Illegal Immigration Forebodes Grim Future For America
It is undeniable that the out-of-control problem of illegal immigration has begun to threaten our American way of life. And yet none of our local, state, or federal government officials dare to engage this issue head on, even with the increasing violence on our U.S./Mexico border and the national media coverage illegal immigration now garners. Why, you might ask? It’s simple: because no politician, from Mayor Villaraigosa to President Bush, wants to lose the vote of the electorate in support of illegal immigration. It’s all about votes.

Our government representatives have betrayed those of us against illegal immigration in pandering to the minority by ignoring us. Therefore, we, the private citizenry, must stand up for what we believe is right and fair and beneficial to our great nation by putting anti-illegal immigration initiatives on the ballot through our collective vote. The consequences for not employing our democratic power are poignantly articulated in a speech that everyone should read given by former Colorado governor, Dick Lamm, in 2005 at an immigration overpopulation conference in Washington D.C. that articulated eight surefire ways to put America on the road to destruction.

One point highlighted in Lamm’s speech was that to make “our fastest growing demographic group the least educated,” and by adding “a second underclass, unassimilated, undereducated, and antagonistic to our population,” that has “a fifty-percent dropout rate from high school,” would be to destroy our American identity. Literally, thousands of illegal aliens cross our borders everyday and never return to their country. And the majority of Liberals argue that these people are filling low-skill-level jobs that Americans don’t want, continually pushing for allowing illegal aliens to be able to acquire driver licenses, free health-care, and education subsidized by our taxes.

What does it mean for the future of America, however, when this generation is called upon to fill high level jobs, such as technology, medical, engineering, and political, but there aren’t enough people to fill them because illegal aliens aren’t qualified and legal citizens simply couldn’t get the proper education or training because they were squeezed out of every opportunity for government subsidies? The question forebodes some very alarming answers. The notion of multi-cultural equivalency and a bi-lingual country is poison to our traditional, American character and invites divisiveness rather than unity.

This country is made up of immigrants, yes, but history has shown that America is the most successful country in the world because those very immigrants adopted and upheld American fundamentals, such as democracy, capitalism, and our very language of communication to become one American body. If we continue going down this Socialist and destructive path where all government subsidies will go toward a dramatically growing number of illegal aliens, that same demographic will lack the innovation, education, and skills needed to sustain America’s first-world economy in the 21st Century.