If this is the Inhofe I think it is, I met him. He's not prone to flights of fancy.

Plus, I checked with Counter Terrorism guys today. The ISIL people are supposed to be "bad-asses" of the Muslim world. They are thugs and terrorist, are very, very well funded, they get some of their money from unknown sources (we think foreign governments like Iran perhaps, or they have taken huge hoards of money from areas they capture, or even from the Russians). They are well trained.

Today some "shit" went back and forth between Americans and Muslims (ISIL probably) and they threatened Chicago. I've seen the reports about it, but they are vague and inconclusive. Probably a bunch of loud mouths (like me who are taunting the assholes).

If this is a false flag and Inhofe is in on it, then America is certainly no longer America. The rule of law is gone, and our forefathers would be screaming for us to pick up guns and take down the US government and fix things. While I certainly think the government is busted up pretty badly with all these fucking Marxists in there, I do NOT for one second believe Inhofe is involved in a false flag operation, whether emphasizing the possibilities or predicting the outcome of something. He's one of the most anti-Obama men in the Congress.

This is, of course, all assuming you and I both know the correct definition of a false flag op and I presume you do (I do).

Also, WND... while they are pretty accurate sometimes, aren't all the time. They also tend to embellish to some extent to make things appear meaner, darker and more foreboding than necessary.

On the other (third?) hand - they are being used as a source these days by several news agencies, Fox included now, so that gives them some bit more credence in my view.

What specifically makes you think "False Flag" MMCO?

By the way, read the previous article I posted by General Allen. You might remember him as a 4 star who got nuked out of the Maine Corps by Obama and his henchmen caught up in a "sex scandal". Ring any bells?

He was bamboozled out of the military on trumped up charges of misconduct because he was a hard core Marine who wanted to whip up on Afghanistan... but he is a good man.