UFO Found (VIDEO) Bottom of Sweden Baltic Ocean?
by Mike Baron

Could a UFO have been found at the bottom of the ocean?
New video footage of a strange, unidentified anomaly has been released after the men of 'Ocean Explorer' discovered a very 'round' object with track marks leading to it that were somehow deeply impacted into the bottom of the sea floor.
Peter Lindberg, the commander of ships parts voyage group the Ocean Explorer, said of the find: "You see a lot of weird stuff in this job but during my 18 years as a professional I have never seen anything like this. The shape is completely round...a circle."
Peter won't be diving down to do any further investigating, for fear the object turns out to be absolutely nothing.

Video of the findings is below - the film's description is as follows: "Finland and Sweden in the Baltic. Movie is original and comes from The Ocean Explorer team Sweden. www.oceanexplorer.se.
A very strange anomaly on the 19 June a very strange anomaly was found during a sonar survey of the sea floor. Peter Lindberg, the initiator of the expeditions, says that he has never seen anything like it even if he has spent hundreds of hours watching sonar images of the sea floor, "it's up to the rest of the world to decide what it is" he says. "It is not in our sphere of interest to go for this object since it might be nothing. We cannot afford spending funds just to have a look at it, even if it might be a "new" Stonehenge standing on the bottom."