Since we've got some smart folks on here, I thought I'd see if I can't get some help identifying an electrical component.

Problem: I have 2 bug zappers that have seen a bit of use and, I thought needed new bulbs because whenever something would short the electrical grid the lights would go off. It would also have trouble staying on steady sometimes flashing off and coming back on.

Got 2 new bulbs and no change.

These zappers are about $50 at Walmart each and I figured since they're not working right I may as well dig into one of them to see if I can fix it myself.

I opened one up and they look pretty simple. Line comes in, goes to one prong of 4 on the neon UV light, prong 2 jumpers across to prong 3 with this small glass bulb looking thing, then comes out on the 4th prong of the bulb, goes to one side of a fairly good size transformer for the electrical grid, comes out the other side of the transformer, and returns to the line in.

I was expecting to see a neon starter in there I could replace but I saw the glass bulb looking deal instead. That glass bulb is what I need help identifying. It has some scorch marks inside and looks like it could use replacing. Looking at it, it looks a lot like a little Nixie tube light. I had a few sitting around that I had ordered in bulk a long time ago and swapped one in on the off chance it would work. Of course it didn't.

So, here is a picture of the bulb thing. It is on the left, Nixie tube light is on the right for reference:

And here is what it looks like when the UV bulb flashes on:

Is this an electrical ballast of some sort or, is it something else? And where do I find 2 new ones?