In the past day I've had some interesting, though perhaps a bit confusing conversations with Michael on the subject of America and Israel.

Michael believes (so it appears to me) that Israel is really an impotent country without the ability either to defend against enemies within - and probably without.

I believe Israel can not only defend themselves but can, and will use the ultimate deadly force on their enemies if they believe it necessary.

I think Michael believes that we (America) should not involve ourselves at ALL with Israel's defenses or protection and we have our own issues with which to deal.

I personally believe that America while not the "world's policemen" as so many people are wont to say, IS the one and only stable force on this planet to keep freedom for those who wish it. Without the United States of America the world would be plunged into a 21st Century nightmare that makes the middle ages look tame by comparison.

Michael, I invite you and everyone else to chime in here on this thread. This is simply about our beliefs and why we believe them.

I'll post a poll as well here, and I'd like to see all the regulars participate at least in voting in the poll. Obviously while not scientific by any stretch of the imagination, it is, nonetheless important for us to understand the depth of perception this site as a whole has for this subject.

I'm sure many will agree with me, and many with Michael.... but nevertheless, Israel and the US as a potential ally is as important as ANY thing we have faced in the recent past from terrorism, 9-11, to Iraq and beyond.

Iran is about to play a major part in the economics and politics of the world and they are trying to become a major world power and player.

Russia is allowing, nay, abetting them in this respect.

So too is China, North Korea and other minor players as Syria.

The military might of Iran is no where near what Saddam could muster and we all know the fate of Saddam.

What we don't know for sure is whether Iran already has a bomb, or whether they would use it as soon as they have it.

Therefore, with this all in mind, understand I'm merely trying to understand the consensus out there. What do you all believe?