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GCN Analysis
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The Long March
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It Has Been A 106 Year Struggle To Socialize America. If Action Isn’t Taken Now, That Dream May Soon Be A Reality.
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Part 1 (Part 2 <http://www.gulfcoastnews.com/GCNanal...art2050309.htm> ) (Part III) <http://www.gulfcoastnews.com/GCNanal...tIII070509.htm>
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By Perry Hicks - Special to GCN Filed 4/1/09 GCN <http://www.gulfcoastnews.com/images/...gMarchMain.jpg>
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The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
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Definition <http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bourgeoisie> of Bourgeoisie: Middle Class- Merriam-Webster Dictionary
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When Barack Hussein Obama stood in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to make his “More Perfect Union” speech, he likened <http://voices.washingtonpost.com/44/...eech_on_1.html> his journey to that moment as “the long march;” a particularly interesting and prescient turn of words that could not have been made without studied intent.
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For obvious reasons, political speeches must have every word and phrase carefully vetted. Hence, Obama could not have missed the fact that “The Long March” historically references the 1935 retreat of the Chinese Communist forces before the Nationalist army of General Chiang Kai-shek.
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mao_and_friends <http://www.marxists.org/subject/china/whos-who.htm> This retreat is monumentally significant to the Left. Initially, it was thought to have been a failure, owing to the massive losses suffered along he way. Only later was it realized to have actually been a strategic victory because the Nationalists failed to overtake and destroy them. Furthermore, the surviving remnant became a well spring of leadership from which Mao Zedong and other luminaries emerged. (Image right: The Long March-Mao <http://www.marxists.org/subject/china/whos-who.htm> )
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Of course, Obama could also have been referring to the great strides America has made in Civil Rights. In his speech <http://usliberals.about.com/od/extra...bamaSpeech.htm> at the Democrat National Convention in 2004, Obama did speak to the topic of racial contrasts, specifically exemplifying his black African father and his white mother from Kansas, and the assumed improbabilities of his arrival there as the party nominee.
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Admittedly, this explanation has merit. After all, Obama’s inauguration as President of the United States would also have been a long march from the day when Reverend Martin Luther King stood on the Lincoln Memorial with the marble statue of the 16th president at his back, and implored the nation to make liberty available to all people.
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The distance in time and space from where Rev. King stood to where Obama took the oath of office 46 years later, is far more than the National Mall’s 2 mile distance. It is an intellectual gulf.
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In his 1963 “I Have A Dream” speech <http://www.famous-speeches-and-speec...al-address.htm> , Rev. King referred to the Founding Fathers and the “magnificent words” of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.
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It was precisely those words which had finally ended slavery just 98 years prior to Rev. King’s speech.
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In contrast, Obama has complained that the Constitution is an “imperfect <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_xNyrzB0xI> ” document that only provides citizens “negative rights <http://www.nerepublican.com/index.ph...marxist-power/> .” Furthermore, Obama is on record <http://timeinc8-sd11.websys.aol.com/...077287,00.html> as saying that he could not “swallow whole the view of Lincoln as the Great Emancipator.”
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Given the rich but subtle content of Obama’s speeches and other slips of the tongue, along with his conduct during the campaign, he has provided us with ample evidence of his and his party’s true intentions.
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For example, the claim that Obama would be ready to “rule <http://newsbusters.org/blogs/warner-...ady-rule-day-1> from day 1” was revealing for presidents were never intended to rule; that is the providence of monarchs.
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The “rule from day 1” claim was also accurate because since the very day of his inauguration, Obama has issued <http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-190243385.html> executive order after executive order. Additionally, both the White House and congressional leaders have moved to limit <http://www.aim.org/aim-column/pelosi...ness-doctrine/> free speech, dictate limits <http://www.nydailynews.com/money/200...t_up_to_1.html> on what some people may be paid, demonized and nullified contracts the administration had pre-approved themselves, and forced every American into involuntary servitude by passing legislation creating a 36 month childhood to old age <http://www.campaignforliberty.com/article.php?view=11> system of non-military obligations.
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All of which is in accord with Obama’s view of “negative rights” and in contravention with Articles 8 & 9 <http://www.usconstitution.net/const.html#A1Sec9> and the 1st <http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/data/c...n/amendment01/> , 10th <http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/data/c...n/amendment10/> & 13th <http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/data/c...n/amendment13/> Amendments to the United States Constitution.
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This should not be surprising because Obama did not rise to power naturally but was assisted every step of the way to the presidency by powerful forces that now want to see results for their investment.
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What these powerful forces literally want Obama and the Pelosi/ Reid congress to do, is keep to Obama’s campaign promise of remaking America.
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<http://www.gulfcoastnews.com/images/News/LeninImage.jpg> The Fabians
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The goal of socialism is communism. The theory of communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property.- Vladimir Illyich Lenin
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It is irrelevant whether Barack Obama is a Marxist Communist or merely a relatively “benign” socialist. The end result is the same, the loss of personal freedom, self determination, and of course, prosperity. Hence, if Obama is a socialist, he is also a Communist.
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Indeed, socialism is a necessary intermediary step <http://www.marxmail.org/faq/socialism_and_communism.htm> to communism and the reason communists universally support it. The founder of Russian communism himself, Vladimir Lenin, regarded democracy as the “road to socialism.”
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This returns us to Obama’s theme of The Long March; it has been a very long journey for Fabian socialists, the philosophy that has stealthily propelled the Democrats to victory.
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Founded originally in England in 1893, it has taken 106 years for Fabian Democratic Socialism to finally triumph over what was once the juggernaut of Free Enterprise Republican Capitalism, the United States of America.
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The road to Obama’s victory was a long and hard one beset with defeats and prospects of ultimate destruction. Yet, by persevering decade after decade the dream of taking both houses of congress and the White House has finally been realized.
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It was a bloodless coup that the violent revolutionaries, particularly Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong, could never have achieved.
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This was the outcome of the incremental precept of Fabianism, named after the Roman general, Quintus Fabius Maximus, who advocated beating the Carthaginian army of Hannibal Barca by a strategy of harassment and attrition. The Fabians accordingly applied this strategy over the intervening century with an iron will.
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Maintaining such discipline is much easier when near continuous progress can be quantifiably measured, and no matter how small each individual step has been.
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March of the Progressives
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It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed. - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
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For nearly half a century Fabian <http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/topi...rogressive.asp> democratic socialism, working primarily at the state and local level, had its way. Beginning in the late 19th century with a push for a minimum wage, universal public education, public financed inoculations for school children, pure food and drug legislation, public conservation, and women’s suffrage, the “Progressives <http://us.history.wisc.edu/hist102/l...lecture11.html> ” as they called themselves, saw victory after victory. After all, who could argue against ending childhood diseases, adulterated food, and massive pollution? Who could not be for a citizen’s right to vote?
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However the Progressives were also the force behind three Amendments to the U.S. Constitution that ultimately handed far too much power to the Federal Government:
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* The 16th Amendment <http://www.usconstitution.net/const.html#Am16> enabling the Federal Government to levy income taxes directly on the individual tax payer. Initially only promising a maximum tax rate of 7 percent <http://www.truthandpolitics.org/top-rates.php> , the highest tax rate was quickly raised to 94 percent by 1945 <http://www.truthandpolitics.org/top-rates.php> . With the lure of the itemized deduction, the Federal Government not only became able to monitor and manipulate individual citizens, but criminalizes the most affluent of them almost at will.

* The 17th Amendment <http://www.usconstitution.net/const.html#Am16> ending state government representation in congress. Because state governments no longer have direct representation, there is no mechanism outside the courts to enforce the 10th Amendment reserving all un- enumerated rights to the states and the people respectively. By the 1930s, the Federal Government was ignoring the 10th Amendment via strained interpretations of the interstate commerce clause and there was no representation of the state legislatures (senators) to stop it.

* The 18th Amendment <http://www.usconstitution.net/const.html#Am16> forcing prohibition on the entire country. What ensued was the large scale collapse of what had previously been viable legal businesses. A massive criminal resistance movement sprang up to bootleg beer and whisky to the demanding public. The Federal Government reacted by ramping up what was effectively a national police force further usurping power from the states.
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Congress otherwise also cooperated with the rise of Federal power by increasingly handing the bureaucracy the power to impose legally enforceable regulations on the people. Indeed, Progressives looked to undermine citizen representation in government because it violated the basic progressive tenants of governmental efficiency and their belief that bureaucrats, by virtue that they were unaccountable to voters, could best analyze public issues and develop the most effective remedies for them.
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Progressivism could be likened to a kind of godless religion in that their faith resided in humankind, that government could best improve individual lives and so had an actual obligation to intervene in private business and social issues through unelected subject matter experts. <http://www.gulfcoastnews.com/images/...veBuilding.jpg>
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Interstate Commerce Commission was created in 1897, The Federal Reserve System in 1913, and the Federal Trade Commission in 1914. (Photo right)
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The Federal Reserve System is actually a federally protected private enterprise of questionable constitutionality <http://www.fiatempire.com/> . The Fed, as it is called, was created in part to stabilize and maintain the value of the dollar, something that it has never been able to do.
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Thus, it was the Progressives that initially drove the Federal encroachments on state rights and individual choices. While the influence of the Progressives did not end with the Great Depression, even more expansive powers were acquired by the New Deal Liberals swept into office with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
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The Turn to Virulent Liberalism
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The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
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Most, but not all, scholars point to the U.S. stock market collapse on October 29, 1929 as the beginning of the Great World-wide Depression. The full magnitude of the crisis was not realized during most of 1930, even as GDP declined. However, by 1932 the economic bottom was approaching and global trade had reduced by about 50 percent.
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The present financial crisis is eerily similar to The Great Depression in that the financial situation on Wall Street rapidly spread to the banking sector and undermined consumer confidence so that new purchases were curtailed, construction virtually brought to a halt, and prices began to rapidly decline (although in 1929 wage <http://www.federalreserve.gov/pubs/i...91/ifdp591.pdf> levels were initially maintained.)
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As businesses failed bank loans could not be repaid. And, without new applications for loans banks could not find new revenue streams to keep them afloat. As a result, banks themselves failed resulting in the loss of depositor savings because accounts were not insured.
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Without sufficient oversight, banks had loaned money out on a loan to deposit ratio as high as 10 to 1 <http://books.google.com/books?id=pT8...sult#PPA118,M1> . Hence, there were inadequate deposits on hand to service the number of withdrawals. The end result was a run on the banks exacerbating banks problems with liquidity and thus bank failures increased.
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Americans fell into panic and demanded the Federal Government act to halt the economic decline and restore the nation to prosperity. They blamed Republican president Herbert Hoover.
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<http://www.gulfcoastnews.com/images/...eveltImage.jpg> Using the crisis to expand Federal power, Roosevelt largely ignored the U.S. Constitution and set out to have enacted an array of measures that have set the table for many of our present problems and certainly threats to our individual freedoms. Roosevelt called his program The New Deal:
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Throughout the nation men and women, forgotten in the political philosophy of the Government, look to us here for guidance and for more equitable opportunity to share in the distribution of national wealth (Ed- read redistribution of wealth)… I pledge myself to a New Deal for the American people. - FDR
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· Social Security- then seen as a boon to the elderly, what is essentially a vast Ponzi system is now threatened with financial collapse. The tax rate began <http://www.treas.gov/education/fact-...es/ustax.shtml> at 2 percent on the first 3 thousand dollars of income, but owing to the baby boom generation retiring in mass, the future Social Security tax rate has been estimated to rise <http://www.cnsnews.com/public/Conten...x?rsrcid=33579> to as much as 63 percent by the middle of the century. Clearly the present model for Social Security is unsustainable <http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/TR/TR05/II_project.html> .
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· Fair Labor Standards Act- an innocuous sounding title but one that has restricted the income low wage earners can make by setting “overtime” pay (hours worked above 40 per week) at a rate of 1/1/2. The first problem with this scheme is that companies that need extra work must rely on hiring additional workers with their attendant extra payroll tax burden. The second problem is that employees who do earn overtime see the benefit of the extra wages largely taken up by Federal Income tax. The third problem is that for many companies, the margins for billable hours is insufficient to afford overtime, thus, the employee is not given the opportunity to earn it in the first place. In short, it is the Federal Government that benefits from “overtime” pay, not the worker.
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· Fannie Mae <http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/...07/12/dodd.htm> (Federal National Mortgage Association) - one of the principle causes of present financial crisis. Fannie Mae was forced by a combination of Federal edicts and threats of both advocacy group and Federal lawsuits to loan money to lower income individuals that were well known to have no ability to repay.
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· Freddie Mac – Originally <http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/...07/12/dodd.htm> created to provide Fannie Mae competition and securitization to conventional mortgages. Its business model eventually duplicated that of Fannie Mae.
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· FHA (Federal Housing Administration) - thus far FHA has avoided the headlines in the present housing meltdown because it has been a much smaller player in the housing mortgage market. However, there are reports <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27844894/> that the same lenders that caused the financial crisis have been shifting to FHA.
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· SEC (Security and Exchange Commission) – also an innocuous sounding organization, the SEC failed to identify and intervene in such cases of investor fraud as the Madoff <http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/25/bu.../25bernie.html> case. More ominously, the SEC has also been used as a coercive tool to punish political dissidents.
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· Trade Unions – Prior to the Great Depression and the New Deal, trade unions were looked on askance. However, after the 1930s, union membership increased and with them new demands on their employing businesses. As a result, business began to move their operations either to states with employment at will laws or overseas. Today, America’s industrial base is less than 20 percent <https://www.cia.gov/library/publicat...k/geos/us.html> of GDP and continues to decline. A good part of the domestic automotive industries’ failure is due to excessive union demands for pay and benefits.
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While FDR had been long credited with pulling America out of the great depression, many present day economists now believe the New Deal, a far more liberal interpretation of Progressivism, actually prolonged <http://www.businessandmedia.org/prin...027150030.aspx> it. The fruits of FDR’s liberal plans have been the seeds of many present day economic problems.
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The Cold War and the Resurgence of Communism
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When there is state there can be no freedom, but when there is freedom there will be no state. - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
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Wars may be likened to mighty storm swollen rivers dividing one socio-economic era with another. Certainly the America after World War II was different from the America prior.
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The United States emerged with the only military that could project power anywhere in the world, solely possessed the atomic bomb, had the largest merchant marine, held 80 percent of the world’s known oil reserves, and had a modern industrial base untouched by the ravages of war.
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In this environment FDR left us one additional legacy impacting us today: The Bretton Woods Monetary System <http://www.polsci.ucsb.edu/faculty/c...s/bretton.html> which alone has literally flooded the world with dollars. While it is an economic advantage to possess the world’s reserve currency, the economic and perceived military decline has forced the steady devaluation of the dollar.
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Today, the legacy of Bretton Woods <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bretton_Woods_system> combined America’s massive overseas debt, largely held by Communist China and the Middle East- entities hostile to the Unites States- and the trillions of fiat dollars the Obama administration creating, does forebode future hyperinflation and even the possibility of a complete collapse of the U.S. dollar.
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Prior to the war, many Americans, remembering the horrors of World War I, harbored considerable isolationist <http://harwich.edu/depts/history/HHJ/iso.htm> sentiments and protested the United State’s pending entry into the new European war against Germany. However, the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor ended the protests and calls for appeasement. The support in some other quarters of socialism did not.
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Perhaps it was the way World War II ended, with the complete destruction of Germany by incendiary bombing, and the subjugation of Japan by atomic weapons, that sowed the seeds of the anti-war movement. Certainly it was the change in mainstream politics that set the coercive power of the Federal Government against the resurgence of communism.
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These were tough times for domestic Bolsheviks. With the leaking of our nuclear secrets to the Russians, and Obama Inauguration<http://www.gulfcoastnews.com/images/...amaLincoln.JPG> Moscow’s occupation of Eastern Europe, the threat was certainly real; however it may have been overplayed. Consequently, the Federal Government began to infiltrate <http://books.google.com/books?id=pVa...m=10&ct=result> Communist Party USA (CPUSA) organizations and even monitor certain individuals of special interest.
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(Photo right - Obama took the oath of office with his hand on the Lincoln Bible. U.S. Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Menominee) took this photo while attending the Inauguration. Photo Credit: U.S. Congressman Bart Stupak)
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Because of Soviet espionage concerns going back as far as 1945 and the passing of U.S. nuclear secrets to the Russians, the senate began hearings to investigate and root out communist involvement in the mass media and other sectors of the economy. Hollywood was particularly terrorized.
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However criticized, the precepts of this national hunt were correct. Both the Soviets and the Communist Chinese were in fact attempting to infiltrate <http://ftp.fas.org/irp/ops/ci/docs/ci2/2ch1_time.pdf> and undermine our national institutions.
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American pride in having won World War II led to the hubris that the United States could take on any global task if it only focused on it. For example, President John F. Kennedy stated in his inaugural speech <http://www.jfklibrary.org/Historical...al01201961.htm> that America would “… pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”
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Owing to the outcomes of the Vietnamese War, Desert Storm, America’s wavering support for Israel, and the current status of the War on Terror, JFK’s assertions have demonstrably shown to be untrue.
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Part 2 will trace the continued communist subversion of America culminating in the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States of America.
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Additional Information:
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Obama's Leap to Socialism <http://thehill.com/dick-morris/obama...009-04-21.html> - thehill.com 4/21/09
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Obama Contemptuous of American Values <http://www.philly.com/inquirer/opinion/42725037.html> - Philadelphia Inquirer 4/9/09
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Russia's Medvedev hails 'comrade' Obama <http://sg.news.yahoo.com/afp/2009040...e-7e07afd.html> - yahoo news 4/2/09
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Wonder why vets and shooters are suspicious of Obama? <http://www.star-telegram.com/245/story/1284715.html> - star-telegraph.com 3/28/09
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U.S. Communist Party Endorses Obama <http://www.cpusa.org/article/view/975/> - cpusa.org 7/15/08
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The American Form of Government <http://www.wimp.com/thegovernment/> - video
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About the Author.....
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<http://www.gulfcoastnews.com/images/HicksPhoto.jpg> Perry Hicks is a former Mississippi Coast resident and was a correspondent for the old Gulfport Star Journal. He has appeared on Fox News Channel. Perry has also hosted his own radio talk show on the auto industry with a mix of politics. Perry is a former college professor and is GCN's Washington correspondent on stories of national importance with local interests. His articles can be found in the GCN Archive. <http://www.gulfcoastnews.com/gcnarchive.htm>
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Contact the Author: arielsquarefour@hotmail.com
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