Illegal Aliens' Pink Elephants
Illegal aliens (I refuse to ever again use the word immigrant in this context) commit violent crime. They commit a lot of violent crime. The latest numbers I've seen or heard put the national population of our nation's prisons as being composed roughly 27 percent by illegals. But you sure don't hear about this much.

And we know why!

Spineless Democrats know that focusing on such numbers would send a shiver down the spine of true God-fearing, rule-of-law Americans. But spineless Democrats are hoping to turn the estimated 12 million illegals who are here into potential voters – so don't count on them to bring this bit of information up.

And the rather feckless members of the Republican Party are just as bad. Instead of focusing on the important work of stopping people whose identity we don't know from coming here, they played footsy in the Senate, choosing instead how to carve up the pie of illegals already here. Important point to be made here: There were a number of strong Republicans who did not walk in lockstep with the Arlen Specter's of the chamber, but their voices were drowned out by the agenda-driven media.

But back to my point: Illegal aliens have been, are still now, and in all likelihood will continue to commit violent crimes. Need proof?

Fine ... how about yesterday?

Francisco Serrano had been hailed weeks back as a true immigrant success story. Supposedly trying hard to overcome his circumstances, he had even resorted to sleeping in his public high-school auditorium. The press hailed him as a hero. The student body held pep rallies. When the local news featured him, one man from the community even came forward and offered to pay for an immigration attorney to help him sort out his status. (Not that much help was needed – his status was clear: He was illegal.)

He had stolen – oops, I mean "foraged" – food from the high-school cafeteria. He had been showering in the locker room. He told his family in Mexico that he had fallen in love with America, and that he wanted to get a job and send money back to them.

Well who wouldn't love it if you were mooching a place to sleep, stealing your food from the gigantic school kitchen pantry, and being called a hero for it?

Bad news came from the courts though ... turns out he was illegal, and as shocking and controversial as it was, a judge said he actually had to return to his home country.

The cameras followed him from his sad classroom home, capturing the tears as they ran down his cheeks, with classmates in tow and cameras zooming in he was marched to the Minneapolis airport.

Turns out, he didn't get on the plane though. I guess all that hiding in trash bins, stealing food and sneaking behind locked doors worked out for him. Francisco had a new plan. His dad was moving to Connecticut and he decided to go with him.

Then somehow, again with the sneaky stuff, he winds up being arrested in Boston wielding a knife, and telling the people whose home he was standing in that he wasn't there to steal, he was there to kill.

And now that the cameras are turned back on him, he's declared that he's suicidal.

On the debate on illegal aliens, stop telling me to feel sorry for people who have broken the law, and who are likely to break more laws. Stop telling me it's my "Christian duty" to be passive on the issue of illegals entering the country. If you believe this, it is you who has the theological problem – not me.

I've used an illustration on the air repeatedly in the past three weeks to describe my biggest objection to the explosion of illegals coming across the border.

How many of us would tolerate a stranger entering our home threatening our wives and children and demanding the right to stay? If this happened, I would throw myself between the stranger and my family and, if necessary, break his nose, arms, legs or take his life if he posed a fatal threat to the ones I loved. I would do so not because I could instantly tell his intentions, but because he crossed appropriate boundaries and his mere presence was a violation of the sovereignty of my home.

The many times I've told the illustration, I never had a face and a name to put with it. I guess Francisco Serrano took care of that for me – which brings me back to my main point: Illegal Aliens commit violent crimes.