Your opinions are, of course, your opinions, Sean.

But you did not serve in South Korea for 20 years nor have the 30 years experience of South Korea, North Korea, PRC, and Japan that I have.

So, please don't talk down to me, Sean. I do not invalidate your opinions, even if they are rather ridiculous at times. Why? Because they are your opinions.

I have enough idiots over on TFP who have their heads firmly between their buttocks who feel I'm talking down to them. It is a shame that most of them haven't graduated from First Grade yet.

You, on the other hand are an educated person. How do I know? It takes one to know one. And an educated person does not just lambast another educated person simply because opinions contrast with the military and political thinking of the times I cited, times I lived through, times I served through, times I reported intelligence on--a daily basis of sweat and blood.