Don’t get me wrong, I love Ghostbusters. 1 & 2 were two of my favorite movies growing up and I still love them. But is there any damn way that Hollywood can come up with a single, solitary original idea anymore?!?! All that they do anymore are rewrites and sequels!

Ivan Reitman Calling "Ghostbusters 3"
January 14, 2010

Ivan Reitman, who directed the first two "Ghostbuster" movies in the '80s, is gearing up to direct the third installment in the series.

Reitman has been developing the script as a producer, and has now confirmed he will direct the Sony project as well.

Speaking with MTV's Josh Horowitz at the National Board of Review Awards in New York -- where "Up in the Air," which he produced with his son, Jason, picked up a best film award -- Reitman confirmed he would direct and said, "I hope to start shooting it this next year."