Actually, that's been suggested, lol.

Look at this, here's your average citizen, I've been googling the person and from what I've read, this is not a lawyer, just the neighbor next door who thinks being involved in city meetings and so forth is important. Here's Jody's site:


Is Barack Obama Really Qualified to Appear on the Nov. 4th ballot? With records being sealed left and right and with so many unanswered questions, we must turn to the Secretary of State to perform her elected duty by verifying if Obama is qualified under the US Constitution.

The Constitution of the United States of America, Article II, Section 1 clearly states:

1. "No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President;"
2. "Neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years,"
3. "And been fourteen years a resident within the United States."

I believe that this is the first time in our nation's history that a Presidential nominee has so decisively challenged the constitutional requirements for office, and receiving such widespread support for the deed. Phil Berg's Pennsylvania lawsuit against Obama requested a certified copy of his birth certificate for the court to review. Instead of producing the document, Obama had his legal team file a motion to Dismiss the case, attempting to give this act of gross abandon the appearance of a mere technicality, all the while media outlets committing media malpractice in their failure to report the story. However, enough are reporting the story, picquing the interest of millions of concerned Americans.
It is unfortunate that Barack Obama lacks the integrity obey the law, submit the requested document, his birth certificate, to the courts. But he would not, instead, he worked diligently to keep it hidden from view. He hired THREE law firms to take on Phil Berg: 1. The attorney Bill Clinton used during his 1999 `Lewinsky / Impeachment Trial, 2. A top attorney for the Center for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) attorney, and one other. See Mr. Obama's motion for "dismissal" of the Philip J. Berg case in Philadelphia to see the attorney line up.
(the entire case documents: link)
motion to dismiss: link

While there would be a flurry of reporting if McCain or Palin participated in such shennanegans, for Obama on this issue (and others) the Media has been errily silent, choosing to report instead on Palin's wardrobe! Or if the media happens to slip it into a story, it is almost suggests that if you actually believe Obama is not a citizen you are really 'out there.' link More of the established news outlets are slowly getting on board and intelligently deducing that based on the laws and the facts, thinking Obama's not an American is actually sound thinking. In Robert Barnes' Washington Post story Oct. 27, he uses an exclamation mark and explains it's not the "tin hat" crowd believing Obama is hiding his true citizenship.

In a naieve effort to resolve the whole birth certificate issue, Obama posted a photoshopped version of a State of Hawaii certificate of live birth on his website:
Never mind forensic experts' analyses that it had been tampered with (forged) rendering it invalid.

While the website claims the birth certificate is not a fraud, the site is owned by the Annenberg Foundation which links directly back to William Ayers. That tells you volumes.

What is Obama hiding?
I don't know, but it seems a bit excessive to me that Obama hired 3 (THREE) high powered lawfirms to defend himself from lowly Phil Berg who merely asked to see a little piece of paper.

Judge for yourself, if you agree that Mr. Obama is, infact hiding something, I suggest warmly that you immediately contact your state's Secretary of State who has juristiction over the ballot. It is the Secretary of State's duty to verify if the candidates are qualified to appear on the ballot and to remove unqualified names from the ballot. There are some valid questions about whether Obama is qualified to run for President.
1. Hawaii? Why has the Governor of Hawaii ordered Obama's birth certificate records sealed? link
2. Canada? link
3. Indonesia - Lived there for four years, attended public school at a time only citizens could enroll. School record shows step-father's last name, etc.
4. Kenya? The nation of Kenya has also sealed away all documents pertaining to Obama until after the US election. The WorldNetDaily article notes “In Kenya, WND was told by government authorities that all documents concerning Obama were under seal until after the U.S. presidential election on November 4.”

And another thing, why is the American public being kept from the following Barak Obama's records?

1. Occidental College records — Not released
2. Columbia College records — Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper — ‘not available’
4. Harvard College records — Not released
5. Selective Service Registration — Not released
6. Medical records — Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule — ‘not available’
8. Law practice client list — Not released
9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate - - Not released
10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth — Not released
11. Harvard Law Review articles published — None
12. University of Chicago scholarly articles — None
13. Your Record of baptism– Not released or ‘not available’
14. Your Illinois State Senate records–’not available’

This is the FIRST time ANYONE running for president has gotten away with so much. Obama MUST be held to the same standard as everyone else running for President, turn over your records. Citizens have the right to know Obama's past. Obama has not been vetted, we have placed ourselves at risk for allowing all of these questions to go unanswered. The United States is a sleeping giant, too drunk from all of the addictions common in our society to fight. "We the people" have lost our will to fight to defend the Constitution, the sacred document which works to protect all of our freedoms. If we as citizens fail to defend our liberties, they will be taken from us. If we allow those running for the highest office in the land to ignore the "rules" found in the Constitution our freedoms will be taken from us. The time to evaluate the candidate is BEFORE the election. We must know the nationality of the candidate. If he is not a 'natural born citizen' his name must be removed from the ballot. We have a right to know.


Some mistakenly believe this article would sufice: link

Hawaii isn’t the only place sealing its records.

Now why would the Kenyans seal all documents related to Barack Obama? Why would Kenya have any documents on Obama –except for one or two trips he made there? Could there possibly be a Kenyan birth certificate and Kenyan passport, which his mother needed to get him out of Kenya?

Lawsuits filed in ten states questioning Barack Obama's 'natural born citizen' status
Lawsuits in additional states are being added each day.

(HI) Andy Martin at email:
(WA) Steve Marquis email: email ; website: link suit:link
(CA) David Archbold email:email
(GA) Tom Terry email: email
(PA) Philip Berg email: email ; website: link
(NY) Dan Smith email: email
(CT) Cort Wrotnowski email: email
(TX) Jody Brockhausen email: email
Interview with Berg on the Savage Nation Part 1

Interview with Berg on the Savage Nation Part 2

Rush Limbaugh's rebuttal to Obama's 30 Minute
Infomercial Oct. 29, 2008

© Jody Brockhausen 2008
QuestionsAndNoAnswers.html last modified 18:21:44 10-Nov-2008

And then Jody Brockhausen takes the secretary of state to court.

I recieved word on a case Texas. There is a case pending in Texas: Jody A. Brockhausen vs. Esperanza Andrade, Acting in the Office of Texas State, Secretary of State, Case No. 08-1001-C368. The defendants have plead to dismiss the case, and I believe that is where is stands now

You can look up the case. Wow! It looks better than any of the others to me.

And there is something regarding the Supreme Court going to happen on December 5th:

Donofrio v. Wells: Case Going to Conference December 5

From our friends at, word is now out that today, Wednesday, November 19, Donofrio v. Wells has been distributed for a conference (presumably of the Rule of Four) on Friday, December 5…

No. 08A407
Leo C. Donofrio, Applicant
Nina Mitchell Wells, New Jersey Secretary of State
Lower Ct: Supreme Court of New Jersey
Case Nos.: (AM-0153-08T2 at the New Jersey Appellate Division without a docket number)

~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nov 3 2008 Application (08A407) for stay pending the filing and disposition of a petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Souter.
Nov 6 2008 Application (08A407) denied by Justice Souter.
Nov 14 2008 Application (08A407) refiled and submitted to Justice Thomas.
Nov 19 2008 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of December 5, 2008.