrats, opposed the legislation.

    "Our message to the United States Senate is very simple: the American people don't want the government shut down, and they don't want Obamacare," House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, told cheering colleagues after the vote.

    But the vote was hardly the conclusion of the debate on Capitol Hill over health care reform, and a possible government shutdown. As an implicit acknowledgement that its work had not yet wrapped up, the House has canceled a planned recess next week in anticipation of the frenetic work it will take to cobble together a compromise to keep the government open that can win the support of Congress.

    As the GOP readied the vote, Obama traveled to Kansas, where he was expected to sharply denounce the GOP's approach to the fiscal impasse.

    "The last thing we can afford right now is a decision by a minority of Republicans in Congress to throw our economy back into crisis by refusing to pay our country's bills or shutting down the government," said a White House official on Friday morning. "Instead of playing politics with the economy, Republicans in Congress should join the president to focus on creating a better bargain for the middle class."

    The action will next play out in the Senate, where Democrats command a majority of votes. The upper chamber is expected to strip any measure to undermine the Affordable Care Act from the House-passed bill, though that has invited a filibuster threat from some hard-lined conservative senators.

    But if history is any guide, several Senate Republicans -- at least 13 of whom have openly disparaged the effort to use the threat of a government shutdown as leverage to defund Obamacare -- may work to assemble a compromise spending measure to send back to the House. That could provide the contours of an eventual agreement.

    Still looming, though, is the more politically-tricky prospect of having to authorize increased government borrowing -- known as the debt limit -- sometime next month.

    Republicans met Friday morning to discuss their strategy in that fight, and have long signaled they might seek a more modest, one-year delay of "Obamacare" in exchange for raising the debt limit.

    Republicans' strident opposition to "Obamacare" has been well-established for years. The House has voted 40-some times to do away with either part or the entirety of the law since the GOP took power in 2011, each time having seen Senate Democrats dismiss their efforts.

    This time, though, the strategy badly split Republicans, cleaving conservative hard-liners who had campaigned on doing as much as possible to eliminate the law from more pragmatic Republican lawmakers who have argued that the strategy is unrealistic, given the partisan makeup of the Senate.

    The internal divisions have spilled into public view in recent days, with barbs directed toward Sen. Ted Cruz, the figurehead of the effort to defund Obamacare, after the Texas Republican conceded he lacked the votes to make good on his threat to stop Obamacare in the Senate.

    Cruz only turned up the pressure on the GOP-led House, thereby putting House Republicans in a more difficult position once the legislation inevitably returns to them.

    In that sense, Friday's vote was a bid by some Republicans to go through pained motions to demonstrate to the party's conservative grassroots that the strategy favored by Cruz and other hard-liners was doomed, and would risk a government shutdown that could turn politically dangerous for the GOP.

    "It's something we have to do. It's a step in the right direction," Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said ahead of Friday's House vote. "And hopefully it will be a major step in letting people know that Ted Cruz is a fraud and and he'll no longer have any influence in the Republican Party."

    NBC News' Frank Thorp contributed to this report.

  7. #387
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    I'd like to urge you all to take a couple minutes and send an email to each of the state senators in your state telling them simply "Defund Obamacare" (You can add "Or Else" or anything else you want... LOL)

    Just fill up their mail boxes. Ask everyone to do it.

    Help them if they don't know how.

  8. #388
    Expatriate American Patriot's Avatar
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    Cruz delivers all-night floor speech against ObamaCare as vote looms

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    After an all-night marathon speech decrying ObamaCare, Sen. Ted Cruz was still going strong Wednesday morning as he staged a last-ditch effort to rally support for Republicans' bid to defund the health care law.
    The speech amounts to a final act of political theater before a key test vote, which is expected to happen by Wednesday afternoon despite Cruz's efforts. But Cruz had attracted a rotating set of supporters by sunrise, as they joined him on the floor in blasting the health care law. Cruz, finally loosening his tie, hit the 19-hour mark shortly before 10 a.m. EDT.
    The Texas Republican senator had declared Tuesday afternoon that he intended to speak in opposition to ObamaCare "until I am no longer able to stand."
    "ObamaCare isn't working," he said. "There are politicians in this body who are not listening to the people."
    The feisty senator spoke through the night. His topics ranged from the American revolution and the Washington establishment to his Cuban-born father and the impact of the health care law.
    As his speech neared its sixth hour, Cruz took an odd turn by reading his young daughters a bedtime story via the Senate floor cameras. Cruz said his book of choice, Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham," was a favorite of his as a child.
    The speech was reminiscent of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., earlier this year staging an old-fashioned filibuster to voice his concerns over drones.
    Paul joined Cruz on the Senate floor for a time, telling his colleague to make sure he is wearing comfortable shoes for the long night ahead and saying "we're asking for a dialogue" on ObamaCare.
    "How do we get the dialogue unless somebody's willing to stand up and say enough's enough?" Paul asked.
    Cruz, with the help of Sen. Mike Lee of Utah and others, surpassed the length of Paul's nearly 13-hour filibuster at about 3:30 a.m. EDT Wednesday.
    Cruz's address on the Senate floor is not technically a filibuster like Paul's because he is not technically able to stop the Senate from holding a test vote on Wednesday. Democrats say that vote is happening no matter what.
    Cruz has taken a curious position on that vote. Though he supported a House-passed bill that both funds the government past Sept. 30 and de-funds ObamaCare, he has urged his colleagues to block the bill in the Senate -- out of concern that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will add an amendment stripping out the ObamaCare provision.
    Since Monday, however, Cruz has lost the support of many of his Republican colleagues. GOP leaders want to defund the law, but don't think stalling the bill in the Senate is the best way forward. For some, the position Cruz wants lawmakers to take is counterintuitive.
    "We'd all be hard-pressed to explain why we were opposed to a bill we were in favor of. And invoking cloture that defunds ObamaCare, doesn't raise taxes, and respects the Budget Control Act strikes me as a no-brainer," Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday.
    Some Republicans also are openly dubious that the push to defund ObamaCare has any chance of succeeding -- and worry that Republicans will take the blame if lawmakers are deadlocked and the government shuts down on Oct. 1.
    Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said Republicans surely would be blamed for a shutdown, in part because of media bias against his party.
    Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said the effort is hopeless. "It will be a cold day in Arizona when we defund ObamaCare," he said. "I know how this movie ends. I don't know all the scenes before it ends, but I know how it ends. We don't defund ObamaCare."
    Some GOP leaders, though, are still urging moderate Democrats to join them in voting against the health care law. Their hope is to advance the bill in a test vote on Wednesday, then convince enough senators to block any effort to fund the law. That's an uphill climb.
    And Reid said Democrats aren't budging. "The Senate will not pass any bill that defunds or delays ObamaCare," he said.
    Despite the divide in the GOP, though, there's no guarantee that lawmakers can reach common ground and pass a budget bill by the time funding runs out on Oct. 1.
    If Reid musters the votes to strip the ObamaCare language, he'd likely have to clear one more 60-vote hurdle before passing the bill and sending it back to the House. If the House, then, tries to change the Senate bill, lawmakers could easily miss the end-of-the-month deadline.
    Reid claimed Tuesday that any effort by the House to modify the bill would be a "surefire way" to shut down the government.
    To make the pill a bit easier to swallow, Reid said he was changing the budget bill so it only lasts through Nov. 15, as opposed to Dec. 15. The move, though, would virtually guarantee another showdown in November.

  9. #389
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    Some "hero". What happened to "Never give up"?:

    Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said the effort is hopeless. "It will be a cold day in Arizona when we defund ObamaCare," he said. "I know how this movie ends. I don't know all the scenes before it ends, but I know how it ends. We don't defund ObamaCare."

  10. #390
    Super Moderator Malsua's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by American Patriot View Post
    I'd like to urge you all to take a couple minutes and send an email to each of the state senators in your state telling them simply "Defund Obamacare" (You can add "Or Else" or anything else you want... LOL)

    Just fill up their mail boxes. Ask everyone to do it.

    Help them if they don't know how.
    I don't bother sending mail to the Obama fellators that are my senators. Currently I have Menendez and a seat warmer. Previously it was lautenmummy.
    "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."
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  11. #391
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    Call them then. Make a noise.

    Tie up their phones and fill the in boxes.

    We need 5 more Dummycrats. We have to turn them to the dark side.

  12. #392
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    Senator Ted Cruz just released this statement

    Cruz: Vote Latest Example of Washington Not Listening to the People

    WASHINGTON, DC — U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) released the following statement regarding today’s vote in the Senate to invoke cloture on H.J. Res. 59:

    “Today’s vote by Sen. Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats to fully fund Obamacare was yet the latest example of Washington not listening to the people.

    “Obamacare is a ‘train wreck,’ a ‘nightmare,’ to use the words of its Democratic author and a union leader who previously supported the bill. It is the biggest job killer in America.

    “As Teamsters President James Hoffa explained in a letter to Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Obamacare is hurting ‘millions of working men and women … and the families they support,’ and it ‘will destroy the very health and wellbeing of our members along with millions of other hardworking Americans.’

    “Senate Democrats refused to listen.

    “President Obama has granted exemptions for big business and Members of Congress, but Senate Democrats refuse to grant the American people the same exemption. Instead, they used political power to maintain their privileged position while doing nothing to respond to the pleas of millions of Americans.

    “But this fight continues. Now the bill returns to the House. The House showed remarkable courage voting to defund Obamacare, and I hope and believe that the House will stand by their resolve and continue to lead the effort to stop the Obamacare train wreck.

    “Obamacare is killing jobs, forcing people into part-time work, causing health insurance premiums to skyrocket, and threatening the healthcare of millions of Americans.

    “Today, far too many Republicans joined Harry Reid in giving the Democrats the ability to fund Obamacare. When the bill comes back to the Senate, when the House yet again stands for principle and fights for the American people, I very much hope that Senate Republicans will rise to the challenge. We are stronger when we are united, and we can defeat Obamacare only if Senate Republicans come together, stand with House Republicans, and champion the millions of Americans being harmed by this disastrous healthcare law.”


    Ted Cruz

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  13. #393
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    I refuse Obamacare.

    Piss Off Obama and Congress.

  14. #394
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    Senate Reaches Cloture, 79-19, on House-Passed Spending Bill

    UPDATE: Here are the 19 Senators who votedno:
    19: Vitter, Paul, Lee, Cruz, Crapo, Enzi, Fischer, Roberts, Scott, Heller, Grassley, Toomey, Moran, Rubio, Shelby, Risch, Inhofe, Portman, Sessions.

    UPDATE: In a subsequent vote,every single Democrat in the Senate voted to strip language from the bill defunding Obamacare. The vote was 54-44, according to Politico, and the House of Representatives is now expected to debate the measure as early as tomorrow.

    UPDATE: The final vote that officially sent the bill back to the House of Representatives was also 54-44.

    (Full article at link, some of it is re-post)

  15. #395
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    Obamacare launch hits early hitch as online traffic snarls up sites

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    What will be shut down?

    The government branches and services affected by the shutdown. Slideshow

    By David Morgan and Caroline Humer
    Tue Oct 1, 2013 10:16am EDT

    (Reuters) - The U.S. government launched the centerpiece of President Barack Obama's landmark healthcare reform on Tuesday, opening new insurance marketplaces across the country for millions of uninsured Americans, but technical glitches prevented early access to many of their websites.

    The opening of the state marketplaces, or exchanges, went ahead despite a partial federal government shutdown precipitated by Republican opposition to the healthcare law that deadlocked a spending bill in Congress.

    But a federally-run exchange for consumers in 36 states began posting error messages for at least 24 of them soon after the system opened for enrollment at 8 a.m. EDT (1200 GMT), citing online traffic as a reason for the difficulties. An administration official said experts were aware of the issue and were working on it.

    "Consumers who need help can also contact the call center, use the live chat function or go to to find an in-person assistor in their community," the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement.

    Exchanges run by 14 states and the District of Columbia presented a mixed picture. Some, like Massachusetts, were able to accept consumer log-ins. The state-run exchange in Maryland delayed its opening by four hours, while Minnesota said it would wait until the afternoon after checking its connection with federal databases.

    The websites will give many Americans their first glimpse of new subsidized health plans that are being offered to millions of the uninsured, in the most ambitious U.S. social program since Medicare was introduced in the 1960s.

    Administration officials said they had expected a rocky opening because of the challenge of building a massive technological infrastructure within a short time.

    Obama was scheduled to promote his signature domestic policy achievement on Tuesday, including a meeting in the Oval Office with a group of Americans who stand to benefit from the program, while Vice President Joe Biden and first lady Michelle Obama will also promote the law in the media.

    The marketplaces, or exchanges, require health plans to provide a broad range of essential benefits that were not necessarily part of individual policies in the past, including mental health services, birth control and preventive care. The coverage is linked to other insurance market reforms and new consumer safeguards, including a ban on discrimination based on gender and health history.

    The Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, also mandates that Americans obtain insurance or pay a fine.

    "For years, the financial, physical or mental health of millions of Americans suffered because they couldn't afford the care they or their family needed," Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a statement on Tuesday. "But thanks to the health care law, all of that is changing. Today's launch begins a new day when health care coverage will be more accessible and affordable than ever before."

    Republicans have fought for months to delay or stop Obamacare, most recently triggering a shutdown of the federal government on Monday night by insisting that a routine funding measure include a delay in Obamacare, which the Democratic-controlled Senate rejected.

    "The Affordable Care Act is moving forward. That funding is already in place. You can't shut it down," Obama told his Republican opponents in a televised statement at the White House on Monday.

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    until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism.

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    by wkchild

    Obamacare Is Adolf Hitler’s ‘T-4 Program’ Revived

    The result, as in Nazi Germany, is that millions are, with the stroke of a pen, consigned to death.

    This article was written while Obamacare was still a proposal, and not yet passed into law. Hitler was very smart, he knew that before he could get Germans to accept the concentration camps, he had to first get them to think of themselves as gods deciding who would live and who would die through the control of a national healthcare system.

    The creation of the T-4 Program, or the German Universal Healthcare System – did just that.

    Obamacare is the revived version of the T-4 Program. Hitler would be very proud.

    From EIR: In July of 1939, a conference of medical professionals was held in Berlin, Germany. Participating were the professors and chairmen of the departments of psychiatry of the leading universities and medical schools of Germany, many of them, the most respected professionals in their fields. The subject? What would be the criteria for determining what patients would be considered to have “lives unworthy to be lived,” and what was the most “practical and cheap” manner of removing them from being burdens on the health-care system—by death.

    Thus, the bureaucratic machine began to be cranked up for what is known as Adolf Hitler’s program of genocide through “euthanasia,” a program which killed hundreds of thousands of non-Jewish Germans, and eventually, millions of Jews and non-Germans as well.

    That program, which had already begun years before, against concentration camp inmates and handicapped children, was officially put into effect in October 1939, when Hitler penned his own personal, and secret, authorization for the program, under the title, “The Destruction of Lives Unworthy of Life”:

    Reichsleiter Bouhler and Dr. Brandt are charged with the responsibility for expanding the authority of physicians, to be designated by name, to the end that patients considered incurable according to the best available human judgment of their state of health, can be accorded a mercy death.

    To carry out this program, Hitler and his fiendish Nazi associates would fully utilize the “professional” apparatus which had been put in place, as well as the popular, British-eugenics-spawned ideology which had been increasingly dominant in Germany since Hitler seized power with the aid of powerful British-Wall Street financiers. The killing would proceed with the utmost “cost-effectiveness” and professionalism, in order to save funds for the Nazi state’s preferred projects, and not waste them on “ineffective” medical treatments.

    If that sounds familiar, it should. For the proposals which the Obama Administration has currently put on the table, follow them in virtual lockstep. First, the “experts” decide what is “effective” care, with “cost-effectiveness” foremost in mind, ruling out “inappropriate” treatments. These standards become the law, in terms of what medical care will be paid for. Then other experts efficiently implement those decisions, through the existing hospital apparatus.
    The result, as in Nazi Germany, is that millions are, with the stroke of a pen, consigned to death.

    The T4 Program

    The T4 program, which was established following Hitler’s secret order, took its name from its Berlin office address, Tiergarten 4, which address housed the coordinating organization for the program, the Reich Work Group of Sanatoriums and Nursing Homes. In charge were Philip Bouhler, chief of the Chancellory, and Dr. Karl Brandt, Hitler’s personal physician and chief medical officer of the land.

    Their first task was to devise the questionnaires which would be used to categorize the targetted institutionalized populations. Four categories were specified:

    1. Patients suffering from specified diseases who are not employable, or are employable only in simple mechanical work. These included schizophrenia, epilepsy, senile diseases, therapy-resistant paralysis, feeble-mindedness, and the like.
    2. Patients who have been continually institutionalized for at least five years.
    3. Patients who are criminally insane.
    4. Non-German patients.

    While including these categorizations, the questionnaire overall gave the impression of a rather neutral statistical survey, which also delved into the patients’ biographies, their financial situations, and the like (Figure 1). It was accompanied by a questionnaire for the institution in which the patient was housed, which asked about staffing, beds available, and budgetary questions. A significant stress was also put on detailing the patients’ abilities to work.

    The first questionnaires went out in October 1939, the month Hitler signed his order, to state hospitals and other public and private institutions where mental patients, epileptics, the mentally retarded, and other handicapped persons resided. The responsibility for filling them out, often in a very short period of time, fell on the physicians at those institutions.

    The questionnaires were then sent to panels of three or four psychiatric experts, who indicated their opinion about whether the patient (whom they had never seen, much less examined, and whose medical history they were unfamiliar with) was to live or die. Each “expert” made his or her decision independently, and passed on the questionnaire to the next. The choice for the experts was effectively only one of two options: a plus sign in red, which meant death; or a dash in blue, which meant life.

    Occasionally, a psychiatrist would put a question mark in the space provided.

    The questionnaires were then sent to a chief expert, who passed the final judgment. At this “higher” level, there was no alternative other than life or death. In fact, the “senior expert” was not bound by the recommended decisions. From his judgment, there was no appeal. From that point on, it was merely a matter of sending back the decision to the relevant institution, where the final dispensation of the patient was carried out, and, if so ordered, sending him or her to one of the designated “killing centers.”

    These centers were supervised by medical personnel, who oversaw the killing, and were responsible for devising the fraudulent death certificates which were sent to the families of those who had been determined to have lives “not worthy to be lived.”

    Councils of Experts

    Shift now to today, where we are in the first phases of the Nazi euthanasia program (called “reform”) being promoted by the Obama Administration and its behavioral psychologist “experts.”
    It starts with the dictum that there are insufficient resources to provide medical care for all, especially those at the “end of life,” or not able to be “effectively” rehabilitated. In other words, the Nazi assumption that there are lives “not worthy to be lived.” At least according to the priorities for spending which the Administration has set—i.e., the banks must be saved first.

    The second step is for the Administration to set up those “panels of experts” who will determine the criteria for who will get medical care, and who won’t.Already, the so-called Obama stimulus package has created one such panel, the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research. This 15-member council is comprised of highly credentialed “experts,” many of them medical doctors, who are tasked with “coordinating research” on the relative values of treatments. While explicitly claiming that the Council will not directly pronounce judgments on treatments and payments, it is clear that the research that they are supervising is intended to do precisely that.

    Particularly ominous is the fact that one of the Council’s members, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, is trained in “bioethics,” a discipline dedicated precisely to determining criteria for deciding who should live, and who should die. Crucially significant as well, is that Obama’s head of the Office of Management and Budget, Peter Orszag, has already set out his genocidal judgment that around 30% of current health-care services and procedures are unnecessary.

    The model for their work, as reflected in statements by many of the relevant officials, is the British National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), the Orwellian-named agency which has central control over what medical care will be provided to British subjects within the British National Health Service. As the following article explains, NICE’s directives have systematically denied Britons quality care, on the basis of its being “too expensive,” and have singled out, especially, the elderly, for being undeserving of intensive medical care.

    The Comparative Effectiveness Council is clearly only the beginning of the genocide—if this Nazi plan is not stopped cold.
    Source – EIR

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    Default Re: Mandating health Insurance... now

    Obama sued for ‘illegal’ Obamacare move

    Posted on October 2, 2013 by Conservatives Against Tyranny

    10/1/13. Obama sued for ‘illegal’ Obamacare move.

    “Another lawsuit has been filed against the president’s health care takeover strategy – this time by a Florida company complaining that Barack Obama had no authority to simply go in and change the law once it had been approved by Congress and signed.

    It was last July, according to reports, that Obama simply announced he was changing the law, which had scheduled a requirement for employers to provide adequate and affordable health insurance starting Jan. 1, 2014, or pay huge fines.

    Obama, responding to complaints from businesses, simply changed the effective date of that requirement to Jan. 1, 2015, strategically after the 2014 elections.

    Obamacare already has been the subject of dozens of lawsuits, and the U.S. Supreme Court last year ruled that it is a tax, and therefore constitutional, even thought he Obama administration had argued it wasn’t a tax.

    There is another case now heading toward the U.S. Supreme Court, too, that could end up with critical sections being determined to be illegal.
    Last July, reports said Obama was answering “vehement complaints from employer groups about the administrative burden of reporting requirements, though it may also affect coverage provided to some workers.”

    U.S. Treasury spokesman was the point person designated to talk about what Obama was doing.

    The delay, he said, “will allow us to consider ways to simplify the new reporting requirements consistent with the law.”

    And he said it “will provide time to adapt health coverage and reporting systems while employers are moving toward making health coverage affordable and accessible for their employees.”

    The lawsuit, filed by Judicial Watch, however, is attempting to draw the reins on such arbitrary and capricious changes to existing federal law.

    It was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida on behalf of Boca Raton-based employer Kawa Orthodontics LLP, and it argues that the delay of the employer mandate “exceeded [the Obama administration's] statutory authority, is arbitrary, capricious, and contrary to law, and is otherwise unlawful.”

    The employer mandate, which subjects certain large employers to tax penalties if they do not offer “affordable,” “minimum essential” health insurance coverage to their employees, is “one of the pillars” of Obamacare, according to Judicial Watch.

    But Obama’s decision to suddenly announce a change in the law caused “Kawa Orthodontics to lose the value of its substantial efforts to prepare for the controversial provision taking effect beginning next year.”

    “[Kawa Orthodontics] expended substantial time and resources, including money spent on legal fees and other costs, in preparation for the ‘employer mandate’ taking effect on January 1, 2014….[The company] would not have expended its time and resources and incurred these anticipatory costs in 2013 if the mandate had not been scheduled to take effect until 2015, but instead would have spent its time, resources, and money on other priorities,” the action explains.

    The action is being brought on behalf of Larry Kawa of Kawa Orthodontics against the U.S. Department of Treasury, Secretary of Treasury Jack Lew, the Internal Revenue Service and IRS Acting Director Daniel Werfel.

    Kawa is a longtime Florida resident and business leader with a company that employs about 70.

    The complaint alleges that the decision to delay the employer mandate violates the Administrative Procedure Act, which forbids “agency action” that exceeds an agency’s statutory authority, is arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in accordance with the law. The complaint asks the court to enter a judgment declaring the delay to be unlawful and an injunction prohibiting the delay.

    “We obviously object to the employer mandate and the entire Obamacare law, but we understand that, under the U.S. Constitution, the law can only be changed by legislation passed by Congress and signed by the president. President Obama would delay the damage of his health care scheme until after the 2014 congressional elections. But politics do not trump the Constitution or the rule of law,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And to paraphrase Ulysses S. Grant, the best way to ensure the repeal of a bad law is to enforce it vigorously.”

    Kawa added, “I am tired of Washington, D.C., picking winners and losers and giving preferential treatment to those inside the Beltway. This is just more of D.C. career politicians protecting their own.”

    The legal challenge was filed on the same day Obamacare websites intended to be used by the government to recruit millions of Americans to pay for Obamacare opened.”

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    Default Re: Mandating health Insurance - Obamacare

    La Raza Urges Latinos to Take Advantadge of Historic Opportunity to Purchase Health Coverage

    Noticias en Español
    October 01 2013
    Joseph Rendeiro

    Today, millions of Latinos across the country will be able to purchase health insurance for the first time as open enrollment begins in the new health insurance marketplaces. Applicants for health insurance will be given the opportunity to compare and choose between private market plans in order to gain coverage that begins on January 1, 2014. NCLR (National Council of La Raza) will be working tirelessly to urge all eligible consumers to take advantage of this historic opportunity, which has the potential to drastically increase health care coverage among Latinos.

    “Latinos have so much to gain through these new options, and NCLR will be using every free resource to ensure that the community has the full opportunity to access health coverage,” said Janet Murgu*a, President and CEO of NCLR. “The opening of the marketplaces marks a turning point for millions of Latinos who work incredibly hard but either aren’t offered coverage options or simply can’t afford health insurance. By finally giving them a place to go, we are giving Latinos the power to take care of their health care needs.”

    In 2012, more than 15.5 million Latinos, including 2.5 million children, were uninsured. Despite having high workforce participation rates, Latinos are the least likely racial or ethnic group to be offered coverage through their employer.

    However, within the first few years of implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), conservative estimates indicate that at least six million nonelderly Hispanics will gain access to coverage. Latinos could see an almost 20 percent jump in insurance rates after full implementation.

    “It is vitally important that we protect the gains that Latinos and all Americans have made under this law. The ACA is already delivering for Latinos, and there will be millions more who will benefit from affordable health coverage,” Murgu*a added.

    To learn more about how to apply, visit

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    There is no limit to where this Administration will take America.

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