57% of Americans would not vote to re-elect Obama.
Right Handed Pitcher ^ | 10/16/2009 | Timothy Knight

All across the Conservative blogosphere and Fox News, the headline "Fox News Poll : 43 Percent would vote to re-elect President Obama" is being touted, however, I believe that headline is incorrect, rather the headline should be "Fox News Poll : 57% would not vote to re-elect President Obama". Barack Obama is in trouble, his agenda is going against the will of the American people, his administration is one of the most corrupt we have ever seen, and his foreign policy is of appeasement, not strength.

Americans do not like what Obama has to offer, and thus they are feeling buyers remorse. With three years to election day, it appears Obama is in worse shape to be re-elected then President Bush ever was leading up to his re-election. I guess that proves who was more popular over the long run, however, we must not get ahead of ourselves, election day is in three years, and the American people are like the wind....they change at a seconds notice, especially Independents.

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