Jul 01 2014
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"Intelligence", "Transparency", Foreign Policy, Government, Iraq, Military, Politics, Security, War
Yes, but they’re just “advisors”…

So Now There Are 750 American Troops In Iraq?

Remember how we were going to send up to 300 “advisers” to Iraq? That was sooo eleven days ago.
Now, the New York Times is reporting that
[O]n Monday, Obama administration officials said that about 200 more troops had been sent to protect the American Embassy in Baghdad and the Baghdad airport. The additional troops, who arrived on Sunday, will operate helicopters and drones to “bolster airfield and route security,” Rear Adm. John F. Kirby, the Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement.
In addition to those forces, another 100 troops who the Pentagon had previously said would be sent to Iraq are headed to Baghdad to help with security and logistics. The moves will raise the total number of American troops deployed to Iraq for security and advisory missions to about 750. [Bold mine}
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