Did anybody watch the debate? What are your thoughts? Here are some of mine for the moment.

Tom Tancredo was disappointing. He stumbled often on his words, seeming not to be very articulate. What he stated was spot on and should have been stated with more force and with direct eye contact rather than ending statements looking down as if he wasn't sure of himself. It would have been a good thing had he just finished his comments and apologized for the time rather than asking for permission to continue and getting denied the time. I believe that he should bow out this time around and do some practising before the camera for the following presidential election.

McCain did a great job in his presentation and his voice sounded a lot like Reagan. He looked too dramatic, too hand gesturish to me, though. I think he came across as the winner last night in assertiveness and decisiveness.

Mitt Romney spoke out strongly against Bin Ladin, but it just didn't have the punch that McCain spoke with in stating following him to the gates of hell. He did present well, looking like a dignified face and posture of a president. He seemed to be the most diplomatic.

Speaking of Islamic terrorists, it was especially interesting and surprising to see that most of the hopefuls eagerly used any extra time to speak of jihadists and Iran and took strong stands without being politically corrrect in that regard.

Giuliani couldn't redeem himself with the questioning about abortion. He did sound strong yet there were no questions on gun control to shed light on his record on that issue. He was asked to explain the difference between the sunnis and the shiias and he was impressive there. It would have been really funny if they asked somebody who couldn't answer that one. Um, but a democrat, I'd hope everyone in my party is up on all of that.

Fred Thompson was not present and I've heard that he is not even a candidate at this point. I would have liked to have seen him here. It is a bit of a negative that he wasn't available for the debate. Tommy Thompson may as well not have been there, he didn't speak much. He might have interjected some comments if he wasn't given the floor.

Duncan Hunter did a decent job and spoke of a strong national defense. Huckabee was okay, and did a fine job on taking a pro-life stance. Neither Ron Paul nor Brownback really support the war in Iraq, which makes me wonder if they understand what's at stake for America, Israel, and our planet as we now know it. Paul claims to be a strong supporter of the "intent" in our US constitution, but the things that he spoke of, I don't see ever happening, like getting rid of the IRS. Of the underdogs, I really like Jim Gilmore who speaks of being a true conservative as far as presenting a face for America goes.

Here's more on the candidates:


So who's game? What do you guys think of how that debate went last night?