Since we had a thread for the Republican Convention, figured we could use one for the Dems.

Georgia DNC Delegate: America Isn‘t Socialist Because Whites Don’t Want to Help People With ‘Dark Skin’

September 6, 2012

TheBlaze has been out in force at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, speaking to delegates from around the country about hot-button issues such as health care, the economy, women’s rights and even Socialism.

While the responses we received ranged from restrained to outright vitriolic, one conversation stood out perhaps more than any other due to the delegate’s outrageous claim that the reason the U.S. is not a fully-fledged Socialist nation is because of whites and their attitudes toward blacks — mainly, they don’t want to help people with “dark skin.”

Christy Fisher, a delegate from Georgia, opened the discussion by exclaiming that Socialism, or at least the way it’s used by conservatives, is “a joke” and that nobody even knows “what the word means.” She then went on to assert that the world’s “Socialist countries are doing the best.”

So why hasn’t America fully embraced Socialism? According to Fisher it‘s because there’s a section of our population that does not want African Americans “to do well.” Later on she said that white people (like her great, great, great grandfather who “had slaves”) “are so afraid to help those less fortunate“ and that ”we as a society have been that selfish.”

In fact, Fisher even said the term “balanced budget” is conservative code for cutting social programs “that help these people with dark skin, who are not like us,” and added that all successful, Socialist countries are countries comprising “one race” (presumably because they don‘t have to worry about one sector of society being so racist that they don’t want to help another sector).

“Unfortunately we’re not all liberal Democrats,” she concluded.

Watch the clip below: